Another behavior related to Dunning-Kruger would be a tendency to appeal to some kind of superior credential, even and especially if it is completely unrelated to the given debate at hand. Such a credential would be physical age: “Well young man, I am twenty years your senior, I think I know a thing or two.” Or, “You’re talking to a decorated veteran, show some respect!” Or, “I’ve lived a good life, had a lucrative career, raised three upstanding children, and am a grandparent to boot! I think my opinion should matter!” This tendency to take shelter in some kind of superior, if wholly unrelated and even irrelevant credential, is widespread and sometimes very problematic. What is Creator’s perspective?

Here you are giving additional examples of platitudes that purport to defend the self through an appeal to rank and privilege in being older, wiser, more capable, more experienced, more productive, and so on, when those attributes and qualifications may not be at all germane to the current dialogue in being challenged in some way. So these are more automatic responses that may well be launched out of habit, as a quick solution for self-defense, to parry the blow with a retort as much as shed light on something or engage enough to consider someone’s argument and give a thoughtful response about its merits. That would be using those presumed credentials potentially in some way that is actually useful and creates a real-life demonstration that they count for something and lead to greater strength, wisdom, discernment, and judgment as evidenced by the reasoned argument one might make under such a mantle of authority. But to simply puff out a chest of medals when one is confronted in some way about something having nothing to do with participating or leading others in combat is truly beside the point, even though it may hold a grain of truth, that someone tested by fire might deserve being treated with respect to give them their due about what they have been through and been able to accomplish under difficult circumstances, and so on.

But again, showing off one’s pedigree is not an answer for disagreements, differences of opinion, and perspectives. Most things of significance are deserving of at least some consideration and a credible answer to provide a reckoning for the disconnection or differing opinions on how to handle a disagreement. It is also clear to most pondering your question that these examples very much do reflect ego strength in action. A pre‑pared, pre-planned, pre-rehearsed, and habituated talking point meant to override criticism, by virtue of prior achievements, may or may not, and most likely will not, be even relevant to a current disagreement of some sort and, as such, will be found to be annoying, unsatisfactory, and likely to discredit the one who falls back on a quick rejoinder of this kind to deflect criticism.

A viewer asks: “A British man named Walter Summerford, was struck by lightning 3 times in his life. [He survived and recovered from serious injury except after the third incident, which left him paralyzed and bedridden for 2 years before his death]. Then, after his death, his gravestone was struck by lightning too. Was the dark ETs alliance behind those lightning strikes that hit this man 3 times during his life, or was it sheer bad luck for him to be in the wrong place just when the lightning struck?”

This is a true account of a quite unlikely occurrence where someone was indeed struck by lightning on three occasions, and then his gravestone, when the odds against that happening are certainly quite low. The truth of things is that this individual was targeted for mischief by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. They carried out the attacks, but to their surprise and consternation, he was never killed when this was actually a likelihood. Lightning strikes near a person that causes current to jump to them and through the body to the ground, for example, can readily be fatal, let alone a direct strike hitting the person with full force. What protected this individual from death was his being in divine alignment, and he was being given divine oversight to mitigate the intensity and that is what allowed him to survive. This, of course, was never known by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, who insisted on having the last word, even sending a thunderbolt to hit his gravestone after his eventual passing. So this is a testament to what the divine can do when requested for assistance. If people have a regular prayer practice that requests divine help, it can truly save the day for them in unexpected ways.

A woman reports a conversation with her ex-husband, a successful public personality and a household name in his country. She was trying to convince him that the mainstream media often told lies and created fictional narratives designed to manipulate people into acting and believing things they would not do or believe ordinarily. His response was “if we can’t trust the mainstream media, who can we trust?” Being a highly successful and duly rewarded public figure, he had a lot to lose if he challenged the narrative. What is Creator’s perspective?

Many of you hearing these words will find this quote laughable, given the extremes of conduct, the polarization of opinion passing as factual reporting being very dependent on the venue. The vast majority of the media are sympathetic to the left, so the real question at hand is whether the positions adopted by the left are worthy or, in some ways, faulty and inadequate. If the job of the media is to support the political left because they hold those views themselves personally, and believe it to be truth and the most valid perspective, there is a built-in bias that will not be fully appreciated. But it will hold the viewers of such spokespersons hostage to accepted dogma that is considered normal but might be entirely a fabrication that simply fits an accepted narrative and so will be believed and accepted on its face without question. The reality about what the media does is that it is no longer a watchdog or an investigative body looking for truth, but more a group representative of ideology looking for ways to apply its own perspective sold things that fit the narrative they like will get reported. Newsworthy events that seem to run counter to their preferred narrative will be ignored altogether, or relegated to the back pages, or a brief mention in the wee hours of the morning as a token gesture to thoroughness.

The bottom line is that humans, categorically, can no longer be trusted to know, understand, and appreciate the truth of things. It is increasingly absent from view or discussion because of the constraints put on the sharing of information by the media, and this is imposed on multiple levels, both direct and indirect, and then covertly as well, through manipulation of the very minds of the people seemingly interested to watch what is happening, to be your eyes and ears as a member of the public and then inform you accurately about important doings to keep you in up to speed and aware of important matters as a voting citizen. When things are heavily filtered, censored entirely or distorted through political spin, you are being cultivated to think like them rather than to be informed of factual events important to know about to be a good citizen and an informed participant in the political process of choosing leaders.

One aspect of being normal is believing in the common good, that the two are somehow synonymous in many if not most people’s minds. If one simply strives to be normal, one will automatically and simultaneously be considered to be a good person. And to challenge a person’s normality is to simultaneously challenge their goodness. What is Creator’s perspective?

This is putting your finger on the pulse quite accurately, that the idea of normalcy is considered to be positive and worthy, so when there are differences of opinion, an often effective line of attack to defend one’s own views is to cast aspersions on the other party’s thinking and interpretation. Because it is seen as a threat to personal integrity and stability, having one’s beliefs challenged can be quite threatening if done in earnest, and it quickly can become intensified and elevated to a higher threat level when it begins to raise questions of power and control. There is a difference between an argument, from a difference of opinion, between good friends and having a difference of opinion with your boss at work or others who you simply want to accept you and like you as a person. When differences of opinion are perceived as a threat of some kind, that creates a dangerous spiraling of emotion that will intensify the responses on both sides and escalate the rhetoric, and its heated nature will get out of hand at some point, and may even lead to violence if there is a sufficient motivation within to win the contest at all costs and to overpower one’s opponent rather than simply let it go and walk away if one is not getting anywhere.

Those reactions and decision points are the stock in trade of the propaganda artists wanting to shape public opinion, and the political operatives wanting to destroy their opposition by playing on emotion and fear among members of the public, to use smear tactics that tar their opponents holding opposing views. This scenario has been enacted over and over and over again at all levels of society and brought to you courtesy of the media. This serves as a template and role model for human conduct across the board. People do learn from what they observe, and will model their own behavior after others they see in action, and will adopt similar tone and tactics to handle the affairs in their personal life where they are confronted with someone they perceive as an obstacle, who holds differing views and challenges them. This might include family members. It can get in the way of marital harmony and even lead to divorce. It is an important distinction, to separate truth and falsehood, and to be quite careful about linking things that happen and personal characteristics as being inevitably good or bad or somewhere in between. Those are always personal judgments and, in that respect, unfair. Someone you have an intense dislike of might be deeply loved by someone else, so what then is the truth about their worth, how normal they are, and how good they might be? Goodness, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder as much as definable in an absolute sense.

The act of striving to be normal is a healthy response to the recognition one needs friends and companions and must go along to get along, to some degree at least, to fit in and gain acceptance. Most would consider this a good thing and because it is a yearning of the soul and important to human happiness, to not be alone, there is a virtue in accommodating oneself to the needs, expectations, and even demands of others at times. That is an aspect of sharing and being dutifully respectful to the views and needs of others because, after all, they might be quite different from yours, and if they are tolerating you, what gives you the right to not tolerate them if there is no true harm involved but only the issue of differing perceptions and assumptions based on individual impressions and beliefs.

Ultimately, the ability to tolerate others different than the self will be shown to represent a measure of inner strength and integrity developed from being in a state of completeness, at least significantly so, so as to not be threatened in the presence of others who might be quite different and uncertain about their willingness to see you as an equal. A person who is truly strong and self-confident will find a way to meet the challenge without it becoming a clash, to meet them halfway at least, and make some kind of offering that might be tentative, but at least a positive step towards mutual acceptance, to see what will happen. The biggest challenge people face is not truly knowing what is expected of them because they have a distorted view of what is “normal” and what will be considered “abnormal.” This is the biggest obstacle people face in finding acceptance and fitting into society because they are personally distorted in their thinking and have too many conflicting negative inner beliefs in their way.

Mattias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, uses the term mass formation psychosis to describe the power of authoritarian leaders to control their citizens when a significant percentage embrace a common ideology that replaces reason. Premier examples he points to are Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia under Stalin’s regime. He has been widely criticized and his ideas dismissed by authorities who see it as only a metaphorical description without a biological basis in fact. Is Desmet correct in his observations, that people who are led by and follow questionable leaders are often in the grip of a psychologically abnormal conformity? Is this a kind of mass delusion that is actually mind control being done by extraterrestrial controllers?

You are quite nicely rounding out the picture here for this fine thinker, who indeed has a finger on the pulse of human culture in perceiving a true dilemma, that a nation in the grip of authoritarianism displays many incongruities and inexplicable seeming behavior that in some respects is actually inhuman but not recognized as such, and that people begin to mirror that authoritarian perspective and willingly and even gleefully become devout acolytes who seek to punish those who resist and have dissenting views. This is all quite abnormal. Normal healthy people do not like to be dominated and manipulated through subjugation to obey authorities against self-interest. When that happens on a mass scale there is always a deeper story, and indeed it is mind control bringing about all such examples of collective thought, the so-called groupthink, the mass hysteria taking over a crowd so people join in to carry out wrongdoing and excessive conduct that is disruptive, undesirable, and not even in keeping with their normal behavior and personalities. The fact this is instigated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance is also the underlying reason why his ideas are quickly discounted by other authorities in the field of psychology. There is a mass mind controlled subjugation in every field of human endeavor and especially so for science, medicine, and psychology, especially. After all, this very phenomenon is the stock in trade of the interlopers and they need that secret protected. So as with many scientific controversies, confusion, disagreement, counterposing theories, and misrepresentation outright will be on display and may lead to a kind of cancel culture discrediting of someone who truly sees the truth and needs to be sidelined as a consequence. It may even reach the point where they are eliminated through a targeted killing.

Long wrote, “If the low self does not desire to have a prayer answered, it will not do its part in the work and effort is useless.” Also, “If the low self fears the change of the new, it will block the path.” What is Creator’s perspective?

It is correct that the low self, or subconscious levels of the mind, can have their own perspective and agenda and may not be on board with a conscious desire to pray for something in particular, but they are not the gatekeeper for what the conscious self desires to happen in terms of communication, so we will always hear what the conscious mind wants to tell us and ask of us. Where the possibility of competing and discordant agendas becomes important is that if all levels of the mind are not in harmony and holding similar intentions, this can limit the extent to which a prayer can be answered, so what this means is the subconscious levels of the mind do hold some power to limit divine intervention if they are opposed to the undertaking.

It is very common, in fact, that the subconscious mind becomes heavily corrupted by dark spirit attachments. There is also much programming of the subconscious mind by extraterrestrial interlopers via your technologies. Whenever you are watching a screen, a television, a cellphone, or a computer, for example, there will be communication beaming to you to alter your beliefs and emotions on a subconscious level. This complicates your life because you will be living with competing interests and agendas by different parts of your being, and the danger is that the views of the darkness might win out through the persistent presence of these corruptions in thinking that will filter up to the conscious level and begin to bias you to accept something unnatural that will work against your best interests.

This is why people are typically in warring camps, each of which might have diametrically opposed views. This is not natural because truth is truth, both camps cannot be right, but the ability to hold a strong ideological perspective in the face of evidence of its faultiness constitutes a kind of brainwashing that has taken place. All people are a mix of truth and untruth in the form of fixed beliefs that are programmed in through exposure to such influences. This is a massive healing need and opportunity to bring yourself, as a being, back into harmony and divine alignment. For that to happen requires rooting out bones of contention, points of friction, illogical conflicting beliefs, and especially many negative self-limiting beliefs that diminish your sense of self to feel unworthy and powerless. Your world is being subjugated, and this is the main way it is carried out, corrupting your mind to turn against you.

Long wrote about the kahuna interpretation of Christ’s crucifixion. “His weakness had been self-righteousness, the cardinal sin of the highest spiritual level. He had been held back by his desire to enjoy the fruits of his labors.” His pride had betrayed him and “laid him open to obsession by certain spirits who were evil because they forced on him the emotions of pride which were their own besetting sins in life. … As the curtain falls on the last scenes of the drama of crucifixion, all seems to be lost. And on the cross the man who had worked miracles called on the Father for help, and his prayer was cut off – it was not delivered and not heard (because of the blocking done by evil spirits obsessing him. Having gained unnoticed entry on account of the build-up of personal pride during his ministry). He suffered the most agonizing of deaths.” What can Creator tell us?

This is an overlay of a general scenario that is all too common in how people meet their end of life heavily encumbered by the negative karmic buildup of their own travails and, in addition, infested with dark spirit attachments, the spirit meddlers, who will do their utmost to reawaken the sore points and triggers of sources of pain and suffering from other lifetimes, and conduct a reign of terror convincing their host all is lost and they are a failure and powerless to change things, and may well cause physical discomfort and pain to reinforce the point.

The agony of Christ, knowing he would soon meet his fate, was quite real and his only failing was a wavering of faith in himself, that he could stand strong as an example to all in the face of unbelievable hatred and cruelty inflicted on him, as an icon, to make him an example to others who do not submit to the power of the state and its representatives. This was a human weakness, but inevitable given that Christ was not superhuman but a human being capable of interacting with the divine and be imparted with divine wisdom that made him above others, and a threat to the establishment, because truth is powerful. But, being human, the reality is that he was vulnerable, as all humans are, so the fact he was crucified was not a personal failing in any sense. He was a victim of the era, and the only way it could have been avoided was if he had compromised on his mission to stand up and speak truth to power in ways he did that drew the ire of the powers that be who condemned and killed him. So it was an act of courage as well as faith because if he lacked courage or sufficient faith, in the end, he could have avoided that dark fate by allowing himself to be visibly subjugated and diminished in accepting condemnation falsely. Instead, he held his ground, in representing the cause of the divine, and that led directly to his death. It was a noble and courageous act. Whether he wavered along the way in having a long period of build-up to this inevitable confrontation and ultimate sacrifice, is unimportant. It was a testament more to the extreme degree of his sacrifice and personal suffering that was his fate. That humanness is a testament to the reality he was a mortal and felt all of the pain involved with his torture and execution, and that is what makes it a noble sacrifice, indeed.

A practitioner asks: “I am a lightworker and I do the LHP daily for others and family. For the last six months, it feels like my family and myself have been under almost constant attack. I can almost feel it. I know we are promised protection by Source Creator, but is there anything else I need to do for my son and family? Will we be okay?” What can we tell her?

You are not under any additional risk in having your ongoing healing work underway on a regular basis—that is a blessing, not a liability. In truth, all humans are at risk and, in effect, in peril because of ongoing manipulations and dark planning. What is happening that you feel is an intuitive awareness, that has grown because of your work and your awareness of these overarching issues menacing humanity as a whole, it is not the case you are under extra scrutiny, because of your awareness or your LHP work, so you can relax and know that is hidden from outside observation and will not put you or your son and family at risk in any way, it will only help. After all, you are building some good karmic blessings from all you are doing to launch healing requests on behalf of many in need, so do not be overburdened and over-worrying about things. It will come together if everyone keeps going who are doing what they do now, and that includes you as a member of this team of humans wanting a better world for everyone, perpetrators and victims alike.

Long wrote: “The Egyptians came eventually to do their “anointing” with perfumed oil, and in the Greek this is to chrisom, and from that word came “Christ,” or he who was cleansed …” What exactly was Jesus cleansed of, his karmic backlog? What can Creator tell us?

This is one of many clues in the Scriptures about the existence of karma and its importance in things. Much of that was edited out along the way because it is useful knowledge and those who have a more predatory and political orientation, wanting to subvert divine rule, have contaminated your thinking and corrupted beliefs in many subtle but significant ways to keep people limited in their understanding of how the universe works and the reality of the divine.

The person of Jesus Christ was indeed cleansed, and by that, separated from his karmic history for the duration of his lifetime. As such, he was not subject to the normal slings and arrows of life, brought by the Law of Karma, causing you to meet up with people you have had problems with in the past, for example. So he started out in life literally as pristine with no baggage, so to speak, from any prior karmic events. This gave him a tremendous advantage in being able to stand strong and be unflappable under difficult circumstances, because he was not weakened by karmic forces as typically happens with people. This is why so many are timid or weak, or uninvolved, or perhaps even wanting to avoid altogether a difficult circumstance, and done more out of fear than simply not wanting to take a risk as a calculated decision. So many people are wounded again and again by recurring negative karmic history impinging on them in various ways, through a return of pressuring influences and former opponents, that it is hard to even get through life and stay strong and healthy, and not succumb to the erosion of the wellbeing that karma can well bring about, because people have not been taught how to heal such things and rise above their karmic legacy.

So this gave Jesus Christ a tremendous advantage, and that served as an object lesson to all about the importance of karma, but unfortunately was poorly expressed in the historical accountings that survived that era, mostly put into written form many years later. But we are glad you are asking this question, and he is as well, because he wants all to know that their lives can surmount the greatest of difficulties. Even though he was killed, he stood strong and honored himself, and that is what allowed his example to serve as a legacy for thousands of years in being a shining example of truth on the march regardless of risk and consequence. Doing the right thing is its own reward because the good karma, and the absence of bad, will carry you much further than you can imagine in joyous ways that will reward you greatly.

We learned recently from Creator that Reptilians taught sorcery to early Native Americans. One of the feared powers of witches was the supposed power to “shapeshift” and take on the form of an animal. A great many folk tales recount incidents of witches taking on the form of a black cat, for instance, to stalk the witch’s victims. Were some of these incidents genuine, but involving shapeshifting Reptilians taking on the persona of a witch in order to spread fear and disbelief?

These practices have been encouraged at times by the interlopers exactly as you describe, by the Reptilians in particular, because they are shapeshifting beings who can use their consciousness to change form into any other creatures by reconfiguring their energy. What is not needed is held in another dimension until an intention is acted upon to recombine the whole, to perhaps return to their native state as a Reptilian being, or to go into some other configuration perhaps. As such, the Reptilians have, in effect, a magical capability that would naturally astound human beings who were naïve and unaware of their existence and might well see them as gods. But if wrongdoing is suggested, would begin to see them as perhaps a satanic influence, and that would not be far from the truth of things because Reptilians are psychopaths and never wanting to help humanity but only cause mischief and greater harm, including acts of genocide.

So the infusion of knowledge about using “psychic attacks,” which is a more general term for “entraining conscious intention to effect an end result that brings harm to another individual,” was done to create confusion, fear, and add to general dissatisfaction and points of friction within the culture. This was intended to drag things down and was quite effective in doing so. The term “witch hunt” comes from episodes in history where witchcraft was suspected of causing serious problems, and an aroused and angry public went on literal witch hunts to find the culprit using the dark arts for wrongdoing and seeking retribution to punish them, and perhaps an ultimate sanction through execution to prevent further wrongdoing. Because witchcraft and its influence is not easily traced with any kind of accuracy, this is a prescription for legal disaster, in not being able to be sure who was a culprit and who was someone simply under suspicion, and that is an invitation to not only see many mistaken judgments but even purposeful manipulation of group fear to get revenge readily against an adversary, simply by making accusations and letting the hysteria of the times run away with the rumor, and end in the death of falsely accused individuals.

Because witchcraft is real, so it is possible to cause harm through consciousness when one knows how to do so, such stories likely have a basis in reality. There is always an aura of uncertainty and fear, which can be exaggerated, but many times there was a true basis in reality where someone was purposefully harmed through witchcraft. This, in effect, is a kind of “pact with the devil,” so to speak, because what it is doing is making a willful choice to depart from divine alignment. This is true any time someone chooses to harm others regardless of the way it is done. So because witchcraft is subtle and not easily traced, one can get away with wrongdoing, but that is only in a legal sense, not in a moral one. So practitioners of witchcraft will owe karmic penalties for each and every karmic misstep they take when they seek to manipulate someone else, which is an invasion of personal sovereignty, regardless of intention, and not appropriate because it is a violation of their free will and free agency to make their own choices. Such karmic penalties will always eventually take a toll because the Law of Karma seeks a rebalancing and, if the karmic debt comes due, may arrange a repayment that is quite painful and even life-shortening in some cases.