A viewer asks: “As a teenager (around 15 years old), while on my way to sleep at night, I experienced a weight as if someone was sitting on my bed. I felt in my spirit that it was some sort of being but when I would look up, it would disappear. This went on for about 2 to 3 years then stopped all a sudden. Could you possibly give insight as to what that was sitting on my bed?”

This was a spirit guide, and was there to be a source of inspiration for you, pointing to the reality of the spiritual, the spirit realm, and the possibility of bridging the gap through some kind of communication. This was in response to deep inner yearnings you had and was done as a service to you, to point you towards something of great significance, larger than you alone, you could tap into. That is what you are doing now, because you are still open to the idea and seeking wider truth. So those experiences served you well. They were a divine clue there is more to the universe than meets the eye.

A viewer asks: “Creator, has a healing method as comprehensive and effective as the LHP ever been used before in human history?”

Your channel finds this question uncomfortable and that is why it was left to you to ask. It is because he is too modest to seek such a pronouncement and rightly is concerned about how it might appear to others in being inherently self-serving and is subject to potential interpretation and discounting as boastful. So he has not allowed himself to truly embrace this fact and use it in his promotion of GetWisdom, although this is fully warranted. The reality is, you are hitting on the truth of things here in your question, that never before has there been a healing approach or instrument or capability anything truly like the Lightworker Healing Protocol, now in combination with the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset as an adjunct, to work on inner roadblocks to healing. Human ignorance has been your enemy all through human history. That was intentional and seen to by the interlopers who corrupted your makeup genetically, to limit intuitive reach and thus awareness in and belief in the divine realm. That is the greatest of handicaps, and despite that burden, the stage was set for your channel to make a final push to gather up loose ends, follow leads put in place by others, and through his series of mission lives, have the ability and wherewithal in his current incarnation to be a true prophet, able to lead humanity to a new promised land in a way that could never have happened before. We have spoken a number of times about the glorious future that awaits you, but you must get there. If you do, it will be, ultimately, because you are doing enough of the right things brought to light by your channel showing the way. That was his mission and he is succeeding, and that is why you will succeed if all keep going towards this ultimate plan of Creator for you through Ascension.

A viewer asks: “The Lost Jesus Scroll contains teachings from Jesus about harnessing the power of the Sun, Water, Earth, and Air for the betterment of the body and I found it to be quite uplifting and inspiring. Does this book have accurate teachings from Jesus as it claims?”

There is some truth in this but some has been filtered and misunderstood, and misrepresented, unfortunately. This is true of much of what is in the Scriptures already, being largely metaphorical, a series of stories told to represent important truths but in an indirect fashion hoping to relay the point as a take-home lesson. Keep in mind that little was known about the mind, the makeup of the universe, how the divine realm truly operates, and only a rudimentary awareness of what is possible in forming a human‑divine partnership, but we see this body of work could be a useful starting point to ask us probing questions, and that is a more effective way to use the material than to trust how others interpret it.

A viewer asks: “I know from other examples of a karmic awakening or rebalancing, one of those examples can be milestones in life or a specific age where a traumatic event occurred in parallel lives lived in the past. Is part of the reason for the timing of the impending human annihilation due to a karmic obligation and an opportunity for a possible rebalancing from the prior annihilation of humanity? In other words, are we approaching the same age in human existence as we did in our first go around as humans in existence? Is that creating an opportunity for that karmic imbalance to be met?” What is Creator’s perspective?

Yours is an interesting theory, and there is some truth to this, although it is primarily the case that it simply has taken a good long while for the new version of humanity to be corrupted to the extent that it would lead to such helplessness as allows an annihilation to take place through a combination of disappointments and disgust by your overseers getting tired of running the world and watching you dance to their tune in myriad ways. It is growing stale and all too routine and simple and they want to be done with you, in seeing you as being so unworthy of their time and attention.

So this is more a function of the patience of the interlopers themselves in taking their time to figure out what the reemergence of humanity on your world has represented. That curiosity was used to good advantage by the divine realm to delay what could have been an immediate reprisal, with a repeat annihilation summarily, to seal your fate at the outset. So this is something that has many points of intervention by the divine realm and it is not something that is simply a karmic clockwork unfolding, following a certain astrological configuration of conjunctions, and so on, through passage of a certain span of time to match historical configurations, and so on, but rather a very complex interaction with the highest of stakes involved, with the divine realm doing the utmost to stay within the rules of engagement to support humanity along the way, under the worst of circumstances in dealing with the depravity of the interlopers, and their harsh and judgmental nature, being so quick to judge and punitive in the bargain.

A viewer writes: “In a previous channeling, it was confirmed that I am indeed here to be a performer, which is what I planned out before coming to earth. I have tried numerous times to work with others in the music industry to help shoot visuals, music videos, and even engineer music. It ALWAYS falls through, and the people literally disappear. Am I being targeted specifically for this because the interlopers know that me doing these things get me closer to my goals of performing/music, or is this all in my head? And if so, what can I do to combat this and to continue to move forward in living out my life plans?” What can we tell him?

You indeed are seeing the truth of things here, that your life is not an accident or a series of mistakes or shortcomings on your part but a deliberate oversight, manipulation, and hindrance concerning almost everything you try. This is the essence of what it is like to be a targeted individual. This is not an easy problem to overcome. The interlopers have free will privileges just as humans do, so we must allow them to make their choices and act on them. We can push back, we can modify, and to some extent, distract them at times but it is impossible to shield everyone without this being noticed, and that would incur a giant backlash against those very individuals we wish to protect. The interlopers do not take kindly to those resisting their efforts so this is a delicate balance. We are just being open and honest here, and frank in our discussion with you so you appreciate the problem. It is not we lack the wherewithal, it is that we cannot interfere with ongoing things too directly, except through a deep, long-term, healing. That is underway for everyone, especially the perpetrators in your world.

We think things will improve. It will take some time yet, but that is the best hope here within a reasonable timeframe, for you to get something going. We think within a year there will be a shift in emphasis in what is taking place, and this will be to your advantage. But we are not there yet. Patience is called for, and you will see your channel discussing these developments when they come to pass. That will be a signal that the foot has been removed from the brake and many things heretofore impossible or quite challenging will become straightforward. This we have been working towards all through human history to correct, but we are the closest ever, thanks to the efforts of GetWisdom, to having a working solution for the subjugation of humanity. The most important priority for you is to stay safe and not create a situation where you are at war with these forces. That will not serve you because they have the upper hand in being able to act unseen. In the meantime, you have our support and your best interests in mind as we move forward here, together.

LHP Healing


Heal Your Past, Present and Future.


Does it seem that lifestyle, upbringing, habits, bad luck, or punishment of some kind, are the reasons for your pain, illness or failure to thrive?

What if mysterious causes that make bad things happen have been researched, validated and refined through years of meticulous inquiry and feedback from the ultimate source of knowledge?

Enjoy the benefits of a unique healing method developed through Divine Partnership.

Lightworker Healing Protocol by Get Wisdom

Healing/Clearing for:

Loved Ones
Home or Other Location
Help Departed Reach Heaven

Lightworker Healing Protocol works with the Divine
to remove causes of difficulty spanning multiple lifetimes!


It is the ONLY method that fully addresses healing lifetimes of karmic trauma, individually and collectively, of ourselves and our perpetrators.

Start Healing!


It takes much more than controlling your thoughts or staying positive.

The LHP is a divinely-inspired collaboration between a scientist and the Creator of All That Is. The only process specific enough to invoke actual divine healing techniques. It is the single method to include all karmic, historic and energetic causes of your life struggles, illness, and trauma .

You can reverse current or potential problems when you start early. We each have a mountain of unfinished Karmic business from our many lifetimes that we are responsible to heal. Don’t let this debt continue to grow.

HEALING AND WHY IT MATTERS (why healing is the answer to everything)

There are some pretty conventional explanations for all the struggles in our lives, and in the world around us. Everything wrong is generally seen as a failure of some kind: of institutions, of the government, of God, and of the support systems within our families, workplaces, communities, and relationships.

The actual causes are ignorance and wrongly assigned responsibility. We have been kept blind to the causes and when we don’t know what to do, we blame some force outside ourselves for the results.

What has been missing is a clear understanding of what is causing the chaos and how to fix it. None of the familiar remedies have lasting results on all the circumstances that disappointment us. Positive changes always seem to be temporary. Anything truly useful has always been dismissed or downplayed.

Fortunately, healing is the answer to everything! By using the only method that is a combination of scientific study and Divine Partnership we can begin to heal the causes of hardship that have been pursuing you from lifetime to lifetime.


healing influences

Reincarnation Reality

What do you believe about reincarnation?

Does the immortal soul of a human begin a new life in a new body, over the course of multiple lifetimes?

Is it real, or only for followers of fringe religions?

If you knew that reincarnation was real and that past lives actually influence the present and the future, what would you do differently?

The truth is:

All who are on the Earth at present are here to contribute to saving it.

They have chosen to reincarnate NOW to save and heal humanity.

Your most valued gift to the world is the healing of the karmic traumas from your past and all who have hurt you in some way.

By healing yourself, you heal your past, present, and future.

When you heal all who have wounded you in some way, their ability to do harm weakens.

Heal yourself, heal your perpetrators, heal humanity, save the world with LHP.

Relentless Karma

Karma gets you, not just the guy who is cruel and thoughtless.

Your many lifetimes collect karma, good and bad.

Karma is patient and relentless, waiting for the perfect time to balance the scale.

Karma accumulates when you’re the victim and when you’re the perpetrator.

Do you think you’ll see it coming?

Can you avoid paying the price forever?

What if:

You can heal your karmic burdens for this life, past lives, future lives with the LHP.

We can request Divine help with the Lightworker Healing Protocol to heal and release the causes of the karmic debt impacting your life in many ways.

You can take advantage of a process that is unique in depth and scope and the benefits it provides.

We can make precise requests on your behalf beyond ordinary prayer work or other energy healing methods.

Truth About Evil

Who does it serve to downplay the reality of evil?

Could dark actions be deliberately concealed to make you defenseless?

Are you really any safer when you ignore evil’s existence?

What if dark manipulation of you and all around you, have created the chaos seen in the World?

Evil is real, it is here and it is actively hidden.


We understand the many sources of evil.

We have asked Creator directly about what to do.

Our Lightworker Healing Protocol addresses all evil causes and how to heal them.

You don’t need to know them.

You don’t need to heal them alone.

We can do that for you.



Is it true that the average person has had 432 lifetimes on earth, or is there a more accurate figure?

That is a perfectly acceptable figure. As you can appreciate, it is constantly changing somewhat because of the ongoing births and deaths, the comings and goings, but it is a good ballpark estimate that applies to the existing reality.

Given that one out of three people have trouble making a full transition back to the light when they pass on and become an earthbound spirit, what can we tell people about the ideal way to prepare for their transition or that of a loved one?

The experience of transition is truly a situation that is dependent on level of vibration. The higher the vibration, the easier the passage and the more rapid it will occur. The level of vibration can be calibrated in terms of its match to loving kindness. The highest expression is one of rapture. Below that would be joy, as love in action is joyous and conveys this feeling to those who express or even witness it in action. Transition of the physical human back to light being status is truly a joyous event, but unfortunately not always perceived that way.

Is the energy of our karmic debts stored completely within our personal akashic records, and is this where our past life contracts and perhaps other energetic phenomena representing our karma reside?

As we explained previously, it is the storing of the event along with the pain and suffering created in the form of emotional energy that is imprinted with your energetic signature as the perpetrator. So, this forms the perfect cruise missile. It has got your name on it and it has the energy of all the suffering you caused your victim, and amplified in turn by pain radiating outward and being added to by many others around that person, especially their loved ones witnessing their suffering, or perhaps suffering in turn because you have caused discord in your victim and this caused others to suffer. Because it all owes to you, it will come back to you. So that missile will find its way and you will have it in your lap one day to deal with.

Is a karmic debt that needs rebalancing or repayment something owed to the wheel of karma itself, some kind of energetic watchdog, or is it solely the need to heal within ourselves the energy of our consciousness run amok which caused pain to ourselves or someone else?

It is a little bit of both. Both mechanisms and both phenomena are very integral to the overall dynamic of how karma is orchestrated. There are internal problems and there are external problems created by human behavior and interaction with the environment. There are many thoughtless acts which cause great harm but never even register on the perception. This is the carelessness exhibited by the bull in the china shop giving little thought to the fragile nature of things around it. (read more)

What is the divine perspective of the saying: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing?” Edmund Burke

This is a divine call to action that has been generated from the depths of the direst human circumstances and is a stirring reminder there is a need for vigilance, insight, and a clarity of thought and perception to not accept things at face value but to be cautious, to look deeper, and question everything, because most things done by humans are done in service to corrupt intentions and faulty institutions and their requirements, rules, and regulations. All of which cheapen the life experience and may be working against you to even shorten your lifespan. (read more)

One of the biggest obstacles to belief in the Divine is the so-called problem of evil: How could an all-powerful loving God allow evil acts to prevail??

The perception of evil is very much real and that is because humans are of divine origin and see things from a divine perspective. There is the possibility of corruption to the extent that evil becomes the standard of excellence and its pursuit seen as the attainment of greatness. That is the ultimate expression of an extreme absence of divine love. The atheist is on the spectrum somewhere between embracing and living through and for divine love and living in a disconnected state of unawareness of the Divine, and not engaging with the Divine in one’s life in an active way. (read more)

How important will the continued ongoing efforts of each and every Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioner still be, to the ambitious goal of solving the problem of evil?

You are all still very much needed to be in the fight, so to speak, continuing your efforts with fervor and enthusiasm, and a love-filled heart with as much passion and zeal as you can muster and focus in the doing. So it is not the case it is time to stand down because you have already reached the turning point. Prior predictions of your success in being victorious as LHP practitioners being the key force for good that will turn things around, was predicated on seeing in the future you would come up with these latest major enhancements to further leverage the power of the Protocol with greater than ever effectiveness. Seeing it coming in the future is not the same thing as it having arrived. So this was all dependent on your coming through at your end, to think of these developments you have added to the Protocol, to make it a reality and not simply a future projection of possibility. Now that the changes have been decided and shared with your practitioners, the ongoing Protocol work will be better than average, and this is what is needed to reach the turning point that has been long envisioned but only clear, truly, to us because you had not found all of the requisite pieces, that is, until now. The major things are in place. We are not saying to stop looking, only wanting to give you credit where it is due and further encouragement to your fellow healers that their efforts will pay off.



The Bible in John 3 quotes Jesus speaking to Nicodemus: “Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, ‘How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?’ 5 Jesus answered, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.'” Was that just recounting that there is truly no death, only birth and rebirth, because the spirit lives on after death of the body? Or, is the concept of being “Born Again” truly a prophecy of an eventual Ascension, when humans would be raised up in a more special way to live in a higher vibrational dimension, akin to the witnessed ascension of Jesus Christ’s entire physical form?

You are seeing intuitively, the true meaning of that prophecy, that Christ was truly speaking of something special. In his time, reincarnation was accepted almost universally, whether with religious trappings and significance or simply just a fact of existence that it somehow occurred. So he was not referring to that. He was referring to the eventual Ascension of humanity being the true path to divinity in a higher sense than ever before. This will not be accepted by the mainstream religious scholars, but there are many teachings that are misconstrued and misinterpreted, sometimes through poor translations, many times through editing done over the years with records not reflecting alterations of meaning that resulted. That is why the Bible is a flawed document, if still pointing to truth in many respects about many things. It is very metaphorical, and that is in keeping with the times of those historical figures whose sayings are on record. They were meant to be profound-seeming, to be a philosophical lesson, not simply facts and figures, so as to be seen as lofty and something to be revered, trusted in, and believed. There were many barriers in the times of the Bible because of such poor understanding of many fundamental aspects of life and the workings of the divine. As always, we could not be leading nor could Jesus Christ, in a quite direct fashion. So we were unable to share with him things that would be too far-reaching for the times, and the workaround was to give divine hints through sayings or descriptions in a kind of storybook form to reflect a divine principle that people could reason out themselves through logic, and tuning into their own heart to ask, “What would love say?” This was a case where the issue could not be more important, the ultimate fate and destiny of humanity as a whole, rising up from the depths of the physical plane never to return, having completed your assignment here. While you still are struggling but hoping to advance, that can well happen and fairly soon now if you work together in earnest to be ready. Getting ready to be born again will soon be the number one priority if you are able to deal with the interlopers so they pull back for a time, giving you a window of opportunity to accelerate healing of humanity.

A viewer asks: “How can humanity know and understand, and especially how can parents teach their children, what a war is, without them having to experience a war; what hunger is, without them having to experience hunger; what Dictatorship is, without them having to suffer under a Dictatorship, and so on? Surely there has to be a better way to truly learn and understand about evil and suffering than experiencing all these horrors individually over and over again, generation after generation?” What is Creator perspective?

Your question is quite poignant and quite meaningful, but it is blending reality with the inner yearning for deliverance from the problems of evil, and things are presently in a very confused state with an incomplete awareness of the deep truths behind the human saga, in the big picture sense. Humanity has, heretofore, been in kindergarten to learn about travails, to learn through life experience, through having great limitations, being a physical being with weaknesses and vulnerabilities, but lacking the powers of the light being or even much awareness of the divine unless one is taught to believe. Those are a considerable handicap and what this means is, any progress made with learning what can happen and the consequences, and maintaining one’s balance and wherewithal to do what might be needed to overcome adversity, is the greatest possible teacher about what it means to be in alignment and all that can happen when one is not.

We have spoken before about the power of life experience being the greatest teacher, because full and deep understanding is impossible without experiencing things directly. So book learning and word-of-mouth stories are all well and good. They transfer knowledge and awareness, but that is not the same thing as learning a life lesson. Having gone through a historical event personally, and been roughed up in the bargain, will burn the lesson into your very being and the record of your life. And all that happens and your reactions and responses to the challenges presented to you, that is hard-won learning, and any healing done to right the ship will serve you by giving you new wherewithal. And that will be a blessing for all of time you can use going forward. So while you lament the fact, looking at the young and what they may be facing, with a desire to warn them so they can avoid the pitfalls, you, in prior generations, have gone through over and over and over again, we would simply say it is a bit naïve to think that can be imparted directly in any fashion with efficiency and certainty the messages will take hold, be embraced, understood, and become part of the makeup of those young people. This takes some concerted effort to bring about. This is why communities and cultures with deep spiritual heritage and a very clear set of rules and doctrine that must be followed, provide the best framework to instill such teachings, and have an impact that will help the young as they grow into adulthood in knowing what is most important, because they will also have inner knowing where the guardrails are, what are the limits of proper conduct, and will know what is moral and what is a perversion of morality. Today’s world is not like that, for the most part, and it shows with the wide disarray and prevalence of discord leading to warring factions and fighting, mudslinging, and rebellious conduct at all levels of society, and at extremes, giving rise to criminality. These things, too, are teaching important life lessons.

So it is not appropriate to throw up your hands and give up. From that adversity will come hard-won learning and deep inner understanding of negativity. But there must be a way to guide the lost back to divine alignment. This is being done on multiple fronts, but most effectively through the healing work of GetWisdom, because it is addressing all the predisposing factors to those misalignments, and without healing the karmic history creating the predisposition and vulnerability to corruption, the deck is stacked against you. The reality and the tough message here, is that simple instructions and descriptions are not enough, but the shortcut to living through a near-Armageddon level of dystopian culture is to apply massive healing through the divine realm. That will pave the way to helping people overcome inner limitations not even in their conscious awareness, and that will make it easier to find and follow good examples and model their conduct after someone they can see is succeeding and has something better to offer than choices that lead to pain and suffering. Healing is the way forward. Then, can come an awakening through instruction.

A viewer asks: “I was thinking of contacting the various MAP and people I know working towards “Disclosure” in order to submit to their attention your following video, hoping it will give them some food for thought: Get Wisdom LIVE – Creator Reveals the Danger of Disclosure – YouTube but, before doing it, I wanted to check with you first if you are okay with me doing it, and also I wanted to know if it is something you had already tried to do before, and if you had received any positive responses or not.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Your channeler, and his compatriots at GetWisdom, have explored the possibilities with us a number of times now and often in response to questions, such as yours, about taking direct action to interface with those who might be misguided to bring truth their way. That is a lofty goal, indeed, but is problematical because most involved with the Disclosure Movement are heavily subverted via mind control manipulation to buy into the story quite heavily. They will not be open to a counterargument but will see that as evidence of an opponent of evil origins wanting to block human progress and the glorious advent of getting extraterrestrial help, at long last, to help people out of the quagmire of history that seems impossible given that people are flawed and ever mired in war, criminality, and immorality. Not only would most people in any position of prominence or authority associated with the Disclosure Movement resist outside information to the contrary, they are heavily monitored and anyone approaching them with a counterargument will be noticed and there will be a follow-up to find out why they are not already onboard with the manipulation, and that will lead to a significant personal attack and manipulation to get them in line and, if still resistant, could lead to a serious reprisal.

So what we are saying is your lofty idea is very likely to fail and, at a minimum, would be quite dangerous. This is why GetWisdom is taking the approach of shining a light into the world, so those few who are still free thinkers and awakened can find them and will recognize the truth of what is being offered. The way to help the effort of saving and healing humanity, is not to wrestle with the minions of the darkness but to similarly awaken and attract those who are on the fence, or simply still asleep, not aware of the issues at stake and the opportunities for human betterment that are possible through divine healing. That will do much more to help the cause than trying to convert the hard‑core minions of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, and there are many, unfortunately, already solidly in their camp, unwittingly, but nonetheless programmed to hold fast to their beliefs in the value of their perspective. So the best analogy we can give you is what you are wanting is sort of like going to the Vatican and wanting to persuade the Pope that religion is flawed and faulty and dangerous, there is no God, and you need to join behind the Satan Club. Such an effort would always fail because you are trying to convert the converted, their minds are already taken and locked down, in effect, those who are allied with the Disclosure Movement for any length of time, certainly at leadership levels and those in the public eye.

Reading a review article about the important roles of the amino acid, leucine, revived an old question about whether amino acids, in addition to being the simple building blocks of proteins and thus serving as nutrition, may have medicinal value therapeutically. Vianna Stibal has said that for every malady there is an amino acid in nature that will cure it. Is that a true statement? If so, can that be applied practically?

It is close to the truth, if not 100% accurate for all situations. This does not mean one can dispense with all other tools and approaches, and simply obtain a treasure chest of pure amino acids as a collection of silver bullets, so to speak. This sweeping statement you cite is somewhat akin to pointing to the periodic table to say that everything in the universe is comprised of a small number of discrete atomic substances, each with a unique composition and which can combine together to make things happen. But just knowing what atoms exist does not provide a way to create a universe. The physical matter, being a form of energy, needs shaping by consciousness, among other things, and that will comprise many intricate and complex maneuvers. It will be dependent on considerable information known by the creator wanting to use those building blocks effectively. So just knowing this concept, that the amino acids are a set of key potentials for regulating life forms, is simply a superficial and quite simplistic understanding of all that can happen.

This is, inherently, a divine clue and therein lies the rub. We cannot give you details as that would be leading. But there are useful questions you might pose regarding many situations and many of the working details of body chemistry, for example. So it will indeed be possible to tease apart some of the workings and get enough feedback to mount a meaningful exploration of possibilities and arrive at useful applications. As with all important phenomena that are a part of the big picture, some things will be more approachable than others, so as to pay off more quickly with progress of some kind that is useful. But there is not a Rosetta Stone, so to speak, that would give you a key to translating and understanding nature to define all of its component parts, their potentials modes of interaction, and mechanistic roles. All of that knowledge will be hard-won from human exploration of the universe and its workings.

The problem, as you know scientifically, is knowing where and when a particular amino acid is most needed, and there will often need to be a kind of symphonic combining of amino acid players working in concert, in needed amounts and in a proper sequence, to bring about the needed physiologic changes in a stepwise fashion, to restore impaired capabilities biochemically, in the body. So the problem is far more complex than that simple notion would suggest, but it does provide a powerful clue that you are on the right track in pursuing natural substances of all kinds to explore their properties and exploit any that are beneficial. Many will, in fact, be useful because they indeed rearrange the physiologic regulation in a way dependent on various amino acid constituents as triggers to bring about a readjustment, a rebalancing or restoration of function.