a woman feeling anxious and uneasy as she gazes outside the window

No matter how careful you are, the cycle of overthinking and anxiety can start in your mind when you least expect it. The average human has lived 423 lifetimes. While some of these are pleasant, many are tragic, and caused karmic wounds still unhealed.

As our accumulated karmic traumas afflict us, we may overthink things, feel anxious, and even enter a depressive state. Karmic triggers can be extremely dangerous. However, they’re not the only cause behind an overthinking and anxious state of mind. Spirit attachment can also make a person feel mentally and emotionally paralyzed.

If a dark spirit intends to cause harm, the individual may feel drained, confused, and even suicidal. Both karmic triggers and spirit attachment can affect a person’s familial bonds, platonic friendships, romantic relationships, career, academic life, and overall contentment.

If you often find yourself lost in a cycle of overthinking things and struggle with analysis paralysis, make sure you seek enlightenment and divine healing. Use this guide to find out how you can attain peace.

Recommended Read: How Can Prayer Work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol Help Us Become Less Hypocritical?

1. Understand What Compels You to Overthink

People often struggle to break free of their tendency to overthink because they’re unsure about why they’re overthinking in the first place. Make sure you know exactly what’s happening.

More often than not, people aren’t in need of positive affirmations, reassurances, and encouragements. While these can bring temporary help, they shouldn’t be considered quick fixes for overthinking. What’s lacking is a deep and fundamental healing of the underlying causes of inner discord.

Wounds go much deeper than people imagine and influence many levels of the being, as well as multiple timelines from their doings that are being lived concurrently, with crosstalk moving to and fro, triggered by emotional events in particular.

Addressing the cause of these wounds will help you heal them through Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) sessions.

2.Understand How Complex the Problem Is

Simply getting a good grasp on the cause of overthinking isn’t enough. For some people, the cause may be simple and easy to navigate. For others, it may be deep-rooted, complex, and extremely intricate.

Regardless of the nature of the wound, healing it is imperative. According to Creator, “there may be one fairly minor emotional liability, but there could also be many overlapping energetic influences going on simultaneously and across multiple timelines.”

An LHP session will help you understand the extent and forms of healing that are required.

3.Trust the Process

LHP sessions are designed to help people attain peace and get rid of intrusive thoughts that trigger anxiety and overthinking. Ultimately, make sure you trust the process. A strong willingness to heal will help you achieve it.

Recommended Read: Creator’s Take on Overthinking and Excessive Worrying

Ready to get started? Find out more about our Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions to find one that’s right for you. You can also explore our wisdom webinars, podcasts, and channeling interviews for more insight into divine healing.

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