A client’s brother has suffered for years now with mental illness expressed as paranoia, and has become a kind of outcast, shunned by his community. What can you tell us about the origins of this problem and the prospects for healing it through our work on his behalf with the Lightworker Healing Protocol?

This is a most unfortunate situation as he, indeed, is a spiritual person as all are, in origin, but not all express it in the course of a lifetime as he has. Unfortunately, he was corrupted by spirit meddler attachments taking advantage of times of weakness where his energetic guard dropped and they were able to gain an entry into his energy field. Like many others, he has innate intuitive ability and that has worked against him in having spirits attached to him who can dialogue with his deep subconscious and work their way into his upper subconscious awareness, and then have messages emerge into his conscious thoughts. That sets up a person for great danger because it is almost certain, once that happens, the spirits will begin to inculcate negative beliefs within the cellular consciousness of their host that will persist and govern thinking going forward from that point on, as beliefs do, being the bedrock, the hardwiring that determines much of one’s makeup and how they can function. People will not go against beliefs and if there are corrupted beliefs present, these will be referenced again and again and misguide a person, who will not appreciate the difference but are simply acting on inner beliefs and impulses planted there by interlopers to cause harm deliberately.

So this is more of a spirit meddler manipulation, as one of the risks in life that can develop and even take a person out if the consequences are severe enough to impair them. He is on the edge now, as the brother relates, in not having much of a life because of his diminished wherewithal to be a normal functioning partner for fellow human beings. There are always some karmic factors in play as well, but less so in this person’s case because his predominant nature was shining through prior to the infestation. And you saw this intuitively, as a positive aspect bringing encouragement that things can potentially be turned around for the better. We agree, and will work earnestly to bring this about. He is far from a lost cause, but things could turn out that way without this intervention having been arranged. So the brother who contacted you is truly on a mercy mission with divine guidance and support all along the way, to find an answer for his suffering. And that is the highest of motives and blessings for the both of them, to have a love bond in place that stands the test of time and the strain of seeing one sibling in such a decline and altered state that a normal relationship is not possible. So this loving outreach on his behalf will bring many karmic blessings for his beloved brother, and we will work towards the goal of seeing to uniting them when on a more equal status of well-being and capabilities. As usual, we cannot promise any particular outcome because of the high variability and the many environmental factors that can influence things adversely, that are beyond our control directly. But we will be working in earnest to help save him from further decline and will work to restore him.

The fact humanity has so much history utterly lost to most of us, suggests something sinister is responsible. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol will bring about the healing needed to resolve the “real problem” behind our lost and forgotten history, and perhaps eventually even restore knowledge of that history in great detail?

This is the question of your time, and a question for all time, because the future of the universe may well depend on how humans answer the call to action you are creating through your explorations and discoveries, to see the nature of what you face as a world of divine human beings, an extension of Creator after all, and representing the highest of attributes and ideals that could be a model for everything everywhere, but that is only to the extent it remains uncorrupted and in divine alignment as an enterprise. The test underway, in the vast experiment that has happened all through the history of your entire galaxy, has been to explore the idea of whether, given greater latitude from oversight by the Law of Karma, to quickly punish any misguided thinking or wrongdoing or misalignment, this could give rise to evil, a growing selfishness, and that greater latitude used to serve the ego in an unhealthy and destructive way.

Unfortunately, that has arisen as a problem, first with the fallen angelic spirits, who turned away from love and light out of ego, wanting more—more power, more autonomy, and more latitude in gaining pleasure for personal reward, and that became a slippery slope and the fall from grace was quite profound. They have gone on to infest multiple extraterrestrial races, and that has corrupted them and caused them to become disconnected, even from an awareness from the divine at this point, and they have become functional psychopaths as a consequence, devoid of an ability to have love or compassion. Only interested in serving themselves and acquiring personal power, they will only cooperate with others if they are forced to do so, and it is in their self-interest to cooperate, even if grudgingly. This is no way to live but it has gone on for billions of years among the Anunnaki and a series of other civilizations created to bring healing for the problem.

Unfortunately, those civilizations, chiefly now the Arcturians and the Reptilians, have had the same fate. They lost their spirituality through corruption by the dark angelic beings. They live by their wits and have avoided annihilation by the Anunnaki, and instead have a kind of loose alliance, partnering with them to plunder and subjugate worlds like the Earth. Humans were created in a better configuration to grapple with this source of evil, but with the same goal of empowering them to solve the problem of evil in bringing divine healing forth. This must come from the physical plane, as a request, in order for us to intervene and not stack the deck arbitrarily. For the experiment to be a success, even with the rise of evil, there needs to be a solution arising from the physical plane, where humanity and the problems exist, and not an arbitrary divine shortcut. That would leave the question unresolved of whether it is safe to widen the experiment to include more of the universe. For it to fail on the scale of the universe would be a tremendously enhanced travesty. So, much is riding on what humans now will do. You are close to having the insight and awareness, and the tools to work with to solve the problem of evil, but it is not clear that enough of you can participate to bring about a tipping point for the better.

Through your channel, we have brought forth greater insight about empowering prayer, to be much more effective and certain, and given recommended prayers of our own to encompass all of the basic needs and issues facing humanity. So even though conquering the ETs is not made explicit, the prayers are worded in a general way that will encompass all evil and all darkness everywhere to be raised up, and through divine love, not through war. In addition, your channel has spent years now refining and strengthening the Lightworker Healing Protocol. That is a series of requests for divine assistance for all manner of corruptions, negative influences, degradations, and even self-inflicted negativity that will undermine a person as surely as an outside attack on them. This combination of requests addresses all the levels of difficulty across all timelines, and by all participants and influencers who have contributed to the problem, or made efforts along the way but perhaps failed and were wounded in the process.

The totality of humanity desperately needs healing and upliftment, but the way this enterprise will achieve victory over evil will be through its unique focus and prioritization of healing the interlopers as a first order of business. You will never heal humanity unless the interlopers are first dealt with. It is too strong a headwind to stay ahead of. They are actively impeding humanity on all levels, and thus far you have barely managed to break even and maintain your survival as a species. That is in doubt because the plan is for you to be annihilated within the next five years. That will happen unless you do enough healing of the interlopers to encourage them to withdraw, at least for a period long enough to accomplish the needed worldwide healing of humanity. Then, as a species, you will be ready for ascension to a higher plane of existence having proved your mettle, the ability to remain steadfast, aware, and dedicated to serving the divine cause of liberty and freedom, a universal sharing through fairness and upliftment of all, everywhere—that is not only lofty, it is noble, from human perspectives, and it is at once the definition of a resolution of the dilemma before you.

There can be no slave masters and slaves if all are seen as equals and share in everything in a fair and equal fashion. Healing, and nothing else, can bring that about. That will require a divine intervention to implement, but that is what We are here for, the court of last resort, the ultimate power you have, you can bring to bear, by maintaining your belief in us and making informed specific requests for those very things needed based on a sophisticated understanding of the nature of the problem you face. That hard-won learning has been done through the research and diligence of the seekers coming back again and again to incarnate and advance human knowledge and awareness bit by bit to open the veil to truth. This has been withheld and denied you through manipulation. If that changes, you can win this struggle and overcome evil for all of time, and will be able to mentor others throughout the universe to forever prevent a reoccurrence of this tragic era in the rise of evil within your galaxy.

So you will have much greater reach and power, but that will be matched by the greater reach and power of your wisdom to use that wherewithal wisely and well. If you take up this challenge, you can be a healer and helper within the privacy of your own mind with no risk to you, as your connection to the divine will be hidden from the interlopers, but your voice, your intention, will be a vote for human survival and the rescue of the predators as well so they are raised up and no longer a threat. That you can bring about, and if you do not, will suffer the consequences along with all others who have tried but fallen short. That need not happen if enough people are true to their origins, know they are here for an important purpose, and want to help. We can assure you this is why you are here and, in fact, have been chosen, so you are open-minded enough to heed the warning and answer the call to duty for all in alignment with the divine.

Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can help GetWisdom succeed in bringing forward divine wisdom without becoming corrupted and cult-like from outside manipulation?

You, indeed, are threading the eye of the needle in everything you do with GetWisdom. The enterprise began with an outreach to the divine, and continues in the same fashion, tapping into an authentic divine source, Yours Truly, as the Creator of All That Is, along with the many other beings you have channeled personally, to have an accurate conversation and recounting of information and knowledge of value, to both inform and inspire new ideas and encouragement, to keep going in your search for truth. This is a rarity in your world, given the widespread corruption, confusion, misdirection, and co‑opting of people through direct manipulation that is the norm rather than the exception. It is much worse than you see on the surface, but it is quite obvious to one like yourself, who has access to a divine source, that in looking at the world broadly, so many people are parroting false ideas, clearly not of their origin and would be normally never conceived of nor accepted if imparted by another human being, but somehow they have come to believe warped thinking of their own, and do things and say things that are illogical and even self-destructive many times, without hesitation or doubt whatsoever in their probity and correctness.

None of this is normal but is assumed to be so. You are conditioned to see a lower standard of human capability and conduct, and because you do not know, as a culture, there is such a thing as a dark power running things from behind the scenes, there is no other place to lay blame than on the humans themselves for any wrongdoing, misguided thinking, illogical choices, and misguided policies that lead to failure and suffering. This is deliberately arranged to be the case so you doubt one another, and it is not illogical, given that humans can be so very flawed and even dangerous, you are forced to be on your guard and skeptical, especially of things that are different. What is the most different in your world is the divine perspective because its openness, embracing of fairness and equality, in a true sense, free of ideological bias and preferences, even though simple, seems on its face to be unworkable if for no other reason than humans cannot be fair and history has borne this out. Eventually, people will compete with one another, even on a national and global scale, and even kill masses of other human beings to ensure their victory. So given that the proof that humanity is flawed deeply, and unreliable, and needs someone to ride herd to protect people from themselves, is accepted universally, your fate is sealed unless you can create, in your minds, another option that is appealing to a higher power. That requires belief that is difficult to muster in a world of corruption and dark thinking gained through being deceived, manipulated, and corrupted internally in so many ways to darken your outlook and undermine your beliefs.

The virtue of the GetWisdom Enterprise is its success in maintaining a pure connection to the divine so what comes forward is truth that is unfiltered, untainted, unbiased by the human corrupted thinking of old. Your relentless pursuit as a channeler of divine truth has enabled this to come about. The gifts of Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol, as the answer for the problem of evil, is fulfilling your divine mission in parallel with the divine missions of many other seekers wanting a change for the better and needing a way to get there. You need the proper tools to save and heal humanity. We have told you many times now this cannot happen until the interlopers themselves are healed enough to take their pressure off human society, and greatly delay their desire for human annihilation, and the many preparations ongoing currently to bring that about soon. If through the tools of GetWisdom enough human beings ask for help to raise up the hearts of all those engaged in evildoing, this can tip the balance in your favor, and if the interlopers withdraw to be free of you for a time, there will be an opportunity, for the first time, to gain the upper hand through a concerted divine healing effort focused on humanity, and that will free you once and for all from the karmic obligation to keep coming back into the physical plane where you are at risk personally of further karmic degradation and entrapment.

You do it willingly, knowing it is the only way you can be an advocate for the human cause. The problems are in the physical plane and must be solved within the physical plane, that is why you are in the vanguard and on the frontlines as warriors for the light. When you partner with us, you can work wonders to extend your reach. All who listen to these words are hearing this message for a reason. It is you not yet engaged who are needed to make certain a tipping point will be reached with enough human beings working together in common cause for saving and healing humanity through raising up the interlopers to escape their evil, who will bring this about, and will be hailed for all of time as heroes.

To what extent will the Lightworker Healing Protocol be effective in eliminating a habit as a client issue that is a particular goal for healing by the session?

The difference will be night and day between what can be done through force of will alone, and often the need for a prolonged period of ignoring the habit before it can become long enough to stop being a problem, if that has been an issue. The LHP has the capability, with divine help, to eradicate a bad habit altogether. After all, it is just stored memory and in place because of a sequence of events giving rise to a perceived need for a routine to be repeated. This could be the workings of the subconscious, or an old karmic conflict arising that creates a kind of looping series of events that are emotion-based. And that, itself, could become a habit to revisit, even creating bodily symptoms in a recurring fashion.

So a habit might be manifested as a behavior with a series of steps and actions. It could be conscious or unconscious, as with nail-biting that is often not even noticed by the conscious self. It can be a bodily function that is perceived consciously, or not, as with various vices that lead to trouble and are unwanted but seem to have a life of their own. When there is strong compulsion to do something, that is a clear sign there is a strong reward element keeping the habit on the front burner, and this is when serious vices take hold of someone and begin to dominate their life, as with a drug, alcohol, or sex addiction. But there could be an inner perception of karmic reward driving a habit as well, in which case the individual steps will run their course almost on their own, as if through an unseen force, because the motivation and the origin for it will not be in conscious awareness at all, and the habit seems to have a life of its own rather mysteriously.

But as these examples show, in each and every instance there is an underlying origin and cause for the habit to be stored as a kind of program that can run on its own, to repeat over and over the sequence of events. That basic function is a built-in utility of the mind, because it has many valuable benefits in all the good things people learn to do almost on autopilot, or entirely without conscious awareness, but are necessary for efficiency, effectiveness, seeing to the myriad details of daily life, and even things like safety, health, and well-being to take care of personal hygiene, and so on. When this gets perverted to do something deleterious that undermines the individual, that same robust autopilot capability then works against the person. But because there is an underlying dynamic that is discernible to the divine realm, we can apply various strategies to heal the impetus, usually from trauma of some kind that started things going, and that will be the key to a resolution of the habit. You have seen that personally, through doing trauma resolution work, that a habit within cellular consciousness can be erased through healing and is effective immediately.

As with all healing, there are uncertainties and complexities that will govern their likelihood of obtaining a rapid benefit versus needing a long period of time for all of the needed underpinnings to be dealt with sufficiently. So there will be a wide variation in effectiveness using the LHP for extinguishing habits, but it is a technique that can work as opposed to other approaches that are more or less a reassurance by adding some hope that force of will can be applied. And often this turns out to merely be wishful thinking, but it might be enough to help a person avoid the habit for a time and then begin to find it easier, and then keep that strategy going to let it fade. But it is more likely that the LHP will benefit a person because there are many things that can be dealt with quickly and one can only find out by doing the exercise.

What is the quickest way to extinguish or modify a habit stored in the cellular consciousness of the mind, aside from using the Lightworker Healing Protocol?

This, in effect, is a hopeless cause, other than having it extinguish itself through neglect over time, as such things require energy to be maintained. When that is not applied, there will be a degradation and this will result in the fade, so the habit is less and less triggered and eventually will be eliminated through a reworking of the energies locally within the makeup of the cellular consciousness repository itself. It is much like the physical aspect, that disuse and indolence will result in a weakening and the waning of strength that eventually can cause a breakdown. And this is why a regular activity is essential for keeping oneself in trim to have a vibrant and resilient body. The same is true of workings of the mind. The long-term memory is reliable, but even that has its limits as there must be some purpose for the stored material to be retained. The way things are organized into categories creates a kind of hierarchy that will determine for how long memories will be vibrant and detailed over time. If not accessed, there will begin to be loss of fidelity and vividness and therefore, reliability, and effectiveness of the stored information will degrade.

This simply reflects the impermanence of the physical human. You are not designed to last forever in physical form. So what you have to work with relies on local conditions to a large degree, but to go in and selectively expunge a memory is not possible, other than through some kind of manipulation or dodge, to retrain the cellular consciousness to prefer something else, such as using aversion therapy or desensitization strategies to create a kind of disincentive. But those are crude techniques and have built-in disadvantages, as well as varying effectiveness. This is why the tried-and-true method remains using conscious will to resist the impulse to act on a habitual impulse, and eventually, the mind will get the message that the habit is no longer needed and eventually, it will fade.

We know the interlopers, from the fallen angelics to the extraterrestrials, and even some humans, have an almost insatiable bloodlust. The bloodlust seems to be a distorted hunger of the ego. In the same way that the Lightworker Healing Protocol asks that negative energy be transformed from malevolent to benevolent, can bloodlust be similarly transformed upon request? Can the craving be divinely altered? If such cravings were reduced or transformed, would the silent voice of the long-ignored conscience have a chance to re-emerge?

While this idea might seem simplistic to many, and wishful thinking at most, we can tell you that this is exactly what the divine realm works to accomplish each and every day in responding to the many prayer requests, as well as practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, asking for all beings to be raised up through healing, to right the wrongs of history, and repair the karmic underpinnings responsible for all forms of negativity.

Bloodlust is simply an example of the kind of depraved seeking of a reward in order to feel satisfaction and self-pride. One who is a psychopath is unable to respond to positive feelings or generate them in the first place. Their only source of pleasure is feeling power over others because they will see that as having an elevated and even lofty status enabling them to feel superior and self-gratified that pursuit of power is paying off. This is a slippery slope because extremes of power serving the self must inevitably involve loss to others and result in their diminishment, or even suffering, and it is at the extremes of suffering caused to others that bloodlust serves as a reward for the depraved, heartless, psychopathic dark spirits and physical extraterrestrials present in your world and running things from behind the scenes.

The only way forward is to heal them, so they can withdraw and leave you alone, so you can catch up with your own karmic repair and healing without a continuous headwind of new problems heaped upon you relentlessly through the manipulation of your world. The ultimate and most elegant healing solution for bloodlust is its transmutation, from negative to positive, to use its energy for healing instead of harm. After all, a reward to a being feeling bloodlust, provided by an act of savagery that literally makes blood flow, if transformed to another kind of reward, can begin a process of restoration and renewal that over time will help them recover an ability to have normal feelings through an opening of the connection to the flow of divine love.

So at first, as a tactic, the divine might stroke the ego in some other way, in lieu of bloody carnage being acted out by a perpetrator but, being a lesser of evils, can begin an acclimation through substitution of better strategies and outcomes to literally, “tame the beast,” to seek more gentle choices that are nonetheless a benefit and over time become an expectation rather than a rarity with little influence to change things for the better. It is not simple to heal psychopaths, but nothing is beyond the reach of the divine with enough human intention to launch the healing effort as fuel. The end reward and ultimate solution is a restoration of the link to the divine realm within the interlopers, so they are reconnected fully to their higher selves with a restoration of conscience to provide a self‑regulating mechanism to help them stay in better divine alignment—that is quite a contrast but an important goal that will raise up everyone and everything in need of healing.

Can Creator share how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol are the best means for tackling the problem of fear and run-away egos?

Both are extremes and abnormal circumstances to be a chronic state of being. In a sense, these are the predominant characteristics of victims and their perpetrators, respectively. Both extreme dilemmas will require a divine intervention for their healing to make a dent, and significant progress to have a hope of turning things around to improve the world, given the extreme nature of ongoing suffering, vulnerability, and helplessness of humans as victims, and the depravity of the interlopers who are heartless and determined to annihilate humanity altogether. The relentless attacks and undermining of the interlopers, indeed, has corrupted many human beings to be on that spectrum leading to become a full-blown psychopath.

There are two important tools available to you that have been brought forward by your channel, through our assistance, to provide additional insight and guidance. The first is Empowered Prayer, meaning prayers that work, and designed to tackle the large-scale issues facing humanity. These are numerous, and both personal and universal, and given the nature of your opposition, the darkness is very powerful and not easily countered, because the perpetrators have free will also, and while subject to a karmic reckoning because karma is delayed in the physical realm, they have gotten away with murder, literally, for a long period of time, and may well finish the job on the Earth before karma catches up with them. To have a significant divine intervention to forestall that will require considerable prayer power, and by a quorum of human beings in sufficient numbers, so the aggregate intention will be adequate to mount the level of divine intervention truly required to stay their hand and rescue humanity from a dark fate.

The way to accelerate and guarantee reaching that turning point for the better is for there to be more practitioners of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, as the premier healing tool, for requesting high-level and specific prayer requests that invoke not only a comprehensive list of potential targets, phenomena, and dilemmas but a series of specific healing strategies used by the divine realm to carry out high-level healing interventions. What that means is you have the wherewithal to make an intelligent outreach for powerful and specific healing with a sufficient depth and breadth to deal with this greatest of dilemmas that has plagued human history all the way along. With divine help, you have countered the dark aims of the interlopers, at least to keep them from implementing a final solution for humanity, as another Holocaust, but this has reached a stage of such frustration and fatigue the interlopers want to be done with you and withdraw, and can only envision doing so by destroying you first as a way of winning once and for all, at least in their minds.

What can be achieved through use of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and the energies from group prayer requests, is to have enough healing to soften the views of the interlopers so they end up withdrawing to have a kind of vacation from the burdens of managing the world. That will provide an interval during which humanity can heal its wounds sufficiently, to ascend and escape the physical realm once and for all, so you will never again be under the thumb of the interlopers and at their mercy, and will be able to continue the healing effort from the light, so all can win, including the perpetrators themselves. If you bring this healing about, it will be the greatest contribution of humanity possible for the benefit of the universe, as it will widen the scope of things and allow greater free will privileges everywhere, without the fear that evil will rise again to corrupt things and become a dominant force to subjugate and oppress.

The hard-won learning of humanity, in solving the problem of evil, will provide the template for numerous other worlds to learn by example what to watch for, and how to apply safeguards and healing solutions for any difficulties that arise, causing soul-based beings to get out of divine alignment. Your wisdom will enable you to be teachers and healers throughout the universe, to spread your hard-won expertise in administering love through healing, in ways that will effectively rein in negativity before it becomes a serious problem beyond the ability to control it. This is your destiny, but you must choose to pursue it and move towards it actively by participating in the here and now before it is too late. This is not beyond your capability; it can be done safely in the privacy of your own mind—to do prayer and to do healing requests with the Lightworker Healing Protocol—both will be shielded from outside interference so you can truly be a warrior for the light in safety. There will never be a greater cause and a greater opportunity to express your divinity. We can assure you, that is your path and your purpose for living.

A practitioner asks: “I had an idea recently that I think could possibly improve the LHP even further. I could be totally off base, and this idea may well already be covered in the LHP, but I thought it was at least worthy enough to inquire about. The concept I’m alluding to is the concept of sin. Now I am well aware of the negative connotations this word may have in the minds of many because of the corruption of many religious institutions. However, I believe sin may be a different concept than karma, which of course is extensively covered in the LHP. I came to realize recently that sin may be more like a spiritual disease or dysfunction that of course affects the spiritual body, but in turn affects the emotional, mental and physical bodies as well. Kind of an advanced karmic entanglement that in a way feeds and exacerbates itself by design. A snowball effect of free will gone the wrong way. I think adding the idea of transmuting sin for the clients as well as the perpetrators could potentially accelerate the healing process. I believe this may also be of great benefit to those who suffer from homosexuality and transgender afflictions as well.” Would adding something like this to the Lightworker Healing Protocol be beneficial?

What is taking place as you have these thoughts is a deeper integration and appreciation of the need for healing by looking at the context of older teachings about sin, to recognize those concepts of wrongdoing and personal failings as relating to dysfunction, and not simply broken rules in the abstract. They say something about the individual being out of alignment, being in a way unnatural, and acting in an abnormal function by departing from what is truly highest and best to be doing. The fact that brings adverse consequences is proof of the misalignment underway to cause a person to exhibit such conduct, especially when it flaunts established practice and societal norms. All of this, of course, is a shifting landscape, largely the consequence of outside manipulation of your world by the interlopers to corrupt thinking and cause many disruptions people blame on one another when it is truly coming from outside of humanity in the first place. But rest assured that all of the issues encompassed by the label of “sin” are truly karmic events creating negativity, and that is all encompassed fully by the Lightworker Healing Protocol in addressing a number of approaches to doing karmic repair through dealing with many diverse energetic phenomena.

So this is well-covered. Your channel has simply avoided using the word “sin” because it is highly triggering for religious folk in seeing anything as “sinful” as the devil’s work, and so on, and a reason perhaps for eternal damnation and suffering. It is a much gentler approach to talk about people as having karmic missteps that create a wounding in some way that needs to be healed and rebalanced energetically than to label them a “sinner” with all of the triggering of emotional baggage that might unleash. You have learned much from us about how many kinds of transgressions are induced to happen and not even conscious choices at all. To label all departures from divine alignment as “sinful” is too broad a negative brush to be useful to begin to understand the many intricacies and complications in how things come about, all of which is important to be aware of so you can keep things in perspective and apply, correctly and with precision, the healing tools incorporated in the Lightworker Healing Protocol. So we are not missing anything, nor is your channel in what he has put together, with our assistance, to cover the bases in dealing effectively with negativity of all kinds regardless of origin and consequence.

A practitioner asks: “Source Creator, my beloved friend has recently arrived home to the divine realm after successful Lightworker Healing Protocol requests and prayers being launched for him. Can you tell us if he will be attending his own funeral (12/07/22) or will he be having ongoing healing after his transition?”

Beings returning to the light will routinely observe the ongoing events of loved ones still unfolding on the physical plane. Whether he attempts to do something to make his awareness known to the attendees is a personal choice we leave to him. Much healing is being done on other timelines even though he is now in the light, and that will continue to be worked on, and is a virtue of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, and an outstanding benefit of the LHP work.

Can Creator tell us how Empowered Prayer and the Lightworker Healing Protocol can heal the ego, or help heal the ego if it cannot be done directly?

For the most part, problems of the ego are not due to an ego malfunction but rather a lack of restraint, a lack of an ability to control the ego to keep it within bounds, to keep one’s balance, and not have the ego take sole charge of things, and perhaps run roughshod over others in service to the self, as that is its purpose and strong suit, to be a kind of personal powerhouse. When that is set loose without constraints and a balance from a gentler, loving energy that considers the needs and value of others, the consequences of one’s action might perturb relationships and cause great harm, and even victimize others because of one’s harsh treatment in search of ego gratification for personal gain.

So, what is missing are the checks and balances, the ability to feel love, and allow love to flow. Many things will compete and constrain the flow of love. The worst by far, in terms of predominance throughout humanity, is harboring fear. It is fear that is a great barrier and limitation in achieving a vibrational state of being in alignment with the divine, both in terms of one’s own sense of well-being and smooth functioning in carrying out their life in an effective way, and in terms of receiving divine assistance, support, inspiration, guidance, healing, and protection. In choosing fear, you are essentially saying “no” to divine love because the two are opposites and incompatible. So even though love might be offered, it cannot be recognized, embraced, put to use, and felt by the recipient when gripped by fear. So the quandary for human beings is, “How is help to arrive if someone is in such a sorry state that even the divine cannot offer an immediate solution?” The answer always is to have an objective way to go outside the fear and make intelligent, informed, high-level requests of the divine to correct the many sources of difficulty that generate and feed fear as an ongoing dilemma that so undermines the individual in its grip. Many who suffer greatly are unable to even mount a simple prayer effectively because they become so powerless they are not their own best advocate and spokesperson. Their state of helplessness and hopelessness becomes a strong barrier to receiving divine assistance, but one must start somewhere.

We recommend prayer always, by everyone, because the right prayers implemented on a regular basis can begin a process of building greater inner resources to restore faith, and an effective partnership with Creator, ultimately. Everything an individual contributes to that goal will be important in achieving progress to lift that blanket of darkness and allow a more positive emotional climate to replace it. Even though it might be incremental and painfully slow to come about, once underway, the momentum can take on a life of its own and accelerate more and more. The healing needed to remove the inner barriers, making a positive response possible, is most effectively provided using the Lightworker Healing Protocol. And having a diminished loveline through a greatly weakened connection to the higher self, so the flow of love is diminished and one has only one’s ego as a source of inner strength, puts them at a great disadvantage. But it is healing for that diminishment and the disconnection that is most needed to make progress. That might still require the rest of the lifetime to bring a meaningful change. So this puts in perspective that you need the most powerful tools you can get, given the size of the problem that has developed with humanity and many, many individual human beings.

This the Lightworker Healing Protocol can provide. But even though the tool is powerful in the way it invokes many kinds of leveraging to magnify the reach, comprehensiveness, and effectiveness in bringing about changes, one must realize that the size of the problem is truly gigantic, having developed over many thousands of traumas experienced in hundreds of lifetimes for the average person. And it is not only one’s direct experience but being influenced all along the way by many others, including friends and associates and the many perpetrators who will have energetic and karmic influence. So the true number of influences grows to be in the millions of interactions among the many influencers contributing to things, positive and negative. But given that so many lives are uneven and harsh, and even disappointing and ending in failure, at least as perceived by a suffering individual, there may well be more negatives than positives. And that is why there is a mountain of unmet healing need for most human beings still needing to be addressed to allow their full development and expression, even as a physical being. Ascension to a higher dimensional future that has been envisioned for humanity as a whole, will not happen until all of this healing has been addressed sufficiently, so humanity can ascend together, or not at all.

Your part in this is to heal yourself, your loved ones, and then all others, and especially the perpetrators holding everything and everyone back. Without that, you cannot make it because you are opposed by such a large force of darkness determined to do away with humanity altogether. There is not time to heal all of humanity when it is under constant bombardment and further wounding by the forces of darkness. You simply must address these assailants to heal them enough they will leave you alone. Then you will have time to not only lick your wounds but set them right and gain ground like never before to a much higher and a more enjoyable level of functioning, joy, and happiness. If you embrace the tools we have given you and do your utmost to help all you can, and if you help awaken others to join the cause together, once a quorum of healers is reached, the tide will turn and you will be able to ascend and escape the dark treadmill you have been on for thousands of years now in working to solve the problem of evil within the physical plane of existence.