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A practitioner asks: “I remember you saying that you have a dog. I have a dog and my dog has been receiving LHP for four years now and also the recent DSMR protocol. My dog seems to have allergies, licking paws, butt, and legs, scooting his butt, ear itching. I can’t seem to get rid of it. My last option now is to put him on a human made diet, but it seems time consuming to have to go buy food and prepare it at home etc. It’s a very common problem for dogs, I was wondering if you have any information on why so many dogs have these issues. I didn’t see anything in the database on this issue that’s why I’m asking, I was thinking perhaps your dog has this problem. I don’t know. I’m going to try the home made diet. It’s organ meat (chicken liver and hearts) sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and quinoa and see how it goes. Not sure if that will help, because I’m assuming it’s karmic otherwise, it would be gone by now with the LHP and DSMR. If you know of anything that could help like supplements, or specific diets, please let me know. Thank you.” What is most important to know about this and how can we help?146 views0 answers0 votes
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