In the 1980s, a lawsuit involving Mrs. Prophet’s church considered accusations of coercive persuasion, hypnotic control, and brainwashing. The court found the Church liable and a significant amount of damages were awarded to the plaintiff. These kinds of accusations are troublesome because to the extent they are true, that is indeed a problem, and to the extent they are not true, this creates a potential legal landmine for religious movements to have to navigate and avoid. The case created an important precedent that could potentially target any religious movement. What is Creator’s perspective?

This, indeed, is concerning and alarming as well. As you are seeing currently, in many parts of the world, the idea of “free speech” is conditional and highly constrained many times even in so-called “free countries” where there are arbiters of truth, often with government power, to find a way to sanction people for criticism of the powers that be, especially. But any kind of “wrong thinking” labeled as “in need of correction,” will often be punished if that can be arranged to exclude them from having a voice in government, get them fired from their employment, and tar their name to make them an outcast, and so on. These are the tactics of the interlopers being imprinted on human society and doing their worst to wreak havoc, disrupt things, get people fighting with one another with a ramping up of tensions, outbreaks of civil unrest, and random acts of violence, in turn, causing reprisals and imprisonment.

This is a prescription for a worsening, if not disaster, where society can tear itself apart given enough intensity and bad blood developing that is reinforced by manipulated prejudiced beliefs of all kinds. It was the wisdom of the Founding Fathers in the United States, in protecting religion from government encroachment, that was seen as being needed to prevent suppression of religion. The wisdom was divinely inspired knowing this would be an ongoing aim of the interlopers, to further weaken humanity, and the possibility of rescue. After all, if you stop believing in the divine and stop asking for divine help, you will be on your own because we cannot step in unilaterally. This experiment in freedom must run its course. You have the freedom to let yourselves be destroyed—the government will be there to help you do it if you let that happen as well.

Mrs. Prophet talked a great deal about angels, and how they were humanity’s appointed divine guardians, advocates, and helpers. In her book, I am Your Guard: How Archangel Michael Can Protect You, she talked about how one can set up a tube of light around oneself for protection. She relates this story: In Ghana, a man named Jacob was to die by firing squad. For hours prior he said decrees and visualized a tube of protecting light around him. When the guns fired, all the prisoners except Jacob fell dead. The soldiers reloaded and fired again, but he remained standing. They reloaded and fired a third time, and he remained unharmed. Frightened, the authorities let him go and he eventually became one of Ghana’s ambassadors. What can Creator tell us about this story?

This story is literally based on truth. Not all of the particulars are accurately described, but this was a divine miracle that was arranged to happen for a lofty purpose in providing feedback in a way for those involved to be impressed, and to validate their leaning towards acceptance of the divine in their lives as a guiding force and example. The occurrence of miracles is often a surprise because so many prayers seem to be unanswered, but we can tell you that when they are answered, it is always because someone is in alignment enough to allow bestowing divine grace in a more visible way than would otherwise be the case.

Many prayers are answered long, long after the prayer is launched, at which time it will often not be perceived that finally, at long last, the prayer is being answered because it might come in a different form, in a different time and place, and for a different dilemma than originally prompting the prayer request in the first place. But nonetheless, what may well be happening is the individual, who reaches out for divine help, is living a life with a karmic quandary and destiny depending on their return to divine alignment in some way to allow the Law of Karma to let them off the hook, so to speak, and allow their life to go more smoothly and have fewer problems, setbacks, and suffering, all of which are an answer to prior difficulty that was not dealt with in the best way. And the Law of Karma brings around to them again and again, similar challenges to prompt a reckoning, and until the person learns how to heal themselves, they may never escape this cycle of karmic repetition. That is why a distant future dilemma might be the time when a prayer for help is finally answered, because when launched initially, the individual who was suffering might not have been fully believing the divine would help them, and in the interim, their belief quotient has strengthened, or it might simply be that a later event proved easier to solve than the original dilemma for which the prayer was made and the lower belief quotient, being inadequate to the task, could be tapped later because it was sufficient for a future problem of somewhat less complexity and severity.

So there are many reasons for varied results. When something dramatic happens, there is a high purpose for a more public display of divine intervention. As always, it is easily discounted through simple denial, even of eyewitnesses who were present. Not only will non-believers be unable to believe in miracles and will remain in denial of what their eyes have shown them, many who are part of such an event will be manipulated heavily with mind control to discourage the notion something special happened. The interlopers love to discourage you, to pull the rug out from under you when you are at your peak of power and accomplishment. No matter what the reason, it irks them to see you happy when their desire is for you to always be suffering. When someone cheats death, in particular, this might bring forth a subsequent reprisal to see to things more to their liking, but sometimes divine grace can clear a path for someone to persist, and for the divine grace to win out, and that is a beautiful thing when someone is brought back from the brink of death and restored—it is an ultimate demonstration of partnering with the divine to help truth prevail.

Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help GetWisdom succeed in bringing forward divine wisdom without becoming corrupted and cult-like from outside manipulation?

You, indeed, are threading the eye of the needle in everything you do with GetWisdom. The enterprise began with an outreach to the divine, and continues in the same fashion, tapping into an authentic divine source, Yours Truly, as the Creator of All That Is, along with the many other beings you have channeled personally, to have an accurate conversation and recounting of information and knowledge of value, to both inform and inspire new ideas and encouragement, to keep going in your search for truth. This is a rarity in your world, given the widespread corruption, confusion, misdirection, and co‑opting of people through direct manipulation that is the norm rather than the exception. It is much worse than you see on the surface, but it is quite obvious to one like yourself, who has access to a divine source, that in looking at the world broadly, so many people are parroting false ideas, clearly not of their origin and would be normally never conceived of nor accepted if imparted by another human being, but somehow they have come to believe warped thinking of their own, and do things and say things that are illogical and even self-destructive many times, without hesitation or doubt whatsoever in their probity and correctness.

None of this is normal but is assumed to be so. You are conditioned to see a lower standard of human capability and conduct, and because you do not know, as a culture, there is such a thing as a dark power running things from behind the scenes, there is no other place to lay blame than on the humans themselves for any wrongdoing, misguided thinking, illogical choices, and misguided policies that lead to failure and suffering. This is deliberately arranged to be the case so you doubt one another, and it is not illogical, given that humans can be so very flawed and even dangerous, you are forced to be on your guard and skeptical, especially of things that are different. What is the most different in your world is the divine perspective because its openness, embracing of fairness and equality, in a true sense, free of ideological bias and preferences, even though simple, seems on its face to be unworkable if for no other reason than humans cannot be fair and history has borne this out. Eventually, people will compete with one another, even on a national and global scale, and even kill masses of other human beings to ensure their victory. So given that the proof that humanity is flawed deeply, and unreliable, and needs someone to ride herd to protect people from themselves, is accepted universally, your fate is sealed unless you can create, in your minds, another option that is appealing to a higher power. That requires belief that is difficult to muster in a world of corruption and dark thinking gained through being deceived, manipulated, and corrupted internally in so many ways to darken your outlook and undermine your beliefs.

The virtue of the GetWisdom Enterprise is its success in maintaining a pure connection to the divine so what comes forward is truth that is unfiltered, untainted, unbiased by the human corrupted thinking of old. Your relentless pursuit as a channeler of divine truth has enabled this to come about. The gifts of Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, as the answer for the problem of evil, is fulfilling your divine mission in parallel with the divine missions of many other seekers wanting a change for the better and needing a way to get there. You need the proper tools to save and heal humanity. We have told you many times now this cannot happen until the interlopers themselves are healed enough to take their pressure off human society, and greatly delay their desire for human annihilation, and the many preparations ongoing currently to bring that about soon. If through the tools of GetWisdom enough human beings ask for help to raise up the hearts of all those engaged in evildoing, this can tip the balance in your favor, and if the interlopers withdraw to be free of you for a time, there will be an opportunity, for the first time, to gain the upper hand through a concerted divine healing effort focused on humanity, and that will free you once and for all from the karmic obligation to keep coming back into the physical plane where you are at risk personally of further karmic degradation and entrapment.

You do it willingly, knowing it is the only way you can be an advocate for the human cause. The problems are in the physical plane and must be solved within the physical plane, that is why you are in the vanguard and on the frontlines as warriors for the light. When you partner with us, you can work wonders to extend your reach. All who listen to these words are hearing this message for a reason. It is you not yet engaged who are needed to make certain a tipping point will be reached with enough human beings working together in common cause for saving and healing humanity through raising up the interlopers to escape their evil, who will bring this about, and will be hailed for all of time as heroes.

What happens to the energy of intention launching conscious thoughts that go into the collective unconscious, or are registered in the akashic records? Is that just a type of information, even though we think of it as having an energetic force?

This is a key founding principle that explains the reach, and seeming power of consciousness in general, and applies equally to non-local consciousness. What it does impinges on a target, in some cases to alter, but mostly it interacts with the target as an inquisitor, to come away with an imprint, an energetic imparting of information in the form of knowledge about something that will flow back to the sender to be reviewed, pondered, and perhaps acted on in some way. So the power of intention is truly the power of information, for all practical purposes. This is why you can focus on a building with your thoughts but not cause it to topple over, whereas information you learn about the reason for its existence and the actions of the inhabitants might eventually cause a physical destruction of that edifice if it is associated with wrongdoing and evil intentions, but those will not be products directly of conscious thought alone but how it is interpreted and refocused through further intention to make something happen at a physical level, in this example. So when an intention is projected via thought into the Ether, that is recorded in the informational content of the consciousness being generated, and thereafter that intention is observable and can be copied and shared by many observers as representing the actions of the creator of the energy to begin with.

This is why the akashic records, for example, are richly detailed, with respect not only to who did what to whom, but what they thought and felt about it, what were their intentions, how were those intentions shaped in the many intricacies of energetic influence across time, and so forth. In other words, a very rich and complete tapestry of existence being stored in a very compact and accurate format that becomes a permanent record of everything, virtually, in existence at any point in time. As such, it is information only and cannot be the seed of destruction, for example, that the record of a civilization gone wrong that becomes warlike and destroys other worlds could somehow be regenerated again from having its detailed workings and events meticulously recorded in detail and very completely described as to motive and intention. It is still information only. It can be copied, it can be mimicked, and it can be responded to as inspiration or a bad example, depending on the observer, their state of mind, and their own soul makeup and intentions. But it does not pose a danger, it is intended as an ultimate source of truth; if it is something that is misunderstood, misinterpreted, and even misused to justify wrongdoing, for example, that is a karmic misstep of the observer. Such misconduct will be linked back to what is on record, in providing a negative karmic consequence for the creator of the bad example, and its record detailed and stored away for future review. This is a useful teachable moment to further appreciate the consequence of one’s actions because they can live far beyond your current lifetime in ways that will continue to affect you along your immortal path through the future that unfolds. defined ego as “a person as thinking, feeling, and willing.” “Feeling” is another one of those “slippery” words that can be tough to place boundaries on. The question is, are feelings something the ego or self experiences or creates, or both? Or are the origins of feelings, all feelings, external to the ego? Clearly, the conscious self experiences feelings, but more importantly has the capacity to judge those feelings, as appropriate or inappropriate, based on beliefs that are also often largely resident and originating in the subconscious. Feelings can influence choices of will, but cannot dictate what choices the ego will make. Can Creator help us sort out the reality and flow of feelings or emotion, and what the ego’s role is in experiencing them, judging them, and acting upon them?

The way human beings work is that you have multiple and separate levels of the mind, each with resident beliefs and expectations accordingly, and all are connected to the body in a way that will produce emotions in reaction to what is being perceived. This is a very, very useful attribute because, in a sense, it is your internal truth detector doing frontline duty from moment to moment about everything that happens. In every new situation, you will often have an emotional reaction generating feelings about it before your mind truly comes to grip in any way with a true understanding of what is happening. What is felt first is the gut reaction, and those feelings, likely as not, will be telegraphing deeply held inner beliefs and will hold up over time as an accurate reflection of the relative merits, pros and cons, helpful or unhelpful, happy or sad contrasts in what is unfolding with your life. There are many other comparisons and contrasts that can be expressed through feelings that represent alignment with what you wish to happen versus some kind of diminishment, and will play out as a corresponding feeling of equanimity and contentment or happiness, versus uncertainty, anxiety, or unhappiness to a small or large degree.

So, in a sense, this is something you could consider the feeling level of the mind in its levels of existence and expression. The deep subconscious might be most concerned with survival, things that are a threat or menace, and be most sensitive to those broad issues. It is often looking at other lifetimes, and whether in past or future yet to come, this can be a tremendous source of anxiety and insecurity if much suffering is observed and taken to heart, and by that we mean reacting emotionally, to suffer the consequences. The ego, as an aspect of consciousness, is a part of the mind that taps into other levels, through association, which have a functional role in things. But because the ego is a shallow vessel it will have a more limited array of emotional responses it is likely to generate. So the range from positive to negative will encompass things like pride, a gleeful joy when victorious in a competition that is more about a reward to the self than a love feeling encompassing others as well. And then, on the darker end of things, anger and resentment when slighted, or even when bested, with often a judgmental assignment of the victor being a lesser talent than the self because of the presumed superiority of the ego that is a kind of fabrication, a kind of mask it wears to provide strength simply because this is its priority and not the consequence of careful study, evaluation, and thorough justification for the assumptions it makes in putting the self above others as a natural bias.

So, in all cases, the feelings flow from conscious awareness of what is taking place and provide a readout as a measure of how the mind is reacting to things, much akin to taking one’s temperature to see if the body is overstressed and fighting an inner invasion. The greatest contributor to emotions is the deep subconscious, on a percentage basis, but the ego, existing to be a strong force of will, is capable of generating quite strong feelings as well, in keeping with its role to dominate things if not held in check. And by virtue of the fact that when the ego gains the upper hand, and people act accordingly, that lack of self‑control, to let the ego be unbridled, will likely let strong emotions take place that are similarly left unchecked and may well cause great difficulty for the person.

Pamela Meyer said, “White lies keep social dignity intact and are far more prevalent than most people realize. Several studies have found that an average person is lied to from 10 to 200 times a day – mostly just to keep a conversation going, to avoid conflict, or to establish a connection with someone.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This commentary, taken in isolation, purports to provide a rationale for living through the white lie because everyone does it, and in such a world it is almost impossible to compete and not do so oneself. Indeed, a truth-teller among a group of liars will be at a considerable disadvantage, but we would look at the wider view—what is gained to be a prince among thieves compared to becoming a thief oneself? We favor the high ground in every interchange, as the best course of action and the road to divine alignment, so one is on a divine path much or most of the time—that will serve you much better than breaking rules, breaking social compacts, breaking trust, and all of the consequences that lying may bring.

We do appreciate, at the same time, that you are bringing forth comments about white lies and they, indeed, are in somewhat of a different category because, by definition, they are lies that do relatively little harm and, in fact, may have a silver lining that protects the person being lied to, as well as the liar, from awkwardness, unnecessary complications, misunderstandings, and consequences that could be avoided altogether but for the issue of truth getting in the way and spoiling things. Sometimes an ugly truth can be sidestepped to prevent things coming to a head that are not necessary to dwell on or even point out, and if a white lie saves someone from such unpleasantness it can be argued the white lie is a blessing and the wiser course of action in turning to that strategy. We agree there are such situations, and these come up fairly often, and this again is a consequence of yours being such an imperfect world—people are corrupt, people are inadequate, people are manipulated to be inferior, and the very nature of physical existence creates many obstacles and setbacks beyond your control, and these conditions harm everyone. So any way in which order can be preserved, trust maintained, and efficiency protected through using a white lie to keep people happy, this will be clearly the lesser of evils.

So while we do not endorse this categorically, we agree there are situations where it might be the wisest thing to do in the moment, to prevent a greater hurt or harmful consequence that can be avoided, but we cannot endorse anything out of divine alignment categorically as there are exceptions to every rule. So it is important to realize when you go down that road, you are moving out of alignment, so it behooves you to keep your wits about you and think carefully about the choice you are making, to not venture too far off the straight and narrow path. The Law of Karma can be a harsh reminder of the need for divinity in all one does, but it will recognize mitigating factors, and included in this is also divine grace that might well be a factor in allowing you to get away with a white lie now and again if it serves a greater good.

Barry Ritholz said, “Little white lies are told by humans all the time. Indeed, lying is often how we get through each day in a happy little bubble. We spend time and energy rationalizing our own behaviors, beliefs, and decision-making processes.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Having told you that there are times when a white lie is a lesser evil, we must also caution that whether an untruth is a white lie or something darker is in the eye of the beholder, and humans are often inaccurate in their assessment of moral imperatives and consequences. So this can be a slippery slope and become a habit that is an all too easy mode of operating, and before long a person who indulges in white lies to keep the peace and not ruffle feathers finds this is such a useful self-serving strategy they will lie about many, many things in order to look good and be accepted when that is not truly justified, but used to cover up their own shortcomings and mistakes.

In a sense, we could teach a course in the Art of Lying, but this is something each person must figure out for themselves, given you are in charge and not us, and we cannot stop you from making a karmic misstep, only warn you that it will have a consequence. So it is wise to keep in mind that telling a white lie to serve another is a different matter than telling a white lie to serve the self, many times. That is not an absolute rule but a guide in how to think about the potential dilemma you create in deviating from the truth. A white lie that serves another person is more likely to be morally defensible than a white lie that serves the self, but that is, of course, a rule of thumb and has many possible situations where exceptions are needed because the self is not inferior, you are just as valuable as anyone else, and in a fair world all would consider one another as equals.

The risk one takes is in realizing that when it comes to the self, you have an ego that wants to prevail, to excel, to be in control, and to be accepted and, if possible, respected and even cherished by others, and this is where problems will crop up. It is all too easy to find oneself lying to serve the ego more so than being a way to safeguard one’s soul in a harsh environment where something lied about is truly not other people’s business or will cause no harm to keep secret. This is a major source of complications and tension as you go about your day-to-day living. The farther you are away from divine alignment, the more the ego will have control of things, and this is why maintaining divine alignment is so very important, because things will become more and more distorted as you lose the divine perspective in living your life—the danger is you may not be able to find your way back again.

Dale Carnegie wrote the multi-million bestseller, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Advocates would say that Carnegie taught a method of manipulating people that created “win-win” scenarios, where both the manipulated and manipulators benefited. The detractors would say Carnegie’s methods can be used to screw people. Any kind of indirect manipulation is problematic, as it arguably violates free will, especially if used to encourage “uninformed” decisions. Hypnotist and Researcher Dick Sutphen wrote of Carnegie in his book, Radical Spirituality, “The Carnegie Course teaches you to say what will work to get what you want. Isn’t that being phony or a hypocrite? Forget sincerity, forget honesty. Forget being real. Carnegie teaches you to be a diplomat and wear a mask. Masks are the fear that who and what you are isn’t adequate, so you pretend to be somebody else.” What is Creator’s perspective?

We would agree that, based on this description, a slippery slope is being created that will make it harder and harder for someone manipulating others, through adopting a kind of false persona, to return to divine alignment. Carnegie’s prescription is, in essence, a way to achieve personal power, and that always carries with it a risk of transgression where one becomes out of balance, through serving the self at the expense of others being manipulated, to create an advantage for self-reward. The fact that someone else might not know the difference is used as a justification, that it doesn’t really hurt anyone, but that is a false conclusion because a lie is a lie, and serving the self by making someone happy through a falsehood, in effect, cheats them because it is promoting the self as an answer to a situation or problem, in some respect, by commanding attention and action of some sort. The fact you might convince someone you are what they need and you can offer your services, or just friendship, because you are a person of sufficient substance, capability, talent, and accomplishment, for example, short-circuits things because if they see you as worthy and are content for you to occupy their time and energy, based on a false representation of your talents, it cheats them of the opportunity to engage with others and find something more rewarding for them.

So we see this approach that Carnegie promotes as a self-serving exercise that is a kind of manipulation and unworthy of a divine human because it departs from the truth in a deliberate fashion and, in the doing, becomes a kind of inner corruption that is training you to assume things about yourself that are an exaggeration or a distortion, in some respect, you cannot live up to if challenged and really subjected to scrutiny. So in the short-term, it is taking risks of being found out to be an imposter, and in the long-term creates a situation where, to some extent, you are indeed living a lie, and that will take a toll on you karmically. Even though people around you might be satisfied with your efforts, that is not the same thing as giving them the full measure of what they want and need. By fooling them into settling for less, a kind of illusion you create through stretching the truth, you are also cheating yourself because you are gaining something not truly and fully deserved, and we can tell you that anything you acquire through personal power to manipulate others will someday be taken away from you, and it might be further magnified to the extent others were losers because of what they lost being diverted by your false front to engage with you and not others who might serve them better.

Children are arguably told more white lies than anyone. Most people would argue that this is an imperative and that it would be almost impossible to raise healthy children without having to resort to them. What is Creator’s perspective?

We see this as almost a special category of white lie because the fact children are unformed, inexperienced, and immature, they cannot be expected to handle many harsh realities that life brings, and so need to be sheltered in their tender years from learning about more than they can handle in terms of potential negativity and ugliness they will have to reckon with eventually. There are many instances where adult feelings, motivations, and interactions cannot be conveyed with complete understanding to a child, and rather than overwhelm them with complexity and compound a problem, it is a lesser evil to tell them a white lie to keep them complacent and deflect their probing questions about what is happening.

So, in a sense, one must think about truth as not a black or white representation but much more nuanced, depending on the ability of some individuals to even understand truth in the way you might, and this applies to many kinds of situations among individuals of all ages. It is not appropriate in the presence of someone dealing with their grief over the death of a loved one to blurt out how horrible they were, in some respect, to you personally. Even though that might be an objective truth, it could be quite hurtful to someone more close to that individual, and it would not contribute anything to add more unpleasantness to someone grieving over the loss of a loved one. So to offer a white lie, in only saying something positive about the departed, is a gesture of loving kindness to offer some comfort and soothing, that at least you recognize this was a person who passed and who has loved ones even though you might not love them greatly.

So there is an art to living in truth. There are many who lie to themselves as well as others, and there can be a fine line between denial and a white lie. The nuances involved here become less daunting and complex the more one lives in divine alignment through love as an operating energy and general principle underlying all their life choices. When everything you do becomes an expression of love in some way, this will make you artful in knowing the right thing to say, at the right time, and for the right reason. So, as with all of life, the devil might be in the details but it is the sum total that charts your course and is the record of your character. Becoming a better person overall will make up for many transgressions and avoid many taking place.

The questions for this show are derived from the life and work of the late hypnotist and prolific metaphysical author Dick Sutphen. Sutphen’s last book published in 2019, one year before his death at age 83, was titled Wisdom Erases Karma. There is no doubt that if Sutphen were to sum up his storied life in just three words, they would be “Wisdom Erases Karma.” These words were engraved on this tombstone, and the final sentence of his final book reads, “From my early days, I recognized that my life was about finding the wisdom to erase my karma.” What is Creator’s perspective on the phrase “Wisdom Erases Karma?”

We like this phrase because it is not only speaking truth, it is speaking truth about a fundamental principle that governs everything that happens. The universe was constructed to operate according to the Law of Karma, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect, as well as all the other laws that bear on various levels of existence and forms of energy. The exchange between humans and one another, as well as everything they encounter in their environment, in interacting with the world at all levels, is an energetic encounter and exchange, inevitably.

This is what is meant by the phrase of the “human footprint,” talking about the health of Gaia, with human inhabitants producing ever-greater influence, some to the negative. All that you do as a human being transfers energy to those things around you, people and other beings, included. When it is a positive influence, that will bring rewards. When it is a negative influence, that will take something away from you, inevitably. Those exchanges are governed by the Law of Karma. So understanding that you are in a vast sea of energy governed by very precise laws is being on the road to wisdom, because only with wisdom will deep understanding of cause and effect enable you to sort out your life and constrain your thoughts and actions accordingly, to be in divine alignment. And that is the smoothest and quickest road to success, prosperity, inner peace, and overall balance in all things that will bring contentment and satisfaction with your achievements, as life goes on.

The accumulation of wisdom is hard-won. You are not born with it; you are born with a lack of understanding and awareness that must be overcome by filling in the blanks. Given that karma is the ultimate ruling force governing everything that happens, at least as an influence, it behooves you to learn early and think about it often along the way in life, and take advantage of those principles to bring yourself into alignment with divine expectations. As we created the Law of Karma, it operates according to our expectations and desires for a universe of fairness and balance at all levels, where each is contributing something even as it might take away. That is the essence of fairness, that your existence is shared with other beings of consciousness, not necessarily competing but inevitably interacting. The wisdom to govern those interactions, through your thoughts and actions wisely, will rebalance wrongdoing, errors of judgment, and other negativity that has your name on it—that will keep you in balance and in a state of security from harm.

There are many sources of difficulty you encounter as a physical being. The more you are in balance, the less vulnerable you become to the ups and downs of life, and the more effective you will be in rising above adversity to prevail and prosper. Healing anything that keeps you in the dark end of the ledger will make your life better, and will help all those around you as you come back towards divine alignment once again and are doing more good than harm. If everyone hews to these ideas and principles, everything will get better and there will be no place for evil to reside, and that is an ultimate healing yet to be achieved.