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A practitioner asks: “This morning I woke up and noticed that my cell phone was not next to me as it is, usually. Right then I did not think anything of it besides it being strange, but then I got up, found my phone near the entrance door to my house, where I normally leave it because it is the only place where I get a reliable signal where I live, in the middle of a mountainous area. I noticed it was 2 AM, and I also noticed that the door was unlocked, which was even stranger, and then, stranger still, that my computer was still on and displayed the video I was watching the evening before, with no recollection of me switching off my computer, locking the door and picking up my cell phone before going to bed (still with the clothes I was wearing). Knowing what I know now, it very much smells like an MAP abduction or similar visit, followed by a memory wipe, and I was wondering if this was a “standard visit,” or if the Lightworker Healing Protocols I am performing daily are producing some kind of changes still unknown to me but which have been picked up by the other side, who has decided to investigate what is going on? Am I in any kind of danger or should I do anything different?” What is Creator’s perspective?102 views0 answers0 votes
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A practitioner asks: “Source Creator, around three years ago my employee asked me to perform a Lightworker Healing Protocol session on her four-year-old daughter, who couldn’t speak, and could only communicate to her family with hand signs. She was inexpressive and showed no signs of love and affection to anyone, including to her dog and cat. She was also very aggressive, and on many occasions hit her older sister. Her therapist diagnosed her with Asperger’s and tried for six months to help her with her healing modality but she showed no sign of improvement. After I performed an LHP session, her mother told me that she began to speak for the first time, and became very loving, affectionate, expressive, and independent. She also began to socialize with other children, and she enjoys the school environment. Was her inability to speak, to communicate and to express herself, due to her early abduction(s) and manipulation by the alien Greys who also inserted mercury into her brain cavity?”280 views0 answers0 votes
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