Many of these books openly acknowledge that they are “channeled” works. Ostensibly, Valiant Thor is communicating with the book’s “scribe” via mental telepathy of one sort or another. However, those familiar with the GetWisdom collection of Creator revelations know that most channeled material is sourced from Anunnaki psychics. It appears likely that most of these books are, in fact, the work product of Anunnaki psychics, and not the individual, Valiant Thor, himself who Creator has confirmed is real and not a fictional character. What can Creator tell us?

As a practical matter, it does not matter what the authorship of any individual work might be or whether they have multiple authors for various portions, it is all entirely a deception, it is a series of half-truths with no genuine benefit for the human beings they want to manipulate. As such, there is no benefit to be had from even engaging with these works because they are linked to dark intentions and will serve to entangle, energetically, with hapless humans simply wanting answers for their curiosity’s sake, but instead will not learn anything of real benefit and end up being in the grip of the darkness without realizing it—that is a high price to pay for assuming the best on the part of an extraterrestrial outreach.

Humanity has been groomed throughout the years to accept, without reservation, the idea that advanced extraterrestrials would, of course, be benevolent because they would have outlived the threat to their own existence and found a way to surmount the need for war, and so on. That is naïve in the extreme because the reality is the opposite, the entire galaxy is controlled by predatory extraterrestrials lording their power over others, destroying worlds, and manipulating others to be their slaves. It could hardly be a worse existence than what things have devolved to become. We have worked again and again to keep the light alive and humans are the latest in line, of saviors to bring healing to right the wrongs of history. There is still time for you to solve the problem of evil and win the day, and that is why GetWisdom is here with these messages and insights, and a true picture of the world and the nature of the contest underway that puts you at peril.

Were the brilliant lights we saw during our plane flight nearing Los Angeles, due to reflected sunlight from a solar farm in the desert below, or something else?

This, indeed, was not a solar farm but the famous fireball unidentified aerial phenomena many have described. They were not on the ground but hovering at a low altitude and, from your perspective, it looked as though they were ground-based. You were in the best position to see there was actual movement of the objects, as they moved together and then separated and thereafter held relatively steady. Given there were some atmospheric sources of alteration and blurring of the images at times, particularly with some clouds intervening, there were opportunities for misinterpretation as well in what was taking place. But, as you have seen, people will be quick to dismiss them as a prosaic object, like a solar farm, simply reflecting the glint of the sun, and perhaps the newer technologies to intensify and concentrate solar energy with multiple mirrors to focus them on a central collector. Those, indeed, can create a large source of illumination that would be quite impressive viewed from an overflight, but nothing truly like you have seen.

What you were viewing was extraterrestrial craft putting on a show, as they are doing more and more and more in service to the Disclosure Movement, to get people scratching their heads wondering, considering possibilities there might be an alien presence after all. To the extent they see it with their own eyes but nothing horrible happens, a city is not attacked summarily or a plane downed from the skies, and so forth, such sightings serve to soften up the public and add to complacency, and that will serve the Disclosure Movement. So the revelation of the extraterrestrial infiltration will be seen as a coming savior and not a menace because you will be told, they are here to save you from evil extraterrestrials, and that is, unfortunately, the opposite of the truth, they are all evil and working to destroy you. Their deception, if society believes them and accepts their offer of help, will seal your fate because you will be lining up with them and not with the divine realm. We are the only ones who can save you; if you embrace your enemy, they will destroy you and we must let that happen if it is a human choice—that is the power you hold, and not us, with the current arrangement.

A viewer asks: “A guy I am interested in, who Creator said we had been together in previous lifetimes and who Creator said we had experienced trauma together in previous lives, has now distanced himself severely from me in the last months after months of being loving and interested. It has been extremely confusing to me and has left me almost to the brink of desperation. My question is: Has he been attacked by negative entities or is he being targeted by the interlopers? Or is he just simply not interested in me and is practicing his free will to not be with me and chooses not to love me, and this is simply my karma to work through myself?” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is something of high strangeness but it will serve you to know the truth. What we told you was true about your prior connections to one another, but unfortunately, that soul kinship was manipulated to take advantage of the situation by ramping up his affections for you and yours for him quite strongly, and this was done by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to target you as a form of retribution for prior lifetimes as a lightworker. When they do this, they do it in earnest. They can create love feelings in anyone, for any other being to become an object of affection. It is as though you have a love button they can push and then the feelings will bubble up strongly and things will proceed from there. This is done not to bring joy and happiness but to build you up so they can pull the rug away, and dash your hopes, and leave you stranded once again, alone and loveless. That is a form of extreme cruelty they delight in doing. They do not understand love because they are depraved, and they enjoy stepping on human love feelings they see as a kind of weakness, and enjoy mocking you by toying with that deep part of you that resonates with love, as it is the most powerful of spiritual orientations. And that is why they do not understand it, being loveless atheists.

While this is difficult to understand, it is a commonplace form of manipulation that causes much harm and sadness. The key is to move forward now and not dwell on the past because it was more of an illusion than real. It is quite important to not assume blame for what happened or to judge yourself as somehow wanting, failing to measure up, or not working hard enough at the relationship, and so on. This was something not in your control to begin with. You will have a better future with someone else and that is where to set your sights now—better days will come in finding a love that is real and a partnership you can truly count on.

A news report today said: “Under the Department of Energy’s (DOE) regulations, manufacturers and retailers will be prohibited from selling incandescent and similar halogen light bulbs which represent a sizable share of current light bulb supplies. Instead, manufacturers and retailers must sell light-emitting diode, or LED, alternatives or risk substantial federal penalties.” Although done for energy-saving reasons, is there a sinister agenda behind this?

Unfortunately, this is very much the case. While this seems to be another triumph of science and technology to the rescue, in this case reducing cost burdens and presumably helping the environment with a corresponding reduction in use of fossil fuels by conserving electricity, it comes with a hidden cost as is true of all your major technological innovations. The sad truth of things is all your technology is traceable back to the interlopers. While bringing you modern conveniences and many powerful tools to enhance productivity, and human reach to overcome obstacles of countless kinds, this is arranged to happen in a way that will cause a downside hidden from you, and that is the key because if you knew you were poisoning your environment, the approach would be abandoned even if there were short-term benefits. It is unfortunate but the reality is that the LED technology creates electromagnetic fields that are harmful to human longevity, so over time there will be a shorter lifespan from living your life in the presence of that radiation. So this is akin to administering a slow poison in the food; it will go unnoticed in the short-term and even when people start developing symptoms, and start dying, it will not be clear what the cause is from and what to blame. So this is yet another tendril of the Environmental Movement which is designed to aid your annihilation through increasing costs of living, degrading your life experience and safety, and making you settle for less—in this case, less lifespan.

An Aramaic translation of the Lord’s Prayer is published in “Prayers of the Cosmos. Reflections on the Original Meaning of Jesus’s Words,” (1990). Neil Douglas-Klotz, HarperOne, New York. How accurate was his translation of the Aramaic, and how valid is the record in Aramaic of Christ’s original prayer?

Unfortunately, the Aramaic language can be understood, in many cases, with somewhat different meanings, so this leads, inevitably, to somewhat differing translations into modern language. This is simply a cultural gap that cannot be bridged. People of the biblical era would know what is truly meant with greater certainty, the meaning communications in Aramaic were intended to convey. It is, in a sense, having street smarts, a kind of savvy, and also being in the flow of the era itself and all of the conditioning, such that people would be much more in tune to the words of another. But this translator has done a very creditable job to show that much has been lost from later versions of the Bible. This is not news to biblical scholars who greatly appreciate the problem. But there are strong biases, always, especially with things of importance, and also a great reluctance to depart from the most commonly accepted interpretations of biblical meaning. And that is because most worshipers would be confused in suddenly being told a reinterpretation or reworking of the Scriptures in ways resulting in a stark change in meaning. This would call into a question for them, whether anything in the Bible might be truthfully represented in terms of what they have been taught. So it opens a can of worms, so to speak.

In addition, there is great reluctance to change tradition, so those who attempt to refine the Scriptures, starting from the Aramaic, are met with tremendous resistance, some of which is simply the competitiveness of scholars and educators, as is true in every field of endeavor. This is compounded by rigid thinking and aided by the ever-present oversight of the Extraterrestrial Alliance wanting to keep people dimmed down and dumbed down on all-important matters. Their influence is present, heavily, in the Scriptures because they influenced editing along the way. Whenever that shows up, still, in comparing ancient sources having somewhat differing accounts and wording, it is never attributed to a nefarious manipulation. And it simply leads to instilling doubt about the validity and accuracy of the Scriptures as a historical record, as being a simplistic rendering of best guesses and many retellings of oral accounts, and so on, with all of the potential pitfalls that represents.

A viewer asks: “Looking at the Creator database, I see no inquiries into Hinduism and whether gods like Shiva were, indeed, divine or ET. It seems confusing since we have definitely learned that Eastern mystics and religious people have been on the right track in many ways and some of their great holy men have done many miracles. We have also learned that the caste systems are used by the Dark Alliance to control their people and probably was introduced on Earth, especially in India. Perhaps that was ET corruption of something that was also put in place by Creator and enlightened humans. The ancient Hindu writings do talk about wars between gods in the sky using ancient spacecraft called vimanas. If true, that implies ET but doesn’t necessarily mean that Hinduism was exclusively misidentifying ETs as gods. What can Creator tell us to clarify these contradictions?”

The first thing we must tell you is that it is not possible, in answer to a single broad question like this, to do justice to the Hindu tradition which, as you allude to, is a large body of work extending back many thousands of years before the advent of Christianity or Judaism in its modern form. Along the way have been many religion-like groups of worshipers owing to the reality of the divine and its perception by humans of that era and area of the world. So there are many complicating factors, one of them being that differing words for the Almighty were employed by different prophets of the time and developed followings with a perception there were multiple deities, and, of course, there are countless divine beings representing many levels of divinity and potential influence on the physical plane. There is also a great deal of corruption of historical records and disinformation campaigns used to cast doubt and discredit representatives among the faithful.

So, as with all religions, many distortions have crept in, and this makes it even harder to fully understand what is in the historical archives, in the first instance, and develop a rigorous and accurate enough analysis to appreciate what is truly believable and trustworthy about what is described. There is much truth in the historical records just as in the Western Scriptures. All of the major traditions, in one way or another, clearly describe the presence of extraterrestrials and many human dilemmas owing to their presence. Even though direct references are often obscured, some of the clearest recorded descriptions are found in the early Hindu works and, indeed, recount acts of war among extraterrestrial beings fighting over your human slave colony, for that is what the Earth became soon after you were introduced on the planet and has been true ever since. Your channel wisely refrains from making an attempt to explore the vast religious literature, and while we could make clear many things that would be of interest to worshipers of today, at the same time, this would offend a much larger number who are true believers in the sacred texts and view any newcomer with alternative explanations as an interloper and a threat not to be trusted.

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[/vc_column_text][ultimate_carousel slide_to_scroll=”single” slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ autoplay_speed=”30000″ arrows=”off” dots=”off” item_animation=”fadeIn” pauseohover=””][vc_column_text]You decided to come here and you all stood in line eagerly to do so because this is the highest of service. It is the most exalted use of your divine origin and capability because this has the potential for such a tremendous divine expansion compared to all the other doings throughout the entirety of the universe…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Allowing the love of others to wash over you and embracing it is the greatest gift above all else, because it nourishes two souls. It is the honoring of the self and a sacred duty to the self to let in love and bask and revel in it. By doing so you honor and value the giver of love, which raises them up as well.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]You have choices before you and so that is a freedom you still enjoy. It is very precious and is not to be taken lightly. The implications are quite dramatic and quite serious. You have a glorious future or you have annihilation. You will choose one of these. It may be quick or slow, on either side of the equation. But those are the two potential outcomes. So the destiny of humanity is totally up to you.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]You are in charge. You always have been in charge and you always will be—in the human plane on your planet. It belongs to you. It was designed for you, and it is supported for your benefit. If others take it away, it is because you let them do so.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The extraterrestrials are not affected by human love and will simply roll over it. And their technology will prevail because the physics make this so…Who do you think will win in a physical contest?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Much of the detail and much of the useful applied knowledge to empower humans has been subverted.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Consciousness pervades everything and exists everywhere and is within and without, all that is.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Nothing is wasted here and the greatest of tragedy works to your advantage in the end. You know this as conventional wisdom as well. It is much the same as developing calluses so you can do rough work with your hands without injury. The same is true spiritually, in taking on the darkness. If you succeed in prevailing, the learning you gain will stand for all of time and prepare you to take on any challenge in the future.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Every living thing is a creation. The process of evolution is a creation itself. It is a part of the design, the grand design, the fulfillment of Creator.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]There have been many acts that you would call special creation where large changes in life were brought together all at once, and this is true for modern humans…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Without the human request, nothing will happen.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]People are misled into thinking that they are here just to serve love and love alone, and only the idea of love, and not to be involved in anything negative because that would not be using love or involved with love, and so is not something to be chosen. That is a corruption and a misdirection in its own right.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This must never be forgotten, that the human has the power to prevail.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]It is never the case that people come in to be a replica of the one before them, but always to springboard from their example and take a different trajectory to a unique personal expression.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Many ideas for organisms were borrowed and repurposed to create new organisms along the way that have no linear relationship, nor did one evolve from another. This is a false idea and is yet another example of mind control manipulation to keep the scientific community focused on a secular explanation for the wonders of creation being solely a random creation of matter rubbing against matter and things happening as a consequence.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Karma is more vast than you can understand. It is as simple as memory and as complex as multidimensional interpenetrating universes existing simultaneously. Karma is, in essence, the flow of soul’s experience; it is the sum total of soul’s experience and is always expanding.[/vc_column_text][/ultimate_carousel][vc_btn title="Creator Answers Questions" style="custom" custom_background="#e37601" custom_text="#ffffff" shape="round" align="left" link=""][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1546430984536{padding-left: 50px !important;}"][vc_column_text]


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Creator tells us we are all spiritual beings, an extension of divine consciousness—so yearning for a higher purpose is truly who we are.

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It’s hard to contain, let alone put into words, the gratitude and joy (not to mention the urgency) I feel when I think how lucky I am to have discovered Get Wisdom. To be getting not only what I feel in my heart is true information about what’s REALLY going on in our world and universe, and why (as well as corroborating lots of other research I’ve done on my own, filling in missing puzzle pieces), but also the TOOLS to make a significant CONTRIBUTION to healing and saving Humanity, is really quite incredible. Whether it’s the spiritual arena, deep healing, metaphysics, the Deep State, UFOs or ExoPolitics (all of which I’ve always been fascinated with), all threads are elegantly woven together within Get Wisdom. Not only that, but here is a growing community of like-minded, incredibly talented, insightful, intelligent, dedicated, courageous, funny, good-hearted people from all over the world, who are pretty much on the same wavelength, who “get it,” AND are more than willing to roll up their sleeves to work hard and smart, together, taking daily action, as a loving and supportive TEAM—actually it feels more like a FAMILY—to learn, discover and create new ways to help fix our problems as we proceed, when, as it turns out, time is of the essence. Do you know how GOOD that feels? To no longer settle for just sitting in the peanut gallery, “watching the show with our popcorn,” as so many contemporary “Truther” or “Disclosure” communities are wont to do, but to actually begin to seriously probe into and understand what the REAL extent of our problems are, their true origins, AND get the tools to fix them?! And then set about DOING just that?! I ask you: What more important way could there possibly be to spend the rest of this precious life you have? [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]

Since finding Get Wisdom and especially the information that Karl Mollison brings forward about Source Creator/God and the Divine Realm, I have re-established my connection to God, a connection that I lost over the years but which I had quite strongly as a child. Learning about how the divine realm really works and how our universe functions doesn’t just make sense on a cognitive level, but it also sparks a deep knowing-a re-remembering of this-on an intuitive level. Then a process of reconnecting to God is initiated which becomes a very personal journey of re-establishing that relationship and connection, and as one’s level of belief is regained and increases, so does proof of the existence of God and the divine realm, which manifests in all sort of interesting ways (as answers to your requests and questions) which are very personal to you. So, life and existence then becomes mystical and miraculous. Miraculous especially as you start to experience and see the effects of the healing that The Lightworker Healing Protocol brings about. The greatest impact that Get Wisdom has had on my life is that it introduced me to the healing modality The Lightworker Healing Protocol which is, I now realize, know what I came here to do. So I have finally figured out my life’s purpose and it is a huge relief and an honor and a joy. [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/single_tab][single_tab title=”2. Interested In Healing” tab_id=”1546872398727-7″][vc_row_inner equal_height="yes" content_placement="middle" css=".vc_custom_1546877855236{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][vc_column_inner el_class="enlight" width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1551718604621{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: contain !important;}"][vc_column_text]

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If you or your loved ones suffer from emotional or physical health problems, destructive habits, troubled relationships, or are just unhappy with life and not getting anywhere, there is an answer.

We have optimized a powerful new approach to invoke divine healing that addresses the true causes of human problems—the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

You can hire us to do remote sessions for anyone. If you are called to help others and want to become a healer yourself, purchase our online training course to learn what we have been taught by Creator of All That Is:[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title="Learn About Our Services" style="custom" custom_background="#321c5d" custom_text="#ffffff" shape="round" align="left" link="url:%2Fabout-the-lightworker-healing-protocol%2F|||"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_single_image image="10826" img_size="445x550" onclick="custom_link" link="/product/lightworker-healing-protocol-online-training-course/"][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner css=".vc_custom_1546967814149{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]

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The healing that was initiated by my very first session has resulted in me finally resolving the lifetimes-long issue I have had with alcohol addiction, along with all sorts of other issues I had, like subconscious negative self-talk, which has renewed my joy at being alive in this (unfortunately) difficult reality. I have really never been happier than I am now. It is no exaggeration to say that the Lightworker Healing Protocol saved my life. Had I not come across it, I would have stayed on my old path, which was a destructive one that would not have allowed me to find my purpose in life, why I came here, which I discovered while learning the LHP. I cannot say enough good things about it, but the only way to know if this works, is to try it yourself. Be brave, take that step into the unknown, you will not be sorry. I wish everyone who reads this, luck and love on their journey in life, wherever it may lead them. With love and respect, [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]

“The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the most effective healing modality I have ever come across! My search is over and so is yours! I am an Akashic Records Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Massage Practitioner, with training in Zpoint, Breathwave, and Ancestral clearing. I have found that my clients and myself did receive healing from these other modalities, but not at the same level. There are many amazing healing modalities out there for specific issues, but none that cover all the underlying issues like LHP does. I would recommend everyone take the LHP course, or get a session done! Not only have I done many sessions on myself but I have also done sessions for my regular clients that I have massaged for years, and all of my clients have noticed a huge difference in the way they feel. We all feel more clear in our minds, more at Peace and calm with life, more energetic and productive, and the physical pain leaves our bodies quickly when we overdo it. We are all so grateful for The Lightworker Healing Protocol!” [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/single_tab][single_tab title=”3. Seeking Hidden Truth” tab_id=”1546873348079-2-6″][vc_row_inner equal_height="yes" content_placement="middle" gap="20" css=".vc_custom_1546964243585{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][vc_column_inner el_class="enlight" width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1551718633876{background-image: url( !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}"][vc_column_text]

Find Out The Truth

Most people want to believe that things are not hidden, especially through a cover-up. No one likes to learn they’ve been fooled. We seek truth regardless, believing all deserve to know the truth about what happens and why.

Our quest to learn secrets of the universe produces videos, podcasts, and transcripts of channeled interviews with Creator and famous people now in the light, revealing hidden truths that are surprising, and even shocking.

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Karl Mollison channels Creator about wide-ranging viewer questions.

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Karl Mollison channels John F. Kennedy about his presidency and passing.

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Karl Mollison channels Whitney Houston about life, race, and tragedy.

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Karl Mollison discusses Creator’s teachings about making prayer really work.

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The planet that we live on seems to have a dramatic mix of incredibly positive and beautiful aspects and profoundly negative ones. What if I would tell you that originally it was not supposed to be like this and this system was hijacked? A lot of things would finally make sense wouldn’t they? Our entire health and political system, how the media manipulates our decisions and many more systems, are used to diminish us as humans. This is not a reason to be scared, but we must be aware in order to be able to look for solutions. A lot of people are waking up and are finally opening their eyes and hearts, to bring the truth forward. Get Wisdom has been to me a lighthouse in the storm, that has guided me through beautiful experiences and has made me understand so many questions that I had, including but not limited to: Why have we not evolved as humanity in such a long period of time? Why have we not made an official, recognized worldwide contact with other civilizations? Why are so many things hidden from us? Why is there so much suffering on the planet? Why do our health, political and economic systems seem so deficient? And on top of that, there are a lot of misleading conspiracy theories, that appeal to individuals who understand that there’s something not quite right, and unfortunately get guided to paths that lead to nowhere. I have been misled in the past multiple times, “wasting” years of my life false or incomplete paths. And that’s another element of the puzzle; most organisations that seem “on the right path” actually deliver divine truths and that’s why you can feel that you resonate with that and keep consuming their information. But those divine truths within time, get complemented with smaller pieces of information, for the only purpose of misleading the person to a path of no growth. So one of the most important things that I have learned recently with Get Wisdom, is that it is fundamental to discern from a true source or a corrupt one. The first interviews done with Source Creator, explained in detail this phenomenon and invite us to think about the differences and possible consequences of engaging with a false source, compared to a true source. It is a very thin line that we must be aware of all the time. We keep growing and learning together, making it a collective effort for having a better future. So far, I feel that this is my path and I hope that it will be yours as well. [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]

I have been deeply into the world of conspiracies as a truth seeker for about 5 years now and I have spent many hours researching all aspects of nearly every alternative topic you can think of. I have also fallen into all the New Age traps that are out there, especially the saviour programming which included believing that good ET’s are coming to save us from the cabal that is destroying our world. Also, that there is a secret group of ‘’white hats’’ who are going to bring this cabal down and free us of its enslavement. But in the 5 years I have been following these narratives I have never seen any of this manifest. In fact, things have only gotten worse geopolitically and much darker energetically. This disparity always made me uncomfortable and uneasy which is why I kept searching and it was only when I started learning the real truth of our situation through Get Wisdom that it finally made sense and I had a kind of ‘a-ha’ moment and I thought “ok, THAT’S why everything is such a mess.’’ Again, this was a re-remembering of something I knew deep down to be true, at a soul level, and it was only when I started listening to the channellings and other information on Get Wisdom that it brought all of this up in me again and it connected many of the dots that remain unconnected in the other narratives out there. As distressing as it can be to learn about the truth of our situation, Get Wisdom also provides the solution to help us out of it, so not only does it give us unadulterated truths, it is also incredibly helpful and hopeful. [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/single_tab][/ult_tab_element][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


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It’s hard to contain, let alone put into words, the gratitude and joy (not to mention the urgency) I feel when I think how lucky I am to have discovered Get Wisdom. To be getting not only what I feel in my heart is true information about what’s REALLY going on in our world and universe, and why (as well as corroborating lots of other research I’ve done on my own, filling in missing puzzle pieces), but also the TOOLS to make a significant CONTRIBUTION to healing and saving Humanity, is really quite incredible. Whether it’s the spiritual arena, deep healing, metaphysics, the Deep State, UFOs or ExoPolitics (all of which I’ve always been fascinated with), all threads are elegantly woven together within Get Wisdom. Not only that, but here is a growing community of like-minded, incredibly talented, insightful, intelligent, dedicated, courageous, funny, good-hearted people from all over the world, who are pretty much on the same wavelength, who “get it,” AND are more than willing to roll up their sleeves to work hard and smart, together, taking daily action, as a loving and supportive TEAM—actually it feels more like a FAMILY—to learn, discover and create new ways to help fix our problems as we proceed, when, as it turns out, time is of the essence. Do you know how GOOD that feels? To no longer settle for just sitting in the peanut gallery, “watching the show with our popcorn,” as so many contemporary “Truther” or “Disclosure” communities are wont to do, but to actually begin to seriously probe into and understand what the REAL extent of our problems are, their true origins, AND get the tools to fix them?! And then set about DOING just that?! I ask you: What more important way could there possibly be to spend the rest of this precious life you have?


Since finding Get Wisdom and especially the information that Karl Mollison brings forward about Source Creator/God and the Divine Realm, I have re-established my connection to God, a connection that I lost over the years but which I had quite strongly as a child. Learning about how the divine realm really works and how our universe functions doesn’t just make sense on a cognitive level, but it also sparks a deep knowing-a re-remembering of this-on an intuitive level. Then a process of reconnecting to God is initiated which becomes a very personal journey of re-establishing that relationship and connection, and as one’s level of belief is regained and increases, so does proof of the existence of God and the divine realm, which manifests in all sort of interesting ways (as answers to your requests and questions) which are very personal to you. So, life and existence then becomes mystical and miraculous. Miraculous especially as you start to experience and see the effects of the healing that The Lightworker Healing Protocol brings about. The greatest impact that Get Wisdom has had on my life is that it introduced me to the healing modality The Lightworker Healing Protocol which is, I now realize, know what I came here to do. So I have finally figured out my life’s purpose and it is a huge relief and an honor and a joy.


The healing that was initiated by my very first session has resulted in me finally resolving the lifetimes-long issue I have had with alcohol addiction, along with all sorts of other issues I had, like subconscious negative self-talk, which has renewed my joy at being alive in this (unfortunately) difficult reality. I have really never been happier than I am now. It is no exaggeration to say that the Lightworker Healing Protocol saved my life. Had I not come across it, I would have stayed on my old path, which was a destructive one that would not have allowed me to find my purpose in life, why I came here, which I discovered while learning the LHP. I cannot say enough good things about it, but the only way to know if this works, is to try it yourself. Be brave, take that step into the unknown, you will not be sorry. I wish everyone who reads this, luck and love on their journey in life, wherever it may lead them. With love and respect


“The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the most effective healing modality I have ever come across! My search is over and so is yours! I am an Akashic Records Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Massage Practitioner, with training in Zpoint, Breathwave, and Ancestral clearing. I have found that my clients and myself did receive healing from these other modalities, but not at the same level. There are many amazing healing modalities out there for specific issues, but none that cover all the underlying issues like LHP does. I would recommend everyone take the LHP course, or get a session done! Not only have I done many sessions on myself but I have also done sessions for my regular clients that I have massaged for years, and all of my clients have noticed a huge difference in the way they feel. We all feel more clear in our minds, more at Peace and calm with life, more energetic and productive, and the physical pain leaves our bodies quickly when we overdo it. We are all so grateful for The Lightworker Healing Protocol!”


The planet that we live on seems to have a dramatic mix of incredibly positive and beautiful aspects and profoundly negative ones. What if I would tell you that originally it was not supposed to be like this and this system was hijacked? A lot of things would finally make sense wouldn’t they? Our entire health and political system, how the media manipulates our decisions and many more systems, are used to diminish us as humans. This is not a reason to be scared, but we must be aware in order to be able to look for solutions. A lot of people are waking up and are finally opening their eyes and hearts, to bring the truth forward. Get Wisdom has been to me a lighthouse in the storm, that has guided me through beautiful experiences and has made me understand so many questions that I had, including but not limited to: Why have we not evolved as humanity in such a long period of time? Why have we not made an official, recognized worldwide contact with other civilizations? Why are so many things hidden from us? Why is there so much suffering on the planet? Why do our health, political and economic systems seem so deficient? And on top of that, there are a lot of misleading conspiracy theories, that appeal to individuals who understand that there’s something not quite right, and unfortunately get guided to paths that lead to nowhere. I have been misled in the past multiple times, “wasting” years of my life false or incomplete paths. And that’s another element of the puzzle; most organisations that seem “on the right path” actually deliver divine truths and that’s why you can feel that you resonate with that and keep consuming their information. But those divine truths within time, get complemented with smaller pieces of information, for the only purpose of misleading the person to a path of no growth. So one of the most important things that I have learned recently with Get Wisdom, is that it is fundamental to discern from a true source or a corrupt one. The first interviews done with Source Creator, explained in detail this phenomenon and invite us to think about the differences and possible consequences of engaging with a false source, compared to a true source. It is a very thin line that we must be aware of all the time. We keep growing and learning together, making it a collective effort for having a better future. So far, I feel that this is my path and I hope that it will be yours as well.


I have been deeply into the world of conspiracies as a truth seeker for about 5 years now and I have spent many hours researching all aspects of nearly every alternative topic you can think of. I have also fallen into all the New Age traps that are out there, especially the saviour programming which included believing that good ET’s are coming to save us from the cabal that is destroying our world. Also, that there is a secret group of ‘’white hats’’ who are going to bring this cabal down and free us of its enslavement. But in the 5 years I have been following these narratives I have never seen any of this manifest. In fact, things have only gotten worse geopolitically and much darker energetically. This disparity always made me uncomfortable and uneasy which is why I kept searching and it was only when I started learning the real truth of our situation through Get Wisdom that it finally made sense and I had a kind of ‘a-ha’ moment and I thought “ok, THAT’S why everything is such a mess.’’ Again, this was a re-remembering of something I knew deep down to be true, at a soul level, and it was only when I started listening to the channellings and other information on Get Wisdom that it brought all of this up in me again and it connected many of the dots that remain unconnected in the other narratives out there. As distressing as it can be to learn about the truth of our situation, Get Wisdom also provides the solution to help us out of it, so not only does it give us unadulterated truths, it is also incredibly helpful and hopeful.


A viewer asks: “Is it necessary to dispose of a library of cult books, mystical, psychic, ancient, mental sciences, etc., in one’s possession? I am in fear they may be attracting spirit meddlers, ETs, etc. They are contrary to what GetWisdom teaches.” What is Creator’s perspective?

This is actually a wise choice to take unless there is a compelling need as in doing scholarly research for purposes of comparing and contrasting or exposing untruths. Such works will almost always have some energetic ties to the darkness in whatever form was most greatly associated with the end product in book form. This is deliberate, in fact, because such works are used as a vector for evil to attract the unwary, ensnare them through subtle influence and manipulations depending on the nature of the material. There may be a very heavy degree of dark energy to serve as a manipulating influence that is corded to books of such material. It is possible to cleanse such items of their cordings and energetic influence but that is sometimes only a temporary benefit because such works can become re-corded to renew their links and the power it represents to corrupt. So it is best to destroy such materials, to remove them from one’s environment, and prevent them from falling into the hands of the unwary and harming them. This is no different than needing to dispose of a highly deadly poison, to not do so in a cavalier fashion where it could spread to others and cause harm, but needs to be deactivated. So, in the case of books, this is the one time when book burning makes sense, but it is likely that books disposed of in ordinary trash will never see the light of day again, given the voluminous waste generated by modern society.

A viewer asks: “Someone mentioned that they had been confirmed by Creator as having been targeted as a child. Have we not all been targeted since birth? Am I allowed to ask Creator how much I am myself being targeted or is this something that is preferred if we don’t know as it can perpetuate whatever is there? Or is it better we do know so that when we find ourselves confronted by something, we can immediately say ‘Go Away’ to the feeling that comes up within us?” What can Creator tell us?

The important thing for you to know is that when your channel refers to a “targeted individual,” this represents high-level targeting that is directed at about 5% of people and is a worldwide phenomenon. This high-level targeting may have specific intentions but is always done to limit the person, their progress, their personal happiness and well-being as a kind of punishment, and to sideline them and diminish their influence as a contributor to the world, and even gaining their own personal security. In most cases, a decision is made in infancy, with new babies being born, to look at their akashic records of prior lifetimes and rank them according to their potential to oppose the Extraterrestrial Alliance and its agenda. So those human beings who were humanitarians, warriors for the light, champions of truth, and possessing exceptional talent and personal power and effectiveness, will be noted on their return and earmarked to have a punishment for prior problems they caused the darkness and to keep them sidelined from engaging in a repeat performance as a do-gooder.

It is true that all human beings are targeted because your world is enslaved deliberately, to contain you and diminish you, and now the decision has been made for you to be exterminated as a species. But those things slated to be done worldwide happen at intervals, whereas the high-level targeting we speak of frequently is an ongoing day‑to‑day frequent event to harm the lives of the targeted individuals with all manner of obstacles and trauma events with people, even family members, turning against them, and even strangers going out of their way to harm them. They may be rejected by employers to lose their career or prevent it from starting. They may be killed by caregivers if something is done to make the targeted person seek medical attention or be hospitalized. On and on it goes, with almost limitless variety, so it does put them in a special category for ongoing suffering of all kinds, to be targeted.

Is Cortexi, the supplement mixture advertised to heal tinnitus, hearing loss, and associated brain function abnormalities, both safe and effective?

You, indeed, are seeing the truth and hearing the truth here. This is wholly legitimate and is an accurate portrayal of the history of its research and discovery. It was divinely inspired and divinely supported all the way along, which in itself is remarkable. But we can tell you this is a true game changer for hearing loss and crippling tinnitus and worth every penny of the cost involved.