At the time of the war in heaven, is it safe to say that every participant that was expelled, knew at the time about life force energy, knew about karma, and knew about the divine realm’s rules, etc? In their current extremely depraved condition, do they still retain memory and understanding of these realities? Dr. Gary Schwartz in his book, The G.O.D. Experiments, recounts what a dear friend once said to him, “When I dislike something, it stops me from understanding it.” Is it true that the fallen angelics are so full of dislike for the light that they have essentially lost all understanding of it?

This is a simplistic description for the truth of things, but is accurate enough to help you understand what reaching such a desperate condition is like, and the obstacles to making a recovery to save oneself when one has reached an extreme degree of separation from divine alignment. It is true that the fall from grace that started initially was done with a certain level of naiveté. Because God is so loving, there was a complacency in all beings from taking that so for granted, for so very long, that that love would always be there. Given the conditions of free will and free agency where karma was held in abeyance and beings had greater latitude to be daring, take risks, and experiment with their own power in an unhindered way without karma to keep them reined in, this created an opportunity to make mistakes in such a way that recovery became harder and harder and eventually, impossible.

This is what is meant by “a slippery slope” as a metaphor that aptly illustrates how someone could start on a dark path and not simply retrace their steps because the energies are headed downward, and when one is out of alignment, one begins to lose the wherewithal for self-control, and that stacks everything against you in being able to recover and return to alignment fully on your own. In effect, being out of alignment distances you from the divine, so communication is lessened, clarity will suffer, and self‑awareness along with it. So even though an outreach was attempted again and again, it was the inability to perceive it and understand it fully that made it fail to turn things around for many of the fallen angels in time to prevent their demise, and it still remains an ongoing risk.

So the enterprising, who can find a living host to prey on, are continuing to hang on, but that will not last forever. Unfortunately, they lack the wherewithal for self-correction because that was lost long ago and may well resist all attempts to heal them, even with human requests of the divine to do all they can. Time will tell how things play out. We know it is possible for healing to happen, and that many can still be saved—that is very worth doing because it will raise humans to new heights in the doing, and that will stand for all of time as the greatest of achievements.

Is the request within the Lightwork Healing Protocol to pool the intentions of all practitioner sessions across all time domains not only amassing more collective human intention as a driving force enabling a greater divine response, but also compensating for individual lapses in focused attention by a given practitioner in carrying out their individual session due to having their mind wander, falling asleep briefly, and so on? Will that ensure that any gaps can be filled in by the divine realm because others will have been paying attention in their sessions, and their respective intentions can be borrowed and applied as needed to ensure that the entire Protocol is applied effectively in all sessions by all individual practitioners?

You are seeing the truth of things here, and this is a useful understanding to impart to your practitioners so they need not worry about underperforming from having a less intense focus at times or being distracted and not paying attention for a time in following the audio prompts, so something goes by without their truly focusing on it at a conscious level. With respect to falling asleep, we would rather have people repeat the session if they fall asleep soon after it is launched and miss the major portion. But this is as much to discourage people taking advantage to cut corners and make it as painless as possible, for example, doing sessions in their sleep. At a certain point, the question becomes are you participating in the global effort or not? If you are contributing a session that is worthwhile, it will add to the work of others. But if it almost totally draws on the power of intention supplied by other practitioners and little by the self, it becomes an un-earned benefit that is not the highest and best way to approach a healing effort of great importance. So we would simply ask people to give this their best attention but know that inadvertent lapses in focus will be compensated for, so this need not be a punishing exercise involving many starts and stops to repeat portions if people have minds that tend to wander. You have discussed in the past a session can be done in a variety of ways. If listening to the audio prompts is sleep-inducing, sitting upright and reading the Protocol or reading and speaking it out loud will prevent that and is a fine way to execute the Protocol while staying focused. So people can follow our recommendations as a guide in best knowing how they function and what might be happening during their work.

A channeler remembers being abducted by alien Greys as a child, but then being rescued by the “Intergalactic Federation,” and has visited with them at intervals. Is that true or a deception to groom her to be a human supporter of Disclosure by the Extraterrestrial Alliance?

Unfortunately, the latter is the case. She has been abducted but the rescue scenario is a kind of playacting to impress her and plant a false narrative that she is part of something lofty to benefit humanity and has a kind of inside track on these benevolent extraterrestrials and their desire to help humanity with dire future circumstances. We told you quite a while ago now that channelers will be groomed to support Disclosure when the time comes, who are now currently ignoring the issue of extraterrestrials, but will begin to receive impulsed information and will turn their attention to the extraterrestrial issue and will be told many false stories about how benevolent extraterrestrials are here to help, and so on.

This will add credibility to the Trojan Horse campaign of the Extraterrestrial Alliance because humans will more readily believe one another than a mysterious extraterrestrial figure no matter how lofty seeming and dazzling their technology might be. Here, too, the power of human collaboration works to undermine a parallel intervention by the divine realm because we cannot go against human intention, even if misguided and corrupted to be in place falsely. It is simply within the working conditions of the Free Will Paradigm that humans are responsible for everything, basically, and not us, and that includes staying safe from corruption. So if they allow that to happen, even unwittingly, they must bear the burden karmically and the responsibility to seek help and find ways to overcome such things if they are to survive and carry out their mission successfully to solve the problem of evil. It is not easy being human, and this is a perfect illustration that your burdens are real as well as the dangers, and why someone who has more insight about these dynamics can be so important in spreading the truth about what humans are up against, to warn them and provide high-level knowledge and the divine wisdom needed in how to overcome these liabilities. But unfortunately, those corrupted will pay a heavy karmic price personally for their collaboration, again owing to the reality they are in charge and expected to bear the burden of responsibility for all that happens under their watch.

In a previous radio show exploring sudden psychic abilities, Creator said that only one in 50,000 people had profound psychic abilities, and were universally on mission lives to be endowed with this capability. Why so very, very few? Is this small number about the size the Extraterrestrial Alliance will tolerate? What can Creator tell us?

You are on the right track here with your question. The scarcity of profoundly psychic people is not decided by a threshold that the interlopers will tolerate but merely reflecting the few that slip through their fingers, because all people have been altered genetically to dim down their psychic ability. This has been in place all through human history because it was done very close to the beginning of life on Earth. Not long after humans were introduced, their presence was discovered by the extraterrestrials, who are now in an alliance with one another, exploiting the existence of humanity for their own perverse aims—they wish to keep humanity suppressed. There originally was a slave colony made of the Earth by these extraterrestrials. Their goal was to exploit the planet and keep humans in line as a form of entertainment and sport, to demonstrate how they could be manipulated and at times made to look ridiculous without catching on, as a kind of dark joke of the same ilk as leaving a banana peel on the ground and hiding in anticipation someone would come along and slip and fall, and recording the occasion for the amusement of all those behind the scenes who were in on the joke.

This is serious business to the extraterrestrials. Intuitive ability gives people power because they can see the secrets of the interlopers intuitively. This is how your channel has learned what is going on in the true power running the world from behind the scenes and why humanity is currently in danger because of it. So this has been a control point monitored and reinforced on a regular basis, that anyone with psychic ability who gets noticed by the interlopers will be manipulated to discourage them from using their talent, or things done to create a kind of negative feedback in the form of punishment so they will abandon their pursuit of psychic exploration—that does not always work if someone is under high-level divine protection.

So there is an ongoing contest between the light and the darkness with respect to the practice of intuitive exploration in all respects. It is rare, because it is heavily suppressed, but it exists because it is your birthright and the true human nature to be highly intuitive, and occasionally things are arranged by the divine realm to give people this special ability in greater effectiveness than average for purposes of a mission life, as you rightly describe. They are needed to bring truth forward and be a kind of whistleblower about the human dilemma, so all such explanations are worthy and are divinely inspired, as you will be discussing here.

Is another reason there are so few, because of the divine injunction against forcing non believers to change their belief by providing overwhelming evidence, as opposed to a free will exploring of ideas, rather than imposition of belief? One of the reasons skeptics seem to have an easy time dismissing such extraordinary abilities is their incredible rarity in the population. What can Creator share with us?

What you are describing is true, that we cannot simply come in and magically restore people to a higher level of functioning. This is because there is a test of you underway, and a test of the system itself, “Can good prevail over evil?” So even though the forces of darkness have rigged the game in their favor by taking away much of your power and capability to see beyond yourself to discover truth about things, rendering you relatively weak and helpless, we cannot jump in and rig the game back in your favor when it is up to you to find a way to prevail and carry out your divine mission to solve the problem of evil. So one way to do that would be for those who are still awake, and able to see the importance of psychic ability in the overall scheme of things, to rally around such individuals and support their efforts, and use them as a source of inspiration and knowledge to be cherished and shared and knowledge spread widely of their existence, to encourage as many people as possible to take their efforts seriously and look into what they are doing, and see for themselves what can be gained when someone is truly tapped in and bringing forth divine wisdom—that can only benefit and not hurt anyone.

Indeed, the rarity works against you because this makes it easy to dismiss the possibility as being wildly improbable and, indeed, given the statistics, that is the case. But everyone knows that rare events do occur in actuality. There are rare gifted people of all kinds with respect to all kinds of abilities, some of which seem superhuman by comparison to the average capability. Why should intuition be any different? The reason it is disparaged with particular vigor and huge skepticism by the average person is due to mind control manipulation to create a barrier to belief in everyone by inculcating skepticism, the belief such things are nonsense, impossible, and to embrace them will lead to a person being discredited and perhaps shunned by others. This creates a wall of resistance within the minds of almost everyone who will choose to avoid the topic rather than engage, because to do so begins to threaten their comfort and they will grow uneasy and increasingly anxious, because they have been told it is a risk to their security to entertain such thoughts—that campaign of mind control manipulation is powerful and highly effective and has blocked human progress for its entire history.

Dr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona has spent much of his career exploring paranormal phenomena shunned by the vast majority of his colleagues. He is the author of numerous books on paranormal topics and has conducted a number of high-profile experiments with astonishing results. It’s almost a miracle in its own right that he has avoided scandal and has managed to retain his employment as a tenured faculty member. Were his career and the careers of his close compatriots protected and facilitated by the divine realm? Why are there so few like Gary Schwartz as such open-minded academic scholars appear to be even rarer than the mediums he’s studied? What can Creator tell us?

Here, too, are the signs of manipulation and censorship done through the same means of mind control manipulation to keep the entire scientific enterprise herded like sheep within a containment, all believing in unison that the paranormal is an unproductive arena rife with falsehoods, supposition, ancient folklore that was misguided and patently ridiculous, and for any serious scientist to take any of it seriously immediately calls into question their judgment and stability. There is an active suppression of serious scientific inquiry and, in fact, many scientific studies are rigged to become unproductive—that is easy for the extraterrestrials to accomplish, so the secret keeps itself.

When the rare individual comes along with profound ability, they will meet a wall of criticism, resistance to belief, scorn, and an active rejection done with vigor, and even to the point of rising to a level of personal danger if someone has the persistence and wherewithal to mount a serious challenge to the established order. You see the same thing happen in all lines of inquiry because science is constrained and manipulated on all levels for any subject of importance that could be of service to humanity, and be of material help in prolonging lifespan and increasing the quality of life. There will be an active intervention again and again and again to misdirect researchers away from productive lines of inquiry, encourage going down blind alleys, and pursue false notions that will not be productive in the end, and thus squander precious time and resources and getting little to show for it.

This is no accident, it is not people are incapable of doing serious scientific inquiry and making strides, it is a question of what is allowed to happen, and this is true across the board and no different when it comes to scientists with a desire to explore the paranormal. He is one of a very few individuals who remain open-minded and uncorrupted. That is a rare gift in and of itself and it is individuals of that caliber who are able to make true breakthroughs. Whether or not their work will stand and be accepted and adopted by others in the scientific community is always an open question. Many fine ideas get shelved through rejection by one’s peers and by the gatekeepers controlling what gets published, what gets funded, and so on, so it is always an open question about how far a researcher will get in pursuing truth before they are blocked or even discredited and can no longer pursue their dreams.

The HBO special “Life Afterlife” was another story, however. Dr. Schwartz wrote: “HBO had made a beautiful, inspiring show. But the science was sandwiched in the middle and lost nearly all its impact. We had expected that the show would leave the audience feeling ‘Science can be brought to bear on these issues,’ and ‘Wow, those mediums were tested by science and actually were found to be doing what they claimed.’ Instead, the show was good entertainment but little more. We had thought HBO really cared about the science, but discovered what the producers most wanted was to see how many people were crying when the lights went up. After all, HBO didn’t really care about making a scientific statement.” In fact, HBO had given almost as much air time to skeptics, as they did Dr. Schwartz’s experiments. The producers apparently believed they were being “professional and fair” giving equal time to skeptics and therefore creating a “balanced” presentation. But in this case, it seems a “balanced” presentation is simply sinister. What is Creator’s perspective?

This result was quite predictable, given that it was people who created the film production showcasing the scientific studies, so this was done by skeptics more than believers. Many such individuals are willing to give a platform to the unconventional but, at the same time, their true inner beliefs will nag at them and they will want some kind of a fallback position as if to say, “You see, we don’t truly believe in this but we’re trying to do these people a favor, but also be fair to the real truth of things, that it is still in our minds, questionable.” Such treatment is more the order of the day than not, and that is true across the board of such treatment of the paranormal as a broad category. It is reinforced again and again by the skeptical scientific community who will always revert to the mantra that “Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence,” which is, in effect, a way of saying, “We are not going to believe it no matter what you do.” In all the rest of science, such matters are dealt with mathematically, to look at statistical probabilities, simply to avoid these kinds of perspectives that are often based on well-entrenched prejudice against an unconventional idea when the scientific dogma has reigned, perhaps for centuries, and is so ingrained in people’s thinking it seems intolerable to even entertain the possibility the dogma could be wrong.

Left to their own devices, human beings would rush to explore anything unconventional, given the merest evidence of its validity, to see if it can be ruled out convincingly or perhaps supported through further investigation, and not simply dismissed out of hand because an overwhelmingly convincing case could not be produced in a single investigation. That is too high a standard for many lines of inquiry in science where the experimental conditions are widely variable, difficult to control, and contain much random noise, and so can only be established through considerable repetition, and a body of work taken together as a kind of meta-analysis is needed to see the true trend that is unmistakable and validates that something unusual is occurring, at least sufficiently to be scientifically demonstrable, and therefore credible. But any one of those individual studies taken by itself would be lambasted by critics and the authors would never find acceptance in the arena of public opinion, even at the level of the scientific community, let alone a broader segment of the population.

So this bias was in play in the consideration of the work of Dr. Schwartz, which was indeed worthy and unfortunately, in effect, masked by seeming “fair treatment” that was actually a prejudicial showcase that underrepresented its true value and importance in bringing forward an important truth about life itself and the immortal nature of consciousness.

During the experiments, at one point Dr. Schwartz’s own mother was trying to come through and was overpowering the other dead people who were scheduled to make an appearance. This seemed to convey how little actual “control” the medium had over the channels of communication. It seemed the dead were more successful at establishing and controlling the boundaries of communication than the medium himself. Is this one of the reasons why divine partnership is so critical when one works with non-local consciousness?

This is certainly a powerful argument for having a measure of control of things in conducting such efforts. The fact this is not easy to do is as much a function of ignorance as the impossibility of introducing greater rigor and precision. There are many variables involved in an intuitive exploration, and we will be exploring some of these in the course of your questions, but there are major difficulties no matter how one goes about such an exploration. There are pros and cons and trade-offs inherent in how one proceeds. To do so without divine protection, we would say is always a major error that leaves the subsequent effort open to question because it will very likely become corrupted, with the world in its current state of containment, oversight, and manipulation by extraterrestrials, including extraterrestrial psychics who watch carefully for any intuitive outreach by anyone and will rush to engage, and then begin to manipulate the intuitive to change what happens according to their own preferences in having the upper hand as a stand-in for who the intuitive might want to be reaching.

There are many, many intuitives who believe they are speaking to their spirit guide, their higher self, an ascended master, an archangel, and so on, who are doing nothing of the kind but talking to a physical extraterrestrial being with psychic ability who is pretending to be the desired source being sought and, in that way, sidelines the intuitive exploration to keep it in-house, so to speak, under the control of the extraterrestrials. They will be able to introduce faulty information through misguiding in an ever so subtle way to shape the narrative and discourage further and deeper explorations. They will not only do this through control of what is relayed through the medium, but they will manipulate the mind of the medium directly and the minds of others involved with the overall effort if there is a group enterprise underway, like a scientific exploration, and they will endeavor to distort the thinking and undermine the enterprise through inducing complacency, and so on.

This is one of the pitfalls when one is purporting to talk with spirits. There are many spirits out and about who are close in vibration to the living human and will engage with a psychic quite readily. Some are tricksters who will want to play games, some are even more malevolent and will want to do harm to seriously misguide. The most clever and deceptive and insidious are the physical extraterrestrials wanting to maintain a charade, and they are often able to derail the aims of people coming forward to mount a serious exploration of what is possible to learn through the intuitive reach. This has been done again and again through channelers who are manipulated to give false perspectives to their following, and their following, in turn, are all manipulated to be open and receptive and unquestioning of the wisdom they presume is present in the pronouncements that come forth, and it becomes a kind of circular communication and a “closed shop” where people will come away with a uniformity of perspectives and beliefs that will be false but deeply entrenched, and often a good dose of complacency as well to make them feel they have learned what they need to know, and then they will withdraw, having gone to the wrong well and “drunk the Kool-Aid,” and they may end up sidelined on a permanent basis, looking no further for truth.

Dr. Schwartz wrote about what he called “skeptomania” and “voodoo skepticism.” He wrote, “It’s one thing to be skeptical – open to alternative hypotheses. It’s another to be devoutly skeptical – always ‘knowing’ that cheating, lying, fraud, and deception are the explanations for any not-yet-explainable phenomena.” Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help reduce the ranks of the “devoutly skeptical?”

Dr. Schwartz is quite correctly putting his finger on a key issue that is responsible for limiting human progress as well as scientific progress and, in particular, the advancement of an appreciation for and understanding of the paranormal he so passionately wants to see expanding through his efforts. He is highly skilled and well-qualified for the task, but going against a world with mass manipulation of the populace via mind control to become complacent, disbelieving and, in effect, blind to evidence presented to them directly, such that they will simply change the subject or disengage from any conversation or interchange of information because they have been programmed to run the other way when certain topics are raised.

It is no wonder that Dr. Schwartz has bumped into this wall of skepticism that is fencing in humanity and keeping out the truth about many things, and his description is quite appropriate. It is much like the atheists who believe in and embrace their atheism every bit as devoutly as the true believers in religion. For them, it is a very strong and well‑entrenched belief that life after death is impossible, communicating with spirits is only fantasy or deception, and something to be ridiculed and shunned as a kind of deception that will only end up discrediting anyone who embraces such notions and supports such efforts. Few will wish to pursue learning about something they believe within them will taint them by association should they be curious enough to want to learn more about it. This is why many secrets keep themselves, it is because people are programmed to disbelieve them and to be leery of anyone who does—that is a prescription for a very limited world indeed.

The antidote is divine truth and wisdom. As we have explained in this discussion to some extent, and many times in other settings, there are many criteria for earning the keys to the kingdom of knowledge. People who are heavily mind controlled are in no condition to contribute to such an effort, they have been sidelined, and are essentially asleep. Those few who still have an open mind and are uncorrupted are usually those in good divine alignment. Most are believers in a higher power and it is such individuals who can help to save the rest if they come together and join an effort to turn things around. As we have told you many times, humanity is in peril because the extraterrestrials are seeking to annihilate you and simply doing a ramp up to weaken you first through financial collapse, mass illness and death, natural disasters that cause many disruptions and great financial loss, corruption of all your institutions to make society disjointed, contentious, inefficient, and unproductive to keep people off-balance, fighting with one another on an individual level, community level, national level, and international scale through things like war—all are tools of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to drag you down and limit your power.

Your only chance is to ask for divine assistance, but you must know what to ask for and why in order to get a divine response that is appropriate for the need at hand and has the human request, and permission, to use the specific tools for how the divine can deal with such high-level problems and, indeed, this requires a high-level divine response. That cannot be summoned through a mere plea to be saved and protected, one must use greater specificity and know something about what is involved and needed to achieve such a high-level end result.

GetWisdom has done the legwork here to help define the sources of negativity, how they are applied mechanistically, how to interact with the divine to obtain assistance that is meaningful at a sufficient level of intensity to make a difference, given the size of the problem your opposition represents. You can learn how to empower prayer to make a meaningful contribution to save the world, as this has been probed extensively by your channel, and free guidelines are available for you to follow. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is a compendium of high-level insight and awareness about the nature of your adversaries, the nature of the many phenomena that impinge on human performance and threaten human functioning as well as happiness.

This is a high-level healing need as great as any in the history of the universe. It was anticipated that if allowed to have greater freedom of movement and free will choices to follow one’s own thinking and explore unhindered and unfettered, people could get into trouble through overreaching if they became too self-centered and were tempted by selfish aims to exploit others, and then desire ever greater power and control. That is the slippery slope of your adversaries that has dragged them down and made them evil, they are devoid of love because they have become so disconnected from the divine, and that is ultimately where that leads, to a loveless existence where only one’s own personal power can bring any sense of reward or security, but it will still be a life lived among savages all wanting the same thing and at your expense. This is why the extraterrestrials allied against you, all have a hierarchical authoritarian regime exerting iron-fisted control over the masses who must, in effect, worship their leaders and bow to their whims. This is the path humans are heading towards, to emulate the darkness, because you are being darkened steadily through their manipulation of you and control of your minds and beliefs to steadily encroach and corrupt your thinking.

The answer is healing. There is not time to heal humanity, given the headwinds of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, including the dark spirit meddlers they command to corrupt you from within and increase vulnerability to manipulation. The only chance to save the world and the existence of humanity at this late date is to request the divine realm to heal the interlopers enough that they will withdraw without taking that parting shot of annihilating humanity. That is doable but it will require a large effort from the human side. The tool to make this happen is the Lightworker Healing Protocol because very high-level and powerful healing strategies must be employed in multiple ways, on multiple levels, to change the thinking of the interlopers about a program they have been thinking about for many decades. This is not impossible because it is actually a win‑win—if they carry out the annihilation, this will seal their fate because you are their last hope for salvation; having become so degraded and corrupt they are in danger of losing their souls, saving them will be a tremendous act of divinity—if you agree to help this come about, you will be exalted for all of time for the greatest of demonstrations of divine love there can be, to at least respect one’s enemies and empathize with their plight enough to give of yourselves, to save them from a dark fate.

The beauty of the strategy is that it will save humanity in the bargain because withdrawing for a long interval will allow you to continue healing with the Lightworker Healing Protocol and make much greater strides much more quickly than being on the current treadmill, where as soon as healing is applied, the interlopers corrupt you once again through a constant bombardment of negativity of all kinds. When those headwinds subside, you will be able to heal in earnest and things will only get better from there, leading to a grand ascension when you will leave the physical plane altogether and will ascend to a much more glorious existence. You can still continue doing a healing outreach for those in need but will be safe and never again come under their control. That will be your reward, but you must agree to do this, and then take action to learn what you need, to add your efforts. There is no time to waste here because the survival of humanity hangs in the balance.

Many performance artists have commented on just how important applause from an audience is. And many have said that applause is why they do what they do and that many would do it for free (and many do at the community level) just for the applause alone. Can Creator tell us about the energy dynamics of applause, and why it is so effective and even intoxicating?

The simple truth here is that applause is, in effect, an expression of love and all are thirsty for love. It is more highly prized than anything else in life because it will have the greatest value and meaning there can be. People yearn for closeness with others and spend much time worrying about being accepted and for good reason. Many things get in the way of would-be friendships. There are many negative influences that can derail the acceptance of others and them of you. This dynamic is a favorite playground of the interlopers, to cause divisive thinking and actions that are wounding and destructive to relationships. This bogs everything down and disheartens people, and is a cause of much failure of human enterprises.

So experiencing the opposite energetically, in the form of applause from strangers even, can be quite exhilarating because it is at once a dramatic demonstration of acceptance and a positive acclamation that one is worthy and not only meets the test, has done so convincingly in order to justify such an enthusiastic gesture of support and feedback. It is not only a widely recognized cultural expression independent of language in its symbolic meaning, it is a powerful sensory experience as well, because it is so forceful to the point it takes over the moment and when all join in, the applause audibly reinforces the unity in that accolade, the gesture of pleasure and acceptance of the performer.

There is an energetic augmentation that happens below conscious awareness as a consequence of putting the hands together and pulling them apart once again and repeating it over and over. In a sense, they are beaming a message; with each coming together and separation, it is a re-greeting of the performer by the audience member clapping in that way and they are making their energy felt as a distinct pulsation that will be separate from all others at some point in time and energetically can be discerned as a unique signal and event, and this becomes a group exercise purposefully, because it will generate excitement and encourage others to increase the intensity of their individual voice, so to speak, in the recognition they are conveying the message, “We are with you. We like you.” and thus all are sharing the collective intensity as a contributor and, in effect, this amplifies their voice through the mass participation becoming quite a wave of love.