Did psychic Sylvia Browne see so many people as living their last lifetime because the potentials at that point were aligned with extraterrestrial annihilation of humans?

Sadly, this is quite true. It has been interpreted as a positive thing by many, as so many individuals do wish to leave and be done with the earth because of its difficult nature. And this has been exploited by introducing the promise of ascension where all will be raised up and transcend their current existence by moving into a higher dimension and will no longer be incarnating in the physical in the same way. So the prospect of serving out one’s current sentence but then graduating into a whole new way of living is a quite attractive notion, but this, unfortunately, is quite disempowering if it diverts people away from seeing the real hazard in front of them represented by extraterrestrial manipulation which could result in the end of humanity altogether.

It is better to be aware of such a threat and take action than to be passive and wait for a grand awakening that may never come. It is very likely the case that any psychic who achieves prominence has been held back in some way and constrained to not reveal too much. So there is heavy mind manipulation going on for all those in the public arena so they will not go in dangerous directions or nose into the darker side of things and then begin to unravel the threads leading them to the deeper truth about who is running things and how it is done. So you will see in general a systematic focus on positive agendas across the board. And so all are in the grip of mind control, letting them do their thing in other respects, but not allowing them to turn to the deeper issues.

Should we be concentrating on more historical figures that moved human history (at least from a mainstream perspective and like we have been doing) and avoid the “salacious current events” figures like Seth Rich and Stephen Paddock?

Both are helpful and this is why you are considering both and including both. They will have their difficulties to be sure. The historical figures and their interviews will conflict with a rewriting of history that always happens, and will pose challenges for the analytical critic who may believe the printed accounts of so-called authorities in positions to know what actually happened, when in fact they may be among the least reliable sources. This is part of the overall problem you face, with humanity in the balance. So you must go forward and do the best you can and seek the truth and work from the heart in all you do and let the fur fly. But you will always be on the side of truth and serving the divine realm. As long as you work from the heart and are in alignment and partnering with us, we will continue to inspire and guide you accordingly, and this will help you to stay true to the best path.

What is behind the stories of the school shooting in Sandy Hook being faked?

The stories about the killing in the school in Sandy Hook being faked are themselves faked. This is disinformation to discredit whistleblowers and to undermine their efforts to find the truth. To the extent they can be lured into believing wildly improbable scenarios, this serves to entice them to discredit themselves by signing on and then having their compatriots find reasons to see their flaws and will therefore lose esteem and credence with their peers, and others will fall away and not continue to support or believe in them. This is the purpose of this propaganda effort. It is planned. It is a cynical effort to undermine credibility, and this is true of many of the wild conspiracy theories.

As you know, truth is stranger than fiction, and many seemingly improbable scenarios happen to be true and would never be believed readily by the mainstream. This does not mean all such stories are true, and that is the point here. If you cannot tell the wheat from the chaff, then you are not a reliable source of wisdom and that detracts from you altogether, as people see categorically in black or white interpretations and will tend to lose faith and discount all a person says if there is one part that shows them to have feet of clay. This is the risk people take in rushing to embrace each and every story without thinking it through and without getting further corroboration from reliable sources.

Were President Clinton’s sexual excesses engineered to happen through external mind control manipulation of him by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, or was his reckless conduct a consequence of him being who he truly was?

This is a keen insight in making the connection. It shows the power of observation and cultural imprinting to create beliefs based on the current superficial understanding of human psychology and motivation, and the cultural interpretation, and explanation for misconduct of all kinds being a powerful teacher. You have seen through this filter to the truth here, that his reckless behavior was in fact, orchestrated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance in concert with spirit meddlers to encourage him to take many, many personal risks for his reputation, and his ongoing relationships particularly with his spouse, as well as his obligations to his friends and colleagues, and political followers. These exploits would be unthinkable for a free thinking rational adult who has a reputation to maintain, and important long-term relationships at stake requiring trust in him, and him having personal integrity, and respect for vows and promises made. He was pushed over the edge to indulge in ways that are truly unnatural, given the environment he inhabited, and what was at stake for him. The proof is evident in what took place, and his loss of esteem on the part of many, and his near loss of high office, as well. This illustrates the extremes they can induce quite easily in causing all manner of reckless conduct to serve the Extraterrestrial Alliance in some way. Usually this is setting the stage for a future means of leverage to threaten the person, if need be, to mandate their cooperation and to use it as a weapon to silence, to persuade, or to constrain them from taking undesired action, and simply be complacent. All are arranged routinely with world leaders, to keep them in line, and to keep them serving the Cabal.

Was the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick an orchestrated conspiracy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to sideline Ted Kennedy, and if so, how were the people involved manipulated?

This was a conspiracy. It was orchestrated from first to last with many of the details seen to through mind control manipulation. The fact that he was there at this gathering was orchestrated. The timing was chosen so that there would be a group of young females, and he was manipulated, as was she, to be attracted to one another, so they would spend time together. And also, to drink heavily to further distort perception and increase vulnerability and reduce good judgment was another orchestration. So, in the final trip by car, the impulse to make a wrong turn was a deliberate manipulation, without awareness of what happened registering on the conscious awareness of Kennedy, who was behind the wheel. And his attention was further distracted, resulting in the car going off the bridge, by failing to see the twist in the road in time, thinking he was truly headed in the other direction as his cover story said.

When the car landed in the water, he was impulsed with the thought she was already dead. He did not witness that but was distraught, confused, disoriented, and heavily manipulated to confound his thinking. And so in his perception, once he made an attempt to reenter the car, he himself believed she was gone, and then the problem at hand became what should he do next. In this, as well, he was met with a mind filled with confusion and conflicting notions. He attempted to get some help from his acolytes, but they, as well, were heavily inebriated and were not thinking clearly, and so used to following him and his whims, could not step into a leadership role and act decisively on what needed doing, and so were rendered ineffectual after all, because they willingly became subordinate to Kennedy’s confused state of mind and lack of decisive leadership in that experience. This is what proved fatal then, because no one took the steps that could have saved the young woman—out of fear, the need for secrecy to protect Kennedy’s reputation because of the political stakes involved, and so on.

This is quite understandable in being part of a world where the press has enormous power to destroy anything in its path given sufficient salacious material to work with, even if it’s not true but only has the semblance of inappropriate conduct. The entire episode of Kennedy taking no decisive action for hours after the accident itself was further intended to box him in through negligence—leaving him not only culpable, but engaging in a clear attempt to avoid responsibility, if not a criminal negligence, in trying to hide the truth of what happened. He was assisted through his inner character to come clean in the end and step forward with an admission of involvement and personal responsibility, and gave a fairly accurate account, as best he could, of what actually took place, other than to be kind to the others involved and not fan the flame of speculation and titillation about other events of that evening and those present.

What the public failed to realize was that this was a set-up from first to last, designed to put him in an embarrassing and politically untenable situation that would tarnish his reputation to an extent that could not be salvaged. This, as it turned out, was a factor in his long-term plans to be President of the United States. Although it did not prevent him from reentering politics, it was nonetheless an issue of tremendous pain and went a long way to undermining his desire and conviction to take on the stress of a punishing presidential campaign knowing there would be endless mention of this seeming lapse of judgment as well as other events involving personal conduct—many of which were similarly orchestrated through manipulation of his emotions and his sexual feelings. This is a tool used again and again and again, and is frequently on display, that somehow people are unable to keep their sexual doings out of the news and within the home where their marital vows would seemingly prevent straying, particularly where a good public reputation is paramount. That was the case here as well, and worked effectively enough to change history in the desired direction to keep another Kennedy out of ultimate power.

Are Evangelical Christians and other fundamentalist believers being manipulated into embracing their dark beliefs by extraterrestrial mind control?

This is a brilliant insight and in retrospect, seems obvious as is true for most great ideas, once they come, one is amazed it took so long to have the notion, but this is a logical extension of the reality of things that all are being manipulated constantly to worsen the society at all levels. Knowing that religions have been corrupted to introduce false teachings, especially things of a negative nature, and things that cast the Divine in a bad light, the idea that the Extraterrestrial Alliance would stop with corrupting ancient scriptures and then leave all humans thereafter on their own to do as they wished with their beliefs, when it comes to religion, is truly naïve in the extreme.

The fact is, all religions are heavily mind manipulated, heavily manipulated through subconscious programming to reinforce, to the extent possible, the darker aspects—to cause personal qualms about one’s standing and acceptability, to raise doubt about one’s self in contrast to the lofty divine standards the religions espouse, and on and on. The exercise then is to diminish and disempower all who worship. While many religious teachings can be inspiring, this requires some careful hand-selection to showcase those aspects that are positive and uplifting, and to dispense with negative teachings of judgment and punishment, and the wages of sin and so forth.

It is not that bad conduct is to be ignored. It is that the Divine is love-based and does not engage in retribution and the inflicting of punishment on anyone. People punish themselves through their own choices, but that is their doing and not ours. So all religions are monitored, their followers are visited quite actively to manipulate them in every way possible, to embrace the darker precepts of their faith and to undermine them spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically in every way they can think of. It is not that they fear the power of the Almighty coming through humans who are believers, it is that they fear the consciousness humans have within and the extra power that comes when people band together in common cause and put their minds into focus on a common desired outcome.

The Extraterrestrial Alliance knows full well that sometimes this makes things happen they do not wish to see. That is why so much attention is given to driving wedges in between people—the promotion of warring factions who disagree, sometimes violently in their perspectives. Everything that fosters human discord and human negativity will encourage rebellion, discord, and chaotic actions of all kinds that will disrupt that unity that gives extra power to the individual when banded together with other humans as in prayer. This is the main reason religions have not evolved over the ages, but remain hidebound, clinging to ancient scripture as the be-all and end-all of knowledge, thought, wisdom, and possibility. Nothing is further from the truth because the plan of Creator is a universal expansion without limits. How long must humans wait before they expand their thinking when it comes to the spiritual horizons?

It is quite telling that the entirety of the New Age Spiritual Movement presents a mirror image of the dilemma. People are unsatisfied with the current level of clarity, focus, and degree of non-alignment with divine principles in the very religion they belong to. This is why the New Age Movement gained such traction, because so many religious followers have become disaffected by the stagnation they experienced.

Every other human endeavor seeks change for the better, seeks an evolutionary discovery of better and better ways to see and do things—new opportunities, new breakthroughs in understanding, and higher awareness, whether at a physical, materialist, technological, pragmatic understanding or a better way to conduct societal affairs where there is greater fairness, a true sharing, and equitable treatment, and compassion for those who are unfortunate to have liabilities of some kind.

There are many moral issues and ethical considerations in governance that benefit from a spiritual perspective that is not bound by ancient rules and primitive thinking. Yet that has not been happening. It is all a consequence of the special attention given to the religious arena to hold everyone back who participates by manipulating their thoughts and their inner beliefs as well.

Is Zecharia Sitchin largely wrong about what he claims about Anunnaki and their origins, and if so, was this a disinformation campaign?

He was not wrong, but he was not precise or careful in his methods. This is what brought him into disrepute. He cut corners, he was lazy, and this was largely because of lack of education and sophisticated understanding of the culture he most wish to understand and interpret. He was also manipulated, as are all people, by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to bring forward partial truths and not the whole truth. So, this is similar to many such writings that are brought forward informally, particularly via television, as this always plants seeds within the consciousness of human culture about the possibility of extraterrestrial presence and its consequences. This is a long-term plan, as you know, to create a kind of acceptance and embracing of extraterrestrial leaders to rescue humanity from peril they, themselves, will be creating, and using as a carrot and stick approach to fool humanity into accepting them as saviors.

So, many such writers throughout history have been used as a tool to sprinkle some information into the database of archaeological, and historical, and sociological scholars with the aim of also adding disinformation to limit its significance, or alter the interpretation, in some way that serves the Extraterrestrial Alliance. And so, this indeed is why he stated some truths, but there was a lack of rigor that would be his undoing, with critical scrutiny and inspection. And in this way, there could be differing schools of thought as to the interpretation, and this could then be used as a point of differentiation by manipulating support for or against his ideas, to act as a kind of modulation to advance or contain the story depending on whether it was needed to ramp up and explode onto human awareness, or to be kept on a back burner, so to speak, until the time is right to advance the narrative.

There are many examples of this throughout human history and in the historical archives, as well as within current teachings. There are truths, there are half-truths, there are lies and falsehoods, there are traps and counter-traps, and carefully constructed landmines, as well as false information that is a total subterfuge and manipulation, that by being in the historical record is accepted as true. This is how human society has come to exist as a kind of castle in the sand, based on distorted thinking, non-divine perspectives, and much that is incomplete and illogical. It is because all who are observing the body of knowledge are, in turn, manipulated in the moment according to what is needed in current society to keep that information from being inspected closely and becoming of interest, or to bring it forward with perhaps some new discoveries to showcase that it is of interest once again, and to apply fresh interpretation and meaning, perhaps, to create some agenda of, and in service to, the Extraterrestrial Alliance. This is the way they manipulate all of the human institutions. It is a push-pull kind of tug-of-war of human reason and intuition, and spiritual inspiration being pulled to and fro by the interlopers to undermine, and subjugate, and suppress truth when it serves their purpose. This leaves everyone uncertain about things because so many ideas and beliefs come and go, and this leaves very few places to drop anchor, so to speak, and feel solid and content. This too, is of benefit because if people are kept perpetually off-balance they are more fragile, and their institutions are shaky, and in danger of collapse. This is true across the board and it will not take too much to cause major disruption of society by calling into question many things at once. This is a scenario easy to put into motion and become a reality.

A client sent a free channeling from Kryon, saying it “may feed your soul if it is indeed of Creator, as I strongly feel. It is good to know the Pleiadians surround us now and cheer us on and have helped our cause in the past, for example. He/they also says “don’t figure us out, intuit us.” He also mentions how we have been evolving spiritually since 2012, and that people are choosing peace. What does your connection tell you about that?”

These teachings are valid as far as they go. Their only difficulty is that they are in response to people seeking information largely unaware of the existence of the hidden interlopers, and their great influence on humanity as being the proximal cause for delay in Ascension taking place. The problem here is one of the channeler himself, not believing in the existence of separate consciousness on the part of the dark spirits or the presence of negative extraterrestrials with direct influence on human affairs, as is happening constantly across the board, and holding back humanity at every turn. While the light is gaining ground, to some extent, the interlopers are pushing back, and this keeps things in a state of uncertainty as to outcome. There are many reasons this is so, and the best illustration of the importance of the matter is the uncertainty as to ultimate survival of divine human as a physical species on the Earth. Humans are in danger of annihilation. Nothing could be more stark or consequential as a hindrance to ascension of humanity in pursuit of its lofty potential. The fact it is not brought up by Kryon is simply because the channeler is not seeing that is an issue, and does not ask about it. Kryon is therefore forbidden to discuss it, because it is not within the beliefs of the requester, and the divine realm cannot take the lead and impart knowledge and information not being sought actively as a choice and expression of free will. If the free will action of the channeler is to seek further knowledge and awareness of Ascension, and its mechanisms and its meaning, that will be the focus of the discussion and nothing more. It is that simple.

It will only be at a time when the channeler is forced to ask about the reasons for the great difficulty and problems of society, with an eye towards finding solutions and ways to heal the discord that the possibility will arise for him to receive some confirmation as to the true causes. All of this he currently ignores, assuming, like so many, that the Ascension will be the cure. And because he gets reassured constantly about Ascension, that it is real, and it is the plan destined to unfold, is very complacent thinking that the ship will right itself because it is all a matter of the energetics and his friend Kryon, the Magnetic Master, is repairing the energy grid of Earth and Sun, as well, and this will help set things in motion and everything will be taken care of. Nothing could be further from the truth, but he is blithely unaware of this. It is uncertain at best, that things will proceed neatly without major turmoil taking place that can derail things entirely. This is yet another consequence of the state of ignorance as to the true forces with power in the earth plane, not being human to begin with, nor divine. This can change, but only if the channeler begins to take this possibility seriously, and desires more information, and creates within the intention to seek the truth of things by taking the possibility of their reality seriously. Until that happens the subject matter is off-limits coming from Kryon.

Is it safe and appropriate to give a public webinar this week debunking The Law of Attraction? If so, would it be best to skirt around the issue of extraterrestrial involvement in its promotion, and just comment on how the Law of Attraction is a weak tool at best, and why?

We agree with both proposals here. The webinar would be useful. It is important to continue the outreach to raise the alarm and educate people about what they are missing, and this can open doors. People will be curious and may well want to know more and this will be an option to them as well. To do an outreach with a soft touch is advisable because the message will be quite unpleasant for those who have become enamored of that approach to manifesting and will be quite unhappy to have their trust in this questioned, but nothing happens unless people learn truth. So it is a service to do this and it will be of great benefit to those who can be awakened to the truth.

Is the article, “Confessions of an aging god – Enki,” from the Unraveling the Pole Shift Facebook group, authored by an accurate and authentic source?

Unfortunately, this is not the case, so it is a combination of accurate, less than accurate but plausible, and incorrect information. In its broad outlines, it is plausible. That is typically the nature of false channeling. It gives enough in a semblance of truth to be satisfying or even quite intriguing but in the absence of deeper knowledge oneself, it is easy to be fooled into thinking you have hit the motherload and this great revelation will be something you can count on and use as a guide in understanding whatever the subject might be. In this case, we would say that the benefits in sorting through all of the pieces of information would not be worth the time invested, and to align yourself with this source would be not only unproductive in the long run but dangerous.