A viewer asks: “Here’s a question of a timely nature considering that tonight is the first night of the Jewish Passover. The Old Testament Book of Exodus, chapter 12, mentions the institution of the Passover rituals, including instructions to mark the doorposts of the lintels of the Jewish households with the blood of sacrificial lambs. This would then signify to the Lord that it was a Jewish home so that he would spare them from the slaying of the firstborn throughout the land. The firstborn of the Egyptians’ and livestock would be killed but those of the Children of Israel would be spared. Were these killings and the plagues mentioned in Exodus really visited on the land by the Divine?” What can Creator tell us?

We must take caution when asked to vet sacred teachings that may have been corrupted, misunderstood, or even misrepresent the truth of what happened historically and its true meaning in terms of who was involved, what were their motivations, and who was served by what unfolded. The Bible has many truths and many corruptions as well. The problem is, an attempt at selective editing will cause disenchantment and encourage people to falsely lose faith in the Bible when it does have much truth and, after all, is one of the few lines of evidence widely agreed on in support of the reality of the divine. There is much doubt and negativity already from the encroachment of the Secular Movement encouraging people to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak, because some things in the Bible seem overly harsh, out of divine alignment, or wildly improbable and, if anything, a kind of embarrassment for believers.

This, of course, is quite unfair. Some of the most wildly improbable things in the Bible are accurately reported and literally true, but those things which are not will be reinforcing oftentimes a much darker view of the divine, that God is judgmental and has been a force behind many killings in the name of the divine. This goes on today with the so-called “holy wars” which are uniformly a perversion of thinking. So we do not like to revisit or stand behind anything from the Scriptures that supports the idea of a vengeful God visiting retribution on transgressors. While that is a consequence brought by the Law of Karma, that is quite different than mounting a personal vendetta, as in this case, directed at innocent babies who happen to be born in the wrong household when the very notion is abhorrent to anyone with a heart. We would say this example from the Scriptures illustrates perfectly how easily people can embrace faulty notions of the divine and our motives and, when that happens and it is allowed to persist through reinforcement, will only perpetuate ideas like “vengeance” and “holy wars” on a continual basis to perpetuate human suffering.

Can you give us a case study example of an individual or group helped by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, for us to share at our May, 2024 Divine Life Support webinar?

The individual we would like to focus on today for your webinar is a young boy who suffered from severe karmic impairment making him vulnerable to developing a chronic, impairing, arthritic condition of great severity. This left him on the sidelines in life, unable to take part in activities with other kids and quite a burden on his family. This led to a state of chronic tension because it was not only his body that was impaired but his emotions as well. Rumblings of prior karmic discord from other lifetimes where he was an underdog, bubbled up in his life from infancy onward to undermine him and add tremendous fear and anxiety to his daily life on a constant basis that left him fearful and timid in his actions around others. This included his parents, who saw him as remote and stiff when, in fact, he was simply constantly overwhelmed from inner fear and, in a sense, frozen in place around others.

This is a dilemma facing many who are impaired by inner emotion but seen by others as aloof, distant, or uncaring, and certainly not fun to be around or a rewarding companion to spend time on and interact with. Because the ability to respond is impaired due to the incapacity of the sufferer to think and act freely, things will either be too great an effort to mount or seen as dangerous to the self and the default choice becomes one of withdrawing and minimizing encounters. That, of course, is quite self-defeating and serves to isolate the individual through their own inability to be fit company, in a sense. This, of course, is quite unfair when speaking of a child who needs love unconditionally, and it is often only lavish, loving, support that can turn such a situation around. But in fairness to the parents, that is hard to do when the love is not reciprocated fully. In a sense, the sufferer trains the caregivers to do the minimum, and in the process, ends up isolating themselves further from those around them who could be their greatest ally.

The smoldering karmic agenda, one of a crippling nature emotionally, began to undermine the body and this led to a great susceptibility to development of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, leaving this young fellow in a growing state of chronic pain. This progressed to become increasingly a disablement of function, restricting his mobility. So this was clearly a double obstacle, to be stunted emotionally through an internal turmoil not at all understood, with no way of obtaining relief, and the body, in effect, attacking itself through the immune system to cause joint damage and pain of increasing severity that became disabling. Needless to say, this was further punishment emotionally in having to contend with a defective body making him different and a kind of outcast because no one wanted to play with him, be with him, or even acknowledge him if they could help it.

This began to change in receiving healing support through the workings of GetWisdom and the Divine Life Support membership, as this boy was included on a wish list to receive divine assistance with healing from the protocols. Because the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset are comprehensive, they went to work on all levels of the boy’s dilemma, not only his current emotional state of being and his painful joints, but the underlying karmic predisposition to make him vulnerable to a state of emotional defeatism from the ravages of the illness attacking his body. Although the latter is of viral origin, it was his karmic vulnerability allowing the virus to gain a foothold and to become a force to be reckoned with in going on the attack, because of his karmic history of being downtrodden and eventually going under in prior lifetimes.

His defenses were weak in the current life, so the end result was a kind of standoff where his immune system, in trying to go to his aid in attacking the virus, ended up hurting the cells and tissues of his joints without being able to eradicate the virus. This left a chronic battle underway and it is clear from many who have such ailments that there can be a lifelong struggle all too often, and a downward course of worsening, where they end up becoming an invalid and even dying young. People can only take so much misery and will eventually reach a breaking point where they give up hope and surrender. In truth, every death is chosen on some level of the being, if only by the higher self in deciding to end the ongoing torment once and for all because the person simply can’t get anywhere and their suffering is excessive and unproductive as an incentive to find better answers and overcome the adversity.

With poor understanding of these kinds of dynamics, most people flounder. They enter the medical system and receive what is more a handholding, a kind of Band-Aid of symptomatic treatment that does not shift the underlying fundamental cause of illness and may not even prevent an early demise. In the case of this boy, there were family members praying for him and one of those individuals enabled him to receive the healing benefits of the protocols on a regular basis. This has enabled him to make progress in helping to stabilize his physical condition while also helping him emotionally, to become more calm and lift a state of depression that had descended on him. This was just what was needed to enable an even more vigorous divine intervention on his behalf through the protocol work, because he was more in a state of allowing, having sensed the fog lifting and using his intelligence to see there were examples in the world of others overcoming adversity, and he began to wonder if that could include him. This was encouraged by the divine realm through direct interactions with his deep subconscious by the Creator of All That Is, to talk with him and help him to work through the trauma events underlying his dilemma. That is what needs to happen to reverse a chronic illness as well as a chronic mental state of abnormality causing extreme suffering.

Little by little gains were made for both mind and body, and this became self-reinforcing and was augmented because those perceptions were rewarded with encouragement from the divine that led to further strengthening of resolve and a further raising of expectations that things could improve. This is a key ingredient often necessary to enable people to climb out of the hole they dig for themselves all too readily, when life begins with an overwhelming burden they seemingly have not chosen. While this is a work in progress, it has reached a tipping point where we expect consistent gains going forward because the nature of the healing was wisely focused, much of the time, on the specific roadblocks to self-improvement, self-awareness, and self-growth and strengthening. In other words, what was happening as a priority through God’s grace was an augmentation of self-healing capability that had been suppressed and overwhelmed by the adversity he struggled with for years, largely on his own because no one could truly provide meaningful relief from his torment.

One of the biggest obstacles to human progress and healing is the inner roadblocks built themselves unknowingly, unwittingly, when they give in to their suffering, feeling it is hopeless, and this renders them truly helpless to find a way out. It will also be an obstacle to divine intervention because we must honor human free will choices, even to suffer, if that’s where a person’s life leads them to go and they become resigned to that fate, if only out of despair. This is an all too common trap people set for themselves and do not realize at all it is happening, because no one can guide them in how to heal their misfortune. This is because individuals and institutions in the current human society are not truly healers, but helpers only. They can give some practical support, assistance, and advice, but it is rare when a true solution is mounted and brought to bear. This is true of the medical system which largely provides medications and procedures for symptomatic relief but not a cure, or from well-meaning caregivers and parents who would like to help someone suffering but are not therapists capable of dealing with an enormous dilemma that has a person in its grip. Nor are therapists, by and large, truly healers as much as they are simply helpers and allies that can be a source of support and encouragement, if not always facilitating a tangible and lasting change for the better.

What the world still does not realize is that most problems are deep and wide, and because they are not in conscious awareness cannot be articulated and are thus not reachable by any kind of therapeutic intervention. So talk therapy will not reach the problem, nor will any kind of pill or surgical intervention, when the underlying cause began in other lifetimes. This is why using Divine Life Support to have access to the healing protocols, both the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset, can make all the difference because together, they will provide a comprehensive way to rewrite past history, resolve old karmic dilemmas hanging like a dark cloud over the current life, and bring the dawn of a new day with an awakening to greater possibilities only possible when the decks are clear, the cobwebs removed, and a strengthening provided to make up for lost time in helping a person to rebuild a workable foundation so they have the strength to not just keep going, but climb out of the hole they are in. We see this young boy maturing and growing into manhood in a way that will make him successful in living a good life with happiness and well-being. That would never even happen without sufficient divine healing to make it possible.

You told us that the physical human body is a creation of life force energy, which is then inhabited by our soul-based consciousness, so that our physical body comes from God as a creation separate from our souls, which are immortal and pre-exist the bodies we use in each reincarnation. Does this finally explain why the Book of Genesis in the Bible states: “And God created Adam in his image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them [translation from Aramaic].” This has puzzled many deep thinkers wondering how a human animal like ourselves could look like God. What can Creator tell us?

While much of the Bible is viewed as metaphor and not necessarily to be taken literally, it certainly lends itself to alternative interpretations because it talks about many things that are large concepts or still poorly understood as to their meaning and design, let alone the mechanistic underpinnings and influences, and this is all due to human ignorance that is still boundless. But these descriptions serve more than one purpose and cannot be reduced to a single message, yet they do encompass multiple meanings, and that is an intentional conveyance in the way of divine clues. The fact it has taken 2,000 years for this to be further unraveled or “unpacked,” as you might say, is thus not at all surprising because human ignorance has accompanied you, as a people, all through history. Deep insight is hard-won learning, at best, if it ever comes.

We knew all along these days would arrive, in coming to a climax of history, where humanity would be still struggling to accomplish its charter under the most horrific opposition and with everything hanging in the balance, to complete enough understanding of the factors in play and how the divine realm operates to expand the human-divine partnership effectively enough to turn the tide. So as an understanding of consciousness applies to your mission, in having a better description of the participants and their respective roles in things, this also serves to experience shedding new light on old wisdom in being emblematic of this progression. Many still view the Bible as an ancient handbook that is still serviceable today with little further reflection, and certainly not a desire to apply oneself creatively to divine new interpretations, viewing the teachings of old as sacred, literally the Word of God, and thus it would be blasphemous to presume to reinterpret beyond the literal translation and its meaning. But we can tell you much has been inserted into the Scriptures in a cryptic fashion, to help it survive the editing and cynical oversight by your slave masters who rule the world—the extraterrestrials behind the scenes who control everything and who now threaten your continued existence, yet again, with annihilation plans.

So we can tell you that the literal surface meaning, that humanity is a creation of the Almighty, has always been true, and that is the broad meaning of that verse in Genesis, as a chapter in the Bible. But it is also true that this was described in the way it reads, to be applied very specifically to the human body, the human form, the flesh and blood component, and not the soul which is your true origin and transcends the physical body as a temporary container. So you have, in effect, solved a riddle and gained an important insight and a deep truth, that each human being represents a dichotomy, a duality, comprised of spirit and the flesh brought together for a human lifetime experiencing, each part created separately, widely spaced in time.

Jesus Christ, by all accounts, was a gentle, loving, being who helped many through his prophecy and healing work. Yet, historical accounts reflect that he ran afoul not only of the Roman occupiers of the region, but the Sanhedrin, the Jewish leaders of the Temple in Jerusalem, and it was their rejection of Jesus as one of their own that aided and abetted him being sentenced to death. Was that an accurate description or an alteration of history? Were the extraterrestrial interlopers actually behind this tragedy?

You have nicely seen through the fog of history here, to illuminate the truth of what transpired in that tragic act of sacrifice on behalf of the divine in the crucifixion of a leading light who came along to change the world and did so through tragedy instead of triumph. But he was all the more effective because of it, and this is because it was a kind of stage play enacted for the amusement of the Extraterrestrial Alliance at the expense of human minds and hearts, and much karmic baggage to draw them into the drama if only as witnesses and bystanders. The interlopers are always wanting to make trouble, to thwart human plans, to complicate things, and to get warring factions going by driving a wedge between people who have differing vested interests, but subjecting them to a much worse outcome by ramping up passions recklessly and unnecessarily. That is what was done here.

There were divergent views about whether Jesus Christ was truly the long-awaited divine prophet, the Messiah whose coming was long predicted, and there was natural suspicion and jealousy when he outshone others because of his divine purity and natural gifts. These were bestowed on him for his life mission to be a spiritual leader and change agent for goodness and human progress. Such individuals are always eventually reckoned with by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to give them some kind of pushback, to limit their influence on others, and often make them suffer personally, for being a do-gooder. That is highly irksome to the extraterrestrial psychopaths who live through representing evil intentions because of the heavy corruption of their culture and disconnection from spirituality that is almost total, leaving them without the ability to love, or a working conscience.

So while there were differing opinions among the Jewish leadership of the day in whether to accept Jesus Christ as a true prophet and Messiah, their rejection of him was simply used as an excuse and a cover story of the Roman overseers in being manipulated to give him a death sentence for a political squabble. In actuality, the extraterrestrials overseeing that region could see a future timeline projection that Jesus Christ would grow in popularity and influence with the masses, promoting dangerous ideas of personal independence and freedom to follow their faith and to follow him. As a would-be human leader not chosen by the interlopers, he posed a danger to their desire to have a crushing control that limited human quality of life and personal happiness. So it was a contrivance and convenience, to blame it on the Jews themselves, to find fault with one of their own and seemingly, use the Romans as their executioner. But all along, this was engineered and orchestrated through mind control to influence all involved in how they acted, what they said, and chose to do or not do as events unfolded. As such, Jesus Christ was unfairly convicted and punished, and to the end was a passive recipient of the wrath of others.

Although it came to be blamed on the Jews by some, Jesus Christ was crucified because the people of those times were asleep, unable to truly accept the divinity of Jesus Christ and rally to his side when this was questioned, because of the subjugation through mind control manipulation by the extraterrestrials. The fact it could not be prevented by the divine realm was because those allied against him had a much greater influence than his supporters, so the free will imperative worked against this. We could see in the future that his sacrifice would have a much larger influence on minds and hearts eventually, and that has been borne out by the founding of Christianity as a religion that continues to the present day, still supporting the preaching of the Gospels. That is his legacy, a message of loving kindness, forgiveness and mercy for the lost, and many truths about the divine realm and how best to live one’s life with purpose and in divine alignment.

A viewer asks: “A major overarching story of humanity is the dominant conviction since the Enlightenment in the inevitability of advancement and human ability to master its destiny through reason, science, and technology. GetWisdom information perhaps suggests ETs and dark spirits have encouraged this in order to shut down both intuition and thinking about the divine and encourage a belief in progress based on technology, because they control it. To what extent was the Enlightenment, often regarded as a pinnacle of human culture, a plan calculated to undermine faith in the divine and replace it with a faith in technology and rationalism?”

This is an astute observation, that what seems like an advancement and a milestone in human progress might have actually been a deception to dangle out the promise of better things, better times, and a better life ahead, all the while knowing there is a darker side and a darker purpose that will lead humanity on a path to their own destruction. All along the way, humanity has been subjugated and controlled through enslavement by the Extraterrestrial Alliance. From time to time, they loosen the leash a little bit to give humans a little more rope in order to hang themselves, knowing that they are always in charge and can control things ultimately. But it is more entertaining for them to give you a little more authority and autonomy to see what will happen, and in that way they can watch your progress and then pull the rug out from under you. So in the end, everything they have done that benefits humanity will have a downside and will ultimately contribute in some way, directly or indirectly, to your undoing. That is true of these new philosophical outlooks on life, that the Enlightenment was as much a darkening by giving the illusion of human freedom and hope for a march of progress to help humanity advance from the more primitive era that brought much misery all along the way.

The truth is, the reason that was so was because of the extraterrestrials all along, not that anything was really wrong with humanity and how it wanted to live and what choices would be made if they were really free. Certainly, science and technology have proven useful in a practical sense, but they have not only limitations but built-in negatives, so in the end, they represent a mixed blessing at best. If that comes at the expense of recognizing and honoring your divinity, your lives will be but a hollow shell of what is truly possible, whether you have the accoutrements of so-called modern living or not. If your lives are not ones of purpose based on giving and receiving love and honoring and cherishing your relationship to the divine, they will be empty and leading nowhere that truly matters.

Boeing, the last major aircraft manufacturer in the U.S., is weathering a particularly difficult period: two fatal crashes, a loose panel that blew out during a flight, quality concerns and production slowdowns. A number of whistleblowers among their engineers have complained about lax company standards. A six-week audit by the Federal Aviation Administration of Boeing’s production of the 737 Max jet found dozens of problems throughout the manufacturing process at the plane maker and one of its key suppliers. Is this just human error and inefficiency or is there something more sinister undermining company performance?

Unfortunately, this is entirely sinister. While humans are not capable of perfection, they are capable of reason, judgment, and through, careful, planning and attention to detail, while holding a moral compass in hand to honor fairness and truth. Humans can do quite well in all they take on. But you only need to look at the rise of planned obsolescence having been implemented across the board, to cheapen goods, and offer watered-down services with the goal of putting profits before honor, to see that something has gone wrong. In truth, you have never been free to live your lives as your true selves but always have been manipulated and corrupted again and again and again. So this latest problem of the airline manufacturer is very akin to the planned obsolescence trajectory by simply shortening the timeline to failure so that even planes leaving the hangar for the first time are a kind of timebomb and may, in fact, fail within a short interval because things have gone further along this idea of weakening the system.

And now, it has put the whole fleet of aircraft under a cloud. When such things happen, it threatens the existence of the entire company. At some point, there will not be acceptance by the public or the airlines themselves wanting to survive, in trusting a manufacturer that proves to be unreliable when human safety is at risk. Because aircraft manufacturing and maintenance requires so many working details, all of which must be attended to satisfactorily, there are many opportunities for a misstep. And simply through misdirection of attention, introduction of gaps in focus, and encouraging forgetfulness, sloppy design and engineering as well as the manufacturing follow-through, can begin to erode quality on multiple levels. And this eventually becomes a perfect storm of errors that will cause an accident or at least, a serious malfunction that will cause delays and high costs to remedy. That is the game being played by the interlopers to weaken your world, put people at risk, and enjoy the power they have to corrupt things as they wait for their handiwork to bear fruit in watching planes fall from the skies or at least make emergency landings, if possible, to save those on board. This is all part of the ongoing scheme to weaken your world through economic collapse and desperation, so they can gain overt control with your blessings through a false promise they have come to help. So this is one of many schemes leading up to a planned Disclosure where they will come out in the open to dupe you with a false narrative into accepting their greater control of things.

What percentage of Alzheimer’s cases, characterized by abnormal proteins forming amyloid plaques and tau tangles throughout the brain, are caused by chronic virus infection within the brain?

We can tell you that virtually all of Alzheimer’s can be categorized as a viral disorder. Keep in mind, that it is, many times, a catchall diagnosis as it is tricky to make with great accuracy, and for many years now has only been confirmed at autopsy through microscopic examination of brain tissue to document the characteristic alterations. There are people with cognitive impairment falsely diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, but really have some other issue. So that is a confounding factor in trying to impose truth on a flawed world having many uncertainties and gaps in knowledge.

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A practitioner asks: “Can the deep subconscious refuse the Deep Subconscious Mind Reset healing from Creator? What about other parts of the mind or cells?” What can Creator tell us?

In truth, all parts of the mind can refuse to cooperate with an outside voice. If you think about all we have told you and shared with you for years now with your probings and explorations about all things metaphysical, and having to do with the physical realm, the interactions with the divine, personal responsibility, and the karmic consequences for sharing or withholding information, wanting to influence but yet wanting to be truthful, and seeing us in action being ever so scrupulous to not be leading even though it is your province to do so, you know full well the high level of ethics we follow in all we take upon ourselves, at your request, to do right by you and all involved in this collective journey of learning and growth and stemming of the tide of rising violence. So you can trust us when we say we do not ride roughshod over anyone’s mind or consciousness on any level including individual cells. We persuade, we encourage, we inspire, we inform just like we might do in bringing something to bear that will bubble up from within, like your own thought, for consideration. That way, you have the choice to embrace it and act upon it, ignore it or resist it, as the case might be.

So the same is true in our workings with a human or extraterrestrial client, that we must honor free will, and therefore not be manipulative but establish a conversation, and then see how things go from there. Most of the time we get willing cooperation and the reason is one of our roles is to interact with all beings, to some extent, or your higher self will do so. The latter, of course, is much more routine. Our work is more indirect with respect to things like inspiration. The higher self can be a bit more overt, acting as your conscience, for example, and so that will prod you, sometimes quite considerably and painfully, to take action that is warranted and appropriate. So that is also following guidelines about rules of engagement. So there is a time and place to be more overt or less so, more intrusive or less so, more persuasive or less so. There is always self-determination going on as a first priority and that is always honored with respect by us.

So this is another potential obstacle, at least to rapid healing, when there is a well‑entrenched but likely biased level of consciousness within a client needing a redirection of things. This is why it can be a campaign taking great time, much like turning an ocean liner to head in the opposite direction, it will not turn on a dime, so to speak, but take a considerable period to bring about a dramatic shift, and that can be true as well of dealing with the many inner complexities people represent, particularly because of their many, many woundings. But that is why a concerted effort and repeated sessions are so very valuable, because they enable building of rapport between the emissaries of the divine and the levels of consciousness of a client recipient, and the building of that relationship and trust, that it is there to help and not a threat, is the first order of business. It might be that a repeat visit a number of times, with a slow introduction, must take place before anything substantive can be carried out. So this is nothing to worry about, it is just part of the landscape we deal with routinely, all the time, and we know how to make things work. So you need not be agonizing over this as a major flaw or hindrance in the paradigm that could negate your intentions for good things to happen. It is one of many variables and potential speedbumps that must be negotiated.

A practitioner asks: “Does the deep subconscious require a high enough belief quotient to work with Creator in a Deep Subconscious Mind Reset session?” What can Creator tell us?

This is a complicated question that defies a simple description with a yes or no type answer. Everything is situation-specific to begin with. There are many encounters that happen between the human and divine emissaries, many phenomena that will be encountered, many circumstances and influencers of all kinds, human and nonhuman, that will impinge on consciousness within a person on multiple levels or a selective level, as the case might be, and many scenarios can take place. In some respects, it is a moving target because there are ongoing dynamics in the energy of an individual’s makeup. When people are perturbed and in a highly emotional state, it will be a different landscape than when they are calm and centered and not particularly stressed other than perhaps some background anxiety common to almost everyone.

So this is a moving target and a highly variable factor, but typical because almost everyone has doubts and fears that, in essence, depart from divine alignment and thus by definition, energetically, are a kind of lesser belief. We routinely must work around this to find a way in, to make points, so to speak, and progress in cultivating a relationship and carrying out an agenda to help despite the misgivings, apprehensions, fears, nonbelief, resistance, or frank hatred of the very idea that might be the most important thing to help instill at a given moment. It is much like two people talking to one another holding widely divergent world views and belief systems, politics, religious affiliations, and so on. Things may well reach an impasse, at least for a time, but we have the high ground because we are in divine alignment for which there is an answer to any problem, but when there is inadequacy on the human side, that must be respected and will be rate‑limiting because we will have to help raise the individual up so they are able to see truth eventually, and that can be time-consuming and energy-intensive but is, again, a routine need that is widely experienced in trying to help any and all who are in need.