Another common theme comes across as ridiculously circular with just the barest exercise of common sense. The assertion is that the “Venusians,” along with the Galactic Federation of Worlds (of whom the Venusians are members) are here to save us, and are carrying out harrowing combat missions to rescue human captives kidnapped and held by the Reptilians on Earth, Mars, the Moon and elsewhere in the galaxy, but at the same time cannot “go to war” with the Reptilians because then the Reptilians would use us as hostages and human shields and ransom. So, on the one hand, they are engaging in life-and-death combat with Reptilians to save humans, but the Reptilians somehow do not see this as an act of war constituting and necessitating an escalation to actual war. It would seem to us a certainty, if you really want to enrage kidnappers, just go ahead and rescue their hostages! None of this makes ANY sense in the real world, but this theme is everywhere in these books which, of course, spills over into the Q-Anon narratives, etc. All this “rescuing” is happening daily, everywhere, and in vast numbers, but absolutely NONE of it can be verified whatsoever. It makes no sense and must be accepted 100% on faith. What is Creator’s perspective?187 views0 answers0 votes
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