A viewer asks: “Creator, in the Alternative Spiritual Movement there is much emphasis on the Universal Law of Attraction. What is the truth about this law?”

We have discussed this in detail previously; if you refer to those channelings you will get a thorough treatment of the great limitations in viewing this principle as a major factor in what takes place or not in the course of one’s life. It is a reality, but a principle that is a minor player in things and it is being promoted as a be-all and end-all for conducting one’s affairs that is not warranted, and as such it is a major disempowerment for many who are encouraged to simply hold the thoughts of things they wish to have or experience and remain passively waiting for them to come about.

The unfortunate truth is this creates fools who are on a fool’s errand. The influence of one’s thoughts is largely within the self; it will not affect the broader universe in the way that is claimed. While your energy has an influence, it is a meager one and will not bring about substantial benefits or changes on your behalf, so it is a false notion as it is applied and promoted and will greatly undermine the adherents who expect their lives to change for the better and are made complacent through a manipulation to basically wait indefinitely for something that will never come. Those channelers promoting this heavily are themselves being manipulated and duped to believe in it totally. This is an extraterrestrial psychic interacting to deliver false encouragement across the board coupled with false promises and a quite overblown expectation of the benefits and power.

A viewer asks: “With so much conflicting information about COVID and vaccinations, I’ve become so unsure how to recognize what is truth and what is misinformation. Is it beneficial to my health to take the vaccine or will it create greater health or societal problems in the future? Is the risk of not receiving the COVID vaccination greater or more problematic than the risks of getting it?”

The problems from the vaccines can be minor or serious in nature, the problems from the viral infection can be minor or serious but the frequency of experiencing illness, and in some cases death, is far greater than the liability from the vaccines themselves. This is why we have not warned people to avoid vaccination, it does work for a majority of individuals, it is not a guaranteed protection, it can be overridden with a significant exposure to the virus that swamps the immune system defenses generated by vaccination. This must be a personal decision made by each individual considering their age and other health factors that would put them in a low-risk category or a high-risk category, and then to consider the question of gaining the benefit of freedom from worry and the likelihood of having a symptomatic bout of infection if they are vaccinated, and so on.

In addition to the possibility they are one of the people who might have a fatal outcome, even when known risk factors are not present, there can never be certainty about how your individual system will respond to the insult. There can be deep karmic vulnerabilities because of the widespread involvement all humans have had through the ages with scourge after scourge from microbial pathogens of all kinds used as a bioweapon to undermine humanity. Those deep wounds are still present and as yet unhealed. This can ramp up the bodily response and make it much more challenging to overcome the infection, not to mention the significant incidence of long-term suffering in many who become infected and have symptoms persist for months. There are also future increased liability once people have had a bout of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, such that a subsequent illness might be more devastating. So to prevent an infection in the first place could change your destiny even though it is taking some risk of side effects.

A viewer asks: “I have been seeing a lot of videos with a prominent spiritual teacher who has written many books. Can Creator tell if he is speaking the truth or not?”

This has been a long career of his, to want to help the spiritual community, as he feels within himself this is his path and, of course, is a natural inclination shared by many because you are all extensions of the divine, after all. Unfortunately, all humans are corrupted by subconscious subliminal programming that goes on relentlessly, and that darkness will creep in to a greater or lesser extent. There are very few who can remain above the fray, and unfortunately, this individual, too, has become corrupted and this will limit his perspective—that is the greatest problem here, not that what he says is necessarily wrong, it is that it is constrained, it is limited in scope, and he will not be able to probe it deeply enough to be of great assistance beyond a certain level of awareness concerning spiritual matters. As with all who have become corrupted, it will lead to problems in following the teachings because there is an energetic connection to the darkness through their offerings, and that has a downside in aligning oneself by connecting to them as a follower. This is unfortunate, but it is the world you inhabit, that there are very, very few authentic voices.

A viewer asks: “Please tell me if the teachings of the figure channeled by the woman I’ve been following, are truth or at least parts of the truth?”

All corrupted channelers deal largely with the truth. This is the cleverness of the approach of the interlopers. If they were to corrupt everyone in a way to make them turn away from a spiritual perspective totally, no one would wish to follow them because it would be seen at once there is something deeply wrong because what they say does not ring true. Accordingly, a high percentage of what corrupted channelers will offer will be in divine alignment, it is only that there are limitations on what they will be able to connect to and offer as wisdom to others.

This is why they can deceive so many listeners and viewers, because much of what they say will have the ring of truth, because it is true. The danger is that, occasionally, there will be a poison pill inserted and will not be noticed at the time because the followers will trust in their leader totally and absorb everything without skepticism. That is why corrupted channelers have value to the darkness, because their acolytes will become corrupted in turn over a gradual exposure to disinformation that works its way in. If only in avoiding greater depth or not providing novel and effective answers for solving problems, this hand-holding and manipulation serves the darkness very effectively. It is sort of like neutering them to keep them complacent and focus solely on sweetness and light, and false promises of great things to come with no involvement or obligation on the part of the listener to do anything in particular, but to be merely a spectator in the wonders that will be unfolding.

This is a disempowerment and, in fact, leaves you on the gallows with a noose around your neck waiting for the signal to be given for your annihilation. The channelers will never see this coming and will not be in a position to warn you. This is why things that have high-level appeal may be not what they seem. It is a poison pill that has a sugar coating so it will go down easily, but its damage will begin and over time will take a toll on people who are drawn in, thinking they can trust such sources because they sound good and make the person feel good. You need to look deeper and consider the big picture. That is what we are offering through GetWisdom as an antidote for the corruption.

A viewer writes: “Source Creator, your recent channelings concerning the channeled book about Jesus, were quite heartbreaking to both my wife and I, especially to her, to break that news to her about the negative Anunnaki psychic’s influences of this book. For me, it feels like in its wake I have a new softness of heart for her heart and a respect for her own decisions. It felt like a violation of her choices and innocence, for me to tell her that info about the book, which is why it still aches in both of our hearts. It left her feeling like, if she can’t trust her own heart and intuition, who can she trust? And it left me feeling rather hung out to dry, and with a sick feeling in my stomach, as if to finally come out and publicly state, “I’ve got the truth about this, you don’t, and I am protecting you by telling you this,” which makes me feel and sound, essentially, like a crazy extremist cult member, and my guru says certain books are “dangerous.” My gut tells me I did the right thing in the end, that it will make us stronger (and safer) together, but also that I need to keep all future GetWisdom info to myself, and just keep doing Lightworker Healing Protocols for her protection, guidance, healing, and support, and let her find her own path. Can you please give us the Divine perspective on this whole incident, to further my understanding and healing about it all?”

What you are experiencing is simply the burden of having high-level knowledge about serious matters—that comes with responsibility. You can’t un-ring a bell, and when you know something others don’t there are karmic implications and responsibilities to, in some cases, warn others. This is a grey area because sometimes the warning will not be heeded but will cause a rift and greatly disturb the person hearing what they do not want to know, so this is a judgment call in many, many cases. No two people are alike but particularly with loved ones, and especially life partners, things get quite intense and the stakes involved could hardly be higher.

In the same way you love her and want her happiness to be unthreatened, she has obligations towards you as well. If the situation were reversed, would you not want her to warn you about something you are doing that could be a risk and, at a minimum, is false information from an imposter and really not what it is made out to be? Such knowledge is unavoidably painful and it would create an awkward situation between the two of you, inevitably, if you were not prepared to believe she was getting correct information that this source is untrustworthy, and then simply raining on your parade, so to speak, and stirring up this unpleasantness.

So we understand fully how these things are complicated and disturbing for everyone involved, for varying reasons. Even though you have trust in the information coming through your channel, there are limits to what anyone can accept or wants to hear at times because of prior knowledge, and potentially bias as well, creating sources of stress that could result in your belief and trust being stretched to the breaking point. Life is never easy and at times can be quite a challenge. This is unavoidable when you are at the leading edge of knowledge and awareness, and so much of the world is in opposition to what you are learning and see unfolding that fits this picture of the darkness making a steady advance, with people running around in circles fighting over trivialities and ignoring the elephant in the room. So while we commiserate with the both of you because this is, in actuality, a blow that threatens inner peace and comfort and the reassurance this source has seemingly provided, and put something dark in its place, in your mind at least, that is unavoidably unpleasant. But to know something of this sort and keep it secret is not honoring your partner’s trust in you to be a true partner and at times protector and guardian should your help be needed in a tough situation.

Your channel deals with these kinds of issues all the time; it is his least favorite thing, to burst bubbles for people. It was painful for him to do the channeling on your behalf, as you requested, and is feeling uncomfortable as well hearing about the aftermath and the emotional struggle this has created for you and your dear wife, but he does understand and accept this is inevitable because of the nature of the world you inhabit. It does not serve anyone to stick your head in the sand when there are important issues and much at stake in knowing the truth, so we think the problem here is really the corruption by the interlopers and they are to blame for every bit of this misery. To take innocent, loving people and prey on their vulnerability and use them as a source of corrupting other human beings, to draw them into a web of deceit and manipulation because they have become a pied piper for the darkness in attracting the innocent, to ignore that and try to keep it quiet once you know the truth is, in a real sense, compounding the crime.

We do not recommend people foist their beliefs on anyone. That never goes well and will not really help to raise up someone else or help them see the light, it will likely cause them to dig in their heels and greatly resist such attempts to control them. But that is not the same as knowing something a person is doing might be dangerous and keeping silent simply to not cross an imaginary boundary they have put in place in deciding “each to his or her own.” That attitude is fine if it is simply something that is a matter of taste or personal preference, or even an ideological leaning that might be about moral precepts and political issues that have real-world consequences, and so on. But for most couples, those ideas are not life and death and something that feeling one way or another will personally harm them or harm the relationship or one’s partner, it is simply ideas, perspectives, and beliefs about things for which each individual human has only a very small influence, largely through how they vote, but little beyond that, so there is not much at stake if there is a differing viewpoint about such things in one’s partner, and this is why many partners with differing faiths as well as differing politics can still have a marriage that works, by respecting individual choice and freedoms.

But in this case, a belief in something thought to be beneficial and worth following is linked to evil and has evil designs on anyone that might come forward and signal an interest—that is a different proposition and would be no different than perhaps a political organization that is a front for a criminal enterprise or something truly preying on gullible people that is causing actual harm to someone, and not how it is being represented. To not share a revelation about such doings with one’s partner, simply to not cross that boundary considered to be taboo in pointing out something negative the person is drawn to and enjoys, that would be a disservice and could allow harm to happen, in fact. There is an obligation to protect loved ones from harm even if it hurts, even if it is showing them up in some way to be gullible and trusting. So there are greater and lesser evils in an act of sharing information and is simply unavoidable in some cases, that harm will happen, at least hurt feelings.

So given all of this discussion, we do see a path to healing here for the two of you with regard to the interchange and its consequences. If you can have an open airing about your motives and true intentions, this will help things to heal. If she has an aversion to GetWisdom and the teachings for any reason in particular, you can rightly respect that and not proselytize but simply perhaps share things on occasion you think she might be interested in and test the waters and tread lightly. But by the same token, if you have information that something is truly unhealthy or dangerous, there is an obligation to warn even if that information is unasked for and might be upsetting in the hearing. She is a grown woman after all, and this is the risk always when people have differing views and maybe differing tolerances for those they spend time with—each person is different in what they can live with and what they can’t.

While it is assumed no being is created in a state of corruption, clearly some individual beings or souls appear more susceptible to inner mental corruption than others. Because who and what we are as newly created consciousness at the birth of our souls is endowed and not chosen, it seems unfair that some would have greater vulnerability than others. Is there any truth to this supposition, or are all equally vulnerable to inner corruption?

We understand and appreciate that the feeling of unfairness about this is only natural. No one likes to feel like they are ill-prepared or have been somehow cheated or passed over when the useful qualities and strengths were handed out, so to speak. This is a kind of simplistic human notion of how this all came about, but we can tell you the reality is much more intricate and awesome in its totality. What you are perceiving and describing as “vulnerability to corruption” is simply the downside of traits and characteristics that have positive value and we would say much greater value than the inherent risk of corruption. The very description of “becoming corrupted” demonstrates clearly that even those more prone to such an eventuality have enjoyed a prior state of higher being and makeup in order to be corrupted in the first place. So this is in keeping with what we have been saying, that corruption is not an innate characteristic or starting point for anyone; it can develop along the way due to the slings and arrows of life events.

What makes some resilient and imperturbable and seen as a strength and a desirable way to be would not be appreciated by many souls who are of a gentler, more sensitive sort, as displayed with great artists and humanitarians, and those prone to caring for and about others, the nurturers who are the loving mothers among you being a good example of what we are describing. This does not make them weak; it is simply the nature of energy that if you identify and empathize with the suffering of others, in a sense you are aligning yourself with their energies in sympathy, and while this is natural and productive because it will get the juices flowing and become a call to action for the nurturer to step in to help someone who is injured or suffering, it may impart some risk as well. Those who have this orientation would likely never want to trade their great sensitivity for simply being tough, having a thick hide so nothing much flusters them ever, and they are little bothered by the difficulties of others except perhaps in extreme circumstances when they eventually find it might be their duty to help in some way because others simply cannot. To those quite sensitive, those much tougher, resilient, and unflappable individuals, would seem quite stolid and even hard-hearted and would not want to be that way. So these are examples of soul characteristics on display, at least for a time in a given environment. They are never the sum total of the repertoire of the soul extension, let alone the original soul itself.

So we would say that the ability to be corrupted is not a failing and not a fault whatsoever. This, in a way, is making the victim in some way responsible for what happens, as though they could avoid the workings of evil if they were simply stronger and unbreakable. We would point out here that you would not want a world filled with only tough people surrounded by thick inner walls of resistance to being perturbed in any way, because this would also make them more reserved, more isolated, much less reactive, and responsive to the feelings of others and the sharing of inner thoughts and feelings and the closeness of a truly loving, intimate, relationship on the part of love partners. Most women want a loving husband who can be tender and caring and nurturing at times, and not simply a strong bodyguard to keep them safe, who can handle anything and fight for them if need be. So the same applies in all respects to the many variations of life experience and the interpersonal interactions that are possible at all levels of existence and during the normal life cycle, from birth to death and transition, all learn from the experiences and characteristics displayed by others for them to respond to, interact with, and may serve as an example, as much as what to avoid, as in what to emulate.

But every experience is a teacher, so we would say inner corruption and the soul characteristics of vulnerability giving rise to that possibility are not worth surrendering simply because inner corruption is a risk. What we would say is this situation points to the need to solve the problem of evil because then all are safe and people will not have to keep their feelings in check and be on guard and keep some distance for the sake of safety from others because of the uncertainties of life, when there might be ulterior motives of the people they deal with—that is no way to live.

The Hidden Truth about the Franklin Expedition

Sir John Franklin, a man best-known for eating his own shows, set out in 1845 with 129 Englishmen aboard the HMS Terror and HMS Erebus. Along with him were his deputy and second-in-command, Francis Crozier; and the captain of HMS Erebus, Sir James Fitzjames.

Both ships—the most advanced ships of their time, as legendary as the Titanic—and the 129 men were never heard from again.

They were never seen again.

Until 2014 and 2016. Yes, it was only four years ago that HMS Terror and Erebus were located—but what happened to the men?

There have been several attempts at an explanation. . .

Lead Poisoning

The most readily-accepted of all theories is the one about lead poisoning: back in 1845, many food packaging companies were still using lead as a substance for sealing food packages. Voyages like the Franklin Expedition were expected to be at sea for a long stretch of time—indeed, the ships were stocked with three years’ worth of food.

Many people have accepted that the sailors died because excessive and repetitive consumption of canned food might have led to lead poisoning. The flaw with this theory is that many other expeditions had lead-packaged food on board, and not all the expeditioners died.

A Possessed, Supermassive Polar Bear

a polar bear

This was the fictional idea adopted by historical writer Dan Simmons, and subsequently in the AMC show adaptation of the book. The show—with an all-star cast consisting Tobias Menzies, Jared Harris, Paul Ready, and Ciarán Hinds—explores the haunting expedition, the internal revolts and rebellions, the cannibalism, and . . . the polar bear.

Over the years, of course, people have touted the idea that the sailors—or at least, the survivors—were picked off by a polar bear. Polar bears are the largest and strongest land predators on Earth—with the strength to kill a person just by swinging a paw. They aren’t exactly Winnie the Pooh.

The idea that one such beast—that the book called a Tuunbaaq and that looked like a prehistoric cave bear on the show—could be possessed isn’t entirely new either. Tuunbaaq is a legend among eskimos—a beast that has its mind controlled by an unseen entity.

Cannibalism—Or Something Else?

Despite evidence being found of cannibalism, many British people, including Charles Dickens, refused to admit that such had happened. No Englishman, they believed, would do such a thing. Years later, Englishman Dennis Nilsen would prove them wrong by doing just that.

Even so, is it sane to accept that all 129 sailors—seasoned for sea voyages and the icy cold of the arctic—dies because they dined on each other? And why were the ships not found until very recently?

Could there have been some other, otherworldly power involved?

Discuss More about the Franklin Expedition

Here’s more on the Franklin Expedition and alien involvement, if you are interested in what the Creator has to say about it. If you want to discuss the Franklin Expedition in greater detail with like-minded hidden truth-seekers, join the Get Wisdom forum today.

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There is a story circulating that COVID-19 vaccines truncate (disable by cutting short) cancer tumor suppressors, and destroy the human body’s ability to protect against cancer. Truncated tumor-suppressor proteins are similar to the DNA mutations that cause cancer cells to mutate and multiply uncontrollably, suggesting America may see cancer cases skyrocket over the next few years due to COVID vaccines. Is there any truth to this? Is there any likelihood of greater cancer appearing in those vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine technology?

This is not a real possibility, but disinformation being promoted in the usual duality of the campaigns of the interlopers, to both encourage and discourage human enterprises of all kinds. This keeps everyone guessing, everyone confused, and everyone working at cross purposes, and resulting in widespread discrediting of critics, naysayers, and whistleblowers, whenever there are false warnings given. As we have said to you before, when so many are crying wolf, this will cause people to disbelieve such messages categorically, and at that point the interlopers will have won the propaganda wars. So this idea can be discounted. It is not that the vaccines are without liabilities, but what you are asking about will not happen.

Could enlightenment be characterized as self-confidence based on truth versus self confidence based on beliefs? The difference being that the enlightened are forever free from the state of cognitive dissonance? What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a good technical analysis of the considerations here. Enlightenment can be defined as “being in divine alignment” pure and simple. When one is in alignment, one will have an inner awareness and understanding of wisdom because that is a good working description of the quality of divine consciousness. The divine mind is fully informed, judicious, and aware of all the possibilities and can envision the hazards and risks with any enterprise and strike a balance to accept a reasonable challenge in order to add something new to the universe, but without risking self-integrity. In other words, to balance risk and benefit wisely so one simply will not get into trouble, having wisdom to work. In someone who does not, here again is an invitation to inner doubts and fears, and anxiety about where one stands can come into play and begin to cause a decline in happiness and effective functioning. If the negative emotions grow to a level where they become a detriment to efficient functioning and productivity, the average human is quite used to working under stressful circumstances and will keep going no matter what, but everyone has their limit and will have a breaking point when limits of tolerability are reached from a chronic ongoing source of stress or multiple stressors.

The person in divine alignment with wisdom to work with will know innately how to strike a balance, again with risk versus benefit in anything they undertake, to not bite off more than they can chew, take on more responsibility than they are truly ready for, because they are not reacting to baser motives of greed or arrogance or ego, but truly factoring in what one can contribute with respect to the risks and benefits for others who may or may not be in a better position to be a leader or be better informed and more capable. The wisdom to know one’s place and know one’s capabilities will allow being judicious in volunteering and choosing any number of roles with respect to how well they fit the individual and their skills and knowledge base. This is why maturity is valued; what it truly is, in actuality, is the gaining of wisdom through life experience; that makes someone more stable and more balanced in every respect, including honoring the needs of others versus the self, so as to judge whether it is a time to perhaps sacrifice something personally for the greater good and be willing to do so. Too great a level of inner fear and anxiety will make such choices seem to be an outsized risk in many cases, that is why a well‑rounded person will have the attributes of self-confidence in good supply and the maturity and judgment that come from the gaining of inner wisdom.

The love of truth, the capacity to have a truly open mind that weighs information dispassionately and without filters, seems like a lonely commitment. As much as the love of truth gets lip service, the reality appears to be that the individual is fighting appearances and pressures to conform every step of the way. What is Creator’s perspective?

All too often embracing the truth, if it can be truly seen accurately, may require holding within, a divine perspective and to be in divine alignment in the doing, being in some cases an imperative for it to even happen. In most cases, people cannot see the truth because they live their lives seeing things through a kind of filter, a distortion of thinking and perception from inner false beliefs about the meaning of things and the implications, and about themselves and their place in the world, and on and on about the various aspects of their day-to-day lives. In a sense, people see an aspect of truth but may see somewhat differing aspects about the same matter at hand because they are looking from different perspectives, different agendas, different experience bases, and differing degrees of personal involvement, and whether they have a vested interest in the meaning of what is taking place, and the direction things are heading, and how it might influence them personally.

This creates all kinds of inner bias in how one sees the world, interprets what happens, and formulates an action plan if a response is needed or appropriate. It is very much the case that a group of individuals witnessing the same occurrence will view the truth about what they see somewhat differently, and Creator will have yet again a different truth, in our perspective being much broader and able to see the larger picture, always. So in a sense, the valuing of truth is an exercise in divinity, and the process of enlightenment a return to truth in a more absolute sense than before, through gaining knowledge and wisdom to have a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of all the factors involved, or at least more of the factors involved, so one can temper one’s personal motives and agenda with an appreciation of the broader meaning and impact on others and adopt a more balanced view. And that is quite characteristic of divine wisdom, that it includes all in the discussion and considers the needs of all, even in the smallest details, as is necessary to have the ultimate fairness in any and all decisions affecting deployment of one’s energy, because that will determine the outcome and consequences perhaps for many, many others in addition to the self.

There is wisdom in thinking about things from the perspective of asking, “What is Creator’s truth?” about each particular dilemma, if only as an exercise to help broaden personal awareness and be a good reminder there is more than the self involved always, in everything that is seen and experienced by an individual. There are many interdependent lives and souls in action always in everything that takes place and, as we have said a number of times before, your thoughts and actions affect, at least in some small way, the entirety of the universe—that is both an example of a higher truth but also the implications of the existence of higher truth—there are many considerations deserving to be addressed and given their due in all of your thoughts, feelings, and actions during the course of your life.