These, in fact, are true impressions, that she is, in fact, a member of the MAP and this creates a state of vulnerability and represents a liability with respect to her wellbeing and her happiness.
She could be assisted further doing subconscious channeling and HMR work with the deep subconscious, so this is something you could possibly arrange with your channel and do the facilitation of HMR if you wanted to be involved more directly.
Your sessions have been highly effective, including the Spirit Rescue work you have intended to do. Feedback, as you have been told, is not essential at all for getting excellent results. All that matters is what your heart is in alignment with, and the intention you are launching forth in wanting to do good and to help the intended clients, whether those you know or the broad collective of humans and other beings that Protocol specifies to be included. You have a big heart and a keen desire to be of service—those are the ingredients needed to be a good healer and this you have become. Do not doubt yourself because you are a doing fine work of a high caliber, so knowing this will help keep the intention strong and effective.
This indeed is the essence of the art of living, to have the discernment to understand and recognize with accuracy, the good and evil in the endless possibilities that can be chosen moment to moment by people as they live their lives. Given the existence of many difficult circumstances faced by people in poverty or within family groups when the individual members might be deeply troubled because of adverse prior circumstances creating a karmic pattern of negative expression, the intentions launched will often be destructive and cause wounds that will hinder future growth and progress in life and create a karmic worsening of things that can keep people trapped in a downward spiral that will even cause an early death and set the person up for repeating lives of great difficulty, lack and limitation, and many failures.
It is exceedingly difficult to cultivate positive and effective intentions when one has not witnessed role models doing the same. To learn how this can bring power and success to one’s endeavors and to have an inner level of vibration that will create positive and powerful intentions leading to good outcomes rather than bad, and improving one’s lot in life accordingly, “Nothing breeds success like success.” The challenge is being able to be successful in the first place. It is extremely difficult for people who are subjected to harsh treatment and criticism, and denied love and nurturing by caregivers who might be deeply flawed and heavily corrupted, and unable to experience love themselves, and are in a position where they are incapable of gifting love to others. This is quite tragic for young people receiving inadequate parenting and a positive start in life. All such inadequate thinking and defective and corrupt belief systems creating gaps in knowledge, limited awareness, and flawed and negative inner beliefs of all kinds, will prevent mounting helpful and positive and effective intentions to make things happen in the world to create a positive outcome and the possibility of growth and success in life.
To turn things around requires often a considerable healing effort to undo the wrongs of history and heal the wounds to the soul, and the defects in the current makeup being expressed in the current incarnation by one’s soul extension being buffeted about in the world. This is a divine level problem because of the severity and the reality there are almost always huge backlogs of unhealed traumas that will weigh on the person through the workings of karma to restrict them, hold them back, and limit the range of possibilities open to them to have any kind of positivity in their lives, and the possibility of a better outcome in the future. Divine healing achieved through prayer, and especially through the workings of the Lightworker Healing Protocol because of its comprehensiveness, can make up for lost time because the Protocol has the specificity and comprehensive series of requests enabling the divine realm to go to work on a person’s existence across time domains, to heal the many lifetimes of difficulty that have contributed to the sum total of their current expression, for better or worse.
This creates, through the steady systematic healing of the many woundings through time, a reworking of the energies within the akashic records and the karmic potential in play in the current moment. This can make all the difference in removing tremendous headwinds that have prevented personal success and happiness, and replace it with upliftment as a consequence of empowering the individual, perhaps for the first time, with the wherewithal to move forward in meaningful ways and reach a higher level of attainment enabling them to be successful and enjoy the satisfaction, as well as the great encouragement it represents to motivate renewed vigor and a striving for even greater success in achieving even loftier goals. Most people cannot do this on their own but need divine help. The human assistance available is not usually up to the task of providing what is needed to change deeply rooted problems in a meaningful way. This can only be done thoroughly through divine intervention and this must always be requested because of the reality humans are in charge of their world and their experience, so we cannot lead, but will always answer your requests to work on your behalf to help you make your lives better.
It used to be conventional wisdom that “All goodness flows from the Divine” and people would turn to prayer routinely on a daily basis for their betterment as well as in giving thanks, but even that form of worship to exalt the Almighty, to show gratitude, was a recognition that being alive was a privilege bestowed by the divine and that everything available to you as a human being was a divine gift—there is an inner knowing intuitively this is so. People built their lives around praying for what they wanted to see happen and it worked very well. Many who lived successful and happy lives enjoyed that happiness and success through divine grace to help them deal with obstacles and difficulties, including their own karmic baggage, to overcome their liabilities and to be protected from outside interference and manipulations enabling their success to come about, whereas others would meet with increasing difficulty and fall by the wayside.
Prayer can work and work tremendously to one’s advantage if sufficient belief is present allowing the prayer to be acted on, as well as belief in the self to be worthy of divine support. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is a more elegant utilization of divine high-level informed prayer requests for rescue from all manner of difficulties, sources of negativity, and evil that can befall a human being, and invokes the assistance of the divine very specifically, to employ the greatest and most powerful of healing tools to correct what is out of alignment, to remove what is intruding and corrupting, and to restore inner balance and a healthy wellbeing on all levels—this everyone needs. Those who are not asking are left to their own thoughts alone to propel them forward and to choose their direction; they will receive less and less guidance from their higher self or from Creator as a consequence of their disregard for the importance of having a divine partnership, and will be condemning themselves to an inevitable diminishment.
Many works of greatness and achievements have come about all through history as a result of prayers that were launched. That can be true again for the believer who returns to practicing these principles, especially using the ways we have taught you to do it better and more effectively through leveraging and applying specificity to prayer requests and healing requests. This is correcting the many centuries of disempowerment that is part of the corruption you have been subjected to, to even use religion to disempower you, to make you feel lesser, to require humility, subservience, and especially to instill fear—fear of God—to keep you bowing and kneeling and worshiping God and asking for forgiveness when all of that is beside the point.
We do not need to be worshiped. We have already forgiven you for anything you might have done that is non-divine. After all, we understand anything you have done that is not in alignment is because you were corrupted to be less than whole. We want you to be whole. We can help to restore you, but under our rules of engagement you must ask for that help to demonstrate you are using your independence wisely and learning what you need to know to be effective acting on your own in charge of your own life. If everyone were to launch prayers for the betterment of humanity, it would get better very, very quickly. That goal will be achieved sooner if you join in, and if not, you will be missed and there will be a consequence not only for the mass of humanity but for you personally. The choice is whether you will surrender to evil and live a diminished life in your complacency and at the mercy of the forces of darkness all along the way, or will you reclaim your power as divine human to chart your course through partnership with the divine, to call on it for support and guidance, healing and protection, and to make something of yourself that is better than you would have believed possible without truly applying yourself in earnest, and working to develop your belief quotient in order to have the partnership be successful. This is something you can do in the privacy of your own mind and costs nothing but some time and energy and a giving of your heart to the enterprise. We can give you many blessings if you but ask, and ask in earnest, and from the heart.
The problems of society are not a consequence of arbitrary choices among economic systems or governmental systems alone. The true answer in promoting human progress and a successful growth and transformation of humanity to meet its full potential embodied by Creator’s Plan for the divine human can only come about through dealing with the problem of evil. So this lies squarely in your path because you were created to solve the problem of evil in the first place, that is your purpose and the divine mission for incarnating as a physical human and a part of society. What you do or do not do will be evaluated according to how you contribute towards that goal or remain on the sidelines in a state of complacency, ignorance, and disconnection. The latter is where the interlopers want you to be and work avidly to keep you constrained. You will need help to break free and to help others do so. You cannot reach and persuade everyone working one-on-one, especially in the face of the many years of subjugation, essentially lifelong for each person, being programmed relentlessly from within the deep subconscious mind to plod along, not make waves, eke out an existence, don’t fight back or question anything, and don’t expect too much either—that is no way to live.
To rise above this subjugation will require enlisting the help of the divine. It is not that the Almighty lacks a clear view of your plight or has a lack of caring, the problem is that people are not aware of the true nature of the evil they face and how and where to get help. Partnership with the divine will enable us to work on your behalf in ways you cannot arrange from the human level. You are outmatched on all fronts by the Extraterrestrial Alliance; they are smarter; they are more powerful; they are in charge already and in control of everything that matters; they are masterful in corrupting and limiting human activities. That is why you are being held down and held back again and again and again and never seem to break free and break out in a meaningful way. Your institutions are all ineffectual, largely consisting of make-work projects that never quite seem to get the job done, and often over time will prove to have been doing exactly the wrong thing in exactly the wrong way and this happens over and over again and has been going on all through history.
Reaching out through prayer in a way that is launched with the intention to accomplish specific goals based on an understanding of the true nature of the evil in your midst and what needs to be done will empower the divine realm to do its utmost to right these wrongs of history. If you amplify that further by making healing requests through the Lightworker Healing Protocol, you will have the best of both worlds by not only requesting assistance in a specific, high level, informed fashion, you will have many kinds of leverage to greatly empower the divine to use many ways to compound the available energies to bring about a more rapid, effective, and powerful divine assistance than has ever been possible in the history of humanity. The power of the Lightworker Healing Protocol resides in bringing to bear the full power of the divine in new ways and, in effect, is your secret weapon because the interlopers are atheists so not only can they not receive divine help for their selfish purposes, they also will not care much about your doing so because they do not believe that it can do anything for you.
When the divine intervenes, the interlopers think it is simply something about human thought bringing about a benefit, so they fear you coming together, they fear humans with intuitive ability because they know the mind working through the intuitive reach can learn their secrets, and they are controlling what you can think about. So those who escape their grip and are interested in spirituality, the paranormal, and extraterrestrials are of greatest concern to them because those are forbidden topics for the masses, and all such interests are suppressed in most individuals. The small minority who can rise above their power and control and still think freely and have inner yearnings to seek the truth, and feel through their own spiritual alignment that those areas are very germane to today’s problems and need to be explored and capitalized on, are a threat to the Extraterrestrial Alliance and the forces of evil. So even though the darkness does not believe in the light, they fear it and want to control any thought and discussion of the light and its power—this should tell you something about the reality of what we are telling you here. The path to your future lies in overcoming the evil blocking your way; when you reach out to us, this becomes doable and we will always answer in support of you.
What can you do when the majority of humans are complacent and are aligning behind ideas that will increase danger for them through surrendering their sovereignty to the power of a government body that benefits from their enslavement and lack of authority to make any changes? Who will be there to help you when society is divided into warring factions that not only compete with one another, but when one group has the upper hand the other refuses to cooperate and support its decisions and policies resulting in a gridlock of inaction, inefficiency, and a degraded quality of life in the meantime? Make no mistake that the strategy of “divide and conquer” is being applied relentlessly to humanity on a worldwide basis. The extremes of conduct and the many backlashes resulting from a clash of wills create the illusion of freedom, but it is an illusion.
You are being manipulated to think your choices matter simply because you may have the right to vote. This is an illusion when the politicians are weeded out if they have true leadership potential and independence of thought and a higher awareness of morality and divine wisdom. So what is left are people who will follow orders from the hidden hand, and it is society that loses. The elites at the top will continue to be rewarded through a system promoted as being “fair for all” when in reality it is “limiting all but the elite leadership.” There will be no one to turn to when you have your awakening and realize things are deeply wrong and begin to see that your political choices are not truly choices, they are simply labels and alliances that may differ in objectives, neither one of which will truly accomplish what is truly needed to make the world better and fairer.
You need divine help to deal with the true source of evil you are working to overcome. Make no mistake, that is your charter, “To solve the problem of evil once and for all, and for all of time, but for fine-tuning,” for that will be all that is needed once all are awakened to the truth of the divine and this vision is restored again uniformly to all beings everywhere, and people of all origins throughout the universe have access to the wisdom you are learning as divine humans in a contest with evil in your midst. The darkness has great power and is currently in control of things. They have not won yet and that is because of divine interventions done at the request of the true believers seeking divine assistance to right the wrongs and to raise up the darkness to see the error of its ways and accept healing assistance—this is the true way forward.
You need to use the tools we have given—empowered and effective prayers using leverage and specificity in the requests so the divine realm has clear instructions and is empowered to work again and again through a repeat of the requesting, to be enacted over and over until the goals are achieved; and secondly, to use the wisdom of the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it more perfectly defines the many sources of negativity and evil influence that can befall humanity and includes requests for divine action, using the actual strategies in how the divine brings healing about. This is the very best way and only certain way to accomplish the objective here in time to save humanity. Without it, the darkness will gain on you and overtake you in the end. Time is of the essence here to launch into action and without letup, to keep the prayers coming, keep the healing sessions and requests coming, that is how you will prevail in the end to raise up the evil ones so they give up their evil intentions and withdraw. It will be, if it happens, because they go in a new direction towards their healing, and not a further plunge into depravity and self‑destruction taking you along with them. This will allow breathing room for you to proceed in focusing on humanity in earnest, to heal all of the wounds of the past brought to you during the many lifetimes you have sacrificed to incarnate, to take on the darkness, and help humanity throw off its chains and reclaim its birthright of sovereignty to live in divine alignment in a glorious existence, and not a life of diminishment because of subjugation by groups of evil beings wanting to subvert you and exploit you for their own dark purposes.
Your destiny is among the stars. You will get there by overcoming this obstacle to progress that is holding you down and holding you back. With the divine in partnership, you will prevail. That is why we are speaking with you, to show the way, but it is you who must hear our message and accept the wisdom of our guidance.
In a world of great inequality, there are many things that need to change in fundamental ways. That is always the hardest to achieve; in throwing off a bad practice with evil origin that has become a cultural norm and rewards a certain class of individuals at the expense of others, there will be powerful resistance to change such an idea because those with power are the beneficiaries. There needs to be an opening of minds and hearts to feel a kind of empathy for those who suffer from the inequities inherent in the system. Only an act of compassion through a higher awareness will allow any kind of change to occur. In a normal world, that would happen through the inherent goodness and spiritual alignment of the majority of humans in residence. But the world is heavily corrupted through ongoing manipulation, power, and control by the interlopers who have corrupted your government and your institutions, to keep humans suppressed in their thinking and complacent and insensitive to the suffering of others.
As long as people have a bare minimum, they are accustomed to expecting little more. That is not a prescription for throwing off the chains of oppression or a true renaissance in an awakening that greater possibilities can be brought into existence through an up-swelling of desire. With the creation of fertile environments for creative change, and bold innovative thinking to try new strategies, and allowing a wholesale change in the organization and objectives of Earth’s institutions to break with hidebound tradition and create new paradigms and reward systems to encourage creativity and imagination to raise everything up to new heights—that could be done within a generation in the absence of outside manipulation.
So how will that happen when you are not in control to begin with? You cannot vote in a new government and have the expectation anything will change for the better. It will change the names and faces but the same games will continue—the same tried and true diversions and manipulations and unfair practices. You need divine help to break out of your cages and create a new world from top to bottom built on freedom and true equality and fairness. This will require a sea change in human thinking and perspectives because you have been subjugated for so long and have been rendered complacent in having low expectations for human betterment. The divine help you can access is fully up to the challenge here, to right the wrongs of the past and transform things into a vastly greater existence. That cannot happen until the problem of evil is solved; it is standing squarely in your path and it controls you. That can only be eased through divine intervention to bring healing of sufficient magnitude for those who oppress you, that there can be enough of a shift in their intentions to allow something better to begin happening.
The first order of business is to achieve a withdrawal of the dark extraterrestrials from your realm, and then removal through a healing enterprise to engage with and raise up the dark spirit influence that has corrupted everything. When this has successfully enabled a divine outreach to start them on a better path, then humanity, at long last, will have enough freedom in the range of possibilities that healing can begin in earnest for the tremendous backlog of karmic wounding that has accumulated through the ages of continued oppression. You have existed more as slaves than as free human beings. You all share that slave mentality of low expectations and meager belief in yourselves, let alone an awareness of and belief in the divine realm as part of your heritage and potential. That is your destiny, to once again rise to those heights. That cannot happen with evil in your way. The healing will only happen if you request it. It is a test of you in fact to see: “Will you do it? Will you awaken and awaken enough of your brethren to join you in the effort of requesting divine assistance to begin this transformation and bring you back from the brink of annihilation to regain strength, overcome your oppression, and initiate a new dawning era of enlightenment, through healing the wounds of the past to at long last return to your true potential that has been denied you for thousands of years of enslavement by these interlopers corrupting you through evil to settle for less and live in a state of diminishment?” That can all change if you choose for it to happen and take action. It will only happen at your direct request. We are waiting to see what you choose and whether you can do your part and live up to the promise inherent in your creation—to be change agents in solving the problem of evil—that will benefit the entire universe and change the destiny of everyone and everything within it.
This question addresses quite beautifully the needs here and now as well as the near-term improvements of human culture that will prepare you nicely for the coming ascension, assuming you heal the interlopers sufficiently for them to withdraw and not annihilate you first. That is not a minor detail, but assuming you are successful it will be because you have kept the rule of law intact and the sovereignty of the individual as a high priority, for without it the power you have individually as well as collectively will dissipate quickly. If you surrender your sovereignty to the state, you are rewarding the fox in the henhouse and there will be no more eggs when the chickens are gone. There is strength in numbers but all depends on what those numbers of individuals are doing. If they are surrendering their power to the state and disempower themselves, the strength in numbers is gone; they have given it away.
The rescue of humanity will be done by you, by individual choice to align with the divine and request that for others. This is what prayer is for and always has been. Often seen as a last resort and a faint hope, it is exactly the opposite, it is your lifeline and the only way you can survive. If you choose a loveless world by excluding the very source of love which is the divine and you let in the interlopers to take total final control over you, it will mean your demise.
Concerted efforts through prayer by as many humans as possible can start to turn things around and it will be application of the Lightworker Healing Protocol as the most powerful extension of prayer to request specific forms of healing for specific targets, especially all of the interlopers, and to address all of their schemes with specificity, that will save the day in the end and tip the balance finally in favor of the divine human and the success of the Divine Human Experiment. Those tools are the answer for preserving the gains made through the rule of law to provide a workable structure of society allowing the conduct of human affairs in a humane enough way that the idea of the divine can survive and even flourish. It is through human freedom that spirits can soar and divine love experienced and expressed freely without hesitation, without restriction, and without penalty. That is a hard-won right humans have fought for again and again for thousands of years to establish and maintain. If you surrender those freedoms through disuse and disregard what they truly represent as the foundation and origin of humanity, you will not survive—it is that simple. If you partner with the divine, your journey will be a rewarding one indeed and will ensure a glorious future greater than you can imagine, but you must decide soon to embrace these tools and use them. Your voice is needed to join a chorus of like-minded souls who want the truth of the divine to be recognized and understood and embraced by all.
When discernment is lacking there can be a distortion of perception to make people automatically distrustful of others, or through great damage to self-esteem and feelings of worthiness, people, in effect, surrender themselves to others come what may in a perpetual state of victimhood, so they are simply not even responding to normal actions to gauge trustworthiness from moment to moment in their daily interactions with others, but simply expect the worst and may even bring it on themselves through attracting perpetrators. In such circumstances, there is a tremendous healing need on display and that is the tremendous blessing represented by the Lightworker Healing Protocol, that it can bring to bear powerful divine resources to conduct an ongoing campaign of deep karmic repair and healing for all manner of predisposing difficulties, liabilities, and limitations within the makeup of a person as a consequence of many lives lived where difficulties were encountered and much suffering and failure ensued, so people came away learning the wrong lessons about life, more about what not to do than what to do—that is insufficient preparation for a new incarnation.
People will arrive on the scene as an infant in a state of incompletion and hampered and hindered again and again by the old energies of dishevelment, negativity, and low expectations and this will prime them for failure in the new lifetime. They will have much less to draw on as a way of gaining strength and expansion to grow tall and strong with confidence and self-assurance. It is amazing if you dissect the inner workings of personal interactions in how the choices people make which determine their fate in life are a consequence of trust issues as a common denominator; it is an energetic assessment not only with great meaning but of great consequence because they will govern what happens. People can build a prison to live within from lack of trust in themselves let alone lack of trust in others. Lack of trust in the self is the quickest road to failure in life because it will disempower the individual on multiple levels and has the potential to even bring about an early death when taken to an extreme. When people are not comfortable being in their own skin they may well choose to leave, and that choice to leave might be honored and they may simply leave the body which will die on its own in the absence of the consciousness that brings the life force energy to animate the physical body itself.
Everyone has karmic baggage so everyone has a level of risk. Old business will be reawakened and this will be a drain, an energy sink that takes away from happiness, makes life harder, slows down progress, and puts the person always at greater risk of other things happening that might pile on and worsen things, and lead to even a downward spiral that worsens over time and eventually becomes a fatal outcome from so much damage beyond the ability of the person to cope. People need help many times during their life. If they are partnering with the divine, that help can be brought to bear quickly and help people truly recover, regain their equilibrium, and eventually move on an upward path once again. This can be lifesaving and certainly will be a path to happiness that otherwise might be prevented altogether from too much inner negativity, whether largely a consequence of the manipulations of others or primarily a self-inflicted state of depletion.
Regardless of the origin of the negativity and its individual components, with it usually being the case that it is a mix of influences causing a particular dilemma, the Lightworker Healing Protocol is up to the challenge, and is set up to be comprehensive to address virtually any source of negativity by removing it, limiting its consequences, readjusting things to compensate, healing the effects, or a combination. Whether it will be effective, then becomes the responsibility of the divine realm to answer the many requests for the comprehensive reckoning and rejuvenation and restoration of the being to a state of inner balance. This is always done in conjunction with the permission of the higher self and due regard for the imperatives coming from the Law of Karma to honor, in some cases, struggles that mandate a period of personal suffering as a learning opportunity, whereas other things might be healed quite quickly and other things deemed “healable” but due to their complexity and the intensity of the wounding might require a lengthy period of time to undo all the contributing threads that contribute energetically to an ongoing dilemma.
But these needs and the maneuvers needed to set things right cannot be done by humans themselves; you lack the working knowledge as well as the energetics to bring about that level of healing. Even though you have innate ability to deploy healing energy yourselves, the problems most people have are greater than the level of healing they can bring to bear personally—most need outside help and from the divine realm. This can ideally be done through enlisting other humans to be your advocate so that divine energies are brought to bear but through an adequate level of requests from the human side that are supported by belief in the divine and belief in the worthiness of the intended recipient of the healing. Here is where many people fall short in attempting to get divine help through prayer, they may not believe fully in the divine any longer because of a life of hardship and disappointment that has eroded their faith. Most have misgivings about their own worthiness and their own power to bring about a change of some kind, especially when the suffering is severe.
People believe strongly in their infirmities; it is deeply grooved in and not easy to surrender even to allow a miracle to unfold. This is a limiting factor in what the divine can do oftentimes. Bringing in a human advocate applying the Lightworker Healing Protocol on your behalf means that it will be two asking for help for you and not just you alone, and it will be someone with a high level of belief in the divine and no prejudice about your worthiness, and simply having a strong desire for you to benefit provides that inner conviction about you as a person to bring the level of intention that can support a successful divine healing. That is the beauty and miracle of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, that it can make up for the shortcomings that keep people trapped, and allow a miracle to happen. This again is reason to take life seriously and to heed the lessons you learn with our dialogues together. The more you understand and appreciate the true meaning of free agency and free will, and see your personal responsibility to be a part of everything that happens to you, the more you can enlist divine help in an effective way and right the wrongs of history, and make your life a joy rather than a sorrow.