You may have heard about the Secret Space Program (SSP) countless times. At Get Wisdom, we frequently discuss it to help people develop a nuanced understanding of how humanity is under attack. In this blog, we’ll cover the basics for new members: is the Secret Space Program a myth or fact? Moreover, what does it entail? Let’s continue reading.

1. The Reality of the SSP

The SSP is indeed real, not fictional. It’s used by the interlopers to control and manipulate humanity. Once an individual becomes a part of the SSP, they become vulnerable to future manipulations and significant karmic damage. They want to detach themselves from the interlopers because there is an inner awareness and feeling that something is wrong with the association.

According to Creator, “No one can be considered a free agent unless they receive divine help with healing and extra divine oversight and protection, given the level of power the extraterrestrials have to manipulate people and to rein them in to make them vulnerable to subjugation and even inflict much punishment if there is resistance.

So this is never good to be on their roster. Healing can help to wean them away from involvement with the interlopers who will eventually lose interest in them, and that is the successful achievement possible here given enough time, but the work must be started in earnest through the Lightworker Healing Protocol.

The ideal would be to have some subconscious channeling sessions as well to do trauma repair and some of the inner belief adjustment to make her less vulnerable to the manipulations, so that would be the ideal sequence.”

2. Who’s Vulnerable to Becoming a Member of the SSP?

Humanity in general is vulnerable. This is why prayer work is extremely important, more so than any other healing modality. We recommend doing your research, finding a qualified LHP practitioner, and starting the healing process slowly but surely. Over time, you’ll gain protection. As people gain more insight into programs like the SSP and other negative alliances, they understand how to protect themselves and seek help if they think they’re under attack.

Recommended: More on the Secret Space Program

3. Getting Started with Get Wisdom

Want to find out more about the Secret Space Program? At Get Wisdom, we share new insights with our audience every week. Keep an eye out for our blogs, podcasts, channeling interviews, and Q&A sessions.

By offering online spiritual healing, we’re committed to helping you heal your karmic wounds and spirit attachments. Find out more about our Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) sessions. You can opt for a personal clearing, animal clearing, or house clearing. You can also use our LHP sessions to help departed ones reach heaven.

We routinely share more information about a range of topics like benevolent extraterrestrials, divinely inspired messengers, healing modalities, human clones, interdimensional activity, karma, metaphysics, non-local consciousness, and more. Let’s become enlightened. It all starts here.

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