This is a mere introduction to the topic of soul attributes, and we will explore soul attribute expressions in a future episode. Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset Protocol along with Divine Life Support are the means by which Soul Attribute problems and negative issues of all kinds are best resolved?

Here you are finally getting to the crux of the human dilemma. Whether or not people see themselves as blessed with special gifts, whatever talents, abilities, and character strengths they possess will either serve them, undermine them in some way that backfires, or be neglected and will be their choice, largely, in what happens. All human beings are facing opposition by the forces of darkness. Humanity was created to solve the problem of evil and evil is abroad in your world, and has been all through human history. It is the reason for all of the dark events, the calamities, the wars and other conflicts, the slow progress of humanity in learning how to get along and even how to surmount the challenges of physical existence, in a fragile human body, given the vicissitudes of weather and the many scourges of predators and diseases. The many lifetimes people have lived in poverty, times of famine, mass death from epidemics, devastating wars, and countless disruptions from marauders and criminals have created a huge backlog of karmic trauma—that weighs heavily on all of you, giving rise to physical illness and emotional impairment.

The scourge of dark spirit possession will awaken those traumas within your body, below conscious awareness, and that is a clue to much of human suffering. The Earth is in the grip of a Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance that conquered you long ago and set you up to be their puppets in a kind of ongoing play where you are the actors on the stage and they are writing the scripts to maneuver you into position and make you do things, or not, as they decree. And the overarching goal of all of that manipulation is not to help and improve your world but to see in how many ways they can bring harm to you so they can watch you suffer, to serve their depraved appetites as savage and heartless psychopaths who can only enjoy the power they hold over others, being devoid of love. Not only are you in this mess, you do not know it. That is the perverse beauty in what they have set up, to keep you in the dark even as they manipulate you, to set you up only to make you fail all too often.

The way out is to seek divine assistance to overcome your plight. You cannot do this on your own because you do not have the reach to fight back against superior foes who are billions of years ahead of you with their technology and willingness to do anything heartless and cruel to stay in power. The answer here is what has created GetWisdom, to bring forth divine wisdom to blow the whistle in a more direct way than ever before about all that is taking place, and to help awaken those still asleep to the realities of their existence and point the way towards the true solution. This is a problem that needs healing, not more hatred, seeking of power, or doing battle as a warrior to destroy an enemy. You cannot win such a contest. Fighting fire with fire will not work, nor will simply emanating love. That, too, is a false promise in wanting to overcome heartless beings incapable of feeling or recognizing love, what it is for, and what it can do. You must partner with the divine to not only heal humanity as a way to protect, raise up your fellow humans, and keep them from going under, you must heal the perpetrators bent on destroying you. That is the only way to turn the tide. Getting them to stand down is the only answer that will work. They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be loved enough to learn to like you and want your continued existence, they are tired of you and want to be rid of the games they have been playing and move on to something else.

Through these healing protocols, you can invoke divine assistance to get these interlopers, all of them, to move aside, at least for a lengthy period, as a kind of vacation before they gear up to carry out a wholesale annihilation of humanity which is their current plan. That will give you and all of humanity, if these healing protocols are applied, an opportunity to heal sufficiently to allow a Grand Ascension to escape the physical plane altogether. That will be your deliverance. You will have new and more exalted roles to play, as a light being full-time, without having to journey to the physical only to be pummeled and abused, and corrupted and degraded, and give you as much new work to do as what you may have set right in the course of a lifetime. Life has been a holding action for millennia. It is time to break out and implement a better answer, and that will be done through the healing protocols from GetWisdom, to truly move humanity ahead in ways that will work, and not the false promise of other spiritual practices that are well-meaning but are empty promises, because they are focused on the wrong things, and not applying true partnership with the divine in ways that can hope to win the day. You came here for a reason and this is it; it is up to you to act; GetWisdom will show you the way.

Regardless of the workings of karma itself, we have learned that divine intervention is the means to heal, avoid, and/or reduce and attenuate karmic debts and dilemmas. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and Divine Life Support bring about the desired divine intervention to heal karmic difficulties?

You are listing here all of the fine divinely inspired tools brought about through your channel in working diligently, as a scholar and researcher for years now, to refine their capability to heal, and quite deeply. For that is what is essential to solve the problems faced by humanity and all the beings throughout your galaxy who are faced with the workings of the darkness and at risk of annihilation at their hands. All of the horrific karmic trauma the interlopers have inflicted on you throughout the ages is coming to a head. The only thing that will solve the problem, and save you from annihilation at their hands, is to first get them to leave for a time so you can more quickly heal and escape from the physical plane before they return and destroy you. This is no small task, but if you can do the first part it will mean you can do the second. Reckoning with these interlopers, because they are uniformly psychopathic predators, will prove your mettle and enable you to go the distance because you will have proven the power of using these fine healing tools to reckon with that enormous karmic backlog that is looming over you and marking you for destruction by keeping you in a weakened state.

Through divine partnership, you will have all the extra power you need for a reckoning, a rebalancing that will be effective in winning the day. Prayer alone will not be enough and even Empowered Prayer. You must become healers and ask for healing. If enough human intention that was knowledgeable about the true nature of your situation were brought to bear, the world could be cleaned up overnight. But you are so far away from that level of awakening and a gaining of insight because of the great limitations of the average human being and level of ignorance, the only hope is having enough to speak for you. That is what is being provided by the GetWisdom Enterprise, to bring together healers for training in these higher level techniques so the aggregate of healing effort underway will be enough to tip the balance and ensure your victory against the darkness. We see that happening if you continue working and adding to your numbers through recruiting other humans who are open to spiritual healing in a true sense.

Heretofore, the spiritual movements and formal religions, one by one, have become corrupted and diluted in ways they become more a kind of holding action and make-work project to give a false sense of security, even as the noose is being tightened around your necks. It is not easy to awaken many to such an unpleasant truth, especially with a heavy layer of mind control manipulation to create many false beliefs and a high level of complacency. Those few still awake and able to see evil in action now have a way to respond effectively to counter those evil forces with divine healing. That is the only way you can win, and if you choose that path you will be successful—you will have our help if you invite our assistance.

Can the alien dependence on AI be exploited in our Lightworker Healing Protocol to help shift their thinking away from human annihilation?

This is already being done and is fair game. It can be made more explicit in the protocol and that may add some further human intention into the mix, particularly as people grow in their awareness and appreciation of the reach and power of AI, with respect to the human experience, because the same circumstances apply to the alien worlds, that much of what happens will be guided by AI and thus is amenable to some divine input in bringing the possibility of a change for the better.

A viewer asks: “One of the things I was told, from a very young age, is that God is omniscient, including all future events. Recently a prediction on the subject of US power outages for November 8 failed to materialize. Refusing to throw out the baby with the bath water, as the relationship I have built up with Creator thanks to GetWisdom and the Lightworker Healing Protocol feels very true, I am left with the conclusion that Creator can sometimes fail to predict the future. Is this because of freewill and the rules of engagement (to never lead), or is there another reason?”

We understand your concern here, and applaud you for being wise to reflect on this before giving up on us as either not being real, or perhaps hearing from an imposter pretending to be the Almighty, because we are not meeting with your presumed standard for divine ability. As your channel has heard from us before, and shared with his listeners in various presentations, the truth of things is quite simple. We, indeed, are all-knowing but the caveat is the future is quite volatile and predicting what will happen is, in many cases, non-rewarding and even misleading. It is at best, a kind of snapshot of the future potential underway at the moment, but if something changes or a number of things change, as typically happens, that future event may well be shifted in time or even negated by the intervening events underway which alter the energies and potentials. So the bottom line here, is that we always know the future and are therefore omniscient. It is simply that the future is ever-changing and volatile and not in our direct control. That is where the idea of free will comes in, that we are not running things, decreeing what happens and controlling the inputs and outputs, energetically. You are in the land of free agency and free will and that is absolute, that we stay out of it unless invited in, very specifically, and with very careful rules of engagement. We cannot be leading, to reveal too much about what you do not already know, because that might change things and, in effect, becomes us influencing you in much the same way as a puppetmaster.

So the event in question was not human-inspired or human-directed, but entirely the planning of extraterrestrial interlopers who do, indeed, have plans and a calendar of events they have strategized to launch. But that is changeable and can be altered at any point when things happen that could cause a complication, resulting in a delay for implementing plans for the future we, perhaps, have told someone about through our channeling. With the ever-changing nature of things, there is much variability and this makes for much uncertainty, particularly about timing. It is quite common that significant events are planned and get carried out but the timing will be changeable, and there may be a series of changes. So if one was getting a future projection about the major event in question, and then did so again, and then did so yet again, each of the predictions might describe a different timeline because of intervening events changing the potentials.

It is also not uncommon that a serious event that is quite harmful to humanity undergoes a change in plans and the enterprise gets shelved for months or even years and perhaps canceled altogether. So projections of it coming about will depend for their accuracy on when we were consulted and what was happening along that sequence of changeable circumstances. So the bottom line is, we are as much a victim of free will as you are in having to be hands-off most of the time. And what that means is, many of our plans will change because of the doings of humans and interlopers as well, so we must follow along and work with the energies to interweave the answers to prayer requests, for example, and what might be done by way of inspiration to give encouragement, support, and perhaps some insight for people to consider when something along those lines has been requested by advocates on the behalf of particular individuals or groups or people themselves, through prayer, wanting divine guidance.

We assure you that the fact we are so little in evidence as a force in your world is solely a product of the challenging paradigm underway, to put humans in charge of their world and give them the charter to solve the problem of evil. We cannot act on our sympathies unilaterally, but must let things play out as decided by the physical beings in the ongoing contest, much of the time. The more you reach out to us as an advocate for humanity and especially, to use not only empowered prayer but to do healing as a practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, you can be a change agent to enlist our help more directly, and tip the balance in your favor for saving and healing humanity.

Somewhere there is a wise balance between the extremes of paranoia and the pie in the sky pollyannas who cannot (or refuse to) see danger in front of their noses. How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and Divine Life Support, help to correct this widespread imbalance and short-sightedness that is so epidemic in today’s world? And can Creator further share why it is wise to “expect the unexpected?”

The time-honored saying is, “Forewarned is forearmed.” Your questions are a warning we hope is loud and clear, pointing out the many pitfalls of modern existence and its dangers and that there is something sinister behind it all. That is a very unfortunate and unhappy reality no one wants to hear and many will not believe, but here again are consequences of mind control manipulation and enforced complacency. These days it is hard to get people to even pay attention let alone heed warnings, taking them seriously enough to act in taking precautions for backup capabilities and strategies. In a world where half have gone mad and the other half as often as not just look the other way, because it is too much trouble to try to do something about it, there is an urgent need to overcome the manipulations corrupting the world and distorting thinking of people, almost universally, to settle for less as much through complacency as necessity at this point. The problem is, that downward spiral can reach a point of no return, a tipping point that may take you under. This the extraterrestrials want to arrange. What is needed is a solution to turn things around, something that is effective, practical, and within human capability.

We have been helping the team at GetWisdom ferret out the truth of things in all that is wrong and why. Your channel has spearheaded the search for the solution and how best to implement it effectively. The answer seems, at first blush, trivial, that what is needed is divine intervention. That has historically been seen as the answer again and again, but all too often ended with meager results and seemingly unanswered prayers. Things can change now, with the advent of the healing work that has been devised, through partnership with Creator via channeling, to better understand the need for healing and how to effectively request the high-level divine healing strategies that can only be done by us and not at the human level directly. That is the ultimate answer you have needed all along but lacked the wisdom to know what to request and why it was needed, being held down, held back, and kept in the dark, largely, about understanding what you are up against and how it could be overcome and what that would take. That basic information has now been obtained and turned into effective healing protocols, the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset. Together, they can address all the sources of negativity and their consequences in altering the mind and body, corrupting the spirit, and dooming your future.

The problem of evil, brought to you by the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance and the dark spirit meddler cohort they direct and have weaponized against you, can only be surmounted with divine assistance. What is needed is to partner with the divine, and that is best done through those tools because of their comprehensive nature and broad coverage, and their effectiveness in carrying out deep karmic repair for all that is needed to reverse inner corruption and inner roadblocks, through the ability of the divine to resolve trauma and release stored negativity undermining a person mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This can make them whole and functional again by replacing negative limiting beliefs with a positive alternative, and to deal with soul damage through restoring and amplifying needed soul attributes that are the basic wherewithal for normal and effective functioning in life. What needs to be realized here is that you are coming from behind, having lived hundreds of lifetimes as a human being in a toxic environment suppressed and subjugated by overseers making life hard, challenging you, and manipulating your personal lives and your very thoughts to serve their dark aims. Not only do the interlopers have the power to make you suffer, they enjoy doing it and it is their chief pastime to torment you.

Healing is the answer. It will raise up the interlopers, ultimately, to give up their evil ways. In the meantime, what is needed is a turning point, to get them to depart for a while, to take a break from their hands-on management of the world, a kind of vacation that will give a span of time to allow human healing to advance sufficiently for there to be an ascension. This will be a true graduation and a turning point for the Divine Human Enterprise. You were created to solve the problem of evil and, if you can accomplish this turnaround at this critical juncture when everything is on the line and your very survival depends on it, it will be a stellar achievement that will live for all of time as the greatest of accomplishments, and the benefits will flow forever. Not only can you receive needed healing, you can learn to heal others with these protocols and contribute to the turnaround directly through the pooling of energies from the many sources of leveraging within the protocols. A pool of healing intention will be created and will continue to be utilized and repurposed again and again and again, and through time it will reach and heal all of the depraved beings. This you can do, working together in partnership with the divine realm, but must be your choice. We can assure you it is your purpose for being here.

You have described why divine healing is slow being because you must work from the edges in towards the middle, given inner roadblocks people have from lack of belief, negative limiting beliefs of all kinds, and limited soul attribute wherewithal. Will our new Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset protocol empowerments to have you enabled to do more direct realignment of faulty thinking, be the key to overcoming this major obstacle to quicker healing? What is most helpful for us to know?

This is a most important intuitive insight in connecting things together here that are frequent description, as you have restated, of our working from the edges in towards the middle representing that long timeline needed to get visible results of healing. And now, with the advent of a more powerful workaround to get a hands-on realignment of people more directly, this will be a game-changer and one of the consequences will be a much quicker end result for healing requested through the protocols. Rather than having all of the indirect work, largely on the past, working towards reaching the current life experience slowly, because the present corruption keeps the healing at bay, with a direct ability to realign faulty thinking, this will remove many inner roadblocks and enable the healing forces, through resolving karmic dilemmas, to move more quickly and catch up to the present that much faster. This will speed up everything, both healing of human victims as well as perpetrators among humanity, including the dark spirits, physical extraterrestrials, and extraterrestrial spirit cohorts, who have long exploited you and your culture. It is much like needing a water supply to slake your thirst and, at long last, being able to fill not only the reservoir feeding the storage tanks but now, in addition, at the local point of delivery, having the help from the divine realm to turn on the tap so the water can flow to the client in need of that lifesaving sustenance.

Will our new empowerment of the Lightworker Healing Protocol to have Creator correct faulty thinking, work on spirit meddlers, extraterrestrial spirits, and physical extraterrestrials, as well as humans who are perpetrators?

All of these beings can be given healing assistance with the protocols to help them advance and recover from the states of ignorance, dishevelment, and depravity the worst among them represent, as the majority of these beings have spent such a long time in the darkness disconnected from the divine in the case of the spirit meddlers, and the physical extraterrestrials. The extraterrestrial spirits are heavily corrupt from living in those alien cultures, having experienced millions of years of being without a moral compass. So while the healing may take a tremendous length of time, it is now not only possible, but all but certain, healing will be successful because the tools are now in place for the first time to the extent needed to do the job in a reasonable span of time.

How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and the Divine Life Support service using these tools, successfully heal the interlopers in light of what Creator shared with us in answer to the questions asked for today’s show?

This is a most important question and we are delighted to be in the position of being able to impart great wisdom here as a reward for your diligence, as a channeler, to construct these fine tools for healing and grow to learn and understand what is at stake for all of humanity and the interlopers as well, who have humanity in the crosshairs and wanting your demise. This has been long-needed, this ultimate answer for the rise of evil. You were created, as a species, to take on evil and set it right, but the requirement to do so was the need to learn and understand what evil is, where it comes from, why that is so, and how best to counter it when it has made inroads and altered the very being of so many who are contributing to an ongoing saga of increasing depravity, subjugation, and suppression of worlds, yours included. You have long been told now that healing the interlopers is the answer for saving humanity. You now know, through much diligence and scholarship in your endless probing questions to us, that it will not be easy nor quick. So we are working behind the scenes to create a pause in their evil aims knowing that can give you enough of a breather to allow human healing to proceed in a much more rapid and effective way.

In the context of your questions in this session, we have wanted to make clear that the inability to have divine assistance in identifying distorted thinking based on faulty inner beliefs as well as inadequate expression or a distortion of soul attributes, are a fundamental mechanistic explanation for human mistakes, poor choices, self-destructive acts and other directed actions such as war. The dilemma all along, through human history, was a poor understanding of this fundamental makeup of human psychology and how the mind works to organize what is learned and combines with the built-in imperatives to strive and flourish. While those drives are all-important for feeding the soul, if the striving is based on faulty assumptions and lies providing false teachings, this will distort the inner beliefs, corrupt thinking, and misdirect a person into blind alleys, and worse, the harm it causes the self and others as well, because so much energy will be devoted to faulty pursuits of a lower order and will likely backfire to worsen things for the self and for others.

Because beliefs and soul attributes that constitute the character, and the wherewithal as human beings, are your core nature being expressed in your current incarnation, they are the most important determinants of your fate, how well you do during your life, and the outcomes you will reach, good or bad. When that central core is corrupted, all bets are off in how you will fare. This is why most people make little or no progress over an entire incarnation, and will often end up further behind from having been wounded in such a way that it undermines future incarnations, from the karmic baggage it creates you will be responsible for, and will come back around to you through the Law of Karma and act as a kind of dead weight on your progress—it may well rekindle prior patterns that are destructive and round and round you go reliving the same folly.

To break free usually requires divine help because the human approaches to dealing with problems of the mind and of the soul are too superficial in their reach to bring about fundamental change. That is why the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset are true breakthroughs in providing a new way to bring a person back into alignment with their soul. Because your soul is the origin of everything about you that is human, no matter what you would like to see yourself do better with, have more of, and be capable of pursuing appropriate goals successfully, all will trace back to soul characteristics, and then the beliefs you develop about how to use your wherewithal or restrict it, whether to believe in the Almighty or disbelieve, whether to believe in yourself or doubt your worth and your ability to overcome the obstacles you face, and so on.

Using these healing tools will, for the first time, invoke divine assistance in the most powerful way ever before achieved, to actually be proactive in taking advantage of divine wisdom and knowledge about who you are, where you need to go, and what you need to be your best self, and then work to change you back into what your true soul expression represents. Because this requires transforming you, through replacing actual inner beliefs that are faulty, it has required special arrangements to provide a workaround for the rules of engagement requiring the divine to honor free agency and free will. Heretofore, human beings have always had the right to run amok, to even be criminals if they choose, and that will not be opposed because of free will. There has always been a reckoning through the Law of Karma, but that might not come for a long while and maybe not even until a subsequent lifetime. This arrangement, at its worst, has allowed people enough rope to hang themselves with because people can indulge in selfish thoughts and behavior, and even acts of depravity, and seem to get away with it. This has led to a downward spiral.

It is no accident that the state of affairs in your world is largely attributable to interlopers bringing this evil into your world. This is why there are such contrasts between the wrongdoers, the lost and misguided, and that majority of humans who are still decent, caring, and honorable citizens wanting fairness and goodness to be the order of the day. But even those still in decent divine alignment have their quirks and their shortcomings from wounding, and this grows worse from life to life. So it is just in the nick of time that these protocols have been devised and strengthened to reach this level of divine rescue. Together, these two protocols are the answer, the true answer, for saving and healing humanity as well as the interlopers. As is always the case, it is the limitations on the human end of things that will determine whether you can be saved, how long that will take, and whether you can avoid destruction by the interlopers while all of that is being worked on.

We can tell you, for the first time, you are at a promising point in time. Even as the urgency becomes a dire need, given the short timeline to Extraterrestrial Disclosure and a potential annihilation of humanity, if the current healing work continues, there will be enough human intention to draw upon as fuel for the divine to stay the hand of the aggressors and allow time for human healing. If the aliens withdraw for a time, this will remove the headwinds holding humanity back, and work with the protocols will be more effective than ever to make up for lost time and provide the healing needed to ready humanity for ascension. That is your ultimate answer, your ultimate deliverance from harm’s way. All through history, you have been on a treadmill, as much a holding pattern as advancing, but gradually we have been able to assist you in making some of the negative things that happen bring a benefit nonetheless, and that has allowed enough progress to be where you are at the moment.

The revelations we have imparted through GetWisdom are the answer for the problem of evil and the advancement of humanity and its rescue from being targeted for destruction. If humans are allowed to ascend, that healing will continue and be repurposed again and again to heal all of the interlopers, even though it will take a huge span of time. That is the most magnificent of legacies there can be, to bring back worlds from a certain self‑destruction so they can return to divine alignment and learn the lessons humans have gained. It is an irony of the exercise of power, that it is the victims who grow wise and not the perpetrators. You have learned what suffering truly means and, by contrast, the blessings of divinity. Your would-be conquerors have only learned about depravity and how to reward their egos. You will be the winners here if you keep going and work on getting healing for yourselves and loved ones and everyone beyond, in this grand evolution of souls.

Did our client see a human ghost at his vacation home recently? Looking in the mirror, he saw a man all dressed up standing behind him, looked around but no one was there. He saw a figure in the kitchen as well. If this was a spirit, what is it doing there, and can it be helped to the light with our Lightworker Healing Protocol with Deep Subconscious Memory reset work, instead of posing a hazard to the living?

Your client was indeed witnessing a spirit apparition, and this is because the spirit was trying to get his attention. Those fleeting glimpses were the end result, but that does not mean the spirit is not around at other times. In actuality, this spirit is present constantly in that residence because of a past history with that location and, in a sense, is trapped energetically. This is not a good situation because it leads to frustration, anguish, and being led to a series of escalating attempts to get the attention and possible help of living beings in close proximity. As you know, that can lead to attachment to the aura and a penetration to take up residence within a living person as a spirit attachment and that will give rise to a number of problems because of the influence of intruding consciousness on the being. It will cause confusion by the body receiving marching orders from another conscious awareness, at a minimum. The dark emotions that can plague wandering lost soul spirits will also rub off on the host and undermine their happiness by causing stress, even when not detected by the conscious level of the mind, directly. So the healing is underway for this spirit and we are confident that will enable the spirit to interact with the light callers sent to escort it back to the divine realm where it needs to go to continue the soul journey and rescue that spirit from being in limbo. You are asking has this happened, and we are answering, not as yet. We have been working since the session you did yesterday, but making progress. You can check in with us later if you like as well.