What is the real truth about gold and why is it valuable?

There are many truths about most things. Gold has long been valued and prized. This comes not only because of its material properties, its scarcity, its beauty, its convenience as a store of value when considered to be money. But also historically has had a place in history in a way few people know. It was sought by an early extraterrestrial incursion for purposes of their own and they came and did gold mining for centuries to extract this material for use in their own world and also enslaved humanity to serve them in this way. This left a very, very deep karmic legacy within humanity in knowing how highly prized gold is. And that has a bearing as well. There are other precious materials that could be suitable, but that is the deep historical and karmic history behind gold and its place in the iconic level as representing value.

The other attributes, to be sure, are valid and are worthy in seeing gold as special. And if you look at what nations do in their finances, you will find that all across the world, all major nations and some smaller countries as well, hold significant stores of gold. They will say publicly “gold is a barbarous relic” to diminish public interest in its ownership because they want their own invented money to be seen as valuable, but the inner truth of things is gold is really the centerpiece of worth and value and will underpin the world finances for long to come.

A truth seeker states our current situation involves an all-out elimination of negative forces in the entire solar system, but major attacks against certain lightworkers violate a treaty between the forces of light and darkness. This has caused round-up of all negative entities in our solar system to be given a choice to either be healed or destroyed and remade. Is any of this correct?

Unfortunately, none of it is correct. There is no so-called Treaty. There is no round-up of perpetrators to be given an ultimatum. And so this is all a disinformation campaign to convince people that there are forces working for their good and there’s nothing for them to do but sit back and expect things to be taken care of. And again, this is a disempowerment because the people themselves must ask for such divine help and intervention, otherwise it will not happen. Each person must ask for divine help, otherwise it will not happen on their behalf.

Also, it was stated that because of the disadvantages faced by the negative extraterrestrials, one request to the right positive forces will eliminate negativity, as a last resort necessary for our liberation. Is there any truth to this?

In a sense, people have this power if they call on the divine. They cannot bring this about directly themselves. The declaration will only be effective if it is asked of the divine realm and not some other source of energy. And so the description is given with some inner brake applied in the implication they may be causing harm, and this will leave people in a state of uncertainty and some confusion. When do you bring down the hammer or when do you not? People are not in a position typically themselves to know where and when heavy-handed intrusive energy is needed and where it may not be. So this is more hand-waving and not helpful.

There needs to be a broad-based request for all dark beings to be dealt with in an effective manner to remove their suppression and subjugation of humanity. That is what is needed. That is what needs to be requested by each and every human again and again and again and again. That is not hard to do, is not an onerous burden we place on humans, it is one that they can easily do with effectiveness if they wake up and hear the message and embrace it and trust it will be so. They need to believe, but that is true of all solutions when you think about it. Unless they are picking up a weapon themselves personally, they are putting their trust in someone or something to do it for them. Why not trust in the divine realm and have the faith and belief once again that will be done, and is their birthright, and is the highest source of power available in the universe? You can not really do any better, but must believe, and also must know this is not only an option but a requirement for your future survival. That is plenty incentive enough to see to things if people understand this.

Is there any truth to the idea that part of the abduction phenomenon is that part of human souls are being removed, and if so by whom, and for what purpose?

This is an exaggeration of what takes place. It is a perception gained intuitively that speaks truth but the interpretation is somewhat inaccurate. This relates to the manipulation that is done by the extraterrestrials to dim the reach of divine human. This started many thousands of years ago by the Anunnaki to close down the connection to higher self to a significant extent, and to disconnect human from the deepest reaches of their own mind and the deep subconscious that connects to the akashic records of their prior history. This leaves people isolated and floating in a sea of disconnect, out of touch, as though they were on a raft at sea, and had no link to true cultural awareness and involvement. In addition, there are ongoing corruptions of the children being born, and this was revealed recently to your channel. This allows us to talk about it here, in addition to the question itself because this is another thing perceived intuitively that humans are altered drastically. This is a new concept for most people aware of extraterrestrial doings. The abduction phenomenon has been described for many years as a genetic experiment to help the extraterrestrials to create a series of hybrids. It goes much beyond that because they are doing that by manipulating human DNA to see what happens.

They are using the abductees as guinea pigs quite literally, not only to obtain blood samples and gametes to fertilize and then take into their laboratories, and be using them unilaterally for their own cultural reasons and development. They are changing humans and changing their destiny as a consequence. There has been a program of genetic advancement launched by the light and this has been evident to all those seeing the consequences in the young, how advanced, how precocious, how spiritually attuned, and how capable they are of using, not only their intelligence, but their intuitive reach. And often having deep knowing about past lifetimes and about past interactions with family members in other lifetimes and on and on. The so‑called Indigo children, the Crystal children, the Diamond children, and so forth—this is an upgrade of DNA bestowed by Creator to begin to reverse the longstanding genetic distortion. In response the interlopers are abducting young children in this new generation to corrupt their DNA once again and reverse the gains. This is being done across the board and being done worldwide, involving children in the millions. This is what you are facing. The level of depravity being unleashed upon you is quite drastic. It is only that it’s covert that makes it successful heretofore.

Knowledge and awareness will change things because then the answers can be applied. People who do not know what is at stake are not going to start praying to God, for something they think is a fantasy or a delusion. That is why we are being so forthright. If you look for evidence of this you will find it. People are coming forward with their stories. It continues to be quite inexplicable that people on the one hand will tell you they have a miraculous child with tremendous capability, much more advanced than they were at the child’s age. Yet for some reason, they are suffering. There may have been a sudden downturn in their emotional state and this is puzzling because they seem to have every advantage, everything going for them as their life commenced, but suddenly things have experienced a setback. These are all signs of outside interference. It is going on wholesale across the board and this is one of many such examples of human tampering. This is the reason for the perception that souls are being taken. It’s not that the soul is taken because the human is an extension of only a portion of the soul to begin with. The soul is truly out of the reach of the interlopers but it is a corruption of soul expression to a very high degree to undo Creator’s handiwork to make these exalted beings with a higher level of potential than ever before.

The feeling of shame is associated with the “conscience” of a person. In fact, the very existence of this phenomenon is one of the most persuasive arguments there is for the existence of the divine. It’s hard to take the “conscience” for granted. Unfortunately, we have learned that the feeling of shame is a rather crude form of messaging that can be delivered from multiple sources, some benevolent and some malevolent. Presumably, it can come from the higher self, guides and guardians, and even Creator. It can also be triggered by the deep subconscious, cellular memory, spirit attachments, and perhaps most alarmingly of all, the interlopers—fallen angelics and extraterrestrials. Figuring out both the origin and relevancy of feelings of shame is one of the most profound challenges every human being faces. What is Creator’s perspective?

What you are describing is the fact that shame is often a message. When it is felt by a person, because of the actions of another, it might be because there is a comeuppance that is deserved being experienced and, if someone is sensitive enough to the truth of things and has been caught taking advantage or being selfish in some way, may well feel quite intense shame in being found wanting, especially if they truly care about the other person and their opinion and do want to please them. But keep in mind that the feeling of shame is self-generated so it is truly a yardstick of personal strength, understanding, and discernment in the context of an array of soul attributes that might help a person feel quite secure and confident so as to take a criticism in stride and immediately move to make amends in a way that is positive and supportive without feeling a personal attack, but simply understanding the other person might be quite upset because of being neglected or disregarded in some way, and is lashing back out of feeling hurt themselves. And this often happens without a true regard for how it will be received and how damaging it might turn out to be, nor any reflection on the wisdom of causing the same level of pain, or worse, to the perpetrator as though that will solve the problem. That is fighting fire with fire, and almost always makes things worse, and can develop into a serious roadblock to recovery and restoration.

So this is why you can list, blithely, the panoply of divine beings who may interact with a person in the physical—their soul extension of their higher self, angelic beings, and even Creator—in pricking their conscience and perhaps even causing feelings of shame. It is not that the divine is doling out shame and inflicting it on the incarnated person to make them a victim. In all cases, it will simply be a strong reminder about something happening that is out of divine alignment, and it is that person feeling that prick of conscience who might immediately recoil and have a shameful feeling arise from being exposed as having fallen down on their job, so to speak, and committing a transgression of some kind to harm the self or others. So the ability to feel shame is a kind of diagnostic indicator of the state of completion in a person’s makeup. For one thing, someone living in divine alignment, in a true sense, will not do something shameful, something deserving of feeling shame about it, so this is a useful indicator about your state of being. When you hear from your conscience and have feelings of shame arise within in recognizing a transgression being pointed out, this is usually because the conscience is sending a reminder reflecting a state of misalignment, and that feeling of shame is the measure of that gap between what ought to be and what is missing in your actions that would have been more appropriate, to maintain a state of grace and fit in with others without causing harm or contributing to a difficult situation.

So the take-home message here is simply that if someone makes you feel ashamed there is a healing need on display. It might be as much on the part of the accuser or perpetrator as is true for you in recognizing an inadequacy and feeling bad about it. Both parties may well be engaging in a shameful act without realizing they are sharing in the same crime, so to speak. The ability to feel shame is a normal attribute because it is important to have such a capability when you get out of alignment and engage in something nondivine. It is quite appropriate in such a circumstance to have a comeuppance, to pay a price emotionally at least, as a kind of reckoning that acts as a sort of object lesson, as a reminder, and perhaps a punishment as well for reinforcement. While often overdone and too heavy-handed, such experiences often turn out to be among the most important life lessons one can experience. So the fault is not in the system, only that all human beings are a work in progress, as is true for light beings as well, and there will be consequences for every act—good, bad, or neutral.

Fauci criticized Dr. Scott Atlas, a Stanford professor advising the Trump administration, for stating the current public health measures were overkill and recommending the following: 2. “COVID would run its course no matter what actions were taken.” What is Creator’s perspective?

While to Dr. Fauci this seems inexplicable and wildly reckless given his immersion in the public health bureaucracy, especially as an ombudsman, a kind of spokesperson and communication bridge to the public from multiple institutions as well as the political powers that be, so he is naturally biased to follow medical practice, whatever is agreed on by his institution and those he interacts with, right or wrong. This is true for all of medicine. The standard of care is often faulty, based on ignorance, and a misunderstanding, fundamentally, of the causes of illness to begin with as well as what constitute the best and safest treatments. There are many distortions and many manipulations as well designed to constrain thinking and hinder medical progress. Those who are at the center of authority in the medical arena are the last to know the truth about where medical issues arise and why. This is just a fact of life on your planet, that the medical establishment is under control of the Extraterrestrial Alliance.

Here again, we side with Dr. Atlas because the public health measures embraced early on by the CDC and others to rely on social distancing, this arbitrary 6-foot distance to be maintained in public settings, along with masking which had never been shown to be effective for reducing transmission of respiratory viruses prior to the recent pandemic, nor has evidence been gathered since that it has had any benefit in preventing transmission. While they can prevent the spread through droplets containing virus, masks are imperfect and a large viral load exhaled as aerosols through and around simple face masks provides an ample source of contamination to infect others, and this is almost unavoidable.

When a disease like COVID-19 is highly transmissible and infectious, simple masking will not make a dent. It adds to cost and inconvenience and there are social costs in doing the lockdowns as well as the economic devastation. This is why prior to COVID-19 none of the national public health measures that were part of planning for a serious pandemic included lockdowns, because people will gather, inevitably, and diseases will spread. The key is whether a pandemic is highly lethal or whether it is a relatively low rate of mortality you are dealing with. The latter is the case with COVID-19. The fact the governments in many countries chose draconian measures to shut down their societies for varying lengths of time was a manipulation by the Extraterrestrial Alliance whose first objective, in starting the pandemic in the first place, was to cause economic pain as a drag on human society and its progress. It would have been better to let the disease run its course, in doing the usual measures to quarantine the sick and the most vulnerable, and not try to quarantine everyone.

Overall, were these views of Dr. Atlas or Dr. Fauci on public health measures promoted by extraterrestrial mind control?

Both views were not only tolerated but encouraged, as is the practice of the Extraterrestrial Alliance, in ramping up both sides of an argument in order to create tension and discord as a basic operating principle, because it serves their overarching agenda of divide and conquer no matter what the circumstances and issues at hand. So mind control might be active to inculcate false beliefs, but also passive to monitor and then not interfere with someone having a strong opposing view. That makes their work easier to simply let someone alone who already has a strong bias in a certain direction. They might or might not give further encouragement but may well do so even when that individual knows the truth and it works against the alien agenda. That seems inexplicable to human beings who do not think that way. Humans are used to taking sides and then supporting their side alone, and would never give aid and comfort to the enemy, so to speak. The extraterrestrials routinely take both sides knowing their end goal is seeing human discord, so they are after a differing agenda, neither truth nor falsehood, but a good fight and disagreement that creates ill will, rancor, and long-term resentment, if not an active grudge match.

Physical matter, like rocks and bodies of water, have consciousness sufficient to perceive their surroundings and have thoughts. Is it because they are aggregates of energy that they have perceptions and can think, or are atoms, subatomic particles and all forms of energy, such as light, electricity, and magnetism possessed of consciousness with the same potentials? Are these energies alive? What is Creator’s perspective about defining whether something is alive?

You are beginning to circle around to the truth of things and closing the knowledge gap quite nicely, because everything emanates from us and our consciousness. All forms of energy are, in their own way, a demonstration of life’s existence and its very energetic nature being “lively.” So it becomes a matter of splitting hairs to make arbitrary distinctions about what is alive and what is simply an expression of a life form but not, itself, living, much as the hairs on your head are not considered to be alive yet they are without question the product of a life form. In fact, we do consider the hairs on your head to be alive because they are imbued with consciousness, as is everything in existence you are aware of or able to discern or discover. So, as a working definition for life, the existence of consciousness serves quite well. The point of contention would then be, what property or manifestation of consciousness defines what consciousness is, and thus whether or not it might be present? That, to us, is a human activity because it is based on human unawareness and ignorance of the vast complexity of everything, and the origin of everything being within consciousness.

We think of the universe as a living part of us because it is an extension of our consciousness, and to us, consciousness is the highest form of existence for the same reasons as you appreciate your self-awareness and your thoughts in defining your self as an individual and a being not only with awareness of its existence, but harboring a purpose and capable of forming many intentions to be a part of things and to cause changes in your environment, and so on. These are quite complex and purposeful behaviors that are consequential. No one would deny that an atomic weapon going off represents a quite prodigious product of human intention and consciousness applied for a goal-directed activity highly impactful on the world as a whole. The fact consciousness comes in many forms and flavors, both complex and quite profound, as well as forms that are, at least to human perception, quite simple and serving predictable functions that are of a very pragmatic nature, like electricity as a form of energy, does not mean they are unrelated and distinctly different fundamentally. That is a misperception based in ignorance. There are many varieties of consciousness and there is always a parallel consciousness within anything in existence. So what you think of as something being alive is a kind of bias based on human observations, and in the end, not always of the greatest importance but yet another arbitrary distinction that is a kind of way station in illustrating your development.

When I was in second or third grade, I read an article in Reader’s Digest that hit me like a thunderbolt, and I remember it to this day. Recalling it, yet again, prompted me to ask the question about myasthenia gravis, as it is a rare illness few have heard about. Was the impact of that article describing the horror and great mystery of myasthenia gravis as a disease where the immune system, intending to protect but attacks the self to cause harm, a kind of awakening to my mission in life?

This, indeed, was a signal moment in your development and your discernment, having been blessed with deep curiosity and an intellectual grasp of things, and well developed intuitive ability to explore beyond what is clear to the mind intellectually. That is what was taking place in reading that article. You were stirred within by a spark of creativity in being so struck by the inexplicable nature of the body turning on itself, and that this was a medical mystery that was confounding the body of science. And this further intrigued you and was like throwing gasoline on a fire to amplify your curiosity and a burning desire to understand, these being basic staples of your makeup. You were being primed to go to work with your life mission, to use your talents and your passion for human betterment through a greater understanding and pursuit of deep truths enabling the solving of mysteries and devising practical solutions for suffering. You were exposed to suffering again and again and again in countless ways, seeing those around you and then, many times, involving yourself personally, all of which was grist for the mill to hone your senses and sharpen your awareness and sensitivity to whatever might be out of alignment, at least as a warning if not fully presenting an understanding, at first blush, of what was amiss. So here you are, many decades later, solving the dilemma of myasthenia gravis, having put together an understanding of all the basic pieces involved, along with solutions for resolving the dilemma. This is no mean feat for any human being, and for you, represents your natural element and destiny.

She asks: “Is she, like most psychics, being controlled to limit her contribution?” What can we tell her?

This is quite true. It is part of the program, that not only will people be reeled in who are seekers, they will be programmed to incorporate a growing series of negative beliefs that will, in the end, serve to undermine them rather than promote their growth and effectiveness in life. This is a herding together of those with intuitive reach because the interlopers know they pose a danger with their intuition being able to see hidden truths and even unravel the secrets of what the interlopers are doing behind the scenes. If they can herd all the psychics into cul-de-sacs of New Age ritual and practice that is, in the end, empty and meaningless but a distraction and time waster, it serves just as effectively as a prison because it will constrain the mind and limit its reach to follow empty notions and beliefs.