A viewer asks: “What causes Misophonia – a strong dislike of certain sounds, such as chewing, often leading to strong emotional and physical responses such as such as teeth clenching and muscle tightening, and how might it be treated?”

Because of its singular nature, as being an inconvenient and undesirable emotional reaction to what others simply do not notice, it is viewed as pathology by mainstream science. That is not far from the truth because it is, in actuality, a consequence and symptom of karmic trauma that has taken place and planted the seeds for an oversensitivity to such stimuli. This is a variation of the startle response seen quite often in people who have been greatly traumatized. It is just a different input. Rather than an unexpected, sudden surprise, it is a sound that reminds the deep subconscious of prior painful circumstances and outcomes, and will give rise to inner fear and anxiety. The conscious mind will make an association between the onset of those emotions and the auditory stimulus just prior to those feelings. That unpleasantness will be rationalized as undesirable and simply annoying, because that is the perception without a deeper understanding it is a symptom of an inner healing need. And that is the clue here to a resolution. Misophonia can be healed through doing deep healing work, especially through the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset protocol, because the karmic underpinnings can be worked through to remove the inner negativity associated with those auditory cues to render them neutral, as most people experience.

The Jewish Anti-Defamation League has reported that incidents of anti-Semitism increased 36% in 2022 to the highest level since 1979, and have further exploded 316% in the month since the attack on Israel by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023. This has an eerie resemblance to the start of the Holocaust in Germany during the 1930s, which was preceded by a worldwide surge of anti-Semitism. Is this because the interlopers are re-using the same playbook to stir up trouble again?

This is definitely the case. They have a well-worn path already created within human culture in their strategy of divide and conquer, that anti-Semitism is a cultural feature deeply ingrained in the karma of most human beings to one degree or another. Their playbook, as you describe it, very much reuses old paradigms, not just because they are lazy in not wanting to take time and effort to create something new, but because that karmic potential, they understand quite well, will add to the effectiveness of a similar campaign done again. It will always be the case that some things will be modified to apply the old strategies to new players, new settings, with somewhat different propaganda and mix of external cues and internal mind control modifications to instill faulty beliefs, and so on. So the resemblance will be visible on close inspection, but yet will seemingly be justified because people will feel within there is a basic truth in the prejudice on display, and that bubbles up from within themselves.

As we have explained before, beliefs are a default hardwiring that is assumed to be reality and will not likely be questioned by the experiencer but rather taken for granted and heavily defended from any questioning. So there are many faulty beliefs that are part of the karmic infrastructure of the culture that varies from country to country and may be specific to racial or ethnic heritage, but you can count on all of it being preyed upon with manipulations, distortions, exaggerated corruptions to serve the agenda of divide and conquer by making people become devoted to warring factions and live their lives in a state of friction and conflict, and that always serves the darkness by lowering standards and causing degradation of society.

Can a belief cord direct the subconscious to the episodic memory of its origin, or does a belief cord also contain the basic information of a watershed event giving rise to the belief?

Here again, it is the latter explanation, as the upper levels of the mind cannot reach the deep subconscious or the akashic records directly. So if there is an opportunity to connect with a belief cord, there will also be a kind of factual description attached, describing the context of its formation. The same variables and complications will also make it unlikely for the belief cords to be understood and utilized as a path to healing, at least a first step in making a connection to the problem. But the potential is there for enough understanding to appreciate that the negative beliefs the cords represent are a kind of wounding and likely a distortion of thinking based on tragic circumstances and not a reasoned high-level conclusion reached by being in divine alignment and aware of a higher truth about what might have happened. That loftier state of being must be achieved through healing the negativity of the negative beliefs with a positive replacement and that will indeed solve the problem, at lease the portion represented by the cording in question.

If the breast cancer was caused by a virus, how did she acquire that virus in the first place?

While you are not liking this answer, we must answer a direct question truthfully, that this was instilled by the interlopers into one of the vaccines she received for Covid-19. Not the first, but a subsequent follow-up booster around the same time as we told you they were doctoring some lots of vaccine with viruses that cause autoimmune disorders. But the same viruses can also cause malignancy, and while this has a lower incidence, it is still a highly significant cause of problems for many, because the consequences can be fatal and not just a long-term chronic illness.

A viewer asks: “One of the things I was told, from a very young age, is that God is omniscient, including all future events. Recently a prediction on the subject of US power outages for November 8 failed to materialize. Refusing to throw out the baby with the bath water, as the relationship I have built up with Creator thanks to GetWisdom and the Lightworker Healing Protocol feels very true, I am left with the conclusion that Creator can sometimes fail to predict the future. Is this because of freewill and the rules of engagement (to never lead), or is there another reason?”

We understand your concern here, and applaud you for being wise to reflect on this before giving up on us as either not being real, or perhaps hearing from an imposter pretending to be the Almighty, because we are not meeting with your presumed standard for divine ability. As your channel has heard from us before, and shared with his listeners in various presentations, the truth of things is quite simple. We, indeed, are all-knowing but the caveat is the future is quite volatile and predicting what will happen is, in many cases, non-rewarding and even misleading. It is at best, a kind of snapshot of the future potential underway at the moment, but if something changes or a number of things change, as typically happens, that future event may well be shifted in time or even negated by the intervening events underway which alter the energies and potentials. So the bottom line here, is that we always know the future and are therefore omniscient. It is simply that the future is ever-changing and volatile and not in our direct control. That is where the idea of free will comes in, that we are not running things, decreeing what happens and controlling the inputs and outputs, energetically. You are in the land of free agency and free will and that is absolute, that we stay out of it unless invited in, very specifically, and with very careful rules of engagement. We cannot be leading, to reveal too much about what you do not already know, because that might change things and, in effect, becomes us influencing you in much the same way as a puppetmaster.

So the event in question was not human-inspired or human-directed, but entirely the planning of extraterrestrial interlopers who do, indeed, have plans and a calendar of events they have strategized to launch. But that is changeable and can be altered at any point when things happen that could cause a complication, resulting in a delay for implementing plans for the future we, perhaps, have told someone about through our channeling. With the ever-changing nature of things, there is much variability and this makes for much uncertainty, particularly about timing. It is quite common that significant events are planned and get carried out but the timing will be changeable, and there may be a series of changes. So if one was getting a future projection about the major event in question, and then did so again, and then did so yet again, each of the predictions might describe a different timeline because of intervening events changing the potentials.

It is also not uncommon that a serious event that is quite harmful to humanity undergoes a change in plans and the enterprise gets shelved for months or even years and perhaps canceled altogether. So projections of it coming about will depend for their accuracy on when we were consulted and what was happening along that sequence of changeable circumstances. So the bottom line is, we are as much a victim of free will as you are in having to be hands-off most of the time. And what that means is, many of our plans will change because of the doings of humans and interlopers as well, so we must follow along and work with the energies to interweave the answers to prayer requests, for example, and what might be done by way of inspiration to give encouragement, support, and perhaps some insight for people to consider when something along those lines has been requested by advocates on the behalf of particular individuals or groups or people themselves, through prayer, wanting divine guidance.

We assure you that the fact we are so little in evidence as a force in your world is solely a product of the challenging paradigm underway, to put humans in charge of their world and give them the charter to solve the problem of evil. We cannot act on our sympathies unilaterally, but must let things play out as decided by the physical beings in the ongoing contest, much of the time. The more you reach out to us as an advocate for humanity and especially, to use not only empowered prayer but to do healing as a practitioner of the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, you can be a change agent to enlist our help more directly, and tip the balance in your favor for saving and healing humanity.

Do the Amish have a collective divine life mission to act as a backup, a fail-safe in case of a long-term grid collapse? Have they single-handedly ensured that the “old ways” of self-sufficiency and self-reliance are preserved, and can be quickly taught to others if desperately needed? Were these times foreseen, and the Amish “volunteered” to play this role? What can Creator tell us?

Your question is describing things not far from the truth. In your thinking about the current state of the world and reflecting on the fragility of the modern conveniences you rely on, and also the vulnerability to have the underpinnings fail spectacularly to catapult you back to a primitive existence, you are seeing through this lens a deeper truth. The lifestyle of the Amish, widely regarded as highly peculiar and seemingly self‑denying and self-penalizing in studiously avoiding most modern conveniences, has a basic authenticity and sound foundation because it counts on what people can do with their own personal energy in most respects. And while that lacks the modern touch, the devices and gimmicks technology can entice people with, the Amish lifestyle has integrity, substance, and a reliable continuity of functioning consistently and well. People have well-defined roles that are concrete, measurable, and visible to all.

So, from the perspective of an outsider, they might live quite primitively, having to farm their own food, tending livestock, learning carpentry to build their homes and barns, and many other implements needed for daily living, and so on, but the Amish are quite happy and, in fact, in many ways it is a superior lifestyle because it precludes the frivolous, the inconsequential, the indulgences that squander resources, time, and opportunity. The easier life gets, the easier it is to need amusements to substitute for tangible accomplishments as a reward and gratification. It is when people have time on their hands they can indulge in drinking and drug use as a lifestyle and still keep going. General affluence may keep them propped up enough to survive sponging off others or engaging in something unsavory but lucrative enough to get by.

The Amish know something most people do not, that virtue is its own reward. Cutting corners may create the illusion of getting ahead, but ultimately there is a loss that must be reckoned with. Doing things the easy way does not build muscles, or character either. The gradual displacement of the early ways of living off the land, in a close-knit community close to nature, by an increasing technological intrusion sold to you, through manipulation, as representing signs of progress has been devastating in causing moral decline and decay almost to the point of no return. It is not too late to wake up and recognize what has been lost and seek a way to rebalance things.

Somewhere there is a wise balance between the extremes of paranoia and the pie in the sky pollyannas who cannot (or refuse to) see danger in front of their noses. How can Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and Divine Life Support, help to correct this widespread imbalance and short-sightedness that is so epidemic in today’s world? And can Creator further share why it is wise to “expect the unexpected?”

The time-honored saying is, “Forewarned is forearmed.” Your questions are a warning we hope is loud and clear, pointing out the many pitfalls of modern existence and its dangers and that there is something sinister behind it all. That is a very unfortunate and unhappy reality no one wants to hear and many will not believe, but here again are consequences of mind control manipulation and enforced complacency. These days it is hard to get people to even pay attention let alone heed warnings, taking them seriously enough to act in taking precautions for backup capabilities and strategies. In a world where half have gone mad and the other half as often as not just look the other way, because it is too much trouble to try to do something about it, there is an urgent need to overcome the manipulations corrupting the world and distorting thinking of people, almost universally, to settle for less as much through complacency as necessity at this point. The problem is, that downward spiral can reach a point of no return, a tipping point that may take you under. This the extraterrestrials want to arrange. What is needed is a solution to turn things around, something that is effective, practical, and within human capability.

We have been helping the team at GetWisdom ferret out the truth of things in all that is wrong and why. Your channel has spearheaded the search for the solution and how best to implement it effectively. The answer seems, at first blush, trivial, that what is needed is divine intervention. That has historically been seen as the answer again and again, but all too often ended with meager results and seemingly unanswered prayers. Things can change now, with the advent of the healing work that has been devised, through partnership with Creator via channeling, to better understand the need for healing and how to effectively request the high-level divine healing strategies that can only be done by us and not at the human level directly. That is the ultimate answer you have needed all along but lacked the wisdom to know what to request and why it was needed, being held down, held back, and kept in the dark, largely, about understanding what you are up against and how it could be overcome and what that would take. That basic information has now been obtained and turned into effective healing protocols, the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset. Together, they can address all the sources of negativity and their consequences in altering the mind and body, corrupting the spirit, and dooming your future.

The problem of evil, brought to you by the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance and the dark spirit meddler cohort they direct and have weaponized against you, can only be surmounted with divine assistance. What is needed is to partner with the divine, and that is best done through those tools because of their comprehensive nature and broad coverage, and their effectiveness in carrying out deep karmic repair for all that is needed to reverse inner corruption and inner roadblocks, through the ability of the divine to resolve trauma and release stored negativity undermining a person mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This can make them whole and functional again by replacing negative limiting beliefs with a positive alternative, and to deal with soul damage through restoring and amplifying needed soul attributes that are the basic wherewithal for normal and effective functioning in life. What needs to be realized here is that you are coming from behind, having lived hundreds of lifetimes as a human being in a toxic environment suppressed and subjugated by overseers making life hard, challenging you, and manipulating your personal lives and your very thoughts to serve their dark aims. Not only do the interlopers have the power to make you suffer, they enjoy doing it and it is their chief pastime to torment you.

Healing is the answer. It will raise up the interlopers, ultimately, to give up their evil ways. In the meantime, what is needed is a turning point, to get them to depart for a while, to take a break from their hands-on management of the world, a kind of vacation that will give a span of time to allow human healing to advance sufficiently for there to be an ascension. This will be a true graduation and a turning point for the Divine Human Enterprise. You were created to solve the problem of evil and, if you can accomplish this turnaround at this critical juncture when everything is on the line and your very survival depends on it, it will be a stellar achievement that will live for all of time as the greatest of accomplishments, and the benefits will flow forever. Not only can you receive needed healing, you can learn to heal others with these protocols and contribute to the turnaround directly through the pooling of energies from the many sources of leveraging within the protocols. A pool of healing intention will be created and will continue to be utilized and repurposed again and again and again, and through time it will reach and heal all of the depraved beings. This you can do, working together in partnership with the divine realm, but must be your choice. We can assure you it is your purpose for being here.

News reports this week quoting the director of the U.S. government’s UFO analysis office stated that there is “evidence” of concerning unidentified flying object activity “in our backyard.” According to physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the congressionally-mandated All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, this alarming UFO activity can be attributed to one of two extraordinary sources: either a foreign power or “aliens.” To be sure, the ramifications of either would be significant. But Kirkpatrick’s comments, which come as he is about to retire after a 27-year defense and intelligence-focused career, are more intriguing because he also says that “none” of the hundreds of military UFO reports analyzed by his office recently “have been positively attributed to foreign activities.” So, they must all be due to aliens. Is this an accurate reporting of the military findings concerning UFOs and why is this official coming forward now?

This is all part of the support for Disclosure, so it is a direct manipulation of the Extraterrestrial Alliance for this individual to be forthcoming about what he learned working within the government in a setting where everything is classified normally. So coming forward to make statements to the media, and rather than sticking to the historical cover story, that such events are simply witnesses seeing something ordinary under unusual circumstances, he reveals the truth of things, that the insiders have known all along there is something otherworldly about these sightings and heretofore have been discouraged from being forthright in any kind of mention in public that such things happen. But indeed they do, and increasingly in frequency, because this is gradually conditioning the public to override their inner programming that ET phenomena cannot be real. They need to demonstrate to the world that extraterrestrials are indeed in our backyard, and that it is concerning and, more accurately, cause for alarm. They want to promote the idea that the presence of Reptilians is a menace threatening our existence, and that we need those claiming to be benevolent to help us deal with them because humans cannot handle this alone. As we have told you again and again, this is a Trojan horse campaign, a deception, to dupe humanity into supporting the would-be rescuers claiming to be benevolent ETs when all are working in the Dark Alliance together, with the Reptilians, and simply want to fool you into allowing greater power and control over your world, and that will seal the fate of humanity.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems facing humanity is “engineered complacency.” What is the fundamental state of human curiosity when suppressed by mind control manipulation? Is the curiosity restrained or actually destroyed? Because if merely restrained, then once the mind control tapers off or ceases altogether, will curiosity EXPLODE within the masses of humanity? Or will there be something akin to cellular memory working that will keep a kind of learned self-suppression going even when the overt mind control comes to an end? What can Creator tell us?

You are close to the truth of things here, in your question, in considering there might be long-lasting consequences of this enforced complacency via manipulation of the mind. This is, in large measure, the corruption of inner beliefs, it is a false world imparted that makes people complacent because they are defended by a false sense of security. This is gained from coming to believe via manipulation, not through life experience or common sense, there is nothing much for them to do other than glide along, that things will fall into place, nothing is needing their scrutiny or to be agonized over, it will all work out, there is nothing to see here, it is safe to move along, go back to what you were doing, and so forth, when you are in situations that normally would be alarming and call for an earnest and protracted follow-up to get to the bottom of things.

This is what makes complacency, arranged via mind control, so very insidious and potentially devastating, because it is incapacitating in a very direct and practical way. If the populace does not get aroused at a sign of danger, you are sitting ducks, and that is very much what is going on in the world. While half the world is falling apart, the other half is just seeing to their usual entertainments, social media banter, and ordinary everyday pursuits. We understand people are not used to thinking of themselves as being in a position of power, authority, and needing to act personally when they see something wrong, but for the majority of the citizenry to simply go along with whatever happens, and not register a complaint, is not at all normal. So what happens is, people are manipulated to change their very mind into a semblance of their true nature, but without the ability to discern what rises to a serious level of negativity so it is seen as a threat to the person and motivate them to take action of some kind.

When people are altered in their beliefs via mind control, it is very effective because it is permanent. Beliefs are the bedrock, the hardwiring of your personal foundation defining who you are, what you think, and how you will feel about it. Once the beliefs are altered, you literally are transformed, to some degree, to be different, act different, think and feel different, and when the mind control manipulation goes on and on over months and years there can be quite a transformation, indeed. So, unfortunately, this will not just fade if the interlopers were to decide to leave you alone, but there is a way out through divine healing. That will not be available to most people because they are nonbelievers or, even if believers in the divine, will still be in ignorance that a problem even exists, let alone what to do about it in a practical effective way.

This has been worked out through your channel and his efforts to devise the Lightworker Healing Protocol and the follow-on Deep Subconscious Memory Reset process. The two together can powerfully change the nature of beliefs held on all levels of the mind, at least over time. There is no other practical way to do this. You will not, in most cases, even know the specific beliefs that are forming your new way of thinking. So even if someone can notice, and report to you, you are acting out of character, you will be helpless to trace what has happened and find your way back to your old self. This is why the protocols for this divine healing work are a genuine breakthrough, because they provide the means for undoing this evil manipulation of human thought, the brainwashing that has been done to your culture, and the citizens individually, all across the world. Few have been spared and although the impact is to varying degrees, all have modifications and alterations within them because this has been ubiquitous and working relentlessly to constrain and subjugate you.

Is using the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset the quickest path to true enlightenment and readiness for ascension?

We can state this unequivocally. You are wanting to be modest here and not exceed your authority, fully cognizant of the many who would criticize you for even posing such an idea and seeing that as an act of arrogance and quite self-serving of you and your ego and perhaps your wallet, when the opposite is the case. You are a humble servant of the light, a champion for divine truth, the just and fair treatment of the downtrodden, the restoration of divine partnership as a way of life for all, and the end to suffering. That is your true motivation in working so diligently for years to hone these fine tools for healing to the state where they are truly the answer for enlightenment and its fullest expression, achieving a oneness, a unity with the divine and the human family, through not only a full understanding of what is at stake, what threatens this achievement, but how to heal the many roadblocks that have heretofore limited human progress. We have told you a number of times now and will say it again for the record, humanity and the world, as well as all beings in the Milky Way Galaxy, will be saved through enlightenment, courtesy of the healing work done by you and your practitioners using the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Memory Reset. That healing energy will persist, even after you all ascend, to serve those who will lag because of their far-gone state of being, enmeshed as they are in evil and depravity. This will be the greatest of achievements, ever. So to be shy about a side-by-side comparison of these protocols with other healing modalities truly under-represents their meaning and purpose, divine origins, and support. While we assist many with all kinds of missions, meaningful and misguided, whether or not we see likelihood of success, that does not mean we cannot discern what is truly best. We support everyone’s efforts to do good because there is always something to be learned and some benefit from continuity of such desires as a kind of nourishment for the soul. But that benefit will not necessarily save and heal humanity. The tools that do, deserve wider recognition and unequivocal support with a clear message, description, and definition of why they are superior.