Would it be better to say LHPs for BOTH teams playing if that was a genuine problem? We know Creator would always advocate that, but a fan wanting to help their team would not want to unwittingly help the opposing team. Given that selfish motive, is doing LHPs for both teams still a better strategy? Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol will help save humanity while helping your favorite sports team improve their chances of winning?

Here you are wanting to have your cake and eat it, too. It is one thing to help people improve their lot, even if they are not engaged in the most uplifting and divinely aligned activities, but to understand one has an opportunity to help fellow human beings and deny that help to a disfavored or disliked group while giving it to a preferred group of beings, is remaining a slave to the idea of an athletic contest having importance at all costs and penalties, in this case, being a blood sport and nondivine in its origin and implementation.

The divine perspective is always to bring help to everyone. After all, a major benefit of the LHP is in healing the interlopers who subjugate humanity, and that is because it is necessary for human survival to have them raised up so you are not all annihilated at their whims. That is where their savagery has led them, they are tired of pushing you around and want to be done with the burden of it, having done it so many, many times and engaged in mischief in so many ways there is little left that is novel that will add variety to this depraved enterprise. The healing of yourself, your loved ones, and all your fellow humans is not as important as healing the overseers, the slave masters who have you in their control and plan the annihilation of humanity—that is a more urgent component of the healing. In reality, both can be done. To hold back what is possible to do, to win a football game, reflects becoming trapped in the desire to still be a part of this enterprise, in rooting for your favorite team to win, when the larger game being played all around you is intending to make you all losers.

We do not want to judge you, but to point out all choices have consequences—it is that simple. What is hard is your making that choice in sorting through all of the preexisting notions you harbor, the inner programming, the beliefs you have within about right and wrong, the inner desires, hopes, dreams, and fantasies you have about your life and future, where you would like to be, and what that might be like as a reward for you. Something like a sporting contest seems like a small thing, but life is made mostly of a series of small things. Who you are does matter. What you do with your energy does matter. We would rather see people not make a moral compromise than engage in a kind of self-indulgence for pleasure that, even in a small way, contributes to an enterprise that sprang from evil in its origins. We recommend use of Creator’s Empowered Prayers as a guide to people in how to live better lives and gain eventual enlightenment which means a healing return to divine alignment, with the light, with divine truth. To reach that pinnacle of near perfection, if not perfection itself, will be difficult if one indulges along the way in a kind of depravity, if only in playacting. What matters is your intentions.

The true answer for the problems you face from the extraterrestrial interlopers turning the Earth into a slave colony, in effect, administered by your various governments as their minions, is a larger problem than who wins a sporting contest. So, in service to your larger desire to see the world saved, and then healed sufficiently to undergo a grand ascension to give you a glorious future instead of being on this treadmill of continued suffering despite your yearnings to advance, this will all depend on doing the healing work you have been shown how to take on and to bring about the changes, through partnering with Creator, to help raise up the interlopers to see the error of their ways and begin to mitigate their savagery in redirecting their intentions. Your challenge is to heal them, ultimately, through enlightenment and a return to divine alignment to enable an ascension of their own. You need to start somewhere and not be distracted too much by cultural trappings that may have their appeal and their temporary rewards.

We understand people need entertainment and fun to maintain their resolve and commitment to the tough things that need doing. Everyone needs a break from the challenges and struggle life demands. But to choose activities that are not harmful is a path that is always there for the taking and, in a way, this is a measure of moral development to show you how far along you are, in seeking love for things and not more points on a scoreboard.

Many, many people have reported seeing Jesus in near-death experiences and he is often the first contact personality that they encounter. This has happened to many folks who, while knowing of Jesus, professed not to have any faith in his actual existence. The encounters are consistent in portraying him as overwhelmingly kind, loving, gentle, patient, and non-judgmental. Often he will assume the role of coach and mentor and will try and help the departing soul figure out who they are, where they are, and what options they have, such as returning or staying. When did Jesus assume this role of greeting and coaching the dying? Was it immediately following his death and resurrection? Some have suggested that he exists in a voluntary form of limbo in order to take up the role of gatekeeper to heaven, and that taking up such residence in limbo REQUIRED his traumatic death so that he himself could get stuck in limbo, voluntarily. Something perhaps that would otherwise have been impossible given his normal vibrational levels, that this, in essence, is his sacrifice for our sake. Bottom line, is there any connection between his death and his current ongoing role of heavenly gatekeeper? What can Creator tell us?

Here again is the human distortion in seeing suffering as currency that has a certain sacred place in things, and thus is something to be emulated, sought for, and even indulged in by misguided attempts to be more worthy. We would say that this scenario of the meaning of Christ’s experiences is being turned on its head. It was not his death that led to him being an ambassador for the light, to greet ascending souls, but his life, the fact that he was exalted, revered, and worshiped by all who knew him, and the fact that he was a symbol of divinity through his very makeup and existence and how he conducted his life, as a life of enlightenment for many, many others, bringing divine wisdom to the masses and many personal healings as a demonstration that suffering is not inevitable but can be countered through divine grace. This is as powerful a demonstration of love as one could want. The experience of a blind man having his vision restored after years of deprivation is a blessing impossible to appreciate fully by the sighted, but those miracles illustrate a fundamental truth that is of great significance for everyone.

Your suffering has meaning, too, it has a purpose, too, and it can be the gateway to your expansion and growth in better understanding what is at stake, the reason you are alive to begin with, and represent a challenge as well as valuable feedback in how you are dealing with life and making your way. Is your journey one of growth and learning, bringing joy your way, or is it an uphill battle, or even a downward spiral of increasing despair, dishevelment, and degradation? Christ’s suffering was the price he paid for becoming human himself. It was not a consequence of inhumanity of others except for the interlopers and their influence on society. That continues today and, in a sense, all are living a life like Christ did under difficult circumstances. Many people’s lives are shortened from similar circumstances where they stood out in some way and were cut down in their prime by jealous and depraved overseers wanting to crush the human spirit and meting out punishments of all kinds to sideline people, diminish their happiness, and sometimes end their lives.

What Christ is doing to greet those returning to the light is simply a continuation of that life, not the suffering he endured with his ending in the physical but the inspiration he brought to humanity that lives on, the joy in the idea of Jesus Christ and what he stood for as an example to others and a promise of the divine—that God is real, God is just, and God is loving—all were important truths and Christ is living his truth in choosing to be there for those in need to overcome their last hurdle of physical existence to make it back to heaven safe and sound. It is a reality for him that so many believe in him, and thus need his help because they call out in his name again and again, pray to him, and have devoted themselves to him, and thus turned to him in their hour of need. So that mission life created a great responsibility he continues to meet in being available to the true believers, and he does minister to all in need, not just the Christians who know about his life and have adopted the human-created churches honoring his mission and contributions.

Saint Faustina wrote in her diary that while in her convent’s chapel, she heard “this voice in my soul” saying, “There is more merit to one hour of meditation on My sorrowful Passion than there is to a whole year of flagellation that draws blood; the contemplation of my painful wounds is of great profit to you, and it brings me great joy.” Was that, indeed, Jesus or an Anunnaki psychic? If a soul like Saint Faustina’s or famous stigmatists like Padre Pio and Saint Catherine of Siena, take this kind of advice to heart, and spend untold hours contemplating Christ’s crucifixion, and especially if they were already gifted intuitives, might this explain how they acquired their stigmata? After all, Christ’s passion is recorded in the akashic records, and a truly gifted intuitive can likely experience that suffering directly if they choose to. Is there anything of profit to be gained from contemplating Christ’s crucifixion in this manner?

The message Saint Faustina received from Jesus in her prayer meditation was a genuine one but was misunderstood by her perception of herself as being a supplicant and unworthy and in need of further suffering to, in her mind, make the grade, to measure up to what Christ endured, for example, as though this were a “race to suffer” to see who could endure the most pain as a measure of their belief and holiness. Christ’s message to her was to put aside thoughts of self-punishment, as with flagellation, but to focus on the true meaning of his sacrifice which was the giving of love to others, even in ways that put him at risk, because it was often under such circumstances that love was most needed and most dangerous to engage in, in the eyes of those in power. So hers was a misinterpretation in seeing this seeming encouragement of seeking an intense identification with Christ’s suffering as the be-all and end-all of attainment, spiritually.

Similarly, those highly sensitive individuals who came to venerate him and saw his physical suffering as a mark of attainment through personal suffering and deprivation of a lofty status of holiness and worthiness in the eyes of God, almost to the point of suffering for suffering’s sake, this is a kind of perversion of what the divine perspective is about, that it exalts suffering and the need to do so. We never see it as an end in itself, as a goal to be sought after and practiced, as with building one’s tolerance to greater and greater self-inflicted wounds as a toughening up and a demonstration of devotion. We can tell you we see nothing exalted in mimicking the perversity of the perpetrator through acts of self‑torment. This is faulty thinking and will misdirect a person to misuse the power of their own consciousness, and this brings danger because your consciousness holds the power to harm yourself much more so than you could ever harm another being. This is why self-negativity and self-directed neglect and abuse can be so devastating.

One iconic demonstration of this capacity is the self-creation of stigmata in the limbs of a true believer wanting to emulate Christ’s suffering as a kind of personal atonement and demonstration of holy attainment. This is the true source of such wounds, it is an example of mind over matter, it is not a divine creation because we will not harm a person even for a seemingly positive, if only self-desired, notion seen as an achievement to mimic Christ’s wounds and suffering as a demonstration of devotion to his life and sacrifice. We see that as misguided to begin with. It was not the purpose of Christ’s life and suffering to be an example for others to emulate the worst aspects, but rather to emulate the positive and loving things he did as a free man among the community spreading love everywhere he went. His crucifixion is a graphic illustration, that following a divine path may get one into trouble in a corrupted world. That is suffering enough, to live with the threat of retribution while taking on humanitarian aims in service to others and to the cause of the divine, but to seek punishment as though that is the goal leaves out the best part, the true contribution of a mission life to begin with. It is not a demonstration of the truth of the divine or the workings of love to be in the throes of physical suffering, that is emulating the consequences of subjugation and torment of the perpetrator, the workings of evil, not divinity.

Saint Francis of Assisi was said to have acquired his stigmata following the vision of an angel. Can Creator share with us if the two events are related, and how it was that Saint Francis came to acquire the stigmata?

This is a complicated story that is also a personal one, the story of a human being buffeted about, a human being with karmic entanglements and an elaborate history from other journeys in the physical, as a prior human in other lifetimes, always seeking to serve the cause of the divine but having the usual obstacles and penalties so common to the life of a lightworker. This was a karmic setup not so different from that of Saint Faustina we have shared with you, that he was more vulnerable and sensitive than many to the trials and tribulations of his own personal past and suffering, and it is the workings of the mind and emotion that will often see, that reawakened past hard times will be revisited by the Law of Karma and then embraced by the mind, on multiple levels, to identify with suffering to such a great extent it becomes fused with the notion of divine service and seen as a path to glory, if only in being a living witness in sharing a kind of identification with Jesus Christ and his travails by going through it, in part at least, with a physical manifestation of wounding.

So this was an exquisite demonstration of the intuitive reach, level of inner sensitivity, passion, and devotion he felt within his being to the reality of Christ’s existence and that mission life’s purpose to be an example to others. Saint Francis resonated quite strongly with that awareness because he, too, was inspired to become an example to others through his life and how he lived it. So he, we would say, went to an extreme in modeling that after Christ’s physical sacrifice on the cross. We see that as a most unfortunate symbol for divinity because it is the working of evil to cause physical harm and suffering, it is not to be exalted or envied, and it does not make a truly divine iconic representation, even of sacrifice. We would rather see people make a sacrifice in the extremes of their giving of love until it hurts, until they are exhausted and feel depleted. We know we can fill them up with love again, to live and love another day, but to make the point of one’s life the creation and existence of physical mutilation, as representing something divine, is a distortion that threatens the loss of the most important part of the message in the life of a martyr. The point of martyrdom is not to suffer and experience that ultimate penalty in loss of life, but to demonstrate the courage to stand for truth and accept punishment as a risk of dispensing love into the world and wanting to change things for the better.

It seems if suffering is currency, it is a factor only in the calculus of karma, that the suffering you cause is the suffering waiting to return to you. So, from a wholly rational perspective, the only “good” accounting of suffering is working to END it as quickly and efficiently as possible through HEALING and the attainment of wisdom. Saint Faustina demonstrated that it is possible to take on the sufferings of others as if one were wearing their cloak for a day. But this seems like an extraordinarily costly, limited, and dangerous (to the healer) way to do healing. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the most effective ways to end and avoid needless suffering for both subject and healer alike?

Your question sets out very nicely a summary of some of the important teachings and lessons we have addressed in this discussion about the workings of karma and the responsibility to the soul to reckon with one’s own choices including the mistakes. Pursuing ways to suffer is a misguided path that will be, in the end, self-limiting as well as highly unpleasant, and we see as unnecessary. There will be plenty of enough chances in life to experience adversity, striving to do one’s best, and approaching every new experience with optimism and joy in one’s heart, to be a part of something grand and wonderful in its aim, to see everyone and every thing raised up to new heights in finding ways to reckon with much accumulated misalignment and enormous energies of failure, suffering, hatred, and every other type of negativity ever experienced by beings in the physical. You have your portion with your name on it as does everyone else. Taking on more, creating more for yourself is not the answer, it is not a path to healing to find new ways to suffer—that is moving backwards rather than forwards.

The whole idea of devout believers focusing on making a personal sacrifice leading to personal suffering as a way to attain divine grace on one’s behalf is backward thinking. You become divine in divine alignment, in alignment with love and light, by loving yourself, all that you are and can be with further growth and learning, and the accumulation of the blessings of positive karma returning to you in kind. The love you put into the world, the joy you bring to others, the kindness you share to help raise them up, will raise you in the doing. Suffering will do none of this for anyone but the opposite instead. So the devout living a monastic existence in isolation, deprivation, and contemplation of a negative focus on suffering, as a kind of atonement to bring greater worthiness in the eyes of God, is an existence lived in ignorance of the reality God is already within you, and not a distant being you need to work hard to reach and have enough suffering to merit being noticed and appreciated for that level of devotion coming at such a high cost.

We can tell you that is not the way to impress us. We will not judge you but we will not see that as a contribution to your being, nor will the Law of Karma raise you up through an act of self-denial. You will instead be lowered, and that will be added to your self‑created penalties in all of that karmic burden that acts like a headwind in your life to make everything harder, even and especially, seeing the truth of things. The way to deploy your energy is to partner with the divine; that is your birthright and that is the path to greatness. We will not join you in self-torment, self-abnegation, and self-denial. We will join you in wanting to bring love to bear, to gain greater love in your life so you have more to give yourself and others. That is working with our energy and on our level, and will bring you into harmony to be in divine alignment and able to live through joy. It is the path to healing to bring love back to fill the void created by what has been lost along the way through the suffering from all the karmic traumas you have lived through and died because of, many times now.

Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are ideal ways to build a stronger bridge to the divine, to reconnect in a direct way, and build that link to be stronger and more and more effective, to let the love flow and make you a fuller and more complete person in the doing. Prayer will enlist divine help in all ways you need to cope with the physical existence and your personal growth while taking on those challenges. To deal with the mountain of unhealed negative karma you have built up through the ages, in multiple prior lives, is done best by using the Lightworker Healing Protocol as a premier tool for comprehensive divine healing. Through the LHP, you can bring to bear the greatest of divine firepower to help deal with any problem, not that it will always be simple and easy to do so, quickly. Many problems are so deeply engrained they can take a lifetime or more to undo all of the underlying contributing karmic drama, but the LHP excels in doing preventive care for the karmic liabilities looming over you always. Many people have karmic debts that will come due at various times during their life. This is when they develop chronic illnesses, the infirmities of aging, and perhaps premature physical decline or even an early demise, through accidental death, that might well be a karmic rebalancing. That is a hard way to go about making restitution. If you make the effort to bring in more love to work on the problems you face, the divine can help you rebalance the negativity in your history to free you once and for all, and forever, from those liabilities—that is a life well-lived when it is devoted to not only helping the cause of the divine but to become more divine, oneself.

Will the expected human free will mass uprising demanding an alignment with the claimed “Free Will ET Rescuers,” actually be reinforced and orchestrated to happen through mind control manipulation, as a violation of human sovereignty?

This is perfectly described as it is entirely a deception and is co-opting your true free will choices through a deception to cause fear and encourage trust in them to solve the problem they describe to you. This is no different than the predator stalking a young child with candy and sweet talk but hiding the horrible truth of their true nature. As you know, mind control is highly effective and a major factor in life at all levels of society. This will be no different. There will be an intensive mind control manipulation to support the message of Disclosure, to encourage widespread eagerness to embrace the proposal so people will indeed be demanding, and even begging, to have an agreement with the so‑called “Free Will ETs” through their government officials.

What this will do is to line up humanity in a march to the gallows, in effect, by casting your votes to be on the side of the extraterrestrials. This will preclude a divine intervention, because we cannot go against free will by our own rules of engagement, so the extraterrestrials will have cleverly used this paradigm to their advantage and to your detriment. In a sense, there has been a contest all along to see who would first develop the knowledge and perception needed to bring things into alignment and gain an ultimate control. This could still happen for humanity through your efforts to inform and raise an alarm. There will be others as well who are skeptical. The problem will be that the decision will not be up to each individual and their independent thinking, because the mass of people will be manipulated to say “yes” to the pied piper, and that gives all the power to the extraterrestrials because you will have handed it to them to use against you.

The fact we have learned that Saint Faustina heard both the words of Jesus, and those of interlopers, creates a difficult dilemma for anyone wanting to use her diary for inspiration. Perhaps the best advice for us is the same advice her confessor, Father Jozef Andrasz, gave to her early in her vocation, “If these inspirations are not in accord with the faith or the spirit of the Church, they must be rejected immediately as coming from the evil spirit.” Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the best means by which we can obtain divine assistance to know what is truly divine in origin, and what is not, as well as obtain the confidence and trust needed to do this consistently?

What you are talking about, in essence, is the need to develop a truth detector, a way of knowing what is true, what is false, what is good, and what may be an encroachment by the darkness wanting to get a foothold. It often acts in that way to create a misunderstanding, a misperception, a slight distortion that, if embraced, will lead to further lessening of things, and that slippery slope may be the undoing of someone if they have no way to be guided back to divine alignment. People are working at a great disadvantage because their intuitive reach has been compromised through no fault of their own. This was the result of a genetic manipulation done long, long ago by the interlopers. That has done much damage because your nonlocal consciousness, the intuitive reach, is capable of seeing truth and falsehood quite clearly, and can be an unwavering guide to follow what is right and true and avoid that which is less so.

The best way to cultivate your native ability, to discern what is divine or nondivine, is to request divine healing to shore up what might be in a weakened or incomplete state and strengthen your capabilities, repair what is compromised that might be holding you back and preventing your advancement. It is ironic that the best way to overcome a weakened faith in the divine is through divine help, but it is true that many things in the way of belief were put there by interlopers wanting to harm you, and the only way to undo the harm is through divine assistance, so you have no choice but reaching to the divine for assistance here. Even when belief might be uncertain, if you want to be close to God, for your faith to grow, for your belief to become rock solid and a source of great strength, you can ask the divine to help you and we will.

The best place to start is with daily use of our recommended prayers. It is no different than an athlete who, as a child, might admire a sports figure and want to be like them but may not have even yet played that sport, nor would they be able to do so effectively and compete with others. That will require growth, learning, a reawakening of natural talents and abilities, and a strengthening through extensive repetition to practice that craft over and over to build the muscles and the skill level so it becomes ingrained and automatic. This you can do, in building your faith in us, simply through daily prayer. The more you do it, the more your faith will develop, and the more your prayers will be answered and give you feedback about your progress. You will change from within and will like the changes.

It is often the case that extensive healing is needed for deeper issues, given the long history of most individuals through having had hundreds of lifetimes of difficulty, suffering, and many times failures. That is not a good springboard for happiness and success with a new incarnation, given that the Law of Karma will bring back around to you the negativity you left unhealed in those prior lives. That will be your greatest challenge, in fact, the accumulated trauma of other lifetimes. You can get divine help, and that will enable you to level the playing field, through divine grace, and make progress even though you are coming from so far behind. We want you to succeed, we want you to win, we will do everything we can to help you, but the rules of engagement have been agreed to long ago, that by putting you in charge of the world and of your own soul’s journey, you must choose what you do from moment to moment as well as from day to day—where you put your focus, what goals you set, what you desire to see happen, and what you are willing to do to take action in moving towards meeting those goals through your contributions.

The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the best tool for divine healing there is. It covers the range of needs comprehensively for all types of negativity. We have worked with your channel in partnership to answer his many probings and endless questions about healing, how to bring it about, how to invoke it, and has been quite successful in arriving at this effective and powerful tool for divine assistance. It is there for you to use but you must choose to do so. If you do, you will be healed more and more and, in the process, raised up to be all the more effective and successful in everything you take on, and this includes overcoming the challenges faced by humanity which threaten its continued existence. You can be the change agent making the difference in the continued existence of the Divine Human Free Will Experiment. You have everything to gain by embracing your divinity and working to hone it and strengthen it. It is healing that brings enlightenment, there is no other way.

All the awareness and focus by the New Age Movement on the higher self has created an image of it being a lofty source of all we need. Yet, being part of the self, even though residing in the divine realm and able to communicate with Creator, that implies the higher self is more a helper and assistant. Is it more like another level of our consciousness than being a separate conscious entity? Can you give us a tutorial of the higher self’s place in things, its role and duties, its strengths and limitations?

You are circling around the truth of things very beautifully here in thinking about the higher self as indeed, another level of the mind. This is not so hard to fathom, given that you are connected to your soul around the clock as long as you are alive, no matter where you are or what you are doing. And your soul resides in the higher astral plane, so you have a direct pipeline to the source of your existence, and other resources you can connect to. And that is what the higher self is most helpful with, because it resides within the heavenly realm as an intermediary between you, your consciousness in the physical, and your soul proper, up in the light. So it is not, indeed, another being that might have volunteered for that duty but otherwise might be off on another excursion somewhere else, as is true of spirit guides and guardian angels who will rotate among individuals and even take turns as though they are working shifts with a particular person over the course of their lifetime.

The higher self is part of you and as such is always there, always on duty, and always responsive to requests, both from you in the physical if you are aware of what is possible to gain from communication, as well as the higher self communicating with the divine realm and surveying vast reservoirs of consciousness of all kinds, including the akashic records. It will interact with many beings of light for a variety of purposes and counsel. It does have a quite important and central place in things because it is part of the divine realm, and thus can do far more than the rest of your consciousness, trapped within the body in a diminished mode of function. We have told you the deep subconscious is the largest part of your mind, but that is the parts within the physical realm. The higher self is more lofty and also more vast in capability than even the deep subconscious, but it is still part of you. It can outshine you and outperform you in some respects, but it is not the part of you on the excursion into the physical that represents the essence of your soul as a seeker, a light being, and an experiencer to advance the cause of the divine and achieve many other objectives in service to others, as well as the soul’s safety, care and feeding, growth, and expansion—the purpose for living and, of course, the overarching goal of the human being to be in the vanguard of a revolution in solving the problem of evil for all of time, not just within the Milky Way Galaxy that is in dire straits from the rise of evil, but to overcome evil everywhere, wherever it might be expressed or re-created in the future.

So the higher self is a kind of replica of you, with certain basic characteristics in the configuration, but not everything, and not the most creative parts of you. Those are the highest of divine faculties you possess, where the higher self is more workmanlike, more a utilitarian, and acting as a kind of functionary to carry out duties in a support capacity, not as an innovator. Its strength is in the oversight and guardianship of your life goal and also personal integrity and the governance of your karmic interplay, because that will be rate limiting and will determine the likelihood of success or failure. So its job is to help balance where your energy goes and what for, so you have wherewithal to work on your mission. But at the same time, it sees that you are doing your homework and paying your penance, as might be needed in response to the Law of Karma bringing a reckoning your way that must be attended to. So to the extent that it is able to outshine you, that is largely because the part you have more direct control of is in a diminished mode and in a state of ignorance, in the bargain. So your higher self is privy to more understanding and awareness of the big picture and understands the ropes, how to make things happen and get things done that are beyond human understanding. That is why it is so lofty-seeming, because that is definitely the case in contrast to the human level you experience as a routine.

Glenn Beck told a story about having two identical dreams of being in the White House and taken to a conference room where the man directing him pulled away his face, like it was a mask, revealing he was something demonic. Was this a divine warning about the world being in the grip of evil forces?

Despite his controversial reputation and track record he was being forthright and proceeding as inspired to do, in that he was given a divine message of warning for the world and this was followed up by a further invitation from a religious leader, as he describes, who spontaneously encouraged him to pay attention to his dream because he, too, was touched by the divine to be a messenger. This is part of the awakening underway. You are reinforcing this with your Lightworker Healing Protocol work and things are happening. This divine revelation needed to be put in terms he would understand and appreciate. It is also in alignment with the absolute truth of things that, at bedrock, the extraterrestrial problem is the problem of dark spirits and their dominance over physical beings through their corruption and manipulations to make them defective and engage in wrongdoing. The question now will be what becomes of the warning message, whether anyone will listen. We are working to connect you with such spokespersons who have a wider audience and would benefit greatly from hearing the truth of things, not conjecture, not conspiracy theory distortions from the many disinformation campaigns, but divine truth straight from the Source. That is something you can provide and will be invaluable.

A viewer asks: “How is a free will choice considered free if deception is used to confuse and deny knowledge needed to truly decide? How is a choice for evil valid when it is unknown that that’s what we are choosing? Does this not give these more powerful non-human races the ability to take away our free will choice? This experiment seems to have a loophole on their side. Since we have to learn about the Divine consciously after birth, their deception can prevent us from ever knowing about the Divine.” What is Creator’s perspective?

We understand more fully than you know, the reality of what you describe and perceive as a wholly unfair imbalance. That you are born in ignorance and are coming from behind, and those who have the upper hand pursuing evil aims as they do, have further kept you in the dark from an awareness of wider possibilities, truly seems on the surface as an impossible situation and an impossible task for it to be overcome. Yet, you have volunteered to take on that very challenge. This is a clue you know more before you come into existence, than you know at the moment. That potential gain in understanding is an important area to work on. So we are very glad you are asking this penetrating question. It is something in varying forms that troubles many, many, people wanting, with only hope to cling to, that the truth of the divine is genuine and not a lie, but are not sure. And it is the imbalance held by the power of the interlopers in wreaking havoc, seemingly with little opposition, that threatens to put the entire enterprise in doubt.

We never said this will be easy. In some ways, it is the story of David and Goliath, seeing things from the vantage point of a spectator watching that contest about to begin and might well not bet on David with his sling, fending off the giant who was heavily armed and armored as well. David was victorious because he had a partnership with the divine. So he was not on his own, working with his own energy alone. That is no less a valid metaphor for the biblical era than it is for today. You are now many Davids up against many Goliaths, but you have us on your side and not theirs. So the problem has grown through the multiplication of souls it involves. That increases your power and this is the key to your victory we are helping to bring about—when you partner with us all things become at least possible.

The key is leveraging your energy with enough others in order to win the day. But always remember, that our participation is a powerful force multiplier and that can carry you over the top, working strategically, based on knowledge and wisdom we are imparting to you via your channel, and that is truly making it a fair fight. It may not seem that way on the surface, but you are only seeing the early rounds and not what is coming you are helping to make happen. So your concern is really addressing the past and not the present reality. There is an awakening underway that will help people return to an alignment with the divine more and more, and things will begin to shift and weigh in your favor more and more as a consequence; that is all that needs to happen to help you in the contest here.