A viewer asks: “Could you ask Creator for a verification that my dowsing has been consistently accurately accessing divine guidance, since I started using it after Creator confirmed accuracy through you? I’m especially wondering about the past month. I’ve been getting some surprising answers that has made me want to make sure the dowsing itself is accurate.” What can we tell him?

We have said previously that dowsing has pitfalls and the major issue is a lack of perfection in being restricted to something that is a yes or no readout when the truth might fall in between in an important respect. And thus, to answer “yes” might over-represent the value or importance of something, so it is better to say “no” to prevent an exaggerated assumption taking hold that might have long-term consequences through working from false assumptions. What we’re saying is that dowsing is a crude instrument. It is bad enough to have a high-level channeling and work with language alone as the means of exchanging information. We consider that quite crude, but it is far better than dowsing. So, to be precise, we want to frame the discussion here with the awareness that obtaining a perfect track record with dowsing is extremely unlikely, especially when you are wanting to do a high-level project and much of the information and knowledge is unknown to you to begin with. The imprecision of working with a binary readout is coupled with the difficulty that, many times, you were asking things that require us to lead with new knowledge and information. That is extremely difficult to do through dowsing alone because, again, saying yes or no to something might be construed as taking the answer further than we can allow. So we might say no to something to prevent overstepping the boundaries in the rules of engagement. A good rule of thumb for dowsing is that for most individuals the accuracy will be in the 80% range.

The best you can do is take extra time and effort to probe critical questions from different perspectives in order to get across-validation. If you think about the meaning of what you are wanting to find out and its importance and break that into component parts that represent the whole but are not requiring as large a leap of ignorance, that is a more reliable way to put together a mosaic containing the answer you wish to arrive at, because more of the pieces will have been put in place along the way by going slow and being thorough. The trap here is that once you get an answer to your liking, it will likely lead to inner belief being formed as to whether it is true or false and that begins the buildup of an inner bias that inevitably leads in a certain direction that makes the enterprise inherently uncertain and dangerous in the sense of taking on a life of its own to direct you down a false path. So again, we are simply wanting to round out the picture about the use of dowsing and its pitfalls, not suggesting you stand down and throw away the tool, but know that you must live with lack of perfection.

Patton frequently claimed that he “hated war.” But almost nobody believed him. Such a statement seemed to violate almost everything anyone ever witnessed about his leadership. What is Creator’s perspective?

We would say this was a partial truth, certainly not a bald-faced lie on his part or an artifice consciously adopted as would a conman pretending to be an honest citizen. In truth, he was deeply conflicted about the horrors he witnessed and his place in it all, that he was drawn like a moth to a flame in being at the center of things in the largest human conflict in history, hardly a destiny or a choice of a person hating the role. But that is simply the nature of the conflict here, that while he was born to be a military leader and to serve in that capacity as a champion of good versus evil, right versus wrong, he possessed enough humanity to see the depravity of it and the wastefulness and tragic nature of the destruction in sheer loss of morality and honor many times in what took place during battle and its aftermath.

That conflict illustrates he was not, himself, above it all, he was not a psychopath in being beyond the pale, a heartless, loveless shell devoid of a conscience. He did possess humanity, and a spiritual core that guided his basic principled approach to life, and his valuing what was at stake and important about his own personal contributions to winning of the war and all that it meant for the world. He was not without ego, but he was certainly not wrong about his perspective of the role he played and its importance. As such, he carried an awesome responsibility, and that heavy burden would challenge anyone in his shoes. What helped him meet the challenge was that he was possessed of many soul attributes contributing to strength of character, force of will, determination, steadfast loyalty, and a passionate commitment to carrying out his duty and as well to be victorious such that failure was not an option—that is standing strong in a very dramatic and historically demonstrated fashion.

Patton’s slapping incidents became publicly known when journalist Drew Pearson broke the story on his national radio show. Wikipedia reports: “Pearson’s version not only conflated details of both slapping incidents but falsely reported that the private in question was visibly “out of his head,” telling Patton to “duck down or the shells would hit him,” and that in response, “Patton struck the soldier, knocking him down.” Pearson punctuated his broadcast by twice stating that Patton would never again be used in combat, despite the fact that Pearson had no factual basis for this prediction.” The Allied Command, and especially General Eisenhower, deemed Patton critical to the war effort, and this publicity complicated things enormously. That the media tends to conflate things is taken for granted these days. What is Creator’s perspective?

Again, what you are seeing on display here represents the exigencies of war. These were not normal times or normal people thrust together under the most demanding and highly charged of circumstances, and they were, as we have explained, truly opposites in their makeup and their suitability to serve as a combat warrior. The limited perspective of humans, based on the level of ignorance of the culture as a whole they are a part of, make it difficult for the average person to have a loftier perspective, a more divine one informed by being in divine alignment, as few people maintain that status for any length of time if at all.

Journalists are typically a certain kind of individual who act as detectives in ferreting out hidden truth. Their drive to do so is based on an inner expectation that there is fault to be exposed and bandied about publicly as evidence of their prowess in getting to the bottom of things as a reporter. That role carries with it a proclivity to exercise the darker side of those ulterior motives, wanting to expose the weakness in others. As such, reporters are professional fault-finders and often judges and juries in conveying their own personal assessment of the conduct of others. A common folly is the tendency to exaggerate and even sometimes invent salacious details and circumstances to punch up the story and make it more exciting and apparently meaningful, thus ensuring their success in delivering the goods, seemingly at least. So humans being human and often exhibiting their limitations means, in the case of reporters, there will be much wretched excess from bias and self-serving agendas that can be the enemy of truth. So that episode by a member of the press simply is illustrating his own shortcomings. The fact this is so widely exhibited in today’s world is a testament to the existence of widespread ignorance and limited understanding of human behavior and all it stems from and its meaning.

Just as things are today, the public was deeply divided over the slapping incidents. So much so, it was said it was the “slap heard round the world.” Half the population defended Patton and the other half demanded his firing. This shows the divide between the application of discipline versus the application of compassion. It is widely assumed that the two are diametric opposites but is that truly the case? What did those soldiers need most—a slap or a hug? What is Creator’s perspective?

We would say that opposites exist because that is an inevitability of existence. What matters is the discernment to understand what is needed in a given time and place and circumstance one is a party to as a participant or even an observer. In a sense, all are in this together as members of a human family. What diminishes one individual diminishes the whole, if not directly, inevitably over time as energies circulate about, interact with one another, and add to or subtract from a collective experience and generation of consciousness that intermingles and entangles people with one another. This is a more complex way of reminding you that everything counts, just as everything matters to the parties involved directly.

What is often lost in the discussion of extremes is there is a middle ground. Almost everything has a spectrum of possibilities, from one extreme to its polar opposite, and often the truth lies somewhere in the middle because the ultimate state of existence is to be in balance energetically, leaning not too far in one way or another, at one extreme or its opposite. Everyone understands the difference between good and evil, at least as they perceive it, being quite different with quite different origins and consequences, but if there is one thing you can say about life it is that nothing is truly simple, things are always more complicated than they seem, and there are always more things going on and at stake than are apparent on the surface. The kind of primitive thinking where people see things as either black or white, good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, cause more stress, strife between individuals, and even the clash of nations than any other foible of human nature. We see it as your having many times a blind spot due to having an emotional reaction that colors judgment and causes oftentimes a rash decision, and that can be turned into rash action when more prudence and thoughtful approaches would be more productive and effective in the end.

In the example of this military commander and a foot soldier acting cowardly represent the two extremes of courage and fear being the overwhelming attributes on display of the two parties, respectively. Expecting the one to act like the other is not realistic when the wherewithal is absent. A more reasoned, mature, and spiritually aligned perspective would be the realistic awareness that not all human beings are possessed of inner courage such that they can be effective combat soldiers. Having sufficient courage, in fact, is not the only requirement. There are many other attributes contributing to the wherewithal required to undertake a rigorous assignment and a demanding role in life over a period of years. So there are many reasons for failure and many ways to fail. Courage alone is not enough because a brave person cannot maintain their bravery if their physical stamina gives out and they are unable to defend themselves. Fear will certainly overtake them if that happens. So a realistic assessment of this seeming conflict and dilemma between the leader and follower would be having a means to assess basic wherewithal, according to wider criteria that take into account the fact that humans do have limits in what they can tolerate, and it is a part of their makeup and not simply a choice they make for personal benefit and convenience.

“A belief is a belief is a belief,” or is it? Obviously, beliefs vary in the strength in which they are held, some hardly at all and others emphatically. One would have a tendency to think that the strength of the belief is a factor of the intensity of the “founding event” that gave birth to the belief, and that therefore the strength of belief is directly correlated to direct experience. But even so, many people seem to end up with emphatic beliefs that appear to have no basis in reality whatsoever, either experiential or rationally hypothetical. What can Creator tell us about the origins of such beliefs and what determines their strength and durability?

This perplexing lack of understanding about something so basic and important about a person as their inner beliefs, even from their own perspective, knowledge base, and memory, is very, very revealing about the human dilemma. This is a cardinal sign of disconnection. What is going on could be one of several things. The belief held strongly, but surprisingly, because it does not seem to have a predicate in life experience, may well be coming from a parallel lifetime and, by virtue of the awareness of the deep subconscious that an individual is experiencing other lifetimes, which the deep subconscious can survey and react to if bad things happen in particular, will mean that things can bleed through into the current life just as though they have been experienced because, literally and truthfully, they have been, if not by that portion of the person’s soul energy experiencing the current incarnation.

This is complicated to understand and accept, but when you are asking us to explain the unexplainable you can expect there will be new information, new insight, and new circumstances that must be invoked to fill the knowledge gap. Such beliefs coming from parallel lives can as well become reawakened by similar events in the current life of a milder nature and they can also become lodged within cellular memory, within the brain, because it can store, in local awareness at a cellular level, memory of trauma as well as specific beliefs about what has happened heretofore. The crosstalk with other parallel lives can be a rich source of additional complexity within a person, and this will be an important influence on their makeup, their thoughts, feelings, and actions, depending on the flow of experience from moment to moment that might awaken bits of memory about bad experiences or simply trigger an emotion and then an accompanying negative belief that comes to mind. This can be the source of general biases and prejudice if it is only an association not based on literal reality of the current incarnation. This is where much racial bias and gender bias and other sources of prejudiced thinking arise because there can be parallels with similar circumstances in other lifetimes that will bleed through into the current incarnation from the experiencing of the deep subconscious, in particular, and its contributions to dream material that will spread to more than one level of the mind.

So there is a complex interplay of life experience and its consequences in becoming amplified, through a kind of harmonic resonance with similar circumstances experienced elsewhere, that will come to mind on some level, and then that synchronicity may be shared with other levels of the mind, and this will be self-reinforcing and may result in a quite strong and even exaggerated overreaction to something and make a person act like they have been harmed before even with no conscious recollection. The reality, of course, is that it is actually so but not consciously perceived, and this is why the disconnect with the deep subconscious becomes a dilemma, because it leaves the largest part of the mind disconnected from conscious awareness so a person will not truly understand their whole being, because they are not experiencing the totality of all that happens, being out of the loop, so to speak. So this explains unusual beliefs that turn up without seeming to have a foundational event for their creation that can be recalled.

A viewer asks: “Some very avant-garde doctors and a growing number of North Americans say raw milk is far healthier for us than pasteurized because they say the heating process kills the beneficial microbes they say would otherwise be passed through from the cow. A dietary expert doctor who is pro-raw milk claims that raw milk will help reverse or prevent things like asthma in kids who are brought up on it. Is that true?” What can Creator tell us?

There are partial truths here, but whether they truly matter will be highly dependent on the individual user. It is not a general necessity for all to drink milk from cows and have the full array of their microflora entering their system. This is more a marketing ploy than a meaningful health consideration. There are as many arguments for pasteurization, with respect to removing known pathogens, so any such practices need to be looked at with respect to known risks versus theoretical ones.

Creator Discusses Beliefs, Reality, and the Deep Subconscious 26Jul2024

Image for GetWisdom LIVE, monthly livestream on YouTube

Creator Discusses Beliefs, Reality, and the Deep Subconscious 26Jul2024

  • Is there ONE truth, apart from beliefs of the individual, or is truth what one makes of it?
  • Where do strong beliefs come from when there is no apparent link to life experience?
  • Why is the mind so seemingly protective of challenges to beliefs regardless of their objective or demonstrable rightness or wrongness?
  • Can strongly held beliefs be changed by covert mind control manipulation?
  • How aware is the deep subconscious of reality; does it operate mostly on instinct?
  • If the conscious mind is unaware of the deep subconscious, is the deep subconscious even aware of conscious thoughts?
  • If the deep subconscious is disconnected and troubled, can it be taught how to help itself?
  • Can the interlopers alter the akashic records of our life experience?
  • If karma reacts to what we do, does it gain wisdom or only sort and repurpose energy?
  • Creator explains how we can bring healing to bear on the deep subconscious to help ourselves.

Looking at the history of the dairy industry, it is clear that the U.S. government was instrumental in promoting milk consumption by children in public schools, universally. Similar actions occurred in the UK, Australia, etc. While there were powerful commercial vested interests in supporting these policies, is there a deeper, sinister influence behind making cow’s milk such a nutritional cornerstone?

This is stepping on toes, but in answer to a direct question, we need to be forthright here especially considering the high stakes involved in bringing forward the evidence of this travesty. The sad fact of the matter is that the world governments are in the grip of the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance. They do, by and large, what the Extraterrestrial Alliance wants to see happen good, bad, or indifferent. Many positive proposals are stymied by political gridlock and die an early death before they get off the ground, whereas other policies become widely supported, especially when there is a commercial justification and benefit so the moneyed interests can get behind it, and that always paves the way for political support and we would say pays the way in a literal sense. As you, yourself, have said many times, the US has the best government money can buy. While this fits in with the idea of politics being a shallow, self-serving, and highly corrupt enterprise, that is a cover for the deeper story that it is not the humans in government who are truly in charge of things. They are manipulated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to do the bidding of the dark and sinister plans of these interlopers. That is the case here, with the widespread presence of milk and milk products as a true nutritional cornerstone, especially for the young.

This is an ideal circumstance to create an early exposure among children to harmful viruses that are introduced as a contaminant in the milk processing plants prior to distribution to retail outlets. What this means is, that everyone, almost universally, will at some time or another likely be exposed. Once a chronic virus takes up residence in the body, subsequent exposures to something that grows slowly and largely hides out deep in the tissues will not stir things up or create a pandemic-like scare, where many people develop symptoms and the witch hunt begins to find where it is coming from. This is truly a clandestine and sinister scourge that is wholly successful in causing widespread illness, and this increases over time.

Much of the association of aging with chronic illness is simply the passage of time and the ravages of a chronic viral presence taking its toll over the years to cause a gradual destruction of normal tissue and development of disease symptoms. The varied locations and nature of the malady being caused will be a function of many variables, to some extent genetic susceptibility, where one organ system is the Achilles’ heel of a hapless human. And so one might develop cardiovascular disease whereas another person will be more predisposed to digestive disturbances and a chronic autoimmune disorder like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis will happen to them. This is entirely intentional, to have a smoldering viral presence that will be almost universal enough to cause a huge cost burden and level of suffering among the population but without being suspected as a problem caused by an infectious agent.

The scientific failure to notice the patterns and put two and two together has been further suppressed by mind control manipulation to steer people away from pursuing such possibilities, and even rigging research results to create a false negative outcome so researchers quickly drop the idea. Word gets around and science moves on to other avenues to explore. It is the unique combination of the sinister nature of the viruses and their presentation, the timeline to showing up as a symptomatic illness, the variability in the population itself in terms of the nature of the illness that occurs, and huge variability in the outcomes, which presents too confusing a picture to sort out. This makes it impossible to see the truth of things, that it is all owing to a single cause, at least categorically, given there are a number of viral strains being employed over the years with varied properties in their own right, and that just adds a further overlay of confusing circumstances that do not provide a consistent profile that can be discerned by researchers.

You only need look at what is happening daily on your television screens and you will be met by a parade of government policies, initiatives, and controversies, some of which are known to be a mixed blessing and quite controversial, but many others felt to be at least of benefit although supported to varying degrees for political reasons. We have described many, many, technologies as being sinister because they contain a poison pill. In this case, milk as a nutritional substance is poisoned on a regular basis while being embraced eagerly by parents everywhere, who train their young to seek milk as a preferred beverage and that can last lifelong, into adulthood. Meanwhile, the toll of victims continues to mount.

A viewer asks: “High cholesterol is said to be a major risk factor for heart disease. It is said that LDL(bad) cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dL HDL (good) should be 40 mg/dL or higher for men and 50 mg/dL or higher for women. Triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL. Many different types of drinks, including green tea, oat drinks, soy drinks, and plant milk smoothies, contain compounds that may help reduce or manage cholesterol levels. Several studies, for example, have demonstrated the beneficial effects of tomato juice on cholesterol metabolism. How accurate and reliable are these suggested levels of cholesterol, and are the drinks suggested one effective method (among many) to optimize levels?” What is Creator’s perspective?

We can tell you with confidence that the entire discussion of lipid biochemistry, as the key to heart health and maintenance, is misguided. It is a combination of statistical data showing correlations but not a causal relationship, along with medical conjecture based on chemical analysis of arterial plaques with relatively poor understanding of the nuances of biochemistry, concluding falsely that this is a kind of plumbing problem where the sludge is clinging to the pipes and causing obstruction, putting the patient in danger of inadequate blood flow, and thus promoting heart disease and potentially lethal heart attack.

We are being simplistic for a reason. Even when this is dressed up with much medical jargon and terminology, as contained in your question, we can tell you that fighting lipid levels in the bloodstream will not be an effective answer for coronary health and longevity. Many of the medications intended to do so are actually more harmful than helpful because of the many side effects they cause. It is a kind of folly that is perpetuated even though the science is providing more and more powerful counterarguments for the assumptions in your question. If you look at the scientific literature, you will find many who disagree based on scientific observations. So, at one time, this was the best guess du jour, that cholesterol is the culprit. That led to the refinement, looking at other lipids and subtypes and the ratios present in health and disease, and drawing inferences to implicate them in a causal relationship with pathology. That is often a trap because, while logical, it might not be representing truth but only coincidence. The major problem with heart disease is biowarfare conducted against humanity with chronic viruses, which are the culprit underlying coronary artery disease and heart failure, which are on the rise.

George MacDonald said: “To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” What is Creator’s perspective?

In the earth plane, everything is conditional, everything is fragile, everything is hard-won, often fought for to begin with, with payment of a high price. This land of imperfection you inhabit will mean, automatically, that all divine attributes on display will likely be imperfect, if only as to their degree, the level of vibration reached in terms of the depth and magnitude of the particular attribute in question and its expression. Trust and love are soul attributes and just words. They can be truly profound and on a divine level of authenticity, depth of expression, and level of intention when being utilized, or they can be something done as a token, as a gesture, more in name only than a genuine expression of trust and love. This is the hallmark of the selfish or the true narcissist who values themselves above everyone else.

So no two people have an identical level of trustworthiness or love potential and, as they are regarded by others, will not be seen by any two people, identically, as being lovable or to be trusted. That is also a moving target. Relationships typically start slowly. Trust is given provisionally at the outset and a necessary buy-in, so to speak, for further interaction to continue. It needs to be established and then may grow from there if things go smoothly. Love is a deeper quality and not given lightly as part of a contractual arrangement, for example. You do not give provisional love to others. There might be some conviviality, some congeniality in recognizing something nice about a new acquaintance, and that will get a warm feeling going but it is still short of love. That will require the development of an investment in another person and bring with it a kind of devotion, a willingness to commit more strongly to the relationship, whether a love-based romantic involvement or just good friendship.

Given the imperfections of your world, there are many partnerships, including love relationships, that exist on the basis of that chemistry, to provide a reward and incentive to keep going and support the relationship with love as a reward, and that is usually worth the effort because love is a basic nutrient needed by all soul-based beings for optimal happiness and well-being. But there are many times when love relationships run aground through disagreement, often a karmic rumbling from prior relationship difficulties, even in other lifetimes, that might be severe and make someone even a poor candidate to have a successful marriage with, or a business partnership. When people have flaws that are perceivable and obvious, as with men having a roving eye, there might be true love bestowed on such an individual but there can be an erosion of trust, if only through suspicion of wrongdoing. So the love quotient may well differ in strength from the trust quotient in a relationship. This is true of all kinds of human interactions: friendships, workmates, romantic partners, or family members.

As you are exploring the dynamics of trust, there is a complex equation operating, always, for every person, with respect to every other human interaction in their life experience, and there will be an energetic influence owing to both trust and love as attributes in play coming from both directions. Trust and love are different. Both are important and sometimes necessary for effective interactions with others. In the beginning of a relationship, where love is important to be expressed, it will take time usually to develop and strengthen. People might wax and wane in their level of love feelings until well along the path of getting to know one another and beginning to care more deeply. Trust is a more foundational bedrock because it is more workmanlike and less emotional in nature. Love is more like a narcotic, or can be, and that can be addicting and also blinding because it is so rewarding people will sometimes not see the truth of things in a relationship with someone who is perhaps exploiting them, so the love is more unbalanced, coming mostly from one party than from the other.

Because trust is such an important foundational quality, it is prized quite highly, indeed, and it is often the case that a breach of trust will destroy a relationship, like a marriage, more so than an unkind and unloving mistreatment that may develop by someone being thoughtless in the moment. That can usually be forgiven more readily than breaking someone’s trust, and the example we are giving reflects the fact that love is more of a variable, waxing and waning with intensity, and understood to be that way. This is why partners will usually spend some time and effort thinking of ways to show their love through kind gestures, unexpected gifts, the sending of flowers, or surprising their partner with a pleasurable experience like a well-planned night on the town. Whereas trust is part of the infrastructure expected to be bedrock and steady, and thus of greater fundamental importance as a necessity for lasting relationships. As such, it is more of a test of character to be trustworthy than a lover.