The practice, for many years, of religious institutions housing nuns, monks, priests, and other devout religious people to live lives focused on prayer has been seen by some as a kind of limited, even selfish, devotion that does little good for the world. Was there, in actuality, a divine plan behind that, to create much prayerful human intention that could be repurposed in the future, once people understood that was possible? Is all that prayer now being amplified to further empower the Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions practitioners are launching to save and heal humanity, and which pool human intention as fuel?

You are seeing the truth of things quite clearly, that this was a purposeful inspiration over the centuries, in fact, to keep the religious inclined absorbed in prayer for lengthy periods and even as a way of life, to the extent that could be arranged. We inspired the churches to set up monasteries and like havens where those wanting a religious lifestyle and role would be sheltered and then directed to spend much of their time engaged in prayer. To the outside world, that did, indeed, seem of little value, if nothing else because those individuals were largely cut off from the outside world. And, of course, some religious orders make a point of sequestration and cutting all ties with the outside world, making all unaware of what is going on elsewhere or items in the news, and so on. But all that time, what was being generated was raw prayer power in massive quantities, because that devotion was not misplaced or an exaggerated notion done through an overzealous cultlike belief in the power of the divine, or a selfish adherence to a slave-like lifestyle of penitence and minimization of comforts. While the idea of so much focused prayer work was accompanied by much self-denial by people taking that to an extreme, and following that recommendation to a fault, in a sense, it nonetheless had divine support because the lives of those prayerful religious believers, in the end, have made a dramatic and highly valuable contribution to the saving and healing of humanity. Even though done all through earlier eras, that energy is still in existence and can be referenced within the akashic records, to be repurposed on human request.

This is being done through the current Lightworker Healing Protocol, to capture and pool all such intentions through the ages to be used for many healing endeavors, done across timelines in fact, because that, too, is possible. And this is resulting in a large reworking of human history and the future being altered in the bargain. The latter is the ultimate prize because there is an urgent need to delay human annihilation so that healing work can continue longer and allow the ascension of humanity to come about. You are in a kind of footrace with the ETs here, but that prayer energy can put you in the lead. That is no small thing, and it should not be surprising this was foreseen by the divine and planned for. What was needed was for you to come along with your keen insight and talent to put two and two together and through creative ingenuity, see the possibilities for empowering prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol to new heights. That is just what is needed here, to win the day. That as well, was foreseen and planned for, but as with every bit of human progress, it depends on a partnership launched from the human side, so that humans can take credit for the benefits that result. That is how you will truly win the struggle between the light and the darkness, and solve the problem of evil for all of time.

A practitioner described work for a client who had sudden back pain, started having blood in the urine and was hospitalized with suspected kidney stone issues. The client felt intuitively, he had somehow been attacked. The hospital found snake venom in his system, which is unexplained. Was this a deliberate poisoning by ETs, and if so, for what reason? Is the client in the MAP?

This was a deliberate attempted homicide because they wanted him dead, and this was the means. And quite cleverly, they anticipated it would be misdiagnosed and attributed to complications arising from common and routine physical abnormalities that would be demonstrable with diagnostic workup of this individual. Doctors and hospitals are quite adept now in sidestepping the unpleasantness of having someone die under their watch. It happens with regularity and as they know or think they know, it is not their doing directly. They feel like a victim as much as the patient represents, and are wanting to avoid finger-pointing and worse, legal sanction for presumed negligence. So discrepancies such as an untimely death based on physical findings alone will not be probed aggressively in trying to unearth the truth of things. They understand all too well, whatever information is gathered can be used by an adversarial attorney to turn against them, to make them look like they are endeavoring to find an excuse as a cover-up, as a smokescreen, to sweep things under the rug and confuse the surviving family and heirs of the deceased and get themselves out of hot water, potentially, and if nothing else, just a messy and costly legal matter. This is simply being practical and safeguarding their welfare, given the high level of negativity and uncertain times where so many are poised to attack others, and the lure of money from a settlement encourages frivolous lawsuits to be launched all the time.

This individual has been a member of the Mercenary Army Program, unfortunately, and this creates extra hazards for him. As such, he is considered their personal property and with all recruits, current and past members, there will be an inquiry at intervals to probe their deep subconscious mind and its allegiance. If they resist the attempt to manipulate them, it may well earmark them for elimination. In some cases, there might be an attempt to reel them back in and counter a drift away from the programming. But all too often, given the large number of recruits they enjoy, it is simpler to eliminate those who become unruly, not only as a practical time-saving strategy but to also indulge their dark nature to punish anyone in their way who underperforms and acts in opposition to any degree. That was the case here. Through his growing divine alignment, this individual is standing strong more and more and that is what sealed his fate. The death was prevented because of all of the divine oversight and protections bestowed on him, and we will endeavor to maintain that status, but he cannot be considered out of the woods yet. We will work to get him off the list of those deserving a death warrant and that may take some time. So continued support for protection through LHP work and prayer are both helpful to keep the energy for protection high on his behalf.

Practitioners continue to want to combine other energy healing work with the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Are there worthwhile energy healing steps, like Reiki, Quantum Touch, Healing Touch, Sound Therapy, etc., that would enhance a Lightworker Healing Protocol session, or does the LHP already allow the divine realm to carry out energy healing maneuvers to reduce symptoms, effectively, so that other modalities are unneeded?

The latter is the case here, that the LHP already holds within it the invitation for the divine to ameliorate the suffering of the clients, to regulate, readjust, add back, or create within, whatever might be needed to right a wrong, to change the person for the better on any level of their being: physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, and moreover, across time in all expressions of the individual among the many parallel lifetimes that occur. The fact these are not tied to a particular healing modality as done by human beings does not mean analogous maneuvers are not being done by the divine realm all the time, as an adjunct to assist a person to smooth out the rough edges, reduce the level of suffering or a physical symptom that is aggravating or annoying. In truth, what energy workers are doing is a kind of fill-in, an end-stage stopgap that is very valuable in preventing extremes of suffering that can be debilitating and overwhelming for some. As such, they have a place in things, but to the extent they are believed in as a be-all and end-all and keep people from looking further for deeper answers, they will work against human progress and spiritual advancement with the healing needed for Ascension.

None of the energy healing will do a thorough karmic repair, as needed to prepare for Ascension. That is why we have said before, a number of times, not as flattery to the founder or as a promotional support for GetWisdom membership, that the Lightworker Healing Protocol is the tool that will allow Ascension to happen and ensure the future destiny of all lightworkers, meaning all human beings in particular, to happen in actuality. Because without it as a tool, Ascension will not take place because humanity must be healed to a sufficient degree for Ascension to happen, and you will not get there via energy work alone. It is your karma that holds you back. All those who dismiss it as an issue of importance or who feel the karma is already being addressed by other means are misguided and often being manipulated to feel they have arrived, with their level of learning and capability, to believe that their energy methods are already taking care of the problem and that Ascension is inevitable and actually imminent. This is because lightworkers have been so heavily manipulated through mind control to over-believe in themselves and their power and not keep going to seek answers as your channel has done, to arrive at a deeper divine truth and to uncover and craft, through a collaboration, the very tools needed to prepare for Ascension effectively. So there is nothing in the way of energy healing not already implied in the Lightworker Healing Protocol that needs to be added to achieve the key goals for saving and healing humanity, and ultimately, all other beings in your galaxy who will be left behind, but need to be saved from their karmic legacy of evil deeds.

We have learned from Creator channelings shared in past shows, that the Detroit Lions football team has been directly interfered with on numerous occasions. Most recently by having the referees in the football game between the Los Angeles Rams and Seattle Seahawks manipulated so the Seahawks would ultimately win, keeping the Lions out of the playoffs. Combining that manipulation with other timely manipulations in past seasons that worked to derail the Lions’ championship ambitions, it is clear that a pattern of ongoing targeting has been occurring for the Detroit Lions. Can Creator confirm that the Detroit Lions are, in fact, a “targeted group” above and beyond any other team in the NFL? If this is true, is their targeting merely a waterfall effect of an even bigger targeting of the Ford family who owns the team, and the City of Detroit itself? What can Creator tell us?

Your question is an astute one that is bringing together many disparate threads that interweave into a pattern many would call a “conspiracy theory,” but we can confirm for you is the truth of things. This sorry history of seeming underperformance, or frank failure to make any headway over a great span of time, to even be able to make a good showing in getting at least close to reaching the playoffs, for example, is a testament to subjugation rather than human failure or inadequacy. The perverse nature of what is going on will challenge belief for those hearing this message, but there are few messages of greater importance you may hear in a lifetime—the world is being run by interlopers, not by human beings.

The sport of football, we are sad to tell you but have mentioned this previously, was an invention of extraterrestrials to create a form of punishment by making humans, drawn like to a magnet, to a kind of blood sport that will take a gradual toll on the very health and longevity of the players. So they not only have a tremendous desire to play but see it as an honor and a privilege to be among the many chosen to compete. Should it be any wonder that having gone to the trouble of creating a sports mania and a tremendous public spectacle and intense fascination, it is focused to cause human carnage, as players bang into one another with such force, they cause many times a lifelong injury or a life-shortening consequence from a toll on the central nervous system through frequent concussions? This has been now documented medically, but has had little impact at all on public interest and support for this morbid undertaking that is going against reason and logic and even any kind of humane perspective.

The fact people are willing to put their own health in jeopardy does not condone this to be on display for the many viewers enjoying the spectacle that costs them nothing but their time. We would say all are involved in a karmic drama that will have a toll, in terms of seeking an accounting from them for a level of responsibility, for it is the audience that makes this a lucrative business enterprise. The games you see broadcast during football season would not happen if money were not involved, but that is just a symbol of the nature of this enterprise, that it is a corrupt one. So having gone to the trouble to create the mania, it is no wonder that the interlopers also control it through manipulation, and many times will rig games to get a favored outcome they want to see happen for any number of reasons, not simply sports betting on a prearranged winner, but an outcome that will punish those involved, in some way or another, as you will be discussing.

This is a perversion of humanity in many respects. The fact you are culturally conditioned to look forward to this spectacle is a testament to the power of mind control manipulation in making all involved complicit in human degradation and, as you will be probing, the Lions have a special place in the dark hearts of the extraterrestrials truly running things behind the scenes, as they have deep hatreds and develop grudges quite readily, and when they have it in for someone they will follow up and punish that party with relish.

Arguably, no city on Planet Earth did more to win World War II for the Allies than the City of Detroit along with the entire Lake Erie region that today is best known by the derisive term “The Rust Belt.” As a result, no city on Planet Earth did more to save humanity from a planned annihilation than the City of Detroit. Is the creation of “The Rust Belt,” resulting from the relocation or closure of countless industrial businesses, a direct consequence of interloper targeting as a backlash for the region’s role in spoiling their World War II annihilation ambitions? What can Creator tell us?

As strange as this might seem, or even preposterous to many considering this perspective, perhaps for the first time especially, everything you are asking about here as a possibility is much more than that, it is a deep fundamental truth. World War II was intended to result in the genocidal annihilation of humanity entirely, done stage by stage, bit by bit, first one region then another, first one race then another, first one political persuasion then another, until eventually only a temporary supported victor remained and, by virtue of the mass attrition at their hands to reduce the human population dramatically, the final elimination of that victor nation and its populace was greatly facilitated. This is the cunning of these evil beings, that they would use humans themselves to do their dirty work, it is their modus operandi and has been all through the ages. It is not that they are squeamish, they adore witnessing bloodshed, it is what they do for entertainment, but they want it to be always someone else’s suffering so they will not put themselves in harm’s way but enlist others, through manipulation, to go to war and decimate a would-be enemy that is usually a contrivance to create animosity, suspicion and fear, and a dispute of some kind to spark the conflict, as in overstepping a border and drawing the ire of a neighboring country, for example.

In reality, the genocidal annihilation by the Nazi regime was simply a warm-up. That plan has never died. It continues to this very day. The extraterrestrials are simply taking a breather to relax while they engineer new plots to get things ramped up once again to engineer a worldwide conflict and to weaken the Earth in a myriad of ways already undergoing. This is why you see all around you discord, disarray, dishevelment, and degradation of the quality of life, the effectiveness and efficiency of institutions, and growing suffering due to a rising crime problem, poor governance, extensive poverty, a declining food production and industrial capability with skyrocketing costs, die-offs of thousands of life forms to degrade the environment, and relentless biowarfare of all kinds of microbial species and other forms of predators. All about you, the quality of life is in decline, and that is because you are literally circling the drain and set to be flushed away with a final mass campaign to eliminate humanity altogether.

The fact that World War II was for them a failure is a very, very sore point. They have rooted out many culprits, as they see it, for punishment, not always logically or with great insight. But the record of industrial productivity of Detroit in particular and the sister city you mentioned as an industrial base, was indeed in the vanguard of human productivity and national achievement of the U.S., in helping to win World War II, in no small measure a consequence of the many military vehicles and aircraft produced by those very factories, as well as other war materiel. Their contributions to a vibrant postwar economy set the U.S. on a path to be a world leader and a dominant force for decades—a bitter reminder to the extraterrestrials of having backed the wrong horse, as it turns out, not realizing that the Nazis did not have divine support but the allies did. We do not participate in war, but we answer prayers to assist all who are in trouble in ways we can, and often that helps them to survive and even win the day. Because the interlopers are atheists, they give no credit where it is due, truly. This is why their mindset is to focus on that region of America and mark it for punishment and cruelty and much more intense than average subjugation.

A viewer asks: “Creator, does human-caused CO2 affect the pH value in the oceans, and if so, what effect does it have on life in the sea?”

Human-generated CO2 has a trivial effect on ocean pH values. The dissolved carbon dioxide is a minor issue, in terms of human origin, and this is true for other effects on the global climate as well, that human-caused CO2 generation is a minor contributor. It has been grossly overblown to blame humanity for the weather, the global temperatures, and other things that cause trouble environmentally. This is a false condemnation engineered to happen by the interlopers, to blame humanity for the many things they themselves do to the environment, directly as well as indirectly, through manipulating human thoughts and actions.

There is an ongoing degradation of the environment everywhere, in the atmosphere itself, in the surface life forms and their environments, and in the oceans and lakes and rivers. So the local changes documented again and again with loss of species, die-offs of many kinds of creatures, disappearance of coral reefs in the sea, and depletion of beneficial fish species, and often replacement by other undesirable organisms like overgrowth of algae and poisonous algae species, and clear imbalances in host, in predator-prey specie ratios, and so forth, are overwhelmingly a consequence of extraterrestrial manipulation. So once again, the Environmental Movement is serving the darkness, in promoting the idea that the human presence is a threat to the existence of life, when the truth of the matter is it is the presence of the extraterrestrial interlopers who are the apex predator in your world and acting through malevolence in carrying out their psychotic agenda of destruction, defilement, and potential annihilation of everything of real value in the earth plane—that is what you need to be aware of and work to counter in order to survive and help other life forms do so as well.

A practitioner asks: “Unfortunately, my cousin passed away this week after a short battle with Alzheimer’s. She was only diagnosed in 2020. I’d like to know if she is safely in the light with her family who passed not too long ago also. I’d also like to know if my Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions were of benefit to her during her physical struggle and if she has a message for me now from her light being perspective?”

We are happy to tell you that she is safely in the light and that your LHP work was instrumental in getting her there, because it paved the way for her to have a successful transition, and deal with any kinds of potential interference along the way. The healing you launched for her has made strides in doing karmic repair related to her health problems, and that will be of great value to her in the future by reducing her karmic burden even though that was not enough to prevent her passing. So it was a wonderful investment for the benefit of her soul and her soul journey. She wants you to know she will be eternally grateful for helping her at such a low point in her life as she had been struggling greatly, despite outward appearances of simply being disconnected and oblivious to the surroundings. In truth, the opposite was the case. She was frantic and devastated by the helplessness she was experiencing in being unable to control her own body. This is a complete unknown to the world at large, and to medicine, that for someone with Alzheimer’s, the conscious self is alive and well but trapped within a nonworking body and is a form of torture. Your LHP work enabled us to work with and coach her directly, to ease her torment and give her something to look forward to, and so you truly rescued her from her physical problems more than you knew. While, given the size of the healing problem, it was not in the cards for you to save her physical life, you have saved her in every other way that matters and that has been a great blessing.

Can Creator comment on the religious revival that’s been going on at Asbury University in Kentucky that’s been making Internet news, including Fox News channel? It’s been reported that the youth at Asbury University had their regular church service 10 days ago but it never ended and is still going on. They’re saying that it’s an army of awakened people who are worshiping, singing, reading Scripture, having short sermons and people are crying on their knees, asking for more Holy Spirit, and praying for the whole nation. People are flying in from all over the world to participate and there are crowds outside to get in. What is causing this?

This, indeed, began with a churchgoer who was touched by us and inspired to speak out about what he was witnessing, in his own mind and heart, in reviewing his life and being guided to reassess things. This, in turn, touched others, and this created a situation where we could chime in and reward them with a greater sense of our presence. This is the virtue of group worship, after all, that it can become a shared experiencing of the divine for the asking. The energy of a group is self-supportive and encouraging to the group overall, it raises everyone up, and that increase in vibration facilitates more ready reception of a divine response to inner thoughts and desires. This is a good illustration of seeking an active divine partnership. It is one thing to do it with fleeting thoughts, at random times, as one thinks of it during the day, perhaps in conjunction with an unpleasant thought about something and wanting God to help. Attending a regular service sets a more deliberate and prolonged intention to give oneself to the process of communing with God and having an experience of sharing something personally with the divine. That opens the door for us to respond in a more direct and perceivable way, and is the purpose of prayer, after all, if done well.

The fact this is still rolling is because we are sending out hints through the higher selves and directly to people who are ready to take part in such a group experience. Many have been yearning for just such an experience to touch their lives and provide a validation that God is not dead after all and will make our presence felt in some way or another. Developing belief in us is a journey, after all, and it can become eroded over time if it is not supported in an ongoing way. Those who are responding to the story, and taking the time and trouble to join what is becoming a movement, are honoring desires deep within that are true and helpful and in alignment with their life purpose. All are here to help the cause of the divine but do not know it consciously. That is why so many can have a strong emotional reaction to this story, because it resonates for them, as it is a living example of what all yearn to see come about—a shared embrace of the divine so it touches all and raises everyone up in the doing. You are not there yet, but this example and others on an individual and group scale that appear random are all representing a movement underway to support a greater awareness of the divine, and a reawakening in people’s minds and hearts of the importance to embrace it and live the truth it represents as a way for all to excel and thrive in being in divine alignment.

A viewer asks: “In one of the most recent webinars Creator was said to have warned us against joining certain online groups, and mentioned that the Dark Alliance looks for people who have too much time on their hands and success, and so forth, and attacks them. If you join certain groups you will be targeted. This bothers me a lot because it seems like we do not have freedom if we follow that kind of injunction. I must confess that I am a subscriber to many YouTube channels and some of them would probably run afoul of this guidance. My girlfriend is a shaman and follows many spiritual types in her community who are doing everything they can to follow the Divine. What can we do? Living in fear and avoiding the freedom to explore seems counter to the protections we ask for, and voluntarily giving up the liberty we crave seems far too high a price to pay to live in this world. This issue is a consistent knock against GetWisdom in fact.” What is Creator’s perspective?

First of all, we must say that it is not appropriate to shoot the messenger, as your channel has a duty to warn as is true for us as well. When asked directly about a potential hazard or risk, we must speak forth clearly to caution about the dangers. You are seeming to want to have your cake and eat it, too, here, to live in a bubble where you are surrounded by well-meaning people who want to do good and be happy, and not be challenged or threatened in any way. Unfortunately, the world you live within is filled with evildoers, and dark intentions of all kinds, working against you behind the scenes and out in the open on a massive scale. Those are the cards you have been dealt and you knew this before you came down into life. You are not here to be happy and sail through this while having fun and enjoyments along the way, and even the satisfaction of a project to work on for the betterment of fellow humans or other humanitarian pursuits. You have been warned that all of such endeavors might be for naught if humanity is annihilated wholesale. That should put in perspective for you that this is a serious time, and a serious issue you are facing, and the fact it is unpleasant to think about is simply a fact of life and unavoidable if you are awakened to truth and the true guidance of the divine.

Many are still pursuing sweetness and light alone, assuming it is a spiritual path they are on, when it is a diversion and a half-truth at best. We have said before, “It is better to know the truth than to live a lie,” but nothing in the channeling given, about the circumstance you heard in the webinar about someone being put on a list by the Extraterrestrial Alliance for simply attending a public garden in his area, was an injunction for you to give up all pleasures and take no risks whatsoever. Not only is that not possible, it is not, nor will it be, our recommendation. But, at the same time, when asked, we have a duty to warn and, if nothing else, the daily news shows you it is not safe to be out and about in many places because, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you could be caught up in a drama that might cause you harm or even take your life.

So each person must make their own decisions about what to do and what to not do. If you are requesting regularly to have divine support, guidance, healing, and protection, that may well keep you out of trouble, for the most part, but there never can be a guarantee because sometimes the dangers are simply too great, the risks too severe to save you. Where and when that might be the case, is the artful part here in deciding where you wish to go, and when, and with whom. No one will be truly happy knowing this perspective but that is not the point, the point is to share the truth of things with you, and if this serves as a motivation to work harder at doing those things that will truly count in making the world a safer place to be, making mention of the hazards serves a lofty goal, and to not share the awareness of such risks is not only a disservice but a karmic misstep that will have consequences.

There was a commentary on a cable TV show about a secret report describing how U.S. Navy divers blew up the Nordstream 2 pipeline. So far, it has been ignored by the mainstream news outlets. Is that disinformation to cover up rather than reveal the true authors of that mystery?

You are seeing this with accuracy via your intuition that this story is a plant as part of a cover-up, so nothing of value will come from probing into this further. As you know, denials by government spokespersons is a formality that can never be trusted unequivocally. There are always exceptions where truth needs to be avoided, and that is because your government is not serving the public but the Extraterrestrial Alliance, first and foremost. This is rationalized by those humans involved believing what they do and say is serving themselves and their own power, having been made to believe it is in the best interests of the nation for them to be at the helm in charge of things, and whatever they do will be for the public’s own good, even if that is logically untrue on its face. Keep in mind this is all orchestrated via mind control manipulation and that can be used to convince people black is white and white is black, if need be.