Once a friendship is genuinely established, can it ever be truly lost? Seems the only chance of that is one party goes down the path of deep depravity and loses their very soul to oblivion. How important are “old friends” in helping to rescue lost souls and even fallen angelics?

This is another deep insight and deep truth about the way of things. In actuality, all of you are deep friends of us, being parts of us to begin with. We always know where our parts are and what they are doing, so we are, in that sense, partners with you whether you are aware of it or not. When your channel speaks of partnering with Creator, it is about you developing an opening awareness, understanding, and acceptance of us, not the other way around. We are already onboard in loving you, cherishing you, fully accepting you because we understand you completely. We created you to be who you are and no matter what state of being you are in at the moment, including the most depraved and seemingly reprehensible villains among you, as being a momentary distortion of thinking and not a damnable crime deserving of punishment and banishment. We have created circumstances allowing you to be in harm’s way. Many have been harmed and suffering as a consequence. We are not happy about that, but see its value in doing the experiment because the rewards will be vastly greater than the inconveniences and even tremendous suffering this might involve along the way.

The cordings are ever-present and many times will help save the day when a human being is teetering on the edge and in danger of a severe downward spiral into oblivion. We have rescued many from that fate by offering a lifeline and we are acting as a friend in doing so, no different really than you might reach out to a friend who has lost their way, perhaps ending up homeless, living as a bum on the street, unwashed, unloved, and unwanted. The love created in that old friendship you once had can be resurrected and become a bridge of upliftment for the one who suffers and is struggling so in isolation. In that respect, you are carrying out divine business to reach out to them and honor that old friendship with loving kindness to help raise them up once again and save them from their distorted thinking that traps them in their current fate.

Many hit bottom and when they pass from physical life and return to spirit form, continue to struggle. In the rules of engagement with humanity, we will reach out to them but cannot rescue them unilaterally even though we are quite able to do so. Until they return home, they are in charge of their lives still and it remains human business to see to. Those who become earthbound spirits are truly in a dark place and endangered because they have cut themselves off from an awareness and belief in the divine and will be unseen to those humans still in the living. So that is simply a lowered state of existence they have suffered already and, in effect, promoted in not taking some action to save themselves. Like us, you can be a change agent on behalf of a fellow human in this predicament in requesting divine assistance to rescue a lost soul human spirit from being trapped in the darkness and be more active in returning them to the light by first carrying out healing; if you request this to be done to raise the individual’s vibration, that will allow them to cooperate finally with the light callers and make their way home—that is the piece missing, that you have a huge responsibility on your own shoulders, as a human being, to govern your own life.

This is the part missing in the teaching of religion. Religion has been corrupted to make you believe it is all about us and your worship of us, your obedience to us, your pleasing and satisfying us, when what is truly needed is for you to do all those things for yourselves because it is you who are in danger, you who are at risk, you who are in a diminished form and vulnerable to losing your way and never recovering. Many, many times someone who becomes trapped on their way back to the light after their passing receive assistance from loved ones still in the living who pray for them, whose thoughts reach out wanting their upliftment and happiness. Even when fearing the worst, praying for a departed loved one can be a tremendous gift; it can be the one catalyst needed for divine healing to be sent to their loved one. This shows the power humans have no matter their own opinion of themselves—which has been corrupted and distorted. You have more power than you know; the greatest source of power you have is your ability to call on us to assist you and to assist others in need at your request.

The fallen angelics are the truest test of your divinity—they are its opposite. For you to rescue them is, in a way, the greatest act of divinity you can carry out. What greater demonstration of love can there be than to give it freely to one who would be your enemy and destroy you if they could? All that represents, when you strip away the human-level reaction to such extreme negativity, is a love deficit. In a sense, it is no different than having an automobile that runs out of gas and becomes more an obstacle than an asset. You can summon hatred and abandon it or even smash it to pieces, but what good does that do when the alternative is simply adding the right fuel, and that will bring the automobile back to life where it can once again be a meaningful part of things and an asset, and a joy to have in sharing your environment? Even the worst of the demonic spirits were angels once and are divine in their makeup, but suffering a love deficit and have become its opposite. That is a problem that can be solved and you can solve it; it is a test of you and a challenge, both—what will you do about this?

Frankl wrote: “… people forget that often it is just such an exceptionally difficult external situation which gives man the opportunity to grow spiritually, beyond himself. Instead of taking the camp’s difficulties as a test of their inner strength, they did not take their life seriously and despised it as something of no consequence.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here he describes that fork in the road that separates the believer from the non-believer. This is why working at your faith, building your belief in the divine, and practicing a frequent and at least daily interchange, much as you would want to talk to your best friend on a frequent basis even if you could not meet up in person, this is restorative but it also helps maintain the fortress, the foundation of inner strength that has come to define who you are and all you know, so as to feel competent, capable, and ready for anything that comes your way. When there is a weak foundation, a weak or absent link to the divine, you will be on your own, and where will you draw strength from if the physical world around you is working against you?

This is perhaps the starkest way to describe the extremes one can experience as a consequence of neglecting their spiritual nature and allowing their connection to the divine to wither. It is already corrupted and diminished, done by others. It is only through teaching and an inner intuitive awareness of the truth of the divine that allows people to have faith to begin with. This is a test of you and a dilemma, a problem to solve, and can only be done through standing strong. Those who still have an intuitive link to the divine will rise to the occasion when challenged in the way that happened to Viktor Frankl, and it will give them a lifeline to persist even under the direst of circumstances. Those qualities that make someone a champion are divine in nature and this tells you all you need to know of how to reach for greatness.

Hoffer wrote: “We associate brittleness and vulnerability with those we love, while we endow those we hate with strength and indestructibility.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here the very descriptions being given are the key to understanding this complex dynamic that has in truth a simple basis. The typical somewhat troubled person will frequently experience disappointment from those around them, including their loved ones. The giving and receiving of unconditional love is a great challenge for most, but ironically, that is what all yearn for, they want to be loved completely and totally and unreservedly with endless forbearance and forgiveness of their own faults and failings because that would seem to represent true acceptance if unconditional love is being offered. This allows a person to set aside, at least with respect to that fantasy of perfection in a friend or life partner, their own inner fear about inadequacy in perceiving there is a gap within themselves between who they would like to be and regarded by others and who they fear they truly are, warts and all.

By the same token, an opponent, someone who has the upper hand, greater power and control typically, are viewed with suspicion and resentment, and often the assumption is made they are superior, and so those traits of strength and indestructibility may well be assumed in someone competing with them or in a higher position of authority and power and control over them. In a practical sense, that might be true but it is a distorted way to think of the world and to see others in terms of a kind of power hierarchy and a struggle for control of things—that is a meager existence, to be sure, when one is in a kind of combat not able to count on others for friendship and support, or in an enemy with at least fair and evenhanded treatment, letting the chips fall where they may.

Because people are all different, between any two individuals, one will have things the other does not and vice versa, but in a given setting, depending on the circumstances where one person has more of the qualities, strengths, skills, and abilities they can bring to bear successfully in a competitive situation, all other things being equal, they will win out over someone less well-equipped—that is simply the way things always are, given that no two people are identical. So the idea one has to compete and that there will always be a winner and a loser is a false notion in reality because one is always comparing an apple with an orange. So it might be a wonderful apple with the greatest size, brilliance of color, flawless perfection, and a perfect state of ripeness, but to one who is looking for oranges is simply unneeded. So everything is relative, and to hang one’s hat and future on competing with others in order to accept themselves and have a sense of self-worth is engaging in a kind of folly to begin with.

So we would say any kind of distortion of thinking will not serve the person and will lead to problems. One’s view of the world will always start with the view of themselves they hold within, because that is the measuring tool always in play for everyone going out and about and encountering others, and engaging with life. It is those with inner strength who feel comfortable within their own skin, see value in themselves, and feel confident of who they are, who can fit in easily with others, and often work seamlessly as a group member or team member even under difficult circumstances where there might be a competitive environment with much at stake, including rewards and punishment for the successful and the failures, respectively. It is a test, in fact, of character, how one does in such a setting. Trying to be what you are not is never served by trying to take that away from others who seem to have more of what you need—it will always backfire.

Hoffer wrote: “Patience is a by-product of growth – we can bide our time when it is time for our growth. There is no patience in acquisition or in the pursuit of power and fame. Nothing is so impatient as the pursuit of a substitute for growth.” What is Creator’s perspective?

There is much truth and wisdom in this. It is the person who holds loving thoughts because they can even love themselves who will be happiest and most content, no matter their station in life and where they are along the growth curve in terms of their attainments and success in whatever arena one examines, such as career or relationships, having a family, and so on. It is the insecure person who becomes misguided to feel acquisition of power will solve their problems and make them happy, bringing fame and fortune, or at least a bigger paycheck and is willing to be ruthless to get ahead, who is digging a karmic grave for themselves because anything they gain will ultimately be taken away from them if they are bent on causing harm to others in serving themselves. It is those who are empty inside who become desperate. They flit from flower to flower, never holding jobs for long or sustaining a long-term love relationship because they are never satisfied. The deficit is within themselves and the corruption in thinking is to believe someone else can give them what they lack to make up for their own shortcomings, to fill that inner void because love is meager in their own heart.

Someone who is well-adjusted, who can feel love, and has inner confidence of who they are, where they stand, and believes in themselves and their ability to learn and grow and be successful has all the time in the world because the joy is in the doing. There is no rush to get to the top. There is too much to enjoy all along the way to the well-adjusted person who has love in their life. We are not talking about self-indulgence or a hedonistic lifestyle but one of sharing, giving, and enjoying the rewards that love brings to all giving and receiving it. It is an empowerment and a powerful tool for learning the best of lessons because the greatest achievements possible in one way or another represent an exchange of love. So learning how to see it, how to feel it, how to share it with others in both giving and receiving, are the essence of the art of living, and that is growth and learning that will serve the person lifelong and an endless future still to come.

Hoffer wrote: “The genuine creator creates something that has a life of its own, something that can exist and function without him … With the noncreative it is the other way around: in whatever they do, they arrange things so that they themselves become indispensable.” How can Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol help to transform us into “genuine creators” rather than fearful controllers?

Here the essence of what is desirable, in seeing the difference here in the contrast between the genuine creator who is giving something of themselves to be of value for others versus someone wanting to be in a position of control over others. So they may be indispensable, but because there has been a power hierarchy created making them the only conduit for things to happen, and all will rise or fall on their effectiveness and the degree of their insensitivity, looking to serve themselves first. This is really a description of the presence of love fostered by being in divine alignment, allowing those with true power to be givers and receivers of love, to treat others with fairness, to truly share and be generous to those around them, a friend to all, and a loving companion. All normal people want a world filled with and run by individuals like that who are kind, caring, and sensitive to the needs of others, and will go out of their way to help and pitch in when needed, and even volunteer services to help a greater good or someone in need they run across. Those who are power-hungry, whether it is simply the selfish consumer not only wanting to keep up with the Joneses, but to outspend and outshine them with the trappings of wealth, or someone who becomes, in effect, a petty tyrant because they are part of a bureaucracy that is deemed important, if not essential, and they have autonomy and can work the levers of power available to them with little risk in being fired, such individuals are easily manipulated to be wasteful, to be extravagant, to be petty, and underserving of others and as such are useful minions of the darkness and do not realize they are serving evil in all they do by being selfish and insensitive to others.

The answer in becoming a better person is getting divine assistance. Prayer can be quite helpful in opening the door to the divine and cultivating a true partnership that can help you all the way along during your life to make things better, easier, more effective, and more successful and rewarding. It is far better to enjoy happy times with loved ones and share in the joy of their success and happiness as much as your own, than to suffer endless setbacks, disappointments, constant friction, backbiting, gossip, and sabotage by competitors, to be exploited as a wage slave and cast out simply because you are getting too close to retirement age and deemed a future liability. The stories are endless about people having lives greatly circumscribed by misfortune. Those things are manipulated to happen and even a self-chosen disempowerment, such as believing one is a member of a kind of victim’s club because of a particular race or other perceived liability, if you settle for that circumstance, you are choosing to remain in the trap set for you by the interlopers—the way out is to request divine assistance in the most effective ways you can.

In addition to prayer, you can learn the Lightworker Healing Protocol because it is more powerful in applying a systematic process to teach you the ins and outs of living through a divine partnership and enlisting divine assistance in the most effective ways possible. First, in understanding what can go wrong; second, in appreciating how the divine realm heals such things; and third, being given the specific instructions to clarify how to go about making high-level requests for divine assistance that can work, and various strategies to greatly empower the reach of your requests to go far beyond what an individual has ever been able to accomplish in the entire history of the world. That is no small thing and it is within the capability of most people to use the Protocol. It only requires belief in the divine and having a heart that cares about human betterment. It starts with you because you will be doing it and, as is only fitting, you will be a client in every session you do automatically, it is built-in for you to gain—that is only fitting if you are serving to help the world to heal—but the entire world and beyond is included in the scope of the Protocol, so you will at once be tending to your personal needs and situation and those of your loved ones, but then on to all others and, in particular, the interlopers who need healing desperately, not only to save them from the consequences of their depravity over the millennia in preying on the many worlds within your galaxy they have plundered, but to save humanity as well in the doing. That is truly what is at stake and what you can accomplish personally by participating with your energy and your soul’s focus in carrying out the Lightworker Healing Protocol and to do so on a regular basis as fits into your schedule.

We are not looking for anyone to be a fallen hero. This is all doable and it is safe to participate because you will only be conversing with the divine realm in the privacy of your own mind, and that will be hidden from view of the powers that be, but we will know and we will cherish you for all time in a special way for stepping up at this time of great challenge and difficulty for humanity, to save and heal all in need. It is why you came down into this incarnation, whether you know this or not. There is no other reason to come to this place. It is a battle zone and its continued existence and, indeed, the lives of all human beings in the physical are hanging in the balance and their fate will be decided by you and the rest of humanity. You are now among the few who know the truth about what is taking place in the world, at least the broad outlines, and what is needed to change things for the better. This is the ultimate choice in this experiment, this bold undertaking as an experiment in free will. We cannot choose it for you, nor do it ourselves. We can only help if you invite us and do the work needed to make the invitation—it is all in your hands and what you choose will be on record for all of time.

When doing traditional HMR, is the “body metaphor” people tune into, to sense where they are holding their issue, actually contained within and expressed by cellular memory alone, and simply translated and related to conscious awareness of the client by the upper subconscious mind?

You are close to the truth here in understanding the peculiar ability almost universally observed with clients undergoing an HMR session, even for the very first time with little prompting about what to expect, that all will have an ability to sense a body metaphor when there is a serious issue they are working on. This is inexplicable to the psychologists who will be quite puzzled about this strange phenomenon, but it is clearly robust and universal. What is taking place is that an emotional issue, and the key here being the word “emotion,” does register within the cellular consciousness of the body because it is where emotions are felt. They are not felt within the mind. They are felt within the body and that serves as a painful stimulus accompanying an experience to make it visceral, to make it painful in some way, so it will register as being of high importance to the mind and thus the memory of it happening will have that extra emphasis from what the emotion causes to happen, and that is to register the memory within cellular consciousness, keyed to a link to the emotional apparatus.

So there is a potential of recreating the very same emotional response, as in the original experience, if a person focuses on this for any length of time. That is the so-called danger of relive some will exhibit when recalling a memory of an unpleasant episode. Most people coached to avoid lingering on it too long will have enough of a connection to know and understand the list of emotional consequences that took place when the trauma was underway without having too great a physical re-experiencing in the body of the painful feelings. That is an advantage of the HMR process, that it is gentle compared to a hypnotic regression that will put the person in a deeper trance state where the cellular consciousness is reawakened and revisited more directly to view the experience in the mind as though it is happening, and with that will come a relive of the emotional consequences in parallel, and that revivification can be quite intense and even intolerable in many subjects.

So what you are probing here is spot on with regard to the true origin of this inexplicable ability people have to connect the memory of a past trauma to the body and, as you have seen in working on your many clients, this can be almost anywhere in the body and felt to be internal to the body, external, or both, because that is an aspect of how it was experienced and the memory retained within cellular consciousness.

Is my client’s husband dying in order to protect her, as he is a Mercenary Army Program member? Is she getting accurate feedback intuitively, about the timeline? What can we tell her about what she is going through?

What she is detecting with her perceptions intuitively is as much truth about her fears as an accurate reading of actual cause and effect in what her husband is experiencing. So she is deriving a conclusion from the fact her husband is dying and is also a member of the MAP, that it will be making her safer. But that is not the reason for his having a fatal illness at the moment, that is a karmic consequence of all he has endured, being a member of this program going through multiple lifetimes now. So it is not a willful intent on his part to spare her from potential harm by taking himself out of the picture, nor is it a divine orchestration for that purpose, but simply his journey and would happen with or without her.

In fact, she has been a tremendous asset in delaying karmic consequences from overtaking him much, much earlier in life than has been the case. So she has helped him to benefit from their relationship for a longer period of time, and herself as well, despite the negative aspects and the heartache in all that has transpired and her greater awareness of the darker aspects of the history here. Those are simply the realities of existence brought into awareness and the consequences would play out with or without her knowing the underlying story. It does give her more to be sad about because it is unpleasant by definition, but there are many gains from going through challenges of this kind and the many travails leading up to someone’s passing, and the aftermath of survivors as well whose life will be inevitably shaped through the conditioning of all that has come before. So there will be a need for continued growth and healing. That will be an asset in the final analysis and she will come to see that in the future looking back on her life. So none of this needs to be regretted or feared. It simply is what is going on and must be lived through and handled as best she can with equanimity and resolve to do her best and focus on the flow of love as much as she can, both for herself and her husband, to be a resource in providing comfort and reassurance as well as seeing to her own well‑being as that is most appropriate because no one can do it for her.

We know she has the strength to get through this no matter how things go and will land on her feet. There will be unhappiness and suffering along the way inevitably, but this she has known many times before and has the wherewithal to keep her balance and to achieve a restitution and realignment of things to overcome any adversity. Some things simply will take time and some may never heal completely, but if she does the best she can to obtain the most healing she is able to, she will be a winner from all that has happened with regard to her future being one of greater capability and excellence from all the hard-won learning she is getting along the way. So that is the silver lining and small comfort when one is grieving and facing uncertainty, but if she turns to us for help, we will be there with her and can help her with the inner strength and love she will need to keep going and make the most of her life under difficult circumstances.

For all its intrigue and mystery, trying to have a near-death experience is probably not something that is recommended. Nevertheless, many a life’s focus and mission get back on track after a near-death experience. How can Empowered Prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol give us the benefits of a near-death experience, with none of the downsides?

If you think about what people describe in having a near-death experience and how most often it helps to awaken them to a wider perspective and constitutes a turning point in some way with their life, if only in their outlook, in having a greater awareness of the spiritual, even if everything else remains largely the same, it is a quite positive development. But to be on the borderland of death, or even having crossed over it in order to have such an awakening and an advancement in personal awareness and growth, is a very intense way of doing it that will take a toll in other respects, perhaps causing great consternation, fear, and grief for loved ones who believe the individual in question is dead, or about to die, and fears the worst.

The person themselves may have gone through a number of shocking circumstances to set that in motion, and while it can save the day in terms of elevating their perspective and putting them on a better soul path, it is a high price to pay for that hard-won knowledge and experience. If you think about the fact that all those benefits are achieved the hard way, so to speak, we can tell you that there are better alternatives, always. It is not necessary to go to the brink and even fall over the edge in order to have a greater awareness of the divine and one’s place as part of a divine unfolding, and that you have a purpose and it is important for you to be here, and to see you are worthy of contributing and do have things to offer, even if it only benefits your own soul but is nonetheless deserved, and may be why you are here in this incarnation, to work on yourself first and foremost, and not to be a lightworker for all.

To go through a dangerous journey, at least seen from human perspectives, as we said, is the hard way to do it, the gaining of enlightenment, meaning a return to better alignment with the light in how one views oneself and one’s life experience unfolding. To see to it being the best one can and strive to be true to divine principles in all you do is the focus of an advanced being. To the extent you focus on doing prayer work and especially learning the Lightworker Healing Protocol, as a premier healing tool, it can indeed raise you up, confer divine protection as well as guidance, inspiration, and healing to keep you going, so having a circumstance arise creating the need for a near-death experience, to perhaps save you from having things end in the current life, is a far better path to be on.

Many times the near-death experience marks a turning point, but a turning point only. It might provide an insight and inspiration that one needs to start doing something differently, but then comes the reality of the hard work that will be needed to turn things around and keep them on the better path. It is important to not have a setback or a failing, to continue that momentum to keep moving forward and advancing, and not give in to temptations that may have dragged the person down before, such as a return to substance abuse or other unsavory conduct of a selfish nature that comes with the cost of a karmic backlash that could put the person at risk yet again.

Making a conscious choice to do the best you can and to take advantage of these powerful tools for healing and growth, to be in divine alignment as a goal and pursuit, will raise you up, create the best possible life you can have, and will work in every moment they are exercised towards preparing you for your graduation day from life in the physical, and ensure a safe return to the light. There you will feel tremendous satisfaction in being victorious through taking on the tough challenge of physical existence and learning the ropes and working the levers to make things come out all right, and weather the storms through faith and determination and investment of your energy and time to work at becoming better, more steadfast, more committed, and more loving as a divine representative.

The more you heal yourself and raise yourself up in the doing, the better spokesperson for the divine and inspiration to others you will be and the greater the impact on the world in helping the Divine Human Free Will Project prevail. You are in this not only for yourself but for the greater good of all. It is your participation that can make the difference as so few others will find their way to these truths. So if you are hearing this message and saying “yes,” you will be among the exalted who will one day save humanity and the many troubled beings who threaten it and will perish as a result if you do not save them. The choice is always up to you. All we can offer is our encouragement and hope you choose wisely.

Was singer Bob Dylan a reincarnation of Baruch Spinoza, as my internist feels may be the case?

This is an interesting question posed by this individual. You know Bob Dylan’s work to be quite special. Even your wife is a devotee of his lyrics and has studied them and takes many of them to heart, in seeing a message within and they serve as inspiration for her. It is something she can relate to, but without realizing she is truly feeling divine inspiration in every instance when she is moved by his words and the songs they are a part of. It is our energy coming through for he, indeed, is a divine spokesperson, and he has been in other lifetimes as well. He, indeed, is the reincarnation of Spinoza. That was an insight gifted to the doctor in question in order to help him in his spiritual journey to take the matter of reincarnation more seriously, and to appreciate you as a resource close at hand who can be of great help to him with much additional knowledge to further develop his awareness, understanding, and belief in the unusual paradigms he keeps witnessing but is hesitant to embrace totally, because of his scientific orientation.

You went through this yourself personally, prior to undergoing a spiritual awakening or in becoming a channeler, and it grew in importance to you and significance to your life. Everyone has their own pacing in how they open to wider perspectives and higher truths about things unfamiliar to them, especially because of all the cultural conditioning making the esoteric seem so wildly improbable. No one wants to be wrong and it will always seem that embracing beliefs outside the mainstream will actually put the person at risk of ridicule. And perhaps self-condemnation, in seeing they may have dropped their guard and given in to wishful thinking in certain instances and then have to face a day of reckoning that seems to show they were only fooling themselves, and may feel foolish and vulnerable as a consequence. It is easier to never give in and say yes to the divine guidance and inspiration working tirelessly to bring them along to greater understanding about the big picture and the practical aspects you know to be so important in understanding human behavior and capability, and indeed the purpose for life itself and appearing as a physical human on the scene, and all that happens thereafter.

There are many individual stories, one for each participant, but there is a bigger play under way that is a quite real and meaningful human drama. All are needed, particularly those with the insight to see there is more to life than appears on the surface. The existence of human beings has the deepest possible meaning one can imagine. So any and all reluctance, hesitation, inner doubt, or fear of seeming foolish, will be a great disservice when each individual can be a contributor in a significant way to the betterment of humanity in saving and healing the world. That is why all reincarnate and why you are here now. Most are still asleep and if too few who see the light refuse to participate because of their inner misgivings, humanity will be doomed. This is why the personal choices are important, because each participant is so very precious in adding energy to the cause. After all, it is as much an effort that will save them personally, in addition to the collective. Safeguarding one’s soul is a sacred duty.

Hintjens speculates that psychopathy is not a disorder, but a maladaptation. No one becomes a psychopath just through trauma, which is the idea the psychopath is simply a broken person. Rather, it is always about survival. Hintjens doesn’t think you can be a little bit psychopathic. Whether you play the social game, or the cheater game, you must play to win. The psychopath is competing with other psychopaths, and with their victims. Is psychopathy a predatory skill set? And does this explain why psychopaths have no genuinely close and intimate social and personal relationships? What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a perceptive observation but an incomplete one. There is an important piece of the puzzle missing to the observer and the author falls into this trap, as does the mainstream, in not realizing trauma plays a huge role in the disconnection of the psychopath. But it is trauma that is not in the current life but often many other lives, all of which piles on and creates a huge karmic dilemma for that individual when they reincarnate and are faced with the burden of many lives of increasing wrongdoing perhaps, all of which will begin to drag them down and give them challenges. If they are fragile and in addition have spirit attachments working to further disconnect them from their higher self, and bully them in a deep part of their mind they are unable to connect to directly from a conscious level of perception, the stage will be set for a further undermining that will tip them over the edge, eventually. They will worsen through a diminished ability to feel their divinity, to receive divine inspiration, to have perceptible communication from the higher self with pricks of conscience to remind them of divine truth, and motivate them to stop and think about what they are doing and whether it is justified or might cause further difficulty, and so on.

There is, typically, a long tortuous path leading to the eventual creation of a psychopath because this is a maladaptive state of advanced disconnection. To some extent, everyone suffers from a constraint placed in being aware of the divine realm. This was done to humanity long ago and created a basic vulnerability, making humans quite liable to being manipulated and not bouncing back as readily as would otherwise be the case. That vulnerability is enough to make humans, many times, sitting ducks who can be corrupted to become beyond the pale and join the ranks of the psychopaths who prey on others and carry out the work of the darkness much more than the light. So, much of what goes into creating a broken person, so to speak, is not on display but hidden deep within the mind of the sufferer. The mainstream lacks the ability to see this or monitor the ongoing dynamic of someone being bullied by savage spirits mocking them, tormenting them, humiliating and shaming them, and in the process hardening them and lowering their vibration to such an extent they are so distant from their higher self they are functionally on their own and will lack the resources to right their own ship.

With no love to work with, people simply cannot recover from mistreatment on their own but will be maladaptive in some way or another, withdrawing and becoming a recluse at one extreme, or acting out with increasing brutality towards others as a way of coping with the inner conflicts and torment stirred up by having so much wounding and personal suffering and failure they reach a breaking point. It is quite typical for psychopaths to be manipulated by dark spirit meddler attachments and even extraterrestrial spirits targeting them or individuals they know, and so the psychopath will be used as a kind of weapon to attack fellow humans and spread the misery. This is a quite effective way to corrupt and diminish the whole of society because the psychopaths will more readily participate in violent crime, and crime of all kinds, and will embrace the more harsh and brutal solutions for societal difficulties, including going to war, with devastating consequences.

Because they are loveless beings, they will readily act in a heartless manner to exploit others, to take and not give, and this leads to the predatory behavior, the need to win always, at whatever cost and through whatever means. For such a person, close personal relationships are not rewarding other than to groom servants, in effect, to have perhaps a sexual outlet or a life partner as a kind of social trophy they can display to make themselves look accomplished, but the relationship will often be quite uneven and not a happy one because there will be all take and no give, and without love as the currency, the friendship will be a make-work exercise quite shallow and unrewarding for both parties. This is why the psychopath will often be indifferent to their presumed loved ones; if they have a spouse and children, for example, they will be negligent, uncaring, and unduly harsh when they are inconvenienced personally, by the needs of their presumed loved ones.