Sam Harris said: “Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn’t care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a common default of the atheist or the agnostic who is doubtful and quite skeptic about the literal existence of the divine because we are not obvious and visible through ordinary senses as being a continued presence, let alone a steady influence on your world as is the actual truth of things. Our work is hidden from view, and that is purposeful to keep you in the foreground, at the forefront, because your gifts of free agency and free will are only meaningful if that is enforced strictly by the rules of engagement to put you in charge and in the lead with us on the side, not interfering and only involved when requested specifically to do something on your behalf. That is your birthright as it was never our intention to ignore you and leave you stranded but rather to give you greater authority to act independently and make the most of it as a way to expand your reach, gain greater strength, develop muscles you would otherwise never need to use in relying on us to do things.

This has set up conditions where belief in the divine itself is a challenge because we do not come out in the open to claim credit when we might do something to assist someone. We want you to have the credit and, indeed, anything that happens must be fueled by human intention and yearning for that to take place, or making an active request through prayer to us directly for assistance in a way that would allow us to take such action in answer to that prayer. It is an interesting complexity that after millennia of there being a prominent religious practice and emphasis, even by many societies of humans around the world, such doubt has crept in that people are leaving formal religion in increasing numbers and adopting a secular view, having been persuaded by science in many cases that religion is “improbable” at best and “a ridiculous notion” at worst that might even be harmful and certainly can be perverted to dark aims by zealots claiming to do the work of God, and so on. This, of course, taints the whole subject in the minds of many and complicates things for the true believer who would like to be allowed to continue with those beliefs unhindered, and certainly not subject to criticism or ridicule by non‑believers who, in their way, are every bit as zealous in their non-belief as religious believers sometimes are in being advocates for their religious dogma and its veracity.

The fact that religion has been corrupted has a lot to do with the relative ineffectiveness of much religious practice and teaching. It lacks precision, it lacks rigor, it lacks deep understanding of true mechanisms and the meaning of human existence and the Plan of Creator and purpose of your existence, and what is possible to obtain in the way of divine support, healing, inspiration, guidance, and protection. Without clear understanding and explicit instructions, people have been fumbling along throughout the ages and this has given prayer a bad name because it is highly questionable to many that there are any benefits, and even among believers is often considered to be “a long shot” and “a last resort” in people’s thinking when something arises they cannot handle readily and think of asking the divine for assistance.

So it is no wonder that individuals like this can be so negative and categorical in making a sweeping condemnation from their own personal lack of witnessing a miracle to conclude there are none, and that all is wishful thinking or a deliberate manipulation of some kind to make people believe a falsehood. This is most unfortunate because we perform miracles every day. They are largely on a small scale and highly personal, and that is done many times in order to not interfere with the right of humans to disbelieve and be atheists if they choose. We will not interfere with human choice even if it is wrongheaded and working against their interests. We are quite scrupulous about honoring human free will, and that is the downside of having that power, that if you are ignorant about the ability to reach the divine and how to go about it, you will suffer the consequences because we will not override the rules of engagement even when a person is in a state of ignorance—that is because we expect more of you and it is part of the challenge underway for you to learn and explore, and learn from that exploration how to do things better, how to get more divine support, and what that might entail.

We leave that burden to you at the risk of many becoming cynical and in fact quite hostile to any idea that the divine is real. This is most unfortunate because we are in fact your lifeline, literally, and you cannot live without us. We are supplying the life force energy that animates your body on a continual basis, and that is whether you believe in us or not but, at some point, if you give up your belief and darken over time as a consequence, to become out of divine alignment to a severe extent, you risk being cut off from us entirely, and that is the fate of the dark spirits but will become the fate of the extraterrestrial species, who are harming humanity each and every day, because their becoming atheists has led to their degradation and are now sociopaths suffering a loveless existence and have become evil predators of other worlds including yours.

So it is ironic that a cynic can be so blithely negative about the possibility of God existing while, at the same time, their very life and existence is in peril from that lack of belief on the part of interlopers wanting to destroy them and we remain the only force that can save them and all of humanity to continue your existence. And, indeed, we have saved humanity from annihilation multiple times through the ages but this cannot go on without enough human participation and offering of their intention for our assistance. So in that context, when your lives are hanging in the balance, the negation of us with such a description about the existence or value of the divine is breathtaking in its unawareness of reality and a sad commentary on the helplessness of humanity in being so manipulated by outside forces of darkness to corrupt their thinking and putting them at risk.

Bartolomé de Las Casas, born in 1474, was an early Spanish historian and Dominican missionary who was the first to expose the oppression of indigenous peoples by Europeans in the Americas and to call for the abolition of slavery there. He narrated in his chronicles as being witness to the indigenous women giving birth painlessly and with pleasure. The body of woman, so beautifully designed, presents a great difficulty in the physiological act of childbirth being the cause of so many deaths through history. Was this another side effect from the downgrading of humanity? What is the origin of the biblical curse, “You will give birth to your children with pain?”

This is a very insightful question because it does in fact reveal extraterrestrial manipulation of humans yet again. This has been done all through human history in large ways and small. The original plan for the divine human was to have childbirth be a time of great joy and a setting that would create a bonding with the loving parents to last a lifetime and beyond, and often a reunion in a knowing way with who that soul might be. When humans have their full complement of intuitive sensing, they will know such things and will have such awarenesses. The female anatomy was altered by genetic manipulation done by the Anunnaki and it was, in fact, a kind of punishment that doomed all women through all of history to suffer grievously in the act of labor and delivery. This was not Creator’s plan, to put women through a time of torment in order to meet their young when the whole purpose of life is a joyous giving of love and a sharing, a willingness to bring in a new soul, a new life to join the family unit and join the circle of the community, a time for celebration truly and not of fear and suffering of an intense sort.

This is the mentality of the extraterrestrials you deal with, that they would actively seek to inflict this on young mothers-to-be. This, in fact, can tell you everything you need to know about who you will meet one day through the Disclosure Movement. Do not trust the extraterrestrials who will come forth. They have a gentle demeanor and will have a carefully crafted communication to lull you into complacency. This will be backed with heavy mind control manipulation to create a further disarming of concerns despite the high strangeness and the many images in the media describing the opposite outcome from alien encounters. Do not believe them because what is behind the facade is a brutal, self-serving, criminal preoccupation with their own needs and a total disregard and even scorn of human beings, and this is an iconic example of their depravity. The indigenous people who were witnessed had simply not been manipulated yet in that fashion and were living representatives of a prior time when things were different.

The passage in the Bible is a remnant of a more precise and comprehensive description of the extraterrestrial problem plaguing humanity. It survived because it in its brevity provided an explanation for the plight of the female, and the holy writings very cleverly end up blaming human misfortune on the humans themselves or a judgmental god who decrees that people suffer because of their own misdeeds. Both are distortions and are a deliberate campaign of disinformation. The reason this has survived is because of the high strangeness of the circumstances, and the fact that those witnesses to the events of those days have been supported by the divine realm, to keep their story alive so that you could be reading it here and others could get the true meaning, that it is important to know. It is not simply a historical curiosity or a misinterpretation of something by an early explorer, perhaps falsely assuming the meaning of something they witnessed. You will find many dismissing such accounts with a prosaic explanation that must have been the reason. We can tell you the truth here because you are asking with an open mind and you are asking the one true source.

Would people who were/are in a MK Ultra Project such as Monarch be considered to be MAPs also? (MAP stands for Mercenary Army Program) Even though they might never have been off-planet, they could have been used for violent and dark purposes here. Are those used for the Grey-Human Hybrid Programs likely to have also been in Monarch, meaning the Earth-based program of sexual use, drug transport, assassination, and secure info transfer to politicians? If a person “washed out” from the violence by refusing to do it, would they be dropped completely or still used for sex, drug transport, and information transfer?

There are examples of all of the above occurring for particular individuals. In general, the programs are separate and distinct and the large percentage of those involved serve the single programs. Those in the Mercenary Army Program are the elite warriors that are being groomed to serve the Extraterrestrial Alliance as their effector arm, their outreach and enforcement of their aims and wishes to keep things constrained, manipulated to the advantage of the Extraterrestrial Alliance and ultimately leading to the annihilation of humanity.

As such, these individuals are special and are highly prized for their learning in the training that is highly rigorous. There are many taken into the Monarch Program who are not of the same caliber as someone in the Mercenary Army Program—but nonetheless serviceable because of their personal characteristics, their ease of manipulation, their physicality making them ideally suited for espionage work for targeted killings, or for use as a sexual lure or a victim, and those individuals will be conditioned and programmed independently in such programs for those respective roles.

There can be washouts from the Mercenary Army Program who will find their way into other work and that will capitalize on much of the conditioning that was invested in attempting to make them a high-caliber warrior. So this is where there is a blurring of lines and a cross fertilization and so this does indeed happen. We’re talking here about a commodity as far as the Extraterrestrial Alliance is concerned. To them, all human beings are despised but useful tactically in controlling other human beings—to manipulate them and to give rewards and punishment as needed to maintain order, and to orchestrate more sophisticated manipulations of human society, the comings and goings on an individual level in many cases—particularly those of high-level leaders, positions of power and authority, and the individuals seeking truth that may pose danger through too great of revelation about extraterrestrial doings. The end fate of those taking part will vary greatly depending on their ability to be trained and become reliable to follow orders without hesitation and without subsequent consequences, representing a leaking of awareness beyond the boundaries of suppression that is orchestrated to happen to contain the truth about these programs and what they are doing behind the scenes.

Individuals who crack, who show a leakage of suppressed knowledge and memory will be reined in and given further conditioning to reimpose the suppression needed to keep the secrets. If they stray too far in divulging inner awarenesses there can be more serious reprisal including their elimination entirely. So the sequence of events for each person will depend on how well they do and to what extent they may be needed, and there is an attrition through aging as well that factors into things. The young and the spry can do things requiring greater physical demands than those who are getting older and the same is true for the utilization for sex work.

This is very unpleasant to discuss and unpleasant to hear about, but it is a major undertaking and happening all across the planet on multiple levels. There are many agencies of governments in many nations who are utilizing mind-controlled individuals for clandestine work as well as personal exploitation simply because they can. Once people have been trained and programmed, they are simply serviceable and useable on command and must obey because it is their programming and not subject to their own natural inhibitions or morality. This the most dire and evil subjugation of human sovereignty one can propose—to take someone and entrain them to carry out a concerted campaign through a succession of evildoing at the behest of a dark cabal and thereby incur the karmic consequences personally of their misdeeds, is turning people into a criminal in effect and betraying humanity.

This is the greatest depravity one could envision. It is one thing to embark on such a path oneself, but to take innocent human beings and in effect force them to do it in your stead as pawns to be manipulated as instruments of your dark desires and wanting the spread of terror and fear and for people to suffer, goes far beyond making a misstep, surrendering to a moment of greed or wanting an advantage in power or status over another. In all of the corporate ladder climbing, the gossip, the backbiting, the poisoning of minds and sabotage people engage in in a petty way to undermine others, thinking it will help them become elevated—all pales in comparison to this orchestrated level of savagery.

A. W. Tozer said, “Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one.”

This is a very nice summary of how we operate with respect to our agenda. That is always a mystery to many and has puzzled philosophers throughout the ages. In truth, there are many agendas but they all evolve around you and your mission in life. As a part of us, we want you to expand on things, all that has come before, all we have done ourselves, we want for you to build upon and extend further and have given you the wherewithal to do so, if in a somewhat diminished mode, being a physical being and not a light being at the moment, but that is at the moment only. What is needed many times for you to realize this, and pick up the threads to continue your mission in service to the light, is to have that inner awareness, “We are real and we are calling you to action. Our drumbeat is the rhythm of life. Our presence is the texture and the tapestry of grace and beauty and love wherever you see it on display.”

We are within you, watching and waiting and listening, and for those who reach out to us, will partner with them much more directly to help support and guide them and inspire them to greatness, and give them help along the way with healing and protection at times from the hazards they will encounter inevitably in your difficult world. How that comes about is through learning, always. In a vacuum, an infant growing up on its own with no input would likely not find its way to us, at least not in a way that could enable it to gain the most from a partnership. The young must learn about us through you, through those who have come before, to point the way and provide the teaching needed. Even then, the question is, “Will it strike a spark within?” This is what your quote speaks to, our revealing our existence and a call to action to make itself known to the person in a way sufficient to awaken them and inspire them to act in some way to move closer to us—that is the beginning step, and if taken, will be encouraged to continue and can grow from there to something truly wondrous and majestic if people keep at it.

Max Lucado said, “God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”

Here is another meaningful and insightful truth about your experience and circumstances, that even as an extension of us, you are on your own while in the physical as an incarnated human being. You are in a land of difficulty and challenge, a land of darkness in many respects. Despite our intention for you to have a beautiful and loving world to inhabit, the darkness has crept in. You were, in fact, created to solve the problem of evil. That tells you all you need to know, truly, about what you are up against and likely to experience as forms of negativity from time to time and perhaps unremittingly for some of you. This is not meant to be a kind of torture, but in its severity and level of difficulty truly does reflect the measure of the divine human, who you truly are, and what you are truly capable of. Even if you are not aware of this yet, you have much greatness within you, and we have every confidence you are up to the challenge and will be able to solve the problem of evil and turn around all the difficulties that have plagued humanity throughout the ages.

You will create the healing needed to solve this dilemma and raise up everyone, especially those who are depraved, who are the troublemakers and causing all of the problems for so many beings who suffer and are diminished. You can right these wrongs and, in the doing, will achieve the greatest of rewards you can imagine far beyond what you might think of as “being in heaven.” We can tell you, there is a greater level of experience than being in heaven and having unremitting bliss to bathe in and comfort you. The depths of love are beyond your imaginings and the rewards of joyous fellowship with other divine beings in that setting are indescribable. What will open up and expand is a higher level of attainment across the board, a whole new level of experiencing that will greater expand all of those wonders and will be earned by you and brought into being because of you—that is an arrival that is certainly worthwhile.

Hudson Taylor said, “I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I ended up by asking God to do His work through me.”

We love this quote in particular, because it so aptly describes the human dilemma and the progression of learning and awareness that can come in life well lived to gain a maturity and perspective about one’s role in things, and the possibility of expansion and taking on a wider role that serves not only the self but all others, including the divine. This is the highest expression you can achieve, to be in divine alignment and in service for the betterment of all. There is nothing more godlike than that. If you live and breathe that role, you will be in harmony with us. That will greatly empower you and can even make you impervious to harm because there is so much more we can do for you and more powerfully, to the extent you are in alignment and have the high vibration of divinity in your current expression of energy. This is not easy to attain starting from being a physical human, but it is worth working towards because much more can happen when you do.

This is, in essence, what takes place when you partner with us on any level. The simplest to arrange is to use prayer to reach out to us with requests. This can be done for any purpose and we have recommended prayers to help you understand the basic difficulties of life and how to counter them through divine assistance, and that is a good beginning. Learning how to pray, and how to empower prayer to make it much more effective, will give you a much greater reach and a greater likelihood that you will excel and you will progress much more rapidly and thoroughly and successfully through a partnership with us than you could ever do on your own. The tools are available through our teachings in the GetWisdom Prayer Empowerment download; it is a good template to follow and you can use as a guide when praying for any purpose; it will inspire you and instruct, and will make you successful in building a partnership with us, and is a perfect way to achieve that because you will be praying the right way to make that possible.

The greatest expression of service you can render is to embrace the use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, as intended, to serve the needs of humanity by healing the interlopers and attending to the removal of evil from the entirety of the Milky Way Galaxy. That is the human agenda in its grandest expression. Unfortunately, for human survival, that level of achievement is what is needed. Without it, evil will still be in power and a force to reckon with that will continue holding you back and holding you down, and you risk extermination if that healing is not carried out in time to save you and others. We wish this were not so, that it has come to this dire a turning point, but the good side of this is there could not be a more important or urgent reason and motivation to reach out to the divine and apply yourself for the betterment of the world and the universe.

The Protocol has built within it all of the requests needed to address every source of negativity and to invoke every high-level means through which the divine realm can repair the evildoers, as well as humans who have been harmed at their hands, and restore all to a higher way of being. The two go together—the healing of the perpetrator and the victim—the victims cannot be healed and have that last unless the perpetrators are healed as well. Similarly, the perpetrators cannot be healed without healing their victims, because that level of restitution and rebalancing for their wrongdoing is a requisite for them to escape the consequences of all the negative karma they have created through their depravity over many millions of years now.

You are relative newcomers to this contest, but you were made to have the wherewithal to turn the tide and bring about the rescue needed for a grand healing to resolve this dilemma, finally and completely, and for all of time. When you are successful, this will be a turning point enabling human greatness to catapult you into higher modes of existence from which you will not need to return to the physical ever again and suffer its limitations. You will be ambassadors of light uplifting all and helping keep things in balance through your expertise, all of the hard-won lessons you have learned through the many lives you have devoted to solving the problem of evil, and truly understand, through living it, the consequences of such negativity and how to maintain your balance and your divinity even while struggling with the darkness.

The Protocol will be your instrument of deliverance, and all others involved in this contest, because it is all up to the human being using this tool and prayer as an adjunct. We know not all will choose to become healers, but all have that capability within but do not know it. The Protocol makes it easy to do but both approaches, Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, can win the day but it is up to humans themselves to awaken to this truth and act on it. We await your choosing, we believe in you, and we trust in your goodness and your growing wisdom.

A viewer asks: “It’s just been reported that John McAfee, the controversial creator of the first commercial antivirus software, has been found dead in his Barcelona, Spain, prison cell where he was awaiting extradition to the United States for tax evasion. I was reading a tweet of his just last week. It didn’t sound like a man ready to kill himself. Even from his prison cell, he was telling the world how China has implanted CCP operatives even into management positions throughout U.S.-based software firms, and this has made Chinese access to backdoors embedded in operating systems like Windows and Android, and Apple IOS an absolute fact. So I think “they” did him in to silence him. Can you check with Creator and see if he was in fact murdered?”

Unfortunately, that is the case, that his death is unnatural and it was due to the fact he was speaking the truth about spyware and the corruption through the usual means of mind control manipulation, and the dual nature of the intelligence agencies of various governments serving the darkness more than their own nations and what is highest and best for them to be involved with through using skullduggery of all kinds. And this is why increasingly there are so-called “cyberwar events” with the advanced technological nations jockeying for position to keep their own cyberspace safe and secure from outside interference or manipulation while working earnestly with their own technical experts to carry out cyberwarfare against perceived enemies.

This is all enhanced and manipulated to happen at an ever-increasing intensity. It is just a modern variant of how to start a war that has been done through many means in past eras. It used to be that only a physical violation of territorial borders, and perhaps taking game or other resources from foreign soil back to the homeland was the flashpoint to create an international dispute and a reason to go to war. In today’s world, it can be done through first having only a war of words carried out through leaks to the media, but also more cryptically, done via hacking into secure networks, inserting malware to cause a breakdown in function of digital systems, or for spying by breaking into secure systems to capture information, all of which are trespassing at a minimum and highly provocative and could easily be seen as justifying a military response with more traditional weaponry.

So it is a dangerous game being played but it is being ginned up by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and not solely corrupted governments and their intelligence agency operatives acting unilaterally. The purpose is always to create fear, resentment, and animosity between nations for the purpose of causing trouble and hopefully, from their perspective, loss of life in addition to draining financial resources to simply stay on top of all the mischief-making that goes on. So the problem with McAfee is not so much that he has deep insider knowledge about the ways technologies have been corrupted and are being used by government agencies for nefarious purposes, but that he is someone who cannot be controlled and constrained. He talks too much and his behavior is too erratic to leave him on the loose, that is why he is being reined in first through legal means to get him locked up and away from the public eye, and then this “final solution” being rendered to simply end his life so he can no longer be a wildcard in supporting the uncovering of the darker side of things and, by virtue of his past reputation, being listened to and gaining a following, so that is what led to his demise.

Spanish philosopher George Santayana is credited with the aphorism, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” One of the hallmarks of human consciousness disconnection, is the lost faculty of simply remembering the past, past lives, and having unfiltered access to the akashic records. As a result, the study of history has become more a guessing game than an authentic survey of the past. Yet, even with all its misinformation and dead ends, it still impresses the wise as one of the more important undertakings an ambitious champion of the light can pursue. What is Creator’s perspective?

Understanding the past and appreciating what it all means is, indeed, of the greatest importance because “the past is prologue,” it is the springboard for everything new that takes place, it is the foundation from which you redirect your life in some new way, if only going about your routine, but allowing things to intervene and bring new opportunities or perhaps a reward along the way for the effort expended in carrying out that routine, whatever it might be. Your knowledge base and your discernment you develop through encountering all that happens and reacting to it and learning what works, and will not work, to make things better in some regard provides the teaching mechanism for you to proceed on a soul journey for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge and new skills as well. That knowledge is a mixture of personal experience and the learning obtained by many, many others and shared, not only through personal interaction but more commonly through written accounts in historical records of what has gone on before and what it was believed to mean by society as a whole.

This is the job of the historian, to reckon with world events and assign a broader interpretation and overall meaning, and hopefully attending to the details with reasonable accuracy to provide an honest account of what took place with as little personal reinterpretation as possible. Because humans are imperfect, anything done by humans will be imperfect, and this includes recording history as well. This is why there may be differing accounts, and sometimes wildly differing accounts, of historical events and their meaning. This is very instructive because it proves what we are telling you, that humans are not reliable observers or representatives of the truth of things because they may be highly biased by personal interests and their individual makeup, and will inevitably reinterpret things and become a kind of filter distorting reality in the process. This is unavoidable so the historians, being human, will never give a perfect accounting but it is all one has when you are unable to speak to the divine directly, to learn the divine truth behind things.

We know the ET Alliance has worked diligently throughout human history to obscure and deny access to genuine historical knowledge. As the majority of ET Alliance members live in a power hierarchy, does their leadership also suppress their own history to make it inaccessible to their citizens? Don’t psychically gifted members of the Alliance, and especially the Anunnaki, have direct conscious access to the akashic records that would provide access to genuine history? Can Creator comment?

Although the extraterrestrial races, including the Anunnaki who are manipulating humanity, are highly advanced, they are also deeply flawed and in that regard humans are not so different. While capable of lofty thoughts and divine wisdom in making decisions in how to live their lives, they are still subject to outside influence and are sorely lacking in a deep understanding of their history, their lineage, and true origins. In this respect, history has let them down and this shows at once the folly of relying on historical records and accounts for a deep understanding of the world and its makeup.

We are discussing here, the reality that where you have been will have a huge influence on where you go next and how you get there; if those historical origins and influences have been obscured, this will erode your very foundation in some respects and you will be the weaker for it. The Extraterrestrial Alliance, in their control of humanity, have corrupted your recording of reality so the written accounts you think of as the “historical record” are hopelessly inaccurate and biased in not only how things are interpreted, the kind of spin put on them, so to speak, but even whether important events are referenced at all. They may be simply dropped from sight and are no longer discussed, and will be governed by the level of manipulation desired to keep humans thinking in simplistic terms and unable to take away the true lessons history could teach.

Humans are largely blind to the way the world works and who is truly influencing what happens and the ways this is carried out. For all bad things that happen, humans and human actions will be blamed when in fact it is the doing of the interlopers causing bad things to happen, often through manipulating human beings to act in negative ways to cause trouble and harm to others, and not truly a spontaneous agenda of those people alone—they are put up to it through mind control manipulation. So any recounting of what takes place will, by the very nature of the clandestine manipulations being done all through history, you will only get a surface accounting of the events that take place and not the true motivations and origins for the events themselves, because the motivations will be hidden from you, and this makes a true historical accounting an impossibility to begin with.

Your question presumes that the interlopers using these tactics would have to be smarter, and would spot it being applied to them by their own regime, but this is often not the case. They are lied to and manipulated within all levels of their own governments, just as happens in the earth plane where even in so-called democracies, government officials feel entitled to do many things unilaterally without the awareness or permission of the voters, and many government policies exist that are inimical to the interests of the voters, and this may even be actively hidden to avoid any interference. Many times this is simply a manipulation by the interlopers to carry out activities that will end up causing harm, but those in charge are made to be complacent and insensitive to the downside in the people experiencing it. The same thing is done within the savage hierarchy of the extraterrestrial worlds, they are ruled by tyrants and are used to having many things happen at the whims of their leadership, so they have become complacent about the inconveniences they are subjected to and the level of uncertainty and stress inevitable when their very existence is at the mercy of overseers with the power to terminate them on a whim.

As human history has taught very clearly as well, when in the grip of an authoritarian and totalitarian regime, people will not question those in authority because they have learned the hard way that they will be punished for being a critic, so they will not ask questions and as long as they obey those in greater authority, they will survive. This is the fate befalling nations again and again who are under the leadership of tyrants. In such settings, the truth is simply not welcome but will be inconvenient at best and a threat to the established power base at worst, so there is always some governmental manipulation of the truth of things and much information distorted or withheld by the powers that be. In this respect, your world is a reflection of that of your slave masters within the Extraterrestrial Alliance who taught you how to be this way.

Winston Churchill is credited with the statement, “History is written by victors.” As far as the ET Alliance goes, they are usually the victors in any direct contest, and the control of history would seem to be a top priority. Yet, on Earth anyway, alternative histories have a seemingly persistent way of surfacing and casting doubt on the ordained and orthodox narrative of the past. How much of this “bubbling up” of the true past is the result of divine intervention and inspiration?

We would say almost without exception that pursuit of the truth is divinely inspired, otherwise people will simply not be motivated and will not go to the trouble because the rewards are often meager for those seeking deeper truth, and in fact their efforts will often be met not only with resistance but with criticism and perhaps even ostracism in the end for bringing up inconvenient truths about the workings of the powerful. The greater truth and higher wisdom in Churchill’s quote is reflecting the reality that your world is heavily stage-managed to turn out the way it does. Even though you see it as often a kind of chaotic randomness that somehow works out at times and other times leads to disasters like warfare, we can tell you that in most cases, the Extraterrestrial Alliance gets their way to bring about misfortune, inequality, tragedy, and suffering of all kinds. What is hidden in the litany of woes is the many influences the divine will arrange to mitigate the damage, reduce the intensity of suffering at least, if not prevent it from happening, and to keep a lid on things, so to speak, from being even much worse than actually takes place.

So you are interested in how historical accounts come to be and whether there is a divine intervention when these are not obscured, but rather survive with an honest accounting that may be a revelation that helps future generations make sense of things, and perhaps avoid errors being repeated, and that this might be an example of divine intervention when it happens. We will tell you this is very much the case. This is the reason there are interested scholars in the first place, to probe into such things. When they hit on the truth of things and end up supporting perspectives that will lead to better understanding and greater insight about human behavior and human conflict, and thereby better inform a new generation of human beings striving to do better, this will all be owing to divine inspiration. This is not to take away from the human achievements involved. You are the boots on the ground, so to speak. You may have a divine impulse to do good but if you choose to not act on that, we are helpless to intercede as we cannot do so unilaterally, we can only use your energy as a springboard to assist in some way with our energies.

So the interesting interplay here is that the written accounts of history will vary in their authenticity but this will, in turn, be mirroring the reality that world events are bad or good by turns in proportion to the extent divine intervention is allowable from moment to moment based on the rules of engagement. We are looking to humans to set the agenda, be in the lead and decide what is needed, and reach out to request something of us in order for us to intervene. We will make every attempt to do so but when belief is inadequate, either in the divine or in the self, we may have to stand aside, and when there are mixed motives with people wanting to be self-serving as a major agenda in what they do, divine assistance might be withheld to some degree and perhaps to a large extent. In those cases, the victor might well be the Extraterrestrial Alliance and they will see to the recording of history in a way favorable to their intentions and agenda.

So the interesting dilemma for you is developing the needed discernment to know the truth of things when you read an account of what has happened that might well be biased, and being able to discern when divine truth is, in fact, coming through or simply the propaganda of the powers that be, wanting to manipulate you to accept the status quo, for example, or embrace some of their handiwork as a blessing when in fact it might be a quite mixed influence on things, and the world would benefit from a more critical and skeptical analysis of what is being reported. It will rarely be easy to know what is based on historical accounts and secondhand information. There are so many sources of error and competing agendas to contend with, but it is a given that whoever is in direct control of things will have the greatest influence on what is recorded and then recounted during any particular interval.