A client asks: “My son’s back is much better. Many thanks to you and your “team.” He is in the midst of doing a graphic design job as a “trial” to hopefully get hired for his dream job. I am feeling that perhaps this Friday, the subconscious channeling should be about the pattern of “self-sabotage.” In the past, when he was at the precipice of moving forward into something that truly lights him up and feels made for him, something happened to stop it. (Either his back would go out, or he would have some kind of mental issue. Or suddenly, without warning, he lost the internship.) I’m hoping we can help him break that sabotaging pattern. I wanted to check in with you and see what you think/feel about this?” Is he self-sabotaging or is he being targeted? What is the best issue to work on?

As often happens, your intuition comes to the rescue to point the way to truth and a deeper understanding of many, many things you encounter in your efforts to help the people who come to you. This young man indeed is being targeted—that is the reason for his many setbacks and obstacles. When things seem to collapse and fall by the wayside so there cannot be a follow-through and any persistent long-term success, the normal perception would be, it cannot be coincidence that this happens over and over unless the person is doing something to bring it about.

We can tell you that it is sometimes his doing and sometimes things manipulated completely beyond his control, but even when it is his doing in some way or another by making a misstep, so he gets off on the wrong foot and then something becomes unworkable or is canceled, he is manipulated to fail. And so, that is quite different than self-sabotage in the usual sense where people are reacting to an inner conflict and choosing to limit themselves in a misguided attempt to avoid success because they fear its consequences. Sometimes it is safer to fail and not have to take on the challenge of going further and experiencing the burdens of greater responsibility and having more at stake than before. Many people who have frequent failures in life fear success more than failure because it is unfamiliar and daunting, and in their mind becomes only something they will likely lose, and then the pain will be much greater than not having made the attempt in the first place and settling for a lesser existence, but at least they have not taken an active part doing their utmost only to be rejected and have it end in failure.

So his issues are solely external in origin. This includes much of the past negative karma that is the cause for his current suffering, and many things as well being worsened in their consequences because, as he is manipulated to have things go wrong, this does trigger inner conflict about the legacy of this having happened in multiple prior lifetimes. So failure is nothing new for him, it has been engineered to sideline him again and again. This has been preceded by lifetimes of great works and making a tremendous impact for the better on the world, and that is the reason he is being targeted relentlessly in this lifetime. So we would suggest rather than work on “self-sabotage,” to work on the issue of “having plans fail when something goes wrong to limit his success.” That leaves the author out of the equation and this is most appropriate, because even when he has a hand in things going wrong, he will not realize at the time the reason for his own actions—it is engineered and orchestrated to happen but without presenting a rationale.

This is what makes it so insidious as well as effective, because he will not see it coming, he will not have given it thought, simply acted on an inner impulse sent to him, so he will not have a basis for second-guessing things that could help him break out of this pattern. He cannot simply be more cautious, more careful, more discerning simply because he would like to see that happen. This is beyond his immediate control but the consequences to him are significant. It is a major source of a worsening of things that he carries the burden from many such experiences, all of which are traumatic to him. This is well worth attacking as a healing need and opportunity and it will benefit him greatly.

The Rosary is one of the most said prayers in the history of humanity. In that sense, it is indeed a phenomenon worthy of exploration. The words, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God …” This is three-quarters of the entire prayer, and there appears to be no action item in any of these words. However, looked at from another angle, when one says “blessed art thou” is this an action item conferring your own blessing onto Mary, adding your intention energy and thereby increasing her divine or “blessed” status? Is that even possible? And will this benefit the one praying?

We see this declaration as one of simply honoring one who is thought to be holy, but does not constitute an instruction to the Almighty to confer blessings on Mary per se. If you think about this, you will see the truth of things, that most religious people do not feel they can ask the Almighty to carry out such acts for another divine being. So it is a form of worship, one of recognition to state the belief that Mary is special and assumed to be blessed by the Almighty for her place in the pantheon of the highest and holiest beings. If one were to hold the intention for God to bless and honor Mary for the reasons given, we would do so because that is a worthwhile prayer, no different than asking the divine to bless yourself or bless one of your children and thereby confer some special favors. It would be far better to make this explicit if one wants this to happen and, moreover, to state explicitly what one means by “blessing of someone”—that is the vaguest of terms and is a weak prayer in itself even when intended to do good.

The question for the divine realm is, “What good is to be done? Are we to smile on her, send her a message she is being honored and to congratulate her for being thought of reverently, to give her kudos for a job well done, or something more to raise her up further, to give her extra reach and capability as a kind of reward, and so on?” None of this is stated so none of this can be done. We can only do the merest of energetic tokens in response to a prayer outreach of that kind because it is not precise and descriptive with specific end results in mind. To pray for someone is always a karmic blessing and will benefit the one who prays as well as the recipient, but the benefit will be weak if the prayer is weak so that is good to keep in mind. You can give some thought to honing your prayer skills and this we have endeavored to help your channel with, to help teach others about how to empower prayer.

How much does our memory of being eternal light beings—when we had all the time in the world—play into our collective blind spot to the shortness of our physical lives? This can be seen in the plethora of unfinished projects that many heirs to an estate have to deal with. From thoughts like: “Someday I’m going to restore that car” that sits rusting out in the backyard. Eventually, it becomes painfully clear to everyone, that “someday” is never going to happen as the ravages of time take their toll on both the owner and the project itself. Yet, the stubborn owner hangs on to the dream till death (and sometimes even beyond, as earthbound spirits may still continue to cling to such dreams). Can Creator comment?

Here again is an example of discord between the competing interests of the current life circumstances versus inner yearnings and long-term ambitions that might be realistic or non-realistic if one is overreaching beyond one’s means or capabilities. There are often many aborted projects because they are more about a dream than reality to begin with. People sometimes assume they can do more than they are truly capable of. There are many would-be artists, musicians, and writers who lack the talent and ability to be commercially viable. There is nothing wrong with a hobby devoted to such pursuits but many start out with higher ambitions and then end up dabbling and living in a kind of fantasy projection of their desires that are not matched by reality.

There is a deeper tension and conflict in play with such situations, and that is that as a soul-based being of light, you come from a lofty origin and have a lofty makeup and have had far loftier capabilities than you can muster as a human being in physical form. Therefore, the inner yearnings and the glimmerings of doing great things you might dream about, because they have happened in other times and places, is in stark contrast to the dark energies and heavy dense energetics of the earth plane. This keeps you grounded in more ways than one. It is hard to soar when you are in a primitive state of being with a limited mind and a meager intuitive reach cutting off higher sources of inspiration to a large degree. We prefer to see such abortive plans as an aspect of the truth of human existence, that you are more than you seem, and even if you bite off more than you can chew at times, that appetite is saying something important about you and we always honor you for your energy and passion even if your reach exceeds your grasp.

5 Scenarios Where a Spirit Rescue Is Beneficial or Necessary

What happens when we die depends on what has come before. For one out of three people, their spirit does cross over but gets stuck in lower astral planes. This means that they’re going to be unable to move higher along the astral world and on to heaven. For many, this means that they’ll be stuck in what is essentially purgatory or right outside the human world, leaving them in torment for eternity.

You can help a loved one move on and ascend to the higher heavens through spirit rescues which will prevent them from getting stuck or allow them to move on and cross over. Lower astral planes are harder to break past on one’s own and so it’s important to have that extra support, help, and rescuing from a professional Lightworker.

Lightworkers use the power of prayer, focus, and specific methods to help souls gain redemption, clear karmic backlog and trauma that is holding them back.

Spirit rescues are an incredibly vital and important healing method to help souls that are suffering and struggling with various afflictions. Here are some scenarios where spirit rescues become necessary for the recipient:

1. In case someone has had a traumatic life

Someone with a traumatic life is someone who will struggle in their next phase of existence too, and may become earthbound when they pass on. Karmic trauma from your previous life may very well carry forth into this life or become exacerbated due to current struggles, incidents, experiences, and trauma, as well as interloper interference and torture.


These incidents can add more aches and pain to your current state, making it increasingly difficult for you to find solace and peace wherever you are. A spirit rescue may be needed for people who’ve been through a lot in their lives because suffering will almost certainly make the rest of their journey a tormentful experience.

2. A loved one passes away in a painful manner

Another case wherein a spirit rescue would be beneficial as a precautionary measure would be when a loved one passes away in a painful manner. Whether due to diseases like cancer or Alzheimer’s, a traumatic car accident, murder, or anything involving pain or violence, a rescue can be incredibly effective. Having great fear of dying is commonplace, and not always discussed with family. Their may be fear of punishment if there are regrets or guilt about personal failings.

Being in a low vibration from a painful, fearful death can make it difficult for a soul to cross over, leaving their spirit stuck in limbo. Sometimes they may seek revenge, other times, they may be struggling to find closure and peace or just confused by what happened. This is especially true if they were unable to process and understand the gravity and weight of what happened to them and what they went through. Many are unable to move on because of this ‘unfinished business,’ and prayer, cleanses, and rescues can help them see the light.

3. Unexpected sudden death or disbelief in the afterlife

When people pass away unexpectedly, they lose the body and the brain and are perceiving things intuitively, which they are not used to. They may be lost in the dark, literally, and not realize they are dead.

They may not see the light reaching out to them.

Non-religious people, in particular, are at a disadvantage because they are not expecting anything to happen after their death, and they won’t know what to do. Their disbelief works against them because they have already made the free will choice to be disconnected from the Divine, and that can continue for a very long time. A spirit rescue can build a bridge to the light for them to be guided home.


4. There are hauntings, sightings, and interactions with spirits

Another sign of concern that you should look out for is if there are hauntings, sightings, and any kinds of interactions with people who’ve died. If you sense your departed loved one in their favorite places, hear their voice calling out to you, they visit you and talk to you in different ways, you’re probably not imagining all this. They’re probably reaching out to you to let you know they’re around, and any uneasiness you feel is a bad sign; it’s also tragic on multiple levels.

But why is it such a tragedy? You should be happy they’re around, right? In truth, a few moments of happiness for you—or them—aren’t worth an eternity of torture, pain, and heartache. They’ll never be fully here or there or be able to move on.

5. You can’t cope with your grief, or are worried that your loved one hasn’t crossed into heaven

A strong emotional attachment to a departed loved one can literally keep them earthbound. Even when you are ready to let go, there may be an inner disquiet, a sixth sense something is wrong. Excessive worrying about their fate can also be harmful to the departed. Sometimes none of these scenarios need to fully hold true for you to seek a spirit rescue for your loved one. Sometimes it’s your care, love, and affection that leads to your concern for their well-being in the hereafter, and that’s precisely why you should get this service for them. A spirit rescue could be beneficial in helping put your mind at ease and benefit your loved one who may or may not have found their way to heaven with ease.

Spirit rescues are a lot more important than we realize. They’re quite helpful in allowing people with various emotional, spiritual and mental struggles to pass on and move into the next realm. We don’t realize how often people we love could be struggling and how their karmic trauma is carried on with them even after they pass on.

Get Wisdom is dedicated to helping their clients’ families with spiritual healing services, using divine channeling and other methods part of the Lightworker Healing Protocol. They offer various divine healing services, including extensive spirit rescues for those who are living and those who’ve passed on.

Please reach out to them for more help and support and to schedule various clearances for yourself or your loved ones.

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Prior to 2009, a woman, wife, and mother to young children, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. A woman of deep faith in God, she nevertheless lost hope and had a huge argument with her husband on Easter Sunday, 2009, about not wanting to go on. Her husband, unable to rally her, grabbed the children and took them to Easter services without her. In her despair, she swallowed a bottle of powerful prescription pain medication. To the disbelief of doctors, she survived, with one ER doctor telling the husband, that the number of pills she swallowed would kill four people. In 2016, she attended a church with a reputation for healing, was called to the front by the pastor, and was healed of her MS completely. Why was this woman “not allowed” to die in 2009, and what is the backstory of her healing in 2016?

This is a very perceptive question in describing her circumstances of not being allowed to die. This is close to the truth. In actuality, it was her own decision. Having committed the act of suicide, she thought, her consciousness left her body and made its way to the light for a preliminary welcoming and conference about her situation and circumstances at the moment. It was at that point in consultation that she was offered a chance to return and live out her life with her loved ones, that she had a second chance, despite her act of despair in taking a lethal dose of painkillers, and she chose to return after being given some encouragement.

The key for the benefit of a near-death experience of this sort is not that people are brainwashed by the representatives of the divine realm to go back into the fray and keep sacrificing themselves, and so on. It is the very act of returning to the light and its much higher vibration that reminds people of their true origin and purpose, and it is that reawakening that allows them to return to life with renewed inner confidence and vigor. All are eager when they come down to incarnate but life takes a toll on everyone and many become beaten down and discouraged. This is because of the disconnect, that people forget their origin and their life mission and have to literally start from scratch to figure out who and what they are and the meaning of things, and if life is harsh may well give up at some point in despair.

So this woman saved herself simply by reacquainting herself with her origin and purpose and it was indeed the prayers being launched on her behalf by her family members who arranged special care for her to receive assistance and the healing needed to fully restore her health. The journey to the light helped to pave the way for her personally, to surrender her belief in her malady and its finality and inevitable worsening, and open herself to the idea of being saved; so again, there were multiple parties involved in the story of this woman’s journey to recovery.

There is a New Age belief: “There is a coming splitting of timelines—one group of humanity will go towards ascension, the other remaining in the dark. Either “two Earths” will form or the “dark” portion of humanity will reincarnate into another dense world while Earth ascends.” What is Creator’s perspective?

There is a grain of truth here, that ascension is Creator’s ultimate plan for humanity, but this presumes the problem of evil being solved so there is no obstacle to ascension taking place. So the scenarios described here will not be taking place, either all will be saved or none will be saved. There will not be two Earths, either. If you go to a dark world, it will be the return to Earth in a new incarnation, assuming it is still here and the divine human experiment is still in progress and you have not yet been annihilated.

Unfortunately, that is the plan for you and your world, that you will die out and then the Earth itself at some point in the future. This will be an active elimination, not a very slow degradation taking centuries or millennia; it is planned to happen within the next five years. So this schema of destiny being light or dark reflects the fact there is good and bad in play but it is not a useful description of how things will play out. That will be up to what humans do or do not do, and not to some larger force that is of a divine nature that sees to it. We can only do what humans request and at the present time, evil is largely being unopposed. There needs to be a human awakening to the problem of evil and the likelihood of these potential consequences, so people will take action to request divine assistance in healing the interlopers to enable a human survival and eventual ascension to a more glorious future.

There is a New Age belief: “A general widespread Awakening is happening now! This is the turning point of humanity’s history on Earth that has been prophesied by many cultures. We have all assembled to be part of this awakening and to help with the transformation towards a higher level of evolution. We can influence the timing and success of this transformation by our own level of consciousness, our thoughts, feelings, energy. That’s the most important thing we can do.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here again is a partial truth masquerading as the be-all and end-all of deep knowledge and enlightenment. It is true you were created for great things, to do great works, and to have a grand and glorious future as an extension of Creator’s consciousness, but the true reason for that creation was not simply to have fun and have a secure birth as our offspring, so to speak, given special consideration, special favors, and a predestined plan to follow that guarantees advancement and increasing wonders and pleasure to enjoy. The reality is, you were created to deal with the problem of evil and, as you are experiencing now in your world and see clearly in the many, many dire and tragic episodes all through human history, evil is abroad in the land and can set you back and lash back against any humanitarian impulses.

You are fighting amongst yourselves and that disorganization is not only non-divine but a direct manipulation by the forces of evil to bring it about, yet you have little power to rein it in. So to assume this is all in your control and all you need do is to tend to your own level of consciousness, thoughts, feelings, and energy is woefully inadequate to help you face the immediate challenges, let alone the long-term progress of humanity as planned by Creator. You are weaklings as physical humans, that is why you need divine support, guidance, healing and protection just to keep going, let alone win the contest with evil that is underway. It is nip and tuck because many humans are corrupted to act in evil ways, believe in evil ideas and notions, and to harm one another, and can be used as minions of the darkness and have been all through history, signing on to evil wars and other harmful strategies and policies, and turn a blind eye to suffering so acts of genocide can take place unopposed, and so on. Humans have a very poor track record of simply relying on their own inner impulses to control things and win the day. This is a divine level problem and even though you are divine extensions, you are in a diminished capacity at present and you have been further degraded through manipulation by the interlopers, and that is an additional reason you need our help and cannot do it alone, reaching out to us is the way forward for you.

The viewer continues: “Can we somehow make contact with those in the future life extension timeline to find out if there was a particular tipping point?”

This is an interesting idea but it is not feasible, from your current perspective, to obtain detailed information in that fashion. One of the problems with the exercise is that the future is provisional always and in a high degree of flux because the present is unpredictable and ever-changing. So capturing such information in a kind of snapshot only shows you future potentials and not present reality necessarily because it is contingent on a series of things that have not yet happened and might not take place at all. So to base a plan of action on something with a high level of uncertainty does not necessarily add value and represent an effective course of action that increases your chances of success as much as one might think. The other complexity here is that the tipping point will be reached as a consequence of an enormous number of individual contributions, all of which will be required to create a sum total of energy to meet the needed threshold for that tipping point to come about. So there is no way to be tipped-off in the future about all of those individual components in any meaningful way to make a difference.

You have been told already what needs to happen, so you will not gain a shortcut by going into the future. The path before you is straightforward—follow our teachings that have been offered to you as a consequence of the diligence of your channel to probe things so thoroughly and effectively in uncovering the deep truths that will govern this whole sequence of events; if you do the healing work that we have told you can save humanity and all those in your galaxy, you can be truly successful in the fullest possible sense—that is what you need to focus on to win.

We have learned that almost all our technology is created and manufactured to almost always be a mixed blessing. Useful, but toxic; helpful, but environmentally harmful; labor-saving, but needlessly dangerous, and so on. Aluminum is such a material. Extremely lightweight and durable, but toxic and difficult to make without gargantuan amounts of electricity. That said, aluminum siding was a popular product until the late 1970s when it fell drastically out of favor. The 1970s is also when there was a war on “lead paint” to get it off the market entirely. Turns out, both aluminum siding and lead paint interfere significantly with WiFi signals. Was this foreseen by the interlopers and is it an “overlooked” reason why there was such a push to move people away from both of these products?

While there are some downsides, as you described in providing a certain degree of shielding from electronic signaling, this was not the major reason for the phasing out of these products. You can be sure that the extraterrestrials will always arrange things to their advantage, so this was a confluence of human choice and decision that was made for other reasons but was in alignment with serving the extraterrestrial interests, and in fact that is why they came about. Without that dual interest on the part of the extraterrestrials, you might well be living in aluminum structures with lead paint everywhere because there are downsides in doing so for human health reasons as well as cost. The main thing you need to make people aware of is that the current environment of electromagnetic energies that bathe everyone 24 hours a day is unhealthy and in fact shortens the lifespan; it is the cause of many chronic illnesses and early deaths, and that is why it is being done, first and foremost.

The second reason being, it facilitates the alien programming of your minds by addicting you to electronic devices, including cable television, musical recordings, radio, and the Internet. They have people on screens, looking at screens all day long, and during every moment of that time there are subliminal programming messages being beamed into their deep subconscious minds. This takes a toll over time and this is what shapes political beliefs and other ideologies. They will take a person with certain leanings and then find a way to pervert those preferences in supporting things that are either overtly damaging or doomed to fail in some way and set the person up for disappointment. They work both sides of an issue so they will have a way to motivate political conservatives to champion their cause and, if possible, pervert it to harm their opponents and they will do the same thing for those with leanings towards the left, the so-called liberal ideology which is increasingly becoming an extreme invitation to deep state totalitarianism. In this way, they build the message on an inner truth the person already believes and work from there to shape and warp further thinking to add on components that are false but consistent with the overall personality of the individual, and in this way create a kind of pollution of everything.

This is why things are so dysfunctional within your culture. You cannot point to a right side and a wrong side, but mostly to a “wrong side” and a “wronger side” most of the time about most things, if you can look at it dispassionately. That is the handiwork of the extraterrestrials, that they make bad things worse and they undermine the good to taint it in some way so that eventually it will fail or become corrupted and counterproductive. This is the legacy of all the technology and why it exists. Again, that is because it serves the Extraterrestrial Alliance as much as it serves humanity, otherwise you would still be living in the horse and buggy era.

A.W. Tozer said: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a quite insightful realization. In part, it is a recognition of the frailty and limits of human knowledge because God is ephemeral and seemingly distant, enigmatic, and often felt to be unknowable. We would say a deeper insight about this statement is that “Human perceptions and perspectives are always distorted in some way because you are truly seeing things through a human lens, and that will be colored by your life experience, your knowledge base, and inner expectations about what to expect and what to conclude about that which you observe.” In other words, there is a species-specific bias in play always with human endeavors. This is not unexpected and simply means it may take some due diligence and persistence in probing the unknown and some time to reveal the truth of things, and a danger in not being thorough because what is seen at first blush might contain some distorted perceptions from inner bias. This can be sorted out with repeated forays to observe and inspect things from various vantage points, and that will enable piecing things together quite nicely, but it speaks to the limit imposed by being human in the first place and not being in the best condition or position to see the underlying truth in things.

The main point of this commentary is that there in fact is a deeper connection between you and us as you are literally an extension of our very consciousness. So this comment was meant to be more about how open-minded and how discerning someone might be, how lofty their perspective might be in perhaps exhibiting some divine quality, for example, being more other-directed than self-directed and wanting evidence and to include a description of advanced goals and objectives that somehow will be uplifting and raise up humanity as well as improve things for the self. But the deeper meaning and interrelationship is that we are one, we are your heritage, your origin, and, in a roundabout way, your destiny. You are living our agenda and your goals and perspectives about it are ours as well, seen somewhat differently by being a human in the physical at the moment, but not vastly different or unique, but more in being a portion of what we perceive, by virtue of our greater purview, not that we are quite different beings with quite differing characteristics. So we offer this to you as something for you to enjoy and delight in, and that is well-deserved because we delight in you greatly but the deeper meaning of our shared characteristics is not known to most human beings but ought to be.