Is our plan to channel Dolores Cannon in the light, safe and helpful to the GetWisdom Project, or will it cause too much backlash at this time?

You are prudent in being cautious here, as you are skirting the boundary in taking chances to generate a backlash of some kind that could spread and harm your reputation. But we see the planned channeling as serving more than detracting from the aim of GetWisdom to enlighten, to teach, and to expand greater awareness of the grand deception underway to commandeer the lightworkers and distract and disinform them. It is too huge a problem to sweep under the rug because it is unseemly or perhaps would draw the ire of many devoted fans. While this can create too great a firestorm for certain groups and topics, this is one where enough time has elapsed that it would be safer to engage and begin to do a process of revelation with her direct involvement after all, and this is something quite different than your criticism coming personally from your own negative views of her contributions. You are simply asking her to correct the record should that need to be done and of benefit. So this has our blessing and we wish you full speed ahead.

This is not to say there will be no repercussions. Whenever you step on toes there will be hurt feelings and potential recriminations. It will induce soul-searching and will create an emotional reaction in many individuals who hold her near and dear, but keep in mind those who will reject such an assessment automatically, have themselves been blinded, most likely, to the truth and are likely unreachable at this time anyway. So while they can be an influence in opposition to some extent through their disparagement and word-of-mouth etc., you are not losing them as followers because they would not be available to you in any case. Someone who is open to truth would look at a potential serious criticism done in earnest and for a lofty purpose, and take it seriously enough to weigh its merits, simply to be thorough and careful to not overlook a hidden flaw that might not have been apparent. That is not being disloyal, it is simply being open to information and that is always a good thing. If one comes away with their belief in something still unwavering, it may well be the stronger for having examined a criticism.

So in the end, these tests of reason and accuracy will add armor plating if the tests are passed with flying colors. This of course is a gray area. By virtue of the nature of the material at hand, it cannot be vetted unequivocally by today’s standards because it is esoteric knowledge gained from sources sight unseen, and that always has the level of uncertainty attendant to that reality. But there are two factors involved here. One is whether your story holds together logically and has explanatory power, and also the fact it will be supported by the divine realm. So anyone engaging in a serious way with the mind at all open to the truth will get a blessing from Creator for considering your words, and that will also be, in a sense, a powerful vetting of the value because people are used to using their own radar and are often correct in their assumptions about whether they like and trust something, or are suspicious for some reason.

It is difficult when people have grown accustomed to believing in a source of information and then it is called into question. This becomes a very personal matter for many and we understand it can be painful. But in the end, it is better to know truth than to live a lie, no matter how comfortable it might become in not requiring a major change in thinking. It is always the case that people will receive help with a search for truth that is sincere, heartfelt, and particularly if they are in divine alignment through their intentions to be so.

A client asks: “I was wondering if Source Creator could enlighten me on what is going on with my Ki centers on the back of my body? That would be the back of my head, the middle of my back (opposite the solar plexus area), and the base of my spine and essence chakra area. No matter how many LHPs I do, it only seems to be getting worse. This feels like a hopeless situation. Did my behavior over June and July facilitate this situation? Am I too little too late now to remedy this life?” What can we tell him?

This is not something wrong with the body, it is simply malicious mischief being sent your way energetically. You have had a series of these kinds of manipulations being done by the interlopers to cause inner disquiet and inner reminders as well, that they are always there and in charge of things. As we have told you, we are working on things behind the scenes to remove such influences but this continues to take more time and the best you can do is ignore these sensations. They cannot run your life unless you let it happen. You are a far bigger and better person and while you do not deserve this treatment, you can at least know in being on the side of truth and the divine that you have the high ground and you will win in the end. If you continue to stand strong, you will be one day free of all of these travails.

Why is this only coming up now, because the story previously was that she had picked up a lost soul human spirit who was pestering her and hard to get rid of?

We were not perpetrating a falsehood simply to deflect having to bring out the darker underlying truth of things. There was, truly, a lost soul human spirit tormenting her. It was facilitated and arranged to happen by an extraterrestrial spirit who monitors her from time to time and looks for ways to cause her trouble. So that possession happened because she was softened up by the extraterrestrial spirit who also directed this particular tormentor to her specifically, knowing that it would be an unpleasant liability. We were not asked specifically about extraterrestrial involvement and so could not describe that extra component at that time.

Creator Discusses a Failed Doomsday Cult 22Jul2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Discusses a Failed Doomsday Cult 22Jul2022

  • Did Elizabeth Clare Prophet really receive messages from Ascended Masters?
  • Why did she make a doomsday prediction in the 1980s of a nuclear attack never happened?
  • What caused her to develop early onset Alzheimer’s disease and a rapid decline?
  • Was Mrs. Prophet insightful in appreciating the early teachings of Enoch?
  • Why do religious cults develop a “fortress mentality”?
  • Do successful accusations of brainwashing brought against Mrs. Prophet pose a threat to all new spiritual groups?
  • Was a story she wrote about a man who couldn’t be executed because of divine intervention really true?
  • How can we find and bring forth spiritual truth without becoming corrupted?

Creator’s Perspective on White Lies and Lies of Omission 01Jul2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator’s Perspective on White Lies and Lies of Omission 01Jul2022

  • Is lying just human nature?
  • Are white lies harmless because they are necessary in ordinary social interactions?
  • What happens when little white lies that keep us happy undermine us by serving the ego instead of the soul?
  • Will wearing a mask to “win friends and influence people” always backfire?
  • What are the long-term consequences of being an imposter?
  • In what ways are lies of omission just as harmful as overt lies?
  • Is it possible to lie with the truth?
  • Creator explains why informed consent is necessary for all human healing, but not when requesting divine intervention through Empowered Prayer or the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

Danny Casolaro Channeled by Karl Mollison 05June2022

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Danny Casolaro Channeled by Karl Mollison 05June2022

From *

Danny Casolaro (June 16, 1947 – August 10, 1991) was an American freelance writer who came to public attention in 1991 when he was found dead in a bathtub in room 517 of the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, his wrists slashed 10–12 times. The medical examiner ruled the death a suicide.

From a description of Cheri Seymour’s book The Last Circle: Probing one of most organized and complex criminal enterprises in the United States, this report exposes the dynamics of the Octopus, a globe-trotting undercover intelligence operative. Based on 18 years of investigative research, this account reveals high-level, covert government operations and the elaborate corporate structures and the theft of high-tech software (PROMIS) used as smoke-and-mirror covers for narcotics trafficking, money laundering, arms sales, and espionage. The Octopus connections to a maze of politicians and officials in the National Security Council, the CIA, the FBI, and the U.S. Department of Justice are revealed. A detailed look into the recent high-profile arrest of Mafia hit-man Jimmy Hughes is also included in this intriguing analysis.

*His death became controversial because his notes suggested he was in Martinsburg to meet a source about a story he called “the Octopus”. This centered on a sprawling collaboration involving an international cabal, and primarily featuring a number of stories familiar to journalists who worked in and around Washington, D.C. in the 1980s—the Inslaw case about a software manufacturer whose owner accused the Justice Department of stealing its work product, the October Surprise theory that during the Iran hostage crisis Iran deliberately held back American hostages to help Ronald Reagan win the 1980 presidential election, the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and Iran–Contra.

Casolaro’s family argued that he had been murdered; that before he left for Martinsburg, he had apparently told his brother that he had been frequently receiving harassing phone calls late at night; that some of them were threatening; and that if something were to happen to him while in Martinsburg, it would not be an accident.

They also cited his well-known squeamishness and fear of blood tests, and stated they found it incomprehensible that if he were going to commit suicide, he would do so by cutting his wrists a dozen times. A number of law-enforcement officials also argued that his death deserved further scrutiny, and his notes were passed by his family to ABC News and Time magazine, both of which investigated the case, but no evidence of murder was ever found.

We learn some truths about the underlying causes and how this relates to what faces the human family now.

When reading material written by skeptics denying the existence of an afterlife, spirits, etc., their biggest agenda seems to be, “Do whatever it takes to avoid having to settle on a paranormal explanation for ANYTHING.” Why do these people have such a deep-seated aversion to the very notion of the paranormal? It’s almost as if the paranormal traumatizes them. Is that a valid insight? Could these people actually benefit from Deep Subconscious Trauma Resolution?

For the most part, this is the intransigence of fixed ideas, hardened beliefs within the mind of the skeptics themselves among the scientific community, and many who pursue scientific subjects as writers to help transfer the knowledge to the laymen, so to speak. Because they are programmed to disbelieve such things, they feel duty-bound by their own beliefs to find fault with any reports of the paranormal and will seek avidly to find a way to dismiss such observations as artifactual, mistaken, or, in isolated instances, fabricated for the occasion. So their outlook at the outset is the expectation of disproving rather than proving the phenomena are real, and going from there, as an open-minded, uncorrupted scientist would do, seeking deeper truth and probing ever deeper to unearth it. This leads to all kinds of misconceptions, missed opportunities, and faulty science, because even when observations occur that are clearly outside the norm and far from trivial, because the chance of them occurring through a random event of some kind is remote in the extreme, it will not register, they will simply assume there is a technical problem and will ignore the observations.

So what you are seeing is selective data, and picked-over observations, and their associated conclusions that fit prior conception as much as the data themselves and, of course, what one expects to find predetermines to a large extent how one goes about it. So, often the dice are loaded against finding the unusual because it seems like a waste of time to be too open-ended with respect to the possibilities. So work of this kind tends to be very narrow, very finely focused on the minutia, because it is readily observable and may be reproducible and lend itself to mathematical analysis, and so on. But that biases things from the outset and precludes making genuine breakthroughs in many settings, so it is a foregone conclusion, in the very planning stage, what the outcome will be. This is most unfortunate because there is a wide universe of fascinating phenomena in the arena of consciousness, awaiting science to awaken from its slumber under a heavy fog of mind control manipulation to stifle curiosity and limit thinking about the possibilities. Both the outside influences and the inner corruption conspire together to thwart true progress from happening most of the time.

Does the fact the murdered woman left the Earth with her trauma unhealed, mean she will be more likely to go through a similar tragedy in her next life? Can requests for divine healing be made using the Lightworker Healing Protocol to heal her future incarnated selves? Would that resolve this karma and prevent her from having to face this challenge again? What is Creator’s perspective?

It is clear from the description, presumed to be from that spirit about her passing, that she felt she was about to be killed and felt that it would save her children to absorb the wrath of her killer and, as such, reflected a state of helplessness, even though having an altruistic motive in her awareness in wanting to protect the family. But no action was taken, other than to be a passive victim. This was a choice. She could have chosen to ask God for help, and her angel team. It might have been impossible to turn back a killer bent on her destruction, but it would have created a higher vibration within her, and would have, in itself, improved the chances that, were she still killed, she would be able to see the light callers coming to escort her to the heavenly realm and would not have ended up in limbo.

Clearly, she was unable to initiate this for herself, but the interesting thing about the Lightworker Healing Protocol is that, because the divine realm can work across timelines, you, as a human being in the physical, can request healing for someone in the light that will be applied in the past and the future as well. Each current life has a future extension, and those lifetimes, the multiple past lives every person is engaged with, as well as their future extensions, occur in parallel and there is crosstalk among them. The difficulties she had in her life, dealing with her perpetrator, were karmic and a consequence of prior interactions between the parties, and that is what led to her being confronted, and brutally killed, and being helpless to stop it. By requesting divine healing for that episode, allows the divine to go back in time and work on both parties to raise them up, heal the potential to end up in such a situation where a perpetrator has nothing but violence in mind, wanting to harm someone, and that potential victim, feeling overwhelmed and powerless to stop it, having put themselves at risk in being in the presence of someone capable of homicide also as a choice in allowing the personal history and development to head in that direction.

Typically, victims and their perpetrators are in a kind of karmic dance unwittingly, but quite powerfully arranging things to come to a head because it recapitulates a prior situation that caused a deep wound, and its potential extends into the future. The Law of Karma will take these energies and rework things to bring about a recreation of such episodes as an incentive to work on the issue. This is often unrecognized in its meaning and little happens to change things for the better, but only worsen. So in a future incarnation, those parties might be brought together yet again, and it will be more difficult, having not healed the past, to deal with that present reexperiencing of the karmic drama, and death will be even more likely to happen. This likely started from a series of conflicts and setbacks, resulting in less harsh penalties than death, but finally escalated to that level of intensity. So a healing outreach for this person would be an outstanding idea because going into both the past and future with the intention to work on her directly, whenever she reincarnates again, as well as the soul of that perpetrator, will give an opportunity for the divine to work on this karmic clash that ended in tragedy for both of them and, in effect, joined them together in this karmic dance of travesty and loss.

The healing done by the divine realm is far beyond human understanding in its reach and capability, but will not be fully unleashed without human awareness and knowledge of the possibilities. This is because of the rules of engagement; if you do not know such things can happen, they cannot be gifted to you—it is that simple. This is a turning point in history where your channel is bringing forward deeper truths about the divine, and about forming a divine partnership to empower you in ways never done before in human history, except by a few spontaneously becoming aware intuitively of the possibilities of a closer relationship and learning, at least somewhat, about the power of the divine and how to engage and implement a divine intervention through human requests. In earlier eras, it was impossible to envision the kind of things now contained within the Lightworker Healing Protocol, because they seemingly defy science and the workings of the world, as they go beyond your physics. That does not make it impossible or unrealistic, because it is your physics that is impossible and unrealistic, being woefully incomplete and lacking a deeper understanding of energy, and the reach of consciousness in controlling all that happens.

Is that the reason so many cultures around the world have associated lightning strikes with vengeance by angry gods lashing out at humans?

This is very much the case, because all around the world people in all cultures have seen or heard about this for themselves and see intuitively, many times, there is indeed something sinister and purposeful about the improbability of a lightning bolt hitting a person, given the large landscape filled with potential targets. So this has led to many so-called myths and legends attributed to mythical gods, but truly created from the minds of humans in response to an intuitive awareness and the hidden truth of things that there are powerful beings running the world and making many, many, bad things happen to people that are harsh and even lethal.

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Poland offered to send Russian-era MiG fighter jets to help Ukrainian pilots defend their country. The US Defense Secretary gave immediate approval for this publicly, as did President Biden when asked, but then the idea was dropped. A story was discussed on the news just recently, that Vice President Kamala Harris was to announce US approval and support for this military aid on her recent trip to Poland, but Biden changed his mind at the last minute, so that was not brought up during her visit, leaving her without a diplomatic issue to comment on. Was this misreported, or was it an example of pressure brought to bear on Biden by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, through a mind-controlled intermediary, using the approach described in our channeling of President Ronald Reagan, who said this is done routinely to make world leaders do what they want?

Although you are second-guessing yourself in hindsight, now that you are sitting down to do the channeling, you had this idea because you were able to see intuitively, the truth of things here. The uneven performance of world leaders is entirely due to manipulation. After all, they are simply called upon to act the part in demonstrating calm, strength, statesmanship, and a grasp of the issues, and an ability to give a good speech that sets the right tone, gives reassurance to those who need it, and signals strength and resolve to adversaries to give them pause about making things worse or doing something rash. That will be more likely to happen if they sense weakness. In actuality, world affairs are micromanaged from behind the scenes all the time by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. So in this way they get nations to dance with one another in a kind of tug-of-war many times, jockeying for position in a kind of daredevil contest like a game of chicken. This creates fun and excitement for the interlopers because they risk nothing. It is humans who will suffer the consequences of what they set in motion, causing leaders to stumble or exceed reason and logic with a rash move of aggression that leads to a catastrophe, hurting them as much is their victim. So all of the factors and influences you cite are true and accurate, and this provides a window into how the balance of power can be shifted and cause the most powerful country to hesitate in a crucial way to allow an encroachment or a military misadventure to keep going. In this case, it serves the Extraterrestrial Alliance and their plans to gin up World War III. So time will tell how much they can get away with and how much humans can be made to be complacent and unwittingly collaborate in bringing that about.