Brian needed to see his chiropractor as his hip was again out of alignment. Brian likes to lighten people’s day with little humorous one-liners that rarely fail in eliciting a smile. As he was going into the office, he thought he would say, “Boy doctor, am I glad you’re here! I was afraid you might be in Maui!” The doctor smiled, with a look of surprise on his face, and said, “That’s so funny, I’m actually supposed to be in Maui right now!” He then went on for fifteen minutes telling a tortured tale of how a woman, who invited him and his wife, died days before they were supposed to go, and how the whole thing unraveled as a result. This was clearly a story he needed to “vent out” and when he was finally done, he thanked Brian rather profusely for listening so attentively. Was Brian’s thought of mentioning Maui arranged by a member of the doctor’s God Squad communicating that thought to Brian, in order to give the doctor a much-needed audience? Does his deceased friend need a Spirit Rescue? What can Creator tell us?

This indeed was a divine orchestration from first to last, and you are seeing intuitively the truth of this and why you, too, were struck by the sequence of events as perhaps being more than a random coincidence. In actuality, what happened was it was not simply that the Maui trip that fell through was weighing on the doctor’s mind, but the reality behind his concern was the passing of someone he cared about, and that individual was actually struggling as an earthbound spirit, having passed recently but not being able to return successfully to the heavenly realm. Knowing your ability to arrange Spirit Rescues for earthbound spirits, the divine realm used this opportunity, with Creator’s permission, for the doctor’s higher self to request of your higher self that you be impulsed with this suggestion to make that reference to Maui, and also the doctor was impulsed by Creator to bring up his story when he could have just as easily let that remark pass, perhaps noted but not commented on at length to draw you into the discussion and the awareness of that tragic event. This was to ensure you got the message, there was someone who passed away who your doctor valued, and to make the link based on your knowledge of the afterlife.

There is always a good chance the person is struggling because fully a third of people who pass away cannot make it back to the light without assistance, and that assistance must be requested by someone in the physical plane before the divine realm can act. Even after you die, you are still in charge of your so-called “life” and if you lack the wherewithal to ask for God to come and help you, we have to stand aside and let you struggle. That might sound harsh, but our agreement with you, to let you be in charge, is absolute and we cannot make exceptions. So someone knowledgeable about this possibility of this individual being stuck in limbo needed to reach your ears, so this is the true backstory of how this all unfolded and who played a role and, as we said before, the higher self is a key player in the chain of command, so to speak, in following the rules of engagement between the human realm and the divine one, going in both directions.

Concetta Bertoldi wrote how she passed on a message from a boy’s deceased mother about guilt he felt, and his fear of being judged. The mother in spirit told him he would be met by unconditional love. She said to him, “Don’t ever be afraid of God,” and that he (her son) would not be judged. What is Creator’s perspective?

We see this as a very valuable message and a quite divine and loving truth of great benefit to the son left behind. It is divine wisdom on display, because of the many humans who have their lives constrained through their fear and uncertainty, about being more open and approaching the Almighty with only their thoughts through prayer, but might feel unworthy and hesitate, and over time move away from any such inclinations, and thus miss a huge opportunity to get their life on track and have ongoing divine partnership as a resource available to them all day long when that is cultivated and prized through regular and routine requests to us for assistance.

This is your birthright and if you choose to ignore it, we must do the same and leave you be, to figure things out and act on your own using your own knowledge and capabilities. This will diminish you because you are ignoring a potential strengthening and amplification of your reach available to you through enlisting our assistance, and that can come in any number of ways to help you meet goals you find important, and perhaps necessary for your life journey, given the yearnings of your soul and having a life plan; even if only dimly perceived as a physical being, you will be impulsed with suggestions all along the way to guide you towards your plan when you stray. The more you embrace this possibility of help being given and actively requested, the more frequently that can be offered to you, and the more effectively the gesture can be made to come about in the level of energy for the engagement and its intensity and effectiveness as a consequence.

The more you want something, the more likely it will come about. Belief, as a general principle, will only work for you if you are engaging the divine realm to bring something to you from the universe. You cannot do this from your thoughts alone as a physical human. Any miracles you call forth will be the doing of the divine. There is no reason to be shy or hesitant to engage with us. We love and cherish you, after all, and want your success, because it will please us as well as you, and even more greatly because we appreciate, more than you do, all that you face working against you, and we find every small forward step you make thrilling to behold as a demonstration of your divinity being chosen and put to work by you. Why would we not want to participate more directly in bringing that about with greater effectiveness and certainty? We love being involved with you but unfortunately, for many, many human beings, we are only a witness standing beside them the entire time of their lives but helpless to intervene with assistance of any kind because we are not invited.

A practitioner asks: “Why were the truckers in Canada who were protesting mandatory vaccination so violently suppressed in the end? What made the government so desperate to put this movement out? Were Mercenary Army Program (MAP) soldiers used against the truckers?”

This was simply the doings of the Extraterrestrial Alliance. They suppress freedom and work to pull the rug out from anything humans do that is positive or brings joy and, in particular, any time they take power into their own hands and assert their individualism, this rankles the oppressors who want to see you subjugated, beaten down, and suffering. Anything they see where humans break free and are triumphant, they see as an insult to their authority and want to crush it and, as usual and was predictable, they used the human minions in government to enforce their perspectives. That is how the government of a so-called “free nation” can turn on its citizens and limit and punish with impunity and with an irrational harshness, given the nature of the conduct in question not being truly of great harm, but it is on display for all the world to see. The pity is people do not have the minds to process the seeming illogical nature of the government actions and suspect something of a deeper origin, but that is the truth of what has happened here.

There were some MAP sabotage and incitement instigators sent in as a low-level opportunistic exploitation, simply because they often use unfolding world events for training missions to put individual members of the MAP on the line, with instructions to push the boundaries and do something risky that might get noticed and even get them arrested if they are not careful, so it becomes both a test of courage and a test of willingness to go against their own morality, which is the more important factor. But this is true of most demonstrations and acts of lawlessness like riots, they will be exploited as well to create opportunities for putting recruits to the test as saboteurs or provocateurs.

A practitioner asks: “It’s now 4 years since the first Lightworker Healing Protocol class in Petaluma, California. Karl, can you give us Creator’s assessment of GetWisdom and the Divine Human Project?”

What we see is tremendous progress with respect to creating a partnership of like-minded individuals wholly dedicated to the enterprise, and moving things forward nicely with the creation of an effective website to be a beacon for others that over time has become loaded with a quite rich array of offerings, in a variety of forms, conveying divine wisdom and insight about all manner of human affairs, the workings of the universe, the divine realm, and the human dilemma you struggle with, not only its history and causes but providing effective solutions. When you look at this as a whole, we can tell you there are very, very few human enterprises that can make the same claim, certainly not with respect to something as profound as human suffering from physical illness, mental imbalances, societal problems from unruly behavior or even criminality, the many difficulties among nations and groups of individuals as well as individual skirmishes by people maligning one another and mismanaging their own lives. We can go on and on here about the many types of distortion, misalignment, lost opportunities, and tragic circumstances for which there are no answers in common human awareness through the culture itself, but the answers can be found in the GetWisdom teachings.

So we see this as a human triumph. What is still lacking is an ultimate triumph against your adversaries, but keep in mind that is hindered on all sides by an unfair arrangement, the strong headwinds you face from all of the workings of the darkness that have gone ahead of you, prior to your coming into being as a movement, that have created huge disparities and corruption of all human institutions and individual minds themselves with propaganda, mind control manipulation, false teachings, and the beliefs that go along with them, making it very, very hard for people to see or accept the truth even when it is shown to them. That is a formidable task under the best of circumstances to take on and make any progress whatsoever. Yet, you are helping many, many people and the ripples of positive karma are growing by the day. The energies are shifting and for the first time there are tangible plans in the works being launched, through the Lightworker Healing Protocol particularly, and backed up by the power of Empowered Prayer adding energy that can be used in many ways to bolster the effort.

You are slowly gaining ground here. Heretofore, the darkness has continued to ratchet up the negativity with greater intensity and diversity in points of attack multiplying over time. But to the extent each new foray of theirs is matched by divine healing work, they are simply in an arm-wrestling match they cannot win because we hold vastly greater power than they can create and bring to bear. You have not seen yet many tangible benefits, but we assure you they are there—a few we have revealed to you as examples in things you inquired of us that seem to bring a change and relief for at least some suffering individuals and groups of people concerned about an issue of importance. There is much more going on than you see, so this ongoing contest between good and evil is much like the trajectory of an individual suffering from a serious and potentially fatal malady; the symptoms will persist during the healing and will be the last thing to fade, finally, when a turning point is reached, and then advances to a state of completion to eradicate the karmic energies compelling the dilemma to exist in the first place.

We are not saying you have won with certainty, but only wish to give you reassurance and encouragement that if you keep going and do not slack in your efforts, that is what we project will happen, but it will not happen without you continuing in earnest to do your utmost, to send healing forth on the wings of love through your requests, and the strong intention you can bring to bear from your heart with conviction. That is what it will take, you staying the course and bringing your genuine passion to bear. We see the greatest contribution of GetWisdom as growing this movement of contributors working on faith because for them, a critical mass of knowledge and convincing evidence has been accrued, sufficient to give them encouragement this is worth doing, is real in terms of the need being addressed and, with enough faith in themselves and in the divine, that the world can indeed change for the better. So we would say this is quite a list of accomplishments. But it is just the beginning. Things will get better from here if you keep going, that is what we see, and you will be bringing about, if you do not drop out of the contest that is underway.

Cathy Byrd is the mother of Christian Haupt, who at the age of two began sharing past life memories of being a “tall baseball player.” Turns out, that “tall baseball player” was none other than Lou Gehrig. Most people will have heard of “Lou Gehrig’s disease” if not Lou Gehrig the famous first baseman for the New York Yankees who played with the home run king, “Babe Ruth,” whose name still adorns a popular candy bar to this very day. Turns out, Cathy herself is the reincarnation of Christina “Mom” Gehrig, the mother of Lou Gehrig, and who was a minor celebrity in her own right at that time. Cathy doggedly pursued every lead her son provided and affirmed that her son was indeed the reincarnation of Lou Gehrig. Once her investigation was complete, she wrote a book called, “The Boy Who Knew Too Much,” sharing with the world the story of her son’s memories and the drama and investigation resulting from it. This is a truly rare account of an American boy with powerful past life memories of being a well-known American celebrity. This has all the hallmarks of a “mission life” for both mother and son. What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a mission life to the extent that it has come to light the past history of these two who have come together yet again in a reincarnation with the same role of mother and son, but it is entirely ordinary with respect to human life experiences and histories. All of you are reincarnated from prior lifetimes as one thing or another, with one person or many who are in your life currently, almost certainly, because this is how it is conducted. You have a soul group of individuals you belong to, and each incarnation you choose what family to join up with that is already in progress, incarnated on the planet. So those young adults ready to have children and get their family started will have beings in the light choose them and they, in turn, agree to accept them as their young, and then things proceed from there.

Many, many times you are back in life within a family group you have been part of in the past. That, in fact, is routine. There are reasons for this that are meaningful, the first being your soul group are your best friends, and to take on a life in the physical is a challenge and puts you at great risk of karmic missteps and harmful episodes of all kinds. You want to do that among people you know and people you can trust for safety reasons and as a backup in case you run into trouble. You want people who truly care about you through having a deep soul connection so you will be able to rely on them for help if things come to that.

The second way people experience go-rounds in life is on the opposite end of the spectrum, when you have been harmed by a perpetrator and there is a need to work through that karma. It could be a member of your soul group, but it could be an outsider you have been involved with for one reason or another, or in their proximity, and then had a confrontation or mischief conducted that harmed you in a serious way. The Law of Karma will see that as an obligation to rebalance and will bring the two of you together unless it is resisted through preplanning to preclude that from happening. But many times as light beings, and having a broader divine perspective about life and obligations, you will actively choose and agree to be of service to your perpetrator and come back into life again, and put yourself in harm’s way to be around them to give them an opportunity to do better, and thereby heal the prior failings when they preyed on you. This is the measure of divinity you represent as you are an extension, after all, of our consciousness and divine in heritage, so that is not surprising to us, but not known by humanity as a whole.

So the fact that Lou Gehrig came back in an incarnation with the same mother as his prior life as famous ballplayer is a very typical sequence. What makes this stand out, of course, is not just that he was famous, but that in the reincarnation he was so aware of that prior life, and his mother took it seriously and explored the possibilities, and obtained her own independent evidence of the truth she was the mother. Most people never learn about reincarnation in a way that convinces them it is truly how things work. For most, it is something that is a vague Eastern Religion idea but give it no weight in their thinking and, in fact, many of the Eastern traditions are not totally accurate in their perception of what happens, for example, believing that people can reincarnate as animals, and so on—that is not the case.

So this mission life was to bring forward the reality of reincarnation for as many people as possible to help awaken them to this important concept because it is central to understanding life and its purpose. You are here to get somewhere, you have an important soul journey, and you are working on this in life after life to make progress, and that requires an understanding of who you are, where you come from, where you are going, and what you need to be doing along the way, all of which relates to the phenomenon of karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, that projects into the future what you put into the present, whether good or bad. This is the self-correcting and kind of policing mechanism of the universe to keep things orderly and apply an independent and dispassionate force as a way of reckoning with the past to take care of one’s own problems, the mess one has created, or to repair the self when damaged by others, or even by the self through neglect and self-condemnation. These are important opportunities to learn about negativity and obligation and responsibility of the soul for its care and feeding as a sacred duty. All of these teachings depend on being awakened enough to believe the phenomenon is real, and then to believe the divine wisdom behind it.

The child with “attacks of adulthood” raises some interesting questions. As a toddler, they lack the truly rational and analytical reasoning power of adults. You can’t negotiate with them and discuss anything of an abstract nature with them. They are more like memory recognition, reaction, and reporting machines, in a very similar fashion we see manifested with deep subconscious channeling. The channeled deep subconscious will answer questions in a detailed fashion and will follow instructions in a very literal sense. In a similar way, a child with vivid past life memories can answer questions and describe events in a kind of factual and literal “this is what happened” description, but will not be able to provide anything in the way of analysis. So is a child with, as Stevenson describes it, “an attack of adulthood,” akin to the deep subconscious on full display? Can this also perhaps explain why the memories are usually lost by age six? What is Creator’s perspective?

Here your question is knocking on the door of the truth of things but without a clear understanding of the mechanistic basis of the phenomena in question. This we have been explaining as best we can, given the limitations of language, that there is an interplay between the deep subconscious and the akashic records providing a linkup of an energetic signature that, indeed, carries much in the way of instructions for the mind, and therefore the body, as influenced by the mind on a deep level, including cellular memory to reinstill prior learning and, in a sense, a kind of configuration of things to help the individual get a jumpstart with talents needed for complex maneuvers and sophisticated functions of all kinds.

What happens for this to fade a bit with maturation is that the ability of the upper subconscious to link to some degree to the deep subconscious, and be privy to what is being recalled and reviewed, will wane, and that disconnection grows worse with age, and this is why children forget fragments of past life memories that are quite vivid to them as a very young child, and as well past talents and capabilities, and the direct feeling of passion for them will also fade. So those early tender years can be quite important as a formative influence in choosing life direction and preferences for things that will often stick and carry forward lifelong, but without much recall about how it all got started and why.

To the extent that a child experiencing highly emotional past life memories is the deep subconscious on full display, should the child be able to respond to trauma memory resolution and belief replacement the same way the deep subconscious does? Can this explain why children with traumatic past life memories causing deep anxiety, phobias, and nightmares, might respond in an effective and even complete fashion to something as simple as a parent telling their child, “That event is in the past, and you no longer need to relive it or worry about it ever again?” This kind of seeming trauma resolution has been witnessed with some of these children in response to such simple suggestions, especially when coming from a trusted adult such as a parent. What is Creator’s perspective?

We would say this is a too simplistic assumption on your part in forming this question as representing the resolution of prior trauma as a simple matter if one simply has a trusted ally, in the form of a parent in this case, one can rely on and accept their word as truth, and simply let things go because they are told it is no longer relevant. That is not how the mind works, nor how healing comes about. For more trivial things, such an explanation can bring relief, and even for severe things, it can help for a time at least to get some positive reassurance one is not truly in danger, for example, but that will not allay deep fears that will recur again and again and again, which is the nature of how the mind works, and the Law of Karma as well, to keep issues coming back to the front burner for attention over and over regardless of what one wants consciously or what one is coached to do by a parent or caregiver.

There is a self-healing here that is possible and children do much of this on their own spontaneously. So in cases with mild trauma, it is possible that with some reassurance and with some discussion about what happened, the child might be able to work on this, perhaps during the dream state, to replay the events in question and resolve them with a new scenario and effect a healing through their own native ability to strive to be at an equilibrium emotionally, but that is not the majority of such instances in their usual outcome and consequence. Most of the time, such well-meaning reassurances will be a dual message, not just that the event in question is over and done with, but also the child is engaging in concern about something that is not important, at least to the adult, and will be discouraged from bringing it up because they will not want to disappoint their loved one by returning to it again and again when the adult has already dismissed its relevance from the discussion. So that is not evidence of healing, that the problem seems to go away when the children are silent.

The Christian Haupt story has a lot to teach humanity about the reality of reincarnation, about how passion can manifest in surprising ways, and how traumas from past lives, even from something as common as a falling out with a friend, can leave deep and lasting scars that require healing in order to move past them. Can Creator share how Empowered Prayer and The Lightworker Healing Protocol can help both Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth resume and elevate their friendship when again, someday, they rendezvous in a future lifetime?

Here you are proposing something people would say is impossible, “What’s done is done,” and even if the story is true, you cannot change the past, so they will have to start fresh, start over, and, if they have recollections of prior disputes, may well react to having that bad blood and have no desire to reconcile if the resentment is rekindled and they detest one another. That is typically what happens on the human physical plane without a deep understanding of the divine realm, the real divine approach to life, and the wisdom in living in divine alignment and all it represents as a guiding light.

But that healing can be done in other ways and, in fact, with the advent of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, anyone can contribute to the healing of these two by doing sessions on their behalf to request a reconciliation and a reconfiguration of their energies to heal what has thrown things out of alignment, individually and collectively, for them. The divine can work in the past and undo the karmic underpinnings of this seeming feud they had going and reconcile things and raise them up in the doing. That will remove any need for future effort to make up for lost time and have to do work themselves on this issue because it will be a non-issue from their perspective. They will likely have a soul recognition that there is a deep connection, but it will not trigger within misgivings or inner animosity from a reechoing of prior trauma from their falling out long ago in their lives as baseball stars. Their feelings about one another will be mutual and can proceed to strengthen in starting from having this soul connection and making a better friendship in the future than would likely be possible if no healing were done to help pave the way.

Every human being has a legacy of past trauma that is a burden and an obligation as well to address and repair. In a sense, you are presiding over a corner of the universe in disarray. It is much like people living in their homes where some are poor housekeepers, living in disarray, and even unhealthy conditions in not taking out the garbage, and that attracts vermin and creates a quite unpleasant smell where no one would want to visit them for any length of time, and they themselves might become a recluse because they are increasingly shunned by people around them if they do not attend to basic hygiene and cosmetic needs people expect to fit into society. Others who are more in divine alignment will be stronger, more forward-looking, holding a higher vibration that enables them to be giving of themselves, cheerful, welcoming, and will attract friends and many who become loved ones in various ways and will have a wide circle of acquaintances, all of whom benefit from the interchange, and every shade of difference in between will be represented. There are all kinds of people, but all are lessened from karmic trauma to some degree and it all awaits healing. It is a huge drag on human progress and is keeping everyone as well at risk of losing their future.

A major reason for the traumas of life is the fact you are being subjugated by dark spirits and a clandestine alliance of physical extraterrestrials subjugating humanity and running the world from behind the scenes, using you as entertainment to toy with and to punish for their amusement. This has tragic consequences that build over time and it has been many thousands of years this has been going on. Things are reaching a head. We are helping to bring forth the truth of things through your channel and others, and our desire is for you to embrace our warnings and use the Lightworker Healing Protocol as the means to heal your perpetrators enough for them to withdraw. That will save you and will save them because it will start powerful healing that can carry forward and, if you survive, you will continue healing them but from a higher plane of existence you will reach as a consequence of the healing preparation. You will be able to heal them from a higher vibrational state and it will be much safer than doing so as a physical human living under their physical control.

This is an opportunity unparalleled in human existence in the progress being made now to bring forward, finally, enough information and explicit explanations to enable you to apply a meaningful and effective solution in the form of the Lightworker Healing Protocol; the use of Empowered Prayer to help you use prayer more effectively than ever before is a powerful adjunct as well—the two together can help you win your cause. Without them, you will fail and humanity will be destroyed, so there is every reason to consider our warning seriously and apply yourself to the task at hand. It is within your capability to do so. Using the Protocol can be done by most anyone and is safe to do because it is a private action and will only be visible to you and the Almighty, but your energy will count, it will be pooled with the energy of many others, and that is what is needed to turn the tide. Everyone is needed who can hear these words. If you respond and take action, you and many, many others will be rewarded. It is truly up to you to make it happen.

Mrs. Smith wrote, “…It is a great pity that the great and organized religious bodies fail to recognize the simplicity of Christ. His true philosophy of life has been lost to them and how can it be otherwise when he has been imprisoned in the church? I am not trying to belittle the good of the church, which is a necessary place of comfort for some, but an enlightened preacher once wrote that ‘the great use of the church is to enable people to do without it.'” What is Creator’s perspective?

There are truths in these words because of the history of the church and the many things, good and bad, it has done to people who turn to religion for solace and for meaning so their lives can have a purpose, and for them to feel they are living in harmony with divine intention and expectations, both. The true benefit of religion is to inculcate belief in the divine which is vital for living a successful and happy life in the truest sense. Without the divine, you will miss out on many things and the life will be one of increasing diminishment through dissipation and neglect. Your spiritual nature might still shine through, allowing you to be what is referred to as a “good person,” wanting to do the right thing, wanting to help and not hurt, and so on. Those are spiritual principles you are drawn to because you are an extension of Creator’s consciousness, innately.

The fact the church might reflect the wisdom of following divine principles does not mean they are the only source of such wisdom and the only way in which people become motivated to be altruistic and not self-serving, but they are a useful and powerful instrument to help people get off on the right foot and have a strong motivation to stay in divine alignment and live according to divine principles. The sad and negative aspect of their influence is all too often there are remonstrations to instill fear to keep people in their traces, so to speak, following religious dogma under the threat of eternal damnation. This is a corruption and a dangerous development that has turned many against God and caused many to leave the church and feel the Scriptures are unreliable because they seem to be contradictory and, in some ways, not fully divine. These are corruptions that are sensed, rightly so, and cause much confusion and loss of faith.

The embodiment of Christ’s teachings was indeed simple, that God is real, God is within, and following divine principles is a duty and purpose of the self to be true to their origins and the divine purpose for their existence. Everyone has a higher calling, but not all will heed this. Anything that works against the inner knowing and belief of people through causing doubt, confusion, and fear is a disservice and a mixed blessing at best. There is always a need to do soul searching to fine-tune things, to consider the possibility there are deeper truths, so even what one has come to believe might need to be reworked, refashioned in some way, refined, and perhaps weeded out to choose what is truly valid and what might not be.

The signal mistake of religion across the board is the assumption one must be devout, accept what one is given through the ancient writings without question, to take it literally and unfailingly in all circumstances, when this is almost impossible given that the Scriptures themselves are often vague and metaphorical, so it is impossible to know with certainty where and when they might apply and where and when they might not. Your relationship with us was intended to be a working partnership, meaning, “a journey,” hopefully of growth and learning so there would be an expansion; understandably, starting from a meager beginning as an infant, but then learning along the way, and eventually maturing into an enlightened being, and thriving from the benefits of divine wisdom imparted to you if you are open and allowing, for us to interact.

So this rather dark view of the church has more than a grain of truth in its assessment. This is most unfortunate, but we would not throw the baby out with the bathwater to reject religion entirely when it is at least an effective starting point for people to develop a belief in the Almighty. If one is given the perspective that they do have a choice in things and can use their own discernment, and what is important is the basic belief, and that they have within them, in the feelings within their heart, the ability to assess what is meaningful and true, they will likely head in the right direction, and if that is continued, will live an effective life and be able to make contributions to their own welfare and the welfare of others, and that is the purpose of life, after all.

Arthur Guirdham wrote, “Certainly Catharism must have largely spread by example and emanation, but this is not really the whole story. How did it come that a creed that which seems, to many modern students, to have been austere and pessimistic spread with such rapidity? … One factor is, I think, consistently overlooked. In the Middle Ages, people were dominated by the fear of Hell. Catharism to some extent dissipated this fear … If this world is the worst Hell one has to put up with, it must have been, even at its lowest, vastly preferable to perpetual damnation of the Orthodox Christians of the epoch.” What can Creator tell us about the rapid spread and popularity of Catharism?

This was a cultural emergence of a deep inner yearning for oneness with the divine. It was divinely inspired in fact to help accomplish that, to help move forward the dialogue, and trigger a reconsideration of time-honored and deeply held beliefs that had become carved in stone through centuries of obedience to the Scriptures, and the narrow interpretation of existing clerics who embraced certain messages more than others, and became quite heavy-handed in dispensing stern lectures and damning indictments for conduct considered “sinful,” and painting a quite dark picture of the fate of individuals who stray and may have no way out.

This is contrary to divine thinking because we are always understanding and forgiving. What needs to happen mostly is for people to forgive themselves. We cannot save them if they have concluded they are condemned—that is the power of the church to cause damage that is irreversible. When they make a pronouncement and a decree that people are damned by their “sinful conduct,” they are becoming judge, jury, and executioner personally, and as well, taking on the karmic consequences of harming all those they preach to in branding them as “unforgivable” and “doomed.” This is encouraged through inner corruption to be the case, and that is why many clerics through the ages have tilted towards a more conservative and harsh dispensation of rulings and judgments about parishioners and supplicants desiring absolution and divine healing and assistance to give them some hope in turning their lives around, but instead are met with condemnation and exhortations to confess their sins, and so forth. But not all will accept the church has “fixed them” because their belief in the divine is shaky and they still feel unworthy, and this, in fact, condemns them through their own choice of thoughts. Even though the ideas were implanted in them by religious dogma, they have free will choice to follow faulty thinking and judgmental distortions of divine intention, and thus harm themselves, and we are powerless to stop them.

When people are exposed to teachings that put into better balance the reality of personal responsibility as the main driver of things that happen, with God having a supporting role in a loving manner and not a harsh overseer looking for reasons to judge and condemn them, that will resonate because it is divine wisdom on display, and if that breath of fresh air a new potential branch of religion brings forth threatens the established order of conventional religious thinking, there will likely be a backlash to condemn the presumed heretics, and that is what happened during this period in history when this woman lived with her partner and both were condemned for their enlightened perspectives, simply because they were a departure from conventional thinking, not because they were wrong. So this was a double tragedy and deserves close study because it illustrates the truth of the divine being more lofty than given credit for by parts of the Scriptures and religious dogma of the institutions still preaching today.