One of the problems atheists have with the entire notion of creation is the apparent unfairness of it all. Why does Mozart get to be Mozart, while a clumsy and inept scullery maid can barely make herself useful? This gets at the whole notion of “Gifts from God.” What could be more fundamentally unfair than God seemingly handing out gifts of wildly differing value, arbitrarily, and some would argue capriciously? Even if we accept the reality of reincarnation, in light of these attribute revelations, most of us will NEVER be Mozart. Instead of “gift” would it be helpful to think in terms of attributes being “assignments” and not so much for the benefit of the individual, but for the fundamental and diverse requirements of humanity and its necessary functioning as a physical species? What can Creator tell us?

Here you are coming to a larger truth, that you exist for a purpose that was decided for you and not by you, at least initially. Many things we do are a kind of experiment. That is what keeps things vital and exciting and ever-changing. The willingness to be bold, to innovate, to try things out, and thus take chances, is the essence of Creator and thus of creativity as a process.

The basic problem of atheists is the vastness of their ignorance about the true reality they are immersed within. By ignoring the reality of the divine, they are turning their back on innate wisdom and intuitive awareness there is something more than the human level, something with a larger purpose and, in fact, a larger influence as well. The atheist turns their back on human history and the gaining of higher wisdom, intuitively, done by many prophets down through the ages, but also the average person who will have some intuitive ability and will have knowings about many, many things imparted via divine inspiration, not to mention the collective unconscious, the repository of all human thought that can be accessed and borrowed upon by anyone so there is a cross‑fertilization of ideas happening subliminally, but with good results because it will make contributions and add to the richness of thought and it will contribute meaningfully to human progress.

So the soul profile is a collaboration, first of all, not simply decreed by us but agreed to with respect to the launching of incarnations by human beings. There is a basic soul makeup that is distinct and it is more a question of negotiating a role to play for the incarnation where things like talents and innate skills come into play. People who have a high degree of artistic attribute expression in their soul makeup may well choose to capitalize on that and become a painter or musician as part of a new incarnation, if only to provide a way to make a living that is satisfying and likely to be successful. Embarking on a life in the physical while attempting to reinvent the self, starting with only a meager wherewithal, is more a prescription for failure. This does happen where people find themselves like a fish out of water. Those with profound gifts come by it honestly. They are endowed by us with favorable soul attribute makeup, but in almost all cases that has been amplified greatly through multiple lifetimes of dedicated hard work to hone those capabilities.

The specifics of your question do lack a long-term view of things. Given that you and your soul are immortal, there is nothing keeping you from working to amplify almost anything in your makeup in sufficient degree to become proficient and able to hold your own, eventually, with experts. Most people who feel inferior are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and have not found their path, and so their purpose remains ill‑defined and they may feel inadequate when they see others surging ahead based on talent and passion. The majority of people struggle to find something meaningful to do with themselves. That is as much a life dilemma of the physical environment and culture you are part of because of subjugation and corruption, so the fact many feel inferior to others is because of limitations more imposed from outside your culture than within.

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The remaining roles would be researcher, typical occupations being anything scholarly. One source said something to the effect, that only the “researcher” type of person could spend an entire lifetime studying the mating habits of an African beetle. A helper type would never be able to do that without going crazy. The remaining three types are the orator type, with journalist being a principal occupation, the spiritual type, with anything involving religious and/or inspirational leadership and devout following being center stage, and finally the “chief” type. The “chiefs” are souls that are always focused on the BIG picture and gravitate to roles and occupations that impact large numbers of people. It is assumed that chiefs make up the smallest percentage, as low as 2% of all humanity. What is Creator’s perspective?

Here you are describing three archetypes of proven value to society with ample opportunities for personal growth, learning, and enrichment. But, by their very nature, there is a lesser need for these three types by the majority of humanity during an incarnation. What the researchers intend to do requires specialized skills, great intellect, an excess of curiosity, and a burning need to know with an impatience to never rest until that curiosity is satisfied. Given the state of ignorance in the world, if everyone were this way, it would add tremendously to stress levels as well as great inefficiency because many would be making duplicate effort. It is enough for some to be the researchers so the burden does not fall on all to take on the great challenges, in gaining deeper understanding, when you have so many impairments and disconnections from higher sources of knowledge and wisdom to begin with. So it is a daunting task, and that is why only some humans are configured with the soul attributes ideal for taking on the unknown which, in most cases, will end in failure, inevitably. Yet the researchers will just keep on going despite the uncertainties and despite the many false starts, blind alleys, and unrewarding findings they end up with, they will reenter the fray to go at it yet again. The world needs the scholars, the investigators, the detectives fascinated with nature’s mysteries, because that is how you will advance in coping with the physical environment you are a part of and need to surmount for your survival.

Orators are of great value because it is impossible to know everything and a great burden to be a communicator and do it intelligently and wisely as well. Those with such gifts are an invaluable contributor in helping to inform and educate others, and to do so effectively will require much discernment and wisdom. In a way, it is a test of divine alignment, the degree to which the spokespersons are presenting perspectives that are fair and a balanced portrayal of reality where truth is the ultimate standard. If so, it will resonate with people and, to the extent they settle for less in their orators, it is a measure of them, whether they perhaps are corrupt and falsely complacent to not recognize the lies they might be told, or be unwilling to act on inner misgivings, and simply give up and go back to their lives and not take action personally to attempt to change things in society. As a practical matter, a majority cannot be orators because there would be such a profusion of voices it would add to complexity rather than clarify and streamline things. The danger, in having a smaller number of orators, is when they are falsely entrusted to be spokespersons, teachers, and leaders of thought but they, themselves, are corrupt and being manipulated through the programming of interlopers—that is the best description of today’s world.

The spiritual archetype is quite evident in the preacher, the priest, the imam, who are drawn to a spiritual focus and seek a life of greater purpose in honoring their divinity. This is quite the opposite of the average person who, more commonly than not, ignores their spiritual heritage and is content to drift along oblivious to all that it represents. The fact the latter is so common does not make it normal, but the average person is not endowed with the soul attribute makeup of a spiritual leader who wishes to be an influence on others and will start by acquiring greater knowledge to help better define the self. The spiritual archetype is thus invaluable in providing teachers and leaders as examples of divinity. After all, it is your link to us and an essential anchor for a normal and happy life. Without it, there is dissipation, degradation, and growing emptiness. So, at a minimum, such individuals remain a beacon for others. Whether or not they are successful in attracting a flock, they keep the spark of the divine visible and are the best link to a better future for humanity because partnership with the divine is the only way to get there.

As with all best intentions, the spiritual archetype is not a perfect defense against corruption. Just like any other combination of soul attributes, people can be commandeered, manipulated through propaganda and mind control, to pervert their inner nature and make them choose, unwisely, a path that will lead them away from divine alignment in the end. This is how some would-be religious can end up harming many others, through having a distorted lens that is corrupt, so they have the trappings of divine perspectives and alignment but only in a surface way because they can become a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The archetype of the chief is perhaps the easiest to see as best left to a small number of would-be leaders. This is simply conventional wisdom as in the saying, “Too many cooks will spoil the broth.” When everyone wants to be in charge, nothing will get done and it is a prescription for conflict. So here again, there is need not only for soul attributes for leadership, but more than the willingness to step forward, to have the courage, self‑confidence, and gravitas to be effective, but many, many other soul attributes that will help the would-be chief to stay in divine alignment so what they do as a leader will be helping and not hurting. Leaders who contravene the best interests of their followers are hugely destructive and history has proven, more often than not, such leaders as would rule the world, turn out to have feet of clay. So these archetypes are certainly every bit as divine, ideally, in their makeup, but have perhaps the most difficult of tasks, to achieve and maintain divine alignment as well as to stay effective and attain not only competence but mastery of their challenging roles.

Please clarify the channeled answer you gave us about the overall healing achieved by the group of channelers attempting to emulate their leader who has an uncommon ability to launch LHP sessions with a code word. We asked, “How effective, on average, are members of this group in getting healing equivalent to live sessions?” And you told us: “We would say that the effectiveness, on average, is about 50% of what would be achieved were all those sessions done live…” Did this really mean to indicate that their code word sessions are still half as effective as live sessions, so that given they can launch hundreds of code words they accomplish far more than doing live sessions only? Or was the answer meant to convey that their total effort, the total healing output for the time expended, even though they might launch hundreds of code word sessions, ended up getting only 50% of what they could have accomplished just doing what live sessions they could for the same amount of time spent?

Unfortunately, it is the latter explanation and not the former. This confusion is an unfortunate interpretation of a somewhat clumsily worded channeled answer to the intention of your question, to give a true picture of how that group is performing as a whole, with or without their code word practices substituted by live sessions. The reason for the somewhat clumsy description was because, at the time you asked that question, you were not aware of how many hundreds of code word sessions were being conducted overall and the various kinds of augmentation strategies the group employees in the belief it will compound the energy and result in much greater session numbers. The only fair comparison is truly what your original question was designed to ferret out: given all that group is doing, no matter how they are doing it, what is the total benefit achieved compared to what that group would have accomplished if they had taken the same amount of practitioner time and devoted that to doing one or more live sessions. That is the only fair way to compare the two scenarios, the amount of time and energy devoted by the practitioners when including code word launchings, and when not.

So the interpretation is not correct that each code word session is 50% as powerful as a full live session. We gave the truth of things, but along with that somewhat clumsy wording, out of necessity in following rules of engagement here, as no one had asked you directly to vet their group process for code words and code word augmentation. That is why you asked the additional question for your own clarification, allowing us to make clear that if someone is launching sessions who cannot support code word use to begin with, no matter how many code words they launch personally, each will have the energy of zero and adding zero to zero, no matter how many times it is done, will always sum up to zero.

So, once again, to give the true state of affairs we must, first of all, point out that regardless of your detailed knowledge of the workings of the group, they are doing all their work with us and through us. So we know in detail what each person is doing, the collective efforts, how they are doing it, and how we respond on the divine end to carry forth the requests to bring about healing. Because, after all, whether a live session or a code word session, it is an appeal to us, and that is what we handle each and every time, or not, as the case might be.

So what we are telling you is, that the leader is a special case and his code word sessions will equal the original session used to create his code word. Beyond that, the attempts to get fancy may apply to him to a limited extent, but not in the way he thinks if he is getting energy from others who are not as capable, having a lower spiritual reach. So the capable healers at the top will be doing meaningful work, but the many others who are launching code word sessions will be creating wasted energy that will go nowhere and will have been wasted time and effort, as it will not add to the healing. So the figure we gave of 50% achievement was a broad summary of all the group is doing, compared to what it could do if it were time spent, individually and collectively, performing whatever number of live sessions could be mounted in the same total time devoted. And even though many fewer sessions could be done because of the length of time needed to do it live, that would achieve more for most of the practitioners than launching many code word sessions where their individual energies do not contribute, whatsoever, to the total. There is no workaround for this, to get blood out of a stone. This is not a judgment but simply reporting the truth in how the energies work, or do not, depending on the makeup of the would-be healer in each instance.

So we stand by all we have said, that only a few people can use code words for large-scale healing, and that cannot be simply taught or emulated by following someone who has that capability. Nor will such individuals necessarily even understand what gives them that authority and prowess, so their efforts to instruct others will likely be misguided because it is not a teachable capability, it is an issue of the inherent makeup as configured prior to birth that will determine at what functional level someone can interact with the divine realm in that fashion. Going back to the beginning of the discussion, this leader was told he was special but that it was inadvisable to encourage others to follow that practice, and that even doing so would be a karmic misstep because it would give false encouragement and end up taking away meaningful contributions to the whole. And that is true of anyone who adopts the practice or invites others to do likewise. As with all actions, anything that you do that moves you away from divine alignment is a karmic misstep. It will detract from your progress and may incur a penalty. As much as your channel hates being the bearer of bad tidings, he has been asked by someone wanting further clarity, and is only bearing his responsibility to do what he always does, to make an honest effort to seek divine guidance for further clarification and to report the findings, like it or not, when it is important for the questioner to know the answer.

A viewer says: “If no one has EVER proved the existence of ANY virus, consequently, there are no vaccines for “viruses” that can be beneficial. I believe that all vaccines are sinister inventions, possibly inadvertent, but nonetheless sinister.” What is Creator’s perspective?

We must defend science here, not because your channel has been a scientist, but because of higher truth. His current perspective is very much a negative one with respect not only to the pharmaceutical industry and its products, but all of medicine and science in general, because it is so heavily corrupted in so many ways. There is much that cannot be trusted and will actually be harmful in its utilization. There indeed, is a corruption in science that makes the use of vaccines the standard go-to for any new infectious agent that comes along, whether at the level of a pandemic or a garden-variety variant of something causing common illnesses like the flu. This is a very crude approach that has a number of potential downsides. But that is true of every medical intervention, whether it is chemical, biological, or surgical. We would prefer a world without medical science as the great hope of humanity because it is more a holding action and a diversion away from divine healing. But illnesses, infirmities, and scourges of all kinds are quite real and in need of real solutions. Sometimes the medical approach is the best thing available, especially for those not in a position to avail themselves effectively of divine support.

The fact that vaccines are often of partial benefit only does not make them useless. There are some that are highly effective and that is true for things like smallpox, rabies, and polio. The science is well established that many classes of viruses are weekly immunogenic, meaning natural immunity cannot be achieved easily with a small stimulus of a viral component. That does not mean viruses are not real, only that some are not amenable to prevention through the vaccine approach. Moreover, the fact that vaccines have been corrupted in being doctored by foreign material and actually by viruses, courtesy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance cannot be blamed on medical science or public health strategies for wanting to have a way to help those who suffer. The blame belongs solely with the Extraterrestrial Alliance who corrupt almost everything to the extent they can get away with it. And in this case, the invisibility of viruses and the difficulty to propagate them easily makes this an extremely simple and effective way to contaminate vaccines with infectious agents and let humans do the dirty work of injecting millions of people. So the argument here is not that medicine needs to be defended, so much as the rejection of the notion of viruses as a kind of red herring. This directs attention away from a very real and potent weapon used by the interlopers against humanity.

Were the accusations of cheating made against professional bridge player Lotan Fisher and his partner, truly valid, and which were recounted in the documentary, Dirty Tricks? Was there another explanation for the “improbable” moves that gave them a victory in some of their bridge tournaments? Could that have been a mutual intuitive awareness of the partners, who had been playing as a team since childhood?

Your hypothesis is correct and agrees with his own assessment, that there is something perceived intuitively that explains the unlikely choices made at certain points in tournament play, where normal expert bridge players would never do what they did but it turned out to be, fortuitously, a very favorable choice, and that is what has disturbed other players, assuming everyone must go by the mathematics and anything that departs is suspicious at best, and certainly looks like chicanery, too good to be true. But, as you know from personal experience with your high degree of intuition, it is not unusual for intuitives to do the unlikely and improbable quite often, because you are seeing truth and that is independent of likelihood or probability. And that is the case with this bridge player and his partner. It is exactly as you say, they have spent so many hours for so many years as a team playing cards, their minds are intertwined to a certain degree and there can be intuitive impressions being shared without conscious awareness, as it just seems like a thought of their own, an idea. These things are not always followed, but when they are, most likely will turn out to be insightful and a beneficial choice.

We see this as not breaking any rules, they are simply using their natural gifts in a natural way and not wanting to take advantage of anyone by going around any regulations or flaunting rules. They are not aware of it when it happens because it is so very subtle. So we see this as just another kind of talent they enjoy, like his highly developed mathematical perceptions and exceptional memory that sets him apart from many other bridge players. He is just better as an all-round player in addition to his intuitive gifts. So this criticism is ill-founded and basically sour grapes of individuals acting through self‑interest of their own, and who are ignorant of the reality of nonlocal consciousness and what it can do as an asset in many settings.

A practitioner asks: “Would it be prudent for there to be a version of the LHP that only a few select people among the practitioner community are privy to, based on leadership role and dedication to the cause? I am asking this for two reasons: 1) security and 2) the recent blackout forecasting experience has demonstrated that some practitioners are of questionable faith and understanding, and might not be steadfast to the project long-term. Would keeping more exotic maneuverers away from all eyes be prudent and more effective for the greater good? Could this “limited” version be merged with the rest of the practitioner prayer pool by divine realm, so that other practitioners fuel the exotic maneuvers but without directly knowing about them? I’m thinking it would be sort of like when we harness all future protocol updates in the present, and send current updates into the past. Or does every part of the LHP have to be requested by all practitioners with full understanding of all tactics, in order for all requests to be effective and the protocol itself to work properly?”

We will answer the latter part of your question first. It is not essential for all to have an excellent and complete working knowledge of each and every component to an equivalent extent. Variances are, in fact, unavoidable as people vary in their intelligence, savvy, and willingness to apply themselves to even learning the protocol with depth and passion. The consequence will be that sessions done by some will be less fully efficient with respect to their personal energy. But there will, nonetheless, be a pooling of all intentions from all practitioners and that will be a useful backstop to keep anyone from doing grossly substandard work, unless they are so poorly connected to the process with preparation and performance during their session that it is simply not enough in divine alignment to allow things to proceed. That will be rare and not the case for those people you see as somewhat misguided.

As for creating a more elite version of the protocol, we do not think this is in the best interest of the enterprise. After all, it is the collective effort that is making things happen, not a small portion of a small group to begin with, who have rarefied abilities and awareness and thus keener appreciation and understanding of the nuances and can be trusted completely to do the right thing and be the best example and influence for others. You cannot achieve perfection from any group effort. There will always be those who lack, those who corrupt, those who disappoint, those who underperform, and those who are simply in poor understanding but might be quite vocal and certain of their point of view and may even bully others in promoting their misguided notions. This just reflects the fact that the world is a difficult and challenging place, and will be so on a local, small, scale as well as large.

So all involved must keep their wits about them and focus on the big picture and rely on the group as a whole and its primary leader, to set the tone and be an authority to process concerns and questions by anyone uncomfortable with things that are going on. So what is being proposed is to take a difference of opinion that is disquieting, with the end result being a fractionation of the group as a whole into two portions. We see that as a weakening more than a strengthening. And where would that end? What would happen if someone accepted into that elite inner circle proves disappointing and there needs to be another fragmentation to isolate them from being an influence on the top-tier or presumed top-tier members? This would be a further diminishment. Keep in mind, that it is the aggregate effort that powers the healing, so one corrupted or inadequate voice will have little impact and is not to be feared. We will always follow truth. That which is faulty, misguided, incomplete, or frankly corrupted through bad intentions, will be ignored as being non-divine and will not affect the whole. So there is no need for worry here.

Arriving at an advanced understanding of karma is not easy. We assume that everything in this universe begins and ends with the Creator of this universe. Recognizing there are other universes with their own Creators, and even levels of consciousness above Creator, we assume that the Law of Karma in this universe also begins and ends with the Creator of this universe. Is that true? We’ve heard Creator say that even Creator is subject to the Law of Karma. Is that just holding oneself to one’s own standards, or is Creator literally accountable to those layers of consciousness above Creator? Who keeps Creator accountable? There is a strong skepticism surrounding self-policing and holding oneself accountable as the only means of law enforcement. What can Creator tell us about where Creator’s karma begins and ends?

Yours is a bold question, to be sure, one that many in past eras would not dare to ask, confronting Creator as it does with a kind of intimation we might get called on the carpet and it might not be wise to even trust us, especially if we can create a karmic dilemma and are then subject to a higher level sanction. We do not take offense because we understand your desire is a sincere one, to understand karma on a very deep level, and it is through asking many probing and hypothetical questions that oftentimes allows us to reveal hidden truths. This is the challenge we put before you, after all, as a human being, to use all of your inner resources and creativity, to never rest with current knowledge but to go deeper, to question everything, and especially to look at things from every angle as the surest way to find something missing.

We can perhaps reassure you, and perhaps not, by telling you that your karma begins and ends with us. It is our system of oversight and monitoring in the current Law of Karma that is being applied to all beings in the visible universe. It is our paradigm for helping, particularly those of you in the physical plane residing within the Milky Way Galaxy, because you are uniquely bound by the relaxed constraints of free agency and free will only, and that causes a delay in receiving a karmic comeuppance for wrongdoing as well as possible blessings from going above the norm to bestow loving kindness. You have come to learn this is a mixed blessing because the relaxation of the rules, which is really more a relaxation of the consequences while the rules have stayed the same otherwise, has allowed the rise of evil because perpetrators can, indeed, get away with quite a lot, at least for a time, and that might be many lifetimes given the dynamics underway. The first physical beings in creation with high intelligence had extraordinary wherewithal across the board, but this they have squandered, and it creates a great imbalance because, while they have enormous power and reach for doing things in the physical, they have lost their connection to divinity, and thus cannot be given the benefit of divine blessings and oversight, inspiration, and guidance to the same degree that you can as a human being.

So while you are looking for answers through a deeper understanding that there might be more layers of oversight, and a higher and more refined level of karmic rules and implementation that perhaps could be invoked or an appeal made to step in and end the craziness, we must tell you it is we who are in charge, solely, here on this level. There are things we answer for to consciousness above our level as we have shared with you unreservedly, out of respect for who and what you represent. After all, you are a part of our consciousness and deserve to understand your dilemma, but we do have absolute authority over our domain, and while we consult with other sources of high intelligence and standing, they will not interfere in what is going on within your universe. While we set this universe in motion, it was with the intent for it to be successful, and we have done many things to keep it supported and to bring you along as our emissaries to deal with the problem of evil from within the physical plane, which is the only way it can be set right because this is a test of the paradigm underway. If evil triumphs, the paradigm will be a failure, and then all bets are off with respect to whether the universe might be recalled and started over after a reconfiguration yet again.

In the meantime, we are simply telling you that we have integrity, we are honest, and we are unwavering in our conviction when we choose to do something or need to hold something back, for example, to honor human free will by not interfering even though it might save you. These are tough, tough lessons, and that is part of the exercise that must be endured for you to triumph. We have also told you that from where we sit we see you as being successful in winning out over the darkness in the end. If you keep going, and adding to the healing underway you are initiating from the human side, in the physical plane, that will provide the answer for solving the problem of evil and healing everyone and everything in harm’s way. So while you have a burden and an obligation, both, to ensure your success, we have created that pathway for you and are championing your cause with many levels of support behind the scenes, enough to keep you going but with you still in a leadership role to initiate the positive steps needed for your success.

The Hindus recognize the existence of “Lords of Karma.” Are there such beings? If not, is that a corruption? If they exist, what exactly is their role? Is their job to determine the Laws of Karma themselves, to enforce the laws, and to come up with creative solutions to meet the implementation/enforcement needs determined by karma? What can Creator tell us?

Like much of what is in religious and spiritual lore, accumulated through the ages from many prophets and seers, there is truth as well as some distortion in this description. What the Hindus perceived intuitively was the existence of a very complex level of controlling influences that were separate from the divine proper, but nonetheless holding great power and decision-making authority over the fate of human beings, with respect to their prior doings and the influence of other beings, under an overarching set of principles whose existence mandated having rules to follow.

So the perception there are Lords of Karma is more a metaphor describing the workings of the Law of Karma because it is a quite powerful influence on anything and everything to some degree, and quite frequently, and is separate from our direct influence. Such intuitive perceptions have given rise, many times, to an interpretation there are multiple deities when what is really happening is that we are the single deity in charge of all you know about, but have other forces that are extensions of our consciousness serving various roles of oversight and divine management. That includes a large cohort of angelic beings and many, many light beings who can assist at times with divine missions, and a series of laws that bring order in governing many dimensions and types of energetic forces that are analogous to the laws of physics you understand from your science. Those are, in fact, divine laws being exhibited and bring consistency of function and a predictable set of properties into existence.

So, in actuality, much of the divine rule book, while created by us, works on its own and the energy for it to do so is a built-in part of the system in the same way you are divine and an extension of our consciousness but have autonomy to do things on your own, according to your own choices. The laws are much more uniform and predictable in their behavior because they are set up that way, to be a kind of regular basic foundation and reproducible set of properties. While there is consciousness built into every level and property of existence, much in existence is dispassionate and will follow strict principles but for divine intervention. That is why, what power you have lies through partnership with us, because we can extend your reach far beyond what you can do on your own, particularly as a physical being, in your incarnation as a human.

Regardless of the workings of karma itself, we have learned that divine intervention is the means to heal, avoid, and/or reduce and attenuate karmic debts and dilemmas. Can Creator share with us how Empowered Prayer, the Lightworker Healing Protocol, Deep Subconscious Memory Reset, and Divine Life Support bring about the desired divine intervention to heal karmic difficulties?

You are listing here all of the fine divinely inspired tools brought about through your channel in working diligently, as a scholar and researcher for years now, to refine their capability to heal, and quite deeply. For that is what is essential to solve the problems faced by humanity and all the beings throughout your galaxy who are faced with the workings of the darkness and at risk of annihilation at their hands. All of the horrific karmic trauma the interlopers have inflicted on you throughout the ages is coming to a head. The only thing that will solve the problem, and save you from annihilation at their hands, is to first get them to leave for a time so you can more quickly heal and escape from the physical plane before they return and destroy you. This is no small task, but if you can do the first part it will mean you can do the second. Reckoning with these interlopers, because they are uniformly psychopathic predators, will prove your mettle and enable you to go the distance because you will have proven the power of using these fine healing tools to reckon with that enormous karmic backlog that is looming over you and marking you for destruction by keeping you in a weakened state.

Through divine partnership, you will have all the extra power you need for a reckoning, a rebalancing that will be effective in winning the day. Prayer alone will not be enough and even Empowered Prayer. You must become healers and ask for healing. If enough human intention that was knowledgeable about the true nature of your situation were brought to bear, the world could be cleaned up overnight. But you are so far away from that level of awakening and a gaining of insight because of the great limitations of the average human being and level of ignorance, the only hope is having enough to speak for you. That is what is being provided by the GetWisdom Enterprise, to bring together healers for training in these higher level techniques so the aggregate of healing effort underway will be enough to tip the balance and ensure your victory against the darkness. We see that happening if you continue working and adding to your numbers through recruiting other humans who are open to spiritual healing in a true sense.

Heretofore, the spiritual movements and formal religions, one by one, have become corrupted and diluted in ways they become more a kind of holding action and make-work project to give a false sense of security, even as the noose is being tightened around your necks. It is not easy to awaken many to such an unpleasant truth, especially with a heavy layer of mind control manipulation to create many false beliefs and a high level of complacency. Those few still awake and able to see evil in action now have a way to respond effectively to counter those evil forces with divine healing. That is the only way you can win, and if you choose that path you will be successful—you will have our help if you invite our assistance.