Why do so many of the truth claims emanating from The Spirits’ Book of Allan Kardec and the GetWisdom pantheon from Karl Mollison hang on the primary truth claim of reincarnation?

The reason is quite simple, it is the central mechanism propelling the soul forward and allowing a sojourn in the physical realm which is not natural to its native existence. It is, by definition, an environment with limitation built in, and this will limit lifespan and introduce other constraints as well. In actuality, for purposes of testing free will and what people end up doing with it, the physical paradigm of reincarnation in life after life provides a quite rigorous testing ground for the degree of learning and sophistication that has been acquired, and most importantly, the ability to stay in divine alignment while surmounting great challenges and difficulties that arise from the fragile nature of the human being from inhabiting a physical body with limited lifespan.

So this at once provides a foundation and a springboard for learning and growth. It is also an important aspect of unraveling the mysteries of life, as you are experiencing it from a physical vantage point, and a clue as well to the various ways you are being manipulated and your life experience limited and worsened through deliberate mischief. All of the negativity experienced by human beings arises because of hidden influences, at least in their origins, and this adds to the difficulty in sorting out and overcoming the problem of evil that has arisen within the galaxy you inhabit, and affected the living beings therein to be untrustworthy and dangerous to be around. Much of the challenge of evil you were designed to address is important because it limits your very term in existence as a physical human being, because it will shorten the lifespan many times, and even cause death outright when someone is corrupted to take the lives of others or people are manipulated to engage in acts of war.

So understanding the very paradigm of life, transition back into spirit form, and reemergence one day in a new lifetime, and its purpose, to provide a continuum of learning and growth intended to build towards something, is all about the goals we have in creating you and what you must do to be successful in bringing about our vision for the future of the divine human and the future of your galaxy and the universe as a whole. The carryover of not only physical characteristics, personality traits, and so on, from a genetic heritage is a minor element compared to the karmic imperatives your time in the physical generates each and every day with both good and especially, bad experiences whose negativity projects into the future just like the positive will. But instead of bringing back rewards and blessings, it will return to you the unfinished business of being wounded in the past or wounding others, and find a way to make you pay attention and rebalance the negative energy in some fashion, and it might be through punishing you or causing a physical illness of some kind as a repayment, all of which limitations are teaching about life and the broader meanings and obligations you have as a soul-based being.

When much of that negativity is coming from other races of beings manipulating you to cause harm, the challenge escalates from not only finding out a way to heal and save yourself but to heal and save, in addition to the whole of the human race, multiple races of other beings—spirit-based and extraterrestrial races in the physical who are not using their incarnations wisely and interfering with yours.

C.S. Lewis said: “What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is not a bad characterization of the fundamental needs and requirements for friendship to blossom. People will not typically become friends unless there is a shared element important to both parties. This can set aside major differences that could well become conflicts if focused upon, but often in the needs of the moment people see a greater need to come together, and that will be honored. Even through tacit agreement, one must be circumspect about hidden feelings and beliefs that could be offensive to the other party and put them in abeyance for the time being in deference to the need for closeness with someone when there is a compelling need to do so. This carries within it an important truth about life and about your spiritual origins.

What matters is the spiritual connection that empowers you to begin with, informs you about who you truly are because it is coming from your very soul, which is the essence of your makeup and existence and the truest representation and definition of you as a being. When present in a physical incarnation, you are simply a projection of that soul with many flaws and limitations inherent to your very existence in this state of being so disconnected from your history and the deeper reaches of your energy and its composition. You are, in a sense, a provisional expression subject to being buffeted about by circumstances beyond your control—the nature of your environment, who you share it with, the cultural influences, on and on. The many types of stimuli and pressures can undermine you or uplift, but more the former, which is typical of today’s world with so much in disarray and so much corruption having occurred over thousands of years of subjugation.

What is truly to be treasured is your link to divinity, and its greatest expression as a human being is that you are with fellow humans, all of whom are children of the divine and extensions of our very consciousness. You are all literally part of us, each and every one of you, it is only some do not know this, in fact, most, and it leaves you in a state of ignorance and depletion as well. While this is true for everyone, forming a friendship with another person solidifies the interconnection, if only between the two of you, and in doing so you gain because you are reclaiming a greater portion of the whole from the collective of humanity, if only through one individual linkage at a time—that is worth having and many have found worth dying for.

Frankl, in recounting his experience of being reduced to a possession-less slave in the concentration camp wrote: “A thought transfixed me: For the first time in my life I saw the truth … The truth that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire. Then I grasped the meaning of the greatest secret that human poetry and human thought and belief have to impart: The salvation of man is through love and in love. I understood how a man who has nothing left in this world still may know bliss, be it only for a brief moment, in the contemplation of his beloved … For the first time in my life I was able to understand the meaning of the words, ‘The angels are lost in the perpetual contemplation of an infinite glory.'” What is Creator’s perspective?

There is divine wisdom in all of these observations. Love is the force of the universe that created everything and keeps everything going. When you take away love, there will be a diminishment and an eventual deterioration and disassembly of anything that is devoid of love for too long a time. On the surface, talk of love seems like a faint hope, a small consolation if one is suffering, especially when in physical pain and dire emotional anguish, facing imminent death, and the torment of seeing others being tortured and in a hopeless situation under the control of depraved beings who delight in their suffering. To talk of love in such a setting or about such a circumstance seems almost perverse because most think of love as a frill, a frivolity, an idle pastime, but not serious business, something to be enjoyed, and indulged in as though it were serving a sweet tooth by having a box of candy nearby. What Viktor Frankl is talking about speaks to the central importance of love in everything.

Keep in mind as you read his words, he is speaking not only his truth but the truth of the divine because he has been to the core of evil and saw the power of love to surmount it. This is the life he lived. While he was under physical control of the depraved camp administration and guards all too willing to kill him on a whim, he saw through that to the reality of love being in existence as proof of the divine and not a coincidence. The two are integral—divinity and love. When there is thoughts of love, there is upliftment because it is divine to have thoughts of love. Even something seemingly selfish, yearning to be with a loved one, like a spouse, when you are apart, that is not an act of selfishness, that is an act of self-service and completely in alignment with the importance of love for a happy, well-adjusted human being and the serving of your soul, which does need care and feeding in the form of love to flourish.

Love is your business because love is God’s business. The plight of the angels referred to is the difficulty they have to experience and surmount each and every moment, being bathed in divine love but serving those for whom love is denied and are in a dark world. It is that extreme of contrasts which can be heartrending, but the author of these words was seeing that dilemma from the vantage point of a human occupying a dark world and not the angel. Because love is all-powerful, the angels are powerful and they can look evil in the eye and know that they are safe, and all to whom they impart love will be raised up, and do their work with joy and satisfaction. They understand you all have the light to return to and will be with them one day. More so than human beings, the angels feel compassion for your tormentors. The perpetrators of evil are in the most extreme distress and diminishment because they are so far removed from love. This is the irony of what Frankl describes about those in the camps who retained their humanity, but not realizing they have the antidote for what ails their tormentors.

Hintjens suggests that “The psychopath lies to confuse, manipulate, and hide. She does not seek truth, only control. Her mind constructs magical theories in a heartbeat. She describes them with complete sincerity.” What is Creator’s perspective on the psychopath’s liberal use of lies?

Here is another good indicator one is perhaps dealing with a psychopath. The ability to lie without hesitation and to continue the lies when one is found out is a kind of hubris born of ego by someone with no concern about others. To the psychopath, other people are simply there to be manipulated and exploited in whatever way they can get away with. They have no caring about the other people because they can feel no compassion, no empathy, and so will have no compunction to mount a gesture of loving kindness because they are incapable of feeling concern and a genuine desire to understand the point of view of someone else who may be unhappy with them. When all traces back to the need for power and control, any concern or complaint is seen as a threat and an attack against them.

The psychopath must preserve their false ego-based view that forms their sense of entitlement and will defend their presumed authority harshly to turn the tables and attempt to belittle a critic. It is exhausting to be in combat continually, so even the psychopath will develop quite an array of strategies to gain time and leverage over others through manipulation. If one can outwit their critic, it is more efficient and takes less energy than to go to war. The ability to lie is the chief strategy employed because it will cover up any number of mistakes and shortcomings, and will put the other party on the defensive so is often quite successful in keeping the psychopath in control of things. Being without a conscience, they will simply not worry about the house of cards they have constructed with their “magical thinking” but are simply feeling entitled to do whatever they want, so it does not represent a burden but simply a way of dealing with others to keep them in their place.

There is a New Age belief: “If you encounter a non-physical being (in meditation, etc.) and are not sure who it is, just ask it ‘Do you come from light and love?’ Or ‘Do you stand in the light of the Christ?’ or something of that sort. It will be compelled to be truthful.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a highly dangerous idea because it will not work and, in addition, will give a false sense of security that such an exchange, if resisted, means that one is dealing with an enlightened high-level being and then have a false sense of security one is safe when the opposite is the case. Such injunctions will simply be ignored by interlopers. While the dark spirits fear the light, they do not fear humans who talk about the light because they know you hold no such power to oppose them. Similarly, the extraterrestrials are atheists and they do not believe that God or Christ hold any power whatsoever, so invoking a divine being of that sort will not be a barrier to their manipulation but may well be setting up a false test that when passed easily gives a false sense of security and will allow forming a relationship with an intruder that brings evil to the individual, and then things will proceed from there.

He asks: “Is the Arctic region an energetic portal for the planet? I know the Earth is not hollow and there are many deep underground bases and tunnels. I also know it is not flat but we’re also not being told the whole truth.” What can you tell him?

There is a complex interplay of energies through multiple layers and frequencies that envelops the Earth. There are well-established geomagnetic flux lines emanating from the poles and surrounding the body of the Earth, but the energies we speak of here are esoteric, unknown to science, and there are interstellar electromagnetic forces and other influences from the interplay of galactic bodies and the planets within the solar system as well as emanations from the cosmos impinging on the local environment energetically. These are subtle influences but have measurable effects, in terms of conveying information, and this is of use in overall sensing and balancing of things needed by Gaia to help it maintain its basic equilibrium. Some of these forces are being perturbed by the interlopers to cause problems for the planet. This is where the Rings of Saturn come into play, so what you speak of is an important energetic gateway that is vital for stabilization of the magnetosphere and the electromagnetic interplay with the Sun in particular. This has indirect effects on many things within Gaia, including weather, seasonal changes, and subtle but meaningful influences on consciousness of all kinds important for the functioning of the myriad organisms within Gaia, including human beings.

A viewer asks: “Is there any truth to the reports that the vaccines contain large quantities of nano-graphene?”

This, too, is disinformation. Again, most such stories are based on the idea, “Whatever is going wrong is a consequence of human technologies,” when in fact the extraterrestrials are more clever and more resourceful to cover their tracks, other than the insidious downside of human technology that works energetically in ways more difficult to track because they are slow to cause harm and this will only be evident with prolonged exposure. And even when discovered and studied scientifically and confirmed, the interlopers will be able to manipulate the scientific community and the regulatory bodies to slow-walk any discussion of taking potential action to change things in a way that would safeguard human health and they will make everyone, including the media, the so‑called watchdogs, complacent about the lack of concern. So even many things out in the open, technically speaking, because they are published and in print, will be ignored or overlooked as the carnage increases from their existence and its consequences.

She continues: “If yes, do we need to be careful with sharing information about the Lightworker Healing Protocol? Will it benefit her if we tell the truth about what she experienced?”

It may be of benefit to her but that is not your responsibility to see to with regard to having a long-term interaction and discussion. There is a duty to warn those you see who are at risk from the interlopers. Beyond that, there is not much you can do further, it is up to the person involved to take action of some kind if they have the wherewithal. At a minimum, it would be highest and best to do prayers for her benefit and any work that can be arranged through the LHP, for her to be given a session and her family as well, as this would be a blessing to get some high-level healing launched, and that can be a long‑term benefit in helping to keep them safe and eventually wean them away from this program.

To make this a cause for alarm may have repercussions simply because it is putting them on notice you are thinking strange things about them they may not be willing to believe or accept, and will see you as being perhaps unstable and even a danger to them through making wild accusations. So this is always a delicate matter; the way to approach it would be simply to bring up the discussion you have had about their UFO observation to relate that this may well mean there is some ongoing observation or even interaction with ETs, and that it would be a good idea to do prayer work just as a matter of course to request assistance for safety—that is a fairly benign exchange and is not pressuring or raising probing questions.

There is no need to tell her all you know about the subject. If you do have a detailed interaction with her, professing inside knowledge and wanting to intervene on her behalf, that could become known by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and give them reason to look at you more closely and attempt to manipulate you. So there is a need for prudence here and not take undue risks by being too forthright with an attempt to persuade. That may well backfire in any case as the victims of abduction are programmed to discount any subsequent recollection of memory fragments from the encounters as well as to disregard any discussion from outside parties who occasionally do witness and recall something, or who may want to persuade that individual, who is a person of interest, to research the matter further and maybe get outside help from investigators, and so on. That could cause a backlash but the victims of the abduction themselves will very, very likely dismiss any third-party commentary as really not applying to them, and conclude there is nothing really for them to do differently in their lives because there is no substance to the issue, as they have inner beliefs to this effect to create a cover for the clandestine manipulation.

If people never realize the whole truth about the world we live in, how can they be expected to try and help us make it better?

This is certainly a doubtful, despairing question, but we understand the reasons for this question stated in these uncertain, fearful terms. This is the most daunting challenge facing humanity at the current time—that so few are open to new ideas or even old ideas, but have drifted into a lackadaisical state of disconnection from prior culture, prior religious leanings and allegiances, and are in a sea of disinformation designed to produce this state of complacency and ignorance about the possibilities, still, of connecting to the divine and having things happen through requests to the divine. When people aren’t listening, when people disbelieve in the possibility that prayer can actually do something, let alone the ability of someone like your channel to reach divine level interaction and interplay to converse with divine sources, you truly have a headwind where people will discount descriptions of such interactions altogether, believing it must be a scam, a fraud, a farce being played out by imposters and not believe at all in the wisdom that comes forth, even though it might be a lofty level display of wit, charm, deep knowledge and awareness, and a deep loving concern all wrapped into one with a message of great importance to humanity.

This is why those who can hear these words and follow the work you are doing with GetWisdom have a responsibility. It is falling to those who are aware and awake in a true sense to carry the ball for the many others who are not. That is unfair, but is the reality. Those who are not taken out of the contest must carry the day, much as soldiers in combat who are not yet wounded must fight for the many brethren who go under and must be tended to as casualties of war now. You are not in a battle of bullets; you are in a battle of ideas and allegiances to truth or falsehood. That is the ongoing contest here. Things can get bloody, but need not be so at your level of involvement. You need to be a beacon of light for others through how you live your life and what you do and say in sharing your wisdom with those around you. We understand this is often difficult and has hazards of its own.

Most people wish to keep such things private inherently, rightly believing that one’s religion is a personal matter and no one’s concern, nor do people want to engage with others in a discussion of religion because many vocal adherents to one or another faith have been manipulated to become a pest and proselytize and attempt to persuade their brethren to see things their way and to their liking because they themselves are convinced they have the high ground and are very righteous in their beliefs and truly programmed to spread a message others will be doomed who take a different path. This makes your agenda here particularly a challenging one because the reality does come with a possibility of doom for all if the answers are not appreciated and adopted, and too few humans rise to the challenge and make a heartfelt request to the divine for the saving and healing of humanity.

This is the nature of energy and the ongoing contest. The divine realm has backstopped humans for millennia at times of dire need in order to keep things going, and this is only because of the unfair nature of the contest to begin with—being that you are up against superior technological capabilities, not to mention the cohort of dark spirits corrupting many of you from within, sight unseen, in a grievous and diabolical fashion that few understand and few accept as even a reality. This is the most difficult of challenges one could devise and yet here it is on your doorstep, on your watch during your current life. You may not have another life to work on this problem if it isn’t dealt with here and now within the next few years. So, we say this not to dishearten further, not to add to the seeming impossibility of even motivating fellow humans to address the problem, let alone stand up to daunting opposition of an extraterrestrial origin, in fact, a collaboration of multiple extraterrestrial races who have co-opted many humans to work with them directly.

So, this further thins the ranks you might call on to help on the human side. In spite of the challenges, we are here to tell you: you still have the high ground because you are divine; you are from the divine; you can call on the divine; and you can be helped by the divine, while they cannot. They do not believe in it, and this is why you have the advantage. The only problem is you are not using your full power. You are not praying daily for the saving and healing of humanity, and for the perpetrators to be healed and rescued from their dark doings. That is the quickest and most effective strategy to end this contest without a fight in terms of bloodshed taking place. The divine realm can stay their hand in a way they choose to withdraw, but we cannot do so unless enough humans ask for this. This is why an outreach from and by you matters so greatly. You are putting your focus directly on the most serious challenge for humanity.

It is not you are outnumbered and outpowered by a superior force working in opposition, it is that you are underpowered within your own ranks and underrepresented in the contest because so many humans are on the sidelines and have no say in the matter because they have been misdirected, misguided, and misinformed for so long they are deaf to the message. You can wake them up. We can help you do so, but you must take the first step. You must always take some kind of action in order to have a divine intervention. We are sympathetic to the cause, but we cannot do it unilaterally. You do your part and we will do ours, and together we will win the day. The workers through GetWisdom are doing their part, so it is wise of you to come here with your question because we have an answer and it is simply to keep going. Keep sounding the alarm, keep countering the dismissals, the incredulity, the naive assumption that this is some kind of crackpot scheme that is a scam or delusional thinking, some kind of death cult as has happened in the past, a doomsday cult, a doomsday prophecy that is simply a product of mental aberration with no basis in reality.

How clever the preparation has been to have so many precedents for false messages of those kinds coming forth again and again and again and again to condition the public to dismiss any such message as falling in the same category, not meriting thoughtful, careful consideration, let alone embracing and devoting one’s time and resources to. It is time for a change. The change must come through you and the like-minded who rally around the beacon from GetWisdom, broadcasting the truth of things to all with ears to listen.

What is the true function of our chakras? Some energy healers claim chakras are an energetic yoke, and that their removal will release our central energy core and open our energetic conduit to our higher selves and Source Creator. What is the truth?

The truth is the chakra system is an integral part of you as a living organism. The bio-energy field is an essential component of your physical makeup as a living entity. Kill the body, and your consciousness will live on; but while you are a physical organism, you are having a multi-level sensory experience involving multiple levels of energetics. This adds a depth and richness to what you experience, and it is, in fact, a reality. So, if you reflect on the difference of the consciousness of a being who has never visited the earth, hovering in space somewhere in the darkness, and you are able to pose to it the opportunity to consider what it is like to be a person eating a bowl of strawberries, they would be completely in the dark as to what this might mean. You could relate it via language if you were compatibly, kinesthetically intuitive and could meld together in communication in an appropriate and profound way—you could share a semblance of the sensation had you experienced it yourself, but it would not be truly a strawberry festival for that being. It would still be once removed, more an idea, more a re-creation, as in seeing a photo, than a true flesh and blood, in the moment, physical manifestation of existence in a real setting energetically.

You are in a physical reality; it is not a conjured matrix of an idea. So, what you do and experience is totally real and has great significance. That energy to do so stems from the chakra system bringing in life force energy from the divine realm. That is what breathes life into an individual. It is not something inherent in the chemical makeup of their body nor in the electromagnetic energies observable within the nervous system—for example, keeping the heart beating, triggering the lungs and the muscles of the diaphragm to work in concert to breathe in and out to obtain oxygen as an energy source, and so on, through the body systems that work on autopilot, so to speak. The chakra system is central to energetic communication in an orderly way throughout all of the body’s organ systems and the neuroanatomical makeup of the physical form with all of the nerves and all of the muscles and tendons and ligaments joined to the skeleton as a supporting architecture, and all the signaling needed to orchestrate movement as well as perceive where one is—whether erect or supine, whether touching something or not and what it might be like.

The feelings and sensations of the myriad human activities and feats of tremendous elegance and grace; the ballet dancer, the athlete carrying out a complicated physical maneuver; the sports figures with their games of skill and physical achievement with grace, speed, strength, agility, reflex actions, cunning, and perception, and the ability to react to events and anticipate and plan strategies to outwit the intellect of other beings—all of the complex human activities are orchestrated through an interplay of energies involving the chakra system. It is a level of organizing forces. That is the function of the bio-energy field. It organizes things and it conveys meaning and many levels of information and instruction from the soul level and from intuitive awareness, and a communication of the deep subconscious mind with the body to carry out and oversee and influence many ongoing activities people take for granted.

You do not spend time thinking about digesting your meals, yet this happens. You are only aware when something goes wrong, by and large. There are many levels of elegant interplay of information and the energetics of everything in the physical makeup that influences the body as well as the sophisticated interplay of consciousness itself, and that interplay takes place through the chakra system. Take that away, you no longer have a living being. So, the idea this can be dispensed with or has some other function that can be used for another purpose, whether of a ritual sort or something else, is simply misguided and incorrect in thinking. It is a design feature of the human being, and other species as well, because everything has been created using similar plans in the orchestration of energy into a physical expression that can suit the needs of the particular species and the environment they will inhabit.

This is all pre-planned and also fine-tuned over time to optimize things in desirable ways and eliminate things that proved too cumbersome, too complex, too difficult for the organism to manage effectively and became, at times, a liability rather than an asset. This is because we provide opportunities for things deliberately. We do not set out to devise something to a level of perfection on paper, so to speak, for which the creation of a life form is a mere afterthought and the true joy was on the drawing board and its inspiration. We like the interplay of possibilities with the reality of expression to sometimes see ourselves what might happen and make adjustments as things proceed. So, we created this bio-energy system to provide very specific function for a myriad of intricate capabilities essential to human life and the possibilities of existence. There is nothing accidental here, nor was it a product of evolution that left something behind perhaps no longer of value that’s only a vestigial remnant of an earlier era perhaps, persisting simply because it is not too great a burden and has not been phased out yet through a selection process. Everything you see was intended to happen and to be in existence—how it looks, how it acts, how it behaves. There are no accidents of nature on that level. Organisms are designed to be what they are and the way they are constructed.