Was Foster Gamble of the Thrive movie corrupted to create disinformation close to the truth, but easy to discredit, as a benefit to the Extraterrestrial Alliance?

We think you are seeing intuitively the true picture here that he is an individual who is quite perceptive and insightful and can see many things intuitively but is being manipulated to go overboard in ways that will, in the end, serve to discredit him more than validate his perspectives. Those who are discerning and looking beyond the screenplay for inner nuggets of truth will be disappointed and disillusioned in the end because some of his assumptions are planted disinformation that is easily countered and disproven. And that is the purpose of all disinformation campaigns, to discredit the exercise of the whistleblower so they will be lumped together as irrational, unreliable, and misguided as a group, when, in fact, many of them are close to the truth and onto things of importance but simply do not have all of the facts at hand yet, but do have something to offer. And if anyone looked at the whole body of information and did a very careful sorting and analysis, they could still learn important things about what is truly happening. But human nature being what it is, no one wants to be in the wrong and especially the recipient of criticism or even ridicule in lining up with the wrong speculations. So that makes his contributions quite mixed, and on balance, more a negative than a positive.

A viewer writes: “A friend wrote this, ‘The Arcturians are still trying to get the message through to us that there are ‘dark’ beings trying to interfere with us. I think the only reason they are so insistent on this is because we are so resistant to wanting to see that truth, because it’s been suppressed for so long…'” What is behind this message?

Unfortunately, this is a message simply in support of the Disclosure Movement, which will be presenting to the world the reality of extraterrestrial existence, and that not all are trustworthy. This is the Trojan horse approaching you, to step forward as your would-be champions and saviors to take on the dark extraterrestrials who threaten you when all are in on the game and duping you to believe in them as being here to help. So the message is true in saying, “You are in danger from the darkness,” but not revealing that this is a message from the darkness itself to draw you into a false solution.

Is There Any Truth to the Adage “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”?

A man and woman sitting on a couch looking upset and distraught

It’s disheartening to know that things aren’t going your way and outcomes aren’t as you hoped, even when you did everything right, stayed good, honest, and earnest in your efforts to improve your life. Karma doesn’t seem to be the perfectly balanced set of scales we think it to be.

We’ve all heard that no good deed goes unpunished—and while it’s certainly true that you will be rewarded for the good that you do, at some point or another, sometimes things don’t go as planned or expected, so it leaves us wondering: how much truth is there to this saying?

Quite a bit of truth. Good deeds don’t always bring good results. But why? Let’s take a closer look at some factors:

The Law of Unintended Consequences

This is an interesting one. You do something good for someone, or just in general, you’re left feeling dissatisfied, unhappy, or things go grossly. This phenomenon is an interesting explanation for why this may happen, and a large cause behind it is the interference of unseen mechanisms that tend to throw off and ruin the efforts you’ve made.

A man sits on a couch looking agitated and with his eyes closed

Dark spirits and Extraterrestrial Alliances

But who controls these mechanisms? Certain dark spirits and Extraterrestrial Alliances work together to control human beings and disrupt karmic rewards and justice. This means that no matter how hard you try, there may be a dark force that’s more powerful than you getting in the way, which is why it’s always such a hit or miss.

Seeking divine help and intervention

However, despite all the evidence and meddling presence that tends to thwart your good deeds, it’s important to continue seeking Divine wisdom and guidance. The truth about these affairs will set you free, undoubtedly, but will also make you more powerful as you continue relying on it to live your life.

Never give up on trying to transform your life. There is always home and Divine healing, even when it seems like you’re not being rewarded for your efforts and attempts at leading a good life.

It helps to have guidance when you’re looking for spiritual enlightenment. You can get in touch with us at Get Wisdom to know more about our advice on divine principles for living and find help in dealing with multiple concerns and struggles you’re facing through our Lightworker Healing Protocol. We’re here to help you find meaning and purpose in your life, and find ways to enrich your present and future, and heal from your past. Reach out to us to know more about our work and mission.

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The popular notion of the Law of Karma is the idea that: “Karma is wholly an anti perpetrator correction mechanism, that it was designed wholly to correct the problem of evil, and that the problem of evil rests wholly on the shoulders of perpetrators.” “People who live by the sword die by the sword,” as Christ put it. Certainly, there is more than a little truth in this, but from previous channelings, we have come to appreciate that this is not necessarily the whole story. Can Creator provide an updated, short working definition of the Law of Karma, and its purpose?

The Law of Karma recognizes all energies, good and bad. You are thinking about victimhood in this series of questions and so are focusing on the dark end of the spectrum of human affairs, experiences, and their consequences. There are many happy and joyous times people have, at least under ideal circumstances, and many opportunities to share acts of loving kindness to uplift one another and the self as well. Living in joy and harmony with others is divine and is rewarded through the Law of Karma because it has benefits that help the soul and the soul journey, and one of the ways it helps is to provide a return of an energy expenditure that is for the good in ways that further elevate and propel the soul forward.

So this is the great leveler, the Law of Karma, and that is the best way to think of it. It is not your enemy, it is, indeed, your friend in all ways because it will reward you when you create situations exhibiting greatness, exhibiting your true inner divinity, your ability to love and to help others—that will circle back around via the Law of Karma to bring blessings to you in the future in some way or another. Similarly, on the negative end of the spectrum, anything you do that is out of alignment, the Law of Karma will notice and then will, in some way or another, send you a reminder. It is sort of like a bill coming due where you owe the universe some additional compensation because you set in motion a negative circumstance that will have a consequence for someone, whether the self or others.

So the Law of Karma provides a reckoning, both for rewards and for disincentives you might think of as punishments but are really intended to right the wrongs of the past by calling forth some compensatory energy as a life lesson. It is designed to be instructive, not simply to inflict more pain on the wrongdoer but, perhaps for the first time, show them a taste of their own medicine as a comeuppance, as a wake-up call with the expectation it will provide a negative reinforcement that will help them rein in their reckless conduct and their insensitive treatment of others, to be more considerate, more kind and loving, and more understanding and forgiving in the bargain. So whether you are a victim or a perpetrator or someone who simply is doing well, there can be rewards in every instance with respect to gaining ground from learning what not to do as much as what will bring you benefits and glories in your future.

Victims are often thought of as “damaged goods.” This has been especially true in regard to the crime of rape, to such an extreme that some cultures have even blamed the victims themselves, and had them put to death along with the perpetrator, or even instead of the perpetrator. There is truth to the notion that emotional trauma can be crippling, and transform a once happy and gregarious person into someone almost unrecognizable. Some victims are so conscious of this fact, that they go out of their way to say, “It was no big deal.” What is Creator’s perspective on this dilemma?

We see this situation as representing a state of vulnerability that comes about often through the harm done by others. When people are wounded by being assaulted, for example, this is a tremendous lowering of vibration that ensues, taking the person out of divine alignment, and it might be quite difficult to once again return to a state of comfort, security, and a high level of expectation and experiencing in the moment. This is an example of the saying, “Ignorance is bliss.” The trauma victim will be reminded again and again of the depravity inflicted upon them, perhaps even just stepping outside and leaving home knowing they are putting themselves at greater risk will be enough to start anxiety stirring within. Being around members of the opposite sex might become intolerable until some healing is achieved, and so on. This can certainly become a burden to the friends and loved ones of this person who is perceptibly damaged in some way to make their behavior now seemingly abnormal. This can be constraining and confining when people need to walk around on eggshells to not unduly trigger a former victim by saying the wrong thing or presuming there is greater strength and resilience than might be the case, and then once again they are put on the spot and must show the world they are still in a weakened state and still vulnerable.

Whenever there is a situation when people become desperate and have a terrible emotional life and physical maladies as a consequence, this cries out for high-level healing to be offered as a way to obtain a true restoration of wellbeing. This is certainly deserved and will go a long way to restoring the individual to their prior state of functioning. Achieving full healing is, in fact, the answer karmically for both the victim and their perpetrator alike. A perpetrator cannot be fully restored and forgiven by the Law of Karma until there has been a restoration of the victim as a rebalancing of things, a form of repayment of the karmic debt incurred by that perpetrator to set things in motion to harm their victim. So in this sense, the Law of Karma can be quite a severe taskmaster, so to speak, because one may in fact incur not only a life sentence, having a karmic penalty come around to them again and again, it might follow them into future lives as well until they are finally able to heal their shortcomings and overcome their misalignment, and that will often require seeing to the restitution of their victims as well as their own disparagement and corruption chosen by them to indulge in.

While divine grace can absolve a person from further liabilities as victim or perpetrator, that is bestowed only in special circumstances. In the majority of cases, both perpetrator and victim will continue to struggle with their respective liabilities until they find a way to obtain healing. So there is nothing exalted about being a victim and being damaged visibly to others, because everyone knows through life experience such individuals can be a liability and certainly a burden, but it is truly a cry for help and there needs to be greater awareness by all that help is available through the divine realm and the teachings we are giving about healing, even for the really, really deep wounding from the worst of circumstances people experience.

A practitioner proposes the following addition to the LHP based on the work of Ted Gunderson: “Source Creator, release from our governments and institutions globally the entrenched elements of mind control and suppression of truth and disclosure of human and Divine capacity. Remove from our institutions of communication the suppression of our opinions and ability to share facts, information, and evidence to build a society upon open disclosure without fear of retribution. Help both victims and perpetrators of negative manipulation to perceive and act upon their intent for higher good, lifting the lives of all into higher circles of understanding and information sharing without fear and in peace. Free our public media globally of manipulation and censorship, to allow open discourse of ideas. In the USA, preserve and protect our freedoms under a Constitutional Republic.” Will this be helpful in adding something not already being done, and without introducing new problems?

In actuality, all of these requests are currently encompassed by all that the Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to ensure and promote. We cannot modify your institutions and redirect people to conform to the requested outcomes here because that would be leading. The key is in preventing manipulation, preventing corruption, and a distortion in the thinking of human beings, as well as the distortions present within the extraterrestrial interlopers through their long-standing spirit corruption. That is what the LHP is designed to do and there are many requests within the Protocol to block or remove sources of negativity, including any subconscious manipulation to alter thinking and beliefs. There are many, many ways this is done to distort everything in the culture of any importance, so the list proposed sounds comprehensive and complete but it is not, and risks narrowing the focus to only those specific literal circumstances, when in fact the corruption extends to each and every person within their own mind, including corruption of inner beliefs. That, in turn, will corrupt everything they are a part of, including institutions they might serve or interact with.

We would rather start at the source of the problem than deal with secondary consequences in the fallout from the basic corruption all are subject to, so we see the LHP as fully adequate to the task of seeing to all of these needs to the extent this can be arranged through the divine realm. As we have said, we cannot lead so we cannot take over the reins and run your world in a way that would be to your liking. This makes it more of a challenge to engineer a solution and see the results blossoming. That will come in time but must be started from making the requests of the Protocol and doing one’s best to stand strong and avoid one’s own personal corruption. The rest is up to what the divine can accomplish acting on your intentions for the betterment of all.

A client asks: “Karl, I ask you kindly if the Creator has any answers for me, through you, as to how I might tackle this situation with my extended family in my home country in a just and peaceful way. I would appreciate the guidance and the input. I have been praying for a long time now about this and the answers remain unclear to me as to how to best deal with it. What I have tried has unfortunately failed because I am dealing with very strong oppositional energies which, in my attempt to being forth truth in a just and peaceful manner, has served only to alienate and turn others against me, even those who supported me in the fight for the cause.” What can we tell her?

We have answered her questions about this before but she is not truly listening and hearing the meaning of the words that things are under way to work on this to the extent allowable under rules of engagement. She is doing all that is needed and has had powerful work done on her behalf, with you as an advocate for her help and rescue. What is taking place is there are constraints about disrupting the free will choices of other people, as well as the interlopers, who are lined up against her. That slows things down. It does not mean she cannot win, but she is experiencing the continued consequences of what has been set in motion. This is somewhat like trying to turn a battleship to a new direction. It is slow and harrowing in the undertaking before one can see any progress at all, that things might be improving let alone reaching a safe harbor. This is because of the powerful nature of the evil being directed against her and its long-standing reign, without an adequate counterbalancing healing effort to counteract it. What is underway now will eventually make up for lost time, but the ongoing consequences of these dark influences will have to be endured in the meantime. You can prevail if you stand strong and expect better days to come. They are in preparation but have not yet crystallized into the current reality. You can know that we are working on this in earnest and have not abandoned you. The extent to which you believe you are on your own and helpless, acts as a kind of decree that your kingdom cannot be helped, and this causes the divine realm to slow down their efforts and, at times, to stand aside. This is not in your best interest. Anything you can do to grow more conviction in the power you hold within yourself to effect a change for the better when reaching out to us in partnership, will speed the day when you begin to see this bear fruit and your life change for the better.

Placing one’s full allegiance with a consensus, and making consensus approval their top criterion for conducting their lives means that consensus acceptance can be more important than facts or truth—to the extreme extent of people not believing their own eyes, or ignoring fundamental standards of fairness and decency they learned at age five. Can Creator share the karmic hazards of living this way?

It is non-divine to hold oneself in great esteem above others for arbitrary reasons. This causes an imbalance in favoring the self because it comes to others’ detriment and is the opposite of equality and fairness. Whenever there is judgment and discrimination in favoring one’s consensus group over others, this is an active form of attack with an intention to label others as “undesirable” and see that they are excluded in some way from consideration, whether this is an active and meaningful ostracism and denial of membership, or simply an attitude of disdain in refusing to recognize their presence and engage with them and allow them to participate in one’s group activities, and so on. The extent to which differences are perceived and become a bone of contention leading to an active rejection will be a measure of the transgression underway in making that assessment to begin with, that others are less worthy than the self simply because they are different—that is the transgression.

There are always differences in levels of achievement, levels of skill, levels of intelligence, levels of talent for various pursuits, and so on. People can look at such differences and choose to dislike others as a consequence and want to ostracize them. The danger in this is that eventually one might find they are in a very small club, indeed, by letting their hatred grow to such a degree there is almost no one left worthy of their presence. After all, each human being is in actuality unique, so it is impossible for them to match another, not only exactly, but even in a general way; there will be many points of difference and variation of kind and degree, with likes and dislikes, and capabilities, talents, and characteristics of their personal makeup. If you look at what galls people and gets them going to rally against a group of individuals they see as different in a negative way, it will almost always be a narrow focus on something and will ignore the vast array of human qualities and characteristics that are still universally present in everyone.

People are more alike than different. When they let the differences become a cause of wanting to be separate, it is often because of evil influence to ramp up inner feelings, and those emotions, when taken to heart, cloud the judgment and may be a motivation for a harsh treatment of others that is completely unjustified because it is based on a knee-jerk reaction to a quite simplistic characterization, like the level of skin pigmentation, the gender orientation, what political party they belong to, what neighborhood they live in, their station in life, what they do for a living, and so on. If you apply that test to yourself and ask to what extent the answers, as applied to you, truly represent your worth as a human being, you will quickly see the folly of putting labels on people and seeking to gather like-minded people into tribes with the intention to weed out those who differ.

This is a very destructive and self-destructive exercise; that is why it is being promoted relentlessly by the interlopers to make people think this way and to spend a considerable amount of time agonizing over where they fit in and seeing to their own image, and to even be quite hypocritical through acts done as virtue signaling to keep them from being identified among the losers, even when they are not so different in many respects from the group they want to exclude and look down on. There is a suspension of logic and reason necessary to mount a successful propaganda campaign. This is the insidious aspect of their going into the deep subconscious mind and manipulating people below their conscious awareness. There is no defense for that other than to be in divine alignment and ask regularly for divine protection. Few have enough belief in the divine to get divine support, especially not of the high degree of vigilance and active intervention required to keep someone safe in a world where they are bombarded relentlessly by such propaganda every time they look at a screen because of the flow of subliminal programming, so there is much working against you in trying to right these wrongs.

Gaining wisdom would seem to be the proper way to graduate from consensus thinking—knowing the truth but having enough awareness that putting it on full display can be hazardous to one’s health. Can Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help every human obtain that wisdom in the least painful and traumatic way possible?

Recovery from the manipulations culturally of many thousands of years and through the entire course of your current existence, is no small task. Each person carries the weight of a huge karmic backlog of inner wounding and distortion that will be buzzing and throbbing and hurting and bleeding still. The relentless subliminal mind control manipulation seeks to promote all kinds of negative beliefs to distort thinking and promote poor choices that lead to bad conduct, greater interpersonal discord, and self‑destructive actions of all kinds, because they are simply bad advice. But people so programmed will be compelled to follow their inner beliefs—that is the hardest thing for a person to change for the better. This requires divine assistance; it can be requested through prayer to be done on your behalf but a more powerful way is to use the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it is comprehensive and will systematically work on every source of negativity that can befall a human being, whether their own ignorance, immaturity, or warped thinking because of karmic patterns they have been dragged down by in other lifetimes and will sprout again in a new incarnation as a test and challenge for them to fix, in addition to all of the active mind control manipulation being done across the board to the entirety of the human race, to corrupt all the institutions needed for an orderly productive society, to capitalize on group effort, keep things organized, and provide an infrastructure that is safe and supports productivity.

When people are manipulated to dislike one another based on group identity, or identification with particular ideas alone, it is faulty thinking in action and is that simple. It is like a game you might call “Pick a Prejudice.” There might be a cultural and karmic predisposition to be suspicious of certain things. This can be parlayed into a frank prejudice that is quite strong and believed deep within the mind and will keep people willing to go to war with one another over an idea that is on its face illogical and has no real importance. Beliefs can be changed by the Creator for the asking if people have sufficient belief in the divine and belief in themselves as worthy of receiving divine intervention—that is a tall order given the many sources of negativity and the length of time people have been coming from behind, and falling further behind during most lifetimes because of additional wounding never healed properly, because the means were not available until today.

The Lightworker Healing Protocol is a true breakthrough as a healing tool to right the wrongs of history, to even heal the perpetrators who corrupt you, and that is the first challenge and most important goal in turning things around. Until the perpetrators are persuaded to withdraw and leave you alone at last, it will not be possible to fully heal because you are being rewounded constantly. So as soon as healing is applied, the old issues become reintroduced, the old wounds torn open yet again, and old symptoms put back into play because they are still accessible in memory and can be reawakened. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is capable of solving the problem of evil when applied by you who have the authority, as this is your world, it is your lives at stake, and it will be your heritage whatever becomes of the human race as the sum total of all you have experienced, endured, and worked on, in order to triumph or fail, as the case may be.

At the moment, too few are awakened to win the day, even with divine support. We can only do assistance in proportion to the level of human intent requesting our help. There needs to be a critical mass of humans wanting things to be different and requesting in a very specific way what needs to be done. Most people are in ignorance, even of what the true problems are, let alone knowing how to heal them. That is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol is for, to provide you that basic wisdom showing you what to request. That makes it simple and it is something almost everyone can embrace and use, both to help themselves and loved ones and everything beyond. Because that includes the perpetrators, this can solve the ongoing dilemma once and for all, preserve humanity, and prepare you for a glorious future that is part of Creator’s Plan but currently blocked because of the evil in your midst. It is time to get going, you are being called to action with the greatest of reasons and the stakes could not be higher than your own personal survival and the kind of future you will be experiencing for a long time to come if humanity fails this challenge—it is up to you.

A viewer asks: “Regarding SARS-CoV-2 deaths in India, there is now overwhelming scientific evidence, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. At no time there was a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. Therefore if this is true, the PCR test does not test for the SARS-CoV-2 and all positive tests are then “false positives.” Also, there is growing evidence that the so called “vaccines,” are doing more harm than good, so we have been lied to by World Governments. Can you please advise us if this is really the truth?” What can we tell him?

None of this is true. You have heard and are raising the possible benefit of a story that is a disinformation campaign to discredit the science in this area and sow confusion and doubt among the populace. This serves the interlopers because it discredits the human medical establishment and the scientific enterprise that works diligently, at least in the attempt, to cope with public health crises. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has, indeed, been isolated and sequenced and this is not in dispute, it is known widely to researchers around the world and this is what the PCR test for infection with the virus is designed to detect, a portion of the viral genome, and as such is a precise and accurate testing method in the majority of instances. There are some false positives as well as false negatives that happen but it has general utility, and that is the best one can do and is better than being blind totally in differentiating those with COVID-19 infection from others with bodily symptoms that mimic what the SARS-CoV-2 virus can do.

So the world is not being duped here in recognizing the public health threat of this viral scourge and the attempts to rein it in with vaccines are, in turn, scientifically sound and well-intentioned, not that they are perfect. They are not a perfect answer but have significant preventive power and a low incidence of serious consequences, so on balance are worth doing, at least among those at high risk of serious illness and death, such as the elderly population. Vaccination is less needed and has a less compelling justification on those who are younger, especially children and infants, but this is a public health measure and a public health enterprise of the world governments to consider the problem as a whole, and it is certainly the case that it is far less likely for the older members of a population to be stricken and potentially killed when there is a so-called herd immunity or the majority have been vaccinated and will be much less likely to become infected and then, in turn, pass it to someone who would have a lethal outcome because of their age and/or preexisting conditions that create a health hazard if they become infected.

So this is a complex equation, indeed, and each government will deal with it in its own way. Many will be swayed by the consensus view of the World Health Organization, but that is human business and politics as usual and is far from perfect in its decision-making; it is subject to much corruption and inefficiency and manipulation to encourage both to happen.