Can the Hidden Truth be Posed as a Lie?

If you think there might be some truth to all those conspiracy theories about 9/11 or think that there’s definitely some truth to all those UFO sightings that we keep hearing about, you’ve got it right. Maybe not all of what you’ve heard is true—people not knowing the truth misinform one another all the time anyway—but there’s definitely some truth to some of it.

For there’s always some fact in fiction—there’s always a modicum of truth in a morsel of lie.

And sometimes, the truth overpowers the untruth—but does not outshine it, and in doing so fails to bask you with its beacon light that ought to beckon to you to the end of the tunnel.

History’s Biggest Lies—That Were Actually Truths

Hold your horses now—because you’re going to hear some crazy conspiracy theories—all of which have one thing in common: they weren’t really conspiracy theories. They were all true—truths hidden as crazy lies.

Project Sunshine

nuclear explosion

Sometime before Hiroshima happened, there were strange whispers in the air—whispers that had to do with dead bodies being stolen for radiation testing. Some said deceased children were specially preferred—because the government needed young tissue. People scoffed and laughed it off. After all, how could the government be so un-government-like?

And it had an ironically sunny name, too: Project Sunshine.

Mind Control

Well, hello, Edward Cullen and Magneto fans—because mind control is real. But of course, people laugh at the prospect. People laughed when some suggested that the government—or maybe something far more nefarious such as an extraterrestrial mercenary army—was controlling our minds.

When there were whispers about a certain CIA Project MK-ULTRA, people laughed even harder. Well, no one’s laughing now.

Government Spies

James Bond was a hero on-screen (on a side note, RIP, Sir Sean Connery, the OG 007!), but when faced with the idea of being spied on by the people you helped reach the parliament, people laugh. Pfft, of course it can’t be true—we chose these representatives, right?

Wrong. Snowden proved that.

What You Can Do to Unveil Hidden Truths

Sometimes, the truth is right in front of you—but it is designed to be so outrageous, so egregious that you can’t just take it at face value. You risk being mocked for subscribing to a certain belief system—something which oughtn’t be mocked. You fear being an outcast because you don’t conform to the mainstream belief that belief in a terrible idea.

And if you do feel that way—if you do fear ostracization—because you have dared to think ahead and think deep, know that you aren’t alone. We at the Get Wisdom Project are just like you: questioning, doubting, seeking. And we won’t stop until the hidden truths of this world are revealed unto us—nor until we lay their breeches bare for the world to see.

Sign up today and be a part of something big—be a soldier on the right side in this battle of truths and untruths.

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A client asks: “I’m listening to your Genghis Khan channeling for the first time. I never wanted to listen to that one, but someone on a forum said it was great and that it had to do with a Reptilian. I’ve stopped cold in my tracks. There is a heaviness in my gut. My mind is saying “Hold on now. Wait. This is starting to sound like my ‘walk-in’ dream that took place in the 1700s, France was it?” Karl, I can take it. I’m giving you permission to tell me. I’m here to do good. Please tell me the truth, if you know. Was I a Reptilian in a past life?” What can we tell her?

Most walk-ins are not Reptilians. That is actually a somewhat different phenomenon. It is non-divine. It is an actual replacement to copy the makeup of the person and then following their extermination, recreate their form by the shapeshifting Reptilian. So it is not a soul handoff done with planning in advance as is true for walk-ins. You are a true walk-in, not a Reptilian, so you need not worry about having any darker history here with respect to the life in France you know about.

A viewer asks: “There are rumors that Halloween is an especially dark day, in that more ritual sacrifices of children happen on that day than any other day of the year. Is there any truth to this? And if so, why is Halloween viewed as an advantageous time to do this?”

This is a partial truth. It is one of several dark days used for this purpose. As you know, there is no decline in the evil practice of child sacrifice. The ritual killings are done in service to the darkness by people who have become corrupted and carry out acts of depravity. This is among the worst possible, to take a young innocent life in this heinous fashion, so it is done by the most severe of the hard-core elements practicing the dark arts and is truly the consequence of distorted thinking of an extreme degree. These individuals are serving the interlopers with their minds and hearts as well, such as they are. This takes a very high level of corruption to close off a person’s sensitivity to suffering and the plight of a victim of any sort, let alone a young person starting out in life and meeting an untimely end in this way. Such individuals are at grave risk of losing everything, and this will create great difficulty for them in the future to find their way back once again to a divine path. Those they serve have already all but lost their chance at salvation. This is not impossible for human beings to do as well.

A viewer asks: “According to Celtic mythology, the veil between the Otherworld and our world thins during Samhain (Halloween), making it easier for spirits and the souls of the dead to return. Any truth to this? And if not, where did this notion originate?”

This is not a calendar decreed thinning of the veil or a change in accessibility to intuitive awareness, it is simply an opportunity to rework a Pagan ritual into something of potential benefit to those with the wisdom of knowing there are problems faced by the dead in becoming ghosts, and the need to do an outreach to the divine through prayer and ritual to acknowledge this and get divine help for those who suffer. This was the intent, to reshape things, to address this very real issue, but the purpose and meaning have become lost over the generations and now it is more an opportunity for an entertainment for the amusement of children largely and its true and quite serious purpose ignored.

A viewer asks: “The Irish legend of Jack-O-Lanterns is that: One night, a conniving local drunkard named Jack trapped the Prince of Darkness in a tree by hacking a sign of the cross into the bark. In exchange for letting Satan climb down, Jack had him vow to never claim his soul. Jack proceeded to act like a jerk his whole life. When he died, he was not allowed in heaven. So he tried to return to his old pal, the Devil. But Satan upheld his end of the deal, hurling a piece of coal from hell at the dead man, for good measure. Left without anywhere to go, Jack placed the blazing coal in a turnip to use as a lantern. The dead man then set out, doomed to wander until he can find an eternal resting place. Can Creator comment on this legend, how much truth there is to it, and how it really came about?”

This is a folktale based on reality although the experience described was not truly accurate with respect to names and places and the actual encounter—those were storytelling. The contest is between the light and darkness in the form of spirits representing humans wishing to return home to the heavenly realm, but being waylaid by demonic forces of the dark in the form of spirit meddlers, the fallen angelics who seek to cause trouble to anyone they can—human in the physical or in spirit form—and will hold spirits back in their journey home and torment them quite savagely in many cases. So this folktale is a metaphorical description of this contest between light and darkness experienced by a transitioning lost soul human spirit and then having a struggle and needing guidance and assistance to recover and return back home to be with Creator of All That Is.

It is unfortunate that the original meaning of the Halloween night has been obscured through the passage of time. This is no accident that the awareness and knowledge has been suppressed because the darkness does not want humans to know of this hazard and so be prepared to prevent it happening. They want as many people as possible to suffer and become trapped in this way. So this becomes a cautionary tale for people to rediscover the roots of the tradition and appreciate the significance so that prayers and healing requests can be mounted and people be informed so they can make better preparation for their own passing one day and avoid this dark fate of becoming earthbound.

Because extraterrestrials can time travel, perhaps it the case that these Anunnaki psychics are mining future human works on the divine and the divine perspective, and bringing this back in time and introducing it to a humanity that’s not quite ready for it, to see what happens, to confuse, confound, and sully, and GO ON RECORD with future human understandings, diabolically adjusted BEFORE they are assembled sincerely, to cast doubt on these beliefs when in the future humans attempt to bring them forward in response to genuine understanding and inspiration. That way those who attempt to bring these truths forward down the road, can be accused of plagiarism, or of just basing their insights on Seth or Michael – and therefore discounting them before they even get started. Is this in fact what is happening?

You are weaving quite a conspiratorial scheme here but there is little need for such a sophisticated orchestration. They will pick up in the future similar teachings by individuals and anything novel will be noticed and added to the knowledge base. So indeed, things can come from the future as well, representing human inspiration and spiritual yearnings and teachings, and these will be entered into the mix and can be served up with the current human crop of channelers to be conveyed to the broader populace. They are not worried about distorting it for the most part because most people do not know how to utilize inspiring information. When done on one’s own without a partnership with the divine, the divine teachings lose most of their power because they are not meant to be followed in isolation but as a part of conveying an encouragement for people to walk a divine path in partnership with the divine and not in isolation.

This the Anunnaki do not appreciate as they do not believe in the divine realm and that human communication to the divine has any meaning whatsoever. So they will not bother to spend considerable effort in concocting an elaborate disinformation campaign other than the overall routine co-opting of channelers to feed them simple spiritual notions to keep them happy and engaged in what turns out to be a largely empty exercise, because they are simply talking to themselves and conveying the information to others who are only listening within themselves, and acting on the knowledge within themselves, and not truly influencing the broader universe nor gaining ground, because that takes divine support, help, healing, protection, and guidance, and will only be offered when requested directly.

It was once hinted that Saturn holds a lot of secrets. There is a storyline that Saturn was once the Earth’s Sun and that the Earth was gravitationally attached to Saturn via the North Pole. And that this is the reason there are coral reefs in the Arctic Ocean and frozen palm trees under the deep muck of North Alaska. The story is that Saturn gravitationally dragged the Earth behind it in a snake-like undulation where the North Pole was always lit and the South Pole was always dark. Saturn came into gravitational conflict with Jupiter and lost the battle, ending up in orbit around Jupiter’s sun beyond Jupiter and losing Earth to its now independent orbit around Jupiter’s Sun and well inside of Jupiter’s orbit. Any truth to this at all?

This is not an accurate literal description of what took place within the solar system but was an intuitive impression reflecting the reality that Earth was once in orbit around the Earth’s companion star which is now dormant as a brown dwarf and that there was an interaction with the gravitational pull of that portion of the solar system going around the current star you know of as the Sun at the center of the solar system. That conjunction of planets with the Sun pulled the Earth out of its former orbit and it was further repositioned by Creator to have a favorable location within the solar system to be in the ideal configuration for supporting physical living things and was part of Creator’s plan to continue to have the Earth in that mode. It was what was taking place with its prior solar body so this was a time of upheaval and reconfiguration that took a heavy toll on the existing life forms present in those days. So the scenario described is seeing the presence of another heavenly body that had the Earth in its orbit but misattributing it to Saturn when that was truly not the case.

A client asks: “What I continue to struggle with and question (constantly!), is whether this ‘paradigm of existence – this ‘Creation’ (i.e. that God presumably created/allowed to be created), is a truly ‘loving’ one in and of itself … Much cruelty, pain, and suffering is occurring and the recipient is often/usually ‘in the dark’ as to why this is taking place … And this then creates a huge contradiction for me as to how a ‘loving’ God could create/allow to be created (what appears to be) a ‘non-loving’ paradigm. On one hand I ‘love’ the Divine, yet on the other, I’m hurt and furious with the Divine for letting me and so many suffer – it is a constant conflict for me and it is exhausting and heartbreaking. And even though there is ultimately the gift of healing (from the Divine) for that trauma – the truth is that the trauma still happened (and continues to happen) and God ‘allowed or allows’ it to happen by way of this paradigm that ‘God’ itself created. This is a true paradox for me to understand and accept. How could this loving God have allowed me and all of us, to experience such pain and suffering?”

There is no true paradox here. The possibility of suffering to begin with flows from the divine gifts of free agency and free will. That means just what it says, that all is allowed on the part of human—human will, human choice, and human expression whether for a high or a low purpose. What has happened is you have become corrupted by other beings who have learned through experience they can do wrong and have fallen into this choice in an effort to reach beyond their means wanting ever-greater rewards and gifts and privileges and the reward of selfish notions that cannot be provided by the divine realm, and in reaction, have engaged in a kind of backlash to pull away from the light, to spurn its entreaties to return to the fold, and begun a wanton quest for power and control to validate its choices and to darken in the process to the point few can find their way back at this point in time. Many, in fact, will perish as a consequence of their own doing.

This fate can befall humans as well. Most humans are corrupted by these very beings, the fallen, the dark angelic spirit cohort that is preying on humanity as the only source of energy to sustain their lives available to them. That is an end stage because they have been cut off from divine support by prior arrangement in the agreement to allow free will and free agency. We have left these beings on their own. So while we cannot continue to support them in their wrongdoing, neither can we kill them outright, as that would be a betrayal of the first order given they are our creation and are simply exercising their privileges even though it is harming themselves grievously and in a potential eventuality, to a fatal degree. This will be their choosing should that happen.

We cannot rush in to rescue them either, for then the gift of free will and free agency will have no meaning. If it is conditional, if it is going on sometimes but at other times is reined in again so the privileges are taken away and Creator is in control of them for a time, this is a denial of the gifts. So we have provided those precious gifts with full power and control in the hands of human to make of it as they choose, as a challenge, as well as an opportunity to learn and grow from the consequences of all that happens. If humans make poor choices, they will indeed suffer. That is what you are seeing. We did not create that suffering. We created the possibility of free will to reach extremes in its consequence—times of greatness, times of stupendous achievement and a glorious enlightenment and an enrichment of human experience that could be shared and enjoyed uniformly by the entirety of the human family.

But at the other extreme end of the spectrum of possibilities is the consequences of the corruption we have described, that even though capable of greatness in a spiritual sense and in every other practical materialist sense, humans are capable of wrongdoing and even depravity when corrupted and disconnected from the divine link that is your origin and true purpose for existence. That is why the bad things are happening. It is not our doing or our desire to see this come to pass. It is the failure of other beings along the way through poor choices they have made and are now corrupting many other beings and dragging them down into the pit along with themselves.

This need not happen if people learn and make the decision to stand strong and reach out to the divine, in particular, for rescue, healing, and support. Those will be provided and that is the answer, not that you are in a world of pain and must suffer regardless, it is that you are in a world of pain but have choices to seek betterment and to overcome the challenges through a conscious choice to be assisted and raised up in the bargain through a divine intervention. But you must arrange this. You cannot do it alone either. This is because no single human holds world-level power and control over the lives of everyone and everything. This is why you must appeal to the divine and get assistance to have things move forward in a way that will make a difference for such a large difficulty as you face currently.

You need not conclude from this that God is unavailable to you or uncaring. Both are not true. The fact you are talking to us now and having a dialogue is proof of what we say. We are here for you. We will always be here for you. We do care and we love you deeply and love all other beings as well. It is that they are suffering that they suffer. This is a conundrum. It is a self‑created dilemma through ignorance, through disconnection done at the hands of others as a consequence of corruption with a long history behind it. That is what has led to the current dilemma and the suffering you speak of and react to so strongly. That is understandable because you are a beautiful, gentle soul and find this hugely egregious and rightly wonder at the nonsensical nature of what you witness. We see this in the same light and that is because you are not so different from us and are in good alignment spiritually. That is how all high-level beings view the human dilemma, but the answer must come through humans. It involves us but must be sought, embraced, requested, and experienced through human doing.

That is the greatest part of the challenge because you will find fewer and fewer human beings open to this message and able to act on it in a meaningful and effective fashion for so many have lost too much faith in the teachings they have received about the divine to mount an effective prayer request, let alone accept the effectiveness and reality of existence of the Lightworker Healing Protocol with its profound healing capabilities. That is the remaining challenge for those who are still awake, and you are in that category by the very act of seeing the dilemma for what it truly represents and not just assuming this is the way things are, the way they have always been, and the way they always will be, and then return to mundane pursuits and close off your thinking and feeling so you don’t have to do anything in particular in reaction to the awareness. That latter choice is what most people have done in being a part of and experiencing this human dilemma and suffering because of it but feel powerless to change it.

A client asks: “Also, prior to this, another colleague who I had never met before, came up to me out of the blue at work and said that she thought I was “spiritual” and then also mentioned that she saw my “third eye wide open”- all of which was somewhat of a shock to me. Was there any truth to this and was there Divine involvement and a message here for me – can you expand on this please?”

This again was a divine intervention, a divine message from on high, from Creator through that person’s higher self, to remind you of your origin, that you are a divine being of divine origin literally, and with a divine mission to participate in. And the reference to your third eye being wide open was to signify there is something beyond the ordinary and mundane trappings of life and constraints that is attainable and has meaning and a purpose, and with which you can engage and take part, something beyond the prosaic, the mundane, the ordinary, the materialistic in nature.

This was a message to you specifically to remind you that what truly matters is your spiritual growth and awareness and that is the true journey you are on. It is a spiritual journey, not a quest for happiness per se, or achieving greater levels of comfort and acquisition of wealth or other manifestations of abundance. Having security, safety, and financial stability go hand in hand and we understand this about the world. Its demands can be quite harsh. You need money as a source of energy to arrange all manner of situations, circumstances, and accoutrements that contribute to quality of life. These are practical necessities but how one does this in a way that also serves the soul is the essence of the art of living, and ideally both will be attended to and not one at the expense of and neglect of the other, so this was a reminder there is more in potential for you in life than meets the ordinary eye.

Alex Berenson, in his recent book: Tell Your Children the Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence, reported data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in 2017 showing that about 2.5 million young adults met the criteria for serious mental illness, a rise of more than 25% from the previous year and double the rate in 2008. Among adults not using cannabis, fewer than 4% met the criteria for serious mental illness, and 13% for other mental illness. In contrast, about 10% of all cannabis-using adults over 18 met the criteria for serious mental illness, and another 25% met the criteria for less severe conditions. Is the increase of problems among cannabis users due to a causal relationship between cannabis use and mental illness?

The increase is reflecting a causal relationship because these are individuals for whom the cannabis facilitated a serious infestation of spirit meddlers to alter the mind and induce unbalanced thinking that reached a diagnosable degree of severity. But keep in mind that the remaining patients with serious mental illness in many cases, in fact the majority, although not 100%, are similarly victims of spirit attachment manipulation of their mind. It’s just that they did not become vulnerable through drug use but through some other vulnerability and set of circumstances. So spirit attachment as a facilitation is, statistically speaking, a more widespread and serious phenomenon than the consequences of drug abuse on a percentage basis, although the latter tends to make things worse and lead to more severe consequences sooner.