A life of truth is truly a life lived courageously in this world. Can Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help both the individual and society at large to be more authentic in everything they do and express?

The state of enlightenment is, in its way, a state of perfection of alignment with truth from the highest vantage point. Any inner discord, any inner lack, any inner weakness, state of ignorance, lack of concern, or limitation is a “healing need” by definition. The question is then, “How does one return to an inner state of perfection to be in alignment with the highest truth?” That state of being is a state of tremendous inner strength and stability because when one is living in truth with the self and the universe in a partnership with the divine, one will be, in effect, unassailable, impervious to injury. It is a departure from divine alignment that makes people vulnerable and at risk, and much of what people struggle with is the dilemma of being out of alignment.

Healing will smooth out the wrinkles and bring you back into the fold to once again be in a position of strength that will bring confidence and allow one to live with grace and ease, because you will be sure-footed and your judgment will be keen and your thinking and decisions wise ones. This is a degree of attainment that is a continual journey because the existence of the soul as a separate being, in effect, from Creator automatically means there will be something missing. Even if you have a long ways to go to be Creator’s equal, that does not mean you cannot achieve greatness and tremendous achievements of your own and to live a life filled with wonders that is engaging and wholly satisfying, bringing many rewards and many pleasures, including boundless joy. To live from that perspective and that potential will require being in divine alignment; that is why healing is so important and central to the mission of each human being—you are here to raise up yourself and everyone and everything else from the current contest brought on by the advent of evil that undermines and damages everything it touches.

Divine healing is the answer for restoration. All are in need, all are walking wounded, no more so than the perpetrators themselves from the size of the negative karma they have created through their own perverse actions in living lives indulging in depravity. Even though this is the result of disconnection through the depredations and corruption by the spirit meddlers, the extraterrestrials nonetheless have the responsibility to awaken to the reality of the need to improve themselves and find a path back to the light, back to divine alignment. This is a tall order for non-believers who have become sociopaths as a consequence. This is the challenge for humanity, to heal them and save them in the bargain, and at the same time, knowing this will save you as well, from being their victims.

You need not go down with the ship, so to speak; you need not heal them completely in order to advance and to even graduate from the need to return to a physical incarnation again and again, to take on the risks of more wounding and suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that assail almost everyone because the darkness is in charge of your world currently. This can be healed so humanity can catch up with their karmic backlog, following a withdrawal of the interlopers, allowing you to lick your wounds and make great strides in a rejuvenation and restoration, enough to, at long last, promote a grand ascension to a higher state of being and a new lifestyle of much greater reach and rewards as well—the greatest perhaps being never again having to experience such depravity and suffering as you have as a human being.

These are goals within your reach now if you act and contribute your prayers for healing the interlopers and the damage done to humans and your world, and especially through taking the effort to learn the Lightworker Healing Protocol and using it regularly to request, again and again, in detail, a broad array of healing measures be brought to bear to solve the deep problems and achieve a karmic repair that will enable righting the wrongs of history, and the continued success and progress of humanity, as well as the interlopers themselves to find a path back to divine alignment. This will be the greatest achievement of all time if you are successful. We invite you to join in this magnificent undertaking.

A practitioner writes: “Dear Karl, I have a client who is struggling with mental health and is finding no relief from conventional diagnosis or medication. It seems to me, that she may well be accessing her deep subconscious being drawn into many scenarios from her past, future possibilities, and parallel experiences, and is also feeling alienated by her family, claiming to know many of their dark motivations. Having been informed that our deep subconscious has been deliberately blocked from the conscious mind by the interlopers, and if my supposition, of her accessing this part of the mind readily, has some truth, would likely be much relieved to have this walled off or at least be able to manage it better. Would Creator enlighten us about this situation in my client and a possible illustration of the unblocking that is not an ideal outcome?”

Yours is a nice theory but is not truly the fundamental mechanism through which this individual is being perturbed and has difficulty keeping her balance. She is not privy to the workings of her deep subconscious, except indirectly through emotional disturbances reflecting the conflict within, deep below conscious awareness, but nonetheless quite real and having quite profound effects on the physical body in the generation of anxiety and great fear and other emotions at times. To the extent she has insights about some aspects of this turmoil, it is the consequence of her intuitive reach, which is not a connection to the deep subconscious per se, but a similar ability to sense the larger meaning of things as reflected in the existence of trauma events registered on the akashic records, but that is an independent sensing and a kind of harmonic resonance for the inner conflict and the existence of events in other times and places involving her energy, sensed intuitively.

So the solution here is not to plug the hole, so to speak, to keep all of this conflict better contained within the deep subconscious and not allowed into her conscious awareness. The consequences will still register on the deep subconscious and trigger emotional responses and this fuels dark thoughts, the creation of false beliefs of a negative nature of all kinds, and tilts people towards delusional thinking that develops as a kind of coping mechanism to help understand why they are suffering internally. Their delusions become an attempt to explain the quandary they feel so intensely and are desperately seeking an explanation and some way to assign meaning in formulating a kind of hypothesis that becomes a delusional explanation and, like any other inner belief, can be trotted out as a working hypothesis and assumption believed to be true and will be heavily defended by anyone attempting to correct their seemingly crazy notions through logic and reason, including the attempts by a therapist to question their illogical presumptions. So the answer here is truly deep karmic repair through the workings of the Lightworker Healing Protocol over enough time to catch up to the distortions that have mounted over time, making her embrace false notions and a distorted view of who she is and the workings of the life she inhabits being faulty in some respects. That is never easy but is doable when help is requested in the highest and best way for a divine intervention, and that is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol represents and provides as a working tool.

A client asks: “Is it possible for you to ask from Source Creator why I’m struggling with this disease (it has gone through my both lungs), 2.5 months already. I’m quite exhausted to tell you the truth…” What can we tell him?

The problem is karmic in nature and will require additional time to work on to bring healing to bear. This is typical of many karmic illnesses; they are quite real and take a physical toll and carry risks. Any physical illness is likely to be karmic, no matter the diagnosis and how it is orchestrated in the body, with physiological impairments and genetic alterations and vulnerabilities. Those are simply the means through which karma can have an influence but it is the Law of Karma causing this to happen and therefore it can be subjected to karmic healing to intervene and restore things to a better inner balance. So we are working on this and will do our best to help you gain ground here.

A viewer asks: “The General Hospital in my home town in Mexico produces this Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) for all their staff members and their families. They do not recommend, however, the use of the CDS along with aspirin because aspirin is an anticoagulant. Is there any truth to their claim?”

This is an unnecessary precaution and in fact there could be potential benefit in the use of anticoagulants concomitantly in therapy, but this is a medical consideration that will be governed by the level of severity as things develop with the patient. For those susceptible to forming clots where this could be a significant aspect of the development of severe symptoms, it will be too late if the anticoagulant therapy is not done early, so this is further learning that will come over time if not suppressed by the interlopers. There is awareness in the medical community about this, thanks to the medical pioneers doing the basic studies, so this might be something to bring to their attention, but this is a problem for all in dealing with the medical establishment as they will likely disregard non-professionals and even professionals who are not the accepted experts in the field.

Alexis de Tocqueville was a French aristocrat, diplomat, political scientist, and historian, known for his work Democracy in America written after his travels in the United States in the early 1800s. Wikipedia says of Tocqueville: “Tocqueville was a classical liberal who advocated parliamentary government and was skeptical of the extremes of democracy.” With the current unrest and deep polarization in the United States, American democracy is facing its severest test since the Civil War. Can Creator share the divine perspective on Tocqueville, his work, and the extent to which it embodies divine truth and is a product of divine inspiration?

This was divinely inspired and that is the reason it was revered as true wisdom and has been on many a shelf of the learned for all these intervening years. This indeed is a treatise on human freedom which is a divine birthright after all, and not only highly prized but fought over again and again and again in many ways, on many levels of society as a contrast between the light and the darkness. Even though there seem to be prosaic reasons for such conflict and seeming justifications, this is never truly the case from a moral perspective. Much traces back to how people govern themselves, not only at a personal level with thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions they take, but communities of souls coming together to address issues of common concern where there needs to be a broad organization of human effort brought to bear to solve a problem, face a threat, and so forth, that has given the impetus to deal with the difficulties of life in ways that minimize conflict. Tocqueville was an advanced thinker because he was truly a lightworker. His life mission, in fact, was to spread divine truth, and his writings are a testament to meeting that goal with distinction given the context of his era and importance again and again to help the thinking of many statesmen and supporting staff wanting to draft legislation.

Tocqueville said: “Men will not accept truth at the hands of their enemies, and truth is seldom offered to them by their friends.” This statement seems to be both an observation on reality, as well as advice on spreading truth. What is Creator’s perspective on this statement?

This speaks to the issue of conformity of thought and a slavish obedience to authority. It is in conflicting thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that truth is often rediscovered, when people have become slaves to sameness and mediocrity living slave-like existences, being forced into menial work to eke out a living. The compounding of complacency with limited possibilities for change, for raising up of standards and circumstances for living, or even greater freedom of thought and expression, the stultifying sameness drives out individual initiative and originality. When all are herded together as sheep, no one will question what goes on, they will simply follow one another, think as they do, feel as they do, and live as they do. It is often the case that only when an outsider challenges the established order that people will stop and think and possibly consider there may be alternatives—that can shake things up and change the destiny of those awake enough to see the new possibilities.

Many times, what comes along as a challenge or obstacle is actually engineered to happen by the darkness previously arranging the complacency. This reveals a deeper truth, that one has been lulled into a false sense of security, and, in fact, likely have been neglecting their own future through a lack of preparedness for future obstacles and difficulties that are unexpected, but may well be arranged to happen simply to upset the applecart and even cause extreme suffering. Those who can speak to the dangers in having things not attended to, not allowing a true strengthening even if it means a break in the tradition of sameness, to allow some to have greater authority and autonomy because their innovations could be valuable and even vitally important to overcoming a threat of some kind, such allowances are healthy in an environment where true freedom prevails. So it is often the disturbing and upsetting truthful questioning and criticism that may save the day, particularly so if the sheep are being led to slaughter when their wool is no longer needed. Humanity has been content to be sheared again and again and again. There may be a worse fate in your future if people do not wake up to the reality of their existence.

Christ is often referred to as “The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” What is meant by that? Seems to be perhaps an imperfect metaphor that conveys some great truths on the one hand, but is also perhaps a corruption and disparagement on the other?

We would say you are overinterpreting things a bit here. This is not a disparagement at all except in contrast to the difference represented by good versus evil. There are many distinctions and those who are corrupt will see things differently than those who are not. The divine is often passive and allowing, gentle and forgiving, non-aggressive and unassuming, whereas the minions of the dark are the opposite—rapacious, domineering, selfish and even cruel, ruthless and unrelenting, insensitive and completely uncaring, devoid of love and compassion. When you see things in these terms it makes it easier to understand why a description like “The Lamb of God” was applied. It was meant to be a representation of a gentle, loving nature, born of innocence but carrying within the full potential that growth can bring about. There are many parallel analogies one could make, such as the innocence of youth which may bring with it, unavoidably, inherent weakness, but when the exercise is to be on a divine path the lack of corruption it represents is a strength and an asset rather than a liability.

The lack of appreciation for the power of love is a mistake repeated over and over again, and has been all through history both by believers and non-believers in the divine. This is simply in part a misunderstanding and in part a lack of the right life experience to illustrate the true meaning of love in full flower and what it can do to advance the cause of truth. Human culture has been so warped from living under the direct control and manipulation of corrupted leaders working from the playbook of the interlopers and their loveless nature, there are few historical precedents illustrating a dramatic success of divine principles as implemented by humanity. The examples are there but are almost overshadowed by examples of corruption and evildoers gaining the upper hand and wreaking havoc despite the best intentions of those with a lofty notion. This can’t be helped by humans, considering their state of ignorance and disconnection from the divine and having to live through faith and hope alone in many trying times with little tangible to fall back on. It is a miracle in many ways you are still here, but that is owing to your origin as divine beings as well as the persisting link by enough of you to enjoy a divine partnership that assists you again and again, individually and collectively, enough to keep you going.

Love is on the ascendency. It may be a race against time but the race is far from over, even though you may be rounding the far turn and heading into the home stretch and are currently behind. This is our call to action to counter complacency among you and remind you of your duty, your commitment you made before incarnating, and even to be a part of this new human family intended for great things but currently bogged down in a quagmire created by the evildoers who wish to harm you. You can act to change things, that is the important thing to know.

A client asks: “I have an intuitive hunch that there might be a mass abduction of Mercenary Army Program recruits coming soon, possibly including myself. Is there is any truth to this?”

This is not planned to happen. There are rumors and disinformation promulgated again and again by various parties involved with the Disclosure Movement that create the energy of this potential. That collective mind energy is then intuited by those who are adept in tuning into the collective unconscious, so the idea will be recognized and then may be embraced as a prophetic vision when in fact it is simply reviewing fears of the future and not seeing an eventuality that is already coalescing perhaps, but not yet manifesting in the physical realm. So you can stand down here and know that your concern is unwarranted. We do not see this happening.

Is it useful to think of dimensions as having boundaries that are not the same for every consciousness? Looked at in that fashion, there might be infinite dimensions. Is there truth to this perspective?

Here again, you are mixing metaphors still. The dimensions are the same to a spirit meddler like Lucifer and to an archangel like Michael. It is a question of being allowed access, so the boundaries are not different. The capabilities of the individual entity in the case of Lucifer are being constrained. That is akin to lacking a passport for foreign travel to create a natural confinement within the country of origin but does not mean that all entities are not following particular rules to move about from place to place. All must conform to the energetic requirements and that is what constitutes the difference here. The dimensional domains are the same for all entities but the variance in the entities and their energy determines whether they are compatible with entry to a particular dimension and whether that will be feasible for them or not.

A viewer asks: “There are multiple rumors on the Internet on the use of “crisis actors” to actually STAGE events that the mainstream media then runs with and spins as absolute truth. This has been said of MANY events from Sandy Hook and now the George Floyd death. Below are two photos from Twitter that are of course HIGHLY suspicious. Are crisis actors real at all, have they been used anywhere? Does the media work in conjunction with conspirators of some hidden agenda to either STAGE the events themselves, or cast doubt about the details of the actual event after the fact?”

The use of crisis actors by the media is a fiction designed to cause confusion, doubt, and uncertainty about believing anything one sees and hears. There are good reasons to be cautious in believing anything you hear in the news, regardless of the source, but there is always a basic reality in what has taken place, so there needs to be discernment developed within the individual in order to have a generally accurate interpretation of what to take seriously and what to be skeptical about in a healthy way. There are many campaigns of distorted and inaccurate information designed to malign those with more unusual claims about the reasons behind tragic events. The reality is they are orchestrated to happen, but this is not done by the media through human actors and staged incidents that are misreported as actually taking place when they, in fact, have not. This is a campaign of distortion once the events occur, to cast doubt about the veracity of witnesses and the validity of the reporting itself. Keep in mind that much reported through the media is based on manipulation and distortions instilled through mind control manipulation to begin with, but this can be further twisted to the point many will begin to disbelieve an event actually happened. What this causes is much disarray, confusion, and friction among proponents who may rightly be alarmed about a tragedy and want to see action taken to right the wrongs. When there is the denial of the truth something happened, this will easily get the blood boiling and lead to greater social unrest and misplaced skepticism, which serves the darkness through sowing confusion. So this very idea that you are asking about, falls in that category. It is sowing confusion and mistrust based on rumor, conjecture, and doctored evidence.