Was Karl, and those interested in the work at GetWisdom, destined to discover his previous incarnation as Allan Kardec? Did the divine realm plan this? Does the fact that Karl was once Allan Kardec represent a major contributing factor to the success of the GetWisdom mission?

Not only did we plan this, but Karl planned this within the light, to return as his prior self, at least in a functional sense, and the goals for the life he was to resume as a human being, to carry on the work started previously and extend it much further at a critical turning point in history, when everything would be on the line determining the final fate of humanity. His plan, as was ours in supporting him, was to make the most of this incarnation to get to the truth of things in a deep enough way to spotlight the true source of difficulty in your world; to identify the cast of characters and their motivations, and their plans, and sound the alarm to awaken others to join the cause, and bring about a collective effort in outreach to the divine; and enlist a divine intervention to end the madness once and for all, and push back the forces of evil and encourage them to withdraw, so that humanity can begin to heal and grow significantly, compared to prior eras where you have, in effect, been more on a treadmill, making attempt after attempt to raise the overall vibration people experience, but while under siege, and never being able to break out in a profound way.

Most of the time through history, humanity has been almost totally in the dark about what is truly going on, other than having the general ideas as described in the Scriptures, for example, that there are beings who are evil in your midst and making trouble, and that you can get assistance from the divine through prayer. That is nothing but a raw beginning; it is an important one, and central to the challenge at hand and its solution, but there was a lack of detail in those broad outlines and how one could go about it to guarantee progress, and have basic understanding of what is actually taking place and how one might be doing in the contest underway between good and evil.

This was the mission Allan Kardec was on and is being extended beautifully, with the work of Karl Mollison in ferreting out much greater detail and allowing an accurate labeling of the strange cast of characters involved in the struggle; how to view history in light of the hidden forces always at work orchestrating everything, and how to change things for the better in order to bring about a better future, at long last, and at the eleventh hour. So Allan Kardec’s mission and Karl’s with GetWisdom are one and the same from our perspective. The task was to learn and transfer knowledge to awaken humans to the reality of the divine and the spirit realm as a source of evil and problems of all kinds, and to have an appreciation of how this fits into the paradigm of reincarnation, to put in perspective what happens with individual and collective goals, to use one’s lifetime wisely, and to be a part of something bigger, to make each life count.

In Allan Kardec’s life he went from the accepted mainstream body of medical knowledge into a field riddled with skepticism, fraud, and charlatans; then, after painstaking research, taking what he learned and attempting to introduce back to those he left behind to consider a different view of human existence and the afterlife. Karl’s life’s path is similar, but the stakes seem much higher now. How are the challenges the same and how are they different?

There are many parallels because, after all, this is the same individual carrying out both lifetimes and the mission is the same, at least in the broad outlines, to add to knowledge, increase awareness of the issue of life and death, one’s place in the life cycle being a recurring series of lives in the physical with sojourns in the light in between, but all part of a divine plan, and that human beings are actual extensions of divine consciousness to begin with. This insight means everything, it is not just that you are part of us but it is defining everything about you, what you do, and where you are going, how you will get there, and what this will mean for the future of yourselves and every other being in the universe. We do not exaggerate, there is much coming you will not understand and we cannot share with you at the present time. This is not simply the quest of someone in recurring lives wanting to satisfy his curiosity, this is someone who is a divine prophet wherever he goes, an investigator, an inventor, a researcher, a creative scientific mind, and a compassionate healer who is in divine alignment, sees its value, and wants that for everyone.

What has changed is the stakes, because of how the possibilities of unfolding history are changing from the plans of the extraterrestrials who control your world. In between the two lifetimes we are discussing with you here, the decision was made by the extraterrestrials to withdraw from the human world, having grown tired of playing games with physical humans to diminish them and make them suffer. It is sport for them but they are becoming bored from the sameness and, at the same time, because they are basically lazy, are tiring of the burden represented from minding almost 8 billion physical humans, not to mention so many other things in your environment they work to corrupt, diminish, and destroy. On one level, it gives them something to do and some measure of excitement, and some opportunities for novelty and ways to satisfy their bloodlust, being psychopaths. But because they have the technological means to live lives of leisure, having so many projects, so many duties, so many complex interdependent tasks to carry out, being lazy, they have grown tired of the work they created for themselves. This is a side benefit of the burgeoning human population, it is working in your favor at the moment; if it causes the extraterrestrials to withdraw without killing you, it will have served its purpose for that is what we mean by “high stakes” for those currently incarnated.

The plan of the Extraterrestrial Alliance is to carry out an annihilation of humanity within the next five years as a parting shot. This is what Karl is working to prevent and represents the most urgent need of humanity. There must be a critical mass of human intention desiring a change for the better and the liberation of humanity from this scourge of being subjugated by the dark tyrants, represented by the dark spirit meddler cohort of fallen angelics, and the Extraterrestrial Alliance, consisting of three major races of extraterrestrials in physical form who were created prior to humanity, within your galaxy and have all become corrupted by the dark spirits to be heartless savages. Together, they make quite a dysfunctional team of tyrants. In order to continue humanity and its goals of greater upliftment and higher duties still, you need to survive this draconian decision by inducing your opposition to simply withdraw and not go to the trouble of carrying through on their annihilation plans. This will allow some breathing room to continue healing humanity in earnest, and also healing the extraterrestrials to keep them at arm’s length so humanity can ascend. That is a tall order and asks much of each human learning of these truths—you are being asked to heal the evil ones wanting to destroy you—that is a divine act but it will save you if you embrace it and are successful in carrying it out.

Why didn’t the spirits warn Allan Kardec about the problem of the ETs? It seems reasonable that this may have come up in some form given that many of the communications were not conducted under the purview of the divine realm, thus freeing them from the rule of not leading?

This did not happen for the same reason that the vast majority of humanity is still in the dark about the existence of the ETs, and certainly the level of depravity of their thinking and the dark plans they have in store for you. Humans have been programmed to expect any appearance of an extraterrestrial being to be a blessing. You have been programmed to believe advanced extraterrestrials can only exist because they have overcome the need for warfare, and thus survived the threat of nuclear weapons that has been hanging over humanity as an example of what being warlike leads to. Unfortunately, this is a quite naive assumption and the fact it is deeply ingrained in your beliefs will make humans complacent about anything related to extraterrestrial matters.

Most of the spirits communicated with in Kardec’s time were spirits within the lower astral plane and, as such, had no more knowledge about esoteric matters than the average citizen and were also in a diminished state, cut off from their normal physical senses, having only their intuitive consciousness to work with that was untutored and functioning at a low level, so communication with higher realms was not even possible for most. So these were beings with limited perspective and awareness. Most of the time, when presumed spirits were communicating coherently with detailed lengthy narratives, these were not spirits at all but extraterrestrial psychics seeking to dupe the listener, keep them complacent, and away from any subjects that could be a threat to the workings of the interlopers themselves. They prevail by keeping you ignorant of their existence and their plans and their capabilities, especially with respect to all the ways they can manipulate you quite readily. To know about this would put you on your guard and they work avidly to discourage and sideline anyone who can see through their defenses and disguises.

Any spirit of a truly lofty nature, such as one in the light, was simply not allowed to be leading. As you recognize, it is a hard and fast rule for all in the divine realm, Creator included, to not lead. So until a human being poses the question of whether there are extraterrestrials present, perhaps with evil intentions, and begins to probe with some accuracy about what that might mean, putting two and two together to look at a difficulty in the culture and ask if it is ET related in some way, and so on, the truth will not come forward—it is that simple.

Every time through history when people have made observations of alien craft or alien beings, there is mind control manipulation at the ready to convince the witnesses they saw something else that has a trivial explanation, and by instilling the “proper beliefs” will kill the story, so to speak. It is a secret that keeps itself because people are programmed to discount such stories to begin with, so even a lucid accurate observer who witnesses something profound taking place will simply not be believed by others and the story will die with them, having gone no further during their lifetime. Those manipulations have shaped the beliefs of all who transition from the physical into the spirit realm. It is only those back in the light whose eyes are fully awakened and will see the past history of everything once again, know their place in it, and all the dark doings underway throughout the earth plane corrupting and influencing everything that happens, directly and indirectly.

What was the understanding of the dark spirit meddlers when comparing what Allan learned to what Karl has learned?

What Kardec was able to determine was that there was quite a range of reliability, ethical perspectives, and morality reflected in the exchanges and dialogue with those beings in the afterlife accessible through psychic mediums. There was a natural inclination to look on the bright side and hope for the best, and assume there were reasonable constraints and limits on the bad that might happen as a consequence of spirits that could not be seen but seemed to have evil perspectives. Keep in mind that religion was universal and quite strong in almost everyone, whether a churchgoer or not. It has been difficult through the ages for people to even believe in the possibility of evil on a mass scale because it is very difficult to reconcile that with the reality of the divine and how such a thing could even be allowed to grow to such dimensions with God watching.

So without a clear consistent channeling of the divine to provide unfiltered truth and wisdom about all that was taking place and why, Kardec was putting together bits and pieces of a mosaic that reflected a kind of mirror image of the lower astral realm, for the most part, and the higher astral plane, the province of the divine realm, was relatively circumspect because a meaningful dialogue was difficult to carry out—first of all, by there being very, very few who could channel high-level beings; and secondly, having such a level of ignorance, were unable to pose a series of penetrating questions to truly unravel the mysteries of all that was taking place from the various observations to understand the dynamics and the mechanisms of spirit phenomena and what that represented in a deeper sense.

It is that ability to channel by Karl which has allowed the dissection of the spirit meddler makeup, origin, and quandary, its origins from the fall from grace of Lucifer and his angelic cohort, as mentioned in the Scriptures, and a quite detailed accounting of how that spread throughout the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Particularly when these dark spirits, not able to return to the heavenly realm because of their inner corruption, were cut off energetically from life support and in danger of losing their souls altogether, and became parasites only able to survive by tapping the energy of the living. By inhabiting the energy field of living hosts, not only humans but many races of extraterrestrials, the spirit meddlers corrupted them heavily through a campaign of inner bullying to give them extra energy for their survival and, at the same time, cause corruption, discord, and destruction among the living in their culture. This satisfied the depravity within the spirit meddlers who had grown to hate and fear the light and become loveless and savage in being the spirit equivalent of a functional psychopath. The level of scrutiny Karl has brought brings into clear focus the key and quite important ingredients of what you are dealing with for the first time in history.

Do you think it is wise to make a special outreach to the Spiritists in Brazil including the idea that Karl was Allan Kardec in a previous incarnation?

We think this is useful and quite important. The Spiritists came into existence because of Allan Kardec and the fact their organizations persist to this very day is a testament to the power of the learning and awareness Kardec brought to bear—it has inspired generations of people ever since. So we think to learn that Allan Kardec is back, pursuing the same path he did before, but in some new ways and with greater capabilities than ever, having made great strides and many breakthroughs in understanding, not only to probe the mechanisms of spirit phenomena but the inner workings of life itself, both in the physical and the afterlife, as well as within the divine realm, to identify sources of difficulty leading to human problems of all kinds, including physical illness, mental and emotional ill health, and all of the tragic consequences. And then applying that hard-won knowledge to establish procedures capable of bringing divine healing to bear in new ways more powerful than ever done before in human history. This is a singular achievement and represents a tremendous advance for the cause of humanity.

The Spiritists around the world embrace the teachings of Allan Kardec for a reason—they are awakened enough to see the ring of truth and embrace the value of the wisdom in appreciating the importance of spirit phenomena and the paranormal as an avenue for exploration and learning. This is not only a link back to their time as light beings who function exactly in those ways and through those means, but maintain an interest, curiosity, and for many a passion in studying such phenomena because they are inspired to know there is a purpose behind it all, and somehow they have a role to play that will depend on learning more personally and taking some kind of action of their own. This is all true, they are intended to be leaders in saving the world, they are primed and ready, so we fully support spreading all the knowledge gained through GetWisdom to the Spiritists so they are aware of its existence and can benefit. This is meant to happen.

What has made the major Spiritists’ organization intractable and perhaps unable to accept the fact that Karl Mollison was once Allan Kardec?

This is a question of building trust, greater awareness, and by enough of the membership who are open enough and uncorrupted to evaluate the available evidence in a serious way, and who are capable of seeing the truth here. We do not wish to single out anyone for criticism. Each human being is a quite complex composite of differing knowledge, beliefs, and many other characteristics. The fact they might share membership in an organization like the Spiritists does not mean all will have a similar reaction to any particular circumstance. So the same concern could be leveled at people within any particular locale or people within any other group, or sharing a common perspective, such as a religious affiliation. You will find many within any philosophical or spiritual cohort who will not be open to the ideas of GetWisdom that Karl is bringing forward. Even though it is divine wisdom and has our backing, and we do endeavor to encourage the viewer or listener or reader exposed to the knowledge that has accumulated to give it a fair hearing, there will be many who are resistant and whose minds might be quite closed so they are, in effect, unreachable with any views differing from their own.

This is simply the reality of the world you inhabit, that it is so heavily corrupted and constrained, and this is true of all people at all levels of knowledge, awareness, and interests in the paranormal, the spiritual, or the more esoteric explorations of many using their intuitive abilities and carving out a niche to define what they learn and attempt to interest others. There is quite a chorus of differing views because people are focused on many different aspects of the life experience and the many phenomena involved, very much akin to the story of The Blind Men and the Elephant—all are seeing truth but not necessarily enough and in the right perspective to discern the outlines of the whole that would help to explain many differing perspectives and insights about the meaning of existence and what people are experiencing. So we do not see this as a simple yes or no having been decided at this juncture. You are just getting started here with your outreach and it is that outreach and the ability to communicate that will ultimately win the day with many, many people in many, many differing groups with widely differing perspectives at the current time.

What did the ET cohort do about Allan Kardec’s work? He was evidently doing something they would not consider in their best interests. Where was he hindered and how was he protected?

What you are seeing in the record of Allan Kardec’s work and contributions was very much both the forces of good and evil at work and operating on a constant basis in a kind of back and forth as a form of arm wrestling, so to speak, for dominance. This was through the taking of turns rather than with the opposing forces grappling directly, but nonetheless, like all explorers, innovators, researchers, and discoverers of hidden truth, he was attacked, he was manipulated, he was maligned, he was subverted, mostly indirectly and at times directly as well, to dupe him into believing many instances of phenomena through misinterpreting them as a genuine spirit manifestation when it might have been extraterrestrial mischief. His presence was not appreciated by the interlopers and they did many things to attempt to derail his efforts and even end his life. He was given high-level divine oversight and protection because he had an important life mission to carry out and it required extra help for that to happen, but he was fully in alignment in wanting this, believing in it, and dedicating himself and his energies to its pursuit. Those are the requisites for obtaining such a high level of divine support, along with extra inspiration and guidance to not only help bring forth hidden knowledge and wisdom but to arrange ongoing protection, both personally and for key individuals around him he relied on as he proceeded with his work, so many of the right people were able to collaborate meaningfully and generate useful data to help the cause.

The same is true about lightworkers of today, and this includes Karl Mollison, that when on important missions with the potential of making strides and especially a breakthrough of some kind, we can use the prayers of many humans wanting improvement for the world and apply those intentions towards guiding, supporting, and enhancing the success of individuals carrying out important work that can truly advance the cause of humanity, to heal and save the world, and raise up the perpetrators to enable that happening. That is the mission you are all taking part in; whether you know it or not, you are all lightworkers here. No one else incarnates on the Earth unless they are working to recover from prior attempts and wanting to catch up with too much negative karmic baggage and carry out mostly healing in the current incarnation, or they are on the march to advance the cause of humanity directly through helping the truth come forward and help raise up fellow humans and engage with the divine themselves personally, through prayer at least, if not becoming a healer in a meaningful way using a modality that is effective, like the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

Both prayer work with empowerment and the keenest ever understanding of how to pray effectively, what to pray for, and the leveraging that can be used to make it possible to win against formidable opponents like you face in your dilemma, is a true advance. Not only that knowledge gained from channeling the divine, but assistance in researching what it takes to help someone heal has enabled Karl Mollison to put together the most comprehensive and effective healing modality ever in existence—the Lightworker Healing Protocol—it is capable of healing the dark beings you face sufficiently to survive their dark plans though changing them enough to allow our plans for you to succeed. This he has mapped out in discussing with us the planned Final Solution of Humanity and what it will take, following a withdrawal of the interlopers, for humanity to be ready for the grand ascension that has been expected by many intuitives through the ages. You have but a few short years to reach a tipping point with enough human intention to keep the wolf at bay, and then at least two generations will be needed to allow enough healing for humanity as a group to truly be ready for ascension.

Never again will you need to come back into the physical and be at risk of corruption and a grisly death at the hands of savage beings. Their need for healing will continue following your departure, but those of you who have an investment and interest will continue doing healing work for their benefit from a higher vibrational platform where your lives will be positive and rewarding, and nothing like the challenges you face in the physical realm where you are weak and vulnerable. It will be an entirely new experience at once gratifying and sublime. The challenge now is for you to bring about these eventualities within the time constraints currently controlled by the opposition—this is doable, but you must do it!

Can Creator share how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can protect us from the intrigues of Lucifer and the fallen angelics, as well as provide what is, in fact, their only true hope for salvation and continued life?

As we have set out for you in the series of overlapping questions here in how things came to be in the current moment, you are balanced on a knife-edge with the light on one side with a long and difficult path to a higher vibration of divine alignment, having become corrupted and beaten down for so long and, on the other side, a yawning chasm of evil ready to swallow you up because it offers nothing but emptiness in its ultimate expression. There is no possibility that evil can overcome the divine and reign supreme; that simply cannot happen because its only power comes through absence of the divine to allow evil to exist in the first place. So it cannot truly approach the divine, let alone overwhelm it and destroy it. In actuality, it is an empty threat only possible from the withdrawal of love for a time. That is what gets evil started, love’s absence. Putting back love to nurture, heal, raise up the downtrodden, and especially to raise the vibration of the perpetrator to show them a better path and give them a greater reward than any of their evil doings could bring them, will be the ultimate solution here, but this must be arranged to happen.

We will not do it unilaterally, because what is taking place is a test of you and the other beings at stake who are involved in the ongoing contest of good and evil. Turning to the divine through prayer, and especially through the Lightworker Healing Protocol, which has the power within it to request the very detailed maneuvers that provide a way for the divine to take charge of things, will begin removing, adjusting, healing, or transmuting the negativity to return a more positive way of living to those corrupted and distorted for so long a time they are working in service to their own depravity and not for the benefit of their soul. Great healing is needed and that is why great tools are necessary, it can only be done through the divine but you must know how to request this. The more informed your request, the more powerfully it is done, the more intelligently, the more specifically, and the more it invokes an understanding and description of how the divine realm can bring healing to bear, the more effective it will be in obtaining help sooner rather than later. If we are invited with a weak, vague cry for help, we can only reply with meager energy that is a match to the state of ignorance you are projecting. When your eyes have been opened and you are in awareness of all that opposes you, your request for assistance will be much better informed and allow a greater response that is a much better and more effective match to your opposition.

That is why learning how to use Empowered Prayer will accelerate things and provide a collective empowerment of humanity the more you embrace and involve the sharing with others of the information we are giving your channel; it is for the world to learn and to embrace as the means of your deliverance. It has never been possible, heretofore, to bring forth these answers with such great clarity and thoroughness. It is the scholarship of your channel making this possible as a beneficiary of all that has come before, all of the divine prophets through the ages piecing things together, keeping hope alive, and belief in the divine has been necessary to reach the current moment, and finally, at long last, you are given now the very tools you need to win the day and without them will perish.

But, as it was up to humans to do the scholarship and hard-won learning to have these truths revealed to you, it must be human action, involvement, and utilization of this opportunity in reaching out to us in a more greatly empowered way that can help humans prevail and succeed, and live not only to fight another day but ascend to greatness compared to your present existence, and have an ever-expanding role through the universe to enable all, eventually, to enjoy free agency and free will and its blessings, but without the hazards and drawbacks that heretofore have limited progress and created much misery instead. You were created to help make this happen, freeing humanity once and for all from the grip of evil, and healing the evil ones so they see the error of their ways and choose for themselves to be healed. You can do this but you must choose to be involved and take action to bring it into existence—it will not happen if you stay on the sidelines and leave it to others to act.

A viewer asks: “What about Val Thor? So many have spoken of this being from Venus who stayed in the Pentagon for 3 years and befriended Eisenhower.”

Val Thor was indeed an extraterrestrial being, not from Venus, but is an Arcturian. So that was a deception to mask his true origin, as is their practice. They will pretend to be from other star systems like Aldebaran. Val Thor was connected to the Arcturians, who were in contact with Pres. Eisenhower and others within the military and intelligence agencies to initiate a direct collaboration. And that is what led to Val Thor being in residence at the Pentagon where many came to know him.

Being an Arcturian, and a physical extraterrestrial, puts him in the enemy camp. So anything from this source cannot be trusted to be the whole truth, because the whole purpose of Arcturian collaboration with the US military is to deceive the US government into thinking they have the inside track working with the powerful extraterrestrials, and as a result, have been promised assistance from them and are looking forward eagerly to further advances in learning more about the extraterrestrial technology. This is a ruse and a deception from first to last. It is serving to make the US government complacent, and dangerously so, about the presence of so much alien activity on the planet. It has already corrupted things in major ways; for example, allowing the government to collaborate actively, even as they know there is a large-scale human abduction program that is ongoing. This shows the degree of cynicism and selective attention and belief that can be engineered through mind control to simply overlook the dark aspects, in seeing there is something in it for them. So the leadership on the human side is putty in their hands and being sold a bill of goods that will have karmic penalties quite severe in nature if the human annihilation is launched, because they are helping to set this us up to be carried out by the Secret Space Program recruits, which we have told you is truly a Mercenary Army Program, not for the protection of the world, as advertised by the aliens themselves, but a sinister co-opting of humans to do their dirty work while under severe mind control manipulation.

We could have all the friends in the world if we had all the time in the world. Friends are people we happily give our limited time to. What is Creator’s perspective?

There is truth in this perspective to be sure. What this reflects is that as an extension of Creator, you have inherently a tremendous capacity to love. What gets in the way are your limitations as a physical human, only having so much awareness, so much intellect, and so much intuitive ability, and only so much energy and time to use it. When considering that a third of your life you will spend in sleep, this reduces significantly whatever can be accomplished during the waking hours. The many requirements for housekeeping, personal hygiene, attending to the physical demands for food and drink, and earning a living to provide the wherewithal for shelter, supplies, and tools you may need, commands the majority of people’s time. As a consequence, your time is truly precious and one of the most valuable gifts you can bestow on others. As a practical matter, there is a limit on how many friendships any individual can maintain beyond a casual acquaintance, so giving of yourself in friendship will be recognized and valued by others who are the beneficiary.