The late Dr. Ian Stevenson was a Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist who spent much of his adult life and career studying cases of childhood memories and birthmarks suggestive of reincarnation, mostly in India, where such memories are not as quickly dismissed as they are in the Western world. A commentator said, “Dr. Stevenson was not upset that critics dismissed his work, but that they did so without ever reading it.” A skeptic wrote of Dr. Stevenson, that his work “is full of errors, flaws, gaps, messes, and difficulties. It does not correspond to the sort of work required in courses on research methods given to third and fourth-year college students.” And with that broad stroke, the skeptic dismisses a man’s life’s work, amounting to the study of some 2400 cases! What is Creator’s perspective of Dr. Stevenson’s efforts, and is the late Dr. Ian Stevenson safely in the light?

Dr. Stevenson is safely in the light, and for that he is most grateful, and his life work was not only valid but divinely inspired. He was engaged in a mission life to bring forward truth about the phenomenon of reincarnation, in particular, and that is why it became his passion and his life pursuit of greatest importance and overall meaning of benefit for people today to know about and understand. His was an uphill climb as your description describes. Reincarnation is still considered an oddity of cultural artifact, primarily, that is simply subconscious expectation from the cultural beliefs of Eastern religion, that one might have a prior history, perhaps as an animal. But this is not taken seriously by scientists or the medical community as fact or even possibility, but rather a kind of folktale only believed in by the gullible and those culturally conditioned to do so, and that is essentially a bias that has reigned supreme over Dr. Stevenson’s work, to see it through the lens that is the distortion of the academics who criticize him and not Dr. Stevenson himself—it is cultural bias labeling something it doesn’t understand.

This cultural bias, ironically enough, is the reason individuals in the West and psychologists and other researchers are probing the mind and things that intersect on the question of genealogy, genetic history, and the possibility of family lineages having some kind of energetic component that is outside the beings themselves. And so what has been toyed with by science through the ages, when it comes to Dr. Stevenson’s work, in seeing that people in India have many stories of people recalling such prior lifetimes, it is simply dismissed as a cultural phenomenon from prior belief within the citizens of that region. And so they are simply making up fantasies based on culturally acceptable norms, as it is readily explained as a kind of byproduct of primitive Asian beliefs that would not occur in the West where there is greater “cultural sophistication” and people are not conditioned to hold such ideas, and so will not have such fantasies and will not concoct stories, accordingly.

This is a reverse bias in action because it is the Western scientists who are closed rather than the Indian mind that is too open and gullible. The lack of awareness in the Western thinker creates closed minds, and any glimmers, any inner sense of prior awareness or experience, are simply discarded and disregarded by the mind itself and rarely relate to anyone else simply because it is not a part of the Western culture so is presumed to be some kind of inner fantasy, perhaps a recalled dream sequence, but could have nothing to do with reality. Because people in the West are trained and educated to be dumb about such notions, this is ignorance prizing itself and its own seeming logic that is only a kind of myopic view based on limited knowledge and restricted thinking as a consequence.

Another detail that emerged was that Sharada was extremely attracted to a young man who she claimed was her husband in that previous life 150 years earlier. While she apparently languished in limbo all that time, he, on the other hand, returned to the light and reincarnated successfully. Somehow, she was able to locate him reborn in a neighboring state and appeared to have made a concerted effort to take over another woman’s body in order to be with him. Interestingly, he showed absolutely no interest in her. Can Creator tell us if all this is true, the karmic consequences for Sharada in trying to steal another woman’s life for “herself,” and also why her earlier husband showed no interest?

Here again are details and dynamics that are accurately described and recorded, that Sharada recognized the link to her former husband and was wanting to reclaim him. After all, being in limbo for so long and having such a usually restricted life from the time of her passing, she was in a state of depletion, in a degree of loss and despair that is unfathomable for someone who has not gone through such an ordeal. The problem for her was she was only a spirit, not a full human being. She was sharing the human being of Uttara as a kind of platform but she herself was more like a parasite simply hanging on, and though she was able to step forward and put her consciousness on display and describe being in her existence, and taking steps to try to persuade others of the reality of her story, and persuade them to favor her, it was simply words, not truly a deep soul connection because that was weak and being masked by Uttara’s greater soul energy in being the true owner of the body, so to speak.

So the former husband was hearing the words of this former wife in spirit form but did not see her in looking at Uttara and looking in her eyes, but rather seeing Uttara’s soul, with which he had no prior interaction or particular interest, so the relationship was a nonstarter because, as a discarnate spirit, Sharada was in no condition to be a valuable life partner for anyone, other than as a stand-in that was more like an imposter, not to mention the difficulty posed by her story being so hard to believe, even by someone from the Indian culture claiming to be a former spouse. The high strangeness would be a natural barrier to gaining closeness and trust, especially when it does not feel right intuitively. Not everyone has the gifts to make the connections and perceive the linkages to understand something like this taking place even when they themselves are involved. Most people have no recollection of prior lifetimes they have had, so someone coming to them with the story of spending a life with them previously, simply will not resonate to begin with, so that is a tough thing to persuade others to believe when the heart is not being awakened through a greater inner knowing of the deeper truth.

Given Sharada’s aggressive commandeering of Uttara’s body and life, which she ended up reportedly sharing for a number of years, would Creator categorize her as a “hybrid spirit?” One who may have been aligning herself wittingly or unwittingly with the dark spirit interlopers? Were the interlopers indeed coaching and assisting her? Is this also a reason she remained in limbo for so long? Or was she simply a lost soul spirit taking up residence in Uttara’s energy to escape persecution, and Uttara’s meditation and karmic vulnerability created an opportunity for spirit possession the vast majority of the population are spared from?

Here again, you are seeing a deeper truth about the dynamics in play. Having been in limbo for so long, the spirit of Sharada was gradually corrupted and persuaded to serve the spirit meddlers, the demonic fallen angelic spirits who wish to target the living because they must possess people in order to survive. And their game is to ramp up their host’s energy, to make them unhappy most frequently, because the negative energy and emotion it stirs up will serve the spirit meddlers as a source of energy for themselves they will siphon off and use to survive. They will corrupt lost soul human spirits to serve them because even lost soul spirits are given life support, a life force energy from the divine, because they are soul-based beings and have that privilege of divine support no matter where they are, in what form.

So a human lost soul spirit that begins to cooperate directly and willingly with the interloping spirit meddlers is indeed a hybrid because it becomes a darkened soul in the process and cannot be trusted to be either fully truthful or safe to be around, because such spirits will often manipulate their host to cause problems, and thus are a serious liability many times. This also does explain why she was in limbo for such a long period of time—more than a century. When people become so downtrodden as a spirit that they turn to evil perspectives, they are simply not a match for the divine, will not see the divine light callers coming to offer assistance again and again, and thus can become lost, for all practical purposes, indefinitely.

Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can protect us from spirit intrusions such as the one Uttara experienced? And how both prayer and the LHP can help ignite genuine interest in the evidence of a spiritual reality that is NOT in short supply at all?

As a human being, you are immersed in a sea of ignorance, not only personally, but collectively. This is not your fault. No matter how educated you might be, how perceptive, or even how intuitive, you are handicapped again and again by many constraints, both within your being from genetic manipulation to limit your functionality and externally in what is allowed to be exchanged and shared and developed as a pursuit, let alone a formal career or field of study. Everything is managed to be what it is and constrained to keep it that way, so change comes slowly, if at all. Most of change is simply finding new blind alleys to explore to no useful end. That is a poor reward for many generations of researchers, and wasted human capital.

What is needed to change things is healing. This needs to be prayed for and it needs to be requested as powerfully and effectively as you can. That is what Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are designed to do, to return the power to you, as a human being, so that you know explicitly how to go about getting divine help to bridge the gap between what you are taught by your culture and what it is you truly need to know in order to advance. There is much that needs to be done to make yours a safe world. You are hanging on the edge of a cliff by your fingernails at this point, but have been manipulated to be complacent and simply assume that life is the school of hard knocks and there is not much you can do but grin and bear it, or cope in some way to get through it. That healing can be highly effective when requested with belief and commitment to seek the truth.

There are serious obstacles in the way of your learning and growth. The same forces that keep things constrained, and have throughout the history of humanity, are tired of their role as overseers working from behind the scenes as puppet masters. They are bored and would like to leave; the problem is they do not want to simply leave you alone but want to end your lives to deny you that pleasure of not being under their thumb directly, even though much suffering would continue from all they have done heretofore to limit you and drag you down, and creating a huge karmic backlog of trauma from which you need to recover. What is needed is for humanity to request divine help to encourage the interlopers to withdraw without ending humanity as a final act of savagery, to simply take a break with the possibility of returning sometime in the future. That is all that is needed to give you a breather, during which much of the pressure will be off, and you will be able to make much more rapid and effective progress in healing the karmic backlog—all the wounding from being distracted and manipulated, and wounded over and over and over to make a mess of your lives, and a mess of the world, and be harmed as a consequence, all of which adds to the karmic burdens we speak of.

All of these difficulties are healable, but you cannot stop the powerful Extraterrestrial Alliance and their dark spirit collaborators on your own, only the divine can truly do this, and we can only do it when we have enough human beings requesting this to be done. There needs to be a tipping point of human free will wanting things to change, and knowing enough about what is wrong and what can be done to help, to make an intelligent and meaningful and effective request for divine assistance that will bring in the very changes needed. That knowledge and wisdom is available through the Empowered Prayers and Lightworker Healing Protocol we have assisted your channel to bring forward and share with his fellow humans. Your responsibility is to save your soul and to save others, especially the interlopers, whose depravity is your problem but whose healing is your salvation. The divine solution is to raise them up first, and that will save you in the bargain. It is a karmic test and a measure of your divinity, and whether you can accept such a challenge under these conditions to bring this about. You are greatly needed for the task and we are waiting to see what you choose.

William Shakespeare said, “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a brilliant slice of life from the perspective of divine alignment, and what the divine realm sees are important principles to guide the living in ways that will help keep people from many, many errors that lead to karmic consequences for which they will have to repay, or rebalance something, for energy of a negative sort they may have launched. That is the whole point of moral precepts and guides for living, to help people stay on that straight and narrow path that brings rewards, fulfillment, achievement that is done with honor and will garner respect of others, and make a contribution to the welfare not only of the self but others as well. Being in divine alignment is first and foremost about love, hewing to the principles of love in all one does, to make love the highest of priorities because, in and of itself, it is an excellent guide to morality, ethics, and divine alignment across the board. If one is being loving to the self and others, that goes a long, long way towards helping a person be successful from a divine perspective.

So the admonition to “love all” is very much in keeping with the suggestions in our basic Ten Divine Principles for Living to, first of all, “Raise up the self with no harm to others,” and then, second of all, “Raise up others with no harm to the self.” That can best be done through the lens of love to be good to all, to be kind to all, to be helpful to all, to be fair to all, and to be respectful, if not adoring, of all because each individual is a child of the divine and is deserving of consideration. Even though they might be out of alignment in some respects, or even in a major respect, we know one day they will be back in divine alignment once again. It is the responsibility of all in the human family to help one another, even with such an onerous duty as saving the condemned for their transgressions.

The recognition not all are perfect is evident in the second clause in this saying, “trust a few.” That is divine wisdom in a nutshell about the difficulties of physical existence, that one will be rubbing elbows with many who are corrupt, and many times divine wisdom is needed to help discern who is in divine alignment and who may not be, and therefore poses a risk to be around or to be under their influence or control to some degree or another. Where one puts one’s trust in choosing a life partner or even choosing friends, and as well choosing a place of employment, who they will work for, who they will work with, all will be significant influences on their soul journey in many, many respects. To have discernment about who is trustworthy and who might be less so is an important survival skill, and it will follow automatically from knowing what is in divine alignment and what is not because that is the yardstick for both. Trust what you can verify to be in divine alignment and be dubious and hesitant, and reserve judgment when such evidence is lacking, because it might well be pointing to a flaw that cannot be readily fixed or avoided in being around such an individual.

And lastly, “doing wrong to none” is certainly in keeping with the highest of ideals. It is very hard to be perfect; in fact, the most demanding standard there could possibly be for someone in the physical plane. It is hard even for light beings to flirt with perfection, and impossible to attain on a consistent basis with no margin for error allowed in the assessment. But it is a long way from perfect to being fair and maintaining an aura of acceptance, tolerance, basic respect, and cooperation, which are simply honoring the rights and privileges of others and not getting in their way, or confronting them with criticism and complaints and making demands for them to alter their behavior, and so on—all such things are stressful and may be deeply hurtful as well and leave lasting scars.

Many times people make mistakes, but left alone over time will right their ship and come to see they were out of line for a while in some respect, and while they might regret it, it is easier to work through the consequences if they have not been piled on by many others heaping criticism on them, or perhaps worse, punishing them in some way that turns out to be overkill because it results in lasting harm for something that could be corrected with a more gentle, indirect approach to help a person see the error of their ways and give them a chance to do better. So this one quote encompasses quite a trajectory of life issues and circumstances and covers much territory with divine wisdom and truth.

Don Byas said, “You call it madness, but I call it love.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This was made a bit tongue in cheek but it, too, contains much truth, that love is captivating, love is a force to reckon with that can overturn logic, cause someone to throw caution to the winds, and even engage in daring and reckless conduct in service to the pursuit of a love object against all reason and convention. There are many examples through history where men, in particular, have been daring and risked even death to reach and pursue someone they fancy and wish to have as a life partner. Those not swept up in the heightened emotions and desires of passionate love will simply not understand what could possess someone to act so irresponsibly and illogically, from their perspective, but the one in love knows. It is such a powerful and hypnotic sensation it is like an addictive drug for many when it reaches intensity that becomes a primary focus in one’s order of priorities. People who taste of love will never again be satisfied with anything as a substitute, they will always want the real thing and will seek it out avidly. The saddest thing about this quote is the fact there are people who do see it as madness, and not as unbridled joy and a kind of jubilant exercise of freedom to follow one’s heart if not their head.

Love is so very important because it is the dominant force of the universe, and it is the single most important characteristic that sets Creator apart from all other creatures in existence, that Creator has the greatest love, the most eternal, the most complete, and the most unconditional love there is. Evil is an illustration of what happens when love is absent, and then selfishness and a lust for power are pursued as a very poor substitute for acquiring some kind of reward for the self, for there is truly nothing like love to be the healing salve for any ailment. There is no state of emotion or unhappiness in any form that cannot be restored to a healthy balanced degree of function by the addition of love in the right way at the right time. Those who are evildoers, the criminals among you, the sociopaths, the narcissists, and others who are problems for society as well as themselves, have in common a restricted connection to the higher self and beyond—that is the conduit for the flow of love from the divine. If you are cut off from above, love will wither within you and it is the most tragic of handicaps because an absence of love leads to depravity, and that harms the perpetrator more than the victim, but all will lose in a world that is loveless.

Leo Buscaglia said, “A life lived in love will never be dull.” What is Creator’s perspective?

The most important way this is experienced as a profound truth is the central role of love as a measure of attainment because no matter what attribute that is positive that can be used as a description for one’s standing, one’s achievements, one’s station in life, love will have everything to do with it—how it came to be, how it is maintained, and how it grows over time. It is those who learn to love and use love as a force for good who will be the most effective, the most successful, and the happiest among you. Giving and receiving love are never dull, because they are done while in divine alignment, because they are impossible to do when one is not in alignment with the divine and the flow of love energy. After all, one is using Creator’s love when one is feeling it; whether giving or receiving, one is tuning into it, recognizing it for what it is, and employing it intentionally to bring about a change of some kind.

In order to do so, one must be engaged, one must care, and have some kind of investment in the enterprise because these are always self-chosen acts. They might be done in a professional setting, a job situation, or carrying out even an unpleasant duty of some kind, but at least somewhere in the background will be a loving impulse to honor the activity and what it represents, in a deeper sense, if not an immediate source of delight. Even a soldier called to duty may well have a strong love of country, or at least feel they are honoring and helping their loved ones through their service, even as their military duties will likely be onerous and repetitive, and often dull, but that is countered to some extent because there is a deeper loving concern for something somewhere that helps to make it all worthwhile. Even when love is difficult, as in a stormy relationship, it is that very importance of love itself that makes the relationship represent a high-stakes endeavor. So when there is tension, disagreement, and discord, it becomes serious in a hurry because one truly needs love to be restored, and any threat to that is quite painful and quite alarming, and certainly never dull.

This is why love is universal and a good measure of almost anything. Even at polar opposites, there is a strict correlation to love and its expression and availability. When one is happy, when one is joyous and blissful, the love quotient is high, love is abundant, and will be visibly apparent in what is taking place. Whereas the extremes of despair, loneliness, and humiliation will be devoid of love, and love will not only feel distant but almost impossible to envision under such circumstances, but that represents truly a love deficit that needs correcting. That, too, will not be dull, it might, in fact, be the most difficult and demanding challenge one can take on if one reaches a low point where they are ready to give up and surrender. That is often a turning point for the better, and that act of letting go, in fact, is what can allow the divine to start sending love in and raise hopes ever so little to get things started, and none of this is dull, either. The reawakening of love, or finding love at long last when kept out of reach by life circumstances, is the greatest of awakenings and certainly the antidote to a dull routine.

Paul McCartney said, “All you need is love.” What is Creator’s perspective?

We like this sentiment and we can tell you that Paul McCartney was divinely inspired to write this song because it is an important truth that love, being the purpose of existence, essentially encompasses everything and touches on everything in some way or another. This will not be immediately apparent because most people think of love in a very literal but shallow sense as the simple act of feeling positively towards someone. Or it is a romantic notion and the latter, in particular, was a common interpretation by the so-called “Free Love Movement” wanting unrestricted opportunities for physical intimacy with no strings attached. We are not against pleasure, but simply caution that the pursuit of pleasure as a short-term goal will not get you very far. One needs higher purpose than personal gratification and rewards.

Those who can delay achieving some kind of payoff by giving of themselves or sacrificing something to advance their own welfare, perhaps through a long arduous course of professional training to have an advanced career of some kind, or who are giving of themselves in order to help the downtrodden in some way, knowing that it may not receive a material reward and might end up being a thankless task because if one is working with people who are in a wretched state, they may be unable to say, “thank you” or show any acknowledgment or gratitude towards those helping them. But we would say that the giving of love is superior to receiving it, it is a healthy way to be, many times, because it drives things forward more vigorously. Certainly, for physical beings, life is so demanding, the times when you will be rewarded and receive love for what you do will be more occasional than constant. So if you hold your own love in reserve to only be offered when one gives love to you in some way, you will be shirking your duty as a divine citizen.

There are always many, many opportunities to be loving to those around you when it will do nothing for you personally, other than to be a giver of love. What we would point out is that giving love is its own reward because you will be raised up in the doing. You cannot give love to others without feeling it, and that very act will put you on Creator’s wavelength, and be a blessing for you by keeping you in a much better state of being and in divine alignment that will serve you in many ways indirectly. So our perspective of this lyric catchphrase, “All you need is love,” in its deepest and most profound meaning is “Whether you are getting love or not, you can still give it because that is a choice that is yours alone.” So whether you are all about love or not is up to you. The love will always be available to you from Creator. If you reach for more, it will be granted. You cannot run out of love. It is inexhaustible in supply. So you need not be worshiped by others in a loving way to be happy. You can truly make yourself happy by giving love to all around you and to yourself and, in that way, love is the recipe for happiness because even though a single ingredient, seemingly, it has so many flavors that satisfy.

Richard Bach said, “True love stories never have endings.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This we see as a deep awareness of the fact love has longevity, love is so important that people are deeply moved, deeply affected by the experiencing and sharing of love, and in doing so will be creating a love connection, a love bond, that may well become unbreakable and will persist far into the future and, indeed, can be endless if it is never dissolved as a connection between individuals. So this saying, “True love stories never have endings,” implies there will be a continuing relationship, not a fleeting one, not a temporary circumstance, no matter how thrilling or enjoyable. Those love stories that truly matter the most will be about a long-standing relationship in which the love never ends, even with the death of one of the parties, because they will live on in the memory of others and be loved just the same even though no longer alive.

This has a deep inner meaning and significance because people do have an inner knowing that their love is not fruitless or misplaced, or wasted in continued feelings about a departed loved one, and this is based on an inner truth and knowing that somehow, somewhere, their loved one lives on, so it is not love in vain but love in honor of something deep and profound in meaning and substance that has a purpose behind it. It is more than a habit; it is a continued desire that is active in wanting to honor another and not lose what strong love represents as a purpose for existence and the meaning of life. For love is worth anything, even worth dying for—that is the kind of love that cannot die. That level of passion and commitment is its own reward because it is the most fulfilling and thrilling of experiences, to have deep love for another that is returned in kind, and that truly allows the love bonds to form and become unbreakable.

Susan Sontag said, “Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” What is Creator’s perspective?

There are many truths paralleling this concept, as in the saying, “Talk is cheap,” because there are many promises that remain unfulfilled, and this is particularly so from individuals who have a love deficit because of shallow character. Those who are selfish and narcissistic suffer a restriction that is quite severe in the link to their higher self, the loveline, and will be shallow because they are unable to feel love to a high degree or any of its many variations. They must learn how to get along with others by watching what others do because they cannot feel within themselves things like compassion and caring, and even romantic love in the sense of being captivated by someone else and truly feeling head over heels in love. What they will feel in the presence of someone who has the right attributes to be a worthy love partner because they are good looking, marriage material, so to speak, because they will make the narcissist look good in front of others in having such a mate, this is a prescription for a shallow relationship, at best, that will be a poor reflection of what is possible when love is in full flower and deeply felt from both parties in a relationship.

Those who seek love for themselves as the highest of priorities can only do so, many times, through manipulation because they will lack the ability to give people genuine love from their end of things, and being unable to reward others for what they are truly seeking makes them poor marriage material, so they must make up for that through subterfuge, through acting the part and putting on a good show, but the truth will out when they live selfishly and make more demands from those around them, including a love partner, than they are willing to give of themselves. True love will sacrifice almost anything for the object of their affection, and here again is an illustration of the divine truth, that giving love is the highest attainment if done in a balanced way so there can be love for the self as well, to not get in situations where it is so one-sided one ends up undermining their own welfare and, in effect, becoming a slave to another to fulfill their wishes with harm to the self as a result because they never get anything back. We would say when two people who are well-balanced are in a true love relationship, the one who gives more to the other than takes will be in greater divine alignment and will ultimately reap the most from the relationship in satisfaction and in personal growth—acts of love will always raise up the doer.