Is there truly such a thing as “soulmates” where there is a Divine bond between two souls preceding simple karmic entanglements? In some circles, there is a notion of “essence twin” or “twin flame” – denoting a particularly potent form of divine love bond that overshadows almost everything. It is said these kinds of relationships are rarely consummated because they are too distracting and too intense. Is there any truth to this?

There is some truth to this idea because the nature of love is so very powerful that an especially intense love of the kind this represents will become an overwhelming priority to the exclusion of other opportunities, or even obligations at times, as it can begin to cloud judgment. Human life is difficult. The pragmatic needs to make a living and provide for personal safety over the long haul require many hours of prosaic activities and often drudgery with little reward and certainly cut off from many pleasures, sources of satisfaction, and time with loved ones. The twin flame passion is so great it can interfere with people making the necessary sacrifices to balance their lives in a way that allows a successful career while maintaining such a love relationship.

In actuality, it is a relative rarity, and this is purposeful because the purpose of life is not to spend it with one’s twin flame, but is to experience negativity and learn from it how to heal and overcome obstacles. You are not here to have perfection and a state of bliss. If that happens, it is a testament to human ingenuity to bring it about and to maintain the conditions allowing such a luxury. We would not want to deny anyone such happiness but it will not be planned, in most cases, because there are serious projects needing attention and everyone has much work to do as you are coming from behind, in so many respects, having been unable to heal your own difficulties for many centuries and that backlog of unmet karmic healing need has grown quite formidable. There is much catching up needed here, so much concerted time and effort needs to be applied to this task.

There is always need to have balance in one’s life, free time, relaxation, sources of amusement, and deep pleasure from a love relationship can all be in the mix and this is ideal for maintaining human well-being, happiness, and health—both physical and emotional. So this is a question of degree, and maintaining balance in a situation where there is a potential excess of bliss sounds like a problem everyone should have but, in actuality, it could get in the way. This is not an issue where having a twin flame relationship is somehow to be condemned or is toxic in some way that humans cannot handle, it is only that people are less than perfect and, as in all relationships, when the parties are flawed and have karmic wounding, even a twin flame relationship can have its ups and downs and may not be possible to sustain if people are too wounded and need healing in order to trust others, to give of themselves, or overcome resentments gained from past losses and neglect or abandonment.

In such cases, the intensity of the feelings will only make a breakup and estrangement all the worse because the loss will be quite tremendous, in terms of what is given up, and that is most unfortunate. So the fault in such situations is not the existence of twin flame passion and energy because of a soul complementarity of that level, of that degree of perfection, it is that when personal foibles and past karmic baggage get in the way, the consequences are greatly exaggerated and the whole dilemma becomes hugely painful as a consequence of the magnitude of loss it represents.

Creator Reveals the Truth about Discouragement and Depression 24JUL2020


GetWisdom Radio Show - Creator Reveals the Truth about Discouragement and Depression 24JUL2020
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Creator Reveals the Truth about Discouragement and Depression

Is depression a unique problem of physical humans? Do light beings in heaven get depressed? Is depression just a chemical imbalance in the brain or is there always a much deeper reason? Do conflicting beliefs and negative self-limiting beliefs cause depression? How can faulty beliefs that hold us back be changed? Does God ever get discouraged about the slow and uncertain progress of humanity in dealing with the interlopers working against us to darken our beliefs? Creator explains how to cope with disappointments when there is no one there to help you, and how forming a divine partnership through prayer and healing is the best answer.

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A viewer sent me an email describing advanced healing he has done with God’s help to eliminate all the spirit meddlers and extraterrestrials from the Earth except for a few holdouts. What is the truth about his experience over the past 10 months and what is the best strategy for us to respond to him?

This individual, as you saw intuitively, is in the throes of a mental illness situation. This is caused by spirit meddlers having altered his mind. He has been on quite a tear that is a prolonged manic phase of hyperactivity, and an almost euphoric undertaking and experiencing of seeming great works, all of which is a delusion. He is accomplishing nothing because he is succumbing to inner desire for greatness and is operating from the ego-level in what he does. It is not what he thinks, it is not divine, and it is not working. Both are an illusion. It has the semblance of divine work but is not real and is being created by his own mind to make him believe all these things are truly happening when, in fact, they are not. It is most unfortunate, but he needs further healing to recover. Additional Protocol work on his behalf would be helpful here, as it will keep him on a healing path and help to keep him balanced, as much as possible, along the way. There is not much point in tangling with him, you will not be believed over his delusions. To him, it is totally real and that strong inner knowing is heavily reinforced by the darkness, as well. It is best to steer clear of him.

There is much talk suggesting that we should be buying gold due to the threat of a global crash and likely end to the use of paper money. Is there any truth to this, should we be preparing in any way, and is there a timeline regarding this concern?

The value of gold has not gone away despite the many naysayers and financial advisors who look upon gold as a barbarous relic, for example, which reflects their disinterest and disdain for viewing gold as a store of wealth, but that is the reality. It is a consistent store of wealth over vast spans of time whereas no currency created by a government has lasted for much more than a century. That is a very poor track record indeed, concerning stability of currency as a reliable store of wealth.


We see gold continuing to have that distinction and become an increased haven of safety with coming financial turmoil. We cannot give you a timeline for this as the forces that will bring this turmoil about are in a state of flux with their planning and many things can happen, but the timing is the least certain. There have been many potential calamities that have been delayed, some due to intercession by the divine realm to keep things stable for a time, but we can tell you that putting trust in gold as a long-term safe haven for savings will be rewarded handsomely in what is coming.

Can absolute truth be known by humans or only relative truth that is tainted by one’s own beliefs and biases? If asked, will Creator correct an individual’s incorrect beliefs or can Creator only provide correction if someone has already identified, at some level, the incorrect belief?

These are quite complex issues you ask about in a simple, straightforward fashion as if there is a single answer that covers all possible contingencies and variations in life experience that may have a bearing on what takes place at this deep level. Absolute truth is what is in divine alignment. All that is not in divine alignment deviates from absolute truth. In this sense, people do have a feel for absolute truth and an awareness, in a deep sense, what is truly true and what may not be. That is not to say they can toe the line, so to speak, and follow divine principles in each and every moment of their life. That becomes difficult due to the interplay of emotion and the stresses of life impinging on a person.

In an abstract way, people who are vibrating at a high level, meaning they are in good spiritual alignment, will very often pass a test of abstract ideas and questions pertaining to divine alignment and its characteristics. That is not quite the same thing as being in divine alignment at all levels of the being, and then through words and deeds as a sort of proof in the doings where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, and that is yet another layer of challenge and difficulty for most individuals—almost all in fact.

What people do is governed by their beliefs. Beliefs are difficult to overcome, to ignore, or surmount. They will not only have a bearing, they will direct things quite powerfully and will prevent a person from deviating too greatly, because they are the operating principles, much as the programming in a computer mandates the consequences of an instruction transmitted to the device. It cannot deviate from the programming because that determines what will happen very specifically—nothing else is allowed.

The beliefs within a person act in much the same way. If something is not believed, it will not be considered, it will not be embraced, it will not be believed, and it will not be acted on, except under duress, or if there is an additional motive and potential reward in overriding one’s own beliefs to pretend to be what one is not. People do this at times, acting in some way without having their heart in it. That is not the same thing as being able to live according to principles not believed. That can be forced through coercion to happen to varying degrees, depending on people’s vulnerability and the tolerance for fear or physical duress that may be employed at times, as in a master/slave scenario.

Creator can change people’s beliefs, but will not do so ordinarily unless this is requested by the person directly, or making the request of a third party tasked with helping to do a belief replacement, as is done with DNA ThetaHealing. When there is awareness and consent for a divine alteration of one’s beliefs, this can be done provided the constraints are not too great. People have many layers of beliefs and many of these are interlaced, interconnected, and interwoven in such a way that a simple Belief Replacement may not be possible without unweaving this tapestry, to a fair degree, to take care of some beliefs that may be anchoring a negative belief in place.

The healers who do this work on the human side are well aware of this complication and have a process of digging to find the root belief and change that, at which point, not only will the beliefs anchored to it be readily replaceable with no resistance, but some will fall away in the process of freeing that anchoring negativity and changing it to the positive. It may well be taken care of as a part of the belief replacement because it is essentially subsidiary and a consequence of the presence of the deep negative belief being worked on.

Belief changes will happen when allowable as part of karmic repair, but this can be the sticking point causing resistance to change that even the divine realm cannot surmount unless it is worked on directly with conscious participation by the individual. This can be done at the level of the deep subconscious via channeling, but few are adept at that process, and also can arrange the appropriate healing to be done simultaneously. That is an avenue needing to be more widely known and shared, so these are some of the considerations, the constraints, and the opportunities for dealing with people’s problems on the level of their beliefs. This is one of the most important, and also the most difficult area needing healing, and underlies many, many problems of human beings who struggle with something in their lives.

Creator Reveals the Truth About Human Conscience 29MAY2020


GetWisdom Radio Show - Creator Reveals the Truth About Human Conscience 29MAY2020
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Creator Reveals the Truth About Human Conscience

What is the conscience and why do we have one? Is a pang of conscience a reminder from ourselves, or a divine message? Why do some people hear their conscience as an inner voice but most people just get a bad feeling? Are there positive inner messages from the divine as well as unpleasant reminders and guilt? Why are divine communications so weak and unrecognized by most people? Are some people even born without a conscience? Creator explains why we are so disconnected from the divine, what it takes to link up in a meaningful way, and what that will mean for our individual destinies.

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Because hate crimes are more likely than not being orchestrated by collusion between dark spirit meddlers and the Extraterrestrial Alliance, setting up the perpetrators or victims as the case may be, are representatives of the media reporting the news manipulated to see the worst in what happens and fan the flames of prejudice and division, even as they promote their righteous stance in seemingly seeking the truth? Is their role making things worse?

This is a total orchestration from first to last. Indeed the vestiges of karma from racist perspectives and the period of slavery in history has left its mark on humanity for all those participating. That is not reason to live the reality in a full sense without doing the actual practice. Karma is an influence and not a total redirection and subjugation of behavior. It will dissipate as people move beyond the old ways with new fresh perspectives coming in to new incarnations. It is the natural way of things that the old tendencies, habits, cultural trappings will fade because they are only residing in the akashic records and no longer present in the actual conduct of people in the current culture.

When racial sensitivities become an issue, it is in part because of the karmic legacy much in the way one can touch a nerve to bring up an old hurt or grievance deep within the being. This can happen because the deep subconscious mind will look at the akashic records and will be aware of past difficulties stemming from racial prejudice. That need not be a central element in the current life, but a preoccupation with this can make it so. This the press does mightily to keep the issue of race front and center day, after day, after day—that has quite a negative influence on things because it triggers all with that karmic history to be on edge, to fear what might happen again, or to regret past mistakes and evil deeds. This does not help with healing, it inflames the wounds that are unhealed still and is an entirely orchestrated phenomenon.

The press is notorious for demanding novelty and especially wanting to see direct displays that create a spectacle, that is why accident scenes are always prominently shown—they have the visual as well as the visceral elements on display for all to see. The idea of racism and prejudice is a hot button for many, many people, but unless it is overtly displayed, becomes more innuendo and supposition. Normally the media will shun anyone with conjectures and not hard facts—that is their training and their normal motive of operation. When the normal safeguards are suspended and a lack of rigor becomes the norm, you can be sure this is because of manipulation to cause this.

The media are in the grip of the Extraterrestrial Alliance subconscious programming to make them complicit in promoting racism as a living legacy and scourge needing to be eradicated with the implication all must be targeted who show a whiff of prejudice as being an evil that must be rooted out. This serves the interlopers because it creates great tension and turmoil in society, causing many people to do battle with one another and not with the true source of evil in the world.

Does intensive media attention serve the cause of truth in showcasing hate crimes with such a public spotlight? Does politics play a negative role in assessing these problems of society? Are there deeper and more sinister motivations and whose might these be?

Politics, as practiced, is almost always a destructive influence because the objective is to destroy an opponent, to jockey for position at the expense of the opposition and gain an advantage even if others are hurt in the process. This is an invitation to exaggerate, to apply conjecture and snap judgments when thoughtful reflection and a careful inspection with heightened communication between parties could address the issue and allow a meeting of minds and a greater understanding of the true intentions behind words and deeds. This could dispel the suspicion if it were solely due to a karmic vestige of prior eras. The whole issue of racism has declined through attrition—those participating in slavery are no longer among the living. This dilution effect will serve, under normal circumstances, quite nicely to right the wrongs of the past because they become a historical relic and an artifact of culture no one would choose to embrace again. When people do so, or seem to do so, or are being labeled with those intentions, you can be sure there is something suspect at work and that there is a deeper, darker motivation causing this to happen.

Was the account titled “The Truth About Reincarnation” a practitioner saw posted on a forum, a true recollection of this person’s reincarnation experience? What is it missing?

This is a true recollection but not the sum total of all that has happened to this individual. There can indeed be a rapid turnaround if that is deemed advisable by the higher self and by Creator both—it is not done unilaterally, it is not done by some matrix of ill-defined energy, it is not done by the individual themselves wanting something different, or better, or even self-punishing. To incarnate always requires a place to land that must be agreed on by all parties affected. All in the family unit receiving the newcoming soul must agree and this must also be agreed to by the soul coming in. It is not forced on anyone, it may be done under some pressure, which is truly guidance, not putting a gun to their head. It can be quite firm guidance but is done with divine love, and that might not always be appreciated if the soul extension involved has been struggling mightily with their life and is in a state of torment and confusion. Under those circumstances, the person will not be seeing things clearly and may be reacting with incomplete information through a distorted lens, and this will color the recollection of the exchange and the circumstances for the decisions and change of direction that are recalled.

This individual has returned to the light, truly. The time in the light is beyond the reach of recall. We have discussed this with you before, that all such conversations, that all such probings using hypnosis or intuitive inspection are a kind of fantasy exercise that may yield impressions, but will not be an accurate perception of what was going on and why. So there is truly a veil that cannot be breached, and this gives rise to some misinterpretations as well. Someone reaching out intuitively to see where they have come from, to explore their time in the light, will hit a wall and not be able to gain useful information. What they will be able to see is their time in prior lives, and even their time as an earthbound spirit, because that is still within earth plane and will be recorded within the akashic record. This is the type of experience this individual has witnessed and is in keeping with the great experience base of doing out-of-body astral travel into the lower astral plane. So there is an ability to connect with those energies quite readily and this is giving rise to the impression that reincarnation is solely limited to the lower plane and the Earth itself, and that is a misunderstanding and a misinformation to accept as the extent of things—this is far from the case.

Creator Explains Divine Truth in Murphys Law and other Sayings 6DEC2019


GetWisdom Radio Show - Creator Explains Divine Truth in Murphys Law and other Sayings 6DEC2019
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Creator Explains the Divine Truth in Murphy’s Law and other Sayings

Many common sayings have the ring of truth and are considered truisms. Are common sayings in divine alignment? Some are ironic, expressing frustration, or all too common negativity about the human condition. But are there even deeper truths perhaps not fully appreciated? What can we learn from knowing the divine perspective? Through the blessing of being able to communicate with the Almighty directly, we have an important update for believers and skeptics alike. Creator reveals the true meaning of many common sayings about life and its challenges, and wisdom to make it better.

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