Is this another way to ingratiate Elon Musk with the public, in preparation for him to be a spokesperson for the Extraterrestrial Disclosure?

We did not give you an additional warning about associating with him and his ideas because we knew this question was coming and that you have asked us about the meaning of our warning and been told the truth here, that he, himself, will be a spokesperson for the Extraterrestrial Alliance with the coming Disclosure. At least, this is the current plan. All of these steps you have been seeing that show him doing things to help the average citizen in a material way, whether through greater freedom of speech, lower electricity costs, or lower gasoline costs, are truly serving public interest with respect to their pocketbook and wallet. It is a cynical deception from first to last, not that the promised benefits are immaterial or some kind of scam, but because he, himself, is a living Trojan horse, representing a great alien force that is allied against you and wanting the annihilation of humanity. So he cannot be trusted to do anything without an ulterior motive designed to hurt humanity and destroy you in the end, unless we can work to change their plans in time. But time is growing short, so this is still uncertain. Much healing effort is needed to turn the tide here, to change the thinking of the Extraterrestrial Alliance enough to give you a breather, at least. This we are working on, but it cannot be guaranteed, nor is this plan for Elon Musk himself, guaranteed to play out as we are describing, because the interlopers will change their plans whenever there is a tactical advantage they see in making an alternate arrangement of some kind. So what was projected to happen may not, in favor of something else, but that is the current projection.


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Fenn reports that he asked his angel about God the Father’s goodness, and reported being immediately whisked away in spirit to visit a poor country in Africa, where he witnessed a small farmer desperately searching for a buyer for his crop before it rotted in just a few days. After many foot trips back and forth with a small cart and part of his crop, he finally connected with a woman who agreed to buy his entire crop, and his fortunes switched from dire to blessed in a single instant. The angel explained that God the Father arranged everything so that this small humble farmer would receive a reward for all his hard work, and that his family would have what was needed. How much of the average person’s life is arranged in just this way? Is every human’s life arranged in this way? What can Creator tell us?

This is an important lesson in what is real and what is assumed. Humanity has the wrong view of us, thinking of us as an all-powerful Father presiding over his children and willing to step in and heal their hurts, pick them up, dust them off, set them free again when they have transgressed, forgive their sins, and manage their lives to bring about fairness, joy, and happiness for anyone who is a true believer, or so the story goes.

This is a scenario of partial truths only, for the true understanding of that experience, in seeing the plight of the humble farmer rewarded by divine grace, was not that God manages people’s lives, and the deserving few rewarded, and it is only a matter of faith and devotion to prove one’s worth needed to receive the same divine beneficence. In reality, that farmer was rewarded as a consequence of his own divine actions because he had a refined and true spiritual core, and lived according to divine principles, in divine alignment. He created his own future, so even though he was challenged along the way, as all are, being in the physical, a tough arena of fierce competition and many, many hazards and pitfalls that can easily snare a person and drag them down, he held true to his morality and ethics and weathered the storm, the storms of life, and created the future reward that was ultimately witnessed, of being in the right place at the right time.

What he was doing was partnering with the divine all along the way during his life. So, by doing this, he paved the way for that beneficent future where he could easily have been decimated, and his entire family perish from his failure to provide, but instead was met by divine grace, fulfilling our part of a bargain, he, in effect, had ensured through his meeting us halfway, in partnership, and fulfilling his obligations to do the hard work and conscientious attention to his responsibilities and obligations, not just for himself but his family as well. This was a blessing for himself and for his family, and all were rewarded by an arranged rescue. But that was not a unilateral act of charity, but the fulfilling of a contract, in effect, launched by a man of faith with strong inner convictions and a sense of purpose, for the betterment of himself and his family, and he was a true blessing to those loved ones as well as to his own soul in the outcome.

The lesson here is that you are not on your own and subservient, and only through obedience and devotion will we pay attention. It is not our demands that need to be met, it is your own desires for living in divine alignment that will bring you close to us and us close to you. When we are walking side by side with you, hand in hand, you gain our power in ways that would otherwise never happen when you are on your own and living by your own wits and meager resources. In your world, it is you that have power. If you choose to use that power to partner with us, you will become more powerful. It is all up to you as we follow your lead.

Fenn, being Baptist, emphasized the importance of “being saved versus not being saved.” Yet in studying the replies of Jesus, nothing was really shared that seemed to endorse that outlook, while Jesus was careful not to disturb that belief or overtly contradict it. Can Creator share with us if there really is such a status, and if not, how did such a notion take root and why is it so quickly embraced and adhered to?

The broad meaning of being saved, and why it resonates so strongly within the hearts of countless humans, is the slaking of a thirst of long-standing, to be close once again to the divine so one is no longer alone living in a state of confusion, doubt, and fear. Because the presence of the divine is the antidote to separation—the separation through your ignorance in coming into a physical existence and having to start from scratch to learn about the divine, and then grow to understand, accept it, and feel accepted by it—this is a challenge for everyone and many get lost along the way.

The image of Jesus Christ is so powerful, as a savior, because it is both water and wine to the thirsty, and bread to the famished, who are often in a state of desperation, because nothing in physical existence can truly equal the bliss of experiencing divine love and the deep knowing of who you truly are and what that all means. It is quite profound and transcends human experience. There is an inner knowing of this and the visage of Jesus Christ, whether in the flesh, as a spirit presence, or simply inner knowing and acceptance that allows being touched by the divine, will be a tremendous blessing for those who yearn for a reunion with God. This is what being saved by Jesus Christ will provide.

The barrier is lack of belief and readiness, energetically, to open the heart to divine love. It will be given to all who ask although few are truly ready and open to the experience, but it is their lack of preparation standing in the way. They do not realize it but they have moved away from the divine somewhere along the way, and need a means to come back into greater divine alignment and be raised up. That is the promise of being saved by Jesus and why it is so powerful. Many times it is described as an act of surrender and that is quite apt because many are, in effect, holdouts from becoming lost and doubting the possibility of finding their way back to the ultimate truth they seek. It is by letting go, many times, that will allow the divine love to flood in and save them at long last.

Fenn would also frequently ask his angel and Jesus to couch their messages and teachings to him in terms of “chapter and verse” of the Bible. Fenn apparently thought this was “right and proper” but never asked either his angel or Jesus about it. By confining them to “chapter and verse” it seems Fenn was limiting the range of divine response they could actually deliver and remain within the rules of engagement. What can Creator tell us about imposing such a limit on divine beings?

You are seeing correctly that there are pitfalls in being too doctrinaire and assuming that one’s knowledge is correct and true from descriptions, even in the Scriptures, of how to conduct oneself spiritually to good effect. It is an unfortunate truth that even the Scriptures contain corrupt thinking and distortions, and many important divine teachings have been removed through the ages. This is no different than the censorship of today, it is still widespread where those in authority expunge testimony, destroy records, lock up the whistleblowers and truthtellers, or they may well end up dead, with much of their knowledge unreported, which is the point of their elimination, to silence them. Given the state of widespread ignorance and lack of sophistication in ancient times, the universal presence of authoritarian regimes quick to kill citizens for having the “wrong thoughts,” the very idea is truly laughable that all divine revelations have been uniformly preserved with accuracy and thoroughness from ancient times on to the present day, and defies common sense and reason, but this is what the authorities want you to believe. They want you to accept a partial set of teachings as the be-all and end-all, knowing it is impoverished and largely ineffectual because it is easy to take a half measure, implement it poorly, and end up with even less in the way of an outcome. It is hard to go from a halfway starting point to the whole, and that has held humanity back for thousands of years now.

So this was narrow thinking on the part of Fenn who saw the Scriptures as an absolute divine truth, the words of God, and therefore sacrosanct, and devoted himself slavishly to a word-for-word adherence, and this was indeed a narrowing of perspective that prevented new divine wisdom to be imparted. Here again, the important lesson is you are in charge of your world and not us. We will answer your call, we will support you, and assist in many ways if you ask, but you must know what you are about and must work mightily on your end to better understand your circumstances, what has gone wrong, what is missing, what is needed, and, ideally, even how we might go about supplying the missing pieces. In other words, you must learn to become a teacher and mentor for yourself and others through hard-won divine wisdom. You must pay attention, you must focus, and you must think creatively to explore the possibilities to fill in the many gaps in knowledge left by the incomplete history of humanity. Putting constraints on what the divine can tell you is not the way to go about this, it is a prescription for maintaining a mediocre level of understanding, and a primitive perspective at best, when it is time for the opposite to happen, it is time to break out, break the mold, look in new directions with opened eyes and heart, to expect the unexpected, and that will bring, many, many rewards and a broadened perspective of the divine and humanity as well.

Fenn’s books were fascinating but, like so many other spiritual treatises, failed in any attempt to really grapple with the problem of evil. There was, of course, no mention of extraterrestrials. Can it be assumed that is simply because he never asked? Can Creator tell us why Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the genuine means for dealing with this most important of issues that most still do not have any clue about, even many with profound spiritual gifts?

Your question is putting the finger on the problem, in a powerful way, using an excellent example of the dilemma you are in. Because you are in charge, by virtue of your free agency and free will to think and believe as you choose, it is up to you to learn and grow, not to us. It is up to you to find out why problems exist and seek ways to get divine assistance that are precise enough and powerful enough to help you overcome your adversaries. When you are in a state of ignorance, we have little to work with because we must use your lead, your understanding, awareness, and instructions, in order to act on your behalf. When you are in a state of ignorance and feeling helpless, there is nothing to empower us, no useful fuel for us to use to bring about a divine solution for your dilemma.

This is what has been missing all through the ages. There have been many would-be lightworkers, people of faith, spiritual leaders, and spokespersons providing much encouragement for a return to the divine and stoking the inner passion for upliftment, and leading people in the right direction at least, to make some gains in understanding and some divine blessings as a consequence. But this has been far too little to surmount the evil in your world. It is evil that is on the ascendency even as the spiritual community talks about a shift in consciousness, a coming ascension, and a return of love. The saying is very apt, that “talk is cheap.” This will not happen with you as a passive observer, not believing fervently or acting with passion but as a passive bystander and would-be witness to something you feel is not only deserved but inevitable because others have told you so, if not in so many words, by their own passivity and naïve complacency, that “things will all work out,” “it is only a matter of time,” and “only thinking positive is needed” when nothing could be further from the truth.

Humanity is in the crosshairs of assassins, an extraterrestrial cabal of multiple civilizations who have been truly running the world throughout human history, because they were corrupted long before humanity existed, by the fallen angelic loss of divinity, and that has infected you through direct possession of your being by dark spirit attachments to undermine you, weaken your faith, grow your doubts, and stoke your fears in as many ways as they can. People vary in susceptibility, but your entire culture is in the grip of evil, looking for a secular solution of false beliefs and limited perspectives that will lead you nowhere, or even towards a diminishment in multiple ways that will compound your lack of power and increase your helplessness. That is why Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the answer here and nothing else will make this happen.

The religious believers have their thoughts and heart in the right place but have a lack of understanding of what the problems truly are, how to invite a divine intervention, with specificity and sufficient power to right the wrongs, and create a turning point for the better to stave off your annihilation and become a force for good that is unstoppable. That has yet to happen but can only come using the tools you have been given, through Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, so the right knowledge will be employed in the right way, with effectiveness, which can truly raise up the interlopers enough to leave you be and allow humanity to heal sufficiently for the grand ascension to finally happen. That is your only way out of this dilemma.

Your channel, through his diligence, creativity, and passion, have uncovered the secrets of why the world is suffering so, and the path to enlightenment, which is a healing journey, not just the gaining of knowledge and wisdom. That knowledge and wisdom must be turned into many kinds of actions in being able to more effectively ward off evil, counter the negativity on all levels of your world, through manipulation of everyone and everything, and to bring much-needed healing for the wrongs of the past in creating negative karma that has dragged everyone down and everything else with it.

The interlopers working against you know how crippling this becomes when you are entering a downward spiral in reaction to the immensity of all the negativity you have been exposed to, and been wounded by, through hundreds of lifetimes, never having been healed. That is why enlightenment is a healing journey and the only way to get there is through a serious and concerted divine participation, at your invitation, with sufficient knowledge, specificity, and understanding of how the divine realm heals. That is what these tools give you, they are the keys to the kingdom, the keys to your future, and if you use them you can win. If you fail to heed our warnings and surrender to doubt and complacency, you will lose this last chance at victory and will go down.

A practitioner asks: “I would like to know Source Creator’s opinion of reading the book and implementing the instructions given in the book, The Sophia Codes, as something to be done in addition to the LHP. Does it add any benefit to do so?”

This is a body of work from ancient sources that has been reworked over time and is not always represented by authors in contact with the best inner guidance and influence. It is typical across the board of all such things, that what ends up in print is filtered and passes through the hands of interlopers. The problem is not that the information, word for word, is necessarily inaccurate, but that the information will have connected with it an energetic trail leading back to the interlopers who will seek to follow all who refer to such documents and begin a process of evaluation and further manipulation of them. So such sacred works are often used along with human acolytes embracing them, as Pied Pipers to attract the unwary. This is why we have always instructed your channel to warn people away from corrupted sources no matter what the level of quality is of the content or even its overall accuracy, in a general sense, if not with respect to all specific details. That might seem like a harsh judgment, but candy given to a child by a pedophile is tainted because there is another agenda in the exchange. If you only look at the candy and its wrapping, you will find no fault and see there is something real there that may be quite delightful and a source of joy, the problem is the risk involved in who is presenting the gift.

Healers become enamored of such sources for a variety of reasons and we do not fault people for using their initiative as best they can. But when asked directly about questions of safety, we cannot skirt around the issue and must warn people to be careful. The major issue, with respect to that body of material and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, is that the former will not add, in a material way, to the broad coverage of the Lightworker Healing Protocol. There are many ways to approach and describe divine truth; all may have value in certain settings, for certain audiences, especially having certain objectives and particular preferences in what people wish to do. For example, among healers, there is a wide variety of approaches that have developed over time, based on knowledge of the way energy works, primarily, and less so how the divine realm operates. But energy is important, and its manipulation, and shaping, and adjustment is useful, as well as karmic phenomena, in general, which can be manipulated through requests to the divine. Even using varied terminology, there will often be a sufficiently accurate intention for a healer to get some useful things done, but we see no particular advantage in trying to blend that body of work into the LHP or vice versa—that material is quite old and from a time and place with little understanding of metaphysics, and the nature of the issues going on in the world, and the workings of the divine as well.

Divine impressions may well have an accurate envisioning of circumstances and ongoing difficulties, but that does not mean the information will be fully understood, interpreted with a level of sophistication, knowledge, and wisdom to refine it into a healing objective other than in the most general ways that, even when you look at them deeply and in detail, are the application of jargon wanting a solution and little more, as to mechanisms, and so forth. The LHP is much more than a healing tool, it is a request, in the highest and best way, for a broad divine intervention, and that is not encompassed in the body of work mentioned except in general terms that lack precision and specificity, and thus do not empower the divine, through a surface recitation, to carry out the extensive work needed to approach a solution. There are many people doing many things. We are not saying all other workers should stop doing what they are doing, but we do see the Lightworker Healing Protocol as special, it has special focus and intention, and a high‑level depth of understanding and requisite specificity to deal with the most important issues there are, and do so effectively, with sufficient leveraging that a human request can carry much, much further than anything available from ancient lore of any lineage, including the Scriptures.

The practitioner continues: “One of my concerns is my loved ones not being able to make the ascension because they are atheists, and even complicit in the interloper agendas, unwittingly. With higher self recruiting, does it now mean they can come along for the ascension, too?”

We can give you encouragement here, that it is more likely now than ever before that things can be turned around for them in time to get them ready enough to benefit and take part directly themselves in the ascension. But here you are seeing clearly the dilemma all face, that so many are like your loved ones, still not awakened to deeper truth and truly lost in not valuing their divinity. But people who are unaware, and thus not believers and, of course, not devout in any kind of spiritual practice, are not necessarily bad people, doing terrible things, and in an extremely corrupt state of being. Of course, there are many who seem beyond the pale, but belief in God is not a requisite for getting back to heaven. It helps tremendously, especially if there are other difficulties needing healing help from the divine, to make a full and easy transition. With no belief in the divine, it limits what the divine can do in the outreach to help people transition successfully.

So each individual case is different, but we caution you to not assume the worst, and one thing you can do is arrange for LHP sessions on a regular basis for their benefit because it will go a long ways to begin a process of inner conditioning that will help to make them a better person, and that will raise their vibration whether it is through a conscious spiritual focus or not. Any time someone is appealing to their better nature in their choices, it will raise their vibration, because love is divine, and any expression of loving kindness will raise one up just as surely as communing with Creator in prayer. In fact, the act of prayer, by a desperate suffering individual, can be done in a very low-level vibration making it very difficult for us to acknowledge and offer help because people in a state of helplessness have disconnected themselves from the divine. While we see their dilemma clearly, the rules of engagement say that humans have to be in the lead. Your loved ones do not see their dilemma and cannot make good choices to prepare themselves for a better future, but you can, so there is much you can do working on their behalf, in their stead, to get them ready for what is coming.

One of our greatest pleasures is seeing how your channel is seeing to the needs of all in his work, and the focus of the LHP on the broader community of souls and not simply on the self and one’s inner circle. That is the way to think about this, you have a mini version of the broad dilemma of humanity in your sights, so it falls to you to act on their behalf, because they cannot do so, at least at this point in time.

A psychologist writes about her successful hearing outcome with a state Review Board deciding her professional fate after a former patient accused her of causing harm: “Oh wow, thank you so much for the extra session! That is so kind of you, and I appreciate it so much! I think I felt it, because about a week ago, I started to feel utterly calm, with a strong sense of knowing deep within that it was going to be just fine. I actually felt great, and the feeling was that it was already over, even though it wasn’t. That it had been resolved, and there was nothing left to worry about, even if I didn’t have the proof yet. So I’m sure your Lightworker Healing Protocol helped a lot! It struck me how magical the hearing felt during the experience, that there was a Divine presence there, because of how smooth it went, that I wasn’t doubted even for a second, and having seen how they dealt with the woman before me, it’s not like they are always that way. It was this massive shift between her case and mine that I believe deeply was the work of the Divine. A good outcome can be the work of the Divine, even if it is very difficult as it occurs, but this was just so smooth, it is hard to explain, I just can’t imagine it would have been THAT easy without a Divine hand. Down to the detail that I had prayed for my client herself not to get involved, offer “evidence” against me, or show up to the hearing to make a statement, as well as for the boyfriend to not show up, and that is exactly how it went…when they reached out to the client for her statement, she didn’t respond, and the boyfriend gave them more statements about things I had said or did at that point, and told the board that he would show up to the hearing to make a public statement, but then didn’t. So there was that, which really helped, and then the fact that they didn’t grill me at all on anything I did, and there were many things I expected them to grill me on, and had prepared for, even beyond the complaint itself, since they look at your whole practice and can ding you for any reason at all that they see as not up to their standards of practice. But no, nothing. So anyway…a faith boosting experience for sure, and in the end, a positive one, since it helped me heal some things that had been stuck within myself, and learn, and face some of my deepest fears. I knew the darkness had been fully dispelled the week prior to the event, and was no longer anxious, when I had been experiencing intense anxiety for months about my career, feeling like it hung in the balance (which in reality, it probably was. People have lost licenses for stuff like this).” What is Creator’s perspective?

We are enjoying your recitation of this blessing you helped to create for your own benefit, and for the many others you will be helping in the future, through having a career that is ongoing and not hampered by administrative overreach or bungling, or even outside manipulation to overinterpret attacks from a former client that were not truly justified but looking for someone to blame, and as much by a concerned friend than the individual you worked with. There are many people who become disgruntled about things all too readily, and seek an outlet to complain, and may do so quite savagely with little thought about the consequences and, of course, nothing is more serious than attacking someone’s livelihood, and that was the game being played here. The darkness uses all such opportunities to ramp up discord because it helps all of the dark spirit attachments get more energy when people become agitated and have strong feelings, and especially when they go on the attack, in some way or another, whether as a judge or a member of a jury seeking retribution for something, so to speak.

What brought this to a happy conclusion was, in fact, divine intervention. We can tell you with certainty that without the LHP work done on your behalf, both of those individuals would have made appearances in person and pressed their case over a perceived mishandling of things, to blame you for unresolved issues, unjustly. And, as the business of providing psychological help is as much about helping to guide people to a better state of equilibrium, with less emotional excess and the stress it generates, whether that comes from within the client themselves or is induced, in fact, by a well-meaning but perhaps inelegant action of a therapist, those judging the outcome might well hold this therapist to a higher standard than that client, given the expectation the therapist will have professional detachment but a heavy commitment to addressing the client’s best interests in an effective and thorough fashion. So the outcome of such disputes is never certain and, in fact, the darkness routinely works to make the innocent guilty and the guilty go free. This is a perversion of human society, being orchestrated on all levels, and speaks to the wisdom of using a resource to bring divine healing to the rescue and which can indeed happen. Such things are a kind of miracle but are done by us routinely simply when people request our help in earnest, from a loving perspective, and have a just cause. Why would we not seek to help them prevail over misguided thinking or even evil intentions?

Your perception a week beforehand when things should have rightly increased your discomfort and anxiety, with your hearing looming in the near future, is a testament to having actually reached a turning point in helping you to cope with your feelings. That was not because the situation had been resolved as that still lay in the future. We were able to do some healing to allay those concerns, and give you inner reassurance you had every right to stand strong without fear and feel less personally responsible for your quandary, as perhaps being evidence of your weakness and lack of worth as a therapist. Such fears are natural and, in fact, quite helpful so people working in a professional capacity do not become complacent in assuming their judgment is flawless, their skills complete, and thus there is no need for introspection and thoughtful review to look for things that might have been done better, and so on. Such a retrospective survey helps people stay honest and be all the more effective in making small course corrections and, noting when something could have been done a little different and will do so in the future, it is a teachable moment that helps them grow.

So the outcome here was a divine blessing, done because you asked in the right way, through the right means, to bring the greatest benefit to bear on your problem. After all, this was not just you and your anxiety but a whole group of individuals, the disgruntled client and her boyfriend, misjudging the situation and wanting your head, and the review board, often in a position of great responsibility, to not let the licensed professionals commit acts of malpractice without a sanction. Such discipline is essential to keep the system healthy and honest, in weeding out those who are not a good fit for the role and make egregious errors, as well as those who become less sensitive, and thus less effective in failing to do the right things or acting in an arbitrary way that leaves problems unattended, and so on, but the bias of such reviewers can be triggered and will not be apparent to someone being reviewed. This the divine can see and help to prevent misunderstandings and misinterpretations, and especially any outside manipulation to turn such a body into a weapon to cause harm.

You benefitted in all ways from enlisting our help through the Lightworker Healing Protocol done by your channel on your behalf. If you think about this, all others involved benefitted as well through not contributing to what would have been overstepping their place to make false accusations and exaggerated claims of harm, in holding you responsible for their quality of life, and thus would contribute a major karmic error to their record and, if supported by the review board, would have dragged them into committing a lie to have the force of truth, and potentially ruin a productive and highly beneficial career helping many others. So the chain of consequences would grow and grow that had been started by an unsatisfied client not understanding the truth of things and why things unfolded the way they did.

Does Jesus Christ have “infinite” energetic reach? If so, with Creator’s assertion that with enough intention everything could change TOMORROW, wouldn’t Christ’s intention alone fulfill that requirement? He was born human after all, but does he remain human today in terms of the divine rules of engagement? Can he act as an independent agent with free will like any incarnate human? If Christ is considered still human in these terms, with his assumed infinite energetic reach, his saying just a single Lightworker Healing Protocol would seem to provide all the energetic reach the divine needs to save humanity. What is Creator’s perspective?

In this series of questions, you are thinking like a human and not making the clear distinction between the responsibilities and opportunities of beings in the physical and those in the light, which differ dramatically. Your needs and your journey, as a whole, with the end goal to provide healing for beings in the physical realm, must be driven by beings in the physical, not those in the light. We could solve all of the difficulty here, all your problems, and make everything perfect, but then it would be our doing, our arrangement, and our construction and you will have learned nothing by having us do it for you. This is true of all human activity, it is hard-won, usually, with a long learning curve to develop the requisite knowledge, information, and the skill practiced again and again in how to apply the knowledge effectively. If you do not do things yourself, you will not have true learning, you will only have knowledge in an abstract sense. It is the difference between reading an instruction manual and being an expert operator.

Jesus Christ is a light being and no longer in the physical, and even as a physical being he was not all-powerful. His divinity radiated from him, but he alone did not convert everyone he came across to his level of awareness and understanding of the divine, nor could he overpower the guards who came to arrest him and those who tortured and killed him, and again it was because he was living as a physical human being, and this is why he will not be the magic answer for humanity. The truth of his teaching and his example, showing the reality of the divine at work and that it is available to all, continues to live, but again that is just knowledge. You do not have him to lean on here alongside you in the physical, except as a light being, and he is constrained by the rules of engagement the same way Creator is constrained. He cannot do something on his own to right a wrong, to cure an illness, to stop a criminal from harming someone. He can only do so if there is a request from the human side for a divine intervention. So people who continue to appeal to him through prayer will get assistance but it will be limited, again, by the nature of their request, how well-informed it is, how specific it is as to the true underlying origins and causal factors in their dilemma, as well as being limited by the person’s meager knowledge of how the divine realm heals. Because even Jesus Christ, called on as a light being, cannot exceed the boundaries of your intentions you are offering as fuel to receive a benefit from divine help and healing.

That is what the LHP is for, to bridge the gap so that the light beings can do a full measure of assistance, with respect to what is possible, energetically. No one in the past history of humanity has fully tapped into that potential. It is not bringing forth the full wherewithal of the Almighty. That you cannot do, but you are not even using all of the possible sources of human energy, without the understanding built into the Lightworker Healing Protocol for pooling of intentions, so there is an ample supply and the accumulation of vast amounts of energy that can be matched with a vast launching of additional LHP sessions in parallel. So one LHP session now is like starting a chain reaction that will be amplified, and amplified countless times with countless launchings that will continue, and if you do a second session and a third and a fourth, and so on, that enterprise gets multiplied accordingly. This is the way you can solve the problem of only having dribs and drabs of healing intention available as a mere human being. The power is held by you with this divine wisdom at your disposal. You must endeavor to understand it and then take action to apply it in order to get the benefits. No one from the divine realm will do this for you if you do not take those steps to put these tools to use.