Frankl wrote: “Freud once said, ‘Try and subject a number of strongly differentiated human beings to the same amount of starvation. With the increase of the imperative need for food, all individual differences will be blotted out, and, in their place, we shall see the uniform expression of the one unsatisfied instinct.'” But Frankl by dint of direct experience, not supposition, knew better: “But in the concentration camps, we witnessed the contrary; we saw while faced with the identical situation, one man degenerated while another attained virtual saintliness.” Freud’s is the atheist’s “untested” perspective, and one we assume is shared by the interlopers. What is Creator’s perspective?

Indeed, the view of Freud is quite dystopian and very much a frequent theme of fiction and motion picture depictions of dystopian societies, and their bleak hopelessness that are always created by the power flowing to the top, so eventually the masses of people are on their own, left to live by their wits with meager resources and capabilities, in a downward spiral of poverty and lawlessness because no power is left to do good to counter the imbalance. What Frankl witnessed in the death camps on the part of heroic inmates attending to others offering some nurturing, bits of food, help to prop them up so they would not be selected for extermination just yet, but were only weak with a bout of illness, for example, but could be saved. This took something away from the helpers, but this is divinity on the march when people give of themselves when it hurts.

What was truly taking place is even deeper than acts of divine alignment. This was the divine acting through those humanitarians as a force for good and, in the doing, helping to support them at least enough to keep them going. This is a miracle by your perspective, and such miracles are not always perceived or appreciated at the time but that, indeed, is why some people seem saintly even while present in the mouth of hell with little hope for their own personal survival but still took time to help others. This is the measure of who you are. Those few at any point in history, including this very moment, who are doing God’s work, are simply being who they are. It is all the others who are still asleep, unaware of their origin and their destiny, who are being sidelined and unwitting victims of their disconnection that imperils them. What needs to happen is to not rely on a few awake and enlightened lightworkers, but for a grand awakening of many, many people to see the ongoing folly of human civilization’s poor choices, and demand a change in things and, in particular, reach out to the divine for help to be raised up and become more effective as human beings and advocates for divine truth—they will be heroes as well.

Frankl wrote: “Previously the only obvious philosophical tenet that entered into the doctor’s work was the tacit affirmation of the value of health. Now we need to worry about WHY he (the patient) needs the health.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here Frankl is circling around the deep truth needed to be appreciated by both doctor and patient, that a human being is more than a mass of tissue, blood and sinew, hair and bone, and, as used to be a popular awareness, “a dollar and a quarter worth of chemicals.” The human being is a current embodiment of a soul extension, a divine personage, a representative of Creator’s consciousness directly, being part of the integral makeup of Creator’s consciousness. Everything about consciousness depends on content, where it has been, what it has been a part of, what it has been subjected to in life experience, and the meaning of it all in terms of its impact on the human life experience moving things toward or away from divine alignment. The further away people go, as a result of misfortune or harm done by others, the more wounding will take place, all of which is recorded and will circle back to that individual in the future via the Law of Karma seeing they are challenged with an opportunity to overcome it. If not, the wound will grow and the burden become greater.

The dilemma of karmic trauma as a cause of illness is profound, and profoundly important for caregivers as well as their patients to appreciate, because it is the key to obtaining the deepest possible resolution of the problem with health they experience. Medicine will largely miss the point until it is fully and completely understood and accepted one needs to deal with the whole being, especially its history of what has gone wrong, and set that right with divine help. This may well uncreate a current illness when the divine goes back into the past, at human request, to heal a series of predisposing traumatic events in prior lifetimes that have circled back through the projection of karmic potential and are undermining an individual’s body in their current life, challenging them to do something about the discord that was created to throw them out of balance, and needs to be addressed in order to move forward without suffering. As long as science is blind to this reality, medicine will be a useful supportive adjunct but largely helpless to deal with most major problems effectively.

The size of a setback can have a significant bearing on whether the result is humility or rage. For instance, a parking ticket legitimately earned, even if unintentionally, is likely to result in humility. But if the car is towed, impounded, and quickly sold at auction the next day by corrupt officials, the result is not likely to be “humility.” Some setbacks are karmic, but others are first offenses or unearned and undeserved insults. Humility seems to have the deck stacked against it in these situations. What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a very human-level question, owing to the many circumstances where humans are, indeed, coming from behind and facing fierce opposition with little insight and awareness, and preparation to have sophisticated tools to work with in responding in a more divine way than using anger. The divine perspective is that humility is appropriate on all occasions, but requires inordinate inner strength to succeed in all circumstances. That is why it is difficult to maintain, to be consistently smooth, calm, unflustered, steady, while being resilient, steadfast, unflappable, and in control of oneself, and able to think clearly when challenged under any conditions.

Anger, and especially rage as an extreme expression of anger, implies a lack of control, a lack of safety, a lack of power, because rage is an act of desperation when someone feels threatened or treated so unfairly they take umbrage and, indeed, are seeking revenge as though punishing an opponent will restore what was taken from them—that in fact can never happen. Anger that results in the wounding of another does not restore the self. What is needed to right the wrongs in human discourse is to treat people with respect, consideration, compassion, and a loving appreciation that they are all children of the divine and might be in need of something, making them act unfairly in a given circumstance. Such individuals are doing so because they are missing something in themselves, and mistakenly trying to take it from others for their own use, when what is needed is the vibration of love to be reigning supreme in their experiencing of life. When something happens to take that away, to lower that vibration, it will not be restored by harming whoever caused that to happen. A person cannot go to an attacker and take love from them to restore themselves—that is why warfare on any scale is a faulty and destructive notion and not a means to achieve growth or improvement for anything or anyone.

Powerful self-control of a humble individual happens because they are in divine alignment, will have the strength of many from that blessing and will be much more effective in changing things for the better. You can see this frequently in very common human exchanges, that when a dispute breaks out it is rarely the person who becomes hysterical and out of control, shouting and yelling and name-calling, who will be respected and listened to. It will be the calm, cool, and collected, rational, thoughtful person who will likely prevail, and that is true whether they are truly in the right or not. Someone who is on the side of truth but cannot control their emotions, and indulges in excess anger and rageful attacks on others, will be very ineffective in getting what they want, whether it is deserved or not. Fighting fire with fire will backfire for sure.

She asks: “Who is she (or are we together) that the forces of darkness are so threatened that they have arrayed SO heavily against us?”

Your channel is seeing intuitively the truth of things here, that it is the daughter who is the true target and she, indeed, is a targeted individual because of prior lifetimes of service as a lightworker and having been quite successful in being a thorn in the side of the Extraterrestrial Alliance. So she was marked for “special treatment” from the outset, and this has continued to the present.

Chris Cornell Channeled by Karl Mollison 19Dec2021

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Chris Cornell Channeled by Karl Mollison 19Dec2021


Christopher Cornell July 20, 1964 – May 18, 2017 was an American singer, songwriter, and musician best known as the lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist for the rock bands Soundgarden and Audioslave.

He also had a solo career and contributed to soundtracks. Cornell was also the founder and frontman of Temple of the Dog, a one-off tribute band dedicated to his late friend Andrew Wood.

Cornell is considered one of the key figures of the 1990s grunge movement, and is well known for his extensive catalog as a songwriter, his nearly four-octave vocal range, and his powerful vocal belting technique.

He released four solo studio albums, Euphoria Morning (1999), Carry On (2007), Scream (2009), and Higher Truth (2015); the live album Songbook (2011); and two compilations, The Roads We Choose (2007) and Chris Cornell (2018), the latter released posthumously.

He received a Golden Globe Award nomination for his song “The Keeper”, which appeared in the 2011 film Machine Gun Preacher, and co-wrote and performed “You Know My Name”, the theme song to the 2006 James Bond film Casino Royale. His last solo release before his death was the charity single “The Promise”, written for the ending credits for the 2016 film of the same name.

Across his entire catalog, Cornell sold 14.8 million albums, 8.8 million digital songs, and 300 million on-demand audio streams in the U.S. alone, as well as over 30 million records worldwide.

He was nominated for 16 Grammy Awards, winning three.

He was voted “Rock’s Greatest Singer” by readers of Guitar World, and ranked No. 4 on the list of “Heavy Metal’s All-Time Top 100 Vocalists” by Hit Parader, No. 9 on the list of “Best Lead Singers of All Time” by Rolling Stone, and No. 12 on MTV’s “22 Greatest Voices in Music”.

Cornell struggled with depression for most of his life. He was found dead in his Detroit hotel room in the early hours of May 18, 2017, after performing at a Soundgarden concert an hour earlier at the Fox Theatre.

His death was ruled a suicide by hanging.

Once again “they” got it wrong. Cover up?

Easy to see and believe from here that this was no suicide and even easier once in the Light where everything is clear.

Carry on …

As Lucifer was a veteran of earlier universes, he must surely have witnessed a similar “fall from grace” and descent into depravity. Did he think he was immune, that it could never happen to him? And that no amount of warnings could change that self-perception, as evidenced by this earlier channeling of Creator: “This led to the misapplication of power and inner corruption of his thinking and worsened over time despite hints and warnings he was taking liberties that were inadvisable but proceeded anyway. This led to his downfall.” We are reminded of teenagers, in particular, who ignore their parent’s advice, and then promptly go out and get themselves in grave trouble. Are we on the right track in trying to understand what happened and why?

You are close to the truth of things here in this description, along with our reminder of the operating constraints imposed by the grand experiment of Free Agency and Free Will, applying throughout your restricted Milky Way Galaxy as a proving ground. So again, this meant it was up to him, primarily, to see the dangers and the warnings. We hinted but could not impose with marching orders, to take a prescribed corrective action that would get him back on track, any more than we can intrude in your life to admonish you and tell you what to do to right your ship, so to speak. Free agency and free will are just that, so we could not lead him in the same way we cannot lead humans to make choices we would prefer, or perhaps even know will be much more productive and better, in the end, for the individual involved.

So Lucifer’s failings were his own and came as a consequence of his choices, and not ours, to act or not act in any particular way at any particular time. We reach out to him with inspiration and guidance in the same way we do for everyone. Not all will hear us, not all will listen, and that is a function of belief and level of corruption that might have accumulated, but without enough insight to recognize something is amiss and a decision to reach out to us for assistance, we will largely be powerless to render assistance other than indirectly, and that might well not be enough when people are so far out of alignment they cannot find a way back.

He continues: “I then started doing a number of Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions, where I asked Creator to deliver her safe and healthy back to her parents, or if something worse should happen, to make sure to deliver her speedily and safely with a happy reunion, back to the light, back to the divine realm. I’m not doing this to boost my ego, but it would make me so happy to know if I did contribute to the return of this beautiful little girl back to her family.” What can we tell him?

Despite what most skeptics would say, your intuition is telling you a valid truth. You were impulsed to reach out and help her retroactively to bring about her safe return to her family. In effect, her rescue was done with energy on loan from the future, at which time it was planned for you to be notified of her situation and rework your compassion and concern about her, an identification with her plight, into a motivation for requesting healing and rescue at that future point, when the average person would say this would be moot because she had already been found safe and sound so nothing you did subsequent to that could possibly have any influence whatsoever. You would likely be judged as being victim of a flight of fancy in service to your ego, if not being in the throes of delusional thinking, that you might have special powers, and so on.

We can tell you that you were simply stepping up and answering the call of divine service. Because you have previously wanted to be of service, and done much work to help others, we knew you would be open and quite willing to contribute in this way. So there was a looping from the past into the present that was closed, that was met by a looping from the present into the past, and became a kind of circle of completion when you conducted the actual healing and rescue work at that future time, seemingly after everything had been decided. So we were taking the prophetic expectation you would act on our impulse to create a future projection, including you and the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions you launched for the purpose of her rescue in the future, to loop back into the present at that moment, which is now your past, from your perspective, and bring about a rescue to shield her from worse outcomes at the hands of those who had sequestered her.

The energy of the rescue was broadcast in the news, and that is when your higher self went to work to impulse you with an inner guidance that things were not done yet, that she still needed your help, and you were impulsed to have this idea of carrying out work on her behalf. So rather than this being a fantasy or delusion of your importance as a rescuer of this unfortunate child, it is truly the opposite, that you are a divine human who is tapped in and seeing future possibilities and the divine in action in recognizing the signs of the message seeking to include you in being instrumental for the events in question to transpire in a positive manner. You filled your role beautifully and it is a testament to your divine alignment, your deep caring, your big heart, and the love quotient you hold within—that is truly divine.

Are External Manipulations Worsening My Physical Ailment?

External manipulations are high-level psychic attacks that often worsen a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Unfortunately, many people solely attribute physical discomfort to an injury, internal musculoskeletal damage, or any other cause relating to the body, age, genetics, or an individual’s lifestyle.

While keeping these factors in mind is extremely important, other causes shouldn’t be ruled out. External manipulations also exacerbate physical ailments. Let’s discuss this further.

1. The Reason Behind External Manipulations That Result in Physical Discomfort

A reader recently reached out to us asking why their physical pain was intensified to the point that they couldn’t move. Unfortunately, this is a common consequence of external manipulations constraining the person and limiting their progress.

As a result, the person often develops chronic pain which, in turn, affects their mental and emotional well-being. It becomes extremely difficult for people to live with chronic pain.

According to Creator, “It is truly torture and torment on all levels of being.” External manipulators turn to this dark, deeply injurious tactic because of their inherent heartlessness and cruelty.

2. Recovering From External Manipulations

It’s important to understand that external manipulators have no right to cause physical harm to a person. For this reason, they cannot win. According to Creator, “If you remain strong in keeping the partnership with us going, we can help you get through this and live to see a better day.”

How do we accomplish this? Through prayer and healing work. All difficulties imparted by the external manipulations of perpetrators must be countered with deep, effective healing that invites positivity, peace, contentment, and—most importantly—physical ease into a person’s life.

3. How Can I Get Started?

Are you struggling to seek relief from your physical ailment? You may be leaving the root causes unaddressed. Our Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) sessions are designed to offer protection and healing to improve your physical health.

We work on understanding the specific underlying factors that have exacerbated your physical health. Your karmic history may be causing you harm. Or perhaps you’re dealing with spirit attachments. People commonly have both problems worsening things.

By identifying and taking care of all negative elements that are affecting you, we ensure that you can get back on track and live a fulfilling life that’s free from the discomfort that was being caused.

If you’re looking for more services and resources from us, explore our subconscious channelings, advanced energy treatments, divine channelings, divine inspiration sessions, hidden truth podcasts, and spiritual training courses.

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The Importance of Understanding Your Karmic Heritage and Healing Backlog

Every human has already lived 423 lifetimes on average. Yes, 423—that’s a lot by any measure! One lifetime sounds like an eternity; you can only imagine what 400+ lifetimes would seem like.

During each lifetime, people experience a wide range of feelings: happiness, sorrow, pain, regret, guilt, resentment, heartbreak, and many others. Unfortunately, a lot of dark emotions and experiences are embedded in past lifetimes. These may include trauma, abuse, and deep suffering.

In their present life, every human carries their karmic baggage that includes all of these emotions and experiences. In this blog, we’ll offer a closer look at the importance of understanding your karmic heritage and healing backlog. Let’s dive right into it.

The Effects of Karmic Traumas

In many cases, people think that they’re suffering solely because of their present circumstances. This may be true. However, it’s also possible that the person just has a severe and complex karmic history.

Many people with chronic life difficulties experience problems that arise from interference all through human history by the main sources of evil: dark spirits and the Extraterrestrial Alliance. This is true because most major challenges in life can be traced to these interlopers, either directly or indirectly.

According to Creator, “Karmic traumas all come about because of the manipulation of the human population individually and collectively. This creates a very significant backlog of unhealed trauma that looms in their current life and needs to be resolved in one way or another.”

Understanding this is imperative as it allows a person to seek healing accordingly.

Taking the Right Course of Action


Your karmic baggage can only be addressed and carefully navigated if you work with a trained healing practitioner. As a person seeks divine healing, they get a chance to identify and work through their karmic and spirit problems. This is imperative as these intricate problems need to be worked on systematically, to reach their deepest roots.

If you’ve been experiencing physical, mental, or emotional issues, they were likely triggered by your karmic backlog, and working with a healing practitioner will help alleviate them. At Get Wisdom, we’re committed to helping people heal their karmic wounds and live healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.

Our Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) program is designed to help identify each individual’s karmic baggage and address it accordingly.

If you’re looking for additional resources and services, browse through our subconscious channelings, advanced energy treatments, divine channelings, divine inspiration sessions, hidden truth podcasts, and spiritual training courses.

Learn why you are being awakened to get started.

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Both Allan Kardec and Karl Mollison share not only similar interests and agendas, but a notable similarity of the organization of their written work, and that is the question-and-answer format that we see in Karl’s e-books, the Divine Wisdom Database, and originally in The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec. Are there criteria for soul characteristics that manifest in earthly existence that pass from one incarnation to the next?

It is quite true that the soul makeup will out, so to speak. There are many soul characteristics to choose among in formulating a life plan and choosing the framework for that life to unfold. It is not only the makeup of the individual who is incarnating and all that has come before, adding something to that soul learning and expression, but the very genetics assigned to that soul as a composite of the ancestral lineage they will be joining, to be in a particular family, as well as complementing their most needed soul characteristics for the life plan to come. In most cases, there will be a mix of positive and negative attributes needing to be put in place, because there are almost always positive and negative prior experiences needing to be rebalanced or built upon. And the right makeup of the individual coming into life must match the karmic imperatives that will arise, because that will cause the resonance for things to get underway so that a prior trauma will be reawakened within the person somewhere along the line, and then they will have to reckon with the unfinished business of healing.

In the same way, a positive attribute to contribute to the life mission of a scholar, someone on the frontier of investigation as a researcher to plumb the depths of knowledge and add to it in new ways, and particularly, when the subject matter is in a kind of vanguard, not fully accepted or even ridiculed by the mainstream, it takes quite a combination of fortitude and curiosity as well as the requisite intuitive abilities to obtain enough truth about things, to maintain an interest and willingness to go against the grain, and persist with a long-term enterprise bringing new knowledge into the world that some might find troubling or even anathema, based on their preconceived notions and well‑entrenched beliefs. This was a hallmark of both Allan Kardec and Karl Mollison as the same being coming back into the fray from even earlier excursions to help humanity, and wanting to bring forth new knowledge, and to be a spokesperson and advocate for embracing the unusual and seeking a deeper understanding—that is what you see in the styles of the approach used in both cases with these differing lifetimes.

The concentration and focus, to begin with, on the spirit realm was the mission for both excursions, and to add to that knowledge a deeper understanding of the role of reincarnation in governing all that happens in the coming and going of a soul to and from the light time after time after time, to help explore the reality and deeper purpose for such a paradigm, and that is now coming into better focus with Karl’s return. He has our full support, as Allan Kardec did back then, but of course the backdrop is different, the body of knowledge that has accumulated since then has helped progress things further, and Karl is coming in with new capabilities not enjoyed by Allan during his sojourn in the physical, in particular, a greater personal intuitive reach and ability to channel. That has allowed making greater strides in not being dependent on others with varying agendas and abilities that inevitably will color the information in certain respects and add further complexity in understanding the phenomena under study.

This has allowed Karl to reach out to us, The Creator of All That Is, and this will provide the ultimate in divine wisdom for the enterprise and the wherewithal to do all that is allowable under the rules of engagement that still apply to the mission. The major obstacle being we cannot provide you with a unilateral compendium of knowledge about all you might be seeking. As in Kardec’s day, Karl must go to the well with cogent questions that are penetrating and insightful to build on current knowledge and awareness incrementally, and that is a painstaking and demanding process, but it is essential because we cannot lead or prove our existence by stepping out too greatly in front of his thinking, but augment it. As a representative of the divine human race, he has the burden and responsibility of being a spokesperson and a seeker of truth and will only be granted what has been earned by his level of insight, understanding, and preparation for the task of gaining hard-won learning.

So his preparation for this incarnation was significant in helping to hone his capabilities to be sure he was up to the task and would continue having the requisite passion and dedication any undertaking like this requires, to spend years and years at developing the ability to connect, and then the knowledge base to focus in on the important aspects in the highest and best way. Few can do this even after years of effort, because of the level of ignorance people start from and the rigor and level of intellect, let alone intuitive reach, required to be successful.