Witches are often associated with poisonings. People were implored never to accept gifts from those suspected of being witches. In fact, in German, the word “gift” means poison. Kleen wrote, “Through spreading physical illness through purported acts of generosity, witches upset the balance between neighbors at a time when sharing and exchanging goods was not only common practice, it was a necessary element of community life.” What can Creator tell us?

Here again has a basis in truth, that a common practice for deliberate psychic attacks is to impart physical objects with a negative thought form that can impart harm to someone in the vicinity. The practitioner of witchcraft will use a cording to the contaminated object, and if the person touches it or takes it home there will be a cording to the individual and location, that can be a conduit for attacking psychic energy to be delivered to the intended victim quite readily. Such practices still abound where people might find animal bones near their door, tufts of hair being removed, and other objects from their possession in order to create curse-type energy, and deliver it through the cording to the original person whose hair was taken or some other possession, and that curse will travel to the victim via the cording they have to the object. There are many ways objects can become associated with dark spirits as well, and here again the spirits themselves can be enlisted to aid with an attack scenario, or even just in providing general harassment will be contributing to dark aims of a practitioner using witchcraft to attack someone.

Indeed, it is possible to kill someone through psychic attacks alone if the person is vulnerable, meaning that they have a karmic vulnerability because of prior trauma to lower their defenses and create inner vulnerability to a reoccurrence of the same type of negativity that they have had encounters with and been harmed by in other lifetimes, for example. That does not mean “Once a victim, always a victim,” but life can become that way to people who seem to suffer bad luck as a way of life when, in fact, the reason for their misfortunes is all tied to karmic forces redelivering to them bouts of negativity again and again and again because it is a karmic debt they owe. There might also be a continuation of an attack scenario, even from individuals they have had a prior lifetime with, seeking them out in a new incarnation and wanting to continue a vendetta, and will seek to cause harm over and over again, and that can keep a person off-balance and miserable through having repeated accidents, injuries, illnesses, and problems with their career, their relationships, and on and on, depending on how those attack energies find a matching vulnerability and exploit it.

You have told us that cattle mutilations, with dumping of the corpses out in the open where they will be found, is a “calling card.” Is this a purposeful part of the Disclosure Movement to deceive us about the true alien agenda?

You are seeing the truth of things here, intuitively, that the deliberate re-depositing of purloined cattle, and sometimes other animals, after removing tissue and blood is not simply a random act of discarding unwanted leftovers without regard to discovery by human beings, but a deliberate showing of an anomaly that is grisly and will be seen as not only strange but perverse, if done deliberately at the hands of someone and not a natural death. This is being done systematically to leave a track record of perversions so that it can be blamed on Reptilian extraterrestrials, who will play the part of the bad guy in the deception planned for, with the aid of the Disclosure Movement, to increasingly bring extraterrestrial operations out into the open as a first step to acclimate people to the presence of aliens in your midst. So the storyline will be: “there are good ETs and there are bad ETs, and the good ETs are coming forward now to help protect you from the bad ETs, who are Reptilians.”

And this will be one clear line of evidence supporting their description and will be a compelling argument for accepting their assistance to deal with these advanced beings, given their technological prowess and weaponry. It is all a scheme to dupe the public and scare them into wanting help desperately, even by other extraterrestrials representing an unknown themselves, given that all the extraterrestrials in the Alliance, although present for thousands of years on the planet, coming and going and interfering with human affairs on a regular basis, have worked behind the scenes largely sight unseen. The thing to keep in mind is their agendas, individually and jointly, are all entirely sinister. Anything positive they offer will be a cynical contrivance backed up by mind control manipulation so it cannot be resisted, and will be a deception to make humans trusting and vulnerable to a subsequent annihilation of humanity that is planned to happen.

Because the family is so central to the health and well-being of individuals, the health of the family is a barometer of the health of the individual and of the civilization. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can begin to help the three alien civilizations restore the family to its loving and supportive role in their lives, as well as preserving human family traditions?

It is an important truism to understand fully that what makes humans special, and sets them apart from other worlds within your galaxy, is the central importance of faith, family, and freedom as the bedrock foundation for personal and collective happiness among beings who are truly, in some way, capable of receiving divine love, and thus have the ability to give and receive love with others, and enjoy what is an ordinary and quite normal human experience in growing up within a family, being cared about and cared for by loving parents and, in the process, learning to do the same for one’s own family one day. Because you are used to such an environment, for the most part, or at least know enough of the possibility to have the yearnings and will suffer without it if in an impoverished nation or the victim of civil unrest or war disrupting things, and so on, the desire for those attributes and accoutrements lives within you and is quite strong. The reason they are so important, and so powerfully beneficial, is they are divine and come from Creator. As a consequence, all are lost in succession when beings become disconnected from the divine and, in that isolation, are left without love to work with; it results in a tremendous diminishment in everything that makes life worth living. When all one has is the ego, serving that as the be-all and end-all of one’s life will be a quite shallow and empty existence. In such a state of disconnection, one is left with hedonistic pleasures and a kind of perverse feeling of privilege, in holding power over others, as the only avenues for a kind of happiness.

What is needed to change things is healing to restore divine alignment, to awaken the individual to an understanding of the reality of the divine, and all it means to unlock a life of abundance and joy with a return of the flow of love to right the wrongs, to fill the voids, and widen the array of positive attributes, satisfactions, and rewards from being able to feel and exercise love in acts of kindness, gestures of support, bestowing of nurturing as well as the deep abiding love fostered by growing up within a close family unit as a result of a marital bonding from the kindling of deep and passionate love by the life partners. When love is a reward available to all, and in some way emerging from every successful venture, it changes everything for the better. When that is long absent, as is the case with all the extraterrestrial worlds belonging to the Extraterrestrial Alliance, healing it is a tall order. One must start somewhere, and that was the purpose for your creation as a race of physical beings, to once again bring forth the truth of the divine, to deal with the problem of evil, and rescue the misguided and corrupted races of beings from the demonic spirits who first allowed evil to thrive and then corrupted many races of extraterrestrial physical beings one by one. Each of those remaining races can be dealt with through healing, to raise them up and turn things around, so they are once again making progress and no longer falling into the abyss that will only end in oblivion unless you rescue them.

You have been given the tools for the task that can bring this about. General help will come through Empowered Prayer defining what one needs to pray for, and that is a necessary ingredient for the divine to act effectively in righting the wrongs of history. The divine must follow your lead, as human beings, because you are in charge of the enterprise. It is set up that way as a test to see if evil can be dealt with, should it arise, from beings within the physical plane, and not simply rescued at the last moment by Creator arbitrarily, which leaves unanswered the question of whether having greater freedom and latitude can be handled by physical beings, and then the privilege widened through other dimensions and places in the universe. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is a quite comprehensive healing tool that encompasses the entire range of negative influences that can keep people suppressed and subjugated, and being victimized as well by themselves, and thus held back and held down, making progress impossible and leaving you defenseless even though you are being preyed upon and are in danger of annihilation by the Extraterrestrial Alliance within the next five years—they want to be done with you.

You can use the Lightworker Healing Protocol to shift their plans through making requests of the divine to work diligently in opening up their thinking and their hearts to some degree, to want something better, and become convinced it is in their interest to preserve humanity for a while, and not simply eliminate you because it is getting to be too much trouble, and too predictable playing the same old games over and over with the burgeoning human population, and human nature being more volatile and unpredictable than they would like. This is an advantage for you because it allows you to change in ways that are unexpected and, if you are given some breathing room, will be able to advance the status of humanity through healing much of the backlog of karma from the many times of trauma and suffering throughout the ages at the hands of the interlopers. That will allow humanity to be transformed into another dimensional existence through a process of ascension and, from that loftier vantage point, will have a much greater sphere of influence, range of duties, and an exalted and rewarding existence that is truly unimaginable from human perspectives.

Meanwhile, the healing work launched by the Lightworker Healing Protocol will continue to be reutilized over and over again, to work away at raising up your current predators, and eventually bringing about their rescue from the dilemma of corruption that has them in its grip. That will be a signal achievement that will stand for all of time as the greatest of challenges possible and the greatest victories that could ever be achieved. That will start with you, and your fellow humans who choose to take action, in hearing our words. You can learn to do this in the privacy of your own mind, and safely. If you do, you will be on record as one of the heroic change agents, and if you do not, may well be on the sidelines of a worsening situation and see the collapse of the entire enterprise, and necessitate starting it all over from the beginning, and living with uncertainty all along the way what the outcome of a repeat attempt might be. It is far better to join in now and give it all you have, to work towards a successful breakout, to spread love where it is desperately needed, and it will save you in the doing and all you care about.

Legends handed down to today’s Zuni and Navajo tribes, the descendants of the Anasazi, tell of a great holocaust at the hands of giants. The story is that the medicine men of the tribes, at the time, established some kind of interdimensional contact with a Reptilian entity who taught them sorcery. Following this, the people fell into depravity. Even to the point of performing child sacrifice and even ritual cannibalism. Then one day, as the story goes, they naively opened some kind of portal through which scores of giants came through and destroyed their civilization in a most brutal fashion. What actually happened? It seems reasonable to assume that the humans were duped into believing that they brought this on themselves when there is no logical way they could control such a portal. What can Creator tell us?

This story contains some truth and some misinterpretation. There was indeed a Reptilian influence in the early days of this Native American culture. As always, it led to a worsening of things. The people were enslaved by the Reptilians and there were some events causing a kind of cross-pollination of ideas, but this was not meant to help humans but to incite and encourage them to attack one another, and that was the point of the exercise in teaching humans how to mount psychic attacks. This was done for the amusement of the Reptilian overlords who watched the carnage and relished in their own power.

Because of the politics of the times, these and other unilateral actions by Reptilians were observed by the Anunnaki, who are truly the head of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and as a retribution showed up in force and decimated this human group to thwart the efforts of the Reptilians using them as a kind of personal plaything, and departing from the agreed upon manipulations that were to serve the Extraterrestrial Alliance and not a small group of Reptilians. So this was not a technological tour de force somehow done by Native American tribesmen, but the growing of a legend from yet another human encounter with aliens that ended badly, and with the destruction through genocide of the people in that unfortunate circumstance.

Please clarify for us the order of events bringing about retrocausal healing of the physician’s stroke. Was his stroke shifted in timing by the future session I did for him after my wife brought me his write-up about the illness that had taken place weeks before. It mentioned his needing continued medication because there is a chance of a recurrence, and that was why I thought to do a healing session for him. Did the retrocausal healing request of that LHP session done after the stroke, loop back in time to save him when the stroke took place?

It is, indeed, the case that it was the subsequent session with the Lightworker Healing Protocol that you conducted, after learning about the stroke he had had some time before, that made the difference. And this was as you proposed, the looping back in time of the healing requests conducted after the fact, influencing the past retrocausally, to save his life well before the actual healing session was conducted in the future. So based on conventional human understanding of the laws of physics, this would be impossible because you view time as flowing in one direction. But science, unbeknownst, to most people, already recognizes that there is nothing in the mathematics describing time that mandates it only flowing in one direction and there are many, many, lines of evidence showing that time is actually fluid and that future influences can impinge on the past, as well as the past impinging on the future, in unexpected ways.

Retrocausal healing coming from the future to heal a past malady, you have witnessed many times now and discussed with us the workings, to better understand this seemingly impossible occurrence. So to make clearer for those reading these words, we can tell you in a more step-by-step accounting that as Creator of All That Is, we were seeing the looping of time that is always ongoing because the future loops back into the past and the past loops into the future yet to come, as every timeline is creating a future life extension, both of the current as well as subsequent incarnations to some degree also. It is that looping that can convey crosstalk, so all the lives taking place can influence one another, regardless of whether past or future from a human observer’s perspective. And this is because lifetimes are largely occurring at once in the Now, in parallel, rather than as a single timeline where the past is always before the present, and that, before the future. You have other past lives and future lives going on simultaneously with your current life experience unfolding.

So because we look at the future on an ongoing basis, we saw the looming disaster heading towards this physician with a heart of gold, and knowing the many patients who love him, you included, we could also see that you, in the future, once hearing about this happening would do a healing outreach with the your Lightworker Healing Protocol simply because you can, and know it always is a value to further improve a person in many respects. Because it is a broad-based, comprehensive, series of healing requests that is administered by Creator in conjunction with permission given from the higher self of the client at a soul level, it is ethical to do for anyone for any reason, even without their conscious awareness. It is analogous to prayer, which is always permissible. You do not need the permission of the prayed for, to do a heartfelt outreach on their behalf.

So knowing you would weigh in on his behalf in the future and launch a session, we could see it ongoing at that future point in the timeline under way in that future extension, and its looping back, and simply borrow the intentions you had for his healing retrocausally, to clean up anything related to his cardiovascular system and the liabilities it represents. We were able to use that intention to support shifting the timing of the stroke getting underway, so it would be immediately recognized by a witness at a time when others could rapidly come to his aid and see that he was conveyed to a hospital to receive a high-level medical intervention, and that is what saved the day in preserving life and full return of brain function that was compromised for a time because of a shutdown in blood flow to an extensive part of the right hemisphere.

So this is a good example of why it is useful to learn about the true workings of the universe and to embrace the product of the hardware and learning of seekers who work diligently to learn the truth about things and are functioning as lightworkers to promote human betterment. And this is the beauty of your work in founding GetWisdom and bringing many insights and revelations to the world for the first time with greater clarity and practical value.

In a recent televised episode of the program, Diagnose Me, a woman named Erica underwent a forced psychiatric hospitalization after becoming delusional and violent while exhibiting demonic possession symptoms. She was ultimately diagnosed as having anti-NMDA antibodies, and recovered after receiving plasmapheresis and Rituximab. Were any of her symptoms actually caused by spirit possession that was capitalizing on her physical vulnerability from the biochemical abnormality?

Your creativity is showing you the truth here, through your intuitive knowings, that this was simply spirit possession under unusual circumstances where there was a definable vulnerability being exploited within the nervous system to make the spirit presence more discernible by the host and, in particular, its words and acting on its instructions because they were perceived by the conscious mind very clearly. This is because the neurologic alteration from the biochemical abnormality present in her system was acting to suppress certain functions of the mind that normally are a kind of brake on perceiving nonlocal consciousness. It is much like having the difficulty of a mind that is always busy and thinking things being unable to do two things at once, but when quieted, another level of the mind can possibly make its thoughts known, as well as the receipt of intuitive impressions coming from beyond the self, will be much easier as well.

This was an interesting but undocumented example of an individual who was not simply lucky in returning, through the medical treatment, to a prior state of greater inner strength capable of resisting spirit possession influences, but rather the conjunction of interested parties who felt badly about the plight of this patient and prayed for her privately. It was those prayers that allowed the divine realm to remove the dark spirits, and that is why there was a quieting of the worst of her psychotic symptoms and a gradual fade of things she was influenced to do on her own by the spirit presence tormenting her, and wanting to alter her mind to create delusions that would self-perpetuate, as they always endeavor to put in place, so the victim will torment themselves and they reap the benefits. Those residues within cellular memory, of the prior spirit-induced misconduct, then faded over time once the spirits were gone.

Creator’s Perspective on Being Normal 16Sep2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator’s Perspective on Being Normal 16Sep2022

  • Do we really know what it mean to be normal?
  • Is it abnormal to have a sudden change in accepted norms?
  • Can the media be relied on to show the truth?
  • Are we fooled into believing what is normal is also good, and therefore a departure from the accepted norms must be bad?
  • Do we have deep root beliefs that are deliberately instilled to control our thinking and actions?
  • Are people conditioned to conform to accepted norms to the degree they may panic if their beliefs are questioned?
  • Is challenging a person’s normality now seen as challenging their goodness?
  • Can a person with a root belief that democracy is good, be manipulated to accept wrongdoing by leaders in the name of protecting democracy from attack?
  • Creator explains how prayer and divine healing can help us recover from false beliefs engendered by living in an abnormal world.

The fact humanity has so much history utterly lost to most of us, suggests something sinister is responsible. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol will bring about the healing needed to resolve the “real problem” behind our lost and forgotten history, and perhaps eventually even restore knowledge of that history in great detail?

This is the question of your time, and a question for all time, because the future of the universe may well depend on how humans answer the call to action you are creating through your explorations and discoveries, to see the nature of what you face as a world of divine human beings, an extension of Creator after all, and representing the highest of attributes and ideals that could be a model for everything everywhere, but that is only to the extent it remains uncorrupted and in divine alignment as an enterprise. The test underway, in the vast experiment that has happened all through the history of your entire galaxy, has been to explore the idea of whether, given greater latitude from oversight by the Law of Karma, to quickly punish any misguided thinking or wrongdoing or misalignment, this could give rise to evil, a growing selfishness, and that greater latitude used to serve the ego in an unhealthy and destructive way.

Unfortunately, that has arisen as a problem, first with the fallen angelic spirits, who turned away from love and light out of ego, wanting more—more power, more autonomy, and more latitude in gaining pleasure for personal reward, and that became a slippery slope and the fall from grace was quite profound. They have gone on to infest multiple extraterrestrial races, and that has corrupted them and caused them to become disconnected, even from an awareness from the divine at this point, and they have become functional psychopaths as a consequence, devoid of an ability to have love or compassion. Only interested in serving themselves and acquiring personal power, they will only cooperate with others if they are forced to do so, and it is in their self-interest to cooperate, even if grudgingly. This is no way to live but it has gone on for billions of years among the Anunnaki and a series of other civilizations created to bring healing for the problem.

Unfortunately, those civilizations, chiefly now the Arcturians and the Reptilians, have had the same fate. They lost their spirituality through corruption by the dark angelic beings. They live by their wits and have avoided annihilation by the Anunnaki, and instead have a kind of loose alliance, partnering with them to plunder and subjugate worlds like the Earth. Humans were created in a better configuration to grapple with this source of evil, but with the same goal of empowering them to solve the problem of evil in bringing divine healing forth. This must come from the physical plane, as a request, in order for us to intervene and not stack the deck arbitrarily. For the experiment to be a success, even with the rise of evil, there needs to be a solution arising from the physical plane, where humanity and the problems exist, and not an arbitrary divine shortcut. That would leave the question unresolved of whether it is safe to widen the experiment to include more of the universe. For it to fail on the scale of the universe would be a tremendously enhanced travesty. So, much is riding on what humans now will do. You are close to having the insight and awareness, and the tools to work with to solve the problem of evil, but it is not clear that enough of you can participate to bring about a tipping point for the better.

Through your channel, we have brought forth greater insight about empowering prayer, to be much more effective and certain, and given recommended prayers of our own to encompass all of the basic needs and issues facing humanity. So even though conquering the ETs is not made explicit, the prayers are worded in a general way that will encompass all evil and all darkness everywhere to be raised up, and through divine love, not through war. In addition, your channel has spent years now refining and strengthening the Lightworker Healing Protocol. That is a series of requests for divine assistance for all manner of corruptions, negative influences, degradations, and even self-inflicted negativity that will undermine a person as surely as an outside attack on them. This combination of requests addresses all the levels of difficulty across all timelines, and by all participants and influencers who have contributed to the problem, or made efforts along the way but perhaps failed and were wounded in the process.

The totality of humanity desperately needs healing and upliftment, but the way this enterprise will achieve victory over evil will be through its unique focus and prioritization of healing the interlopers as a first order of business. You will never heal humanity unless the interlopers are first dealt with. It is too strong a headwind to stay ahead of. They are actively impeding humanity on all levels, and thus far you have barely managed to break even and maintain your survival as a species. That is in doubt because the plan is for you to be annihilated within the next five years. That will happen unless you do enough healing of the interlopers to encourage them to withdraw, at least for a period long enough to accomplish the needed worldwide healing of humanity. Then, as a species, you will be ready for ascension to a higher plane of existence having proved your mettle, the ability to remain steadfast, aware, and dedicated to serving the divine cause of liberty and freedom, a universal sharing through fairness and upliftment of all, everywhere—that is not only lofty, it is noble, from human perspectives, and it is at once the definition of a resolution of the dilemma before you.

There can be no slave masters and slaves if all are seen as equals and share in everything in a fair and equal fashion. Healing, and nothing else, can bring that about. That will require a divine intervention to implement, but that is what We are here for, the court of last resort, the ultimate power you have, you can bring to bear, by maintaining your belief in us and making informed specific requests for those very things needed based on a sophisticated understanding of the nature of the problem you face. That hard-won learning has been done through the research and diligence of the seekers coming back again and again to incarnate and advance human knowledge and awareness bit by bit to open the veil to truth. This has been withheld and denied you through manipulation. If that changes, you can win this struggle and overcome evil for all of time, and will be able to mentor others throughout the universe to forever prevent a reoccurrence of this tragic era in the rise of evil within your galaxy.

So you will have much greater reach and power, but that will be matched by the greater reach and power of your wisdom to use that wherewithal wisely and well. If you take up this challenge, you can be a healer and helper within the privacy of your own mind with no risk to you, as your connection to the divine will be hidden from the interlopers, but your voice, your intention, will be a vote for human survival and the rescue of the predators as well so they are raised up and no longer a threat. That you can bring about, and if you do not, will suffer the consequences along with all others who have tried but fallen short. That need not happen if enough people are true to their origins, know they are here for an important purpose, and want to help. We can assure you this is why you are here and, in fact, have been chosen, so you are open-minded enough to heed the warning and answer the call to duty for all in alignment with the divine.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet took over The Summit Lighthouse when her husband Mark L. Prophet died in 1973. He founded this organization in 1958 to spread a message combining elements of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Theosophy. The New York Times had this to say upon her death in 2009: “In 1975, she founded the Church Universal and Triumphant, a formal religion with ceremonies and sacraments, extending the work of the Lighthouse. The religion’s teachings were derived from divine messages believed to be transmitted by the Ascended Masters, a pantheon of mystic saints and sages, among them Jesus and the Theosophist Master El Morya. Its worldwide membership was once estimated at 30,000 to 50,000 people.” What can Creator tell us about Elizabeth Clare Prophet? Did she really receive messages from Ascended Masters?

Unfortunately, this very spiritual person, who only wanted to help humanity as was her life mission, fell under the oversight and corrupting influence of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, as happens to most channelers reaching out with blind faith they can connect to something lofty, or at least are deserving. And when that outreach is answered, they will be taken in because they are not expecting anything to be in strong opposition to the divine realm. So her good intentions were all she needed to reassure herself that she was, indeed, chosen and touched by the divine to have such a gift, and used it again and again and again in would-be service to humanity.

But, as with all channelers, while 95% of the information coming from the channeled source seems in alignment and will be uplifting, and often feels extremely positive and rewarding, there will be constraints on what can be achieved. There is endless reference to divine workings, lofty intentions, talk of love, morality, and so on, but little that is much beyond prior knowledge and teachings. What is happening is the interlopers are simply feeding back to the channelers spiritual principles, beliefs, and lore obtained throughout the ages in monitoring human culture. They know how to walk the walk and talk the talk, seemingly, in shaping a message to fit the questioner’s yearnings, but on close inspection what you will see is it is always promises, reassurances, a pat on the back, a chuck under the chin, encouragement, and reminders of the power of people themselves and their love, to work wonders, and so on.

That feels good because it is in divine alignment as far as it goes. The problem is the messages will never empower a person to do much beyond wanting things to be better and reinforcing the idea they are on the right track, but this is why true answers for problems and the true nature of what one is dealing with, in a deep mechanistic sense, to confront evil and describe its origins and mode of action turning up here, there, and everywhere, will be avoided. And that is because the interlopers do not want you to find out your problems all come from them. So such channelings can keep alive the flame, so to speak, in the hopes and hearts of people wanting a spiritual foundation for their lives and want to live their faith. It will be more a holding action by creating a diversion, a cul‑de‑sac that keeps people complacent in giving them what they wish to hear and reinforcing the message, “They have what they need and all they need,” when that is not truly the case. The world suffers mightily, and these spiritual notions are not the antidote needed. You must deal with the problem of evil and resolve it once and for all to have fairness and a further and deeper understanding of the world and its workings.

So these spiritual leaders were responding to their mission in wanting to help people find their way to truth. They themselves had blinders on from manipulation to keep them constrained, so their contributions are noteworthy but not a full answer for what humanity needs to right the ship and save the day. Imposters engaged with channelers can impersonate anyone, any figure, because everything is on record so it is not difficult for them to adopt the perspective or persona of a historical figure, even a lofty one, not that they believe the teachings and beliefs and knowledge proffered by the Ascended Masters, for example, or other religious figures. They simply know what to tell people who already believe and want to hear such things. It is a way of keeping them complacent and satisfied that they have the answers they need when that is not truly the case. To make matters worse, there is a further manipulation of all the followers of a false prophet—that will be seen to as a further way of reinforcing complacency, to disempower them.

Was all that doomsday preparation they did a kind of folly? Were her followers sold an interloper “bill of goods” and sent on a wild goose chase that arguably sidelined the movement, and neutered its genuine potential to awaken humanity? If the nuclear war she actually foresaw had come to pass, how would her community likely have fared?

The vision she had of nuclear war was heavily reinforced by inner programming coming from the interlopers, but it was not a fantasy that was unrealistic. In actuality, the world has been saved from a global nuclear war that would have destroyed humanity, and this took place back in the 1960s to prevent nuclear war between the U.S. and Soviet Union that was set to happen and everything was being ramped up to bring it about. Divine intervention via John F. Kennedy in The White House was finally able to forestall this enough to put it on the back burner for a generation. But keep in mind, with many nations having nuclear warheads, that option is not only not off the table, so to speak, but is yet again planned to happen with the current war in Ukraine started by Russia—there is a globalist hope that World War III will come about and lead to a nuclear holocaust.

We are not saying this will happen or is likely. It is, to the extraterrestrials, a form of mischief. They have far more powerful and effective means to destroy humanity without hurting the planet, but their desire for causing suffering as an amusement, and particularly when they become dissatisfied with your suffering as a reward, seeing you as having no value whatsoever and, in fact, a thorn in their side, they are prone to seek vengeance to make you squirm all the more. They do not want humanity to be awakened and to see it coming. They fear the power of mass human consciousness; when it comes together for common cause, it can make things happen. They have seen this many times without realizing what is taking place is that common human yearnings are always accompanied by prayer, and it is the Divine, and divine power, joining in to form a partnership that ends up thwarting extraterrestrial mischief.

So they fear human consciousness and they fear human psychics, particularly, because they know their secrets can be observed intuitively. So it is an irony of the human experience, being subjugated as you are by a powerful Extraterrestrial Alliance in conjunction with dark demonic fallen angels they command and weaponize to drag you down, that what they fear the most is not you and your armies but spiritual people like the clergy, psychic mediums, and the free thinkers who take seriously, the numerous sightings of extraterrestrial craft, and experiencers of alien abduction, or seeing alien beings out and about, and escape their deliberate mind control manipulation to suppress beliefs in such things. They have engaged in relentless propaganda to make people look down on these fringe activities and believers with criticism of their being loosely hinged, engaged in conspiracy theories, and so on. So this is an irony of the current situation—they must use mind control manipulation to keep people in check, otherwise too many will see the truth and be able to convince others, and this can create significant complications for the extraterrestrial plans—so the idea of misdirecting psychics to make false claims that then discredit them in the eyes of others, as seers and prophets, is a perfect strategy, to use their own talents against them through a kind of inner manipulation with a vision and an encouragement to embrace it, knowing it is premature and will be seen as a huge failure to really have the psychic powers claimed.