One of the most common everyday superstitions is the idea of “beginner’s luck.” Is there such a thing? There is an article by columnist Stephanie Pappas, on, titled Thirteen Common (but silly) Superstitions to Savor. In it, Pappas writes about beginner’s luck: “Like many superstitions, a belief in beginner’s luck might arise because of confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a psychological phenomenon in which people are more likely to remember events that fit their worldview. If you believe you’re going to win because you’re a beginner, you’re more likely to remember all the times you were right—and forget the times you ended up in last place.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is a common blending of scientific theory and observational descriptions of human behavior and making an attempt to explain one with the other. In actuality, these are two separate phenomena but can merge in certain circumstances. So it does not hold that because confirmation bias can be demonstrated to occur, based on statistically analyzed data, that does not mean it gives rise to superstition necessarily, even though it is creating false assumptions. When people link an experience, like doing better when first trying something new and then having a decline in performance, to make the assumption luck is somehow a factor that helps a beginner but then is somehow mysteriously unavailable, or actively withdrawn to thwart them in repeating a prior good performance, is a leap of logic beyond reason and dives into “magical thinking” based on no objective reality whatsoever. This superstition, of beginner’s luck, is actually based on a differing reality than science recognizes, and that is that humanity is under subjugation, it is being actively suppressed to dim people down, dumb them down, and interfere, even in daily activities of a mundane sort, simply as a kind of amusement and recreation for powerful beings who are running things from behind the scenes.

We understand full well that a critic could have a field day with this answer, seeing this as yet another psychological aberration, on the part of your channel here, simply tapping into some inner subconscious recesses having a paranoid nature, causing him to elaborate a conspiracy theory about boogeymen or an evil satanic force perhaps, but assuming it rests solely within his psyche as a self-created source of negativity with no basis in reality. The literal truth is, many times people do well on their first foray because no one is watching and they simply can perform well at the outset, but when they return to repeat the performance there may be something actively wanting to manipulate them, to trip them up, and going out of its way to make that happen. This, of course, would not be perceived consciously by the individual, and thus cannot be reckoned with, understood, or a new theory formulated to factor in outside forces being brought to bear to influence a person—that is the true origin of this superstition.

Many times the darkness will choose to wait until someone has achieved something in order to take it away and heighten the loss, and its consequences, from that failure. They love to pull the rug out from under the successful. It is much more thrilling for them to take down the mighty than to attack a weakling barely getting started. This fits perfectly, having many people with a personal history of initial accomplishment but then waning capability causing them to perhaps give up and assume they are no good at something when, in fact, the opposite is the case but the rewards are being denied them through a manipulation to make them fail. There is a psychological consequence of failure, especially with a prior record of success, because that will heighten the pain and perceived inadequacy in not being consistent and reliable in one’s abilities—that self‑doubt can grow and create an attitude of negativity that will undermine the self and decrease the likelihood of success overall.

But that is more likely to happen when there is an active manipulation going on, creating a painful reversal of fortune. If a person does have the talent to do something, and that is demonstrated at the outset when they first try something out, there is no good reason for them not to build on that happy circumstance with continued improvement and continued refinement of their skill and knowledge that is likely owing to inner talent. So the issue is not that they are simply lucky and getting away with something not deserved. For them to start failing takes some doing, in actuality, and would not likely happen on its own. To the extent superstitions are believed, they will infect others with illogical notions. So it is certainly, of course, possible that many people who do well at something at first, but then struggle to match their prior performance, might think themselves, or be told, they did well because it was only beginner’s luck, and that acts as a kind of cursing and, if believed, can hold power and make a person withdraw from the contest which is only an ability to overcome the self and its faulty notions.

“Throwing salt over your shoulder.” Salt is thought to create a spiritual barrier that evil spirits cannot cross, or find difficult to cross. Many magicians and sorcerers use it to create “magic circles” with the thought that if they stay inside, they will be protected from the very demons they conjure. What can Creator tell us about the spiritual properties of salt, if any?

What we can tell you is there is simply an association of salt with spirit energy, and salt is falsely assumed to confer protective properties, and can form a protective barrier around a location to keep a person safe from spirit attack, when this is not the case. It is strictly superstition, but again is reflecting the reality that spirits are a true hazard and menace of significant power. The widespread practice of putting salt at locations, at the borders around a location, as in the four corners of a room of a home to create a kind of sanctuary, might be self-reassuring as a ritual but that is only a self-soothing gesture and not a significant deterrent in any way to spirits and what they can do. They are unaffected by anything in the physical, being in a somewhat higher energetic vibration to begin with, so what is needed is a better tool, in fact divine intervention, to deal with dark spirits and the risks they represent to the living, and not a superstitious notion that once again is based on an intuitive awareness there is some truth behind the ritual, and that is why it is adopted so widely and has stood the test of time down through the ages. Unfortunately, the level of ignorance has prevented advancing beyond a kind of primitive acceptance of folklore, as being all one needs to live their life with safety and security, when it is a hollow promise and a misdirection in the bargain. The whole notion got started as a lie to disempower humans and keep them vulnerable to spirit manipulation.

A great many superstitions seem to revolve around an obsession with evil, and warding it off, especially. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol will do more to protect you and your loved ones than slavish adherence to timeworn superstitions, even and especially if there is something to them?

The tools of the divine revealed through your channel and his scholarly study and persistent striving to learn the truth of things—the origins of problems of all kinds, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual—have culminated in teachings about Empowered Prayer as a ready way for anyone to enlist the help of the divine for daily needs, many of which can be influenced by dark forces to complicate things and create hazards. The deep origins of misguided beliefs can be reversed through a divine intervention, arranged by the Lightworker Healing Protocol, which includes a very powerful healing request that will work across timelines to deal with the origins of inner negative beliefs, and missing soul attributes resulting from episodes of trauma and the pain and suffering they caused as well as personal transgression, in becoming a perpetrator at times, that the Law of Karma will bring back around to you and cause a disruption of your life that will lead to trouble, inner conflict, and a disruption of things in your dealings with others. All of these dynamics are not immediately understandable to the conscious level of the mind because it is disconnected from deep below and has no awareness of other lifetimes and their ongoing influence on the present, nor does it see, in most cases, the workings of dark spirits manipulating a person from deep within or affecting people around them to make them difficult, hostile, and a danger.

There are many road hazards in life. A self-prescribed ritual that is a kind of superstition will not save you. What is needed to deal with negativity of all kinds, including outside sources of consciousness that can impinge on you and threaten you directly, is a divine intervention to restore, replenish, replace, and refine what has been damaged or thrown in disarray by the difficulties of life. That will strengthen you and make you invulnerable to outside manipulation, but you need to be protected from harm in order to regain your equilibrium and rise to a higher state of vibration that will be self-protective. This, the Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to do, because it addresses all sources of negativity from within or without, and is comprehensive in addressing virtually any kind of need and its root causes. As such, it can work across timelines even, to go into your history and begin to change the karmic consequences of past trauma, to remove the karmic imperative for you to revisit old challenges again and again perhaps. If this includes vulnerability to dark spirits, which has been commonplace throughout history, this will set you up for a nightmarish existence, potentially, if you have no way to cope with the savagery of these evil entities working to harm you. If they get a toehold and work their way into your energy field, you will not be able to dislodge them on your own, and nor will anyone else, only through working with the divine in partnership can such dark doings be reckoned with effectively and people restored to their former wellbeing.

This is true for all kinds of adversity, whether chronic illness, a mental or emotional impairment, or a state of inadequacy in coping with life, building strong bonds of love with others, and other personal shortcomings. Those happen through becoming impaired through faulty thinking that is self-destructive, and especially through harm imposed by outside beings, physical or in spirit form. It is through the divine that you can be guided, supported, healed, and protected if you know how to ask for the right things, and in the right way, to provide instructions for the divine in what is needed. Without any knowledge or specificity, to understand your dilemma, an appeal for help gives little for the divine to work with as fuel to save you. This is why getting outside help from a practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol can truly save the day, because many need an outside advocate, because they lack an adequate belief in the divine, or in themselves, from being beaten down by life and becoming so negative they cannot support their own healing energetically, in giving the divine realm enough energy to work with.

Everyone has baggage gained from prior trauma. There is always an intention to work on this with each new incarnation. If not addressed, the damage will remain for the next life to deal with, compounded by anything happening in the interim, to add fuel to the fire from further wounding that will happen, inevitably, in the course of a lifetime. This cycle must stop in order for humanity to progress or even continue its existence. The sooner people begin to work in earnest on these problems, in ways that will truly work and are not a makeshift ritual of some kind that is well-intended but lacks power to truly change things, the sooner the world will improve and help you get out from under the adversity because this is what is needed to solve the problem of evil once and for all—it is human responsibility to see to this and that is the knowledge that has been missing.

Is the Israeli growth in GDP in recent years due directly to the free market capitalism introduced by Bibi Netanyahu as prime minister, to replace the prior high-tax socialist regime?

This is not a self-serving exaggeration for political purposes as you fear, given that he is once again running for Prime Minister in that country and is promoting his autobiography on his present book tour of the US. He is a straight shooter. Not that he is perfect, as no human being is, but he is not exaggerating his life and his achievements, nor this particular perspective in moving his nation towards a more traditional and conservative perspective to have things based on personal freedom and initiative. And his country has thrived with that framework because it is a country of doers with an entrepreneurial spirit, as they are used to taking care of themselves and have a close-knit feel and loyalty about their nation, given they are coming from the darkest of histories having been subjugated for thousands of years and are seeking to triumph. That is a wonderful motivation and a recognition of the basic reality of things, because their particular cultural history was the poster child for subjugation being done worldwide. They lived it quite intensely as a group with common ideology and heritage, and they know from bitter life experience how fragile freedom really is and that it needs care and feeding, and mostly a place where personal liberty is prized and viewed as contributing to the common good. It is far better than socialism where all, in effect, become a kind of slave to the state and lose individual identity and worth, personally, as they are interchangeable, more like numbers than human beings. As such, socialism is ultimately stultifying and limiting and will lead to stagnation, corruption, and destruction. And that is its purpose, to be a deceptive solution to helping people get assistance and help when they are coming from behind, but the lure of an even-handed sharing rather than raising up a nation, will reduce it to the lowest common denominator and eventually, all will share the life of the downtrodden and will be living in poverty in a mediocre existence. Netanyahu is being divinely guided to seek a better way and that is why his choices resonate with him, because they are in alignment with divine truth for the most part, and this has helped him be a force for good, more so than a negative influence on his country.

A viewer asks: “Of several meanings that may be associated with the term FAITH, does “a firm belief in something for which there is no proof” best reflect the agreement that exists between humanity and the divine realm, where humanity is asked to believe in the presence and power of the divine but the divine realm cannot provide proof?”

This neatly describes the main dilemma of needing faith in us, that we are not on display, visible to you, and working actively in a back-and-forth collaboration with an exchange of words and visible actions in response to your direct requests. That would show visibly we are hearing you and responding, and your faith is justified because you are getting steady feedback of our presence and that we are truly there for you, wanting to help, and acting accordingly. Because we are invisible and work behind the scenes, and often work indirectly many times through the efforts and energy of others who might be the ones coming to your rescue, or simply providing some upliftment, encouragement, or a practical benefit of some kind that serves a need to help keep you going but is our handiwork, it is hard for you to know this. It does not come with our signature attached nor can we go out of our way to toot our own horn—that would be proving our existence and that is going against the rules of engagement. Our charter you established, in conjunction with our desire for your help with the Divine Human Free Will Experiment, is to not lead you, but let you lead. That is what will prove, in the end, the wisdom of our experiment, having created you to solve the problem of evil, because if that comes about it will truly be to your credit and not ours, because we will have stayed in the background and let you lead the enterprise. So even though we are helping, the burden is on you to learn what you need to do, and engage us for assistance in ways that can work, having learned the hard way what it takes to make an effective request of the divine that will get results.

This has been a long hard learning curve and upward slog against strong headwinds seeking to diminish and subjugate you, and now ultimately destroy you and all of humanity. It is hard to conceive of a tougher challenge than what you have been faced with for thousands of years now, yet you have kept at it all this time and it is a testament to faith you have been able to cope with such adversity and still strive to become successful, many times seeking to do good without truly understanding why, or what is at stake, but nonetheless fulfilling your contract with us to be a lightworker and help the cause of the divine of which you are a living breathing extension, and thus a part of us and the plans underway. But this arrangement illustrates very clearly why faith is so important because without it you would likely falter and give up the struggle simply out of ignorance and confusion, not having a true goal in mind, let alone a reward being offered describing what will happen with your eventual success. That, too, is a testament to the power of faith, that you have all kept going under such trying circumstances. But we understand the desire and yearning you have because it is a reflection of your need to be with us, and when you are not it takes a toll and is perceived as having something important missing for that is the truth of things. So working on faith to keep it going, nurture it, and strengthen it as well is not only worthwhile, it is the key to success that will enable you to go the distance and win this contest underway.

Theodore Roosevelt said: “Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.” What is Creator’s perspective?

While not perfectly worded, with respect to the issue of responsibility and accountability, it is certainly true that the wealthy will encounter much resentment from others of lesser means who are jealous of their perceived status and the many advantages that financial security represents. There are many reasons people become wealthy, and if justly deserved and earned, even through inheritance, through no fault of one’s own, the very fact of having such a life circumstance is not a transgression. If someone has taken advantage of others to get ahead financially, that is a different matter. But it is true that all people of means will encounter hostility from the many who will often experience envy of those who are well-off because they feel inferior and are lacking and have no way, at least from their perspective, of achieving the same wealth for themselves. So rather than have that serve as a motivation, and perhaps be a constructive perspective in turning to envy and jealousy, they are giving in to a much-lowered vibration that will cause harm to themselves and may well drag them down permanently. Such individuals may end up in extreme poverty when they become trapped in a downward spiral of hatred and resentment towards others enjoying better circumstances, and end up feeling it was undeserved and unfair for them to have less and become trapped in feeling helpless to change their life for the better because they blame the wealthy for their own shortcomings.

In truth, it is possible for all to do well financially if they apply themselves and are willing to work hard for the rewards it brings. While not all can be billionaires, many can do better than living on welfare or becoming homeless and surrendering to that lifestyle through helplessness, perhaps aided through addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Such a degraded state is a high price to pay for perceived unfairness about one’s lot in life, when that outcome will most likely be determined by the individual’s own choices that cause a downward spiral making things much, much worse compared to where they started.

The Seven Deadly Sins of the Catholic Church are also known as mortal or cardinal sins. defines mortal sin as: “Mortal sin, also called cardinal sin, in Roman Catholic theology, the gravest of sins, representing a deliberate turning away from God and destroying charity (love) in the heart of the sinner. A mortal sin is defined as a grave action that is committed in full knowledge of its gravity and with the full consent of the sinner’s will. Such a sin cuts the sinner off from God’s sanctifying grace until it is repented, usually in confession with a priest. A person who dies unrepentant of the commission of mortal sin is believed to descend immediately into hell, where they suffer the separation from God that they chose in life.” What is Creator’s perspective?

We have discussed with you many times some of the small variances from church doctrine, from the various religious denominations and heritages, that would seem to define them as differing in fundamental ways, but this is more an exaggeration than a reality. What we would say is exaggerated, most unfortunately, is the extent to which those who practice a particular religion not only believe it is the ultimate and truest word of God but worth fighting and dying to defend, to the exclusion of all others, in a kind of self-righteous declaration of superiority. That is flirting very dangerously with some of the Seven Deadly Sins we will be discussing. So, at the risk of stepping on toes, you are entering shark-infested waters here of long-standing assumptions of validity, being literally carved in stone, and accepted as pillars of the true church. So we will venture forth on your behalf to help clarify the truth of things because there is one ultimate truth always and that lies with us, the Creator of All That Is, and not with how humans present divine wisdom through various filters, many quite ancient, in bringing forth working principles that made their way into religious doctrine.

So, first of all, we would say we do not like the term “sin” at all because it taints whatever follows with being tied to all of the prior doctrine, some of which is faulty or an exaggeration of divine truth in some respect. Those who have felt uncomfortable with the constraints of formalized religion, and drifted away for that very reason, will be highly sensitive to the imposition of the word “sin” to describe human conduct because it is very much wrapped up in rigid theocracy that is much about blaming and shaming rather than uplifting and healing. We prefer the latter approach. So we would rather the word “sin” be replaced with “transgression,” meaning “a departure from divine alignment that can harm the self or others, or both.” That is a more neutral term in departing from the quite emotionally loaded discussions about sin that are also so tied to an ultimate sanction, even so horrific as going to hell and suffering for an eternity of endless torture. This we must also correct at the outset, that the idea of “hell” was simply a metaphor to present the reality that conduct out of alignment will bring consequences, and those can be quite severe, they can be lifelong and be life-limiting as well.

The true divine reckoning people are taught to fear about their presumed “sinful conduct” is not supplied by us at all but by the Law of Karma which looks at the energy of what wrongdoing happened and applies a comeuppance, a day of reckoning, through some means that is in proportion to the transgression, to provide a life lesson by way of feedback commensurate with the magnitude of the wrongdoing engaged in. That is a very precise way to have a workable system, with feedback to help keep things on track and keep them honest. There is no physical hell one is banished to or will find themselves within if they have transgressed too severely and not atoned in some way. It is a concept only, that is well-intentioned to scare people into walking a straight and narrow path so as to not offend God and be condemned. We would rather see you walk a straight and narrow path of your choosing because you come to understand you will pay a price but it will be determined by you, and then lived by you, but can also be healed by you in choosing a partnership with the divine to provide a way out of your dilemma, and this we will be discussing in detail as we proceed.

The summaries of each of the deadly sins are taken from an article written by Father James Shafer, Understanding the 7 Deadly Sins, at ( The first deadly sin is PRIDE: “An excessive love of self or the desire to be better or more important than others. ‘Respect for the human person proceeds by way of respect for the principle that “everyone should look upon his neighbor (without exception) as ‘another self,’ above all bearing in mind his life and the means necessary for living it with dignity.”‘” What is Creator’s perspective?

Prideful thoughts, feelings, and conduct are indeed destructive and a karmic misstep that will call forth a karmic consequence intended to present an opportunity to make restitution. That is the way to fix a “wrong,” by putting a “right” in its place. An act of loving kindness or forgiveness can be a perfectly proportioned replacement for an act taking away something or causing harm to another or the self as well. Pride is a deadly sin because it is all too likely to happen as a consequence of too great an ego involvement. When one relies on their ego to choose their actions, they are putting the wrong part of themselves in charge. The ego is a powerful force for maintaining safety and security but, in its power to preserve and defend, it carries risk of going overboard and dominating others to attain such personal superiority—that can be hurtful and quite harmful and will always damage the self as well, as a consequence.

So this description you have in your question, of respect for your neighbor as “another self,” is wise indeed. It is a reflection of one of the important divine truths we have promoted for living in divine alignment, that there must be a balance between self-service and service to others in how one goes about their affairs. This is why our first principle is to “Raise up the self with no harm to others,” stating clearly there needs to be a balance and not an excess of self-preference, self-praise, self-concern, self-indulgence, and self‑serving impulses and actions. The second divine principle for living is, “Raise up others with no harm to the self,” and that is a perfect counterpoint, the opposite side of the same coin, that one should not be neglectful of those around them, and that it is indeed divine to help fellow beings to do their best, be their best, and treat them in the way one would want the self treated, and that is nicely incorporated in these general principles as being a kind of energetic balance to not overdo things in either direction in terms of, on the one hand, favoring the self in a helpful way but not at the expense of others, and to help others in a helpful way but without harm to the self. One can choose to make a sacrifice, but doing things for others at too great an expense for the self is a disservice to one’s own soul, and that is a karmic misstep every bit as harmful as harming another.

The sixth deadly sin is ANGER (or WRATH): “Uncontrolled feelings of hatred or rage. ‘Anger is a desire for revenge … The Lord says, “Everyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment.”‘” What is Creator’s perspective?

In this rather narrow focus and description, there is divine truth to the extent that anger is one of the more destructive states of being due to its high level of energy and holding an intention of attacking an opponent, in some way or another, if only emotionally. That alone can bring harm. It constitutes what we would describe as being a “psychic attack,” the power of consciousness to go out to that target and leave a mark that will register on their being. That will be seen by the Law of Karma and can undermine that person and make them a victim of the anger, deserved or not. This, in turn, creates a karmic liability for the one initially angry at someone because their record of existence will show this event as an attack on a fellow human, that is out of alignment by its very nature, and the level of harm will call for a rebalancing and repayment in kind, and this will arrange for something to happen to that angry person, to put them in a similar challenge, and it could well be as a recipient of anger to give them a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. And so this is how the idea of judgment is recognized, as a likely prospect for excessive or out‑of‑control anger, because it is so very harmful it is equally toxic to the self and is corrosive. It can destroy a person from within because it will eat at their own connection to the divine, because it is the opposite of divine intention by its very nature and vibration and, as such, it will lower the angry person and make them less effective in every respect, in terms of being in divine alignment and how they would think, feel, and act in that higher vibrational state.

We must caution to not close the door on anger, as to be avoided at all costs, and that is because anger does have a useful place in the spectrum of emotional responses to things that is within the capability of everyone, at least in their native state. It was Creator’s Plan to have this capability on board, particularly in the environment you enter with each incarnation. You are in a land of difficulty, challenge, and many examples of evil being expressed and launched again and again at individuals and groups of people. Many, many times feelings of anger arise because there is a perception of unfairness taking place. So anger is a useful expression of innate wisdom in giving a tangible reflection of unfair treatment. The key is how to respond because anger can be turned to good advantage if it helps strengthen a person to act in a way that is effective, to right a wrong, for example, in providing a motivation and some extra energy as well to speak up and speak out rather than be complacent and overlook a wrong state of affairs that would perpetuate harm being done to someone or the self.

So again, the key is one of attaining balance so that when one feels anger, to assess the causes and act in a measured, balanced way, that can be effective in changing things for the better without incurring a greater penalty through aggravating a problem and making it grow. This is often the result of fighting fire with fire, things can spiral out of control all too readily, where angry words exchanged becomes a physical altercation, and perhaps serious violence in the end. Just as bad are situations causing great anger that is never put right and healed, leaving people with resentment and grudges that fester and drag everyone down. This creates a chronic state of imbalance and may cause people to launch chronic psychic attacks against their object of disaffection, and that compounds the karmic negativity that will count against you if you become drawn into a situation triggering too much anger and have no way to heal it.

The seventh deadly sin is ENVY: “Sadness or desire for the possessions, happiness, talents or abilities of another. ‘Envy can lead to the worst crimes. “Through the devil’s envy death entered the world.”‘” What is Creator’s perspective?

Here again, there is a grain of truth in this kind of historical representation of envy and its origins and consequences. The falling out in heaven, of the angelics working with Lucifer, began with envy of those with greater authority and a greater measure of control and influence on things, perceived as “a greater level of status,” and that envy fueled the ego and resulted in conduct that was out of alignment, and grew in frequency and intensity, causing those angels to experience a greater and greater deviation from the ideal divine alignment they had enjoyed. The further they departed from that ideal, the harder they found it to recover until eventually, it became impossible for them, and this downward spiral led to a state of being where they refused all help, through a growing mistrust and then fear of the light, not wanting to have to face an inevitable reckoning as seeming far too painful. That is a huge price to pay—being at the risk of never returning to heaven and eventually losing everything through a recycling of the soul back into a basic generic energy—the ultimate expression of death forever.

This speaks strongly of the wisdom in not overreaching because someone is further along in their journey, has more learning and capability, and thus enjoys the advantages you have not acquired yet. There are no real shortcuts to such attainment other than putting in the effort and the work, the passion, the duty, and the meeting of responsibilities to remain steadfast and see to your personal growth and learning. That is how all rewards come about, they cannot simply be taken from others and, to the extent you might become preoccupied and be envious, it becomes an attack on your very soul at some point because it will sideline you through misdirection and a lowering of your sights to indulge in negativity that is destructive and ultimately life-limiting.