Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 22May2022

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 22May2022 

  1. What exactly are the “Face on Mars” and the apparent pyramids nearby in the Cydonia region of Mars? Is the “face” truly a megalithic sculpture of a humanoid face, or just a trick of light and shadow as seen from space? If they are real, what is their story; who built them, and why?
  2. Thoth and the Emerald Tablets Message Body: Who was Thoth and what do the Emerald Tablets represent? Was Toth an Anunnaki, a human or a hybrid?What is the truth of Toth’s existence, and what was the purpose of Emerald Tablets & Thoth’s teachings?
  3. If one third of people don’t go into the light upon their deaths, how do some do so years later if a human has not done a Spirit Rescue for them? 
  4. Are there scientists today that are seeking to find a solution on how to utilize the Quantum Field or Zero Point Energy as a power source and, at the same time, are turning to Creator for help to accomplish this?
  5. What are or were the values of such traditions and religions such as Paganism, Shamanism, and Druidry along with the other indigenous religions that were wiped out by the more modern state sponsored mainstream religions?In what way did these serve the Light and in which ways did they serve the ET interlopers?
  6. What are the plausible changes that humans would notice if the ETs were to leave? What would be noticed with respect to weather changes?Are there any other changes that would need some type of explanation given humans seem to think hurricanes and other severe weather and seismic disasters are part of the natural world?
  7. Is Graphene toxic? Is it now being used in chemtrails above the USA and other countries? What purpose does it serve? Does the Lightworker Healing Protocol cover this in terms of its harmful influence on humans and other living things?
  8. What can you tell us about the Georgia Guidestones?What is the purpose of this monument and what is your perspective on its message, warnings and origins?
  9. The typical human perspective towards reptiles, in general, is that they seem to be the antithesis of what we would consider as ‘love-based beings’ yet they were created by the same Creator that created the corrupted, but ‘love based’ humans who still seem to have vestiges of this loving nature. Can you explain these differences and how a Reptile could be reconsidered, especially in its healed state?
  10. If karma is an adjunct to the learning process, and Creator itself is, it seems, also leaning from the creation process, is it also subject to the Laws of Karma, and if not, why not? How is the Divine Realm itself subjected to the laws of karma as it relates to the created universe?

What Happens When a Deceased Soul is Trapped in Limbo?

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful and heartbreaking experiences we have as humans. As you grapple with the loss, you may wonder whether your loved one is at peace. While we can hope our loved ones are content, this isn’t always the case.

Oftentimes, deceased souls become trapped in a state of limbo. When this happens, attempts at rescuing the trapped souls must be made immediately.

In this blog, we’ll offer more insight into what happens when a deceased soul is trapped in this in-between stage. We’ll also help you understand how you can extricate your loved one from this troubling situation. Let’s begin.

1. They Feel Uneasy

Out of every three people who pass away, one always needs help. When a deceased soul becomes trapped in limbo, they are at unease. This unease may manifest in different ways. Their soul may feel restless. It’s also likely that they experience discomfort. Rescuing troubled spirits is extremely important. As you remove the blockage, you’ll manage to successfully remove your loved one from the state of limbo and this will help them reach heaven.

2. They Can’t Enjoy the Afterlife

When deceased souls are trapped in the lower astral planes, they cannot reach heaven. The longer they remain trapped in this state, the more deprived they are of the bounties of heaven. This is an alarming situation that must not be taken lightly.

Departed souls should attain peace, healing, and contentment at the earliest. Delaying this process can cause more harm. If you’re unsure whether your loved one has reached heaven or not, make sure you contact a healing practitioner who can guide you accordingly.

Recommended Read: Subtle Signs of Extraterrestrial Mind Control You Should Know

3. How Can I Get Started?

Do you want to help a deceased loved one heal? Our fourth healing session, “Help Departed Ones Reach Heaven”, effectively rescues deceased souls that are trapped in limbo or the lower astral planes. We offer a 90-day money back policy, no questions asked.

Take a closer look at the rest of our Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) sessions. At Get Wisdom, we also share more insight into the secret space program, the extraterrestrial mercenary army program, extraterrestrial mind control, reptilians, subconscious channelings, extraterrestrial abductions, benevolent extraterrestrials, and a range of other topics.

Explore our site to take a deeper dive into the hidden truth and seek divine wisdom. If you have any questions, we’re always happy to help!

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Are stars truly powered by internal nuclear fusion, or is the energy coming externally from the galaxy in the form of electromagnetic energy and plasma?

It is much more the latter than the former. The energy is coming from elsewhere. This is true of everything in the universe. Everything observable through the commonly understood and detectable forms of energy and seeming matter are perceptible because they are in a certain energetic state that will be noticed visually or indirectly though scientific instrumentation to detect their presence. All of that substance, no matter what form is coming from a deeper level of the universe, and that is true of all the energy exhibited by solar bodies and other heavenly bodies with varying natures that are observable in the heavens, so to speak. This is a scientific blind spot as is true of many, many, many other fields of scientific inquiry. There is a reason for this and that is that the interlopers constrain the growth of human knowledge and awareness and depth across the board. Everything science uncovers that has a practical utility for humanity can serve them to improve their lot. The interlopers want to see the opposite happen. They want to see humanity struggling, stumbling, even as they believe they are moving forward.

It is a process of fits and starts, and through misdirection through co-opting information, through manipulating scientists directly to disfavor certain precepts in their thinking. They can influence the opinion leaders in a field of inquiry and hold back progress for decades to centuries. This has been going on all through history. The divine realm can counter this, up to a point, and that is the reason you do have scientific inquiry at all. It is the reason you have modern conveniences and ways of thinking to create a large-scale civilization, a large-scale society made up of component parts that can work together after a fashion. These edifices or institutions are heavily monitored, heavily manipulated and heavily corrupted. There is no getting around this. It is the way things are. When you look to science to solve your problems, you are likely to get a constrained and a filtered answer of some kind. It will likely be partial, it will likely do relatively little of benefit, other than to satisfy curiosity and give a new generation of would-be scientists something to pursue further, but it will not unearth the deepest truths, and will not solve the largest of problems, and oftentimes will bring more difficulty in the doing, as a side effect and unintended consequence, particularly with the imposition of technological processes. There is always a poison pill added in.

So, we digress in this way to make the point that there has been relatively little progress in understanding solar mechanics and the energetics because it is larger than your physics in the first instance, in understanding the orchestration and the energetics, but beyond that there is a built-in constraint in pursuing things in a way that will be as effective as needed to fully answer this question in scientific terms. So, the best we can do is give you the divine clue that science has not arrived at meaningful interpretations of what they see with solar output and its origins. There are many, many things that can be learned and many practical potential advantages in unearthing the truth here. This is both why it has been constrained and why it is unlikely to happen, still, in the world as it is. It is up to you to change that.

Can you give us some clarity on the Fatima Prophecies? What did the girls see? Was that a celestial ship that the crowds observed? Was it Mother Mary?

This indeed was Mother Mary. It was a celestial manifestation and embodiment of her being in a visual apparition with an inner knowing by these young innocents of the true divine nature of what they were witnessing. This was a special kind of outreach to plant the seeds for the future, to remind humanity that the divine is real, that stories of old are not necessarily folklore but can be a true accounting of a personage who was larger than life, and not only left their mark, but can return again and influence people in the future in a similar way. That was the reason for this experiencing. It was done in a time of relative ignorance and with little understanding of the idea of reincarnation, and the persistence of the soul as the wellspring of life and creating the continuity of existence as a being, a persona. This is vaster than can be encompassed by the visage of a human being, even with the intricacy of its makeup and personality and many other characteristics, and with the variation among human beings, this still only begins to scratch the merest surface of the potential inherent within the soul itself, but there is a continuity of awareness and understanding of the soul to know where it has been, what it has done, and also where it is going.

Many beings of light come again and again into physical life with the penalty of almost always being in ignorance of their past doings, and even of their past existence because science, yet again, has constrained knowledge to make you believe this is just a chance encounter of sperm and egg, and inheritance of a genetic component from the two parents coming from a lineage of other physical human beings, and this constitutes the sum total of all the characteristics on display and is simply matter coming together, bumping into itself and then things happen. This woefully understates the case. The appearance of a divine figure in this way is a true blessing and is a true gifting of the divine to humanity to raise hearts and minds, to render hope among the believers, and a reminder that the stories of old are largely true with respect to the existence of the light as the source energy, and the role of a supreme being, a Source Creator, who made the universe and everything within as a creative exercise.

All of its potential is ultimately available to the part of Creator that is each respective human being. This message from Mother Mary was not only to recall the existence of the divine, relative to the stories of old, it was to make the link to come full circle in a sense, that having lived in the physical and then passed on to the beyond, there could be a coming back again as a higher entity, a higher-level form of the being in a divine plane of existence, and this was to remind human beings of their true origin—that all of you, as well, are divine. You are cut from the same cloth, in fact. You all have a soul created by us and destined for many great acts of wonderment and accomplishment for a glorious expansion of possibilities. As a populace, humanity on the planet you inhabit, have been constrained for millennia and limited in your growth. There has been in some ways progress, but in other ways a diminishment. The progress is in understanding the diminishment for what it truly represents and working to right those wrongs.

This is not wasted time or effort, this is a blessing in disguise because it will teach you how to right wrong, how to prevail, how to overcome adversity and how to use love as a weapon to counteract any departure from a divine path. It is a weapon of inducement, of enticement and reward. Rewards work better than punishment to the extent the reward is of greater value than the punishment causes suffering. There is no greater reward than to be in the encirclement of divine love, direct and unfiltered. This was, as well, a third message and reason for that encounter with Mother Mary being present, because she, as well, was radiating Creator’s love, and those witnesses felt the love and everyone hearing the story who was spiritually open to the possibility of it being true, was literally touched by God and the love flowed into them. This is why such events become recorded and then are recounted again and again and again, and often through considerable periods of time through history. It is because they were not only true, they were profound in their meaning and continue to carry truth and awareness of the divine and its workings to succeeding generations of living human beings simply hearing a recounting of the episode.

Who or what was The Buddha, his mission on Earth, and how can Buddhism be reconciled with these channeled messages of the very existence of a Creator, let alone the encouragement of human partnership with Creator, when the Pali scriptures say the Buddha was only concerned about one primary matter, which was/is the complete cessation of freedom from suffering (dukkha) or the unshakeable freedom of mind, and that ultimately the Buddha rejected both theism and the soul theory because they are delusions and objects of attachment?

This answer contains some discomfiting material and we like to apologize in advance for disturbing cherished notions held by many, but when we are approached with a sincere desire to understand seeming contradictions we must respond in kind with truthfulness and a straightforward accounting of the explanation why this may be so. The Buddha was an advanced being because of advanced awareness of the divine. This is not turning reality on its head as one might think, given that preamble within your question that he represented a summary rejection of the idea of a divine, supreme source. Everyone has some intuitive reach. What that is, represents a divine level of engagement with the broader universe, courtesy of the apparatus within the human being to use the subconscious gateway to engage the non-local consciousness. That is an aspect of the soul and its workings, projected into human beings as their overall composite awareness, but with the special qualities that the deep subconscious that is organized by a special level of energy, includes the non-local capability of existing everywhere at once and enabling one to connect with the broad array of targets for purposes of learning and potential influence and interaction, in an iterative fashion, as with having a conversation. And that, indeed, is how this dialog is being conducted. It is through the same means.

So Buddha was picking up many messages with knowings and understanding of metaphysical phenomena and capabilities, but in a subtle way, coming in largely through his higher-self, his soul intermediary that is the blessed part of each being acting as a custodian, as a helper and a monitor as well, of all that happens for someone within the physical plane, but represents the divine level and follows rules of the divine in all that it does. Buddha, as well, received impulsed information directly from Creator. All of these impulsed ideas, suggestions, reminders, and messages of encouragement, at times, acting as a reward to keep going with a good thought, to keep pursuing an idea because it has value left for him to decide, personally, through his free-will what to do or not to do with his time and focused concentration. That awareness allowed him to cultivate many deep understandings about life and was very much in divine alignment with regard to the importance of the lofty idea—the truth of divine existence and hopefully what that might mean to the individual.

He embraced this awareness quite readily but being a pragmatic person also, and following his intuition, when it failed to show him the face of God, the embodiment of the divine, he was not willing to proceed too much further on faith alone, even though many before him embraced those ideas simply because they were open to doing so and were not very self-reflecting in the potential implications. So, someone who is of a practical orientation wanting proof, wanting validation, can in many instances limit their growth by requesting that the divine make the first move. This can be a fatal error for the metaphysical and spiritual explorer, because this violates the rules of engagement decided on for the human enterprise: that humans are in charge of their experience. They are in charge of their learning and growth. They are in charge of their very lives, and the divine can only follow their lead. So, anytime someone establishes a demand for proof, a demonstration that an idea, or notion, or capability that might be possible be demonstrated to the liking of the questioner, this will very likely not happen because the divine cannot lead you to faith.

This is why it is a test, to see what you can believe in your heart of hearts and expand on, in fact, to embrace the divine with ever-increasing fervor, trust, and acceptance. This is demanding. It asks a lot of each person because of the level of disconnection humans suffer. Humans have been robbed of their antenna, so to speak. So, you are not receiving divine words and messages and images in a coherent, direct, demonstrable way within your being. It is coming in faintly and bubbling up from deep below as though it is your idea or random thoughts. It doesn’t come with a flare, with a flourish, with angelic chorus accompaniment and blazing light across the heavens, thunder and lightning for emphasis. It is just a thought that floats up, even though it may come from God directly. Given that constraint, it is quite a challenge for people to move much beyond thinking about what they themselves can do and control.

The Buddha knew there was something beyond the self. That was because of his non-local consciousness bringing a stream of knowledge to him in a way he knew came from beyond. What largely happened here, to make a long story short, and to avoid pointing fingers and naming names, was the manipulation of his teachings. Rather than extend them into wider currency and greater applicability as a starting point that could continue to grow and add new revelations, increased awarenesses and a wider perception of the existence of many layers of divine intelligence available to integrate and interact with humanity, his acolytes adopted the more stringent and limited perspective of his doubts and ended up changing his message in a way that it would constrain belief in the divine. And inexplicably, to the outside observer, if you believe what we have been saying, this added extra constraints on an already difficult situation suffering from constraints in the first place. Those constraints were imposed by interlopers. His acolytes were influenced by interlopers, as well, to constrain their thinking and to limit their ability to see beyond what Buddha had described, and to tighten the noose even tighter on what thinking was allowed. The end result of this was a greater disconnection than Buddha himself struggled with.

Each human being undergoes the same progression as Buddha. Many stop on day one and go no further than just knowing they are alive, and live a prosaic existence with rules handed to them by others that are unquestioned, and there is a profound lack of creativity exhibited ever. This, correspondingly, means there will be no growth and no advancement of the soul journey. In a sense, it is a token lifetime and will often end up with the individual leaving the scene with many impairments from the inevitable slings and arrows of life, and will have a storehouse of unmet healing need added to, going forward. This eventually will work out and to the person’s advantage but is certainly not ideal, and falls far below what is possible. So, we would say that the pursuit of the ascetic ideal of disconnection to insulate oneself and be separate from material perception and the imperatives of the physical existence is a denial of reality that you are, for the time being, a physical human with physical needs and demands. It is, in a sense, cutting off a portion of human experience and making the decision up front to simply not engage. It is like being born and deciding that walking about is futile and purposeless and deciding to leave the legs unused and to wither. The life will inevitably be constrained in many, many, many ways as a consequence.

This is no less true when one gives up the inner yearning of the soul to reconnect with its divine origin through the physical human, to close that loop, and make an energetic infusion of awareness, insight and divine love as fuel. That can catapult people to greatness and, conversely, its absence will lead to a hollow existence in the end.

Is language used against us as a magic spell because words do not only have an everyday meaning but also other meanings that influence us on a subliminal level?

This is very much the case and is, in a sense, a key to understanding many truths about life and about the ability the interlopers have to manipulate human thoughts and beliefs. Humans are designed to live intuitively with language as a much more secondary attribute, and this is true of gesture, body language, and other ways of conveying information. The reason being that intuition, unhindered, is much more powerful. The ability of consciousness to engage with a target, understand what is happening INSTANTLY, goes far beyond any kind of description that could be rendered through speech or written language. The cultivation of language was, in fact, a lower order of communication encouraged and taught as a compensation for human beings who were rendered defective in their intuitive reach, and so required some practical tool to relay orders, describe requirements and expectations, and then communicate feedback about performance to underlings—to slaves largely, and that is the true context for the origin of speech. It was done when it became a necessity to be the primary mode of communication.

The way language was constructed was very directly a dimming of greater awareness and a kind of constraint, itself, by limiting the potential of what can be described and the way it can be described and the segregation of things into seemingly precise terms which, nonetheless, limited meaning and limited the perspectives that could be brought to bear through those descriptions. It is like black and white thinking when one has only those two choices to make interpretations and decisions on a matter requiring action when, in fact, there are many shades of gray, and in fact, infinite array of color frequencies that each can represent a nuance of thought, understanding and interpretation. Life is much more complicated than it seems on the surface. When one is constrained in all one does, to have to do it in a linear fashion through language, there are many impediments inherent with the approach. The first and most obvious of which is that it takes longer to convey something than will happen through intuitive sensing and awareness, but the limitations go on from there: the limitation of language itself, its ability to be sufficiently nuanced and artfully expressed and the fuller meaning of things, and the deeper intricacy not available to human knowledge, as yet, can be perceived at least in the outlines intuitively, but never by language, because the words do not exist.

So, something seen for the first time and appreciated through the senses to have a certain kind of energy involved with it will be inexplicable because inevitably one turns to thought, thought created through language, and leaves behind the deeper awareness as much of an importance, when in fact it might be all important, and in an ideal world would be the mode of choice to experience the world. So, this is but an overview of the implications here. The choices of words, the way they are even spelled, their similarity to others, and the symbolic meaning that can be given to words and their usage are carefully orchestrated to encompass many deeper awarenesses that are a kind of disinformation because they reinforce the isolation and the limitation represented within language itself and give a false reassurance that people truly understand things, when they do not.

What are the mysterious 2.8-billion-year-old Klerksdorp spheres? What is or was their purpose? Who made them and why? Do they still function today?

These are artifacts of extraterrestrial manufacture. They were used in a primitive time as a token of authority and a representation of the interlopers, themselves, as rulers of the Earth and the people of that era. They were used as emissaries, in a sense, in conveying power and authority, and were highly esteemed and believed to have an inherent value in and of themselves, much as would be the possession of the crown of a royal figure as the symbol—the iconic embodiment of power and authority of the ruler himself, or herself. There is a deep story here for which we cannot provide all the details, but this is the origin and the purpose for which these were originally created. They were at once a visible representation of extraterrestrial advanced knowledge and capabilities, as well as a kind of ambassador of fear, a reminder that one is in over their head if they wish to resist or subvert the aims of the would-be divine rulers of that era, who were physical extraterrestrials of advanced technological capability, but devoid of spiritual awareness, and in that respect, were vastly inferior to the human being—and that continues to be the case today.

The object lesson in this is that any trinkets offered by the Extraterrestrial Alliance will be meant to create a sense of awe, and a sense of wonderment and encouragement to engage further to see what other benefits and gains might be bestowed by these incredible beings who will one day come forward and offer their services to humanity with many promises of benefits to survival of humanity in particular, having laid the groundwork for growing fear for human survival. This you see ramping up all around you with governmental disarray, gridlock, infighting, many political vendettas bleeding the culture dry, and things are not being addressed that are in dire straits. There is no true leadership to make things better. The leaders are worsening the world. Even those pretending to help are being subverted, held back, and manipulated to perform many initiatives that will end badly, that will create more harm than benefit.

This has been the case all through human history, but the distinctions become blurred between the leaders and the followers because all have a hand in what takes place, and there is guilt on the part of all, ultimately, and when the course of history is recorded, there are often arbitrary descriptions interwoven in a narrative to misdirect from the truth and to obscure the common thread running through all of human endeavors. This is a testament to corruption in all that is happening, and it will not be solved quickly or easily. There are many lies being told and being lived by, unwittingly. This is not what the divine wishes to see, nor is it what most humans wish to see, but one must be aware the problem exists and that there is a possibility of something better. Most people aim too low, thinking only if their political party would return to power, all would be well.

This is an illusion, because all political parties are managed. They take turns being in the front, in the spotlight, in control seemingly, but none are truly in control. They can only do what the interlopers allow to be done, that is the deeper story here. Things can only progress when people want true growth and advancement and request divine assistance to help make it so. You cannot do this on your own. These objects are a reminder that you are not alone here in your world. You have an outside influence superior to you, in some respects, but worsening things and leading you astray. The end result could be your destruction. That is a high price to pay for ignorance and complacency. If people throughout history could maintain an awareness of the darkness in their midst and see the outlines and see how it is orchestrated to influence things, they could take steps to guard against this and enlist divine help directly to moderate those dark influences, and eventually wrest control from the interlopers in a way that allows all to survive and for all to be healed and to recover from this long saga of predation in your world.

When we do Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions, is this one way Creator has devised to give “Grace” for healing? Does this reduce the severity and duration of the karmic repayment?

This is a beautiful question because it goes to the heart of things quite nicely. There is a reason you are here talking with us, sharing the information, to make it available to a broader world. That is inherent in the creation of the Lightworker Healing Protocol in all it contains. In its wisdom and elegance in compiling a series of divine interventions that can be requested by anyone, that are capable of removing many kinds of outside interference from a human being directly, as well as other targets of importance to humans—their companion animals, their other natural life forms of critical importance to their world, the crops, even the things of beauty sharing the world with you, all are part of Creator’s plan to create a beautiful habitat for humans to flourish and glory in the possibility of life and the interplay with their origin as an extension of a loving Creator. There is no greater joy possible than to be at a high level of awareness of this reality. The average human is heavily burdened by prior trauma through many, many lifetimes, hundreds of lifetimes on average, most of which were shortened as a consequence of the slings and arrows of life burdening them repeatedly and creating a mountain of unsolved problems and energetic liability that manifested in a weakening—often through multiple means, including chronic illness, the many interventions by the interlopers to darken the world with the introduction of predators, the infectious organisms that continue to plague human existence, and the corruption of human thought, belief, and interactions on multiple levels, and the stranglehold on truth conveyed through forms of information exchange, and the addition of corrupting beliefs and information through subliminal subconscious programming, on and on it goes.

All of these events have a consequence. The wounding of the soul extension each person represents, they carry with them, and it is maintained on record for all of time. That is a karmic consequence—meaning the causal factor in your future, because the energies are projected forward and will influence the remainder of your life, in all likelihood, and lives beyond this one. This is a mounting problem and a growing burden. This very thing is at the heart of the Lightworker Healing Protocol in what it addresses. It includes requests for healing in the same way for all of the lifeforms in an unfortunate circumstance, and this includes the perpetrators—the causes of it all—the dark spirits possessing multiple extraterrestrial races who comprise the dark Extraterrestrial Alliance actually running the world from behind the scenes with the assistance of dark spirit possession to corrupt, undermine, and increase vulnerability of human beings to other manipulations into a growing burden of suffering that resonates through the karmic consequences of their inability to heal it.

Once something is healed it is completed, energetically, and its consequence. If unhealed, it will persist indefinitely for all of time as a portion of the universe out of alignment. Karma and the Law of Karma are a balancing mechanism to restore order and to restore balance in all things. This is automatic and is a demand of the universe to see to. This is largely unaddressed and has been (unaddressed) all through human history. All the attempts at healing fall far short of what is possible, because when people request assistance through ignorance, that ignorance will constrain the divine solution that can be offered. This is one of the consequences of the human free will, in living their lives they must be responsible for all that happens and all that does not happen. This may seem unfair, but it is how you will learn and grow, and the great treasure bestowed in the exercise of learning through doing, and that is the best learning possible, and the one truly effective in the end.

Having this Protocol available to request divine help in a thoughtful, planful, integrated and comprehensive fashion, working from A to Z, so to speak, through the host of sources of negativity that can befall a person, and to set them right as done by divine agents coming to assist, taking the responsibility for the healing to be conducted in the most elegant of fashions, meaning it is done through and by the divine realm, allows many possibilities scarcely able to be comprehended by human beings and will stretch the ability to believe, of many hearing the details of what the Protocol launches forth, particularly in its ability to know who did what to whom through all of time, and to go through all of time to trace that person’s doings, who is the target needing assistance of the session, to undo the wrongs of history as well as future history in the making from the large aggregate of parallel lifetimes, hundreds for each person that are ongoing simultaneously.

This is why it is repeated again and again that time is an illusion, because the simultaneity of existence means exactly that, the past is happening concurrently with the present reality experienced by the human being incarnated, as well as future lifetimes running concurrently, and all of these along with the current life have future extensions which are a potential already coming forth from everything taking place to provide the impetus for a future reality. It is already unfolding in a preliminary form, but nonetheless real, and with energetic consequences. Through the looping of time, all of those realities will circle to-and-fro to reach a person in their present existence and influence them in subtle, or not so subtle, ways. This is all a healing need and is the driving force for most physical illness and many emotional difficulties, as well as life circumstances of all kinds: the inability to be successful, the inability to find a love partner, the difficulty in becoming a successful professional in some capacity. All of the qualities that help a person prevail can be undermined through negative karmic history to bring them down in some way and degrade their capabilities.

The first order of business is to heal what has happened to create these negative potentials, then a person can be raised up and start on a higher plateau from thenceforth, and make something better develop in their future. That is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to do, to attack the problem directly through multiple approaches, implemented in an integrated fashion, to systematically locate and remove all of the roadblocks, the speed bumps, the barriers to growth and evolution of the soul, and this takes into account a vast array of influencers, all of whom will receive healing in some way or another, to raise up the targets of the session without harm to others. This is a tall order and why it is a divine-level undertaking. It is not something that could be turned over to a physician or even to a spiritual leader or counselor.

The process is vastly more complicated than humans can comprehend. The Protocol has a distillation of the instructions and it leaves the outline of intention for each of the interventions, and that is the key to its applicability, appropriateness and level of success. Everything the divine does on the behalf of human flows from the intention of humans in order for it to be enacted. What we do at our own choosing must be very subtle and indirect in keeping with the rules of engagement to hold humans responsible for all that happens as rulers of their kingdom. This is a gift of freedom unprecedented in the universe, and that is also why it is not so easy. It is a new idea, and inherent in everything new is a level of uncertainty and the essence of a state of incompletion. This is what you are working on with the human enterprise, to complete the learning needed to grapple with the reality of personal freedom—total freedom to choose everything about your existence and thus shape your individual reality.

The fact this can be implemented by the divine is only information. It is the human practitioner learning how to use the Protocol and then taking that tool and choosing to implement it to call forth the divine in a systematic, effective manner that will be the change-agent for humanity to save it from a dark fate and create the possibility of a glorious future.

A viewer asks: “Do solar flares increase the likelihood of telepathic experiences? Whether it’s precognition, heightened dream activity, remote viewing, or basically anything psi-related? Is this just one of the reasons the ETs are messing with the Sun?”

These phenomena are not a significant influence on intuitive phenomena because the energies are quite different. Solar activity is electromagnetic frequencies of many kinds. There are more subtle energies as well. While the intuitive faculties and their manifestation are based on consciousness and a different level and focus than the majority of the energies emanating from the Sun with things like solar flares. So the manipulation of the Sun by the extraterrestrials was not to confound and diminish the ability of intuitives to see truth, but rather to sabotage one of the key foundations of life itself required for Earth to be a habitable planet. Indeed, making the Sun die out dooms all life on Earth unless the ability to do interplanetary travel allows colonization of other worlds to continue the species that are rescued—that was the intended purpose of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, to accelerate the natural life cycle of the Sun so it will only last another thirty‑five hundred years or so, which is the current status of things.

A practitioner asks: “My mother’s caregiver/helper is an intuitive and healer and someone who I hope will become a Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioner and join the community. I was speaking to her the other day about my experiences with the interlopers and when I told her about the cellular memory programming around my head, she saw a dark figure behind me with large hands reaching over, large dark head and rigid dark body shielding. Immediately I felt she was describing an extraterrestrial being, probably the one or one’s I was channeling. She asked me several times if this energy was still with me and I told her it was not, and has not been for a good time now. Was she intuitively connecting with the energy of the being that caused this manipulation around my head? I am assuming, and intuitively feel, this being(s) are no longer a current issue for me, and as told before by the Divine, are relics of the past. Is my intuition correct? I have felt very safe and protected for a good while now and attribute that to my daily Lightworker Healing Protocol work. My life is truly so blessed and I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. Thank you for all you have done to help me over the years.”

Your intuition is showing you the deeper truth of things. She, as well, was seeing intuitively the past history of extraterrestrial manipulation that was the cause of your prior suffering. So she was tuning in to the cause and in doing so, seeking its origin and not presupposing it would be in the present, past, or future, all of which are possible in terms of the kind of influences that bother people of mysterious origin. As you rightly feel and perceive, the danger is passed and you are currently safe from such perturbations. All the work you are doing with the LHP is seeing to this, so it is paying off nicely for you to be engaged, and at the same time you are helping many others as well. This is a double blessing and will add to the karmic benefits for you going forward.