A practitioner asks about potential effectiveness of using the following prayer: “Source Creator, please, for the highest and best good of all concerned, wake up the masses of humanity, in all time domains, as many as possible, every day, in every way, everywhere, using any and all means possible, to the reality of Divine Love, so that the critical mass required to stop the ET Agenda for good is reached as soon as possible. And to this end, help an ever-increasing number of people find their way to Get-Wisdom.com, and inspire their hearts and minds to be deeply receptive to the truth and urgency of its messages, so that the pool of LHP practitioners continues to expand at an ever-increasing rate. Encourage, support and strengthen their willingness to add their prayers, and to learn and practice the LHP regularly, to help the Divine Human Experiment succeed, and stop the ET Agenda in time to save and free Humanity, for the Benefit of All. And encourage, support and inspire me and all the Participants and Supporters of Get Wisdom to do all of the above as well, to the best of our ability, on a daily basis. Apply these requests: Repeatedly, as frequently as is feasible, in perpetuity, until the Divine Human Experiment is successful; across all time domains, past, present, future, and all future extensions, in all possible universes, dimensions, time lines and realities. Conduct all these sessions on subgroups of these targets as appropriate, considering the level of need, to stay within my energetic reach as an individual practitioner to support the work fully. For each session, combine these energies with the energies of all other Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioner sessions so all have an enhanced effectiveness. Bring Ultimate Divine Protection, Support, Guidance and Healing to all parties involved regarding these issues. Link this entire prayer to a code word I designate as _ __, so that every time I say this code word, the entire prayer request is made, including its indefinite repetitions. Thank you. Show me now.” Will this help the ongoing enterprise to save and heal humanity?

This will be a help and as we have indicated previously, humans can literally pray for anything they desire. As long as it is for the betterment of someone the prayer will be acted on in proportion to the usual criteria of belief quotient in the divine and the self. And this can be directed to anyone as the recipient of the intended benefits or the action deemed worthy and appropriate by the requester. In this case, you are wishing to have divine realm motivate others, and this is always a delicate matter because free will cannot be contravened or manipulated beyond what is in alignment with that person’s own wishes and inner desires for things to happen in their life experience.

We often can find opportunities for many people, to motivate them with offerings and opportunities to participate in charitable acts, specific acts of kindness, and to bring things to their attention, that may well trigger them to sign on or sign up, as the case may be, for participating in an endeavor or joining an organization that will end up benefiting them or others. So this is not out of bounds in any way as far as free will considerations are concerned. That will simply need to be factored in with the implementation.

We cannot commandeer all human beings to march off to the Get Wisdom website and have them sign up for training, but we can find opportunities for many, many individuals to bring this website to their attention, and intrigue them to take a look. That would be allowable, but it will be a variable and will have to fit each individual situation as to the timing and appropriateness. Some people are simply so closed-off we cannot begin to approach them with such an idea or notion because it is too much in conflict with their inner thoughts and beliefs, and would clash, and thus be a free will violation. There is a risk to the person in forcing information that is unpalatable. It is much like an insult or an assault, although of a more minor degree then the sort of things humans experience and complain about. But we can certainly discern who is open and who is not, and thus you would benefit greatly in having us participate in the recruitment.

We do this, as you know, in helping clients find their way to caregivers because they themselves are wanting something to happen to better their circumstances but may not know where to turn. So we can make offerings of inner suggestions to consider, and to bring facts and information into their awareness by encouraging them to find their way to certain websites, for example, where they will see what is being offered and perhaps may engage. And in this way, we can serve as a sort of matchmaker to bring people into conjunction with an answer to a prayer, or a lifelong desire for knowledge and understanding about something, or an opportunity that would give them direction for the next phase of their life journey, especially when they are ready and eager for a change of pace, or a new venture of some kind.

So this is well worth cultivating as requests. It can be done ideally through both prayer requests as well as inclusion within the Protocol itself. The current Protocol practitioners are ideally situated to make a routine request for a broad outreach to be mounted on behalf of the enterprise, as they are engaged with the work already, they believe in it, they have standing with Creator by virtue of their dedication and altruistic contributions to the cause of the light.

In addition, much of the boilerplate described here to cover all the bases about repetition and safeguards and thoroughness are already parts of the Protocol. So this would streamline things by adding just another request for this additional outreach to be done within the overall conditions for the Protocol itself. And that would greatly simplify things for the practitioners in terms of the prayer outreach. This is nicely complementary because there are many people who would be willing to pray for a good outcome and a means to achieve it but do not wish to become healers and take on the extra burden. And it may well be too complex for them to embrace, and would not be worth it if they would chronically doubt their effectiveness because it simply does not seem like a good fit to their skills and ability. So it could end up in not only wasted motion but undermining their confidence in themselves, and perhaps in divine realm as well. If they do something over and over again they have doubts about, that can spread into other aspects of their expectations and start to taint their appetite for the enterprise altogether. And this would be most unfortunate and could easily be avoided.

So in terms of the way to mount a prayer, we would recommend something much simpler because the divine realm has the understanding and latitude to work from simple requests and stretch them a bit, if need be, to cover contingencies and gather up loose ends so they are accounted for and will not undermine things. So you could say simply that you are asking Source Creator each and every day to reach out to all humans who have an ability to embrace a request for their assistance to find their way to a prayer they can participate in and pass on to others that ask for human betterment and safety from all who would drag them down and interfere with the working of the divine, and promote healing to save and heal humanity. This is general, it is broad in scope, and is something people can understand without knowing the sordid details of all that is going on behind the scenes you are privy to, but which might terrify many. And just as many or more would be repelled by the seeming absurdity of the scenario you are all too familiar with and take for granted at this point, but which would be highly bizarre and unbelievable to so many.

If you keep it simple in addressing the needs of humans to overcome evil, and help them thrive and survive, you will do much better in engaging cooperation. If they mount a prayer that addresses the need in general ways, the divine realm can use this to act on and it will be just as effective. After all, you are using the energy of the requester and their heartfelt desire for human betterment and that is the point. Too much specificity and dark descriptions of all humans face may risk undermining their confidence in the enterprise, and in the outreach, and in their own ability to make a difference, and this would undercut the attempt at the outset. This can be avoided by keeping things general.

This is why the prayer for saving humanity is so very generic in words and feel, so as not to seem too daunting a prospect. It is simple and clear what is being asked for and seems to be within reach of anyone, to at least make the request. If they do not understand the full scope and level of negativity needing to be surmounted, that does not take away from the prayer and its intention, but it will help protect the one doing the prayer from undermining themselves if too much understanding of reality challenges their faith in being an effective advocate. The key, as with the other prayers, is to include the phrase “each and every day” and to keep the prayer ongoing and acted on again and again and again until the desired objective is achieved. And that will nicely empower the prayer as well, once it is launched a single time, to continue in force. As with other requests including prayer, if it is repeated by the original requester and even over and over and over again on a daily basis themselves, they will continue adding further power of intention, not only to that particular daily repetition, but to all prior and future repetitions ongoing, and that will further empower their own efforts. So this is a fine idea that again uses human ingenuity and initiative to widen your reach and increase the probability of success accordingly.

“Source Creator – Is there any truth to the claim that there exists a technology or control system that enables humans or dark spirits or extraterrestrials to capture a human soul for use in other bodies and/or storage such that the remaining body is without a soul or operating on some truncated version of a soul?”

There can be differences of interpretation and word usage that complicate describing phenomena like those in question here. This can obscure the true nature of some phenomena if one is not careful. When it comes to the actions of the interlopers, they are not soul-based beings to begin with. They do not believe in the soul and they do not do anything that is truly soul directed, at least intentionally. Much trauma they cause does affect the soul, and sometimes quite dramatically, but that is a distant interaction from the plane of the physical and will not be perceived by them. This is how they can be brutal without understanding the true depth of the injury they cause nor its consequences to them from a karmic backlash. So while technologically quite advanced, they are metaphysically primitive in their thinking and more literal than nuanced in their appreciation of the dynamics of energy when it comes to the broader meanings held by the divine realm. Being loveless, they completely miss the point of existence and the nature of interpersonal interactions in how they would be conducted in an ideal fashion at a divine level.

So what they do to manipulate people is done energetically and through psychological pressure or manipulation clandestinely, and often within the deep recesses of the mind that are inaccessible to the conscious awareness. So they can alter a person and manipulate them quite profoundly without the conscious self being aware this is happening, and then may find their own self changing over time in unexpected ways and go with the flow, not even realizing it is a manipulation being brought about because their thoughts are perceived to be their own and the feelings are perceived to be their own and, in fact, this may well be true from the inner origin of the programmed beliefs—the poison seeds have been planted and sprouted, and the person is simply harvesting the end product which will be a degradation in some fashion of their function.

So there are many types of manipulations, including suppression of the mind entirely, but this is not a soul manipulation, it is simply the manipulation of the extension of the soul present within the human body. That cannot be captured or controlled. It can be suppressed from conscious awareness and then portions of the mind forced to think certain ways and act certain ways and have the body carry out new wishes and desires generated through a kind of programming. So that is a manipulation only and a temporary distortion of the human in question. When they die, they will return to the light and realign with their soul and will not be altered permanently by what has taken place. It will be on record within the akashic record stores, and upon returning in a new incarnation, the individual will reconnect to the akashic records and the energies of the prior life experiences will reconnect to them and begin to influence all that happens.

So, in a sense, the journey back to the light is a timeout for rest and recuperation and will not heal the karmic wounds of the prior life in the physical. So the hazards are to be commandeered to suppress one’s own mind and have alternative programming instilled and reinforced to be focused on and expressed by the human being manipulated, or to manipulate them during their transition from the physical body at the moment of death to prevent their return to the light and to keep them earthbound and trapped in limbo as a kind of punishment and/or containment system that is, in effect, a prison to keep the person from coming back and being a troublemaker once again.

But there is no true soul capture. All that can be manipulated is the small expression of the soul that is present in physical form as you perceive it from your vantage point as physical human. The fears being generated here are, in essence, the awareness that one can lose oneself by abrogation of their sovereignty when the free will, free choice, free thought, in fact, are suppressed, and programming of all kinds can be substituted in their place. This certainly fits a loose description of having the soul taken, but that is more metaphor than reality. The functional state is, of course, not only undesirable, but likely devastating to the soul journey because there will likely be severe karmic consequences in addition to the harm from losing opportunities during the lifetime to do something truly desired, or that would be truly desired by a fully functioning and healthy person, and not someone who has been manipulated and distorted in their thinking.

How the Truth is Kept Hidden from You

How the Truth is Kept Hidden from You

If you Google “latest world problems,” the first thing that shows up is this: climate change. We guess that one goes without saying given the Greta Thunberg effect is still going strong. But there’s more: such as security and pollution and political correctness and cultural appropriation. Not too long ago, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was vilified for something he had done far back in the past: blackface.

This was considered tantamount to cultural appropriation and racism and whatnot, and it’s been speculated to hurt the Prime Minister in the upcoming elections.

And speaking of elections, half of the world’s problems remain rooted in this democratic practice. But are there not other problems to boot?

The Invisible Problems of this World

While the world spends their hours tweeting about Trudeau’s blackface and other nonissues (he has apologized for it, by the way, and acknowledges that he hadn’t known any better) such as whether or not Game of Thrones should have won an Emmy, other evils lurk in the the shadows.

Children, dying of bombs and hunger in various war-torn regions. Territories illegally occupied by fascist regimes. Psychopathy that’s leading people toward serial killing and mass shootings. The rising radicalization in the world. The Pope admitting monks kept nuns as sex slaves. The cancer industry is actively eluding finding a cure because they’re too busy making money (as detailed in an article published in the San Francisco Daily Digest that has now vanished from the internet, in only a matter of days).

There’s so much that is so wrong with the world.

But why are we not asking the right questions and seeking not only the wrong answers but also looking in the wrong places?

The Masking of the Truth

Masking of the Truth

Let’s look at the old legend about the Naked Truth and the Lie. It goes that once Truth and Lie took a walk together, when they came upon a well. Lie told Truth that the water was so nice, so cold. Truth didn’t believe him—but she dipped her foot in the water and discovered that the water was indeed nice and cool. She undressed and stepped into the well.

When she came out, Lie had taken off with her clothes, leaving her naked. Since then, Lie has roamed the Earth dressed in Truth’s clothes, and the world has believed him—whereas everyone averts their eyes and turns a cold shoulder towards the truth: because the sight of the naked Truth is too much for them.

Jean-Leon Gerome’s 1896 painting titled “The Truth Coming Out of its Well” depicts just this.

While this might be just a legend after all, it explains many things quite nicely: that people are content being fed lies dressed as truth, swallowing it without question or comment. On the other hand, the naked truth always makes people uncomfortable, and so they turn away from it. Plato said as much himself when he theorized the world of forms.

But this doesn’t mean that the truth is is something that cannot be found or that it’s unattainable. It’s very close to us, within our reach—and we only have to reach out to touch it, to feel it, to embrace it. Opening our hearts towards divine wisdom and enlightenment is only the first step. If you are a seeker of hidden truths, the Get Wisdom Database will be of great help to you.

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Divine Truth About Evolution 27SEP2019


GetWisdom Radio Show - Divine Truth About Evolution 27SEP2019
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Divine Truth About Evolution

Most people are unaware that evolutionary “science” fails to explain the origins of life, only offering a conjecture that natural selection caused the diversity of species once life started. Is the latter even true, or just a way to justify leaving God out of the discussion? Through the blessing of being able to communicate with the Almighty directly, Get Wisdom is here with a divine update for today’s world. Creator explains how everything in our world came to be, the surprising and important reasons for its wonders and imperfections, and a call to action critical for our future.

Become a Free Participant Member or greater to download podcast.


GetWisdom.com Webinar: Divine Truth About Fossil Fuels 15Sep2019

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GetWisdom.com Webinar: Divine Truth About Fossil Fuels 15Sep2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are Fossil Fuels More Plentiful Than We Think?
The pursuit of fuel for a growing human population still not universally using automotive transportation has been a huge and costly endeavor. Creator gives feedback about the true status of these natural resources.

Are Alternative Energy Sources the Answer for Conservation?
Creator shares the divine perspective of various approaches to avoiding burning oil, coal and gas. These are hotly debated issues with great political  and economic significance, and there is much corrupted thinking confounding the debate as well.

Have Advanced Energy Technologies Been Suppressed?
Creator confirms that many longstanding rumors about more fuel efficient engines, “free energy” devices, and even use of water as a fuel, are actually true, and who is behind the manipulation.

Will Eliminating Hydrocarbon Fuels Affect Climate Change?
Creator explains why the skeptics who disbelieve human-caused climate change are actually right. There are important lessons about why eliminating fossil fuel use is a major political goal, where such ideas come from, and where they are leading us.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The GetWisdom.com Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine truth about fossil fuels …

Divine Truth About Fossil Fuels 7JUN2019


GetWisdom Radio Show - Divine Truth About Fossil Fuels
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Description: Divine Truth About Fossil Fuels

Have we been misled about the origins and scarcity of crude oil? Does supplementing gasoline with ethanol cause more problems than it solves? Have more fuel-efficient engines, and even sources of free energy, been hidden from us? Is human use of fossil fuels irrelevant to global warming? Are there bigger dangers from fossil fuel use? Through the blessing of being able to communicate with the Almighty directly, Get Wisdom is here with a divine update for today’s world. Creator cuts through the fog of politics and faulty science to reveal the truth about these critical issues.

Become a Free Participant Member or greater to download podcast.


Are the experiments described of transferring cancer cell nuclei into normal cells that stop dividing abnormally, and transferring normal cell nuclei into cancer cell cytoplasm and seeing them become cancerous and proliferate abnormally, revealing the truth about metabolic origin of cancer?

This indeed is the case. While it may appear to be a simplistic approach that could have many unseen pitfalls because it is still fairly crude, although elegant in the execution of maneuvers, it nonetheless is a useful read-out that is lining up perfectly with the idea that the dysregulation of cancerous cells resulting in a profitless proliferation that goes unchecked is not coming from gene expression per se. There are gene changes in support of what happens, but the true causal elements are metabolic, taking place within the cytoplasm, and then impinging on the nucleus to stimulate changes in gene expression, so the latter are a consequence and not a cause of the abnormal cellular behavior.

Hidden Truth

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Creator reveals the hidden truth about good and bad extraterrestrials you need to know in order to help save and heal humanity
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Get Wisdom

Video Channeling Series

In our healing work, we have time and again seen evidence of extraterrestrial manipulation of clients. To explore this important issue, we have been channeling key figures from history who have passed and returned to the light, especially major players in UFO and extraterrestrial investigations and/or cover-up. We were told by the divine realm that it was time for this message to be broadcast more widely because it is, in fact, a pivotal issue humanity must recognize and solve. Come explore with us!

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Get Wisdom

Live & Pre-Recorded Webinars

In our outreach work, we are striving to bring Creator’s words and wisdom to greater humanity. To support this effort, we have conducted a number of live interactive webinars with both the general public and our membership. In this endeavor, we choose different topics to explore across the breadth of human experience and inquiry. We ask Creator the questions and bring the answers directly to the viewing audience. Come explore with us!

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Do you want to avoid mainstream media bias and learn more about human history and current issues? Without a doubt, divine-stream media holds the key. A Monthly or Annual Supporter can download any of the following Channeling Video Transcripts for free.

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="7124" img_size="full"][vc_column_text]02-Jan-2018
Marilyn Monroe Channeled by Karl Mollison

  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="7118" img_size="full"][vc_column_text]19-Dec-2017
Adolf Hitler Channeled by Karl Mollison

  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/3"][vc_single_image image="6415" img_size="full"][vc_column_text]29 May 2018
Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison

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Introduction to Seeking Hidden Truth

Most people want to believe that things are not hidden, especially through a cover-up. No one likes to learn they’ve been fooled. We seek the truth regardless—humans, by instinct, believe that they deserve to know the truth: what happens in this world and why. Life is another name for a quest for hidden truths. Whether it’s the karmic causes for illness or the channeling of wisdom, we’re a curious species, and we’re always in pursuit of the truth.

Our quest is to learn deep secrets about world events by producing videos, podcasts, and transcripts of channeled interviews with famous people who are now in the heavenly realm, revealing hidden truths that are surprising and even shocking. Everyone has a story—and we’re giving those stories a voice through our hidden truth revealed podcast. Others might not believe you, but we will—we’ve performed ghost removals, have snuffed out hidden causes of serious illnesses, have dealt with spirits, and have channeled information from the divine realm enough times to know what we’re dealing with.

We’ve learned about karmic causes for illness, channeled wisdom about the secrets that have been kept from us, and much more. We work tirelessly for hidden truth revealing and making sure that accurate information is disseminated among the people. Through our hidden truth show and podcast, we are trying to raise awareness and make people understand the gravity of the truth that is out there.

Our work exists to empower and educate our audience and steer them toward the path of truth, freedom and self-awareness. Using channeled wisdom from knowledgeable individuals and icons, we bring their wisdom to the wider public via our hidden truth podcasts that you can subscribe to as well.

Trust us to help your departed loved ones reach heaven or to clear your home from ghosts. We are working to reveal the hidden secrets explaining why the world is so troubled and the true extraterrestrial agenda. If you value the wisdom in knowing the hidden truth as much as we do, please join us and listen to our hidden truth podcast.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/2" css=".vc_custom_1550159708905{padding-left: 50px !important;background-color: #f6f6f6 !important;}"][vc_single_image image="10860" img_size="full"][vc_column_text]


[/vc_column_text][ultimate_carousel slides_on_desk=”1″ slides_on_tabs=”1″ slides_on_mob=”1″ speed=”1100″ autoplay_speed=”20000″ arrows=”off” dots=”off” pauseohover=””][vc_column_text]You decided to come here and you all stood in line eagerly to do so because this is the highest of service. It is the most exalted use of your divine origin and capability because this has the potential for such a tremendous divine expansion compared to all the other doings throughout the entirety of the universe…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Allowing the love of others to wash over you and embracing it is the greatest gift above all else, because it nourishes two souls. It is the honoring of the self and a sacred duty to the self to let in love and bask and revel in it. By doing so you honor and value the giver of love, which raises them up as well.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]You have choices before you and so that is a freedom you still enjoy. It is very precious and is not to be taken lightly. The implications are quite dramatic and quite serious. You have a glorious future or you have annihilation. You will choose one of these. It may be quick or slow, on either side of the equation. But those are the two potential outcomes. So the destiny of humanity is totally up to you.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]You are in charge. You always have been in charge and you always will be—in the human plane on your planet. It belongs to you. It was designed for you, and it is supported for your benefit. If others take it away, it is because you let them do so.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The extraterrestrials are not affected by human love and will simply roll over it. And their technology will prevail because the physics make this so…Who do you think will win in a physical contest?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Much of the detail and much of the useful applied knowledge to empower humans has been subverted.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Consciousness pervades everything and exists everywhere and is within and without, all that is.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Nothing is wasted here and the greatest of tragedy works to your advantage in the end. You know this as conventional wisdom as well. It is much the same as developing calluses so you can do rough work with your hands without injury. The same is true spiritually, in taking on the darkness. If you succeed in prevailing, the learning you gain will stand for all of time and prepare you to take on any challenge in the future.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Every living thing is a creation. The process of evolution is a creation itself. It is a part of the design, the grand design, the fulfillment of Creator.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]There have been many acts that you would call special creation where large changes in life were brought together all at once, and this is true for modern humans…[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Without the human request, nothing will happen.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]People are misled into thinking that they are here just to serve love and love alone, and only the idea of love, and not to be involved in anything negative because that would not be using love or involved with love, and so is not something to be chosen. That is a corruption and a misdirection in its own right.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]This must never be forgotten, that the human has the power to prevail.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]It is never the case that people come in to be a replica of the one before them, but always to springboard from their example and take a different trajectory to a unique personal expression.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Many ideas for organisms were borrowed and repurposed to create new organisms along the way that have no linear relationship, nor did one evolve from another. This is a false idea and is yet another example of mind control manipulation to keep the scientific community focused on a secular explanation for the wonders of creation being solely a random creation of matter rubbing against matter and things happening as a consequence.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Karma is more vast than you can understand. It is as simple as memory and as complex as multidimensional interpenetrating universes existing simultaneously. Karma is, in essence, the flow of soul’s experience; it is the sum total of soul’s experience and is always expanding.[/vc_column_text][/ultimate_carousel][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width="stretch_row"][vc_column][vc_column_text]


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Becoming a Get Wisdom Supporter is like taking off your rose-coloured glasses and becoming empowered to use X-ray vision to navigate the rabbit hole of misinformation and disinformation. The weekly webinars offer an in-depth, insightful analysis of spiritual and paranormal themes, with information that is available nowhere else. The emphasis is on cultivating a partnership with the Divine, with revelations of divine support and solutions for the problems plaguing humanity. Simply put, the membership encapsulates the website’s very appropriate name, Get Wisdom. With blessings, [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="50px"][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width="1/2"][vc_column_text]

I started gradually exploring the Get Wisdom info and then realized that I had been drifting spiritually for over 30 years. I was able to “create my reality” in a very nice and improved way, be a kind person, but this did not help the Human situation in general. I also have intensely studied “conspiracy” ideas and testimonies for the same length of time and the main thing I learned was that I struggled to know what was true and what was disinformation. I have my own memories of experiences related to this and that was all I really knew for sure. The deeper information available in the Subscriber materials has changed my life in the last two months more than anything else in my lifetime. Now many dots are connecting from all my previous learning and it’s all making sense and I have a clear knowing of where I am going and what to do. [name withheld][/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image="10867" img_size="full"][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Some people believe humans have wings or can attain them. Where did that originate and is there any truth to this notion?

This is a fanciful idea that resonates with people with their intuitive awareness that humans are intimately connected with the Divine. So the idea that humans, like the angelics, might truly have wings, or had them, or may gain them, is in keeping with that intuitive understanding but is not a literal truth. It is a comforting and uplifting idea but is not the case. Humans do not have wings, and have not had wings, and will not have wings. This is because wings are not needed for people, and so the idea is a metaphor, and not meant to be taken literally.

A client asks: “Is there any truth to the Gnostic version of the Sophia Creation Myth?”

This indeed is based on literal truth. This relates to a feminine energy in the form of a Divine messenger who was wishing to uplift the planet and had an incarnation for that purpose. So this is a story that is uplifting, on the one hand, and instructive in pushing back the resistance to the idea of the feminine as a full, equal, partner with the masculine energy and perspective. Both have value and both have a place in the functioning of humanity, in particular. These energies have their corollary in many functions of many forms of energy in the universe. And this is recognized as well with the resonance people feel with certain concepts and natural phenomena associated with the aggregate of living things and their component elements.

The idea of a feminine agent for upliftment is very much in keeping with the role of love in elevating all consciousness to its highest level of expression. It is a kind of love when things are working naturally, unfettered, unhindered, and to maximum efficiency. Everything in the universe has a purpose and a role and (when not interfered with) has a kind of natural magnificence. When any aspect of energy is constrained for any reason: through prejudice, through a desire for manipulation, or subjugation to gain some other benefit at the expense of what is being constrained, there is a price to be paid and a kind of imbalance in the energies that must be restored at some point. And this will always become the responsibility of the agent causing things to be out of alignment. So this was a beautiful story about a restoration that still serves as inspiration for many, many who hear it.