GetWisdom.com Webinar – Dark Consequences of SSP Participation 30June2019
What we’ll cover in this event …
Are SSP Recruits Harmed by Their Participation?
Karl & Denny have helped a number of men and women who have served in this clandestine SECRET SPACE PROGRAM recover from the stress of their training and service, memory of which is suppressed, but nevertheless takes a toll. We have seen a range of serious aftereffects and health consequences suffered by recruits to this clandestine program.
Is Service in the Secret Space Program Truly Voluntary?
Working with people involved in the SPP shows clearly how their free will was overridden and the trauma that results. Karl & Denny will explore the karmic consquences when people are forced to do things in conflict with their morality.
How are SSP Recruits Monitored and Controlled?
We have learned from our clients the many ways the extraterrestrials keep tabs on their human recruits, even after they return to civilian life, and continue to discipline and punish them to maintain control over them.
Can Veterans of the SSP Break Free of Their Past?
Karl & Denny will describe what we have learned from Creator about the healling challenges and the power struggle experienced by recruits wanting their freedom back. They will discuss how healing is possible for their deep soul wounds, and why healing for all currently involved with this program is essential for the future of humanity.
Viewer Questions and Answers
The GetWisdom.com Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about dark consequences of SSP participation …