In contrast to the remote viewers’ futile efforts to use remote viewing to win the lottery, there is Helen Hadsell who reportedly used visualization to win all kinds of contests with improbable odds. Wikipedia says of Hadsell, “She claimed that her ability to win contests came from the ‘projection of energy each person possesses’ which she called ‘auric energy.’ She championed the phrase, ‘Anything the mind can conceive – and believe – it can achieve.'” Wikipedia further states, “She further shared that the contests she won were something she felt ahead of time that she would win, including the Formica home. She reported that she had picked out a lot and had plans drawn up even before she was declared the winner. Similarly, she said she had acquired passports and required immunizations before winning a foreign trip.” She was clearly of the belief “that anyone can do this” with visualization. She is one of those credited with popularizing visualization as a means of getting whatever you want. Can Creator tell us what the backstory is on Helene Hadsell and her success versus the remote viewers’ failure?

This is an interesting example of what can be done by someone with strong belief and who is also in divine alignment. This is a rare combination of qualities and attributes in having a natural gift for being able to see the future from looking at her own akashic records, which indeed have the past, the present, and future extensions being recorded simultaneously. If one is sufficiently intuitive and able to tune in accurately to their own personal akashic records, they will be able to discern much specific information about their own doings in the past as well as the provisional future at least. She was able to profit personally because this was viewed as a useful demonstration of what is real about intuition. So it was seen by the divine realm as a benefit to have such an example by someone who was not trying to curry special favor but simply seeing there was an alignment of opportunities for her, and following up in a way that would put her in the game, so to speak. So this was seen as a win-win by divine realm, to present an example of possibilities, to showcase psychic ability in a positive light, in a way that was harming no one.

Keep in mind that doing this was not simply because she was a favorite of the light, it was because the majority of humanity is at a huge disadvantage through manipulation by the darkness to squelch individual attainment, success, and happiness much of the time. This is manipulated to be the case. People are dimmed down and dumbed down as a routine. Your ability to see things intuitively was corrupted genetically, long, long ago. It is only through Creator reawakening those properties, at least to some degree, that enables people to do what they can do, like this woman. The premier use for intuitive reach is to be in tune with and communicating with the divine realm as an ideal. That rarely happens other than for a few gifted souls. This is how prophets come to be. They have natural gifts and a life mission to use them for the higher good. This can be through many means and while this might seem like a prosaic life lived on a solely physical level, even for material gain, this fits into a larger picture as we have described for you. One must start somewhere to promote the idea of what divinity can do. It is like a puzzle. You must find your way back home by following the breadcrumbs, so to speak, and putting two and two together. This is because we cannot lead too directly but only hint at the possibilities as a reminder and encouragement, to show opportunities, but you must recognize these for what they represent and follow the lead to a larger understanding that may well awaken you to pursue a deeper truth. This is how the contest you are here to solve between good and evil will be won, it will be won by those following their inner guidance coming from us, as well as your own inner nature and desires as soul characteristics.

So this example you give is more one of a special circumstance for a special life mission and not something anyone can emulate, at least not to have an exact replay of her circumstances of seeming good luck time after time. There are many applications and benefits in applying intuitive ability. That is a natural ability all have within them to some degree, if only in a latent form. Not all will be able to reawaken it and put it to good use, but just knowing it is there for a high purpose, and that the divine is real and is connecting with many through their intuitive abilities, is valuable knowledge in seeking the truth of things, and that awakening has a tremendous value far beyond the personal benefits to any individual human being in what they can do that makes them special.

Ricky Martin said: “Buddha’s teachings are very simple, you don’t have to break your head to understand the message. The part that I like the most from Buddha’s teachings and from His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, is that the most powerful weapon is to not attack, to be able to have self-control.” What is Creator’s perspective?

It is useful to see many perspectives about how one lives and carries out an important mission to advance the cause of the divine, and that very much includes the cause of humanity. You are indeed the divine human, an extension of our consciousness, and thus you share our holiness from your very inception and continued existence, but you have the free will choice in how you express that, or even hold it in your awareness, and give it value and consideration in guiding your life in any way whatsoever. It is all up to you. We would remind you that you do have an obligation to the care and feeding of your soul. When you go against your divinity, it will take a toll on you because you are not honoring the truth of things, and your soul will suffer, and it will have an impact on you wherever you are and whatever you might be doing. This is true for all beings who go against their nature for whatever reason, there will be a consequence of some unpleasantness that will result.

This is perfectly understandable, and predictable, being the nature of energy. When energies are aligned they combine together to make a greater whole. When they are in conflict, they clash, and may well cancel out one another and bring about a diminishment. It is all governed by your intention as a conscious soul-based being. You are in charge of this. Everything that happens to you, you are responsible for. The first obligation is to know what you are about, keep a reasonable perspective in mind, husband your resources so you do not overexert yourself, or engage in a kind of folly by overreaching, and put yourself at risk by taking on more than you can handle, and certainly, to not make a karmic misstep through wrongdoing that will cause you to lose ground, or that misstep will have an energetic consequence you will have to repay to bring things back into balance.

The key is self-control. If you learn as you go with due caution and respect for the realities of existence, taking care with what you do and how you do it, being respectful of your circumstances, the rights of others, and have a realistic assessment of your own strengths and weaknesses, this will favor achieving success and avoiding failure. So having self-control does not simply mean a state of inaction so as to not make a transgression through taking a risk and failing to do the right thing, it is employing your energy wisely and well in all you do. That control will be an ongoing need and a dynamic moment-by-moment recalibration of energetic flow guided by your thoughts and feelings, as intentions to make things happen or hold them in abeyance. You cannot do everything at once and sometimes an emotional reaction might lead to an ill-considered act that will have a consequence that cannot be recalled. Controlling the emotions to prevent an ill‑considered overreaction to something, or a temptation to lash out at someone because of their wrongdoing may only worsen things and is a missed opportunity to regain inner balance and equanimity, through self-control, before one decides how to respond to mistreatment. So this indeed is a very important principle, capability, and goal wrapped into one, because everything about the spectrum of possibilities, from good to bad, right to wrong, lofty to empty, or depraved at the extremes, will be a function of ongoing oversight, calibration, and a regulation of energy in how it is utilized, all of which depends on self-control and, with experience, growing wisdom in the art of living.

Is holiness an end in itself, or a means to an end? Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol enhance and empower the pursuit of holiness, and most important, remove the obstacles to the practical attainment of holiness for both the individual and humanity itself?

The concept of holiness is a handy description of divinity as both a challenge and an opportunity. This is why it is both a means to an end and an end in itself, because you are starting from a state of disconnection and a state of incompletion, and it will be the attainment of greater holiness, a greater depth and breadth in all you are in the moment, that will mark your progress, your growth, your learning, and thus your success in advancing the cause of the divine and the expression of your very soul in the doing. We would say that “holiness” is a synonym for “lovingness.” Loftiness is the attainment of a loving state of being, so the word “holy” and the concept of “holiness” has often been misunderstood and has many times served to keep people separate from us rather than be a useful description that would inspire and point the way for you to succeed in your life more readily, more completely, and more rewardingly, because the term seems vague, and that is owing to the fact you are disconnected from us. So an attribute of ours, represented by the term “holiness,” will seem vague to you, an ineffable quality unattainable by a human being even, and that adds to the separation and state of disconnection to represent a kind of impossibility, that we are up here and you are down there and never the twain shall meet or certainly approach the same state of being. That is most unfortunate because if “holiness” were truly understood as “lovingness” you would, most of you, relate to that quite naturally and strongly from your own inner readiness for love and yearning for love—that is not simply a human quality but a divine one.

Your yearning for love is a yearning for holiness. Your diminished state, being a diminished and flawed human being compared to the loftiness of the divine, is only another way of describing having a lack of love in your life being felt and expressed. The problem then becomes, if love comes from the divine, how can that be attained? This is a pragmatic and meaningful perspective because the search for love will lead you to discover the obstacles in the way, and that has everything to do with your life purpose and mission here. As a warrior for the light, a lightworker supreme, capable of reckoning with and solving the problem of evil, you must have the wherewithal and the tools you need to step into that role and make that journey a successful one. Solving the problem of evil will mean bringing love back into a loveless world, a loveless galaxy, and raising up loveless beings by helping bring about a restoration of the possibility of love being felt and shared by the loveless. You will need divine assistance in this because it is a daunting task, but nothing is impossible for the divine—that is what you need to keep in mind.

We are giving you the tools you will need to have enough leverage to bring divine power to bear in a way that can help you to win this struggle, this contest between good and evil you have taken on. Empowered Prayer will help restore your understanding and your inner alignment with truth that will better allow love to flow into you, and that will have many advantages, it will give you fuel to work with for all that you do and choose to contribute to the world. The obstacles in the way need healing, not strength alone, and certainly not a confrontation and a conflict through acts of war. Attacking your enemies will invite disaster. They are more powerful than you are, with respect to the physical plane and its energies and the advanced technologies they have at their disposal, to manipulate and harm you, and unleash destructive power far beyond your capabilities. To attack them is, in fact, suicidal in the outcome that would follow. You cannot love them directly to achieve your goal, either. Being loveless, they do not feel love nor value it; they see it as a weakness and a kind of folly and mock you for your loving inclinations; they will not respond to love you might give them in treating them like you would treat a human who might be misguided but lost and greatly needing the effects of love to raise them up.

This is a divine-level problem that only the divine can address effectively. That is the way you will be a love ambassador, acting as an advocate for their deliverance but not bringing it about with them, and through them directly, through your ministrations and an outreach to attempt establishing a truce. What is needed is for healing, and lots of it, to be brought to bear. That is how they can be raised up to have the possibility of feeling love once again. That can only come about when requested powerfully and specifically. That is what the Lightworker Healing Protocol was designed to do, to give you the power, as a practitioner, to be an advocate for the rescue, raising up, and restoration of your perpetrators as well as your fellow victims of their cruelty.

Empowered Prayer can enlist the divine to step into the breach so you are not alone. That can begin the work to help turn the tide, but it will take intensive and high-level healing to truly win the day and restore a greater balance, so the interlopers can have a shift in thinking to at least delay their plans for human annihilation, then there will be time for more healing, both to raise them up but also to heal humanity so you can be raised up as well and undergo ascension, a long-awaited and long-promised plan of Creator that will be both an advancement and reward for all of the challenges and suffering you have endured to get to this point. If enough human beings used Empowered Prayer and then learn or request enough healing using the Lightworker Healing Protocol, this will turn the tide and begin to release you from the grip of the interlopers. This will allow time for enough healing for you to advance, ascend from the earth plane to a higher dimensional state of existence and, from that higher vantage point, you will be able to continue the healing but never again be at risk of annihilation from an enemy, as you are threatened with currently.

This is both a challenge and an opportunity to break free from your complacency, your diminished level of belief, both in the divine and in yourselves, to once again see the possibility of greatness in a return to a state of greater holy alignment with the cause of love. That is powerful enough to not only save you from oblivion but catapult you to a greatness far beyond your capabilities as a physical human. The choice must be made by you and then you must follow through with action to bring this about by requesting our participation in a divine partnership. We look forward to your decision.

We have learned from Creator that ongoing physical management of the human population is being carried out predominantly by the Reptilians and human-like Arcturians, with much routine manipulation done via the little alien Grey androids created and programmed by the Arcturians. However, the mental and emotional management of humanity is being carried out predominately by Anunnaki psychics, both physically present in the solar system as well as back on their home planet of Nibiru. It seems any contemplated “Disclosure” will likely involve the Arcturians, and possibly their Grey AI creations, coming forward to reveal the reality of the Reptilians. Though it is likely the Greys will not be introduced as the robots they, in fact, are but as a fully sentient species. Perhaps even the tie between the Greys and Arcturians might be kept hidden. What can Creator tell us?

We cannot tell you in advance the precise details of the story they will come up with to deceive you, but it is certain they will disguise their true origins, and most definitely, the fact that multiple ET races are all working in collaboration with one another. In truth, there are no benevolent physical extraterrestrials in the earth plane, nor will there be any who can come to your rescue. That would immediately trigger an act of war, and this you do not want to happen because you would be caught in the middle, and this would cause much human death and suffering. You would immediately be used as hostages, for one thing, with no compunction on their part, as a Dark Alliance, to start killing you so that any compassionate physical extraterrestrials would have to back off because it would not be possible to rescue you intact. So this is a hopeless situation they are claiming can be somehow overcome magically by these “benevolent beings” honoring free will out of respect for you, but somehow having the ability to commandeer and displace a well‑entrenched hostile multi-race cohort of extraterrestrial representatives working in concert, including those who come forth as a deception, offering to be your rescuers. It is a total scam to dupe you into obedient submission and surrender your free will to them by agreeing to cooperate. You, in effect, will all be putting your heads on the chopping block if you agree to this. We cannot put it in more stark terms.

Given the long, long presence of extraterrestrials throughout your history, all three of these races of beings have taken turns manipulating you and exploiting you in countless ways for their own personal satisfaction and advantages, never once truly helping you with anything. Even some of the more advanced technology you have come to enjoy works against you because even though it allows you a powerful means to communicate with one another, it is also used to more powerfully control you and your minds from within, via subliminal programming beamed at you 24 hours a day through every screen you look at—your cell phones, your tablets, your computers, and your television sets. Even the modern power infrastructure, through electronics, is shortening your lifespan through electromagnetic frequencies they know are deleterious to human health and survival, from the microwave frequencies used for the cell phone towers, to the electrical wiring in your homes, it is all toxic in ways it is designed to bring about. This, too, is a kind of “cosmic joke” to let you emulate a more modern civilized way of living and all the while do not realize you have put your heads in a noose that is slowly choking you.

We are not here to make you feel worse than you already do with the challenges of physical existence, but to warn you. There is a reason for human suffering all through the ages. It is coming from the interlopers. There is more than enough land and abundant natural resources to share and to have satisfying and enriching lives lived in harmony. You can learn to get along with one another and would do so naturally without the aliens here to manipulate you, through mind control, to distrust one another and grow hatreds and prejudicial thinking. They are the source of racism, ethnic strife, culture wars, and hatred of those who differ. They arrange false flag operations of all kinds to create grievances, bad blood, and get shooting wars going. They manipulate you to believe you need weapons of war for survival and then use that capability so it becomes a self‑fulfilling prophecy ending in death for many. On and on the carnage goes, teaching you to be savage like they are, godless like they are, heartless like they are, and unforgiving like they are. You blame these traits, and the signs exhibited through human behavior, as a human failing. In actuality, these are alien characteristics that have rubbed off from them in the way they have manipulated and subjected you to mind control manipulation, to cultivate negative beliefs of all kinds, and that has taken a tremendous toll down through the ages. It may well end up destroying you. The answer is divine partnership to bring healing to bear—that is the only solution that can work.

We expect the Disclosure being contemplated will involve the Arcturians coming forward, perhaps masking their true origins, and making and presenting a dire and breathless warning that Earth is being controlled and subjugated by the evil Reptilians. The Reptilians will be presented as savage conquerors who will violently exterminate most of humanity, and leave any fully enslaved and cruelly managed survivors envying the dead. The human leadership of Earth will be offered an alliance with these extraterrestrials coming forward to both lead us and protect us, falsely claiming they are benevolent and honor our free will. We just need to agree to accept them and pledge to abide by their decisions concerning our future and welfare, all for our own “collective good” of course. In exchange for our fealty and obedience, we will be promised a grand future of galactic citizenry and advancement beyond our wildest dreams. Meanwhile, we expect the Anunnaki will be using their mind control to manipulate humanity subliminally to go along and accept the Arcturian offer. What can Creator tell us?

The broad outlines here are an accurate projection of this planning and how it will be orchestrated. The Reptilians are a perfect “bad guy” to fit that role as an evil scourge. They are savage-looking, savage by nature, and indeed have done much to cause human suffering again and again and again as they relish being among you in disguise, and even taking part in human warfare and its leadership, to cause human death and destruction. They are the extraterrestrials carrying out the widespread phenomenon of cattle mutilations. This is truly an act of depravity where they drink the blood, surgically remove some organs they see as a delicacy for consumption, and then leave the corpse to be found in a mysterious way with wounds not typical of animal predators. This is a true calling card serving the Disclosure Movement by paving the way to a future revelation of the depravity of these beings; they will make a good poster child for malevolent extraterrestrials among you and wreaking havoc, and in need of constraint and removal.

However they present the story, there will be many examples to point to in why this is a dire circumstance and a kind of “cosmic emergency.” They will be able to not only sound an alarm but ramp up fear tremendously, through mind control manipulation, to make people desperate for rescue and to feel very threatened and helpless in the bargain—a perfect prescription for creating chaos and disarray, civil disobedience, and a kind of cultural gridlock where people will feel so desperate they suspend normal activities, contemplating their doomsday, and things may grind to a halt. Under such circumstances, governments will have to act but, in truth, will be totally helpless to do anything on a human scale, with human tools, and will be forced to accept the alien offer, to give them authority and promise cooperation, so we can envision this going very smoothly and to their advantage to get what they want.

We have been working against this behind the scenes ourselves, through the workings of GetWisdom primarily, because so few people are aware of the sinister nature of Disclosure, because humanity is being groomed to see extraterrestrials as basically advanced and benevolent. You have been programmed with that belief for many, many years now, that any advanced civilization would have already worked through the need for war and long ago dispensed with negativity, as being unproductive and self-defeating, so any civilization with super capabilities and advanced technology would much more likely be benevolent and trustworthy than hostile. That clever deception has worked to keep you complacent, through many, many decades now, of their gradual emergence putting on a kind of display, a show for you, to play into those expectations, that it would be wonderful to be able to talk with an extraterrestrial and to finally have the government dispense with its secrecy and come clean about what they know, that ETs are in your midst and wanting to have a peaceful meetup, and a benevolent partnership, to be of help for the advancement of humanity further if this can be done safely given the warlike nature of humanity, and so on. And, of course, that “human negativity,” as we have told you, is entirely their creation to begin with so this is a circular exercise that is entirely deceitful and a giant manipulation to keep you running in circles, disempowered, and in a state of fear and engineered helplessness.

Is the “Prince of Peace” painting by Akiane Kramarik an accurate vision and rendering of Jesus Christ as he appeared during his incarnation on earth?

The story of her portrait of Jesus and the recounting of the individuals involved with the story behind Heaven Is Real and that book and motion picture, are accurately depicted. This indeed was an image of Christ’s earthly appearance shown to this young artist and she did a superb job in rendering her vision on canvas for the world to see and enjoy. So this is a story worth the retelling because it is a beautiful example of a loving outreach, translated through willing hands, to make more tangible the story of Jesus Christ and his mission life. After all, it is one thing to have a 2000 year old collection of distant memories, as the Gospels were written long after Jesus Christ was crucified, and quite another to have a contemporary artist paint a portrait. This was not from a sitting with Jesus Christ in the flesh, but the next best thing—an impulsed vision of his earthly appearance implanted into her consciousness by the divine in a way that would be unforgettable. And given her talent as an artist, it became a straightforward project to turn into a work of art all could enjoy. It has much more than artistic value. It is a living iconic representation of a miracle life, and the miracle of the existence still underway for all of you following in his footsteps and benefiting from his pioneering work as a divine prophet and spiritual leader, and a living testament to the truth of the divine in all he did. And through this artist, the story is continuing and being reinforced by every new life he touches.

A practitioner writes: “On my journey, there was one therapy that particularly stood out: Sound therapy. We have tested that to clear all karma (not just the pathological trauma) the average human has approximately 750 hours of sound therapy to do (which they can do alone at home). At 1 hour per day they would be healed within 2 years! This is a very short time period – really sound therapy needs to become the ‘new meditation.'” What is Creator’s perspective?

We see this as an overreach and overstatement of possibilities. Early trauma goes far deeper than the physical disarray within the energies of the physical body. Those are amenable to realignment, at least temporarily, with adjuncts like sound therapy giving a kind of template to which the body can become attuned, and through a kind of resonance energetically, be raised up to a better degree of normalcy and thus helping a person gain a state of equanimity. The association, as stated in the question, with meditation is an apt one, because meditation typically has a calming effect and a restorative benefit that will be replenishing an individual, if only by dampening sources of stress for a time to allow a kind of recuperation. That too, is not a true form of healing but a temporary adjunct that will be rewarding and noticeably pleasurable, but is more a kind of distraction in providing a temporary safe haven than a solution for deep and long-lasting problems and deficits. Your analysis intuitively, is quite apt here in thinking about this glowing endorsement of sound healing because you were tuning into our thoughts as you pondered how to address this suggestion, wanting to be of help; but as a seeker of truth, feeling the burden of responsibility when there are differing opinions and possible disappointments and the risk of judgment launched against you. But this is built-in to the way things work. Knowledge and truth create a kind of burden, akin to there being a duty to warn if someone is not perceiving a risk. There is a duty to inform, if one is over-appreciating a benefit and will stop there, assuming they have arrived where they need to go, when a deeper truth suggests they need to entertain a wider array of possibilities so they will have ultimately a greater reach and likelihood of success, otherwise surrendered.

As you were pondering, sound vibration is a physical energy but is not imbued with the energy of consciousness. As such, it will have a physical influence on what it impinges upon but cannot impart any detailed knowledge, awareness, or instructions for reckoning with complex issues and circumstances and the consequences of consciousness as it impinges on the akashic records to create an energetic signature of discord. That will have many defining nuances in the description, along with the specifics of the event giving rise to a karmic assignment of meaning, bringing someone out of alignment with the universe to some degree. That is another description of the healing need, where the watershed event has occurred on another timeline, leaving a record residing outside the body in a repository of consciousness and its consequences. In your case, in the physical world interacting with other beings of consciousness, you are residing within the physical body and experiencing its vulnerabilities, many of which arise from the workings of karma, referencing what is in the akashic records and bringing about a disarray energetically within the body on various levels that will be perceived as discord, with symptoms.

Accordingly, that discord can be alleviated through a resonance with an outside energetic maneuver, as in this example, of a sound frequency. But as such, it is working on the end-stage where karma and its influence reaches the physical body in some way or another to change things for the worse, in this case. But the need for healing to truly be effective and long-lasting is to impinge on the proximal cause—the watershed event creating the initial wounding. That will continue to fester and rumble with any kind of reminder through the workings of karma revisiting the negative energetic signature, and recapitulating the energetic discord of the emotions it gave rise to within the current lifetime. That consequence, and the ramp-up of negative emotion and its effects on the body from harboring energetic negativity as a consequence, are amenable to various healing strategies employing a wide array of tools used by energy healers. But these strategies will not bring about deep karmic repair. So the ability to shift things from a negative to positive state locally, within the body, is not a true reflection of deep healing, and that is what is being missed in the perception that sound healing of this sort is a quicker and simpler effective strategy.

Karl Mollison Explains the Lightworker Healing Protocol 25Dec2022

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Karl Mollison Explains the Lightworker Healing Protocol 25Dec2022

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Why is the Lightworker #Healing Protocol so different from every other healing modality?  What sets it apart and makes this high-level prayer request so thorough end effective?  In this video, Karl Mollison, the developer and founder of, describes the main features of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and why it is claimed to be the tool that can save and heal humanity.

What are people saying about the Get Wisdom mission and our healing services?

“It’s hard to contain, let alone put into words, the gratitude and joy (not to mention the urgency) I feel when I think how lucky I am to have discovered Get Wisdom. To be getting not only what I feel in my heart is true information about what’s REALLY going on in our world and universe, and why (as well as corroborating lots of other research I’ve done on my own, filling in missing puzzle pieces), but also the TOOLS to make a significant CONTRIBUTION to healing and saving Humanity, is really quite incredible. Whether it’s the spiritual arena, deep healing, metaphysics, the Deep State, UFOs or ExoPolitics (all of which I’ve always been fascinated with), all threads are elegantly woven together within Get Wisdom. Not only that, but here is a growing community of like-minded, incredibly talented, insightful, intelligent, dedicated, courageous, funny, good-hearted people from all over the world, who are pretty much on the same wavelength, who “get it,” AND are more than willing to roll up their sleeves to work hard and smart, together, taking daily action, as a loving and supportive TEAM—actually it feels more like a FAMILY—to learn, discover and create new ways to help fix our problems as we proceed, when, as it turns out, time is of the essence. Do you know how GOOD that feels? To no longer settle for just sitting in the peanut gallery, “watching the show with our popcorn,” as so many contemporary “Truther” or “Disclosure” communities are wont to do, but to actually begin to seriously probe into and understand what the REAL extent of our problems are, their true origins, AND get the tools to fix them?! And then set about DOING just that?! I ask you: What more important way could there possibly be to spend the rest of this precious life you have?”

Creator’s Recommended Daily Prayers

Creator’s Recommended Daily Prayers

Note: These prayers are empowered to include many recipients without reducing benefit to any individual.


“Source Creator, apply all my prayers each and every day, to myself, my loved ones, and every being everywhere across all time domains, in increments proportional to my spiritual reach, so no one is underserved and all are covered, eventually. Pool and apply the intentions of all similar prayers everywhere, as often as feasible, to augment their power.”

Raise Belief Quotient in the Divine and Oneself

“Source Creator, raise us up each and every day to feel divine love, to open to divine love, and to express divine love through us in all we do.”

Saving Oneself and Humanity

“Source Creator, be our partner in life each and every day, to keep us focused on love, receiving and giving, both to ourselves and to all those around us. Bring healing for the darkness in all its forms, to raise up the perpetrators so they stand down and free the tormented.”


“Source Creator, partner with us in our lives each and every day to keep us safe. Protect all in harm’s way by reducing or eliminating all dangerous weather, all natural and unnatural disasters, accidents and intentional injuries. Guide,  heal, support, and protect against all who oppose bringing forward the truth of the divine.”

Air, Food, Drink, Medication, and Supplement Blessing

“Source Creator, bless our air, food, drink, medications, and supplements each and every day, to remove all negativity and leave only what is highest and best. Add what is missing to create an ideal nutritional balance, heal any exaggerated consequences of nutrition, and restore a healthy equilibrium in the working of the body, for the well-being of all who partake.”


“Source Creator, help us, each and every day, to keep our bodies safe and strong in all ways by making healthy choices, and seek those things that reward and support a long and happy life. Augment our workouts and intermittent exercise by applying the benefits to days in between. Heal our life’s troubles, all inner discord and signs of illness within, according to our highest good. Reduce all symptoms to a minimum while complete healing is underway.”

Manifesting Abundance

“Source Creator, help us each and every day to find the best expression of our soul, to be rewarded in our lives with a flow of abundance to keep us safe, protected, supported, and have all of the benefits of financial security, to help us continue expressing the highest version of ourselves without fear and without worry.”

Harmful Hazards, Energies, Organisms, and Substances

“Source Creator, each and every day, remove or render harmless all dangerous hazards and energies, including harmful viruses and other organisms, all heavy metals and other harmful substances at toxic levels, from myself, my loved ones, and apply this prayer again and again as needed to help all affected beings and the Earth as a whole, to keep everyone safe, and restore well-being to the afflicted.”

Prayer of Thanks

“Source Creator, thank you for my life and all it teaches me, and the blessings of your love.”

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Creator Discusses the Difficult Life of a Modern Catholic Saint 09Dec2022

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Creator Discusses the Difficult Life of a Modern Catholic Saint 09Dec2022

  • Did Saint Faustina Kowalska commune with Jesus and receive guidance directly?
  • Does God speak to “simple souls” to reveal “truths hidden from the wise”?
  • Is the asceticism of monastic life a true path to holiness or misguided?
  • Is suffering a noble sacrifice or always out of divine alignment?
  • What kind of karma led to the relentless suffering of this saint?
  • In what way was her low self-esteem a hindrance?
  • Despite having strong belief in the divine, did belief she was unworthy keep God at a distance?
  • Did she experience corruption by dark beings?
  • Creator explains how prayer and divine healing can help overcome doubt and great hardship.