A viewer asks: “Have you heard about the ubiquitous blue tooth signals coming from vaccinated people? It is a well-documented phenomenon. They actually have MAC addresses.” Is this information accurately reflecting a vaccine-related phenomenon?

This is disinformation done as a cover story to discredit the anti-vax contingent. This strategy is used frequently in all arenas where there are conflicting opinions and warring schools of thought. There will often be a “conspiracy theory,” so-called, proposing a wildly improbable scenario, ostensibly with credible witnesses and supporting data, and this will gain some traction and be widely repeated. Its purpose is not to win people over to the faulty thinking it represents, but to backfire on those who believe the story and support it and spread it to others. When people have been burned enough by following such untruths, out of understandable concern, they will be reluctant, at some point, to believe anything that is unconventional. This is the problem of crying wolf too many times, that eventually wolves at the door will not even cause an alarm because no one will listen.

The World Health Organization reported that their estimates of the Covid-19 death toll from the first two years of the pandemic were 15 million deaths, much higher than the 6 million casualties reported by individual countries. This includes some non-Covid deaths known to be indirectly related to the pandemic impact on health care, but the majority are Covid-19 fatalities. Is that total fairly accurate or an exaggeration?

While we understand there have been exaggerations along the way by governments wanting to keep attention focused on the seriousness of the pandemic to justify their actions, such as lockdowns and mandates for masking and vaccination, at the same time, they do not want to look helpless, so there is a tendency by reporting agencies to underreport mortality because it is felt to be a failure by those on the frontlines, so to speak, when people are taken ill and succumb despite all measures to save them. This is an open invitation for much finger-pointing, 20/20 hindsight, and criticism about how things have been handled, and whether interventions were done in a timely way or protective measures implemented, with an eye towards prevention, in time to limit the magnitude of the various ways of infection ramping up and increasing the toll in morbidity and mortality.

But these figures are close to the truth here and, in actuality, the secondary indirect consequences resulting in lethal outcomes, because of all of the changes within society, make the death toll even higher because reporting is not highly accurate and fully implemented, so there are many deaths that are not tallied under any kind of category. The pandemic has been a huge problem by any estimation, even though the mortality rate is relatively low still, not much above a very serious influenza outbreak, but the high infectivity and the very high eventual incidence in the population shows clearly that preventive measures have not been effective, whether the lockdowns, the mask mandates, social distancing, or vaccination.

This is not surprising, it not being a natural phenomenon to begin with, when the nature of the pandemic is that virus particles are being sprayed into the atmosphere in a purposeful but clandestine way, and precisely through means that will effect a high degree of intake to expose people to pathogenic levels of the virus. It is not surprising that it has been unstoppable through human efforts at public health measures for containment—the pandemic will stop when the extraterrestrials decide and not before.

Bertrand Russell said, “Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.” What is Creator’s perspective?

There is far more truth here than one might see at first glance. This can be easily dismissed as the bias of an elite intellectual, a kind of snobbery, but this is actually a deep truth. People have more capability than they express, for the most part, and that difference in achievement is a function of suppression and subjugation by interlopers holding down society across the board, through many strategies, to constrain things and limit progress. It is a truism that while humans at birth are ignorant because they lack experience and must learn everything from scratch, including the language to understand what others can teach them, the vast majority of people have adequate intelligence to be successful, happy adults, and carry on the business of life to sustain themselves and have a reasonable happy life when left to their own devices, and not actively harmed in some way to limit them through disincentives and subjecting them to traumatic events that could hobble them emotionally.

Given that the education system is the cultural default mechanism agreed to by society for the responsibility of educating the young, it behooves all in society to take pains to understand what it is the education system does, how it is constructed, how well it works, and how effective it might be and why. Yet people are trusting and assume what is not in evidence, that things are proceeding as they should. Public education is highly questionable in terms of effectiveness, and the track record of accomplishment is showing a steady decline in the level of education those graduating exhibit with standardized testing, so more and more money is being spent for less and less achievement across the board.

Many have criticized the content and very goals of public education, and rightly so, because it is illogical to treat everyone the same when human beings are designed to be unique individuals. The educational system demands uniformity and a single standard for judging talent and degree of learning. Much of the time devoted in the classroom is spent on make-work exercises that have little point to them. People are forced to learn much material that has little or no relevance to the real world of making a living and understanding one’s place in today’s society. This is no accident. The education system was meant to be a kind of holding pen to capture the young, suppress them and their enthusiasm, squelch their creative impulses and passions, and bore them to the point they will want to opt out rather than stay the course, and many do. The end result, even for graduates, is they are ill-prepared to play a meaningful role in society, and even the learning within the professional schools and the science and engineering programs lags well behind the cutting edge of discovery and advancing knowledge. So, in a sense, all people do in school is repeat the past rather than break new ground and learn how to innovate and exercise their creativity. So our overall assessment of the education system is that, in many ways, it is the height of stupidity in being so misguided and ineffectual in offering an education that is meaningful.

William Gadois said, “Stupidity is the deliberate cultivation of ignorance.” What is Creator’s perspective?

The truth of this quote exists on two levels. The common interpretation is that those who are stupid must be ignorant and, being stupid, ignorance is all they can exhibit, so that state of ignorance will be chronic and likely permanent among stupid individuals because they lack the intellect to rise above their deficiencies. But there is a second level that speaks to a deeper problem. If people’s minds can be manipulated to make them stupid, this explains why they cannot escape a state of ignorance if they are trapped by stupidity that prevents change and growth even through learning. There are people who have developmental impairments of an organic nature, such as through injury or malformation of the central nervous system, but there are also known windows of opportunity during the early formative years, and if the young are not stimulated and supported in a healthy way that encourages growth and learning, that window of opportunity may close so that significant learning that would create the possibility of good academic performance gets much harder and may, in fact, be impossible to attain, to anything like the same degree because they have been truly held back by being sidelined for too long at a critical period.

The interlopers can constrain young minds by creating a kind of stultifying brain fog. This can affect people of all ages, but when done on the young will decrease their IQ and their general interest in anything. So a generation of dullards can be the end result if this is applied systematically throughout society. It is an example of the consequence of your subjugation that people do not recognize there is a problem, and would very likely be unable to envision even the possibility of this paradigm being valid and true. That resistance speaks to an inability for the mind to be flexible and creative in seeing new possibilities even when pointed out. When ideas fall on deaf ears because the mind is closed, that is the consequence of subjugation to create a state of stupidity, at some level, so people are completely unable to appreciate the potential importance of key information of a disturbing nature that could be revealing the true reason for difficulties in society. When captured by complacency and an inability to be even curious or interested in an unusual idea, it becomes quite easy to simply turn away without even any reaction, and this is, in fact, a common phenomenon, that ideas will simply bounce off as though there is a shield around a person’s brain preventing new information from penetrating and being recognized as such—it will simply not compute and will be disregarded.

An Unknown Person said, “The more you know, the dumber you sound to stupid people.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here, too, is a deeper truth than simply the contrast between the intelligent and the ignorant, who often act stupidly because of their lack of development, having much less to work with, so their thinking will often be faulty and not suited to the problem at hand, and so their choices will be unlikely to be appropriate or successful in carrying out actions to deal with life. For such individuals, it may well not help to have someone more knowledgeable come along to give them instruction. That may well not compute, and the larger the gap between a state of ignorance and inability to think deeply, and ponder significant issues comprised of multiple components, as done by someone who is highly experienced and intelligent, the greater will be the difficulty the latter will have in getting through to reach any level of common understanding.

The tragedy in this is that people who are seen as “stupid” will tend to become avoided and pushed aside, and this will keep them sidelined by their inability to compete because of the impairment they suffer, seemingly in mental ability, when this is often an active constraint on what they are allowed to think in the way their mind is limited by outside interference. So the quandary of how to deal with encountering and working with people who seem stupid is as much a clue that something is more deeply wrong than simply an impediment and inconvenience for a highly productive and smooth-running society.

Mark Twain said, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here is another witticism that contains great truth. The whole purpose of making people stupid, and keeping them that way, is because they will be resistant to change and incapable of responding to attempts to better inform them and raise them up in their thinking. If the mind is limited in what it can understand and what it can contain within memory, and lacks experience in exercising judgment and applying refinements that lead normally to better and better discernment for detecting degrees of difference and their meaning, it is a fool’s errand to trust someone who is ill-equipped to understand an issue, to put them in charge of solving the problem and taking care of business, so to speak.

So this quote speaks to the problem of becoming entangled with people who are impaired in their capability and will be forced, by their lack of knowledge, to work with what they have. So what they offer will be inadequate to begin with, but then will likely be repeated again and again, and offered over and over again. Not only is it the best they can do, it is all they can think of, and might seem quite normal and adequate to the task from their perspective. So in an argument between someone highly intelligent and those much less so, there indeed is no way to win because the higher intelligence will not be recognized or credited, nor even understood most of the time and, in effect, is wasted motion that will exhaust anyone attempting to get more out of the situation. It becomes akin to beating a dead horse when people lack wherewithal to do something they are not capable of. This certainly speaks to the seriousness of the situation and the size of the problem when significant portions of society are frankly limited in their capabilities—it does not auger well for continued human progress with any kind of efficiency.

Brian took two courses in Russian History and wanted to do a paper on Stalin that focused on his psychology and upbringing. The professor was enamored of the deterministic model of history and believed history makes men, men don’t make history. So if not Stalin, a virtual clone of Stalin would have been created by events, and not responsible for the events, and the individual actor was irrelevant. Nevertheless, the professor suggested books by other historians he disagreed with, which the student eagerly pursued. He got an A-minus for his efforts, and his professor was candid in admitting the paper was graded down solely because the professor personally disagreed with the academics the student cited in his paper. What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a good illustration of how academicians responsible for teaching others come to wield great power and can make quite arbitrary decisions and judgments that will, in effect, punish others when it is a consequence, in part at least, of their own doing, as in this case, in suggesting countering opinion as a source of reference but then balking if it was even looked at and brought into the discussion. This professor’s mind was clearly closed on the matter, so anything the student found that actually provided a rationale that was logical and valid, because it was based on scientific observation after all, would be summarily dismissed by the closed-minded professor in spite of his setting things in motion in being aware of the counterarguments, and mentioning that to the student by way of acknowledging he was at least coming up with ideas, even though he believed the student’s ideas were faulty.

This is a good example of what mind control does, it creates a very solidly entrenched groupthink where most scholars and authorities within a field of inquiry will hold similar views, at least in those things they reject out of hand. So there is no opposition to misguided thinking, false beliefs that will be, in the end, a dead-end because they are misguided to begin with. Any kind of make-work and exploration of blind alleys will be allowed with no opposition from the interlopers wanting to constrain humanity. They want everyone to be sidelined and pursuing unproductive approaches, that are essentially a kind of phantom, that will be unrewarding. It is when a creative, open-minded individual begins sniffing out the truth, and is beginning to see the outlines of a path that will be productive in truly unearthing important discoveries, there will be a wall of resistance in their way. That is the fence around the collective power of cultivated ignorance that is “groupthink,” so any effort to pursue the unconventional, or even novel in certain ways, will be discouraged and rejected by the gatekeepers—the opinion leaders in whatever field of scholarly inquiry is involved.

Will the coming solar eclipse prove to be associated with unpleasant events? What might they be, and is this because of strictly astrological relationships or because of deliberately planned disruption of human society by the extraterrestrials using this sky display as a ritualistic icon of their power?

This is very much the latter scenario. There will be difficulties coming up within the coming months and this will be keyed and timed to follow the solar eclipse. This is deliberate and is a very cynical manipulation of humans, and is a source of great delight to them in seeing that humans remain so clueless about their existence and presence, and the ability they have to even command the heavens and cause wonders, and will use these opportunities to begin adding more fear through a repetition of tragedy in conjunction with the astrological phenomena observable by human.

And this does confound the understanding of astrological influences, which do have a basis in reality, but there is an overlay of corruption and manipulation for the dark agenda of the interlopers. This will be the case yet again with the eclipse. So there will be tragic events, but these will be no different than things that have come before, and people will pick up and move on and there will be minimal understanding of the origin. But this will change more and more as people come forward with the truth as you are doing.

Asked with my thoughts while channeling: Can you please intercede to prevent the manipulation and subversion of this meditation exercise?

As you are requesting this, we will do so. We will step in and protect those participating in the mass meditation, to shield such energies and to counteract any attempts at programming the participants adversely for what is not highest and best. This is a perfect illustration of the reach of the individual. The questioner could do the same through calling out to us with a request, and so it was a missed opportunity and a perfect illustration of how disempowered people feel in always looking to another to protect, defend, instruct, enlighten, and shield from harm. All can become effective advocates for their own betterment and cause the divine realm to spring into action to help in all manner of ways.

There is a requisite belief needing to be in place—a belief in the divine, a belief in their worthiness to ask, and that it can and will happen, because there are genuine uncertainties for many who have lived with corruption for so long and are out of practice in doing prayer and having confidence in the outcome. This can be sidestepped by having a group as a whole make such a request for protection and guidance and ongoing support, to further enlighten and uplift, and to echo their desires for their purpose, for the betterment of the planet or humanity as a whole. This will increase the likelihood of divine action, simply because the sheer numbers add together their individual belief quotients which will readily exceed 100%. This is the power of group prayer as well as group meditation. It is the same recognition of the power in numbers and in unity.

The focused attention of groups of individuals becomes very, very, powerful. And that is the major reason that most things happen through divine support and augmentation, and it is simply the case that the requisite 100% belief quotient is likelier to be there when summing the individual contributions of a group than might be the case with a single individual. This is not to dishearten or discourage anyone from doing the outreach. Chances are if they do so, someone else is doing this as well. You will never become successful with prayer if you do not practice. It is like any other activity that requires some skill and some seasoning to strengthen the muscles, so to speak. It is no different than any kind of human endeavor requiring some sort of capability, in this case an alignment of the heart with the intention for betterment, and then a deliberate and direct outreach and request to divine realm for assistance. Those are the key ingredients. All can participate and all can develop this capability. It is your birthright to partner with the divine realm as you are an extension already but do not know. It is time to re-learn these simple truths and to embrace your divinity. You have much more power available to you than you imagine.

Newspapers have recently attacked the Bible with headlines like “the Bible got it wrong: ancient Canaanites survived and their DNA lives in modern-day Lebanese.” This refers to God’s call for the annihilation of the Canaanites and so the New York Times infers that the Bible is in error because Canaanite DNA still persists, so they would have had to survive. But it has been pointed out that the New York Times never read the Bible because it actually says that Israelite commanders let the Canaanites live, so there is no discrepancy here. What we would like to know is whether the Bible is actually correct in quoting God as wanting the destruction, saying, “You shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them.” Could this be an example of early spiritual leaders channeling imposters pretending to be God as is still rampant today?

This is a clever insight that speaks very much to the issue before you now. The extraterrestrial presence, as you have seen and know to be true, extends back many thousands of years, far earlier than biblical times. So the problem of having an honest representative is universal and has occurred again and again down through the ages. There have been many, many, false prophets, false seers, and false channelers of divine messages. These have served to misdirect and misguide many, many, generations of humans across the ages. It is indeed an age-old problem and this creates a convenient example, for as is quite evident from the subject at hand, the message attributed to God of wanting wholesale mass slaughter of a group of people is hardly in keeping with the messages of love you have been given and the many, many, injunctions against taking lives through one’s own hands for any reason.

So this is a perfect illustration of how corrupt messages come forth and are believed and are taken at face value and carved in stone, so to speak. The interesting twist and further insight here is that the Israelites were perceptive enough and spiritual enough on their own to see the folly of this injunction and were themselves more loving and more forgiving and more humane than God was described as being. This is yet another tipoff that the story is false in some way, and in this case a major way, but yet serves for all time as a beacon of truth depicting the constant struggle of humans to find their way when corrupted by their leadership, including the spiritual leaders of the day. But yet humanity is still going, and this is in fact a testament to the independence and the divine link that still lives within the human heart, and allows some at least to rise above the manipulation and think independently.

This has never been needed more so than right now and will be a true test for humanity in whether they can continue to prevail or will be overcome by the extraterrestrial cabal, which continues to mislead and dupe channelers and others with false spiritual messages today. They are not messages of revenge or punishment, they in fact are the opposite messages of encouragement, and proposing focus solely on positive things and to reject any discord, the net effect of which is to misdirect people away from real and urgent problems needing attention and more than simple sayings or affirmations to surmount them.