From the same source reporting about an alien posing as a human, it is claimed that there is “Increasingly credible information about battles taking place in deep underground bases from multiple sources. First take a look at the seismographs from an Indian underground nuclear test versus those from a natural earthquake. The recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico, around the China Lake underground bases in Nevada and California, in Kumamoto, Japan, etc., all bear the signs of artificial earthquakes. Multiple sources tell us they have found children in cages and other horrors in some of these bases that are now being taken over or destroyed by the white hats. Japanese sources tell us that 14,000 Japanese children were being sold each year to the Khazarian mafia. FBI statistics show that 40,000 children go missing each year in the U.S. Many of them are now being rescued from cages in underground bases, Pentagon sources say.” Are these indeed battles? Is there any human contingent that could be called “white hats” or any truth that children are being rescued from these underground bases?

All three of these conjectures are incorrect interpretations. There are no battles going on underground. What is being perceived is ongoing construction to widen and strengthen and extend the underground facilities to increase their storage capability, primarily for housing large numbers of human clones to constitute a clone army for eventual use in the launching of an annihilation of humanity. Heretofore, there are large numbers of such facilities because of the need to house large numbers of spacecraft as well as growing numbers of extraterrestrials, human victims of their doings—some for use as food supplies for the Reptilians, some for harvesting to be sent on to off-planet slave colonies, and some to be sequestered in the event of an annihilation to preserve their lives for further exploitation by the alien Greys for their Hybrid Program.

There is trafficking in children so there are whistleblower accounts of seeing children under confinement. These are being experimented on for the Genetics Program primarily at the moment and for use in mind control manipulation maneuvers. There is a concerted effort to manipulate the young as a means of obtaining tighter control of human behavior and the future of the human population. People are more manipulatable when they are young because the mind is not fully formed, the ability to reason is more limited, and there is insufficient life experience for true wisdom to develop so there are many maneuvers done on the young to constrain them and engineer greater complacency for the most part, as well as engineering permanent reductions in the capability to think, reason, and especially perceive intuitive information. This is akin to what is done in infancy but there is a follow-up effort as well to make adjustments at a later stage based on observations of the young to see who has slipped through without a sufficient downgrade, and to learn from the outcomes how to optimize their manipulation.

The idea there is a significant “white hat resistance” is disinformation and an exaggeration of the true state of affairs. There are small groups of individuals who sense there are dark plans in the works, that something is deeply wrong with the institutions of government and military and the intelligence community in particular, but have no wider power to take on the established order. There are individuals seeking further information and wanting to be of service to thwart what they view as “misguided plans and strategies” but there are few in a position to truly do anything effectively without risking their own life and general welfare. This is a propaganda campaign to again reassure those looking into the conspiracy theories, so-called, that things are being taken care of and there is no cause for concern or further action in the way of a mobilization effort, a hue and cry to marshal greater numbers of concerned citizens, and so on.

The greatest damage comes from false reassurance that reinforces the mind control manipulation to engender a state of complacency. All receive these programming efforts. Some are more influenced than others, but if you couple hearing a reassuring message that there is a white hat contingent that is undoing the handiwork of the extraterrestrials, and have within some manipulation creating a certain degree of complacency, that may be all that is needed to truly stand down and be passive in the face of any new information, assuming there will be ups and downs but there is nothing personally needing to be done to take any kind of action because someone else is on the job and will see to it. So this is a very insidious development and is an example of the cleverness and effectiveness of the Extraterrestrial Alliance in being able to control the world. Even when truth emerges and there is growing awareness of their activities, they do not worry too greatly about this because there are many ways to backstop their operations and stamp out would-be critics and questioners of the status quo. This can largely be accomplished through disinformation campaignscoupled with mind control manipulation.

A viewer asks about the author Alice Bailey, The Destiny of Nations, 1949, who writes: “Out of Russia—a symbol of the world Arjuna in a very special sense—will emerge that new and magical religion about which I have so often told you. It will be the product of the great and imminent Approach which will take place between humanity and the Hierarchy. From these two centres of spiritual force, in which the light which ever shineth in and from the East will irradiate the West, the whole world will be flooded with the radiance of the Sun of Righteousness. I am not here referring (in connection with Russia) to the imposition of any political ideology, but to the appearance of a great and spiritual religion which will justify the crucifixion of a great nation and which will demonstrate itself and be focused in a great and spiritual Light which will be held aloft by a vital Russian exponent of true religion—that man for whom many Russians have been looking and who will be the justification of a most ancient prophecy.” Is there any truth to this prediction?

This is no longer valid. It was disinformation when conveyed to this author and was at that point an extraterrestrial plan to bring forward a false prophet as a way to mind the masses of the spiritual populace. That is seen as less needed so it is one of many such concoctions that are considered and seeds planted but then nothing happens. This serves the propaganda enterprise as well because it casts doubt on all of the prophecies that come forward when few seem to ever come to fruition and that is the point of the exercise, to discredit such things altogether. They block not only the function of intuitives and manipulate them directly in many ways to co-opt their minds and plant false ideas because they know a genuine intuitive can see their doings in advance and this poses a risk for them so they must discredit seers and fortune-tellers as they have done all through recorded history.

A practitioner writes: “Helena Blavatsky states: “The projection of TIME carries with it the energy of creation emanating from ALL of the beings participating in the life process,” and “they all have an energetic signature and influence one another. This is a vast interplay of energy.” Can you give us the divine perspective of this information and the truth of what it’s about?

This is the enigma represented by the simultaneity of experience existing in the now as opposed to the illusion of linear time experienced by beings in the physical plane. The resolution of this enigma is that time is a circle, in one sense, made of spiral elements that loop back and forth. So all can have a time sense unfolding so things can expand and grow, take time to develop, and then be experienced and play out with consequences to allow an unfolding of growth, learning, and life experience. But in actuality, through time, that will loop around to come again allowing a refinement, a further enhancement, or an intensification, or a subtraction to, in effect, fine-tune what is taking place. So one can learn and grow while standing still, in effect, within the universe through the looping of time to, in effect, have an opportunity to start again and make changes. This is an interesting aspect of capability of the light being to ponder because it opens up many new avenues for exploration and for advancing thought and has applications even within your realm.

A viewer asks: “Where did the Gnostic notion of a “non-ideal” such as “egotistical Creator God” stem from and is there any truth to this Gnostic notion?”

This is an example of disinformation imparted by the extraterrestrial mind control team. There is disinformation throughout the Scriptures with many examples of distortions of thinking and an imparting of negativity that is non-divine, and done to lower the expectations and taint the perception of the divine and its workings, to even make God feared because of its power, judgmental nature, and fierce temper when aroused. So this description can be ignored.

The Lesser Known Truths About Dementia

anatomy of the brain

50 million people around the world suffer from dementia. In fact, every 1 in 10 people who live up to the ripe age of 65 have dementia. A degenerative neurological disease, dementia can result from long-term alcohol abuse, fluid build-up in the brain, traumatic brain injuries, or just old age.

Or so we think.

For most of us, dementia is just the gradual deterioration of the human brain that comes with the passage of time. People assume that you get dementia as you get old as a rule of the thumb.

What if we told you that isn’t true?

How Trauma Causes Dementia

According to medical science, trauma due to accidents and injuries is one of the commonest causes behind dementia. Repetitive head trauma or traumatic brain injury have been known to lead to dementia in some cases, but it also depends on which part of the brain gets damaged. Memory loss, depression, and impaired speech are among the most obvious symptoms of the condition, although they don’t necessarily develop too soon.

But can dementia be due to something else? After all, everyone who has had a traumatic injury hasn’t ended up with dementia—neither have all dementia patients, all over the world, been in accidents causing traumatic injury.

Perhaps it’s some. . .

Other Kind of Trauma

Trauma isn’t a monolith, of course. In fact, in everyday usage, we don’t think of “trauma” in terms of traumatic injury at all. We think of it in terms of a more psychological condition: something that you can feel only in your head. It doesn’t necessarily have physical symptoms—but the pain is real enough.

And repetition of this kind of trauma is equally debilitating.

What Does Trauma Feel Like?

Trauma can happen due to a number of reasons: loss of a loved one, constant anxiety, recurrent abuse, etc. While the causes might differ from person to person, what doesn’t differ are the symptoms and stages of traumatic development, some of which include:

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Flashbacks
  • Nightmares
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorders
  • Emotional avoidance

Trauma might feel like many things, but never nice. It feels like your head is a pressure cooker and all you want is escape.

Dementia as an Escape

Although it might not strike you at first, but dementia is an escape. It gives you the gift of forgetting. Forget all the bad that’s ever happened to you—all the bad and ugly in this world. It is truly a blessing for people who want nothing more than just to forget. Dementia offers them an unusual but certain escape from the dark pits of their mind and memory. It’s liberating for some people.

What Does the Creator Have to Say?

One of our users has already asked a similar question and the Creator, with divine wisdom and understanding, has answered it here. You can also join the Get Wisdom forum and discover more!

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There are many who believe that bad things tend to happen when the planet Mercury is in retrograde. Is there no truth to this or is it a real energetic phenomenon, if perhaps exaggerated as to its influence on things?

There is some truth to this but not for the reasons assumed. It is basically a low-level influence energetically and is of minor consequence with respect to human affairs. As you know, all astrological doings can have an influence on the Earth and its inhabitants to some degree, but this is a very minor example. It can be a cause of mishaps through expectation alone and, in that regard, can cause a nocebo effect which is the expectation in the minds of people that things will get worse and then they do, but it is the person themselves being less cautious or making an error of some kind out of self-expectation that something bad will happen no matter what they do and this actually causes them to be less meticulous and less stringent in their behavior.

That is one consequence of such a belief even if it is superstition, but the largest segment of the reinforcement for this astronomical phenomenon being a negative influence is that because humans believe it to be, the Extraterrestrial Alliance will cause their mischief to happen more frequently in conjunction with this sign in the heavens because it will constitute a convenient cover story. This is the same with those phenomena seen in conjunction with a full moon, it is simply that the interlopers use human expectation to schedule their mischievous handiwork because again there will be a prosaic explanation that seems natural, if bizarre, so there will be no further inquiry or questions raised about why things are happening that are unwanted. It is strictly attributed to bad fortune and this serves the interlopers nicely and keeps people in the dark.

A practitioner writes: “I was a friendly acquaintance of a now-deceased human-extraterrestrial hybrid who was implanted by her father via a secret governmental project into her mother’s womb; she was born outside of the amniotic sac, while having a sister, totally different from her, born inside of it. She had ET contacts throughout her life, and lots of medical anomalies and problems doctors could not explain, but she only found out the truth of her origins when her father finally told her in her 30’s. She told me about how once she was taken aboard a Reptilian ship and was being bullied into working for them, but that she sent them beams of unconditional love and compassion, and they did not end up harming her, and she was let go. I’m not sure how trustworthy a source she is, given how corrupted everything associated with the entire enterprise is, but she always struck me as a very loving person with good intentions.” Is this story true, and if so, why and how did love and compassion help her?

This story is true, and it is true in all particulars. This is because this hybrid individual was more human than alien. This was the expression of a human soul coming in willingly to be present within a hybrid makeup. This was done for spiritual purposes and was a divine mission to assist humanity through learning and to be a human influence on the hybrid program itself. She was brought in to heal them—all who she encountered. This is an example of divinity on the march, that a divine human will not only jump into the fray but jump directly into the enemy camp, so to speak, to carry out a divine mission and risk imperiling the soul and incurring severe karmic wounding in the bargain. This she took on willingly and was a force for good, and this is reflected in the story she told her friend. She was able to summon love because of her divine link and this, in fact, is what saved her in allowing her to break away from being a servant of the Reptilians which is the normal functional role of the hybrids. All are considered expendable and not much above the alien Greys themselves because humans are held in disdain by the Reptilians in particular and also the Arcturians. So this loving demonstration is the tip-off here, that she was not a soulless hybrid, but one with humanity onboard.

Can the Hidden Truth be Posed as a Lie?

If you think there might be some truth to all those conspiracy theories about 9/11 or think that there’s definitely some truth to all those UFO sightings that we keep hearing about, you’ve got it right. Maybe not all of what you’ve heard is true—people not knowing the truth misinform one another all the time anyway—but there’s definitely some truth to some of it.

For there’s always some fact in fiction—there’s always a modicum of truth in a morsel of lie.

And sometimes, the truth overpowers the untruth—but does not outshine it, and in doing so fails to bask you with its beacon light that ought to beckon to you to the end of the tunnel.

History’s Biggest Lies—That Were Actually Truths

Hold your horses now—because you’re going to hear some crazy conspiracy theories—all of which have one thing in common: they weren’t really conspiracy theories. They were all true—truths hidden as crazy lies.

Project Sunshine

nuclear explosion

Sometime before Hiroshima happened, there were strange whispers in the air—whispers that had to do with dead bodies being stolen for radiation testing. Some said deceased children were specially preferred—because the government needed young tissue. People scoffed and laughed it off. After all, how could the government be so un-government-like?

And it had an ironically sunny name, too: Project Sunshine.

Mind Control

Well, hello, Edward Cullen and Magneto fans—because mind control is real. But of course, people laugh at the prospect. People laughed when some suggested that the government—or maybe something far more nefarious such as an extraterrestrial mercenary army—was controlling our minds.

When there were whispers about a certain CIA Project MK-ULTRA, people laughed even harder. Well, no one’s laughing now.

Government Spies

James Bond was a hero on-screen (on a side note, RIP, Sir Sean Connery, the OG 007!), but when faced with the idea of being spied on by the people you helped reach the parliament, people laugh. Pfft, of course it can’t be true—we chose these representatives, right?

Wrong. Snowden proved that.

What You Can Do to Unveil Hidden Truths

Sometimes, the truth is right in front of you—but it is designed to be so outrageous, so egregious that you can’t just take it at face value. You risk being mocked for subscribing to a certain belief system—something which oughtn’t be mocked. You fear being an outcast because you don’t conform to the mainstream belief that belief in a terrible idea.

And if you do feel that way—if you do fear ostracization—because you have dared to think ahead and think deep, know that you aren’t alone. We at the Get Wisdom Project are just like you: questioning, doubting, seeking. And we won’t stop until the hidden truths of this world are revealed unto us—nor until we lay their breeches bare for the world to see.

Sign up today and be a part of something big—be a soldier on the right side in this battle of truths and untruths.

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A client asks: “I’m listening to your Genghis Khan channeling for the first time. I never wanted to listen to that one, but someone on a forum said it was great and that it had to do with a Reptilian. I’ve stopped cold in my tracks. There is a heaviness in my gut. My mind is saying “Hold on now. Wait. This is starting to sound like my ‘walk-in’ dream that took place in the 1700s, France was it?” Karl, I can take it. I’m giving you permission to tell me. I’m here to do good. Please tell me the truth, if you know. Was I a Reptilian in a past life?” What can we tell her?

Most walk-ins are not Reptilians. That is actually a somewhat different phenomenon. It is non-divine. It is an actual replacement to copy the makeup of the person and then following their extermination, recreate their form by the shapeshifting Reptilian. So it is not a soul handoff done with planning in advance as is true for walk-ins. You are a true walk-in, not a Reptilian, so you need not worry about having any darker history here with respect to the life in France you know about.

A viewer asks: “There are rumors that Halloween is an especially dark day, in that more ritual sacrifices of children happen on that day than any other day of the year. Is there any truth to this? And if so, why is Halloween viewed as an advantageous time to do this?”

This is a partial truth. It is one of several dark days used for this purpose. As you know, there is no decline in the evil practice of child sacrifice. The ritual killings are done in service to the darkness by people who have become corrupted and carry out acts of depravity. This is among the worst possible, to take a young innocent life in this heinous fashion, so it is done by the most severe of the hard-core elements practicing the dark arts and is truly the consequence of distorted thinking of an extreme degree. These individuals are serving the interlopers with their minds and hearts as well, such as they are. This takes a very high level of corruption to close off a person’s sensitivity to suffering and the plight of a victim of any sort, let alone a young person starting out in life and meeting an untimely end in this way. Such individuals are at grave risk of losing everything, and this will create great difficulty for them in the future to find their way back once again to a divine path. Those they serve have already all but lost their chance at salvation. This is not impossible for human beings to do as well.