A practitioner asks: “Can we just add a step in the Protocol to disable the mind control preventing humans from seeing the truth and acting in a divine way?”

This is already being done with the general request to remove all subconscious programming not highest and best for the person. The vast majority of such influences are specifically directed towards undermining the individual and to interfere with any higher goals they might have or interactions with sources of help. So this is already nicely covered by the design of the Lightworker Healing Protocol used as is.

A viewer asks: “The Pleiadians, channeled by Barbara Marciniak, claimed that all religions were developed by the Anunnaki as forms of mind control, and control of human behaviors. Is that a correct view?” Can you put this in perspective for us concerning the truth of the divine?

This is an overgeneralization. It is true that the way things have worked out for all practical purposes, one can say there has been as much harm as good coming from organized religion, but the core truth, that the divine is the true origin of life and is a love-based energy wanting humans to succeed and advance the cause of love, to the extent it shows through among the religions, they are keeping the flame of truth alive in spite of the corrupted dogma that has crept in and been instituted directly through editing the Scriptures, and so on. This partial success is owing to the divine hand because people will have a connection to the divine and will see for themselves intuitively in many cases what is true and what is less so in the religious teachings they are exposed to.

This is why so many have drifted away from organized religion, they are skeptical of the dogma, but that does not mean they have abandoned the idea of spirituality altogether. So that corruption plus the many other deceptions to commandeer people searching for spiritual truth and maneuvering them into New Age thinking that creates a dead end for their growth are a significant headwind for human progress, but this does not negate the truth of the divine but only reflects the challenge for humanity to find its way under such difficult circumstances where the interlopers are working against the idea of a spiritual force because they do not believe in it themselves and fail to appreciate its value.

A viewer writes: “I’ll try to keep it brief, but I met a man 3 years ago, who presented to me, letters that his mum had written to him (who was a clairvoyant), explaining that he’d meet me later in life. She had written these over a course of years, possibly throughout her whole life. She started these letters when I was 4 years old. I’m now nearly 40, but I didn’t start receiving them until 3 years ago, when I met her son. He has become a good friend of mine, although he can be overbearing and overprotective of me. In the letters, his mum writes that he’s my ‘protector’ and the reason for the letters is for him to help me wherever possible and to stop me from suicide. She wrote that I suffered from depression, amongst other things. She’s right about depression, but I didn’t and have never felt suicidal. She states that he is the way he is with me, because it has been put in his genetic makeup, to protect me at all costs. She says that I’m her daughter from another realm and that I’ve had many past lives with her. What I don’t understand is, if we’re all from Creator, then what’s this other realm she’s referring to? I just really need the truth. Is she wrong?”

She is not wrong but she is wanting to micromanage things a bit. Being clairvoyant, she was privy to much information but was still only seeing the surface of some of the factors involved here. It is true that you have been her daughter. It is true that you have been involved with her son as well in the past. That does not mandate that you interact with one another yet again. She was foreseeing this potential for him to be of help to you and this she was trying to implement through the exchange of information and to encourage an interrelationship. This could well be useful if taken seriously by both parties and done with a spirit of cooperation and a genuine desire to benefit one another in whatever way develops.

This is not a soul destiny preplanned to be consummated in any particular fashion so it is open‑ended in a sense. You are individuals and you can choose to spend time together or not. If he is a resource of value to you, there are many ways to tap into that and capitalize on it if you choose. Whether he is fully capable of being a source of rescue for you in dark times remains to be proven. It might be an intention and a desire of the mother and a future potential as well, but that is not guaranteed to happen, so you can relax here, that you are not missing the boat in feeling clueless about some grand plan that seems to be the machinations of the universe in some grand fashion. This is simply the reach of karma in popping up again and again during a lifetime, and with an awareness intuitively, can be seen for what it is—there have been past doings, interrelationships, and potential future consequences stemming from that prior history. That is the meaning of “karma” after all, that energy is sent to and fro to inform the self and others and be a stimulus and a reminder in ways that can bring change, benefit, or a challenge, possibly a severe one depending on the nature of the energy involved and the intentions behind it.

So in this case, this was all orchestrated by a woman who had a higher knowing about things—the continuity of life, the reincarnation paradigm, and the past history of her family and yourself in being part of her soul collective and prior family membership as well. So you are unencumbered here, you are free to live your life as you choose, and sort among the possibilities and options presenting themselves and do not need any further detailed descriptions of her knowings and how she interpreted them. The prior lifetime experiences were Earth lives and not life in a mysterious other realm, so there is not a great mystery here with great import in some esoteric way.

Your curiosity is understandable. It is profound enough, is it not, that you are an immortal soul having a series of adventures and meeting many others as you come and go in successive lifetimes and often share multiple lives with people as an opportunity for learning and growth? It is not always for fun and pleasure, but often for the challenge it might bring and the hard work it instills as a stimulus or even an imperative to work on righting a wrong, overcoming adversity, and so on. So that is part and parcel of the experience overall. Much of what humans do is prosaic, even elementary, but every aspect of life needs to be experienced and the various choices explored to gain a mastery of the art of living. That is its purpose. The journey is to gain ground, to become more knowledgeable, more sophisticated, with a greater depth of understanding, and a growth in the character from hard-won lessons all of which serves the soul.

Despite nearly 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications showing data linking SV40 virus to cancer, the federal and scientific bureaucracy maintains there is no proof the virus is carcinogenic. What is the truth and is there a manipulation of the skeptics to prevent fact-finding and taking any action to counteract the effects of the virus, which still persists?

All of the concerns raised here are true and valid, This contamination of human vaccine recipients with a live monkey virus has led to alarming health consequences because the virus still persists. It is an oncogenic virus, meaning it does cause certain cancers, and this of course will depend on level of exposure, duration, individual susceptibilities because of onboard protective mechanisms that might work for some and not for others to varying degrees, as well as the spiritual standing of individuals and whether they are receiving divine help for their health maintenance, and so on. But there has been a very deliberate cover-up campaign. There are self-serving motives in play by members of the establishment, particularly the old guard who were minding the store in those early days and who have served to cover up the problem having occurred in the first place, and then served to dismiss those raising concerns about the potential health hazards it represents, to avoid political consequences from too much public scrutiny and potential exaggerated claims of harm, and so on. These can be quite real concerns, but they also are easily manipulated to become excessive and a preoccupation against all reason and evidence to the contrary that dismissing such concerns outright might well be ill-advised with a rising tide of scientific evidence of causation in animals and in cultured tissue, and the numerous examples of finding SV40 in tumor tissue, and so on. The combined data and lines of evidence provide an overwhelming indictment of this grave possibility, that millions of humans have lived under a legacy of a human-caused cancer epidemic. This cover-up is aided and abetted by mind control manipulation by the Extraterrestrial Alliance because they want humanity to suffer and to not be warned because it could create intensive research on viral scourges and advance the cause of effective antiviral strategies. They want to keep that arena to themselves because they use viruses as bioweapons and do not want the field of therapeutics in that arena to advance.

Comet “Atlas” is on its way and scheduled to make its closest encounter with Earth in May – just a couple months from now. There is widespread speculation of problems this comet may cause us – weather disturbances, meteorite showers, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. Some even noted Trump used the word “tsunami” a couple of times in a recent speech suggesting he might be dropping hints. Some even think Comet Atlas is Nibiru. Some suggest the pandemic is quite real, but engineered to create a pretext for global shelter in place and supply preparations for the masses ahead of the elite using such a lockdown and even media outage to head for their bunkers, leaving surface dwellers to whatever unpleasant fate awaits them. When it’s over, they will emerge from their bunkers and establish their “New World Order”. Can Creator comment if there is ANY truth to this, and if not, what is the motive for the disinformation?

This is an ordinary comet-like body passing through space and has no larger purpose or meaning. It is not Nibiru and it is not purposefully directed and has no connection with any other actions or non-action on the part of the Extraterrestrial Alliance. It will not cause a major perturbation of earth energies and it will not be used as a cover either, because scientifically that would be highly suspicious. So this is simply propaganda that is being used as a kind of disinformation to discredit those who buy this story and promote it, who will end up with some egg on their faces, so to speak, when the dire events simply do not happen and they will be seen to have been engaged in an exaggeration or outright falsehood. And that serves the darkness whenever the seekers of truth get it wrong, and then people end up throwing the baby out with the bath. Such individuals are needed because they are the few who are still awake enough to realize the world is not what it seems and there is darkness abroad, and their quest for truth is of value with so many obstacles to overcome manipulation and programming, and with the actions of the Extraterrestrial Alliance being so hidden, is a testament to human ingenuity and passion that such people keep going with their quest. It is just unfortunate that many lack discernment because their intuitive reach is limited, and are therefore inclined to accept rumors without question and this ends up discrediting them, so their heart is in the right place but facts are facts, and difficult to come by, so it is a difficult and problematic arena.

A former MAP member asks: “I would like to share GetWisdom with some friends and family, in particular my stepmother. However, given my situation, I am hesitant to know who I can trust, who also might be involved around me, and the karmic impact of offering the truth to those who may not be ready. Can Source Creator share some insight into how to approach this?”

Unfortunately, although you feel quite alone having to shoulder your quandary and feeling some estrangement from family members who are unaware of your dilemma, sharing details about what is happening is risky because it is very unlikely you will be believed. In all likelihood, this can worsen things because people will begin to doubt your sanity and that will not be a good thing, it will begin to influence not only how they see you but how they react to you and that would be unfortunate. You may well need family to rely on in the future, so to share a dark secret that will likely be misunderstood in any event, puts you at risk of being someone less desirable and even a threat to be around. That is the last thing you need to have happen if a crisis should occur where you are simply ill physically and need someone to do favors, and so forth. You will need a backup and it is too high a price to risk ostracizing those in your circle simply to have an outlet for sharing the burden you carry.

This is unfortunate and unfair and we do sympathize, but just keep in mind that humans are heavily programmed to disbelieve anything involving extraterrestrials and the more outlandish the story, the more they will buy into the propaganda that the person is likely delusional who has such ideas, particularly the more outlandish ones. There are many ways you can reach out and promote a friendship that will bear fruit. If you give love from yourself, it will be returned at some point and that would be an excellent investment. So acts of kindness, remembrances, compliments, and in ways you can be pleasant and of good cheer, that will put money in the bank, so to speak, for times when you may be in need of solace or comforting and then your family will be there for you.

To appear too controversial risks burning bridges and putting people off, causing them to keep a distance, which could hurt you in the end. There are many holding dark secrets by which we only mean things that must be hidden for the benefit of others as well as the self in many cases, so you are in good company. Keep in mind that is only one dimension of your being. Even though it weighs on you a lot, there are many ways you can relate to your family and share things and give of yourself and be of value to them. That is a good investment to be involved with because it will strengthen the bonds of friendship and love and that is good insurance for tough times.

She says: “It appears it feeds on the negative vibration anger, etc., but it seem to use both negative and positive. It makes me feel constant pressure in my rectum like something intermittently goes in there. Sorry, but the truth. At times I also feel, when meditating, pressure on my head and dizzy. This pressure changes locations too, like something is hitting me. This energy claims it is not a spirit. I don’t know. Says it is LAP and that I have some type of cord, possibly extraterrestrial. Claims it channels out through my cells. I see black specs/cells especially in the light. It literally looks like a spindle of energy. My ears ring very often. It seems more on the right side. It seems to be able to tap into my emotions without me being upset. It likes getting me worked up fighting with my husband. I don’t know who he is at all anymore.” What is going on?

These are all typical spirit meddler perturbations of things. Keep in mind they can perturb nerves and produce sensations of all kinds including interfering with sensory function like vision or hearing. It is disconcerting and annoying but need not be a cause for fear or alarm because these are minor manipulations and will not be physically harmful per se other than being a nuisance and a distraction that could interfere with your life simply by preoccupying you and dragging you down and making you less effective and productive in carrying out your affairs. The key is to stay clear of spirit infestation and ignore any remnants of their programming handiwork, and you can reach a new more enlightened state of being that will be much easier and allow you to be more effective in all you do.

People talk all the time about their emotions, their feelings and beliefs, and think what they feel is THEM, defines them, and constitutes what and who they are, completely. So, if anyone questions or criticizes their feelings or beliefs, it is interpreted as questioning their value and importance as a person, as a being, as a soul. Can Creator comment on this widespread perspective, how much truth is in it, and how much is confusion or illusion?

The immediate reaction to people’s emotions and beliefs is part of a dual problem because the eye of the beholder is equally suspect. In other words, an emotional display on the part of one person will likely have an emotional reaction on the part of the observer. One needs to examine the strength and quality of the response as well as the source of stimulus. Is the observer in divine alignment or are they overemotional and prone to quick judgments of others, a hypercritical evaluation, and a negative emotional display based on misguided thinking and a loveless nature within themselves? So this represents the basic human quandary—who is who and who is to judge the relative merits of another? This again speaks to the need to be in alignment with divine truth because there is no higher way to be, and this provides not only the state of being in the right, but the safest and strongest platform for supporting one’s life. It is the basic infrastructure that confers safety and protection and an endless source of love to work with. In addition to the higher awareness that is represented by wisdom in thinking, when one is not in divine alignment and truly on their own, it is much harder to be a full person as well as to maintain a full measure of integrity and loving devotion to high principles, as well as serving the self and others in equal measure. Those are divine attributes and goals which are harder to achieve through one’s own thinking and awareness. It calls on the ability to love, to be charitable, to be kind, to be self-sacrificing, and to share with another less fortunate.

Love comes from the divine, so the risk to the disconnected individual is a diminishment in their ability to feel love and have love to share with others. This eventually reaches a point where not only is one an unsatisfactory or even an unsuitable companion for living with another, but begins having a life not worth living at all if love is absent, because nothing good can come of it and many things done will be a detriment karmically to the person’s future. So, much is at stake in where one is with respect to being in divine alignment. When one is in alignment it is easier to assess the nature of others and what they represent with their thoughts and feelings. It is extremely difficult to evaluate oneself objectively, because everything is filtered through one’s own beliefs and one’s own emotional experiences and the trauma they have lived through that will determine many ongoing sensitivities. Because life is first and foremost about survival, given you are in a fragile existence in a harsh environment in many ways, given the presence of evil, preserving one’s integrity is paramount and any threat to personal integrity is seen as a threat to survival whether this is literally true, or simply an immediate and habitual stress response to being challenged because one is on high alert much of the time to cope with life.

This is why people take their own beliefs seriously, it is all they have to guide their way and whatever challenges the beliefs must be rejected, because to not do so puts the self at risk and that will rarely be considered due to the imperative to survive that is a basic drive the mind has as an operating requirement, and the foundation of many related beliefs supporting the possibility of existence and the continued survival of the individual, and everything they rely on, such as their own physical being, their possessions, their friends and loved ones, and so on. So any interchange between persons will be viewed on multiple levels with multiple perspectives because this has survival value, but it does mean there is more at stake and there will be for some, a highly emotional reaction as they become triggered by what they perceive as a threat even if that is not at all intended. So for these reasons, there are ample opportunities for misunderstandings and points of friction to develop with the interplay among humans interacting with one another.

This is why the personality has an important role in governing how smoothly things go when people meet and greet one another. Those who are disarming because they are feeling good and radiate that sense of well-being and come across as a person of good cheer will automatically be seen as less threatening and will put people at ease and it will be much easier for them to be at their best and will rise to that other person’s level much more so than if they feel challenged or threatened in some way, even indirectly. So this is the art of conversation as an aspect of the art of living, that will have much to do with human interactions, how successful they are, and whether they are perhaps quite temporary and ineffectual, or lead to useful interchanges and even the formation of close ties and deep bonds of love in some cases when there is a meeting of minds, not necessarily always with identical values and perspectives, but a critical mutual level of loving respect for one another.

People talk about “their” truth. Is there such a thing? Or is there really only one truth, along with people’s unwillingness to question and examine critically their own world views and assumptions compared to objective reality, in order to reconcile the sometimes blatant differences between the two?

In a big picture sense, there indeed is a single truth, it is the sum total of reality at a given point in time that has within it many things that are merely implications, potentials, and representations of prior circumstances, events, and energies that brought things to this point in time that we are focused on, but are implicit in the current makeup and energetic composition of everything present, and experiencing, and participating in an interchange. All of these attributes and aspects are complex, multilayered, and have rich energetic histories of their own that consist of many overlapping experiences and the impinging of energies from many other beings, as well as the environment, that go into shaping the makeup, the knowledge base, the history, and the karmic potentials, both for good and ill, through experiencing, and those experiences and their energetic signatures projecting into other timelines as a cause of influence and a governing factor in what transpires. There is no simple way to look at what you are posing with your question. It is truly profound. What is truth is nothing less than the sum total of existence. So within that there are many nested portions of that reality that have a stable existence and boundaries and are definable from various vantage points, in a sense, a type of relativity that is quite dependent on the observer and what interest they might have, or need to rely on, or might be influenced by, what energies are contained within that portion of the total reality, and for them as an observer and perhaps interacting with others in that locale, may have much at stake in what unfolds and the outcome of the potential interchange. So all the stakeholders taking part in an event within their local ability to observe it through the limited sensing of physical human, for example, will feel strongly about what is taking place in the moment in that location because they have stake in things and their future will be governed to some degree by the success or failure of what happens, or whether it is a positive or negative experience in some respect. So it is impossible for people to see much beyond their own perceptions and their stake in things because of this inherent bias.

An aspect of divinity is to hold a higher awareness and to be aware of the higher truth that is always inherent in everything that unfolds. That degree of divinity will determine to what extent people can see and identify with the truth others hold and their stake in what is unfolding, and how they might experience it and evaluate it according to its relative merits for them, and it might well be quite different than your own. Wisdom comes from appreciating that with an interchange there are many perspectives, many consequences, and many potential interpretations, all of which will ultimately be sorted out by the Law of Karma in assigning an overall meaning to what transpires. This is how people ultimately will inherit their contributions to the universe, both good and bad. Karma is the ultimate seer of truth and has inherently the wisdom to assess things on their true merits with respect to the whole of reality. So it will take into account a person’s actions with respect to their own needs and history, but also weigh the implications for their conduct and its impact on everything else around them for better or worse, and this will be a part of the equation used to assign the energies interpreting what they have done. So this is the most profound issue of life, the interpretation of what it truly means in a big picture sense, because that is equivalent to the workings of karma and is the major driver of all that happens.

The fact it is delayed in its consequences is an aspect of the current paradigm underway. So this will not be felt in the moment as a force of nature because the day of reckoning will be somewhat distant but, as a consequence, it means there can appear to be many truths in the moment, even though they may be quite in conflict with one another. So what this means is there is an error of interpretation underway because the ultimate truth will reckon the situation differently, and may reward the victim and punish the perpetrator when, in the moment unfolding, the perpetrator feels justified in taking something from another and seeing that victimization as just and well-deserved. The final arbiter will be the Law of Karma. The only thing that can compensate for the negative consequences of having a delay in the moment of reckoning that would be instructive, and act as a self-correcting force to prevent long-term damage from poor decisions, would be to have greater wisdom. That will help stay the hand of the perpetrator with the wisdom of knowing it will be a futile gesture to gain a physical advantage over an adversary through harming them, because they are truly harming themselves, and that will be brought to them in the future by karma, and their fate is being sealed even as they lash out to cause harm. So within the current paradigm of free will and free agency, where good deeds may not be rewarded and bad deeds go unpunished for considerable spans of time, the wisdom to see what is truly beneficial and in alignment and what is folly will be the saving grace enabling human progress.

It was reported that there has been a high-level agreement reached between East and West for an organization to be created to oversee human expansion into the universe modeled after Star Trek, and that a senior member of the Secret Space Program says a condition for unveiling the Secret Space Program and the 5,000 patents hidden for “national security reasons” is about to be fulfilled. This also predicts liberation of the world from the sinister control by the world’s financial system, releasing massive funds to “end poverty, war, environmental destruction, disease and even mortality,” bringing the planet’s quarantine to an end. Is there any truth to this “announcement?”

There is no truth to any of these ideas except that the Secret Space Program will be unveiled, according to current plans, for purposes of capitalizing on these kinds of disinformation campaigns. There will be a story of rescue because of the way the human population has been misguided through a disservice of human governments and the financial system as well, and this seeming revelation will be used to justify trusting the extraterrestrial beings who come forward with dazzling technology and promises of benevolent assistance and will have a tremendous and universal appeal because humanity will have been suffering intensely and desperate for answers. But none of these other predictions and promises will come to pass. It is all a disinformation campaign to create disempowerment to lull people into further complacency, thinking everything is being taken care of and handled by others when the opposite is true—no one is truly in charge, all are being duped and manipulated at all levels of human society throughout all of the human institutions, especially government and military organizations, and the financial system in particular which has always served the alien bloodline. They will be the beneficiaries of any financial consequences from the upheavals that will be increasing, not humans themselves.