Jeffrey Dahmer Channeled by Karl Mollison 17April2018
Extracted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer
Jeffrey Dahmer (May 21, 1960 – November 28, 1994), also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, was an American serial killer and sex offender, who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Many of his later murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeleton.
Although diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and a psychotic disorder, Dahmer was found to be legally sane at his trial. Convicted of 15 of the 16 murders he had committed in Wisconsin, Dahmer was sentenced to 15 terms of life imprisonment on February 15, 1992. He was later sentenced to a 16th term of life imprisonment for an additional homicide committed in Ohio in 1978.
On November 28, 1994, Dahmer was beaten to death by Christopher Scarver, a fellow inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution.
Even a short perusal of the literature about what is called the criminally insane shows how little is known about people like Jeffrey. Some of the articles about him specifically demonstrate the notion that the professionals have only theories about the reasons Jeffrey Dahmer did what he did.
In this interview with him as a Light Being, and after his spirit rescue, he delves into detail regarding his circumstance and condition as a murderer, sexual abuser and collector of the remains of his barbaric acts and more importantly the concept of healing the perpetrator and why this approach is so critically important for the salvation of humankind at this pivotal time in Earth’s history.
Does his story point out a warning to humans and their future when they decide to deny their connection to the Divine?
Questions for the Light Being Jeffrey Dahmer 17April2018
1) What was your experience after your death?
2) Were you able to meet any of your victims once you returned to the Light?
3) Are any of your victims still Earth bound Spirits?
4) What was the cause of your obsession and what was the trigger that enabled you to carry out the acts of murder, sexual abuse and other barbaric acts on your victims?
5) Can you explain the healing that has and will occur for yourself as the perpetrator and for your victims as a result of your spirit rescue? How could this process be any better than a healing outreach for your victims?
6) Were you able to meet with your mother in the Light?
7) What can you say to your family members and victims families to help them better understand the human condition and the reasons why you lived such a life as Jeffrey Dahmer?
Comments (1)
Fascinating; thank you for doing this work. Shadow work is so important and something most shy away from. Warriors forward! Namaste’