The Bible in Luke 17:34-37 promises: “I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” “Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.” Is this true? And if it is, can Creator share how the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset can ensure that one will not be left behind? What is Creator’s perspective?

This Scripture is as important as any of those you have recited and asked, through consultation with us, for confirmation and a better understanding of the interconnections. It is describing clearly the dichotomy of choice before each and every one of you. While ascension is a lovely notion wrapped in exciting visions and promises of great things to come, an exalted existence of wonders and pleasures and joys beyond imagining, that is a choice and must be earned to happen. The earning is in preparing the self to have belief in the divine, to believe in the self, to be in divine alignment with heart and soul. If you look around you, very few are presently ready for ascension. Most are closed off from thoughts about things beyond themselves, the mundane pursuits and goals of physical existence, and the demands of competing with others to obtain financial security and gain the benefit of a decent living environment, let alone anything truly extraordinary. There needs to be a grand awakening like never before, that ascension is Creator’s Plan but is up to each and every individual to take part or not. As we have described, participation is much more than a simple choice, that choice must be accompanied by wherewithal, and for most there will be a lacking in wherewithal even if there is a last-minute realization that maybe the divine is real because people are rising up into the heavens, visibly in a joyous event, but will not have any sense personally of how to bring that about for themselves or their loved ones to the extent this precipitates a kind of crisis that will even work against getting ready.

So there is no time to waste helping to awaken others and offer ways to prepare that are truly valid and meaningful, and not false promises that this is going to be automatic and require no effort on anyone’s part. The opposite is the case, it is an active event built upon many prior actions to pave the way. In fact, a significant part of the healing must happen first before the ascension begins to happen. It is only when there is a quorum of a majority of human beings who are ready that the ascension will be launched. This creates another burden on you, to pay attention to others and take seriously their state of being, and to help them to realize what is going to happen and how they can take part. The more who do that in advance, the more likely ascension will happen. It will not serve you to think only of yourself or your immediate circle of family and friends. You are part of the human family and if the human family, as a whole, is not ready you will not go anywhere. You have an obligation, in fact, to your brethren to share your knowledge and awareness. It would be a blessing because most are truly lost at this point, ignoring their spiritual origins, and that heritage they are a part of, and they are doing so at their peril.

Using Empowered Prayer, through Creator’s Recommended Daily Prayers, can help the broad humanity in its awakening, but you will likely not have time to heal through prayer alone. That is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocol are for, to provide the direction, the specificity, setting the precise intentions for what needs to take place for true ascension preparation. It is all about healing because that is the obstacle to ascension. All that is out of alignment still, the consequences of karmic trauma creating a state of lowered vibration, you cannot change that with a simple inspiration and witnessing something wonderful. The problems run very deep, caused by karmic trauma, and healing needs of that magnitude take time, it cannot be done overnight but will take a concerted effort. That is what these healing protocols are for, to do the deep work, in a deep way, and to keep the healing going through repetition again and again and again until success is reached. That is the kind of dogged determination and steady commitment to the goal that will be needed for ascension to come about and take place in time to save humanity, largely, from the planned annihilation.

Any stragglers can be rescued by workers from the light because the bridge from the physical will have been provided through all of the efforts of GetWisdom practitioners launching all these protocol sessions and creating a large body of healing intention that can be repurposed again and again in perpetuity. This will enable not only those not ready getting rescued but all the beings in the Milky Way Galaxy, including all the perpetrators, who have created and perpetuated the rise of evil, can be healed and saved from an eventual oblivion by a return to divine alignment. In the end, this will be the greatest of achievements there could ever be, and to the credit of all who have taken part, especially at crucial turning points when everything is on the line and you are asked to step up and do what is needed unselfishly. As always, the best guide we can give you for living is to ask in any given situation, “What would love do?” and act accordingly.

Can you describe a Divine Life Support client or group, helped by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocols we did on April 30, 2023? What were the most significant problems worked on, and the most significant benefits?

The individual we want to use as an example case study, for that month’s sessions was a youngster, a young boy who was becoming increasingly cantankerous, unruly, and oppositional, both at home and at school. This led to a series of assessments by psychologists and a psychiatric consult as well. The general consensus, although not unanimous, was that this individual suffered from the beginnings of a serious personality disorder with psychotic symptoms as well, and was thus in danger of progressing into a chronic, severe, and perhaps irreversible mental illness. The boy was becoming increasingly hostile with episodes of violence against peers and caretakers without any regard for his own safety or the consequences of his actions likely being met with swift and severe punishment. The sad fact was, his family was becoming afraid to live with him in their midst, leading to the likelihood of his becoming institutionalized eventually. His response to medication was uneven and compounded by his frequent noncompliance.

This state of affairs was brought about through his acquiring spirit meddler attachments. These are dark demonic beings resulting from the fall from grace of angelics long, long, ago who moved further and further away from divine alignment and became predators of the living instead of helpers. The presence of dark spirits like this is a major scourge affecting about 10% of human beings. They are highly experienced at influencing their host to stir up trouble because it creates a demand for more energy and they siphon some of this off for themselves. They also love working against others to make them suffer as they do, from living as outcasts. This makes them a danger. The dark spirit meddlers are always a major influence behind criminal behavior, sexual deviance directed against the young, and acts of incest. This young boy had a karmic history of being sensitive to spirit manipulation to ramp up his anger and make him a troublemaker who never fit in, so he was always fighting with everyone around him and being rejected as a consequence, to add insult to injury. That karmic potential was a perfect match for another go-round following his incarnation into his current life. Spirit meddlers got a foothold at a low moment when the boy was teased by playmates and he cried himself to sleep. That state of mind lowered his defenses, and hovering dark spirits moved in, literally, to take up residence within his energy. They began to manipulate his mind, deep in the subconscious level, but causing great emotional turmoil that made him always on edge and quick to anger because he was always angry deep inside, being under constant torment and attack by the dark spirits. Fortunately, we were able to not only remove the dark spirits but carry out a concerted healing campaign initiated by the Lightworker Healing Protocol to address the deep karmic repair greatly needed to make him more resilient by healing his vulnerability to be manipulated in this way.

The perturbations of his mind, his thinking, his judgment, and his emotional sensitivity to harassment causing many inner woundings, were addressed effectively by the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset protocol work, to release the stored negativity of the many attacks, and begin to undo the damage from being mocked and taunted and threatened around-the-clock in a deep part of his mind. With that release, it was possible to remove and replace many negative and self-limiting beliefs he developed as a result of this victimization. It was those beliefs that made him a fighter, feeling life was unfair, that others were there to take advantage of him and he must fight back so they would not get the better of him, and so on. The combination of these two healing protocols was enough to turn things around to a sufficient degree that he could be more relaxed, less troubled, and resistant to being triggered by others and their treatment of him. This resulted in a dramatic turnaround in his behavior, to the extent he was able to taper off all medication and resume attending school as a mainstreamed student without special needs.

Not all people in this kind of situation can be helped as quickly, so he was one of the most lucky to get attention soon enough to prevent what would likely have been extremely severe negative outcomes. He was living a life of juvenile delinquency, headed for an eventual series of imprisonments for out-of-control conduct harmful to others, from acts of violence. So this was a clear win for him and for the light, in getting the help he most needed, and was not available through any other means in an effective fashion to turn the tide, given the severity of negative influences impinging on him and undermining his welfare. This is a tremendous blessing, the rescuing of a young person who might otherwise have never had a normal life and would have brought harm to many around him, but now will do the opposite. Removing all the karmic vulnerability will take considerable time, but as long as he is in this healing program, he will receive repeated attention to help keep him protected and keep him safe from picking up new spirit attachments who would inevitably find that old history, and attempt to reopen the old wounds yet again.

Will the ascension of humanity be precisely simultaneous, or more like watching popcorn pop where a few kernels go early, and then the majority in an explosion of action followed by the stragglers? Can Creator share again how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are needed to create the anticipated perpetual pool of human intention needed to spawn the great anticipated expansion of the universe for all of time?

We have described already the fact ascension will not be simultaneous for the entirety of humanity but quite varied and over a span of time. The reason this is so is because ascension will not begin at all until a certain quorum has been reached for a majority of humans to have a state of readiness in holding high enough vibration to make ascension feasible at all. It could not happen today and will not happen until enough receive healing to raise their vibration suitably. So your popcorn analogy is not a totally false view but does not convey a proper image in any detail about why there will be variability, and the kind of timespan needed, let alone the size of the problem needing to be overcome to get to a first launching for anyone. If a majority of humans cannot be healed enough, no one will ascend, and if annihilation of humanity is done by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, that will end the Human Free Will Enterprise and things will have to be started over. That could even include a reconfiguration and relaunching of the universe as a whole and take many billions of years to reach the stage you are at now, finally, being very, very close to a turning point leading to either success or failure.

There are innumerable false teachings about ascension and what is needed. Many are promoting the idea Ascension is already a certainty and only a matter of time and may well be imminent, when such is not the case at all. Humanity is not at all ready for ascension nor are any of the things being proposed elsewhere sufficient to get human healing for the very deep issues that must be dealt with for ascension preparation in full readiness. There must be a significant repair of the deep karma from past trauma through multiple lifetimes. This can only be done with a comprehensive healing approach, not one of the many healing modalities widely practiced, mostly involving energy work which is a superficial tune-up of an end-stage phenomenon that is the product of inner discord but not the cause. Energy healing modalities will not prepare you for ascension, nor will repair of your interdimensional DNA, as widely touted also. That will be taken care of and reconfigured as a consequence of ascension but cannot even take place while you are in the physical. The widespread ignorance among the New Age Spiritual Community is no accident but the product of a concerted effort by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, to hold humanity back by creating disinformation campaigns of many kinds that result in make-work exercises that misdirect and misguide people to focus on activities to keep them busy, but will not bring any true benefit.

We have inspired your channel to create a list of our recommended prayers that are empowered and will add to ascension preparation efforts. These can be done by anyone who has a belief in the divine. The greatest benefits will come through the healing work of GetWisdom using the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset to remove inner roadblocks that get in the way of divine healing interventions. As a consequence of trauma, people hold within, many, many, many negative beliefs of all kinds. These contribute to a state of helplessness and hopelessness held by all too many human beings in today’s world. But even those who are getting along or even have what they feel to be “happy lives” have often been corrupted to become nonbelievers in the divine, so they are effectively sidelined, they cannot prepare actively for ascension nor help others to get there. In effect, they are a drag, like an anchor that will hold others back, because they are not contributing to the needed quorum.

These healing tools have been refined and refined by ongoing research of your channel working in earnest for their optimization and strengthening. There have now been so many levels of leveraging that, working together, the Lightworker Healing Protocol and the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocol, can do the job of preparing humanity for ascension, given a window of opportunity without outside interference from the interlopers. That is what the divine realm is working on currently, to help arrange a temporary withdrawal so the interlopers can have a break, as a kind of vacation, prior to the work that will be needed for a total annihilation. It is that window of opportunity we envision will enable enough to ascend that you will escape, and be on to a new future in higher dimensions, and will never again have to return into the physical plane. It is a place of difficulty and much suffering. The consequences of widespread ignorance alone are a significant threat to your progress, so the advent of healing approaches that will make up for lost time and do enough karmic repair to raise you up enough to ascend is quite an achievement. The more who choose to participate actively, either in joining the Divine Life Support subscription service to receive monthly healing sessions with both protocols, will have the advantage of getting ready first. That is true also of the growing number of those who are practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, because it is designed to work on them in each and every session they launch as well as their loved ones.

All along, the test for you, as a species, has been dealing with the consequences of free agency and free will, both positive and negative. Heretofore, your progress has been hindered by many free will choices, both of your own making as well as those who prey on you. With the power of these healing protocols, you can undo enough of the damage to move on in your journey, through a magnificent ascension that will improve your future for all of time, and the healing generated to make that happen will continue to work on all remaining in need, especially the predators who have menaced you far too long but who are in danger of extinction themselves through their choices to do evil. Only you can save them. The fact that it will save you in the bargain is not only an incentive but a divine blessing.

A viewer asks: “Dear Creator, I had my first Lightworker Healing Protocol session a couple weeks ago. I have been feeling varying degrees of betterment and relief in most aspects of my life. Even some happiness. Then I hit an impasse. Thoughts of my being stupid, foolish to be believing in Source Creator and a succession of similar thoughts came tumbling through. I started to feel my old shut-down way of being. I continued with the prayers and listening to Karl and Denny’s talks and asking Source Creator to see me through this state. I went for a walk yesterday in the local woods. A baby deer appeared from some trees. We stood still looking at each other for some minutes. I said hello and it came towards me. Eventually, it tiptoed quite near me and lay down. It seemed to be resting. I also sat down and we looked at each other and I talked to the deer. A walker with a dog came in the distance and I went to head them off from the area. When I returned the deer had gone. I saw myself in the deer. It’s newness, vulnerability, curiosity, and trustingness. Was this a message from the Divine? The impasse melted afterwards.” What can Creator tell us?

Your intuition is correct here that this was an outreach from heaven to give you a kind of reward in reaching out to us and wanting to be closer and get some assistance in resolving your burdens. This was our way of signaling you that we heard your requests and are working on this and are here for you, and sent our emissary, that young deer, as a kind of small miracle along with our energy, which you felt in seeing this as a kind of special moment, not only improbable but resulting in a shift in your energy in the bargain to help lift some of the burdens you are carrying. Those were feelings impulsed to you as part of the message to show you what can happen if you keep going in building a partnership with us—it can bring many blessings.

A practitioner asks: “I wanted to ask you if it’s possible to ask Creator a question about my mother’s partner. He lost his ability to walk suddenly, approximately 3 years ago, a fit man, trained, played golf into his early 80s. We have tried numerous options, nothing has worked, in fact made it worse in some respects. He is always included in my Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions, etc. Is this karmic or is there anything we can do to make his life easier and for my mother, if possible?” What can we tell him?

While this person’s difficulty is a severe one, it is happening for karmic purposes that will actually serve him in the end, despite the way things look. This has happened as a consequence of a karmic set-up that is repeating a loss of function he suffered in prior lifetimes. This is being worked on with healing, and the great and first benefit is that in a future life, there will not be a repeat performance of this liability. So enough healing has been done to guarantee that. It is uncertain whether a visible improvement can be achieved within the current life in the time remaining to him, but we are working on this as we always do, because healing the present always heals the future as well as the past, and there is always virtue in the attempt. He is blessed to have you in his life to provide the gift of healing, as you are doing. None of it is wasted, regardless of the outcome you perceive, and this is important for you to know.

A client reports back progress with her cats who were vomiting repeatedly on her basement carpet: “My kitties are better with getting sick! The last couple of times has been on the hardwood floors, and one really bad puke was all over the hardwood floor and just one spot on the carpet. That is a big improvement and almost there!! THANK YOU!!” Is this improvement due to the work we have been doing in partnership with you with the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset?

It is almost entirely, the latter protocol, the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset work allowing us to go into the mind and discuss this behavior that is helping to reset the habits and instincts the cats are responding to when they feel a need to purge something from the stomach. So the huge change in departing from what has been long-term, consistent, but undesirable behavior, to go to the basement carpet for this activity, is a sea change that could only be due to divine intervention with just the right tool in hand to act on the human requests for help here. So despite the fact we were asked to work on a nonhuman animal species, healing is healing, and the workings of the mind have many parallels among species. What is unique to one species versus others or humans can be addressed through our deeper understanding of how things work, being the Creator of it all. So the fact human beings cannot talk to an animal and gain its understanding does not mean we cannot do so, when it is in the best interest of the client as well as the animals on the receiving end of our attention. This was important to address, simply to help group harmony.

We have been told repeatedly that the ascension will not occur for either Earth or humanity until both are sufficiently healed of their traumatic karmic legacy. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the only means now available to assure the ascension takes place, and on a timely basis?

This is a good description of the dire circumstances facing humanity at this juncture. You are nearing a turning point, for better or worse, with the extraterrestrials who run the world from behind the scenes planning your annihilation so you are extinct as a species. But that is if you cannot heal them sufficiently to forestall this dark choice and give yourselves some leeway to complete the healing of humanity and allow your escape from their clutches. That is what we hope to see take place through the work of GetWisdom. It will only happen if enough people are using Empowered Prayer and especially the Lightworker Healing Protocol and the newer tool of Deep Subconscious Mind Reset.

The interlopers need some healing to shift their thinking enough to buy time and allow further healing of humanity. The plan is to encourage them to withdraw for a time like a vacation. If that pause can be arranged without their heavy influence present, the healing will proceed much more quickly and, in that way, the ascension can come about while they are absent. Through the Lightworker Healing Protocol, we are working on this issue avidly because it is requested as the highest priority. While much is at stake, that is necessary motivation to continue in earnest, in working towards this goal, by all who hear these words, because all of you can be a force for good. If you are on the sidelines, you are leaving your fate up to others—that is not wise and, in addition, is a karmic misstep.

As has always been the case since your creation, you have free will and free agency and will decide your destiny. We have inspired you to work for the highest good, even the healing of the evil ones. That is hard for many to understand and accept, but that is thinking like a human, like a victim. Even though you are both, you are still a divine being within and if you can hew to the higher wisdom you are capable of, you will see that your future destiny transcends all of the suffering of the past and the current dilemma at the hands of depraved beings who, despite their technological superiority, are far beneath you as atheists so long cut off from divinity they have become loveless psychopaths. It would be most unfortunate if you consign your fate to their power and control over you and not work to overcome their influence and gain your freedom through a partnership with Creator and the loving beings with us here, wanting your deliverance. If you act now, there is still time for this to work out in your favor, but your energy is needed because, in the end, this is an energetic equation that will decide your fate. The victory will belong to those who put the most energy to bear on the problem. You can outpower your adversaries by partnering with us, but you must do that deliberately and using the right tools to enlist our help in a meaningful way. You must take that first step to be onboard.

You told us that 30% of clients who receive a healing with the Lightworker Healing Protocol would have the benefit of an extra year or more added to their lifespan. What about subscribers receiving an LHP session once a month? What impact would that regular enhancement of ongoing healing have on longevity?

We were including in our estimate about that percentage of clients who benefit, that they would be the beneficiary of repeat session work through the leveraging of the Protocol itself to be greatly amplified. But the greatest force multiplier is having repeated live sessions, and that is what would benefit the subscriber group were they to have you do a monthly session on their behalf for life. This would more than double the percentage of individuals gaining a year or more of longevity as a consequence of the ongoing healing, working behind the scenes to make them stable, resilient, and command greater health and well-being with regard to many life hazards. It is not only health per se as people would expect. There are many karmic liabilities that recur because of circumstances in prior lifetimes, many of which have been filled with misfortunes of all kinds, including much accidental death as well as death at the hands of criminals. Not to mention, being neglected by loved ones at key points along the way and without that safety net, having something dreadful happen that ended in their demise.

So an ongoing healing program can improve the life in an almost endless variety of ways to help with personal relationships, the love life, having happier family dynamics, good work relations and a successful career, avoiding many hazardous circumstances that would cause accidental death or injury, including the possibility of having a subsequent physical disability that is lifelong with many other consequences to personal happiness and productivity. There is no better way to enhance one’s life than to have regular divine oversight to include an array of services carried out in response to specific instructions and a deep understanding of what the divine can do and how we do it. Those are the missing links keeping people disconnected from us and floundering on their own, whether or not they are religious and using ordinary prayers. That is a help, but will not be as powerful as being supported through the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Of equal value and impact is this reality that regular healing work will chip away at the large backlog of unmet healing needs, and in addition to lengthening life that would be limited otherwise, the quality of life will be greatly enhanced. Anyone in the field of aging will tell you that quality of life supersedes longevity as a goal because life for a sufferer can truly be overlong if they would be better off passing away rather than live in misery.

A practitioner asks: “Have you thought of the fact that with the new provisions in the Lightworker Healing Protocol to have LHP sessions conducted by the higher selves in response to many varied client intentions and even feelings, those people who have been harping on wanting to code the LHP now can just use any prayer request, including a coded one, I presume, to generate an LHP? Is that a kind of work-around for them if they should choose it? Or for that matter, they can just send someone an emoji!? This is quite amusing to me.” What is Creator’s perspective?

We would simply turn the question around and ask, does the LHP practitioner want to be an LHP practitioner or only someone saying prayers, making entreaties to the higher self, and not be a healer themselves, personally? That is the question. If you want to be a healer and part of the generation of meaningful LHP and DSMR session work, you need to do the sessions. And it is important, as we have said all along, for the quorum to have as many participants generating sessions as possible. While you are now leveraging your efforts to incorporate huge numbers of healing sessions done by higher selves of all physical beings, in addition to those in the light, to do sessions in parallel, the most important practitioners are those among you in the physical. The LHP and DSMR practitioners are setting the standard through their requests and serving as an example in the yearnings of you and your fellow practitioners, in wanting fervently for divine rescue and the saving and healing of humanity and the interlopers as well, if that is what it takes to achieve enough healing for Ascension to take place. You are under the gun and the fate of you, the world, and many worlds beyond yours in the Milky Way Galaxy, and then on to the entirety of the Universe having an opportunity to expand tremendously, is contingent on whether you can solve the problem of evil on your watch to validate Creator’s plan for you and the rest of the Universe. Do you want to leave that entire gigantic future up to others, or give it your all, directly, as a practitioner?

Keep in mind that even though you are requesting the generation of many healing sessions with both protocols using relatively small triggers from the human side, like saying a prayer, giving it a codeword, and then assuming that because that is a prayer and the LHP asked for all prayers to trigger an LHP and DSMR session by the higher self, that is all that they need to do, is under-selling their potential role and influence in things by making a small gesture on their part and expecting a much larger one to be added by the divine realm at their behest. And while that would technically be correct, it would mean an absence of significant further intention on their part that would be added by them doing an LHP session and a new DSMR session from scratch, as often as they possibly can. The greatest intention is the intention coming from humans in the physical who know what is at stake and are fully informed about all that is going on, and why all the work they can do is needed, to change the future of everything for the better. The pooling of intentions is as much to guarantee the full execution of the LHP with regard to each and every one of its component steps, and not as the sum total of all the intention to be put into each step of the protocol to provide sufficient fuel for the healing.

So there is a pooling of intention of a variety of sorts, some serving as a kind of secondary trigger to have healing work done, such as using an emoji in an online communication, or having an emotion about something or an intention for something to happen in their lives, or feeling a strong dislike of someone and displaying a source of negativity, for example. Those are useful energetic intentions. They can be used because you are requesting this to happen as triggers for healing work with both LHP and DSMR protocols. But those intentions, while capable of having enough energy, especially when pooled, to launch LHPs, do not contain within them the intention for profound healing to be done. That must come from human healers who are holding healing intentions, and that is the second component when the higher self sets to work doing all of these additional LHP and DSMR sessions, and then repeating them over and over and over again. They will be using human intention for healing to happen, in particular, the most significant and useful being the intention of practitioners of those protocols who understand what is at stake, the workings of divine healing, the reason for each and every step of the protocols to be carried out, and hold within, a strong intention for suitable healing to be done by the divine realm to meet each and every need in the range and reach of those protocols. Such healing requests are not contained in idle thoughts and even strong severe suffering and the emotional fallout. While strong intentions can be used by the higher selves as a trigger for a healing response, that cannot be fully informed by those experiencing those sensations and feelings as physical beings.

All of the negative stimuli and responses are transmuted to a positive vibration to be employed in the healing, but that is not as useful as the human intention of human healers. This is a complex discussion and a kind of nuance but an important one, and has to do with the nature of consciousness and the frequencies it operates within, with respect to reflecting information content and desire of the soul in response to the soul attributes on display. When human intentions arise, what makes them powerful and useful as fuel for healing is that they are being generated by attributes of the soul of that physical being, not an intellectual notion but a divine energy of a particular kind. So when the translation is done by Creator, it will more than likely be a more generic form and somewhat lacking in the specifics that could be generated by a human healer compared to a human being and their raw intentions being repurposed. We understand this is difficult to understand, to interpret in quantitative terms, to appreciate the differences fully. But the important take-home message we have here is, we do not want to see anyone quit, we do not to want to see anyone slow down among those doing human healing sessions with the protocols. You are greatly needed in all your efforts you can muster. This is as important for your personal benefit as well as the benefit of others.

What were the benefits of the clearing I did recently, with the Lightworker Healing Protocol for the home on the market, which wasn’t selling even though offered at an attractive price?

This was a problem in dark energy, first and foremost. There was a quite large accumulation of darkness with evil intent, and that is a long story going back through time for this location. It has drawn more dark energy again and again and again all along the way because that is how energy works—like attracts like. Not all will sense it and it will not be a physical barrier but a subtle emotional one and, as you know, that is often enough to steer people away from choosing something they are wanting to call home but will not take the deal if it does not feel like home to them. Many times people will tune in unconsciously to the energy of a location. After all, that is why they are looking at a listing or visiting the location directly, they are wanting to size it up, see if it fits, see if it feels right, like it could be home for them, and they are thus bringing out a deeper part of their personal antenna to check on the status of things. That is why a wall of darkness surrounding a location can be enough to keep sales from going through. This location has been cleansed, and the karmic influences going into the past worked on, and this will change the energy perceived by potential buyers for the better.