Sutphen wrote more about Roberta’s guide’s response, ” … (people on the Karmic Wheel of Fear) are the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists in your life … They are not individuals.” Dick Sutphen asked, “What does that mean?” Roberta’s guide, Lily, responded, “They don’t reincarnate like we do. They don’t go through the Pre Birth Planning. You might think you are incarnating with the same dark soul, but they are not souls. The individual you think you are going another round with will have the same energetic make-up, but they are not individuals and cannot reincarnate.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a partial truth but does not precisely define the state of being of individuals of a dark nature. This is mixing two realities—one being that soul-based human beings who reincarnate may have a long history of serving the darkness and being predisposed by their prior karmic endeavors to once again follow a dark path, and do so; whereas others are more enlightened, in a higher vibrational state, and more inclined to seek opportunities to be generous and kind and contribute to the welfare of others as well as themselves. The other aspect not delineated here is that the true origin of evil, and the darkness it represents, are fallen angelic spirits who have lost their way and become parasites that influence people to the negative, and can even be taken over and largely controlled by them to influence even their character and their entire lives in all they do and not do. So this guide was perceiving the level of negativity represented by the dark spirits, but not defining them by name, and simply looking at the level of the end product being people so corrupted as to be inhuman, but they are not devoid of souls, simply disconnected to a greater degree from their soul and its divine nature.

Sutphen’s last book, his memoir of 80 years, was in fact a summation of every important lesson that he learned in his highly adventurous and creative life. He helped millions of people and certainly earned more good karma than bad. That said, the one thing notably missing from his impressive collection of “lessons learned,” was the concept of “partnership with the divine and Creator.” There were hints here and there of prayer practice, but it appeared more hit and miss, and certainly did not rise to any kind of prominence in his many decades as a noted spiritual teacher and role model. How could he, and so many other advanced souls like him, have not been able to embrace this most important insight?

This illustrates beautifully the dilemma faced by humanity wanting to express its divinity by nature, having a deep soul connection, as being an extension of Creator’s consciousness to begin with. But when God is out of sight and out of mind, being in the physical and given the challenge of living on your own and being responsible for all that happens, this reduces the idea of the divine to more of an idea than a reality as experienced through the ordinary senses. Those who are exposed to religion, take it seriously, and come away with a deep faith in the Almighty, have a tremendous advantage to stay the course and avoid corruption. That is not a guarantee, but they at least have the ability to call upon the divine realm and its power to assist them and the world. As such, they are the best spokespersons for their fellow humans still in the dark. Most people believe a secular perspective, that each person has opportunities they can take advantage of but are doing so under their own steam, so to speak, and do not look for solutions beyond the level of the mind. If they reach out to something beyond, it is more to a human-level consciousness in spirit form, at least in terms of expectations and how the information might be interpreted. Because that is the nature of any such perceptions, it is a modest furthering of understanding, but only providing insight, not something more concrete such as providing a rescue for someone in trouble.

Sutphen was not seeing the deeper connection because, like most people, the rules of engagement that keep the divine on the sidelines, waiting to be called on, did not seem a promising avenue of exploration. To be sure, the complexities of human behavior, emotion, and the workings of the mind are a plenty rich challenge for the creative thinker to tackle in trying to understand the human makeup and solve the many problems that arise that are complicated when people are out of alignment mentally, emotionally, or physically. So, unfortunately, spirituality was viewed more as a kind of positive ideal than a nuts-and-bolts reality that could be partnered with and exploited directly to make strides and add to knowledge and, as such, this was a missed opportunity of major proportions. But his work certainly pointed again and again to important fundamental truths, more about what was missing than what was possible, but that is where one needs to start because it better defines the nature of the problem, and eventually any vacuum will get filled—the challenge is to fill it with the right things and this you are doing with the present discussion.

A viewer writes: “You mentioned that the saying, ‘The Lord helps those who help themselves’ is from the Bible but in fact it isn’t. There are some interesting explanations about that online, and it would be interesting to hear what Creator has to say about it.” What is Creator’s perspective?

There are a number of commonly used sayings attributed to a biblical source that is not actually the case. When that happens, it is usually because there is truth inherent in the adage and is a reflection of divine wisdom, to some degree, and recognized as such intuitively. This particular saying is quite apt in representing the reality that humans must take an active role in their lives to make them better, and often must take the first step before a divine intervention of any kind can be brought to bear. This is because the divine realm is not allowed to lead. We can only follow a human lead. So divine help, first of all, must be requested from the human side, and oftentimes will require humans taking some part in what happens next because it will often not be possible for us to do all the work ourselves in making them change or others around them change. This is the essence of our recommendation again and again, that what is needed is for you to form a divine partnership with us so there is a participation and action taken, both on the human and the divine side, working together cooperatively to bring about a change for the better.

It is still occasionally the case, however, that with this saying there are individuals who use it as a way to dismiss critics, and even believers who continue to suffer as a way of making excuses for lack of divine action and, in essence, rather than to buy into the doubt of someone who suffers, even when they have prayed and prayed for relief, they blame the sufferer and declare it is they who must do something to better themselves. This is often a judgment seen by a third party, that they are unworthy in some way of divine attention. So, as with many actual biblical sayings, many such phrases are metaphorical and can be interpreted in various ways, and even misinterpreted, and is simply the nature of language being one step removed from the actual energy of the intention of the source originally.

The late Psychiatrist Dr. M. Scott Peck M.D., bestselling author of The Road Less Traveled and who many regard as one of the important pioneers of the “self-help” genre, also wrote an important book titled The People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil from which the questions for this show are derived. Dr. Peck wrote: “… for the past three hundred years there has been a profound separation between religion and science. This divorce – sometimes acrimonious, more often remarkably amicable – has decreed that the problem of evil should remain in the custody of religious thinkers. With few exceptions, scientists have not even sought visitation rights. If for no other reason than the fact that science is supposed to be value-free. The very word ‘evil’ requires an a priori value judgment. Hence it is not even permissible for a strictly value-free science to deal with the subject.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This has been a sharp line of demarcation, but not for the reasons assumed, that issues of morality have no place within scientific inquiry. Scientific investigation, curiosity about the universe and its workings, which includes the existence of humanity and all of the wondrous intricacies of the human being and its makeup, including behavior, frequent beliefs, and the emotional qualities that can be wonderful at times but perplexing and even a threat to others on occasion, speaks to the reality of existence. And this includes the material in the form of human beings, but also dimensions beyond simple matter. Human energy has consequences and it is more like studying a raging storm at times in considering what humans do to themselves and to others as well.

This is every bit as much a fascinating conundrum, a stimulus of tremendous curiosity, as well as an overwhelming need to know, for many practical reasons, in what goes into the makeup of the human personality and day-to-day behavior. To cordon that off because it often involves moral issues is a false constraint on the discussion. It has been avoided in the past in part because it seems to be subjective, from the human perspective, and that is true because humans vary in the depth of understanding about life and its meaning and, in particular, the spiritual origins of creation itself and the true purpose for humanity’s existence being largely unknown to you, and so on. This creates a formidable hurdle that seems an impossible hill to climb even for science, and that is simply because there is a knowledge gap that is unbridgeable through usual means of scientific inquiry—one must go beyond the normal to the paranormal.

The reason this has not been pursued, even though it is accessible and much has been noted about the existence of such phenomena and the many examples of people who are tapped in, able to communicate with the divine realm, and bring forth prophecy, future visions that will likely become reality, and so forth, is because it is in a cloud of mystery, and this is closely guarded territory by the interlopers wanting to suppress and subjugate humanity. They do this by keeping many truths from you—much about your history, their relationship to you, and what all of your beliefs truly represent and their true origins.

One of the difficulties, of course, is the interlopers do not share a belief in God, and so cannot ever be advisors on spiritual matters. They regard it as a kind of human folly to begin with, but there are many other things about the workings of the human being they are privy to, because of their advanced understanding of how things work, and the age of their cultures, being in the billions of years in some cases, and are therefore far ahead of you in applying science to all sorts of situations. But for them as well, morality is a blind spot, an unexplored arena they regard as a diversion and a nuisance, and a false direction because they are incapable of understanding love and hence its absence. They live within an absence of love as their world is devoid of love and, accordingly, it is devoid of fairness and morality, everything humans prize that makes them truly human, as love-based beings who are a reflection of their Creator, the Source of all love and goodness. That manipulation robs you of your humanity many times and overall keeps you from appreciating what is truly human nature, why that is, how to nurture it, and how to counter all those who threaten it and threaten human existence in the bargain.

Dr. Peck wrote, “The feeling that a healthy person often experiences in a relationship with an evil one is revulsion. … The feeling of revulsion can be extremely useful to a therapist. It can be a diagnostic tool par excellence. … Evil is revolting because it is dangerous. The revulsion countertransference is an instinctive or, if you will, God-given and saving early warning radar system.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is very, very insightful and metaphysically astute because what he is describing, in the feeling of revulsion in the face of evil as an early warning that is God-given, is a very accurate human-level description when observing the presence of a healthy intact connection to the higher self attempting to warn the person of the danger represented by faulty thinking that is dangerously at variance with divine alignment and will, indeed, put the person at risk if they become involved with the evil one. So you see in the description here the abundant evidence for the existence of the divine and its central importance in the day-to-day living of human beings, and the consequences when that connection to the divinity is impaired. It is your lifeline to truth and wisdom in receiving the guidance from above, in the form of the conscience, to help avoid wrongdoing as well as inspiration that will encourage good impulses and good decisions to come about, because the higher self can chime in as people ponder their future to make plans, and may well be drawn to the best option through such divine inspiration and encouragement.

I want to confirm that I did not interfere because of bias or any other reason, with the answer you gave recently, that the number of lives saved by the Covid-19 vaccines, world-wide as of May, 2022, is greater than 10 million. Is that an accurate approximate figure?

We knew you were struggling because you were simply wanting to get it right and not wanting to interfere and override an accurate estimate. But you were not interfering with the transmission of information to you. And while you were worried about the answer and going on record, this did not interfere with us delivering our intended answer. In fact, by providing an authentic, accurate, answer we were serving your strongest intention, which was to know the truth. So we stand by this figure. As we told you along the way during the pandemic, this was intended to be a much more devastating illness than proved to be the case on average, and that the reason this was so was because of divine intervention. We were using human prayer power to keep the death toll at the lowest we could in the context of the overall situation and the many karmic factors in play. It was still the case that the most vulnerable had the highest attrition, because that, too, was in alignment with the general condition and karmic health and resistance of the individuals affected. But with the availability of the vaccines, we could hold the prayer intentions in abeyance for future use and allow the vaccines to do the heavy lifting, as they are highly protective in reducing severity of symptoms and likelihood of death, even though they are not able to uniformly block the vulnerability to becoming infected in many cases, still. But what that meant was we had less need to use up many prayers on record for health and safety and well-being that might have a critical application in the future, when the actions taken by humans themselves in providing a medical adjunct, rendered the use of prayer power, in effect, an overkill that was not necessary.

One of the iconic villain wrestlers was the Iron Sheik. His real name was Hossein Vaziri. Vaziri was born in Iran and became a national Iranian hero during the reign of the Shah, as wrestling is one of the most popular sports in Iran. In his youth, he idolized Iranian Olympic Gold-Medalist wrestler Gholamreza Takhti. Takhti was politically outspoken. Takhti reportedly took his own life, but Vaziri was convinced he was murdered by the Iranian Government for being politically outspoken. When the Shah was deposed, Vaziri, who served as the Shah’s bodyguard for some years, immediately fled Iran and he eventually landed in professional wrestling in the United States. What happened to Gold-Medalist Takhti, and did Vaziri do the wise thing in fleeing his country? What can Creator tell us?

That gold medalist wrestler was indeed the victim of a staged suicide to eliminate him, as a thorn in the side of the powerful in Iran, and as an object lesson to others who might dissent and seek to have some power for themselves, as in this case, becoming a renowned athlete and public figure. So his idol, who fled that country to come to the United States and parlay his interest in wrestling to a high level as a performer, was clearly seeing the truth of things and, wanting freedom, was able to make his way to the United States which has been a bastion of freedom since its inception. This is not simply words on a parchment put down by rebels of long ago, simply wanting to be in charge and taking up that role for themselves, in opposition to the prior governance from the British Royal Family. The principles of the Founders of the U.S. were divinely inspired because individual liberty and sovereignty, in all respects, is a divine perspective that is only present in a few places on the Earth and has been abolished throughout the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.

A noted scientist exploring the idea that God is discoverable via science asked, “Can Science Take Us to God?” And not merely theoretically, but experimentally as well? What is Creator’s perspective?

This cannot be determined with certainty because each individual will have differing criteria and degrees of certitude in weighing any kind of evidence, scientific or otherwise, about the matter. Whether God is real or not will always be in the mind of the beholder. To be sure, there are fantastic miracles we could conjure up that would persuade almost anyone of sound mind that we are indeed the Almighty, but we are simply staying within the limits of our own rules in setting this experiment in motion, which is the Human Experiment, to give you sovereignty over your own lives and your world so you are in charge and not us. For that to be meaningful, we must stay behind the scenes, available to you but not controlling things directly or altering what you might do, or not do, unilaterally, even if we can see it would be helpful in some way and even prevent a disaster. What you are experiencing is real, that you are on your own, and everything matters, everything counts.

So using science to try to probe observable reality is all well and good, but it is a kind of circular argument in the sense that observations will lead to new hypotheses, and that will lead to making new observations that will lead to further hypotheses. Who is to say when you have arrived at the goal of obtaining proof? Many would say the existence of the natural beauty around you and the existence of life itself, especially in the advanced form that constitutes a human being, is indeed a wondrous miracle that is impossible to have happened through chance events alone. Yet science makes the opposite argument that simply ignores the wonderment and awe of someone seeing the reality of how truly complicated, intricate, and purposeful everything about life forms turns out to be. Going in with science and dissecting things, down to the molecular and even submolecular level, has been rewarding to human curiosity, but at some point there must be an openness to the truth of things in order for the mind to accept the leap of faith required to draw conclusions about God from what is observed through the ordinary senses.

So we would say that this is a typical thought experiment a scientist would come up with, assuming that it is indeed science that can address the issue and will be the ultimate tool for carrying out an investigation to arrive at the truth of things. When this is entirely a conjecture based on an assumption with no underpinnings, it is floating on a sea of ignorance, and that is the folly in the proposal, that it is based on the ignorance of the scientist to make the assumptions that perhaps science can take us to God. So the question has within it the built-in bias of the scientist who thinks of science as the answer because science is what that individual prizes and believes in.

Our perspective about science is that what scientists see and accept, based on their very simplistic and superficial explorations, is hardly the be-all and end-all of knowledge. What is needed to address the question is an ability to have an open mind and to think beyond what is tangible and observable through the ordinary senses. That is the only way you will reach a God that is behind the scenes when your natural bias, having grown up on your planet surrounded by the bounties of nature and the wondrousness of everything in physical creation, takes it all for granted. So again, one is left with bias, and round and round you go in any way you might choose to find a path to God. As we said at the outset, any evidence you acquire will be subjective and you will not have unanimity of agreement, and hence it will be not proof, but opinion in the end.

Milton Erickson spent a day in 1950 at the home of Aldous Huxley. Huxley is the celebrated author of A Brave New World. Huxley did a form of self-hypnosis he called “Deep Reflection.” On that day Erickson and Huxley did some remarkable consciousness explorations. The two men had agreed to jointly publish a collaborative work on their findings. A decade passed, and Erickson was looking to bring the collaborative project to fruition when disaster struck. Huxley lost his home and all his notes and manuscripts in the great Bel-Air, California fire of 1961. Afterward, Huxley informed Erickson that he would not resume their collaboration—the loss was too great. What’s the story behind this disaster, and was Huxley specifically targeted with a backlash for his life’s work?

This is a perceptive question because it is recognizing a significant lost opportunity with the coming together of two great minds in a position to probe workings of the mind, and apply a high level of creativity and insight to better understand what is truly happening when consciousness not only solves problems but creates new ideas and offers new information not seemingly in existence yet. It is not that there was a unique process by Aldous Huxley that is now lost to history, it is that he was more highly intuitive and his process enabled his intuition to work effectively and to best advantage, and this could have sparked a much more aggressive exploration of the paranormal because this was pointing the way to the use of trance states in facilitating the intuitive reach of non-local consciousness that has all kinds of applications for learning and problem-solving, both.

You are correct that the loss of his writings was indeed sinister. This was intended to be a setback for Huxley to further limit what he could do in the future as his work was truly prophetic. Huxley was tapping into the actual planning of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and that is why people perceived it as “a grim prophecy of a future reality” and read his work with foreboding. It has never been truer than today that his classic, A Brave New World, has come into existing reality more and more with each passing year, and that is because the plans were laid during Huxley’s lifetime, and before, and are only playing out according to plan.

We have said before a number of times that there are no true secrets because everything is on record, and the reach of intuition quite powerfully able to see and learn all that is in existence, including what is still on the drawing boards but planned to happen, and therefore is being formulated and implemented in a future extension of the current timeline. That is why prophecy can be demonstrated in the first place, it is simply the viewing of an actual future in formation. That timeline is provisional, so the future projection can change, and this makes future events uncertain and confuses things greatly because even the best psychics will be wrong a significant part of the time, even in terms of major happenings. It is not their fault, it is because the future itself and its potentials have changed, because other things are moderating what truly plays out, so the prophecy became out of date and was replaced with a new set of potentials. So while we do not regard prophecy as an especially valuable application of intuitive reach, these phenomena are an extremely valuable clue about the importance of the paranormal—that consciousness is wide-ranging and able to reveal many important truths about the reality of existence people are unaware of and need to know to safeguard their future.

With the continuing negativity about vaccine side effects and propaganda campaigns promoting exaggerated concerns about how they might be manipulating or even harming people, little attention has been given to showing the data supporting the benefit in lives saved. Can you please tell us how many lives have actually been saved by the vaccines over the past two years, since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic?

We are happy to report to you that more than 10 million lives have been saved from being vaccinated during this time period. That is because the caseload has risen to be a significant percentage of the population, and even at a relatively low level of mortality, with those kinds of numbers, many, many people are at risk. As you know, a high majority of people have become infected during this interval, not all of whom were symptomatic, and many with only mild symptoms, who perhaps never got tested at all because they were not sufficiently uncomfortable to warrant having it done, in their mind at least. Many of those individuals were saved from more serious illness, including hospitalization and a significant number of deaths as well.

Many who have been hospitalized and recovered would have succumbed along the way without the vaccination having been done in advance of their bout of infection. Because the vaccine is best at reducing the hazards of the illness by reducing the severity, so even though it is an imperfect preventative, the degree of prevention needs to be looked at from the perspective of the most severe potential outcome for that person, not simply from whether they come down with the illness or test positive as a pass or fail criterion. The people who are ridiculed by some commentators, because they are testing positive and thank their vaccine for helping them, are literally speaking the truth, that even though they have tested positive and were thus technically not protected from having some level of virus take hold in their body, they are typically weathering it with little inconvenience or discomfort, and that is truly a godsend.