We have learned in this project that what we humans would consider wildly improbable is often, in fact, just the opposite. The vast majority of people would consider it wildly improbable that members of extraterrestrial species, with Star Trek level technology, would ever bother to travel to the future to discover if the Detroit Lions defeat the Green Bay Packers. It feels utterly RIDICULOUS to even type this out! But, given what we’ve learned about how the interlopers entertain themselves, and further knowing that time travel is easy and a “no-brainer” for them, is it, in fact, a ridiculous hypothesis to consider?

Nothing is truly ridiculous when it comes to the ways in which the interlopers can get the upper hand and suppress and subjugate humanity. They have superior minds, they are telepathic, they use mind control with impunity, and they have multiple means, technologically, to project energy, to make people do things, or have physical impairments of various kinds or mental ones and, as you can imagine, this makes it very trivial to influence something like a football game where someone could be manipulated for a brief interval to cause them to drop the ball, fail to catch a forward pass, misdirect a field goal kick, or not see an open receiver downfield and throw the ball away when a touchdown play could have been launched, and so on. To see the opportunities in advance does not require even time travel per se. Just the ability, through psychic means, to look at the akashic records will reveal the future projection of the current timeline and what is coming in the game, from play to play, will unfold in the future timeline first. That can be witnessed by an intuitive, and that psychic extraterrestrial can relay instructions to someone to do manipulation on the field to best advantage, to thwart that foreseen future outcome and prevent it from happening, to substitute something else that will change the direction of the game.

This is the kind of sport these perverse beings indulge in. Human beings with a spiritual heritage endorse fair play, following rules, being honest, not that humans are perfect. There are many examples of people cheating but, by and large, there needs to be a fair amount of fair play in order for human beings to even feel satisfaction in having won a contest. If they cheat to win, it does not reward as greatly at all as a fair fight, a fair contest that is a better representation of who has the superior team. A rigged game does not truly create a winner but a win that is a kind of lie, and thus a hollow victory. The interlopers have no such sensibilities or sense of ethics and morality that give value to truth and a fair-won fight being the most gratifying. They cheat to live, it is all they know, being psychopaths, and therefore loveless and heartless and ruthless in everything they do. When they can cause someone to trip and fall, through an application of energy, they feel it as a reward because it is an exhibition of their power and strength in being able to control others, subjugate them and diminish them, and take perverse delight in that fall from competence to incompetence at their hands.

There is a book containing collective lectures by Austrian intuitive seer, Rudolf Steiner, titled The Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric: A Collection of Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ. To explore this topic in a future show, it is first important to clarify what is meant by the term “etheric.” An article on ekhartyoga.com states: “The ancient Greeks saw ether as a god-like element, and a substance that allowed humans to connect to spirituality and intuition. Ancient yogis saw ether as that which was unbound and all-pervasive, and the element of potentiality.” What is Creator’s perspective and definition of the words “ether” and “etheric?”

Ether is a metaphysical term and has been adopted at times by science as well, to convey a kind of energy field in which unusual things are harbored and may happen. It is mostly conceptual because of its elusive nature, going unrecognized for millennia, except for intuitive speculations, but not appreciated by others with less psychic ability. The subject comes up from time to time and the term serves a useful purpose in conveying this very notion of a kind of web of energy with special properties that can connect various things in various ways, and thus has a role to play somehow in assisting things that happen, things of importance, and this is all quite true.

We would say the best definition for “ether” is a kind of ultimate worldwide web but going through all of creation, not simply the Earth as your stomping grounds. What it consists of is a special kind of energy of consciousness, our consciousness, because the universe is our creation, after all. Why would a universe of our creation have to be made up of something outside us? And if already there to serve, like modeling clay, who created that, and how might that work if we commandeer it and assign it to a new purpose? As our consciousness, it is an aspect of our being and thus, by definition, special from your perspective, but it is also distinct because it differs somewhat from the energy of consciousness you utilize in various forms. In a sense, they are an offshoot of the ether and use the ether as well, as a conveyance through being in resonance, in tune, and vibrating harmonically. So here we get into more a scientific analysis of an interplay, but all of this is needed in various ways to address the kinds of questions you are interested in exploring. This is a difficult arena because of the lack of knowledge within your culture and language also, as many concepts have no words to describe them which are meaningful to you, so we will need to rely much on parallels with physical processes of various kinds and metaphorical representations as a kind of example to explore the properties of this wondrous realm.

Keep in mind that the concept of “ether” was perceived by intuitives at times throughout history but with very little mechanistic understanding of its origins, purpose, makeup, and mechanistic operation. Thus, it is often a term loosely applied with an assumption that what is being observed or conjectured operates via the ether in some mysterious way. That does not mean such attributions are always accurate in applying that analysis, so whether the ether is formally involved or not in phenomena is a significant distinction, at least in understanding the truth of things in being able to establish a foundation with accurate knowledge so you can probe more deeply. This is important, to gain a more insightful and elaborate understanding of various phenomena that impinge on the ether and its properties without introducing distortions and error, mixing apples and oranges, as the risks are always great that will happen, given the varied accuracy of psychic awareness and interpretations by many intuitives through the ages.

A client writes: “I ask Creator – why am I a targeted individual? The attacks began when I was 19 – long before I was ever aware of any ETs or any contactees?”

Your history as being a targeted individual started even before you were a teenager, but did not gain in momentum. This has more to do with your activities in prior lifetimes as a person who has particular drive and intensity, with a passion for truth, and wanting things to be ever-changing for the better. That combination of qualities will make you a kind of loose cannon, someone who can complain, and make demands, and challenge those in authority in questioning their performance, rather than simply be subservient and assume they have little power to begin with and remain complacent as a consequence. All such individuals are put on lists to receive some pushback, to begin weakening them in whatever way looks most feasible, without creating a spectacle that would demand a serious inquiry and potentially create a pattern of bizarre events raising too many questions. So while the Extraterrestrial Alliance members are quite savage, they also are possessed of savvy in knowing how to get away with things and keep things within a certain level of intensity until they really want to pull out all the stops. So they will not do that with every single targeted individual. Each case is different, each person is different. You have simply risen to a level in having enough black marks against you, so to speak, they are ramping up the intensity to make you suffer, and that is from a combination of things happening through the years. The detailed specifics are not of value here, as the danger is adding fuel to the potential to blame yourself for making wrong moves and choices. You were doing the best you could in life and are not responsible for this state of affairs. You have a natural divine birthright to be who you choose, as long as you are not harming others, and it is no one’s right to harm you for any reason. Wrongdoing always creates a penalty for the self, after all, as a kind of divine self-correcting mechanism.

Steiner saw his mission as two-fold, to share his findings from his own extensive spiritual explorations, as well as to try and “clone himself” and teach others exactly how to develop their intuitive reach to the extent he possessed and exercised. His assumption was that the only way to overcome the profound materialism taking over society was to counter it with a literal army of mystics and seers whose findings would oppose and eventually neutralize and discredit this materialism. Hence, his creation of Anthroposophy and Waldorf Schools was originally conceived as incubators for modern seers, a vision and goal that never fully materialized. Did this agenda have divine support at the time? What can Creator tell us?

We support every endeavor that has a noble purpose, that is to say, a high spiritual nature and value in advancing greater awareness and connection and alignment with the divine and our agenda. So greater knowledge, becoming more adept in thinking more deeply about things, seeking deeper truths, wanting to connect the dots to better understand the world, one’s place in it personally, and the uncertainties about having a relationship directly with the divine are plenty of challenge for anyone. There are many paths one can take to gain knowledge, awareness, and work on their enlightenment, which is a healing journey, after all, to bring you back into full alignment with us energetically. You do not start out that way at birth and that is a defect in the system for reasons we are discussing. The quest for humans to make sense of things and the curiosity left in the wake of this disconnection of not knowing who you are, why you are here, where you come from, or where you are going has plagued humanity all through time on the planet. You know all these things as a light being, the problem is here, because of the corruption by evil to diminish physical humans.

Steiner was after a greater expansion of awareness and that would be a good thing. He was doing it the hard way, as it turns out, because it is not truly in the cards to awaken everyone intuitively so all can be seers of great power and reach. Those abilities are present in a modest percent of individuals. Everyone has the potential for some intuitive awareness, but many close that off and become refractory to any attempt to reawaken it. Those in between have some sensing, some hunches about things, and some knowings of things that turn out to be correct because they are seeing it intuitively but not perceiving that as what is happening. That is helpful always, but cultivating greater such ability in the masses is as big a process as healing your karmic trauma in order to be happier, because the deepest and most long-lasting traumas are the more difficult to contend with.

It is not even a high priority of Creator to make that happen because there is not sufficient time left on the clock to give that a priority and bring it about. At this point, you need to, in effect, dodge a bullet that is coming, and that is the annihilation plans of the interlopers that could even be launched within the next two years. Enough healing to allow people to be ready for ascension and graduate to a higher plane of existence, which is Creator’s Plan, cannot be carried out in that short a time, so we are working on ways to change the direction of things to give you a breather and allow more human-launched healing requests to prepare you to leave physical existence altogether—that is to your advantage so you will never again be under the control and subjugation of physical extraterrestrials or the dark spirits within your galaxy who started the problem of evil in the first place, through corrupting other beings in the physical, including all of the physical extraterrestrials and now you as recent arrivals.

A viewer asks: “A popular New Age author and therapist, Doreen Virtue, known for preaching the use of guardian angels as spiritual healing through her program Angel Therapy, denounced her own work in 2017, saying, “I was deceived by New Age teachings and by demons who were posing as angels. Not one person in the Bible calls upon angels. If God wants to send an angel to someone, He will send it.” Now she is a born-again Christian and has retracted her New Age books, teachings, and oracle cards and focuses only on the Bible. I purchased several of her books and especially found the book, Archangels and Ascended Masters, helpful to me in difficult times. Is corruption the basis for her turnaround?” What is Creator’s perspective?

There are many things we could say about her turnaround here and we think it is most fitting to leave much of that up to her and her words about the matter, as dissecting her life and her performance, as a spiritual leader, is a quite difficult and painful saga, much of it on a private level that would not benefit others to hear and would be hurtful for her, just as all humans who have failings at times would not benefit from a dissection of the gory details.

What we can say, given that she has made this declaration, is that this is not a misdirection or a lack of alignment, in seeming to retreat back to the Bible after a period of greater enlightenment, as is assumed by the New Age followers they are a part of and contributing to in their efforts. This is a return to authenticity and she was driven to that choice by seeing through the deceptions that had crept in and were manipulating her, both the beings who she tuned into as well as some of the teachings of her own that had become corrupted in subtle ways, but in a meaningful fashion, to keep her work on a lower level of effectiveness than she herself believed. That is not to say her teachings were lies or even greatly faulty. Much of what she knew and came to believe, in working passionately to be a spiritual force for good, was based on the reality of the divine and many prior perspectives and teachings, including the Bible. The problem was she was doing this all on her own and lacked appropriate safeguards, thinking she was a lightworker and, assuming she was in divine alignment, could simply tune into lofty beings and receive insights and awarenesses that she could rely on.

As you know, from your hard-won learning yourself, it is not so simple. People cannot truly defend themselves very effectively, that is simply the truth of the matter at its naked core. People will not want to hear that, but there is no better way to drive the point home than to make a sweeping declaration. You are vulnerable, all of you, and sitting ducks. To the extent you believe in the Almighty, and ask fervently for protection on a regular basis, that might well do the job but is never a guarantee because humans themselves will vary in their vibration and make themselves vulnerable without realizing it, and the interlopers will pounce each and every time to try and get a handhold and enter your energy to corrupt you further. It is like walking through a battlefield in the midst of a raging war with bullets flying to and fro; if you ask for protection, that might well be effective but eventually there will be a moment when you are in doubt or in a state of fear or anxiety about something and, in the doing, become more visible to the darkness and will have bullets aimed at you.

She was astute enough to realize there had been some corruption of her intentions and perceptions and was brave enough to explain to her followers this dramatic change in her perspective in renouncing her prior teachings. In actuality, while that seems extreme, it is the unfortunate truth that work done in collaboration with the darkness will become tainted energetically through entanglements with dark plans, dark intentions, and dark beings themselves, such that when people engage with faulty work there will be a likelihood it gets noticed, and that connection will be traced to you and you will be inspected and worked on to engage in all kinds of mischief. So the safest course is to bring about a separation. That is not to say there is nothing she could do in the future that is original, if it is produced while truly in divine alignment and unencumbered by influences of the interlopers, but that is her place to ponder and decide.

So we see this as a cautionary tale for all would-be lightworkers, to be extremely meticulous and rigorous in requesting divine protection before doing any intuitive work of any kind, and this includes as well, making oneself visible by making public declarations as an advocate for spiritual principles. These are treacherous times and the darkness is always watching. You can stand strong and walk tall, and even walk through the fire with sufficient belief in the divine, and in yourself to be worthy of divine support and protection, but that is usually always a work in progress, so it is prudent to proceed with care and work at things to build a fortress of faith before venturing forth.

Much has been explored in this project on the types and uses of psychic ability and on the topic of channeling. Karl has even authored an ebook on the dangers of false channeling which can be downloaded for free at getwisdom.com/false. When channeling, one is carrying on a conversation, perceived within the mind, to learn something from an outside consciousness. This can be a low-level being or even all the way up to Creator, expressed through the channeler’s vocal cords to speak directly or in the form of their hand to conduct automatic writing. But with seership, one is sending out intuitive feelers, in a sense, going to see something for themselves, directly. Can Creator comment further on the difference between seers and channelers?

There are many forms of intuitive perception. These have been categorized as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and so on. The main distinction is that all depend on the individual, what they focus their intention on, how their nonlocal consciousness is operating, and their ability to connect with it to receive information in one form or another. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. When one is after truth, the highest of perceptions is knowings, to have a full and complete understanding of truth about something come into one’s awareness so that the answer to a question, the solution to a problem, the meaning of an issue, is understood in the moment. This, of course, is still an incremental process to the broad goal of the soul journey, the life underway and its aims and goals, and all that people want to accomplish through their existence. You take things one at a time, inevitably, so any gain in knowing is a partial answer to the big picture being pieced together through your life experience.

What the seer does is to receive impressions, but these must be interpreted further to fully understand them. The channeler receives, at least if talking to an authentic high-level divine source, specific language that is most commonly understood readily, not that there cannot be deeper insights gleaned on further reflection, having received a channeled body of information, but channeling leaves much less ambiguity, at least with respect to what is described. A seer relying on clairvoyance to see an image of something might be seeing the way their own nonlocal consciousness conveys to their awareness the appearance of a dark spirit being, a ghostly presence, someone in another lifetime, as a measure of communication through symbolism to convey a broader message than can be done by the mind visually.

The saying that, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is very apt here. While those who can see visions of things, even an active replay from the akashic records of events in parallel lives of a person, are, in effect, an eyewitness to something that has meaning. But the question then is, “Which of those thousand words might apply?” Seeing an act of violence take place without the knowing of where, when, why, how, and the underlying agenda still must apply an analysis to what they see for it to have the greatest possible benefit of informing someone about something important that has taken place. The same is true of auditory information. In a sense, it is like reading tea leaves, one can see what is there but is looking for what the implications are; in other words, what is still hidden in some way.

So it is a starting point to be a seer more than a reliable analytical tool to gain a complete understanding of something. Given enough time, enough probings, this will add to the body of information gathered in that fashion. But again, as with beauty being in the eye of the beholder, who the seer is, their makeup, their personality, their depth of understanding about life, human motivations, and the workings of both the divine and the darkness, as a more complete human being, will have much to add to the richness and validity of what they come away with in understanding, and then perhaps conveying the meaning of what they are seeing to others. So these capabilities are like any other tools, what matters, in the end, is how one uses them, the level of craftsmanship, talent, perseverance, dedication, passion, and depth of experience are all elements that will govern the quality and value of the end product of such explorations.

The ability to apprehend spiritual realities directly does not necessarily imply any particular spiritual or moral orientation. This means there are benevolent seers and sinister seers. Rudolf Steiner is widely believed to be an example of a benevolent seer, and Aleister Crowley is an example of a widely regarded sinister seer. What can Creator tell us?

This is an important reality that needs to be understood and in the awareness of all who seek information from such sources. People are not always who they seem to be. Conmen do not warn you in advance they are going to pick your pocket by gaining your trust and manipulating you to give something of value to them that is unearned and will be, in the end, a theft. There are many who employ intuitive reach for self-gain and as a way to have power over others to manipulate, and especially to harm them, because they are serving the darkness and imparting its aims of inflicting evil to cause suffering. Many are manipulated to serve their greed by the darkness knowing it will enlist them in their cause to cheapen life and to leave people empty, helpless, and in dire straits if that can be arranged.

There are many with psychic abilities of all kinds who are simply naïve and do not appreciate they might partner with a dark being or an influencer who, like a con artist, is misrepresenting their abilities, perhaps not even knowing of their limitations because they only see so far themselves over the horizon. Such individuals are often not expecting to encounter the darkness at all and naïvely think, because they have good intentions, that will somehow protect them or they can apply a kind of self-reassurance by putting white light around them, or some such symbolic gesture, not realizing it is only the workings of their own mind. The universe will not care, the darkness will see through it, and it will only be an extra enticement to attack them because they know the person is leaving themselves unguarded, and that is an open invitation to the burglar who would take everything they can away from you. As always, it is important to get a sense of who you comport with, to assess their reliability, and whether they are reflecting genuine intentions to be of assistance for your benefit as much as theirs.

This is not easy to do on one’s own and that is why people go to such individuals in the first place, because they themselves lack the intuitive reach to look beyond the prosaic physical level to learn deeper truths. We would say the best course of action for everyone in life is to first partner with the Almighty in everything you do and to ask for protection actively to keep you safe, unhindered, and unmanipulated by those who would harm you; to be guided, inspired, and uplifted to increase your ability to tell the difference between the good and bad one encounters. Asking the divine for protection is the first step people should take with daily prayer, and this is because the road hazards are many and frequently encountered. Having lofty notions will not protect you, only a direct request for divine support and intervention will be effective. Humans are vulnerable when they act on their own energy alone.

Are some forms of “mental illness” or madness, in fact, a form of involuntary and uncontrolled “seership?” What can Creator tell us?

You are hovering around an important truth here in your question, that somehow the plight of the mentally ill has some connection in seeing things others cannot. The reality is that mental illness is not a product, alone, of seeing or over-seeing, in having too much awareness for one’s good. Mental illness is a consequence of inner corruption, typically by dark spirit possession. It can have karmic roots as well and often the two conspire to make a perfect storm of inner liabilities. When someone who has vulnerability to being manipulated in a deep level of their mind also has the capabilities of a seer, they will be much more likely to hear the voice of such dark spirits brought to conscious level through their intuitive reach. In a sense, they are channeling their inner demons and can talk to them. This is a highly dangerous state of affairs because the spirits will have a field day with the mind of their host, tormenting them relentlessly to mock and terrorize them by turns and, with conscious awareness of this harassment, the damage will be much more severe because then no level of the mind is spared from the attacks, and this will greatly undermine a person and even incapacitate them, ultimately.

The origin of delusional thinking is a programming by dark spirits within, to create a kind of looping of thoughts that do not serve the host, that are a kind of lie they have been made to believe and to think it is important to focus on, and a part of their mind will take up that task and replay those thoughts over and over and over again. Delusional thinking is not only a distraction but heavily destructive and often creates a downward spiral through a worsening. People can only take so much, and this may end in suicide or acting out their inner dark thoughts to harm others, feeling compelled to do so, because it is what their own mind, seemingly, is telling them, when in fact it is a demonic being taking charge of them. So, in such individuals, being a seer is a liability because they will be unable to avoid becoming preoccupied, with their own world being turned upside down by interlopers wanting to harm them, and will see and feel and know quite painfully the reign of terror being inflicted without understanding its true origin, meaning, and purpose.

He asks: “I have wondered if it is possible I am dealing with a walk-in as it relates to my wife. I am wondering also if there are clones or other hybrid beings that may be responsible for some of my difficulties. When you are able, I would appreciate any knowledge you may share regarding my dealing with such entities—are LHPs appropriate for dealing with a walk-in?” What can we tell him?

Your wife is not a walk-in. This is a kind of internal corruption that has taken place, which is causing changes in perspective, emotions, and actions. It is largely a karmic struggle that has been awakened from a period of time harboring spirit meddler attachments, and this is bubbling up and creating a kind of inner set of new marching orders, so to speak. In a sense, she is trying old patterns and habits on for size, and due to her weakened state that got this in motion, began to revert to prior habits that were not helpful in other lifetimes, but she had to live with them, and was not able to overcome them in the past. That is why they have arisen yet again, and again she has the challenge to face, being a party to things that are not serving her and are harmful to her, as well as others, you especially. This is a need for healing, and that is underway but will require more time. These are difficult things to change, because to the extent the person believes what they feel and choose to do, it keeps it carved in stone, so to speak, as a kind of habit, a default in thinking about things and making choices to act in dealing with the outer world.

Healing can be a delicate matter in such cases, because people can have setbacks, sometimes quite easily, through their own wandering thoughts, revisiting past trauma, and stirring things up again. This varies tremendously from person to person. But this is why some people are truly their own worst enemies because they may resist change, especially because they are too likely to keep turning to old ideas, strategies, and ways of thinking which are more destructive than helpful. But on a conscious level, they do not understand the dynamic and cannot see the truth of it, because much of the inspiration is below conscious awareness to begin with. So they will not see the many things that are not truly even logical, but nonetheless seem real, and inappropriate to them in the moment. This is what you are dealing with, not something more bizarre. But it is nonetheless challenging to deal with, especially in a timely way. It is that karmic awakening causing changes in your wife, not her being replaced by another entity.

Creator has commented in the past, and more than once, that the game of American football is not a divinely sanctioned enterprise. That the divine views football as more harmful to both participants (which include players and coaches and support staff and owners) as well as fans and spectators, than it is beneficial and uplifting to any of these parties. Can Creator share with us in more detail what the karmic implications are for the parties involved?

We cannot truly agree with your sweeping condemnation you took from our prior comments. We were speaking of the issue that football mimics combat in representing a physical confrontation and clash, often with adverse health consequences for the participants, being a contact sport. That is not to say humans are not invigorated, enhanced physically in the preparation needed to engage in such a sporting contest, or even the spectators not enriched and stimulated in some positive ways as well, with the idea of championing a cause, backing particular contestants, cheering them on as a healthy demonstration of support and loving concern as well as having things to aspire to, even vicariously, in backing what might turn out to be a winning side in a contest. All of those things are a kind of striving, a desire for advancement to gain ground, to excel, to exceed expectations, and advance from the present state of affairs to something better, more exalted, and get a feeling of accomplishment from the effort. All of that is well and good, if only a transient and relatively minor sort of gain compared to enrichment of the soul. But you are physical beings, in the physical plane, and so physical contests are a natural pastime and occupation to exercise the being, in a sense, to flex the muscles, use them to good advantage, and honing skills, strength, endurance, and achievement in accomplishing something one sets out to do. Even though it might be an arbitrary test of skill, it speaks to determination, dedication, participation, and achievement.

Where we part company with the vast majority of people who see football as completely positive, embrace it wholeheartedly, savor all of the games and the progress of their favorite teams and players, is that it is inspired in the first place by interlopers wanting to conquer you. They instilled you with a lust for combat to act as they do in taking on adversaries, even at the level of fighting tooth and claw. That is what is nondivine, to best someone else at the expense of their health, livelihood, and even put them at risk of death, is a karmic misstep for achieving a kind of pat on the back in service to the ego in earning the label “winner” for something that will come and go, cannot be sustained over great spans of time, and so has only a transient applicability to actual reality. Sooner or later, all athletes lose their capabilities through aging and, while they were great once, it is then gone as a possibility and someone else will take their place—that is an ephemeral attainment of glory, to be sure.

The interlopers only care about winning and honoring those who do it, in the most intense and savage ways, in the bargain. This is why they have promoted contact sports and deadly contests of all kinds from the days of Ancient Greece with the Spartans glorying in extremes of physicality to outdo others in a very simplistic way—who is biggest, who is strongest, who is more brutal in dominating an opponent and subjugating them were the hallmark of excellence—but that is a crude demonstration of worth of a sort that is not truly gained by being superior, it is only a surface set of attributes. In truth, those engaged in contact sports, and those who support them and those who cheer them on, are serving slave masters, wanting them to go through those motions, because it mimics their world of power and control where everyone is scrambling to fit into a hierarchy of ever‑greater power.

This is what the sport of football elevates above all else. To determine who outscores the opposition, will be done from a series of clever maneuvers, to physically dominate one’s opponents and often in painful ways that are a built-in inevitability. That is what is nondivine, causing harm to gain glory and praise and rewards for the self. That reflected glory, exalted in by spectators, is not truly earned as it is being perceived, again, through ego identification with the team being revered for personal reasons and, while being blind to the potential consequences to both losers and winners from putting on this spectacle, all the athletes will have physical penalties, some lifelong and permanent, even resulting in a shortened lifetime. There will be karmic consequences visited upon all others involved as well, including the spectators.