If one struggles to believe in life after death, believing in a personal God would seem unlikely. But if one is open-minded, it appears there is help to bridge that gap, to successfully cultivate belief on the basis of solid evidence of an afterlife—not speculation. Mediums with profound abilities are rare, only one in 50,000 people, according to Creator. But rare is still real and it seems logical that more can be learned about the true expanse and scope of human existence when one surveys and studies the extraordinary amongst us, rather than just the ordinary, as science is most prone to do. What is Creator’s perspective?

Your question is focusing quite beautifully on what this all represents as a profound opportunity the curious can embrace and use to great advantage. There is nothing like a profound demonstration of a seeming miracle to not only get people’s attention but to begin to spark an interest and the reawakening of faith in something beyond the self; something known intuitively as a child but that was forgotten and is lying dormant. That can be reclaimed and you can ask for that to be strengthened and accelerated.

Here again, the burden is on you to go after what you want and see to it happening. You must be bold, take the initiative, and state your agenda with a direct request to us for our assistance to make it happen. It is quite useful to look at the unusual, the extraordinary, and the improbable, for they are powerful clues about the reality of existence and its meaning also. There is no surprise in the fact religion and science often seem to be at war with one another. That is not because religion is separate from science, or above science, and unification is impossible; the flaw in the ointment is human ignorance and doubt. So those in doubt will use science as a crutch; those embracing religion, and sometimes just as mindlessly in not wanting to bother seeing what science is learning and providing for the growth of human knowledge, might reject the logical, rational investigations done scientifically, if at first blush they seem at odds with religious teachings.

We can tell you that perfection is not possible, so everything humans embrace, understand, practice, believe, and live by will have cracks, flaws, hidden imperfections that will surface at times, and this will create doubt regardless of one’s leanings and belief systems. This is a good thing because it forces one to keep going, to discover a deeper truth, and come to a better and more accurate understanding of how things truly are, not what one believes them to be, and needs to defend at all costs when challenged. That is a prescription for stagnation, not growth and expansion, which is Creator’s Plan for you. Cultivating an open mind will lead you to God each and every time if you do not stop that journey and settle for partial truths along the way.

We can tell you that studying the paranormal and embracing the tools of the medium are one of the best ways to obtain confirmation of the afterlife and the existence of the divine realm, because that is a fundamental yearning of humanity and a constant companion and struggle for the faithful, present all through human history. We can tell you that embracing a study of the paranormal and exploiting the talents of psychic mediums, if done with safety and care, and as evidenced by the profound work of your channel, can be the answer for achieving the highest and best soul journey by human society as a whole and the many individual journeys that will be enhanced by embracing the spiritual and cultivating a partnership with Creator—that can help one’s life on a daily basis, even from moment to moment, when embraced and employed successfully.

Concetta wrote, “I was doing a reading for this woman once and I said, ‘Your husband is there with so-and-so and they are playing checkers.’ She said, ‘No, they always played backgammon together.’ Okay, I’m not perfect—I always say this—but the point is that the game they enjoyed on this side, they were playing on that side. I’ve had spirits tell me they are still enjoying their weekly card games, whatever!” Is this really true? What can Creator tell us?

Here again, this psychic medium was being quite honest in interpreting a perceived error on her part in seeing someone’s loved one in heaven playing checkers instead of the backgammon game they actually played while being together in the human plane. What she was seeing was a symbolic representation of the relationship between the friends that would be fully relatable from the human survivors who knew them, the person for whom the medium was doing the reading in this case, and that was the meaning and importance of the psychic perception, the communication with the departed, as a way of signaling the truth and validity of the reading itself, that she was truly reaching that person’s loved one and reporting on a continued friendship with someone else who was an old friend and departed, and they were in the light together.

There are many examples like this where light beings will relay impressions that are more meant to represent a means of identification and validation than reflecting what life is like in the heavenly realm, and what they are doing in actuality, as the details would remain beyond human understanding. When what is most needed from psychic readings is some kind of feedback that one is truly connecting with their loved one and getting a description of some esoteric metaphysical process and mission the loved one might be a part of would have little meaning to their living relative, not understanding such things nor even likely being able to be communicated intelligently, because the words to describe it are not known to the psychic medium, nor an understanding and awareness of much of the phenomena that are the makeup of light being existence. So it is those small details, even though they seem quite prosaic, and perhaps underwhelming to those who might expect more of heavenly existence than continuing a weekly card game with a friend, it serves a purpose, it is a reassurance, and if that is a personal characteristic the person was known by, a powerful validation that psychic medium was truly connecting with the intended target, and that is the purpose for the description more so than reflecting what heaven is like.

The goal in highlighting and discussing Concetta Bertoldi’s book is to suggest to our listeners, yet another “tool” they can use to help inculcate belief in both life after death, and the reality of Creator and the divine realm. The goal, of course, is to help the listeners ultimately understand, and awaken in them, a sense of purpose and even mission, to add their intentions to the effort of saving humanity from annihilation. Can Creator share how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are ready for them to utilize, to further enhance their belief and ability to make a material difference in their own lives and in the future of humanity itself?

Here you turn to the true purpose for this discussion today, it indeed is to dive deeply to the heart of the matter, “What is life all about? What is it for? What might one be missing, and what might one do to make their life count?” Many people feel dissatisfied. Most people are not happy with the state of affairs of the world as a whole and would like things to be better, more gentle, more loving, more equal, so the many suffering individuals can have a better life. They want people to be happy and protected from evildoers.

So we are here to tell you, because you have asked, “What is to be done about all of this?” filling in the gap between what people yearn and wish for, to overcome the many obstacles in the way of its realization of their dreams, you indeed are under siege by forces of darkness, including interlopers in the form of dark spirits who corrupt most human beings through possessing them energetically and manipulating them in the bargain to varying extents, sometimes tipping them into madness, other times simply causing nightmares or depleting some of their energy but is largely tolerated. The other interlopers we speak of are physical extraterrestrials, they are the ones who corrupted your minds to dim your intuitive reach through corrupting human DNA, many thousands of years ago now, so every generation of human beings has been impaired, and that is why only a rare person is spared from this degradation, at least enough to accomplish meaningful outreaches even to the divine realm. They are the ones seeing the truth of things and able to obtain divine assistance more directly, more clearly, and more specifically than ever before.

The teachings in the Scriptures point to much wisdom, the workings of the divine, and general guidelines for living to distinguish right from wrong, and the reality of obligation people have to the safeguarding of their own soul, that they are on a spiritual quest and need God in their lives to do it successfully. But there is a lack of specificity and detail to truly describe why things are the way they are and what you can do about it directly. That is no accident, it was engineered to happen to constrain human knowledge and teaching. Whenever someone comes along who has divine gifts of profound psychic ability, they will be monitored and constrained to limit what they contribute. It has happened again and again to every such individual. Only a precious few are able to leave a mark to advance human knowledge and awareness.

This is what your channel is bringing to you here and now, the gifts he has brought forward, new insight about how to pray with effectiveness, through personal empowerment in building a partnership with Creator, that is ideal for making advances for human betterment. A more profound and effective means for this is his creation of the Lightworker Healing Protocol through years of exploration with us about many phenomena and issues to gain a deeper understanding, a mechanistic description of how they work, and ways to engage with the divine realm using many kinds of leverage to gain the greatest possible divine intervention working on their behalf, and on behalf of all who are at risk in the physical realm. This includes the perpetrators as well as the victims.

We have explained, because your channel has reached a level of sophistication to ask about this, the best way to save and heal humanity being to raise up the perpetrators and heal their need to subjugate and now destroy you simply because you are a plaything to them and have outlived your usefulness. What is needed is enough healing to persuade them to withdraw, to simply to take a break, so one day they can return with fresh ideas and still have the opportunity to do their mischief. If that can be arranged, it will provide a window of safety during which, using the Lightworker Healing Protocol, humanity can be healed sufficiently to reach a tipping point for their ascension to a higher level of vibrational existence. That is indeed the goal, to remove these obstacles to ascension, and without the healing it will not happen. Everything you know and value is at stake. You are now on the frontlines, like it or not, at the precise point in human history where everything is on the line and everything will be decided in the next few years—if humanity is to continue or will be destroyed.

Your souls will not be damaged, but your role as human beings and the possibility of a further expansion in serving many other parts of the universe with hard-won learning, in how to respond to evil and heal it, will be thwarted. Creator will have to go back to the drawing board, so to speak, and that could mean a retooling of the universe as a whole and billions of years before getting to a similar stage of development as you have been a part of, that is now at risk of failure and needs your help to reach success. If you add your intention and energy to the healing efforts, it can make the difference if enough people are requesting a divine intervention through an understanding of what that takes, who they must be within, to be successful in holding a requisite belief, and knowledge of what to ask for specifically, through gaining an understanding of how the divine realm heals. That knowledge and awareness is a part of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and that tool, along with Empowered Prayer, will allow you to win the day and the future along with it. You must choose to do this. We cannot do it for you, only with you.

Pierre Lafitte Channeled by Karl Mollison 27Mar2022

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Pierre Lafitte Channeled by Karl Mollison 27Mar2022

This background photo may or may not be Pierre Lafitte.

Upon his arrest by the FBI in the early 60’s the CIA ordered all photographs of him removed and scrubbed. Allegedly they were successful except this one photograph of Jack Martin which was one of many, many of his false names he used throughout his nefarious dealings which started in Europe before the 2nd World War.

It is alleged that Pierre Lafitte was the logistical coordinator, or the CIA Lancelot project manager, working closely with Tracy Barnes, James Angleton and Allen Dulles, and on the scene in Dallas for the assassination of President Kennedy.

From A Secret Order, H.P. Albarelli, Jr.:

“There is also overlooked issue that Martin may not have been who he claimed to be. In 1963 and beyond, Jean Pierre Lafitte, an asset and sometimes contractor for the CIA and FBI since 1952, often frequented and worked in New Orleans. Using the aliases ’Jean Martin,’ ’Jack Martin,’ a ’John Martin.’ Additionally, Lafitte had mysterious dealings with Guy banister and Clay Shaw…. Not to complicate matters, but it should be noted that Jack S. Martin had in early 1957 spent time in the psychiatric ward at New Orleans’ Charity Hospital, where some patients from the East Louisiana State Hospital were transferred after that have been used as subjects in LSD and other experiments.”

Judyth Baker’s book and her own claims backed up in the newer version of her book Lee Harvey Oswald and Me corroborates Albarreli’s recent book A Coup in Dallas where Pierre Lafitte’s datebook services as the evidentiary centerpiece.

The idea here is that this piece of the puzzle, which is not definitive, further demonstrates how the saga of the Kennedy assassination turned the world in a decidedly dark direction especially with the complicit and controlled media that turned journalistic ’truth seeking” into the joke of the century.

Light Beings, which is what we are, including the one known as Pierre Lafitte, have a different and loftier view of this tragedy and is overshadowed in every case, by the current predicament of the Human Family.

Trust is very closely associated with safety. It’s easy to trust when one feels safe, and very difficult when one does not. What is Creator’s perspective?

We see these as parallel and intertwined because they are reflecting a similar level of vibration energetically, in terms of the emotions, in being experienced. While not the same thing, they are both a higher-level vibration and so things must be in reasonably good shape to experience either of these. So what you ask about is getting at the truth of things, that if one does not feel safe, one will not necessarily trust those around them, depending on their level of understanding of where that unsafe feeling is coming from. If they are with trusted companions and caregivers who they have come to know from long experience and have faith in, the presence of those others who are trusted may well restore good feelings and overcome any doubts in the moment, and restore trust in things and in life itself.

This is the main problem when a young infant, or even an older individual child, is thrust into new circumstances, especially with other people they do not know. If there is not a history of being loved and nurtured and a series of successful encounters with others that went well, causing no harm or difficulty, that will build the capacity for trusting even strangers and will serve the person well as they grow and learn, and branch out among a wider and wider circle of acquaintances and friends, eventually, they cultivate. When one is harmed at a very young age, trust will be quite difficult because it does depend on feeling safe, so a low vibrational state of mind will make it very difficult to have any kind of response requiring a higher vibration. In a room full of strangers, when one does not trust unfamiliar people, that may trigger past memories of similar circumstances when one was not safe and bad things happened, and that might well create a block against interacting, and even an escalation of inner negativity causing the person to want to flee to save themselves.

Being forced into situations where one must override their instincts and tough it out is quite difficult, and this causes great wounding in young children when they encounter unpleasant circumstances, perhaps in a daycare setting or later on in school, where they might not trust their teacher and feel very unsafe at the same time. Those children who are bullied have good reason to lack both trust and feelings of safety. So life teaches many things and it is important to develop discernment about who one can trust and who one cannot. Once a young person experiences being harmed, it will be all the harder for them to establish trust in others and thereby feel safe around them. Here again is a mechanism and phenomenology that can become quite a trial and a hindrance, and hold a person back from happiness when those inner feelings are triggered too readily and cause responses that cannot be reined in and held in abeyance in order to test the waters, and perhaps be sure of someone before giving in to the need to withdraw to save the self in every such possible encounter.

So here again what is needed is a balance so due caution is maintained when there is uncertainty about one’s environment and the trustworthiness of those present, but enough inner strength that one can handle the circumstances and not immediately have too high a stress level triggered automatically, which makes it impossible to tolerate the situation, in order to give things a chance, and once a person develops adequate discernment will be able to mix in society and do quite well, and will come to trust their instincts about such things and it will serve them well if it is developed in a healthy way. Some can do this and others not, and that is the penalty of being harmed, it may forever impair the ability to feel safe no matter where one is or who one is with, and that is a major source of difficulty for far too many and can be a lifelong impairment leading to chronic unhappiness.

It is said that addictions to things we need are the hardest to overcome. One can quit cigarettes cold turkey, but not eating. Likewise one cannot overcome an exaggerated need for safety, by renouncing it completely. It seems that being safe is actually a compromise at all times and places. No one can be perfectly safe, yet we see overcompensation and negligence everywhere all the time, often on display in the same person. It seems acquiring an enlightened perspective on one’s safety is actually akin to enlightenment itself? What is Creator’s perspective?

We would say this can well be true, although enlightenment involves much more than the gaining of a sense of safety when that is appropriate and an accurate assessment of one’s current state of being and personal situation. But safety is quite important and in fact central because there are so many potential dilemmas encountered in physical plane existence, that one is met with such challenges on a fairly regular basis and must learn to navigate the troubled waters and stay afloat. This requires people adapting to circumstances, learning as they go, and incorporating a variety of self-discovered tactics and strategies to help one get along, persevere, and become successful in reaching goals set for them or which they need to reach for personal reasons. People will vary to what extent they can put such considerations out of mind for a time and it is a rough measure of how anxious they might be. Some people can never let go of such feelings because they are simply a chronic presence of enough strength to demand almost constant attention, if only in the back of the mind while having to do other things, and perhaps cover up those feelings to avoid the judgment of others, and not wanting to precipitate an incident to fulfill their worst fear that they will be judged and harmed in some way if they show weakness, and so on.

Because of its central importance in the makeup of the human being, the need for safety is paramount, so it is not something that can be disregarded unless one is impaired, as with drugs and alcohol, to numb and dull the senses and suppress the feelings. The goal of life is to learn and grow, and that presupposes managing the emotions because both of those goals require a significant degree of wherewithal that is only possible when one is in a reasonable state of equilibrium, and not overwhelmed with negative emotion of any kind. But it is very true that overcoming such major concerns is a demonstration of growth and discernment that come through healing to repair the damage from prior trauma, leading to exaggerated fear and uncertainty, and allowing a person to become strong, resilient, and effective in all they do. After all, enlightenment is, first and foremost, a healing journey to return to a state of divine alignment, a returning to the light, in moving away from negativity in any form and reaching a state of grace and ease when one is in equilibrium, a state of balance, without lack in any respect. So people have a variety of ways to attempt this, and there can be overcompensation as a means of coping that is damaging in its own right and not a valid answer to the dilemma of feeling unsafe, and needing to address the issue.

Where you see negligence is when people are in a state of denial and may even behave recklessly and flirt with danger as a way of telling themselves they are really stronger than they think they are, but this is just a game. They are trying to fool an adversary that is truly their inner self that knows the truth about who they are. So it is dangerous to ignore valid warnings; when this is just an exaggeration, one can do so up to a point, but often people will find when they fail to heed a warning, eventually things will worsen in some way and make that turn out to be a mistake, and they will become injured from not paying attention and taking the warning seriously. What is truly going on is that the inner pain will out in one way or another; the Law of Karma will see to this so it is not entirely under the person’s own control. Karma is a force to be reckoned with and when there is a safety issue karma is trying to teach you, it is best to pay attention and seek healing for safety concerns because otherwise bad things may well happen, as the fear points to.

Can you tell us what was gained from doing a clearing of the property we did for a realtor recently, with the Lightworker Healing Protocol?

This property carried with it the residue of a series of tragic relationships from people who had lived in this location, and this included an extremely cruel overseer who controlled everyone around him and his wives in particular, and treated them quite savagely with physical and emotional abuse, both. This created quite a residue of negativity, to the extent that the negative thought forms being generated left a strong karmic imprint, energetically, on the location. This was a kind of mirror image of savage anger and corresponding fear from being victimized, because the two were also karmically intertwined with the energy of those involved and the location itself as a kind of physical anchor. These energies formed a kind of coating that became part of the atmosphere, and people with sensitivity will detect such things and simply feel somewhat uncomfortable. They might misinterpret the origin, thinking it is something about the physical layout of the home, the décor, the color of the walls, and types of flooring, and so on, looking for something that doesn’t meet their standards because their dark feeling tells them there is something wrong. But the truth will be the deeper historical residue of unhappiness of an extreme degree, and that is like a stain that cannot be washed away but must be healed for its removal. That is now been accomplished with the Lightworker Healing Protocol, so it will make this property more salable by being a welcoming environment energetically, and not a dark, forbidding one.

Adam Baratta wrote in “Gold is a Better Way” that after seeing assumptions of what drives the gold price had to be discarded more than once, they have figured out that it wasn’t the total debt that mattered to the price of gold, it was actually the costs to service debt that mattered most. Is that analysis correct? Will following their recommendations be of benefit?

This, in fact, is a key insightful observation and recognition of the economic forces underlying the gold price in the context of the workings of the financial system and the overall global economy. What makes this so difficult is that like every other field of human endeavor, economics is heavily corrupted and manipulated in the teaching of underlying principles, the recognition of trends, and the connecting links determining economic mechanisms and outcomes. And this is deliberate in order to confound a true understanding and to create false assumptions that will be carried over into the actions of many, and especially those determining economic policy and helping to guide the economy and the financial advisors and the various experts responsible for interpreting economic trends and making various predictions about asset classes and their potential for appreciation in value that is the underpinning of the investment community. This is also critical and intimately involved with the banking system, especially the central banks and their doings, including the Fed. Everything is constrained and manipulated in ways to create problems whenever possible, knowing they will usually get away with it and that even if it is discovered, that monetary policy has been wrongheaded and needs to change, it will be written off as something that could not be predicted. And people will be manipulated with mind control to be quite complacent so there will be little recrimination or meaningful learning when people are not motivated to second-guess even, let alone, seek major reform to change economic policy and get things on a more solid footing with a deeper understanding of the true governing factors leading to economic stability or disarray.

So the deep truths here that have been uncovered will hold true a majority of the time. There will be smokescreens and, as you know, there is interference with the markets as well, to manipulate things in a way to favor the wealthy elites. And they use such tactics again and again to drive up the markets to have their own personal investments appreciate greatly, and then will arrange a time to begin selling in high volume and drive the markets down, but as they are the first to exit, all they need do is wait until there is a bottoming process underway and then buy back in and ride the market back up to a new high. When this is done over and over and over again, with quite high accuracy in predicting the trends because they are deliberately arranged, but made to appear like random events, the so-called black swan phenomenon that can’t truly be predicted but is a devastating obstacle to continued growth and appreciation, they will have the upper hand and they will be the big winners, and it is the average person who gets crushed from the volatility. So this is as reliable as any indicator of when that sector is of value and when it is likely to decline more than appreciate in valuation.

William Whitecrow Channeled by Karl Mollison 20Mar2022

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William Whitecrow Channeled by Karl Mollison 20Mar2022

From: https://enkispeaks.com/william-white-crow-d-feb-2018-rescued-basiago-on-mars/

William White Crow was a U.S. Army and also CIA Security Agent on the Mars Jump Room Project.  He revealed that he taught time traveler-Mars Jump Room Courier Basiago karate and aikido during Basiago’s 5th grade year to prepare him for training for time travel in Project Pegasus.  White Crow and Basiago met again a decade later on Mars. On the Red Planet, where White Crow and Basiago were involved in a live fire incident in which they protected themselves and a third Mars jumper, William Stillings, from an attack by dive-bombing pterodactyl-like predators.

White Crow was a Shaman and seer of future events including the 911 event, collapse of the St. Louis bridge, Mt. Saint Helen eruption and Fukushima.  He was in several secret limited access programs. 

In a major disclosure as a time travel and Mars whistle blower, U.S. Army veteran William White Crow came forward as a witness last night on Truth Frequency Radio with Chris and Sheree Geo and revealed that not only did he teach Andy karate and aikido during his fifth grade year as part of his training for time travel in Project Pegasus but the two met up a decade later on Mars, where they were involved in a live fire incident in which he and Andy protected themselves and a third Mars jumper, William Stillings, from an attack by dive-bombing pterodactyl-like predators.

White Crow predicted two futures for mankind and both of them depend on the decisions we make now. “We have the ability to choose whether we are going to become a part of the sixth great extinction which is taking place right now, or advance to a higher level of humanity as a species spiritually, intellectually and technologically. It’s all up to us.” William White Crow

He wrote: “I became a Shaman because I wanted to see further into the future of things and help others reach their highest goals in life. I wanted to know the things that I felt deep inside were true. And over time I found that these feelings would become the guiding light of my life in all areas. I can, at a moments notice, simply phase out this world at will and interact with the world of spirit or energy, which to me is the same thing. They are not disconnected from one another.”

From Denny

I had the pleasure of doing an interview with William near his home in Redding after an introduction from Mark McCandlish. He struck me as someone with more experiences than he could share in a video interview and that for me to get to know him better I would need to take him up on a sweat lodge invitation.  He was in the process of getting one build on his property at the time of our interview in November of 2016.

Perhaps on the other side? White Crow has something to share with us now from the other side.

M A P  SSP Abductee  Channeled by Karl Mollison https://youtu.be/DMIvnTypHyk

MAP Abductee Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison https://youtu.be/x-l4MyzdtUI

Pt 1  https://youtu.be/6GhB2pPQPrU

Pt 2  https://youtu.be/d8miqM06Wfo

A client is concerned about a woman who died of breast cancer at the age of 32, leaving a husband and several kids to mourn her passing. Is she safely in the light or in need of a Spirit Rescue? If the latter, what hindered her full transition back to the light?

Unfortunately, she is not yet in the light, and this is due to a history of prior karmic tragedies in other lifetimes when she died young. She had intimations of this and prophetic dreams from childhood, that she might have an early passing, and this began to feed great inner fear that somehow she was marked for doom by God and it must be for failings to deserve such punishment, and this truly began haunting her and creating a kind of dark perspective about life in general. This did not cause her breast cancer to end her life, but the prior lives where she had restricted longevity were the basis, and the karma did predispose her to have a fatal illness in the most recent life that, indeed, caused her demise. So this was not a punishment in any real sense, but simply the consequence of trauma and what it can do until it is resolved in some way or another.

Most people cannot heal their own trauma, so it will carry forward, and likely return again and then again and then again in a series of lifetimes, the purpose of which is to demand a resolution. All humans are on this learning curve and being subjected to the same teaching opportunities. Society has begun awakening for some time to the notion of reincarnation, the idea of karma, that “What goes around comes around,” and that there is an obligation to safeguard one’s soul—that something is missing when God simply does not take care of everyone. The interlopers exploit this to promote the Secular Movement, using it as proof there must not be a God, after all, with so much pain and suffering, and how could a “loving God,” so-called, allow such misery and do nothing to help the unfortunate sufferers?

This is a perversion of the truth of things, that God very much does care about everything going on and what people experience, especially the suffering and torment of painful existences and the consequences for all they are interacting with—the many others in their family and soul group who are affected and, in effect, punished as well. But there is a larger purpose in the need for humans to learn about personal responsibility, and also gain greater belief in the divine and in themselves especially, being usually the weakest link here. When people doubt their own worth, we cannot help them, it is that simple, because you are in control of all that happens. If you do not believe in us, we cannot help you. If you do not believe in your own worth to receive divine help, our hands are tied and there is nothing we can do, quickly at least, to intervene on your behalf should trouble come your way.

We can work from behind the scenes and work slowly on moving in towards the center of the problem, but that can take so long, death may overtake you before we make enough headway to forestall it. That was the case for this young woman, but we can tell you that receiving the healing from a Spirit Rescue with the Lightworker Healing Protocol will enable her to receive high-level help for the first time in many lifetimes, and this is true of all who are similarly assisted with healing in the physical during their life, or given Spirit Rescues that require much healing to be done in order to help their spirit return to the heavenly realm. That will get things on a forward march, and that will continue over time because the Protocol will be enacted over and over again, and it will be employed retroactively to help their past as well as their future, and this will change things for the better and is a major blessing of the work itself.